Bài Tập Ngữ Pháp Lớp Giao Tiếp in 25 Bản

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Lesson 1: TENSE (Part 1)


Exercise1. Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.
1. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. right
2. The water boils. Can you turn it off?            is boiling
3. Look! That man tries to open the door of your car. is trying
4. Can you hear those people? What do they talk?     are they talking
5. The moon goes round the earth.           right
6. I must go now. It gets late. is getting
7. I usually go to work by car. right
8. “Hurry up! It’s time to leave”. “I come”. am coming
9. I hear you’ve got a new job. How do you get on? are you getting on
10. Pau is never late. He’s always getting to work on time.                        He
always gets
Exercise2.  Put the verbs into the correct form, present continuous or present simple.
1. Are you hungry? Do you want (you/want) something to eat?
2. Don’t put the dictionary away. I’m using (I/use) it.
3. Don’t put the dictionary away. I need (I/need) it.
4. Who is that man? What does he want (he/want)?
5. Who is that man? Why is he looking (he/ look) at us?
6. Alan says he’s 80 years old, but nobody believes (believe) him.
7. She told me her name, but I don’t remember (I/not/remember) it now.
8. I am thinking (I/think) of selling my car. Would you be interested in buying it?
9. I think (I/think) you should sell your car. You don’t use (you/not/use) it very often.
10. Air concists (consist) mainly nitrogen and oxygen.
I. Put in BEEN or GONE.
1. James is on holiday. He’s gone to Italy.
2. Hello! I’ve just been to the shops. I’ve bought lots of things.
3. Alice isn’t here at the moment. She’s gone to the shop to get a
4. Tom has gone out. He’ll come back in about an hour.
5. “Are you going to the bank?” “No, I’ve already been to the bank”.
II. Complete the sentences using the following verbs in the correct form.

bu catc cos fal hur sel spen teac thro writ

y h t l t l d h w e

Mozart writted more than 600 pieces of music.
“How did you learn to drive?” “My father teached me.”
We couldn’t afford to keep our car, do we  _____________it.
Dave falled down the stairs this morning and hurt his leg.
Joe threw the ball to Sue, who caught it.
Ann spent a lot of money yesterday. She bought a dress which cost
III. Use the following verbs in the present perfect or past simple.
1. He (write) writed several books since last year.
2. I (read) have read the novel written by Jack London several times
3. Someone (steal) has stolen my handbag on the bus.
4. My father (not smoke) hasn’t smoked for 5 years.
5. Have you (receive) received any letter from your parents yet?
6. He (leave) left home two weeks ago and we (not hear) haven’t heard
from him since then.
7. A: Have you (teach) taught English before?
B: Yes. I (teach) have taught English for three years in Hong Kong and
when I (come) came , I (start) have started teaching at the Kensington
school of English and I (teach) have taught there since then .
8. A: I (see) saw Jack last night.
B: Oh really? I (not see) haven’t seen him for three months. How is he? 
9. A: Have you (ever/win) ever won a competition?   
B: Yes, I (win) won a photographic competition in 2001.
10. I (watch) have watched Star Wars four times.
IV. Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning.
1. We haven’t been to a concert for over a year.
 The last time we went to a concert was over a year ago
2. It’s nearly 20 years since my father saw his younger brother.
 My father hasn’t seen his younger brother for nearly 20 years
3. Tom went to Scotland last Friday and is still there.
 Tom has gone to Scotland since last Friday
4. When did you last ride a bike?
 How long is it since you rode a bike ?
5. The last time I wrote a poem was when I was in France.
 I haven’t written a poem since I left France
6. You haven’t tidied up this room for weeks.
 It’s week since you tidied up this room
7. I haven’t eaten this kind of food before.
 This is the first time I have eaten this kind of food
8. The last time she taught me how to cook Vietnamese food was 7 months
 She hasn’t taught me how to cook Vietnamese food since 7
months ago
9. He last shaved the day before yesterday.
 He hasn’t shaved since yesterday
10. I last drank champagne at my brother’s wedding.
 I haven’t drunk champagne since my brother’s wedding
Lesson 2: TENSE (Part 2)
Exercise 1. Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past
1. Jenny was waiting (wait)  for me when I arrived  (arrive).
2. “What were you doing (you/do) at this time yesterday?” “I was asleep”. 
3. “Did you go (you/ go) out last night?” “No, I was too tired”.
4. How fast were you driving (you/drive) when the accident happened (happen)?
5. Sam  took (take) a picture of me while I wasn’t looking (not/look).
6. We were in a difficult position. We didn’t know (not/know) what to do.
7. I haven’t seen Alan for ages. When I last saw (see) him, he was trying (try) to find
a job.
8. I was walking (walk) along the street when suddenly I heard (hear) footsteps
behind me. Somebody was following (follow) me. I was scared and I started (start)
to run.
9. When I was young, I wanted (want) to be a pilot.
10. Last night, I dropped (drop) a plate when I was doing (do) the washing-up.
Fortunately, it didn’t break (not/break).
Exercise 2: Use the sentences on the left to complete the paragraphs on the
right. These sentences are in the order in which they happened – so (a)
happened before (b), (b) before (c) etc. But your paragraph begins with the
underlined sentence, so sometimes you need the past perfect.
1 (a) Somebody broke into the office during the We arrived at work in the
night. morning and found that
….somebody had broken…. into
(b) We arrived at work in the morning. the office during the night. So we
(c) We called the police.
called the police.
2 (a) Laura went out this morning. I went to Laura’s house this
morning and rang her doorbell,
(b) I  rang  her doorbell. but there was no answer. She had
gone out.
(c) There was no answer.

3 (a) Jim came back from holiday a few days ago. I met Jim a few days ago. He had

just come back holiday. He
(b) I  met  him  the  same  day. looked very well.
(c) He looked very well.

4 (a) Kevin sent Sally lots of emails. Yesterday Kevin got a phone

call from Sally. He was surprised.
(b) She never replied to them. He had sent lots of emails, but she
had never replied to them
(c) Yesterday  he  got  a  phone  call  from  her.

(d) He was very surprised.


Exercise 1: Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets, using
present perfect and present perfect continuous.
1. Tom started reading a book two hours ago. He is still reading it and now he is on
page 53.
He has been reading for two hours. (Read)
He has read 53 pages so far. (Read)
2. Rachel is from Australia. She is travelling round Europe at the moment. She began
her trip three months  ago.
She has been traveling for three months. (Travel)
She has visited six countries so far. (Visit)
3. Patrick is a tennis player. He began playing tennis when he was ten years old. This
year he won the national championship again – for the fourth time.
Patrick has won the national championship four times. (win)
Patrick has been playing tennis since he was ten. (play)
4. When they left college, Lisa and Sue started making films together. They still
make films.
They have been making films since they left college. (make)
They have made five films since they left college. (make)
Exercise 2: Read the situations and make sentences from the words given.
1. We played tennis yesterday. Half an hour after we began playing, it started to rain.
We had been playing tennis for half an hour when it started to rain
2. I had arranged to meet Tom in a restaurant. I arrived and waited for him. After 20
minutes, I realized that I was in the wrong restaurant.
I had been waiting for 20 minutes when I realized the wrong restaurant
3. Sarah got a job in factory. Five years later the factory closed down.
At the time the factory closed, Sarah had been working there for five years.
4. I went to a concert last week. The orchestra began playing. After about ten
minutes, a man in the audience suddenly started shouting.
The orchestra had been playing when a man in the audience started shouting

Lesson 3: TENSE (Part 3)

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences using “will” (’ll) or “be going to”.
1.  A: Why are you turning on the TV?
B: I am going to watch the news. (I/watch)
2. A: Oh, I’ve just realized. I haven’t got any money.
B: Haven’t you? Well, don’t worry I will lend you some (I/lend)
3. A: I’ve got a headache.
B: Have you? Wait a second and I will get an aspirin for you (I/get)
4. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water?
B: I’m going to wash the car. (I/wash)
5. A: I’ve decided to repaint this room.
B: Oh. Have you? What color are you going to paint it? (you/paint)
6. A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping?
B: Yes, I’m going to buy some things for dinner. (I/buy)
7. A: I don’t know how to use the washing machine.
B: It’s easy I will show you. (I/show)
8. A: What would you like to eat?
B: I will have a pizza, please. (I/have)
9. A: Did you call Lisa?
B: Oh, no. I completely forgot. I’m going to call her now. (I/call)
10 A: Has Dan decided what to do when he leaves school?
B: Yes. Everything is planned. He is going to have a holiday for a few weeks. (He/have)
Then He going to do a management training course. (He/do)
      Exercise 2: Read the situations and complete the sentences using “will” or “be  going to”.
1.  The phone rings and you answer. Somebody wants to speak to John.
Caller: Hello. Can I speak to John, please?
You: Just a moment. I will get him. (I/get)

2. Your friend is worried because she has lost her driving licence.
You: Don’t worry. I’m sure you will find it. (You/find)
Friend: I hope so.

3.  You and a friend are stuck in traffic. You have to be in a meeting in five minutes and you
need at least 20 minutes to get there.
You: The meeting begins in five minutes. We are going to be late (We/be late)

4.  Tom and Jin are staying at a hotel. Their room is in very bad condition, especially the
Tom: The ceiling doesn’t look very safe, does it?
Jin: No, it looks as if it is going to fall down (It/fall down)


Exercise 1: Put the verb into the correct form.
1. Sandra: Where is Tim going to meet us?
Marcus: He (wait) will be waiting for us when our train arrives. I am sure he (stand) will be
standing on the platform when we pull into the station.
2. Samantha: Just think, next week at this time, I (lie) will be lying on a tropical beach in
Maui drinking Mai Tais and eating pineapple.
Darren: While you are luxuriating on the beach, I (stress) will be stressing out over this
marketing project. How are you going to enjoy yourself knowing that I am working so hard?
Samantha: I ‘ll manage somehow.
Darren: You’re terrible. Can’t you take me with you?
Samantha: No. But I (send) will send you a postcard of a beautiful, white sand beach.
Darren: Great, that (make) will make me feel much better.
Exercise 2: Write a full sentence using these given words.
1. Jimmy/study/Chinese/before/move/China.
Jimmy will have studied Chinese before she moves to China
2. Henry/finish/project/by the end/next year.
Henry will have finished his project by the end of next year
3. My grandmother/not/prepare/breakfast/by the time/we come.
My grandmother will not have prepared breakfast by the time we came
4. Before/they/arrive/Rosie/read ‘Doraemon’.
Before they arrive, Rosie will read Doraemon
5. Phone/me/after/08:00/finish/dinner/then.
Phone me after 8:00, we will have finished dinner by then
Exercise 1: Put in A/AN or THE.
1 A This house is very nice. Has it got a garden?
B It’s a beautiful day. Let’s sit in the garden.
C I like living in this house, but it’s a shame that the garden is so small.
2 A Can you recommend a good restaurant?
B We had dinner in a very nice restaurant.
C We had dinner in the best restaurant in town.
3 A She has a French name, but in fact she’s English, not French.
B What’s the name of that man we met yesterday?
C We stayed in a very nice hotel – I can’t remember the name now.
4 A There isn’t an airport near where I live the nearest airport is 70 miles away.
B Our flight was delayed. We had to wait at the airport for three hours.
C Excuse me, please. Can you tell me how to get to the airport?
5 A “Are you going away next week?” “No, the week after next”.
B I’m going away for a week in September.
C Gary has a part-time job. He works three mornings a week.

Exercise 2: Some of these statements need “THE”. Correct them where necessary.

Statements Make correction if

1 A “How old is university?” “About 200 years.” The university
B In your country do many people go to university? √
C If you want to get a degree, you normally have to study at √
D This is a small town, but university is the biggest in the country. the university
2 A My brother has always been healthy. He’s never been in hospital. √
B When Ann was ill, I went to hospital to visit her. When I was the hospital, the
there, I met Lisa who is a nurse at hospital. hospital
C A woman was injured in the accident and was taken to hospital. √
3 A John’s mother is a regular churchgoer. She goes to the church √
every Sunday.
B John himself doesn’t go to church. √
C John went to church to some pictures of the building. The church
4 A Why is she in prison? What did she do? The prison
B A few days ago, firefighters were called to prison to put out a fire. The prison
C Do you think many people are sent to prison? √
Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer.
1. The trousers you bought for me (doesn't/ don't) fit me.

2. Physics (was/ were) my best subject at school.

3. Fortunately, the news (wasn't/ weren't) as bad as we had expected.

4. The police (wants/ want) to interview Fred about a robbery.

5. Three days (isn't/ aren't) long enough for a good holiday.

6. Where (does/ do) your family live?

7. England (have/ has) lost all their football matches this season.

8. (Does/ Do) the police know about the stolen money?

9. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine (isn't/ aren't) sharp enough,

10. I'm going to take a taxi. Six miles (is/ are) too far for me to walk.

11. John, along with twenty friends, (is/ are) planning a party.

12. The picture of the soldiers ( bring/ brings) back a lot of memories.

13. If the duties of these officers (isn't/ aren't) reduced, there will not be enough time to finish

the project.

14. Advertisements on television (is/ are) becoming more competitive than ever before.

15. Living expenses in this country, as well as in many others, (is/are) at an all-time high.


1. Văn phong là những kiểu hành văn để diễn đạt một câu nói theo nhiều cách khác
To attempt = to make an attempt : Cố gắng
To desire = to show a desire : mong muốn
To tend = to have tendency: Thiên về, có khuynh hướng
To know = to have knowledge: hiểu biết

Eg: They will attempt to climb that mountain = They will make an attempt to climb that
2. Khi đổi cách hành văn, ta cần lưu ý sự thay đổi của giới từ, tính từ hoặc phó từ trong

Adj + → Adv + Verb


↘ Verb + Object + Adv

Eg1: He has a strong desire to become a doctor.

                    Adj + Noun
 He strongly desires to become a doctor.
         Adv + V
Eg2: They gave some careful thought to the problem.
                                    Adj + Noun

 They thought about the problems carefully.

                       V + O + Adv
Exercise 1: Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning, using the verbs
corresponding to the underlined nouns.
1. He had no intention of making a long journey with her.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. She shows no interest in what she is doing for the company.
 ………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. I don’t think they are in disagreement with what we shall do.
 ………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. My friend expressed a wish to become a pilot.
 ………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. Please give me a call when you arrive.
 ………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. You have no need of answering all the questions in their order.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………
7. He takes a bath every morning.
 ………………………………………………………………………………………...
8. He has made a decision to leave home.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………
9. She said she would pay me a visit someday.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………
10. She had a medical examination by a doctor.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………
Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning, using the given
1. I argued with the referee about his decision.
 I had an…………………………………………………………………………
2. She complained about his rudeness.
 She had a number of …………………………………………………………..
3. Do you agree with Jenny about this?
 Are you in ……………………………………………………………………..
4. The plane had to land on the fields because of some engine troubles.
 The plane had to make a ………………………………………………………
5. Just look at that picture.
 Take a ………………………………………………………………………….
6. I love her.
 I’m ………………………………………………………………
7. We must start early.
 We must make …………………………………………………………………
8. She sings well.
 She is ……………………………………………………………………………
9. She usually rests after lunch.
 She usually takes ……………………………………………………………….
10. Mary cooks well.
 Mary is ………………………………………………………………………….
1. Nhấn mạnh trong phát âm
Khi muốn nhấn mạnh một từ, ta đọc từ đó mạnh hơn, lớn hơn hoặc với ngữ điệu cao hơn.

2. Nhấn mạnh trong cách viết

1. Nhấn mạnh với động từ
Công thức: DO/DOES/DID + V_infinitive
Eg: I like durian => I do like durian.

2. Nhấn mạnh với tính từ

Công thức: It is/ was + Adj + to-V
Eg: Learning Chemistry is difficult. => It is difficult to learn Chemistry.

3. Nhấn mạnh với danh từ, đại từ hoặc trạng từ

 Để nhấn mạnh đại từ, ta dùng đại từ phản thân.
Eg: I myself don't like a heavy meal at lunchtime.
I don't like a heavy meal at lunchtime myself.

 Để nhấn mạnh đại từ, danh từ, hoặc trạng từ, ta dùng công thức:
Eg: England won the World-Cup in 1996. => It was England that won the World-
Cup in 1996.
Eg: She makes me believe in myself again. => It is her who makes me believe in
myself again.

Để nhấn mạnh trạng từ, ta đưa trạng từ lên đầu câu và đảo ngữ.

Eg: We seldom visit him. => Seldom do we visit him.
Anna rarely forgot to do her homework => Rarely did Anna forget to do her
Rewrite the sentences with an emphasis on the underlined words.
1. Knowing your limitation is important.
=> ………………………………………………………………………………
2. They want money.
=> ……………………………………………………………………………
3. He misunderstood my question.
=> ……………………………………………………………………………
4. I remembered her name after she had gone.
=> ……………………………………………………………………………
5. I did my English test very well.
=> ……………………………………………………………………………
6. Does Mary wash up every morning?
=> ……………………………………………………………………………
7. We need pilots, not ground stuff.
=> ……………………………………………………………………………
8. Prices will go up. This is certain.
=> ……………………………………………………………………………
9. To be early is better.
=> ……………………………………………………………………………
10. Peter lent us money. Paul didn’t.
=> ……………………………………………………………………………
11. I loved you.
=> ……………………………………………………………………………
12. I love you.
=> ……………………………………………………………………………
13. I love you.
=> ……………………………………………………………………………
14. He was kind to help me.
=> ……………………………………………………………………………
15. Help me solve this problem.
=> ……………………………………………………………………………

Exercise 1: Put in Much/many/little/few (one word only).
1. She isn’t very popular. She has ……………………..friends.
2. Ann is very busy these days. She has ……………………free time.
3. Did you take ………………..pictures when you were on holiday?
4. I’m not very busy today. I don’t have …………………..to do.
5. This is a very modern city. There are ……………….old buildings.
6. The weather has been very dry recently. We’ve had ………………….rain.
7. “Do you know Rome?” – “No, I haven’t been there for …………….years.
Exercise 2: Put in “little/ a little/ few/ a few.
1. Gary is very busy with his job. He has ……………………time for other things.
2. Listen carefully. I’m going to give you ………….advice.
3. Do you mind if I ask you ……………….questions?
4. It’s not a very interesting place to visit, so ………………..tourists come here.
5. I don’t think Amy would be a good teacher. She has …………………patience.
6. “Would you like milk in your coffee?” – “Yes, ……………….”
7. This is a very boring place to live. There’s ………………….to do.
8. “Have you ever been to Tokyo?” – “Yes, I’ve been there ………………….times”. 
Exercise 3: Choose from the list and complete the sentences. Use “of” ( some of, most of, all
of, none of … ) where necessary.

Accident European countries My dinner The players

Birds Her friends My spare The population
Cars Her opinions The buildings These books
1. I haven’t read many ………of these books………………
2. All ……………….have wheels.
3. I spend much ……………….gardening.
4. Many ……………………..are caused by bad driving.
5. It’s a historic town. Many ………………………………………are over 400 years old.
6. When she got married, she kept it a secret. She didn’t tell any ………………………
7. Not many people live in the north of the country. Most ……………………………live in
the south.
8. Not all ………………………………..can fly. For example, the penguin can’t fly.
9. Our team played badly and lost the game. None ………………………………..played
10. Emma and I have very different ideas. I don’t agree with many …………………………
11. Sarah travels a lot in Europe. She has been to most ………………………….
12. I had no appetite. I could only eat half …………………………..
Exercise 1: Complete the sentences for each situation. Use the word in brackets + ING/ ED.

1. You should take a rest. You look really (tire) ……………..

2. She’s feeling (depress) ……………., so I’m suggesting that she should go home, drink
warm water, and go to bed early with (relax) ……………. music.
3. Mary was (fascinate) …………….by Mandarin at the first time she learned languages.
She decided to practise  more and now she can speak it fluently.
4. He looked very (confuse) ……………. when we told him we had to change the flight
because of him.
5. That film was so (disappoint) …………….! There was no happy ending for any of the
6. It’s so (frustrate) …………….! No matter how much I concentrated on his speech I
couldn’t understand what he meant.
7. The journey was (bore) …………….! Twenty hours by train made us (exhaust)
8. Don’t show my baby photos to others, Mum! It’s so (embarrass) …………….!
9. The little girl was (terrify) ……………. when she saw dinosaur models in museum.
10. She got really (annoy) ……………. yesterday because someone threw rubbish in front of
her house.
Exercise 2: Put adjectives in brackets in the correct position.

1 a beautiful table (wooden/round) a beautiful round wooden


2 an unusual ring (gold) ......................

3 an old house (beautiful) ......................

4 black gloves (leather) ......................

5 an American film (old) ......................

6 a long face (thin) ......................

7 big clouds (black) ......................

8 a sunny day (lovely) ......................

9 an ugly dress (yellow) ......................

1 a wide avenue (long ......................


1 a red cat (old/little) ......................


1 a new sweater (green/nice) ......................


1 a metal box (black/small) ......................


1 a big car (fat/black) ......................


1 A boat (splendid / old ) ......................


1 long hair (black/beautiful) ......................


1 an old painting (interesting/French) ......................


1 an enormous umbrella (red/yellow) ......................


Exercise 1: Complete each sentence using a word from the box. Sometimes you need the
adjective (careful, etc.) and sometimes the adverb (carefully, etc.)

Careful(ly) Complete(ly Continuous(ly Financial(ly Fluent(ly)

) ) )
Happy/happil Nervous(ly) Perfect(ly) Quick(ly)
y )
1. Our holiday was too short. The time passed very ……………………
2. Steve doesn’t take risks when he’s driving. He’s always ………………………
3. Sue works ……………………….She never seems to stop.
4. Barney and Robin are very ………………married.
5. Mary’s English is very …………………although she makes quite a lot of mistakes.
6. I cooked this meal ……………………for you, so I hope you like it.
7. Everything was very quiet. There was …………………….silence.
8. I tried on the shoes and they fitted me …………………………..
9. Do you usually feel ………………….before exams?
10. I’d like to buy a car, but it’s ………………………..impossible for me at the moment.
Exercise 2:  Choose two words (one from each box) to complete each sentence.
Absolutely Badly  Completel Changed chea Damage
y p d
Reasonably  Seriously Slightly  Enormou ill Long
Unnecessaril Unusuall Planned 
y y
1. I thought the restaurant would be expensive, but it was ……………………………
2. Will’s mother is ………………………………in hospital.
3. What a big house! It’s …………………………..
4. It wasn’t a serious accident. The car was only ………………………………
5. The children are normally very lively, but they’re …………………………today.
6. When I returned home after 20 years, everything had …………………………
7. The movie was ………………………………. It could have been much shorter.
8. A lot went wrong during our holiday because it was ……………………………..
Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the best adverb. (Not every adverb is needed.)
slowly                 carefully                    beautifully       well                     loudly                
easily                  excitedly                     finally               suddenly           quickly            
1. Come here …………………. You have to see this!
2. We knew that she had got the job when we saw her …………… talking on the phone.
3. He …………………put the vase on the edge of the table. It fell to the floor.
4. Sharon is throwing a party on Saturday. She …………………finished her PhD.
5. Let’s walk …………………. I don’t want to be the first one at the meeting.
6. Alex …………………put up the bookshelves. It was too difficult for me to do on my
7. Everything  happened  so …………………We had to move to California in less than a
8. Why does he always have to talk so …………………. You can hear him in the next
9. Although she speaks five languages, she did not do …………………on the translation
10. I was so surprised. His new apartment was ………………… decorated.
Exercise 4: Choose the correct answer.
1. He’s always in a rush. I don’t understand why he walks so ………….(quick/quickly).
2. I prefer studying in the library. It’s always…………. (quiet/quietly).
3. Michael …………. (happy/happily) took the assistant job. He had been looking for a
position all summer.
4. Marta dances …………. (beautiful/beautifully). She’s been taking ballet since she was
five years old.
5. They speak French very …………. (good/well). They lived in France for two years.
6. My neighbor always plays …………. (loud/loudly) music on the weekends. It’s so
7. Please be …………. (careful/carefully) in the hallway. The walls have just been painted.
8. Dan is very smart, but he is not a very…………. (good/well) student.
9. He reacted …………. (angry/angrily) to the news. I have never seen him so upset.
10. We didn’t ………….(complete/completely) understand the teacher’s instructions. Most
of us did not finish the assignment.


Exercise 1: Complete the sentences using a comparative form (older/more important etc.).

1. It’s too noisy here. Can we go somewhere …………………………….?

2. This coffee is very weak. I like it …………………………….
3. The hotel was surprisingly big. I expected it to be ………………………………..
4. The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be ………………………………
5. The weather is too cold here. I’d like to live somewhere else ……………………
6. My job is a bit boring sometimes. I’d like to do something ……………………….
7. It’s a shame you live so far away. I wish you lived …………………………
8. I was surprised how easy it was to get a job. I thought it would be ………………
9. Your work isn’t very good. I’m sure you can do …………………………
10. Don’t worry. The situation isn’t so bad. It could be …………………………
11. I was surprised we got here so quickly. I expected the trip to take ……………
12. You’re talking very loudly. Can you speak ………………………………..?
13. You hardly ever call me. Why don’t you call me …………………………..?
14. You’re standing too near the camera. Can you move a bit ………………..away?
15. You were a little depressed yesterday, but you look ……………………..today.

Exercise 2: Use the words from the box to complete the sentences below.

Any Less Longe No Older The

Better Elder Less More Slightly
1. I like to travel light. The …………………..luggage, the better.
2. The problem is getting ………………….and more serious.
3. The more time I have, the ……………………….it takes me to do things.
4. I’m walking as fast as I can. I can’t walk ……………………faster.
5. The higher your income, ……………………..more tax you have to pay.
6. I’m surprised Anna is only 25. I thought she was ……………………..
7. Jane’s ……………………sister is a nurse.
8. I was a little late. The journey took ………………………..longer than I expected.
9. We have a lot to discuss. We need to start the meeting ………………..later than 9.30.
10. Don’t tell him anything. The ……………….he knows, the ……………………..
Exercise 3: Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning, using the given words.

1. Jack is younger than he looks.

 Jack isn’t ………………………………………………
2. I didn’t spend as much money as you.
 You ……………………………………………………
3. The station was nearer than I thought.
 The station wasn’t …………………………………….
4. The meal didn’t cost as much as I expected.
 The meal cost ……………………………………………………….
5. I go out less than I used to.
 I don’t ………………………………………………………………
6. Karen’s hair isn’t as long as it used to be.
 Karen used to ………………………………………………………
7. I know them better than you do.
 You don’t …………………………………………………………
8. There are fewer people at this meeting than at the last one.
 There aren’t ………………………………………………………..

Exercise 4: Complete the sentences, using a superlative or a comparative.

1. We stayed at ……………………hotel in the town. (cheap)

2. Our hotel was …………………..then all the others in the town. (cheap)
3. The United States is very large, but Canada is ……………………… (large)
4. What’s ……………………..country in the world? (small)
5. I wasn’t feeling well yesterday, but I feel a bit ………………………today. (good)
6. It was an awful day. It was …………………..day of my life. (bad)
7. What is ………………………sport in your country? (popular)
8. Everest is …………………….mountain in the world. It is …………………than any
other mountain. ( high)
9. This building is over 250 metres high, but it’s not ……………………in the city. (tall)
10. I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s ……………………… (comfortable)
11. What’s ……………………..way to get to the station? (quick)
12. Which is ………………….. – the bus or the train? (quick)
13. What’s ……………………thing you’ve ever bought? (expensive)
14. Sue and Kevin have got three daughters. ……………………is 14 years old. (old)



Choose A, B, C or D that best completes the sentence:

1. Peter never feels lonely. He has got _____ friends.
A. much B. so much C. many D. a great deal of
2. Mrs. Pike lived with her three _____ in the countryside
A. child B. childs C. children D. childrens
3. My mother needs _____ milk to make a cake
A. a B. some C. any D. many
4. How _____ apples are there in the basket?
A. many B. much C. some D. any
5. I would like to buy _____?
A. a shoes C. the number of shoes
B. a pair of shoes D. a little shoes
6. Let’s have a break. Would you like to have _____ coffee?
A. any B. many C. little D. some
7. Look! There are _____ left over there
A. a little B. much seats C. many seat D. a few seats
8. _____ necessary.
A. A lot of the information are
B. Some informations are
C. All in the information is
D. Many of the informations are
9. He was not offered the job because he knew _____ about Information Technology
A. a little B. little C. many D. a few
10. She keeps _____ in the cupboard
A. all rice B. a lot of rices C. several rice D. many rice
11. There are not _____ in that classroom
A. any student C. a great deal of students
B. a lot of students D. many students
12. There are not _____ left in my account
A. some moneys C. much money
B. a few money D. many money
13. Peope have _____ when they get older.
A. much cells B. fewer cells C. few cell D. plenty of cell
14. He still finds time for _____ by cooking candlelit dinners for his girlfriend
A. several romances C. many romances
B. romance D. a few romance
15. I cannot work because _____
A. there are too many noises C. of some noises
B. there is too much noise D. of a number of noise
16. In Britain, there are _____
A. fewer men than women C. too much men
B. fewer mans than womans D. too much women
17. I think she was merely looking for _____
A. happiness C. many happiness
B. some happiness D. a few happiness
18. _____ an imitation of life
A. Art is often called C. An amount of arts are often called
B. Arts are often called D. As sum of art is often called
19. I am in trouble. Would you mind giving me _____?
A. a few advice B. some advice C. advices D. several advices
20. They have made _____ before the Games starts next month
A. a lot of preparation C. lot of preparations
B. lots of preparation D. a lot of preparations
21. Do you serve _____?
A. some vegetarian dishes C. any vegetarian dishes
B. many vegetarian dish D. vegetarian dish
22. We had _____ after dinner
A. few ice cream C. a little ice cream
B. a few ice cream D. little ice creams
23. I do not have _____ to make _____
A. much potatoes/ a soup C. enough potatoes/ the soup
B. several potato/ soups D. a potatoes/ the soups
24. There are _____ on the shelf
A. several bottles of wine C. several bottle of wine
B. several bottles of wines D. several bottle of wines
25. We have _____ left to finish the project
A. no time B. many time C. a lot of times D. any time
26. _____ have trouble with mathematics
A. A large rather number of student
B. A rather large number of student
C. A large rather number of students
D. A rather large number of students
27. It requires _____ reading
A. few B. a few C. many D. an amount of
28. He hasn’t _____ of passing his exams
A. much hopes B. much hope C. many hope D. many hopes
29. It is important to brush your _____ at least twice a day
A. teeth B. teeths C. tooth D. tooths
30. _____ has its own private bathroom
A. All bedroom C. Every bedroom
B. A plenty of bedroom D. Every bedrooms
31. Not _____ teenagers spend _____ time on reading books
A. much/ many C. much/ much
B. many/ much D. many/ many
32. We need _____ money to send our son to Oxford University
A. a large sum of C. many
B. a few of D. lot of
33. John wanted to buy _____
A. a teethbrush C. some teethbrushes
B. a toothbrushes D. some toothbrushes
34. Intelligence is the ability to use thought and _____ to understand things and solve _____
A. knowledges/ problems C. knowledge/ problems
B. knowledge/ a problems D. knowledges/ problem
35. _____ is bad for our _____
A. Nicotines/ health C. Nicotines/ healths
B. Nicotine/ health D. Nicotine/ healths
36. _____ used to be very expensive when they first appeared
A. Radios C. A radios
B. An amount of radios D. Radio
37. I’m sorry, but the repair will take _____ time
A. a few B. a bit of C. many D. few
38. Mr. Pike has just bought three _____
A. ox B. oxes C. oxen D. oxens
39. She teaches _____ and does not have much time for her own _____
A. a couple of classes/ researchs
B. a lot of classes/ research
C. many classes/ researches
D. a great deal of classes/ research
40. _____ imported last year
A. A small number of cars were
B. The number of cars were
C. An amount of cars were
D. A small number of car was
41. I often enjoy _____ after lunch
A. chocolates C. a sheet of chocolate
B. any chocolate D. a bar of chocolate
42. The crew discovered _____ off coast
A. a school of fish C. schools of fishes
B. school of fish D. schools of fish
43. He wrote the answer on _____ and threw it to me
A. a pieces of paper C. piece of papers
B. a piece of paper D. pieces of papers
44. They ran up the hill, seeing _____ grazing
A. herds of cattles C. herd of cattles
B. herds of cattle D. a herd of cattles
45. They demolished the old building and _____ are unloaded to build a new one
A. a heap of brick C. heaps of brick
B. heap of bricks D. heaps of bricks
46. Look! There is a _____ of ducks on the river
A. flock B. herd C. sheet D. pile
47. He sat quietly and followed his _____ of thought
A. train B. school C. crowd D. bar
48. It is going to rain. _____ of dark clouds are gathering in the sky
A. flocks B. herds C. masses D. crowds
49. He went to the supermarket and bought a _____ of soap
A. cup B. tree C. bar D. sheet
50. Her parents gave her a _____ of pearls on her wedding day
A. piece B. rope C. train D. dune



Choose A, B, C or D that best completes the sentence:

1. Peter promised to come here _______ 9 o’clock _______ Monday morning.

A. within/ at B. about/ upon C. at/ on D. for/ in
2. John was born _______ March 1st, 2000. He was to school _______ 2006 when he was
_______ the age of six
A. at/ on/ about B. on/ in/ at C. from/ at/ about D. in/ for/ on
3. My father often goes to work early _______ the morning and returns home _______
A. in/ at B. on/ for C. at/ about D. up/ to
4. We will have completed our work _______ next month, and then we will have an
interesting vacation _______ summer
A. since/ on B. for/ of C. on/ at D. by/ in
5. I often busy _______ weekdays and free _______ the weekend
A. at/ for B. in/ on C. during/ within D. on/ at
6. Peter has worked for our company _______ 1999, _______ nearly ten years. _______
the time, he has been working very hard
A. since/ for/ During C. on/ from/ For
B. for/ in/ At D. through/ about/ On
7. Mary lives _______ 153 Oxford Street in London. Her work office is _______ the tenth
floor of a building near her house. Mary often says she prefers living _______ the
countryside and working _______ the farm
A. inside/ at/ on/ by C. at/ on/ in/ on
B. in/ from/ by/ in D. on/ in/ at/ for
8. Daisy is standing _______ the table. She is opening the drawer _______ which she
keeps her savings
A. next to/ over B. by/ in C. on/ from D. through/ into
9. I am often _______ school in the morning and do research or read books _______ the
school library. _______ night, I stay home and prepare for my lessons
A. at/ at/ At B. in/ from/ On C. to/ through/ In D. out/ in/ For
10. The victim was _______ a shop when he was attacked and the police were _______ the
spot immediately.
A. under/ to B. between/ in C. above/ at D. outside/ on
11. Look! Peter is _______ the last group. He has never won a race. He is often _______
the others.
A. among/ behind B. between/ under C. in/ above D. at/ through
12. After working _______ a long time, we relaxed _______ the shade _______ the
A. to/ from/ of B. off/ for/ up C. on/ over/ under D. for/ in/ beneath
13. If you want to reach that shelf you had better stand _______ the chair which is _______
the table
A. among/ by B. beneath/ in C. on/ next to D. under/ above
14. Peter is standing _______ the bus stop to wait for the bus. He often arrives at the office
_______ time.
A. from/ at B. at/ on C. to/ in D. by/ for
15. He made his escape by jumping _______ a window and getting _______ a waiting car
A. on/ up B. out of/ into C. over/ up D. through/ by
16. To get to the Marketing Department, you have to go _______ those stairs and then walk
_______ the corridor _______ the end
A. up/ along/ to B. upon/ through/ in C. in/ over/ through D. by/ up/ for
17. You can read such advertisements _______ the newspaper, or watch them _______ TV
A. in/ on B. at/ from C. on/ in D. through/ at
18. She took the key _______ her pocket and put it _______ the lock. She was so
astonished to find that the door unlocked. Someone had broken into the house
A. up/ away B. from/ by C. away/ on D. out of/ into
19. Harry comes to work _______ car but I prefer to come _______ foot, although times I
am late _______ work
A. on/ by/ from/ at C. by/ on/ at/ for
B. with/ through/ on/ in D. in/ with/ in/ on
20. I do not like the people who live in the apartment _______ mine. They sometimes make
noise and have a quarrel _______ us
A. over/ for B. upon/ about C. above/ with D. up/ at
21. My relationship with Mary is wonderful. I have still been _______ contact _______ her
since we left high school. Although sometimes her ideas are different _______ mine, we
are best friends
A. at/ for/ in B. in/ with/ from C. on/ about/ up D. of/ to/ with
22. I have a reason _______ doing that although my parents do not approve _______ my
work. I think they may agree _______ me when I give an explanation to them
A. for/ of/ with B. of/ at/ about C. on/ about/ upon D. at/ off/ for
23. When we arrived _______ the village, the only hotel in the area was still _______
construction so we had to spend the night in a small inn
A. at/ under B. for/ of C. toward/ in D. on/ over
24. She is the cause _______ all his problems. She often makes him be worried _______
what she has done
A. from/ over B. to/ at C. for/ on D. of/ about
25. He provided the solution _______ our financial situation. We were grateful _______
him _______ being so kind
A. at/ with/ in B. in/ on/ with C. of/ by/ on D. to/ to/ for
26. John is the person standing _______ the window, next to the woman _______ the long
blonde hair
A. on/ for B. at/ by C. through/ in D. beside/ with
27. Unfortunately, he was hopeless _______ being _______ time. He was reprimanded by a
teacher _______ being late
A. through/ in/ of B. at/ on/ for C. off/ at/ with D. in/ through/ from
28. I am really angry _______ John for his total lack _______ responsibility _______ work
A. with/ of/ for B. at/ in/ to C. in/ from/ of D. about/ off/ in
29. I quite sympathize _______ you for your losses _______ the stock market
A. with/ on B. for/ off C. over/ in D. at/ upon
30. I thought you had paid _______ the rent _______ the end of last year
A. on/ during B. for/ until C. at/ in D. to/ at
31. – Do you get tired _______ answering the same questions every day?
- No, I am interested _______ my work
A. through/ about B. of/ in C. from/ on D. for/ to
32. Television is an effective means _______ communication. People, young and old alike
are fond of _______ watching TV _______ their free time
A. at/ on/ through B. in/ at/ upon C. of/ of/ in D. for/ on/ during
33. She retired early _______ account _______ ill health. Now, she lives _______
A. in/ off/ upon B. for/ from/ on C. on/ of/ in D. with/ in/ during
34. John said that he was sorry _______ shouting _______ you
A. in/ with B. for/ at C. on/ off D. about/ over
35. At first I was very angry _______ his behaviors but later when he apologized _______
doing like that I forgave him
A. in/ from B. at/ for C. on/ in D. of/ with
36. I can go _______ my own. You needn’t come _______ me
A. on/ with B. though/ about C. up/ over D. for/ to
37. My friend and I always keep _______ touch by mail. When I get a letter, I usually write
_______ immediately
A. off/ upon B. on/ about C. in/ back D. by/ to
38. _______ my opinion, Peter is not really clever _______ solving problems
A. To/ against B. About/ in C. On/ of D. In/ at
39. There are many different ways _______ comparing the economy of one nation _______
that of another
A. from/ on B. to/ of C. for/ on D. of/ with
40. They accused John _______ robbing the bank. The court sentenced him _______ 5
years _______ jail
A. about/ of/ on B. for/ through/ at C. of/ to/ in D. at/ during/ for
41. He took advantage of _______ his connections at the company
A. of B. in C. for D. with
42. He specializes _______ technical translation. He can translate the instructions _______
A. in/ into B. at/ to C. for/ against D. with/ out
43. Many of gorillas are _______ danger _______ dying out. They are working to save
mountain gorillas _______ extinction.
A. for/ away/ with B. in/ of/ from C. on/ through/ off D. at/ for/ through
44. – Do you object _______ my smoking?
- You had better stop smoking. It is bad _______ your health
A. off/ in B. from/ on C. to/ for D. against/ at
45. You should involve your children _______ physical activities and provide them
_______ chances to take part in sport games
A. of/ for B. in/ with C. on/ toward D. inside/ in
46. Peter reminded me _______ Tom, whom I got acquainted _______ three years ago. I
have not met him again _______ that time
A. of/ with/ since B. about/ to/ during C. on/ about/ from D. with/ at/ in
47. He was listening _______ the announcements broadcast _______ the radio
A. about/ over B. from/ through C. for/ in D. to/ on
48. John got _______ the car to wait _______ Daisy, whom he had fallen in love _______
for two years.
A. into/ about/ of B. through/ to/ for C. up/ on/ to D. out of/ for/ with
49. She had succeeded _______ persuading Derek _______ the feasibility of the project
A. from/ for B. with/ upon C. in/ of D. at/ from
50. Your attitude _______ Italian dressing is not really proper. As a rule, Italians are very
conscious _______ their dress and have a great sense _______ style
A. on/ over/ toward B. to/ of/ of C. with/ at/ in D. upon/ to/ for



Exercise 1: Choose A, B, C or D that best completes the sentence, or that has the closest
meaning to the original one:

1. She told the boys ______ on the grass

A. do not play B. not playing C. did not play D. not to play
2. The teacher told Jim ______
A. to stop talking B. stop talking C. stops talking D. stopped talking
3. The mother told her son ______ so impolitely
A. not behave B. not to behave C. not behaving D. did not behave
4. He asked ______ him the books he needed
A. her to lend B. she to lend C. she has lent D. she lends
5. She told him ______
A. patient B. to be patient C. was patient D. that being
6. Tom told me that they ______ meat since ______
A. have not eaten/ last year C. had not eaten/ the year before
B. did not eat/ the following year D. would not eat/ the next year
7. She said she ______ take me home after school
A. would B. did C. must D. had
8. I have ever told you he ______ unreliable
A. is B. were C. had been D. would be
9. John said he had worked on the report since ______
A. yesterday B. two days ago C. the day before D. the next day
10. John told me that ______
A. I must go now B. he must go now C. he had to go now D. he had to go
11. She said she ______
A. was very tired last night C. had been very tired last night
B. was very tired the night before D. had been very tired the night before
12. John said that he had worked as a computer programmer five years ______
A. ago B. before C. later D. then
13. They said that they ______ their parents to repaint the house at 10 o’clock the previous
A. had helped B. was helping C. have been helping D. had been
14. The teacher advised his students ______ that book carefully because it ______ good for
A. to read/ was/ them C. that reading/ be/ us
B. read/ is/ him D. to read/ was/ you
15. John said, “It is hot. Please open the window, Mary”.
A. John asked Mary it was hot and open the window
B. John said it was hot and asked Mary to open the window
C. John asked Mary it was hot to open the window
D. John said it was hot Mary to open the window
16. I ______ you everything I am doing, and you have to do the same
A. will tell B. would tell C. told D. was telling
17. John said that his brother ______ at home then
A. is B. was C. were D. has been
18. John told me that he ______ his best in the exam ______
A. would do/ the day before C. will do/ tomorrow
B. had done/ the following day D. would do/ the following day
19. John wanted to know if I was leaving the ______ Saturday
A. following B. ago C. previous D. before
20. Jason asked me ______ me the book the day before
A. if who gave B. if who has given C. who had given D. that who had
21. He asked me ______
A. where we could meet the following day
B. where if we could meet tomorrow
C. that where we could meet the following day
D. where can we meet tomorrow
22. “Who does this car belong to?” said the woman
A. The woman asked me who does this car belong to
B. The woman asked who did that car belong to
C. The woman told who that car belonged to
D. The woman wanted to know who that car belonged to
23. I wonder ______
A. where he has gone C. he has gone where
B. where has he gone D. has he gone where
24. John asked me ______ in English
A. what does this word mean C. what did this word mean
B. what that word means D. what that word meant
25. Could you please tell me ______?
A. what is the time B. what the time C. what the time is D. is what the time
26. Nancy asked me ______ to New York the summer ______
A. why I had not gone/ previous C. why had I not gone/ after
B. why hadn’t I gone/ following D. why I had not gone/ before
27. She asked her boyfriend ______
A. where was her hat C. was where her hat
B. where her hat was D. her hat was where
28. Peter said, “Hello Mary. How are you?”
A. Peter greeted Mary and asked how she was
B. Peter said hello Mary and how she was
C. Peter told Mary hello and how she was
D. Peter said Mary hello and asked how was she
29. John asked me ______
A. when were you born C. when I had been born
B. when had you born D. when I was born
30. John asked Mary ______ that film the night before
A. that she saw B. had she seen C. if she had seen D. if had she seen

Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences into reported speech:

1. She said, “If the weather is fine, I will go on a picnic with friends”


2. “If I won the lottery, I would buy a new car”, the man said


3. “My father is owning a race horse”, Claire told me


4. “Switch off the computer now!”, said Ann


5. “Did Mr. Bean send the letter to you?”, Mai asked him


6. My sister asked him, “How long have you learnt English?”


7. “Say goodbye to my grandparents”, they said

8. Mary asked me, “Must you go now?”


9. “Don’t make noise in class”, the teacher said


10. “You shouldn’t eat too much meat”, the doctor said to Lan




Exercise 1: Choose A, B, C or D that best completes the sentence, or that has the closest
meaning to the original sentence:

1. _____ yet?
A. Has the essay been written C. Did the essay write
B. Has the essay written D. Was the essay be written
2. _____ nuclear waste is dangerous
A. It says B. It is said C. People is said D. It is saying
3. They have not used this typewriter for a long time
A. For a long time has not been used this typewriter
B. This typewriter has not used for a long time
C. This typewriter has been not used for a long time
D. This typewriter has not been used for a long time
4. All bottles _____ before transportation
A. is froze B. were frozen C. will been frozen D. have frozen
5. _____ last year?
A. Did this van buy C. Has this van bought
B. Was this van bought D. Has this van been bought
6. The club president _____ seriously ill
A. is said B. is said to be C. is said for being D. is said being
7. They do not allow smoking in schools
A. Smoking is not allowed in schools
B. Schools are not allowed smoking
C. In schools are not allowed smoking
D. Smoking in schools do not allow
8. Peter and Tom _____ in an accident yesterday
A. are hurt B. were hurted C. were hurt D. have been hurt
9. The fire _____ by an electrical fault
A. could have caused C. could have been caused
B. could been have caused D. have caused
10. Learning English _____ easy
A. says not to be B. said to be not C. is said be not D. is said not to be
11. We are waiting for the telephone _____ so that we can have a talk to our son
A. be connecting B. to be connected C. connected D. be connect
12. My house _____ white
A. used to paint C. used to be painted
B. are used to being painted D. used to painted
13. Chinese _____ by more than one billion people all over the world
A. speaks B. is speaking C. spoken D. is spoken
14. Modern zoos are very different from zoos which _____ fifty years ago
A. was built B. was building C. to be built D. building
15. Who established that museum?
A. Who was established that museum? C. By whom was that museum
B. Was that museum established by who? D. Did that museum establish by whom?
16. They think that someone started the fire on purpose
A. Someone is thought to start the fire on purpose
B. They think that the fire which was started by someone on purpose
C. The fire is thought to be started on purpose
D. The fire is thought to have been started on purpose
17. The player _____ quickly from the fall
A. reported to be recovered C. is reported to have recovered
B. reported to has recovered D. is reported to have been recovered
18. The little boy put the fish in the pool and immediately it was nowhere _____
A. to see B. saw C. to be seeing D. to be seen
19. Up to now Down’s syndrome _____
A. have not been cured C. have not cured
B. have not to be cured D. have not been curing
20. They do not understand what he is saying
A. He is not being understood
B. He does not understanding what is being said
C. What is being said does not understand
D. What he is saying is not understood
21. The prisoner _____ yesterday
A. released B. has released C. was released D. has been
22. That machine _____ eggs
A. is used for grading C. used to grade
B. is used grading D. is used to grading
23. I am looking for the report which _____ on the table
A. placed B. has been placed C. was placing D. has placed
24. They consider stamp collecting as a favorite pastime
A. A favorite pastime is considered stamp collecting
B. A favorite pastime is to be considered stamp collecting by them
C. Stamp collecting is considered as a favorite pastime
D. Stamp collecting is considered to be as a favorite pastime
25. Sea turtle eggs _____ to protect from _____ by other animals
A. are buried/ being eaten C. are burying/ eating
B. buried/ to be eaten D. be buried/ eaten
26. The cutting down of trees _____ to prevent forest destruction
A. should control C. would control
B. should be controlled D. controlling
27. The first turtles _____ about 200 million years ago
A. believed to exist C. believed to be existed
B. are believing to be existed D. are believed to have existed
28. We cannot do this
A. This cannot do C. This cannot be done
B. This cannot do by us D. This cannot to be done
29. They do not know anything about the extinction of that species
A. Anything about the extinction of that species is not known by them
B. The extinction of that species is not known anything
C. Nothing is known about the extinction of that species
D. Nothing about the extinction of that species is not known
30. Wood pulp is used for making paper
A. People use wood pulp to make paper
B. Paper is made by wood pulp
C. To make paper is used by wood pulp
D. People are used wood pulp to make paper
31. Preparations _____ during last month before the competition started
A. had made B. had being made C. had been being made D. had been
32. Some scientists report that dolphins have a brain capacity larger than human beings
A. A brain capacity larger than human beings that dolphins have to be reported
B. Dolphins are reported having a brain capacity larger than human beings
C. Dolphins are reported to have a brain capacity larger than human beings
D. Dolphins are reported that they have a brain capacity larger than human beings
33. The project _____ secret. Everybody _____ about it soon
A. could not been kept/ is learnt C. could not be keep/ was learnt
B. could not be kept/ learnt D. could not kept/ is learned
34. Daisy was angry that she _____ a book which _____
A. had been given/ was badly damaged
B. has been given/ badly damaged
C. was giving/ is damaged badly
D. has given/ damaged badly
35. We are worried about the damage _____ by fires
A. that caused B. causing C. caused D. was caused
36. The money _____ soon after I receive my salary
A. will give Peter C. will be given to Peter
B. will be given Peter D. will have given to Peter
37. Everybody congratulated him on his successful journey to explore the Everest
A. His successful journey to explore the Everest was congratulated on him
B. His successful journey was congratulated on him to explore the Everest
C. He was congratulated on his successful journey to explore the Everest
D. He was congratulated by anybody on his successful journey to explore the Everest
38. Are you fond of the job they have offered you?
A. Are you fond of the job which has been offered to you?
B. Have they offered you the job that you are fond of?
C. Are you fond of the job has been offered to you?
D. Have you been fond of the job which has offered to you?
39. Lectures _____ on the Internet
A. are recorded and posted C. are recording and posted
B. are recorded and post D. are recording and be posted
40. Not much _____ about the accident since that time
A. has said B. it is said C. had said D. has been said

Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences using passive voice:

1. Where did you leave your bike?


2. How do they cook crab soup?


3. People believe that this new teaching method is more effective than the old one
 This new teaching method
4. It is said the soldiers surrendered to the enemy
 The soldiers
5. He sent the girl a letter
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. She is having her uncle fix the fan


7. I had someone break into my flat yesterday


8. The storm didn’t kill anyone


9. They have to cancel the meeting


10. She needs to clean the floor

 ………………………………………………………………………………………………
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………



Exercise 1: Choose A, B, C, D that best completes the sentence:

1. To calm his angry girlfriend, John offered an apology _____ Jane did not accept.
A. which B. who C. whom D. when
2. Michelle screamed when she saw the spider _____ dangled from the one clean bathroom
A. whom B. where C. that D. whose
3. Brian said goodnight to his roommate _____ continued to play video games until his eyes
were blurry with fatigue.
A. Justin, whom C. Justin, who
B. Justin who D. Justin, that
4. The children _____ skateboard in the street are especially noisy in the early evening.
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
5. We have many blessings for those _____ we are deeply grateful to.
A. whose B. whom C. that D. which
6. Women _____ work are happier than those _____ don’t work.
A. that/ whom B. who/who C. whom/ that D. whose/ which
7. It took me a while to get used to people _____ eat pop-corn during the movie.
A. who B. whom C. whose D. which
8. He is the man _____ I wanted to speak to and _____ name I’d forgotten.
A. whose/ whom B. that/ which C. who/ that D. whom/ whose
9. This is the house _____ I lived when I first came to the US.
A. in that B. in where C. where D. which in
10. It was in that house _____ we spent our childhood.
A. where B. that C. when D. in which

11. The family _____ burnt in the fire was immediately given a suite in a hotel.
A. which house B. the house of whom C. that house D. whose house
12. My friend eventually decided to get divorced, _____ upset me a lot.
A. who B. why C. that D. which
13. I saw a lot of new people at the party, _____ seemed familiar
A. which B. that C. some of that D. some of whom
14. The reason _____ I have continued to work for that company is the job security
A. at which B. which C. why D. for that
15. The house _____ I grew up has just renovated
A. where B. in that C. which D. that
16. The old man and his two dogs _____ were seriously burnt in the fire last week gradually
A. who B. that C. which D. whom
17. The woman _____ hair is long and curly is the new secretary, Mrs. Chan
A. who B. whose C. that D. which
18. _____ used to be the tallest building in the world, is still a popular tourist attraction
A. The Empire State Building C. The Empire State Building, that
B. It is the Empire State Building, which D. The Empire State Building, which
19. _____ was the first president of the United States, is a symbol of honesty, bravery and
A. George Washington C. George Washington, who
B. George Washington, that D. That was George Washington
20. It was Peter and Mary George Washington often came to help me whenever I was in
A. whose B. which C. that D. whom
21. _____ failed will have to retake the exam next week
A. Those B. Those who C. Who D. Those which
22. My favorite month is always February _____ we celebrate Valentine’s Day and
Presidents’ Day.
A. which B. where C. why D. when
23. Travelling on holiday, _____ I love to do, can be very expensive
A. which B. that C. when D. where
24. New York is a place _____ people of many different cultures live and work together
A. where B. that C. which D. in that
25. I could not remember the person about _____ you told me, so I could not talk to him
A. that B. who C. whom D. which
26. The book _____ author is now being shown in the news has become a bestseller
A. that B. which C. whose D. whom
27. Recommend me a nice restaurant _____ we can have an Italian dinner
A. which B. in that C. in where D. where
28. _____ is located at 68th and Park, is part of the City University of New York
A. Hunter College, which C. Hunter College, that
B. Hunter College which D. Hunter College, where
29. If she cannot find _____ reliable to take care of her children, she may not join us
A. someone is B. someone which is C. who is D. someone who is
30. At last they were able to tow up the man and his car _____ crashed down the hill
A. whose B. which C. who D. that

Exercise 2: Rewrite these sentences as one sentence using a relative clause:

1. France is the country. The best wine is produced there (WHERE)


2. 1945 was the year. The Second World War ended then (WHEN)


3. That’s the hotel. I stayed there last summer (AT WHICH)


4. The lady gave me good advice. I spoke to her an hour ago (TO WHOM)


5. Sai Gon Times was the only newspaper which appeared that day (TO APPEAR)


6. John is the second person who was killed in that way (BE)


7. This is the book. I’m looking for it (FOR WHICH)

8. The man is our English teacher. He comes from Australia (COMING)


9. The books are very interesting. They were bought long ago (WHICH)


10. My uncle bought a boat. The boat costs thirty thousand dollars (WHICH)




Exercise 1: Choose A, B, C or D that best completes the sentence:

1. If she ______ me, tell her to leave a message

A. calls B. will call C. called D. would call
2. John will pick me up ______
A. in case it rained B. if it rains C. provided that it would rain D. unless it rained

3. ______ you want to go out during a lecture, what should you do?
A. As B. If C. Though D. When
4. If you won the lottery, ______?
A. what will you do B. what had you done C. what would you do D. what did
you do
5. If we start the new project, we ______ more staff
A. will need B. need C. would need D. needed
6. If John ______ 10 years younger, he ______ for the job
A. is/ will apply B. was/ has applied C. had been/ will have applied

D. were/ would apply

7. You will not be allowed to attend the club meeting ______ you are a member
A. unless B. if C. providing that D. supposed that
8. ______ people had not cut so many trees
A. If B. If only C. Unless D. Even if
9. If the president ______ last night’s train, he ______ here now
A. took/ were B. were taking/ is C. had taken/ would have been

D. had taken/ would be

10. If he ______ more time, he ______ decorating the baby’s room before she was born

A. has/ will have finished B. had/ would finish

C. had had/ would have finished D. had had/ would finish

11. ______ he arrives soon, we will have to start the conference without him

A. Suppose B. Provided C. Unless D. If

12. ______ as much money as Bill Gates of Microsoft, I would retire

A. If I had B. If I have C. Unless I had D. If I had had

13. ______ here, he would help us with these troubles

A. Were our father B. If our father had been C. Was our father D. Unless our father

14. ______ more carefully, he would not have had the accident yesterday

A. If Peter drove B. Had Peter driven C. Only if Peter could drive

D. Unless Peter had driven

15. If it ______ tomorrow, I will not have to water the plants

A. will rain B. is raining C. would rain D. rains

16. We ______ more chances to attack during the last game if the strikers ______ the ball
more exactly

A. will have had/ have passed B. will have/ were passing

C. would have/ passed D. would have had/ had passed

17. ______, tell him I have gone to London

A. If Mr. Jones called B. Unless Mr. Jones calls C. Should Mr. Jones call

D. If Mr. Jones will call

18. ______ you apologize for what you have done, I will never be your friend

A. Unless B. If C. As if D. Even if

19. Practice more and more ______ you can never speak English fluently

A. and B. or C. in case D. if

20. It was much colder than we had thought. ______, we had taken more warm clothes

A. If B. Unless C. But for D. If only

21. ______, they would not have had such a successful conference

A. Due to good preparations B. But for they had had good preparations

C. Without good preparations D. If their good preparations

22. If you ______ her, what ______?

A. are/ will you do B. have been/ might you do

C. were/ would you do D. had been/ will you have done

23. You should not eat more ______ yourself ill.

A. or you will make B. in case you would make

C. if you would make D. unless you would have made

24. I would have crashed the car ______

A. unless you warned me B. in case you warn me

C. if there were a warning D. but for your warning

25. Call your parents ______ they will start to worry

A. if only B. otherwise C. if so D. in case

26. If it ______ for the life jacket, I would have drowned

A. is not B. was not C. has not been D. had not been

27. He may never speak to me again if he ______ out what happened

A. will find B. was finding C. finds D. had found

28. ______ heavy traffic we would not have been late for the train

A. If B. If only C. Supposed D. But for

29. She had to have the operation or she ______

A. dies B. will die C. would die D. would have died

30. Our cat ______ you if you rub her belly

A. will bite B. would bite

C. will have bitten D. would have bitten

Exercise 2: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word:

1. If we meet at 9:30, we (have) __________________ plenty of time.

2. If you (find) __________________ a skeleton in the cellar, don’t mention it to anyone
3. The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she (feed) __________________
the animals
4. If you pass your examination, we (have) __________________ a celebration
5. Lisa would find the milk if she (look) __________________ for it in the fridge.
6. What (happen) __________________ if I press this button?
7. The door will be unlocked if you (press) __________________ the green button
8. I should have voted for her if I (have) __________________ a vote then.
9. If you go to Paris, where you (stay) __________________?
10. If you (swim) __________________ in this lake, you’ll shiver from cold
11. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which you (choose)
12. The flight may be cancelled if the fog (get) __________________ thick
13. If the milkman (come) __________________, tell him to leave two pints
14. I (call) __________________ the office if I were you
15. Someone (sit) __________________ on your glasses if you leave them there.



Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with these conjunctions: although, and, but, or, since, so,
unless, until, when, despite, while, during, however, therefore:

1. Things were different …………… I was young

2. I do it …………… I like it
3. Let us wait here …………… the rain stops
4. You cannot be a lawyer …………… you have a law degree
5. She has not called …………… she left last week
6. I saw him leaving an hour …………… two ago
7. This is an expensive …………… very useful book
8. We were getting tired …………… we stopped for a rest
9. He was angry …………… he heard what happened
10. Walk quickly …………… you will be late
11. He had to retire …………… of ill health
12. We will go swimming next Sunday …………… it’s raining
13. I heard a noise …………… I turned the light on
14. Would you like a coffee …………… tea?
15. …………… the rain, we enjoyed ourselves
16. We stayed indoors …………… the storm
17. They wanted to arrive on time; ……………, we were delayed by traffic
18. I was nervous; ……………, I could not do my best
19. I will wait …………… I hear from you
20. They learn both English …………… French

Exercise 2: Rewrite these following sentences using conjunctions:

Both … and And Either … or But

Or Neither … nor So Because

1. We know him. We know his friends

2. The coat was soft. The coat was warm
3. We arrived early. We had to wait
4. I wanted to go. He wanted to stay
5. Your arguments are strong. They don’t convince me
6. You can go there by bus. You can go there by train
7. I was feeling tired. I went to bed when I got home
8. I don’t have books. I don’t have notebooks

Exercise 3: Choose the best answer:

1. She came early. ________, she got a good seat

A. Therefore B. However C. Despite D. Owing to
2. Read the instruction ________ opening the drug
A. since B. on account of C. before D. until
3. I am saving some money ________ I can buy a car
A. no sooner B. although C. in case D. so that
4. It’s not ________ 3 pm that he got home
A. until B. after C. while D. during
5. You can have that dog ________ you promise to take care of it
A. as well as B. as soon as C. as long as D. as big as
6. ________ arrived at the cinema late, we couldn’t see the beginning of the film
A. Though B. As C. If D. Till
7. Tom said he saw a ghost ________ he walked into that haunted house
A. once B. when C. after D. since
8. ________ looking through the window, Helen saw a UFO
A. Why B. What C. When D. While
9. Simon got the highest mark ________ he didn’t do well in the exam
A. because B. even though C. in spite of D. by virtue of
10. ________ I can’t wait for the bus, I’ll walk home
A. Despite B. For C. Much as D. As
11. They cheered him ________ he crossed the finished line
A. when B. till C. unless D. though
12. ________ being a millionaire, he lives in a very small flat
A. Despite B. In spite C. By dint of D. Because
13. ________ I was walking in the school hall, I met Marry
A. Once B. Since C. Until D. While
14. ________ you leave the office, did you remember to turn off all the lights?
A. Before B. Though C. Still D. However
15. He has served in this company ________ he graduated from college
A. as B. since C. for D. when
16. ________ you register for the course, you will lose the chance
A. Unless B. Till C. Whether D. Before
17. Peter keeps paying through the nose ________ his parents are working hard to save
A. once B. during C. because D. whereas
18. I told my son not to play in the rain. ________, he didn’t hear me.
A. But B. Though C. As long as D. Nevertheless
19. ________ my sister gets stuck in the traffic, she will be late for the interview
A. In the event that C. provided that
B. Due to the fact that D. in order that
20. There are ________ many people in the room that I feel bored and would like to go home
A. such B. so C. enough D. too
21. Her key was lost ________ her children had dropped it on the road
A. due to B. despite C. since D. whether
22. No sooner had we started out for California ________ it started to rain
A. when B. as C. then D. than
23. It is ________ a long way to drive from my house to the park
A. too B. such C. enough D. so
24. Our flight to Moscow was delayed ________ bad weather
A. Regardless of B. in contempt of C. on account of D. in spite of
25. We had repaired the house a week ago; ________, it still collapsed after a storm
A. therefore B. as a result C. nonetheless D. subsequently
26. ________ did he turn up late, but he also forgot the plan at home
A. No sooner B. Neither C. Now that D. Not just
27. ________ she smiles with me, I understand that she wants me to do something for her
A. Whenever B. Whoever C. Whatever D. However
28. My brother and I are saving money to buy ________ a game recorder or a set of toy cars
A. both B. neither C. either D. whether
29. Charles enjoyed his holiday ________ the weather
A. by cause of B. albeit C. owing to D. though
30. ________ men and women have been complaining about advertisements
A. only B. both C. either D. neither

Exercise 4: Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting:

1. I was such nervous that I didn’t think I would pass the exam.

                 A                   B               C                    D

2. Many teachers have devoted all their lives to teaching so teaching is not a well-paid


                                     A            B                                    C                D

3. They can speak English and use a computer so as to they can easily get a good job.

                    A                                  B                        C                               D

4. Despite she was in her middle age, she looked very graceful and charming.

           A                   B                                         C                       D
5. The prices of accommodation are as big that many people cannot afford to buy a
house.  A   B                        C                      D

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