b90069gb Hdy Oil Flushing

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Hydraulic system flushing method

Please pay attention to the safety instructions in the
Operator’s and Service Manuals concerned.

To provide some general hydraulic system flushing instructions
in case of a major hydraulic components failure and the conse-
quent replacement.

1 In case of the failure of a major hydraulic components such
as main pump, main control valve (MCV), hydraulic cylin-
der(s) and swing / travel motors, then hydraulic system
flushing should be carried out in a proper way in order to
prevent the possibility of a secondary failure due to the
remaining metal particles in the hydraulic system.
2 This is a general instruction. Be aware that the actual flush-
ing method may need to vary from this instruction as it
strongly depends on the situation, i.e., the level of hydraulic
oil contamination, the severity of failure etc.
3 The table below shows the summary of the general recom-
mended method, including where the contaminated
hydraulic oil is to be drained, which filters are to be
replaced with new filters, and the necessity of flushing the
Hyd. oil & filters
Failed Hyd. oil drain
replacement Flush-
Hyd. Hyd. Suction Hyd. oil Hyd. Return Suction Drain Pilot ing
tank actuator pipe cooler oil filter strainer filter filter
Main Yes Yes
Yes cylinders Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
pump (Clean) (Once)
& motors
MCV No No No No Refill Yes No No No No
Hyd. Failed
No No No Refill Yes No No No No
cylinder cylinder
Swing Yes Yes
Yes cylinders Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
motor (Clean) (Once)
& motors
Travel Yes Yes
Yes cylinders Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
motor (clean) (Once)
& motors
Volvo Construction Equipment Customer Support AB www.volvo.com
SE-631 85 Eskilstuna
Printed in Sweden
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GB EC, EW 900 KOR 69 K 1 2003-09-18 2/5

4 Follow the general instructions below according to the fail-

- Hydraulic oil replacement : Refer to Operator’s manual
- Main pump failure & replacement : Refer to ‘ Instruction A’
- MCV failure & replacement : Refer to ‘ Instruction B’
- Hydraulic cylinder(s) failure & replacement : Refer to ‘
Instruction C’
- Swing/Travel motor failure & replacement : Refer to ‘
Instruction D’
NOTE! When draining the hydraulic oil, use a container
under the hoses, pipes etc. so as not to contaminate the
ground with hydraulic oil. Dispose of the used oil properly
NOTE! Use hydraulic oil of the same specification recom-
mended in the operator’s manual. Use hydraulic oil of the
same brand if possible. Especially do not mix mineral
hydraulic oil with biodegradable hydraulic oil, otherwise,
damage to some major hydraulic components may occur.
NOTE! In case that a flushing machine is available, then
step 14 and 16 of "Instruction A" and "Instruction D" might
be omitted. Be sure that the filtration performance of the
flushing machine is higher than that of return filter of the
excavator. Perform flushing sufficiently to completely
remove all metal particles from hydraulic oil.

Instruction A : Main pump failure & replacement

1 Fully retract the arm & bucket cylinders, and then lower the
boom until the bucket touches the ground. Support the
bucket by using a wooden block. Refer to Fig. 1
NOTE! If it is impossible to operate the machine, just lower
the attachment to the ground by its own weight. Refer to
“Operation of accumulator in emergency” in the “Handling
V1021846 accumulator” section of the Operator’s manual.
2 Stop the engine, then place the start key in the “ON posi-
Fig. 1 Machine posture tion” and position the safety lever in the “Unlock position”.
Release pressure in the hydraulic circuit by operating all
3 Position the safety lever in the “Lock position”, and place
the start key in the "OFF position". Release the pressure of
hydraulic tank by using the air breather. Refer to instruc-
tions in the service manual.
2 4 Remove the failed main pump.
1 5 Drain the hydraulic oil by disconnecting hoses, pipes and
7 drain plugs from each hydraulic component as shown in
Fig. 2
6 Install new main pump
3 6 7 Replace return filter, drain filter & pilot filter with new filters.
Clean or change the suction strainer.
8 Connect all hoses, pipes and drain plugs to each hydraulic
Fig. 2 Hydraulic oil drain component
1 Bucket cylinder pipes/hoses (both sides) 9 Fill the hydraulic tank with hydraulic oil.
2 Arm cylinder pipes/hoses (both sides) : Detach 10 Vent the air from the main pump circuit. Refer to Service
the line rupture valve if any.
3 Boom cylinder pipes/hoses (both sides) :
Detach the line rupture valves if any. NOTE! If there is air in the hydraulic system, the sliding or
4 Hyd. tank drain plug rotating parts may be damaged.
5 Suction pipe plug/hose 11 Run engine at low speed for 5 minutes.
6 Travel motor hoses (both sides) NOTE! Do not operate the hydraulic system while doing
7 Hyd. oil cooler pipes (both sides) this job.
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12 At low engine speed, slowly operate boom, arm and bucket

cylinders at least 10 times each.
NOTE! Do not operate each cylinder to the stroke ends.
Operate to 100 mm before its stroke ends.
NOTE! While operating slowly, be sure to keep the hydrau-
lic oil in the tank above the lowest level of the hydraulic oil
level sight gauge. Refill if required.
13 At low engine speed, slowly operate swing motor and travel
motors at least 10 times each.
14 Drain the hydraulic oil in hydraulic tank
15 Replace return filter, drain filter & pilot filter with new filters.
Clean the suction strainer.
16 Fill the hydraulic tank with hydraulic oil.
17 Repeat the step 11, 12 and 13.
18 Check the hydraulic tank oil level and keep it to the appro-
priate level if required.
NOTE! For hydraulic oil level check , refer to 'hydraulic
tank' section of Service manual.

Instruction B : MCV failure & replacement

1 Fully retract the arm & bucket cylinders, and then lower the
boom until the bucket touches the ground. Support the
bucket by using a wooden block. Refer to Fig. 1.
NOTE! If it is impossible to operate the machine, just lower
the attachment to the ground by its own weight. Refer to
“Operation of accumulator in emergency” in the “Handling
accumulator” section of the Operator’s manual.
2 Stop the engine, then place the start key in the “ON posi-
tion” and position the safety lever in the “Unlock position”.
Release pressure in the hydraulic circuit by operating all
3 Position the safety lever in the “Lock position”, and place
the start key in the "OFF position". Release the pressure of
hydraulic tank by using the air breather. Refer to instruc-
tions in the service manual.
4 Replace the failed MCV with a new MCV.
5 Replace the return filter with a new filter.
6 Refill the hydraulic tank with hydraulic oil.
7 Run engine at low speed for 5 minutes.
NOTE! Do not operate the hydraulic system while doing
this job.
8 At low engine speed, slowly operate boom, arm and bucket
cylinders at least 10 times each.
NOTE! Do not operate each cylinder to the stroke ends.
Operate to 100 mm before its stroke ends.
NOTE! While operating slowly, be sure to keep the hydrau-
lic oil in the tank above the lowest level of the hydraulic oil
level sight gauge. Refill if required.
9 At low engine speed, slowly operate swing motor and travel
motors at least 10 times each.
10 Check the hydraulic tank oil level again and keep it to the
appropriate level if required.
NOTE! For hydraulic oil level check , refer to 'hydraulic
tank' section of Service manual.

Instruction C : Hyd. cylinder failure & replacement

1 Place the machine in such a posture that the failed cylinder
could be replaced with ease.
NOTE! If it is impossible to operate the machine, just lower
the attachment to the ground by its own weight. Refer to
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the “Operation of accumulator in emergency” in the “Han-

dling accumulator” section of the Operator’s manual.
2 Stop the engine, then place the start key in the “ON posi-
tion” and position the safety lever in the “Unlock position”.
Release pressure in hydraulic circuit by operating all joy-
3 Position the safety lever in the “Lock position”, and place
the start key in the "OFF position". Release the pressure of
hydraulic tank by using the air breather. Refer to instruc-
tions in the service manual.
4 Replace the failed cylinder with new cylinder.
5 Replace the return filter with new filter.
6 Refill the hydraulic tank with hydraulic oil.
7 Run engine at low speed for 5 minutes.
NOTE! Do not operate the hydraulic system while doing
this job.
8 At low engine speed, slowly operate boom, arm and bucket
cylinders at least 10 times each.
NOTE! Do not operate each cylinder to the stroke ends.
Operate to 100 mm before its stroke ends.
9 If the cylinder does not operate smooth, then clean the
MCV spool for the cylinder concerned.
10 If the problem is not solved by cleaning, then replace the
MCV with new one. Refer to instruction “B”
11 Check the hydraulic tank oil level again and keep it to the
appropriate level if required.
NOTE! For hydraulic oil level check , refer to 'hydraulic
tank' section of Service manual.

Instruction D : Swing/Travel motor failure &

NOTE! In case of swing/travel motor failure, do not replace other
hydraulic components such as main pump, MCV and cylinders
with new ones.
1 Fully retract the arm & bucket cylinders, and then lower the
boom until the bucket touches the ground. Support the
bucket by using a wooden block. Refer to Fig. 1
NOTE! If it is impossible to operate the machine, just lower
the attachment to the ground by its own weight. Refer to
the “Operation of accumulator in emergency” in the “Han-
dling accumulator” section of the Operator’s manual.
2 Stop the engine, then place the start key in the “ON posi-
tion” and position the safety lever in the “Unlock position”.
Release pressure in hydraulic circuit by operating all joy-
3 Position the safety lever in the “Lock position”, and place
the start key in the "OFF position". Release the pressure of
hydraulic tank by using the air breather. Refer to instruc-
tions in the service manual.
4 Remove the failed swing or travel motor.
5 Drain the hydraulic oil by disconnecting hoses, pipes and
drain plugs from each hydraulic component as shown in
Fig. 2
6 Install new swing or travel motor.
7 Replace return filter, drain filter & pilot filter with new filters.
Clean or change the suction strainer.
8 Connect all hoses, pipes and drain plugs to each hydraulic
9 Fill the hydraulic tank with hydraulic oil.
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10 Vent the air from the swing or travel motor. Refer to Service
NOTE! If there is air in the hydraulic system, the sliding or
rotating parts may be damaged.
11 Run engine at low speed for 5 minutes.
NOTE! Do not operate the hydraulic system while doing
this job.
12 At low engine speed, slowly operate boom, arm and bucket
cylinders at least 10 times each.
NOTE! Do not operate each cylinder to the stroke ends.
Operate to 100 mm before its stroke ends.
NOTE! While operating slowly, be sure to keep the hydrau-
lic oil in the tank above the lowest level of the hydraulic oil
level sight gauge. Refill if required.
13 At low engine speed, slowly operate swing motors and
travel motors at least 10 times each.
14 Drain the hydraulic tank
15 Replace return filter, drain filter & pilot filter with new filters.
Clean the suction strainer.
16 Fill the hydraulic tank with hydraulic oil.
17 Repeat the step 11, 12 and 13.
18 Check the hydraulic tank oil level again and keep it to the
appropriate level if required.
NOTE! For hydraulic oil level check , refer to 'hydraulic
tank' section of Service manual.

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