Minimum Quality Requirements For Epc Contractors PDF

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The key takeaways are that contractors must have an ISO 9001 certified quality management system and develop a project quality plan that meets the minimum quality requirements.

Contractors must be ISO 9001 certified, have a documented quality management system, implement quality policies and programs, and assign project management responsibility for quality assurance.

Contractors must submit a project quality plan within 30 days of award for review and approval, and revise it as needed to reflect changes.




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The CONTRACTOR shall be ISO 9001 certified organization by an independent, internationally
recognized accreditation body. The ISO 9001 certificate, as a minimum, shall clearly indicate the
CONTRACTOR’s name and address, validity date and type of services certified. A legible copy of
the certificate shall be included in the PQP.
Contractor shall have a documented quality management system in the form of a Quality
Manual, Procedures, Work Instructions and Forms etc. The Quality Manual shall reflect all
elements, requirements and provisions associated with the contractor’s method of project
The established Quality Management System shall include the instituting of Quality Policy,
Objectives, Quality Assurance & Control and Quality Improvement programs to ensure that the
procurement, fabrication, construction, installation, hook-up and commissioning program will
be executed in accordance with the project requirements.
The CONTRACTOR's Management shall be fully committed to implement all required quality
assurance programs. CONTRACTOR's Project Management Team shall be delegated with the
responsibility of ensuring quality assurance requirements are met.
Whenever this exhibit requires new procedures, instructions or manuals to be developed,
CONTRACTOR shall have the option to generate a specific project procedure or adopt its own
internal QMS documents. With either option, it is CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to ensure the
document content complies with this exhibit.


The CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit a Project Quality Plan (PQP) that defines and fulfils
the objectives of the project quality management system. The content of the PQP shall comprise
all of the QMS elements defined throughout the remainder of this document.
The PQP shall bridge the gap between their corporate QMS and the project requirements.
The PQP shall be prepared in accordance with the guidelines of ISO 10005.
The PQP shall be approved by CONTRACTOR’s Project Manager or Senior Management prior to
submission to COMPANY.
The PQP shall be provided to COMPANY within thirty [30] days of contract award for review and
approval. The PQP shall be reviewed and approved by the COMPANY prior to implementation
and commencement of any work activities.
The approved PQP shall be distributed as a controlled document to all applicable personnel in
within the CONTRACTOR and subcontractor organizations, and to all other applicable personnel
associated with the WORK.
The CONTRACTOR’s PQP shall be revised accordingly to reflect any pertinent changes to current
project practices and requirements, or as instructed by the COMPANY.

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The CONTRACTOR shall clearly define the roles and responsibilities of document and record
control personnel at different work site locations.


The CONTRACTOR QMS shall be documented through a quality manual, PQP, detail procedures,
work instructions and guidelines and relevant formats.
The CONTRACTOR shall prepare a detailed document control procedure which shall comply with
the contract quality requirements.
All CONTRACTOR QMS documentation shall be properly controlled and maintained for
distribution and updates. As a minimum, all QMS documents are identified using specific
standardized format consisting document title, revision number, date, originator and
review/approval parties as a minimum.
The document control procedure for quality documentation shall address the review and
approval of documents before distribution, relevant parties’ responsibilities, changes & revision
control, distribution & tracking and maintaining the document master list.
The CONTRACTOR shall also include requirements on control of obsolete or superseded
documents to prevent unintended usage.
It is CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to manage all external documents such as COMPANY supplied
specifications, procedures, drawings and any other related data contained document for the
WORK in the form of software & electronic data. Similar requirements shall also apply to vendor
procedures and data submissions.
To ensure effective management of document control activities, CONTRACTOR shall clearly
identify Document Control Coordinator (DCC) personnel roles and responsibilities in tracking
and monitoring the status of documents. All document control activities shall be monitored and
tracked using suitable computer software to avoid or minimize human errors.
Refer to [ATTACHMENT 1] for a summary of required quality document submissions to
All applicable documents from the list in ATTACHMENT 4 shall be submitted 15 days before the
intended start of welding work. The Welding Inspection reports, NDE reports, Test Packs,
Calibration records of pressure gauges & recorders, etc., shall also be submitted at least 10 days
prior to Pressure Testing. Contractor shall ensure that all Inspection and Testing reports are
submitted within a week of completing the activity for review and approval by QA/QC section.
Radiographic films shall be submitted to QA/QC section interpretation on the next day after
review by Contractor for Company approval.


The CONTRACTOR shall develop and establish a documented procedure for control of records.
Control of quality records shall demonstrate that all CONTRACTOR deliverables and products are
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compliant to contract, specifications, international codes & standards, applicable statutory &
legislative laws and this exhibit requirement.
Quality records shall not only include hard copy, but also electronically stored data. The
CONTRACTOR shall provide all project deliverables such as procedures, technical data &
specifications, reports in both electronic forms i.e. native MS Word, AutoCAD, PDMS, BOCAD
and etc. & scanned PDF files.
The CONTRACTOR shall also be responsible to compile, maintain, inspect, and store all quality
records prior to handover to the COMPANY.
Storage area for quality records shall be adequately built to be protected against fire, theft,
sabotage and natural catastrophes (e.g. flash flood, earth quake, tsunami, etc.).
Quality records for handover shall be compiled in a manner that satisfies COMPANY
requirements. CONTRACTOR shall submit a sample final document format and final data dossier
table of contents for COMPANY review and approval.
CONTRACTOR shall progressively compile and review all quality records to verify compliance,
during the execution of the Work and shall make the Final Data Dossier available for periodic
review and verification by COMPANY representative as required. COMPANY reserves the right
to review, inspect and verify all quality records before
handover and CONTRACTOR shall replace any incorrect, missing or damaged record at no
additional cost.
The Final Data Dossier shall be submitted to COMPANY after MAC, and within the time period
specified in the contract.
The Work shall not be considered complete until CONTRACTOR’s Final Data Dossier and those
of all Sub Supplier / Sub Contractors have been reviewed and accepted by COMPANY.



The CONTRACTOR shall develop a project quality policy or may use its own corporate policy to
execute the scope of WORK.
The quality policy statement shall be signed by CONTRACTOR Senior Management personnel to
confirm management commitment to the policy.
The CONTRACTOR shall disseminate the Quality Policy and provide evidence that all personnel
are aware and understand the intent of quality policy.


The CONTRACTOR shall develop project quality objectives for the WORK which shall be specific,
achievable and consistent with the quality policy.
Project Quality Objectives shall be set for functional & organizational levels and will facilitate product
realization. Significantly, the specific project quality objectives will:

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 Ensure that the CONTRACTOR’s management has appropriately identified the work
performance, capabilities and standards for the WORK.
 Provide sufficient assurance that COMPANY's facilities can be safely operated as intended.
 Comply with the contract, design requirements, international codes and standards, Qatari
local laws and regulations, and, prudent engineering practices.
 Minimize production shutdown of existing facilities, and downtime during project execution,
by employing efficient project management, good workmanship and minimizing rework by
doing the right thing the right way at the first time.


The CONTRACTOR shall conduct a management review to assess the implementation and
effectiveness of the quality management system during the contract duration. The review shall
be conducted on an annual basis (as a minimum) throughout the contract duration.
The CONTRACTOR shall prepare a quality management review team consisting of QA personnel,
management representatives, senior project personnel and representatives from
subcontractors (if applicable).
The management review team shall analyze the results of internal, external & surveillance
audits, non - conformance trends, COMPANY feedback and complaints etc. The management
review shall be conducted in accordance with the inputs and outputs specified in ISO 9001 and
their internal procedure.
The review team shall discuss and recommend practical improvement initiatives to the PQP and
All management review / assessment sessions shall be documented in reports and extended to
the COMPANY for information or further action.



The project organization shall be included in the PQP and shall be developed to satisfy project
needs and requirements.
The organization chart for the project and its write-up shall indicate responsibility, authority and
reporting functions of all key personnel.
The key personnel shall be dedicated to the project and not be involved in other projects running
Quality assurance/ control (QA/QC) organizations shall be independent and not influenced by
production functions.
The QA/QC organization shall have the freedom to manage and control the implementation of
quality requirements for the project and will have direct communication to senior management
to highlight project quality issues or concerns.

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CONTRACTOR QA/QC Organization is ultimately responsible to confirm that all inspections and
tests are established and implemented to confirm product quality.
COMPANY QA/QC Organization may conduct verification on inspections and testing activities
however, this does not relieve CONTRACTOR of the ultimate responsibility to ensure the quality
of all products and services provided under the terms of the contract agreement.
In general, the QA function is to develop and implement the QMS and associated PQP quality
assurance requirements for the WORK. The QC function is to coordinate and perform the
inspection and verification activities to ensure compliance to the quality requirements.
The management representative for quality shall be the Quality Manager, who will report to the
CONTRACTOR Senior Management personnel.
The CONTRACTOR key QA/QC personnel positions for the contract shall be as follows:
 Project Quality Manager
 QA/QC Engineer (Lead Auditor)
 Welding Engineer
 Discipline QC Inspectors

The CONTRACTOR shall propose an adequate number of qualified QC Inspectors for each
discipline depending on the size and complexity of the WORK.
The CONTRACTOR shall increase the number of QA/QC personnel or Inspectors to address
project needs or upon request by the COMPANY at no additional cost.
The CONTRACTOR shall conduct a technical evaluation of each proposed candidate for the
position against the criteria listed in Para. 5.2. The technical evaluation shall also consider
technical competencies related to the position in accordance with the CONTRACTOR job
description. The technical evaluation shall be documented and clearly indicate the comparison
between the contract requirements and the candidates’ actual qualifications and experience.
Documented technical evaluations shall be submitted to the COMPANY alongside the associated
CV for review and approval. The COMPANY reserves the right to interview the personnel prior
to approval.
Contractor key quality personnel shall be subject to a three [3] month probationary period
following their approval. During this period the candidate’s performance shall be continuously
monitored to confirm suitability for the position. The CONTRACTOR or COMPANY may elect to
terminate this contract based on poor performance as deemed necessary by either party.
The CONTRACTOR may propose alternative quality key personnel for the QA/QC organization
during project execution. The proposed alternative shall be submitted with justification to the
COMPANY for approval prior to implementation. A minimum of thirty [30] days advance notice
shall be provided to COMPANY in the event of a proposed change of personnel.
A minimum of thirty [30] days advance notification shall be provided to COMPANY to
communicate the scheduled leave of CONTRACTOR quality personnel.

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The CONTRACTOR shall provide qualified and experienced personnel throughout contract duration.
Minimum qualification of CONTRACTOR key QA/QC personnel shall be as follows:

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Position Minimum Qualification Duties

 Engineering Degree from recognized  Responsible for advising, guiding and
university/institution motivating project line management on
 15 years of working experience in Quality all quality and verification activities and
Assurance & Control for Oil & Gas industry; 8 related technical matters.
years of which must be in the  Responsible for implementation,
onshore/offshore Gas Facilities sector, operation and maintenance of Quality
preferably in LNG. Management System as per ISO 9001
 Experience in a senior quality capacity such as and Contract specifications.
Quality Manager.
 Responsible for allocation of quality
Project Quality Manager  Experience in developing, implementing and recourses and for quality training for all
managing project quality assurance programs project personnel and overseeing all
for engineering design, procurement, personnel understand and effectively
fabrication, installation, hook-up and deliver their quality responsibilities as
commissioning of oil and gas production per quality plan and procedures.
facilities projects.
 Reports to highest executive
 Experience shall also include developing management within his organization to
quality system audit programs based on ISO ensure authority and freedom to
9001 and contract requirements. execute assigned responsibilities.
 Trained or certified as an ISO 9001 Lead

 Engineering Degree  Preparation, implementation of Contract

Quality Plan. Development, preparation,
 10 years of working experience in Quality implementation and monitoring of all
Assurance & Control for Oil & Gas industry; 5 Contract specific procedures and Work
years of which must be in the Instructions.
onshore/offshore Gas Facilities sector,
preferably in LNG.  Preparing Quality KPI reporting matrix for
engineering, procurement and
 Certificates such as CSWIP 3.2.2 or equivalent
construction quality.
 NDT certificates such as ASNT level II as
minimum  Review and Monitoring Subcontractors’
quality systems and quality performance.
 Experience in developing, implementing and
managing project quality assurance programs  Preparation, implementation, revision and
QA/QC Engineer / Lead for engineering design, procurement, monitoring Quality Control Plans (QCP /
Auditor fabrication, installation, hook-up and ITP).
commissioning of oil and gas production
 Auditing - internal and external, and follow
facilities projects.
up of corrective actions.
 Experience shall also include developing
quality system audit programs based on ISO  Overall control, supervision and
9001 and contract requirements. implementation of Contract quality and
technical requirements; resolution of
 Trained or certified as an ISO 9001 Lead quality problems; preparation and
Auditor. maintenance of Contract quality records.
 Experience in QC coordination and inspection
 Provide quality input during new Vendor
activities during procurement, fabrication,
qualification process, review Request for
installation, hook-up and commissioning of oil
Quotation (RFQ) packages, attend
and gas production facilities project.
clarification meetings, Technical Bid

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Position Minimum Qualification Duties

Evaluation (TBE) process and
Recommendation To Award (RTA).
 Initiate, track, record, action and report
status of all Project Non-Conformance
Reports (NCRs) and Corrective Action
Requests (CARs).
 Planning preparation and qualification of
the WPS’s (proposals and final) for all
fabrication and erection piping scope.
Monitoring and coordinating the Project
activities (site based as well as shop
fabrication) for the preparation testing
and approvals of the PQR’s. Updating
registers of Approved and qualified WPS’s
/ PQR’s.
 Preparation and implementation of
welding procedures as well as inspection
and testing plans.
 Coordinating the welders’ qualification
 Engineering Degree in Welding or Metallurgy activities. Maintaining the lists of qualified
 IWE/ EWF registered welding engineer welders.
 Minimum 10 years of experience in practical  Periodic checking and validation of the
aspects of welding technology, inspection, computerized welding database.
NDT and materials selection in a relevant
 Liaise with and coordinate QC Welding
position within the oil and gas industry.
Inspectors in their day-to-day inspection
Welding Engineer  Experience in inspection activities during activities. Decide on difficult technical
procurement, fabrication, installation, hook- issues and resolve conflicts, if situation
up and commissioning of oil and gas arises.
production facilities projects.
 Monitor welding performance; analyze
 Certificates such as CSWIP 3.2.2 or equivalent trends and propose corrective and
 NDT certificates such as ASNT level II or level III preventive actions, where applicable.
for the following examination methods (where
 Training of Project welding personnel
applicable): UT, MT, PT and RT film
interpretation.  Liaise with COMPANY quality group for all
associated Project matters.
 To assist in fulfilling the operational
requirements for welding activities for
Project execution in a cost-efficient,
effective and safe manner.
 To ensure that required documentation
for welding activities are finalized and to
maintain and evaluate performance
records of welding.
 Provide sufficient feedback to Quality
Manager / Engineer on the day to day
welding issues

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Position Minimum Qualification Duties

1. Implement and follow up the quality
intervention on purchase orders
involving engineered packages.
2. Provide inputs on agreed KPIs to
measure the effectiveness of
CONTRACTOR’s procurement
inspection program.
3. Interfaces with discipline engineers,
procurement and CONTRACTOR’s QC
4. Conduct planned surveillance visits for
critical packages and sub-orders.
 Trade Certificates such as CSWIP 3.2, AWS CWI 5. Monitor surveillance program of
or equivalent for welding inspection. engineered packages to ensure timely
 Minimum 8 years of working experience as engagement of CONTRACTOR’s QC &
inspection personnel for Oil & Gas projects, 5 third party inspection personnel.
years of which must be in the onshore Gas
Procurement Inspection 6. Conduct screening/interviews of
Facilities sector, preferably in LNG
Coordinator inspectors engaged on procurement
 Experience in QC coordination and inspection inspections.
activities during procurement for fabrication,
installation, hook-up and commissioning of oil 7. Participates in review of RFQ’s, Material
and gas production facilities projects. Requisitions, Technical Bid Evaluations,
Inspection and Test Plans (ITPs) for
 NDT certificates such as ASNT level II as engineered packages.
8. Reviews Vendor / sub-Vendor plans and
9. Issue deficiency notices and/or NCR as
and when required, follow-up on timely
closure of non-conformances.
10. Represent CONTRACTOR at selected
Kick-off or Pre-Inspection Meetings and
based on material criticality and / or
Vendor issues.
11. Participate in procured item failure
investigations, RCA and be part of
resolution efforts.

 Minimum 8 years of working experience as  Implement QA/QC activities including

civil inspection personnel for Oil & Gas project; those of Subcontractors’ Works in
5 years of which must be in the onshore Gas accordance with approved QCP / ITPs and
Facilities sector. procedures, method statements and
 Experience in inspection activities during other Contract documents.
procurement, fabrication, installation, hook-  Prepares and signoff applicable records
up and commissioning of oil and gas for quality surveillance / inspections /
production facilities projects. tests.

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Position Minimum Qualification Duties

 Maintain records of calibration, inspection
and testing equipment.
 Ensure availability of appropriate version
of applicable Work documents such as
AFC drawings, Specifications and
international codes and standards.
 Witness procedures, tests and certify the
 Provide sufficient feedback to Quality
Manager/Engineer on the day to day
quality issues
 Implement QA/QC activities including
those of Subcontractors’ Works in
accordance with approved QCP / ITPs and
procedures, method statements and other
Contract documents.
 Prepares and sign off applicable records
for quality surveillance / inspections /
 Mechanical Engineering Degree or equivalent
 Trade Certificates such as CSWIP 3.2, AWS CWI  Maintain records of calibration, inspection
or equivalent for welding inspection. and testing equipment.
 NDT certificates such as ASNT level II for the  Ensure availability of appropriate version
following methods (where applicable): UT, MT, of applicable Work documents such as AFC
PT and RT film interpretation. drawings, Project Specifications and
international codes and standards.
 Minimum 8 years of working experience as
inspection personnel for Oil & Gas projects, 5  Witness procedures, tests and certify the
Mechanical/ Piping years of which must be in the onshore Gas results.
Inspector Facilities sector, preferably in LNG.
 Provide sufficient feedback to Quality
 Experience in inspection activities during Manager/Engineer on the day to day
procurement, fabrication, installation, hook- quality issues
up and commissioning of oil and gas
production facilities projects.  Verifying piping material identity (pipe,
valves and fittings) and its conformance to
 For GRP jobs, the QA/QC inspector shall have the installation drawings.
relevant knowledge/experience in GRP piping
jobs  Verifying that dimensions and alignment
tolerances of the piping systems are as per
 Shall have a formal approval/certificate from
specification and drawings.
the Contractor as a qualified PWHT Technician.
 Verifying that welding inspection has been
performed and joints have been released.
 Piping spool release checks through
verification of material traceability, NDE
clearance, tagging and preservation.
 In-process surveillance to verify
compliance with specified piping erection

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Position Minimum Qualification Duties

procedure including flange alignment,
torqueing, tensioning, cleanliness etc…,
 Performing line walkdown inspection,
generation & verification of punchlist close
 Reviewing and verifying completeness of
piping test packages (hydro or pneumatic)
prior to testing.
 Witnessing final piping pressure test and
reinstatement checks.
 Completing and endorsing all inspection
records from initial inspection till final
acceptance of the piping systems.

 Electrical Engineering Degree or equivalent  Implement QA/QC activities including

those of Subcontractors’ Works in
 Trade Certificates in Electrical and/ or
accordance with approved QCP / ITPs and
procedures, method statements and other
 Minimum 8 years of working experience as Contract documents.
inspection personnel for Oil & Gas projects, 5
years of which must be in the onshore Gas  Prepares and sign off applicable records
Facilities sector, preferably in LNG. for quality surveillance / inspections /
 Experience in inspection activities during
Electrical/ Instrument procurement, fabrication, installation and  Maintain records of calibration, inspection
Inspector hook-up, and commissioning of oil and gas and testing equipment.
production facilities projects.  Ensure availability of appropriate version
of applicable Work documents such as AFC
drawings, Specifications and international
codes and standards.
 Witness procedures, tests and certify the
 Provide sufficient feedback to Quality
Manager/Engineer on the day to day
quality issues
 Trade Certificates such as NACE 1-COR, BGas.  Implement QA/QC activities including
ERS level 2 or equivalent for painting, coating those of Subcontractors’ Works in
and insulation inspection. accordance with approved QCP / ITPs and
procedures, method statements and other
 Minimum 8 years of working experience as
Contract documents.
inspection personnel for Oil & Gas projects, 5
Painting/ Coating &
years of which must be in the  Prepares and sign off applicable records
Insulation Inspector
onshore/offshore Gas Facilities sector, for quality surveillance / inspections /
preferably in LNG. tests.
 Experience in inspection activities during  Maintain records of calibration, inspection
procurement, fabrication, installation, hook- and testing equipment.
up and commissioning of oil and gas
production facilities projects.  Ensure availability of appropriate version
of applicable Work documents such as AFC

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Position Minimum Qualification Duties

drawings, Project Specifications and
international codes and standards.
 Witness procedures, tests and certify the
 Provide sufficient feedback to Quality
Manager/Engineer on the day to day
quality issues
 Trade Certificates such as CSWIP 3.4U, PCN  Shall ensure that all NDE performed
Level II, ASNT Level II or equivalent for NDT during construction conforms to the
inspection. Specifications and applicable procedures,
codes and standards and is adequately
 Minimum 8 years of working experience as
resourced and conducted by competent
NDT inspection personnel for Oil & Gas
and certified personnel in a timely
projects, 5 years of which must be in the
manner to support the construction
onshore Gas Facilities sector.
NDT Inspector  Experience in inspection activities during  Responsible for equipment calibration,
procurement, fabrication, installation, hook- procedures, validation of results, and NDT
up and commissioning of oil and gas operator qualifications
production facilities project.  Investigation of defects / problems at site
 Shall have valid Qatar MoE Licence for RPO and  Providing specialist guidance to
Radiographers CONTRACTOR and Subcontractor /
Vendor management

 Propose and develop techniques and
systems for automated UT whenever
 Current trade certificates for the applicable  As applicable to the scope of inspection
inspection discipline, as identified above.
 Minimum 8 years of working experience as
Third Party Source inspection personnel for Oil & Gas projects
Inspector with relevant experience in inspection of the
specific equipment and materials.
 NOTE: Inspectors with proven prior inspection
experience on Qatargas projects shall be given
priority, subject to verification of previous


1. COMPANY reserves the right to accept or reject CONTRACTOR proposed QA/QC personnel.
2. When QA/QC personnel are hired from Inspection Agency, the Contractor shall use an agency recognized by COMPANY
(see paragraph 6.6.3). The personnel deployed shall be approved by COMPANY, as per the minimum requirements
specified above.
3. CONTRACTOR shall ensure timely replacement of rejected personnel, to ensure that project requirements are fulfilled.

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5.3. Subcontractor Resources Control

The CONTRACTOR shall provide competent and adequate subcontractors.
Wherever possible, the CONTRACTOR shall identify all prospective subcontractors in the
technical bid proposal. Any changes to the initial proposal shall be notified to COMPANY and shall
be subject to COMPANY approval. Any subsequent changes to subcontractors (I.E. replacements
or additions) shall be qualified accordingly, subject to COMPANY approval.
Contractor shall not use the service of any subcontractor without the prior approval of
COMPANY. If the Contractor intends to utilize any sub-contractor for related works like welding,
painting, NDT, Pressure testing and or Inspection services, the same shall be proposed at bidding
stage, and approved by COMPANY.
The CONTRACTOR shall prequalify all the subcontractors employed to execute any activity
associated with the work. The Contractor shall document the pre-qualification, assessment and
evaluation processes in a procedure. As required, the CONTRACTOR shall undertake site surveys
to the subcontractors’ facilities to assess their technical ability, quality management system and
financial stability. The subcontractors’ prequalification documents shall be communicated with
COMPANY for approval prior to the commencement of the subcontracted activities.
The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all subcontractors’ key personnel satisfy the minimum
education and experience requirements as listed in section 5.2, above. The CONTRACTOR shall
conduct technical assessment and interviews of proposed subcontractor personnel to confirm
their suitability prior to recruitment. COMPANY may conduct sample verification of the review
and approval process if deemed necessary.
The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all subcontractors comply with the CONTRACTOR quality
management system and this exhibit throughout the contract duration. The control
requirements shall include but not limited to the following:

 CONTRACTOR shall define the subcontractor responsibilities and scope in PQP and other
applicable documents.
 Establish administration and communications requirements.
 Extend the PQP, CONTRACTOR relevant QMS procedures and instructions to relevant
subcontractor personnel.
 Provide training to subcontractors for understanding the CONTRACTOR QMS, PQP and this
exhibit requirement.
 Verify subcontractors’ understanding and implementation of the QMS, PQP and the
requirements of this exhibit through audit, surveillance and monitoring of QA and QC

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It is CONTRACTOR’s sole responsibility to control and resolve any disputes or inconsistencies with
subcontractors’ compliance with the quality requirements of this exhibit. All issues between
CONTRACTOR and subcontractors shall be resolved prior to contract start-up.
The CONTRACTOR shall assess and evaluate the performance of the subcontractors at the end of
the subcontractors’ services or when deemed necessary. The evaluation shall be based on the
subcontractors’ overall performance and the quality of the executed activities and schedule

5.4. Training Requirements

The CONTRACTOR shall develop and implement training requirements for all project personnel
including subcontractors to satisfy the QMS and associated PQP requirements.
A CONTRACTOR training plan and schedule shall be submitted to COMPANY within thirty [30]
days of contract award and then annually for subsequent submission.
The CONTRACTOR training plan for quality may include but not limited to the following:
 CONTRACTOR Quality assurance induction
 QMS/ PQP briefing
 Quality awareness toolbox
 Internal quality audit training
 Quality inspections and practices
 COMPANY technical specification requirements
The CONTRACTOR shall conduct a pre- and post-evaluation of trainees in order to confirm the
effectiveness of the training and in order to identify further learning requirements. The pre and
post evaluation activities shall be documented and the records shall be maintained for review by
the COMPANY, if required.
The CONTRACTOR shall invite the COMPANY to attend training and briefing sessions defined in
the training plan.
COMPANY reserves the right to request the CONTRACTOR to provide technical discipline training
at no additional cost where deemed necessary by COMPANY.
The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all sub-contractors prepare and implement a documented
training plan in accordance with the QMS. As part of the training plan, the CONTRACTOR shall
ensure that his sub-contractor(s) undertake weekly quality awareness toolbox sessions.
All new personnel, including subcontractors’ personnel, shall attend a quality awareness briefing
to make them aware of the operation and requirements of the QMS and PQP.

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When applicable, the need for specialized training shall be identified and implemented, to ensure
that all personnel are equipped with the knowledge and capabilities deemed necessary, in order
to perform the work satisfactorily.

5.5. Project Quality Infrastructure

The CONTRACTOR shall identify, provide and maintain adequate quality infrastructure
throughout the contract duration. The infrastructure shall include facilities, equipment,
software, hardware, utilities and any other support services required to ensure good product and
service related quality.
The maintenance of equipment, hardware and software shall also include calibration, operating
parameters, preventive maintenance and storage etc. throughout the contract duration.



The CONTRACTOR shall ensure comprehensive review of COMPANY’s specifications and
contractual requirements will be conducted upon contract award.
The review shall ascertain that the CONTRACTOR and subcontractors acknowledge, understand
and comply with all contract terms and conditions. Any clarification or deviations shall be
determined, clearly documented and submitted to COMPANY for action or approval.
The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to ensure each subcontractor is fully aware and compliant
with COMPANY contract QA requirements. The review results may be documented in the
subcontractor kick-off meeting.
Records of COMPANY requirements reviews, tender submissions, tender clarification,
communications, minutes of meetings, and other pertinent documents shall be retained and be
retrievable for future reference.
All project decisions impacting contractual responsibilities shall be documented and recorded.
This is applicable to decisions made at any stage throughout project execution.


Within thirty [30] days of CONTRACT award, the CONTRACTOR shall provide COMPANY with a list
of the available latest revision of codes and standards. This list shall be provided to COMPANY
for review and approval, and shall be updated as applicable.
The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the latest edition of codes and standards are available, and
shall establish a system to ensure that all codes and standards, including COMPANY specifications

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are current. The system shall ensure all codes and standards are updated accordingly, whenever
new revisions are issued by the issuing authority (i.e. ASME, ASTM etc.).
The CONTRACTOR shall make available to COMPANY all codes and standards applicable to the
scope of work for information.
Any deviations from the governing standards/codes/specifications shall be covered under a
waiver as per COMPANY’S Policy and Procedure - Waiver Request and shall have
prior approval of the COMPANY. Justification provided shall be technical in nature and COMPANY
will not entertain any non-technical requests such as, Difficult to Perform, Material Not Available
Readily, and Impact on Schedule etc.


The CONTRACTOR and subcontractor (if applicable) shall establish documented procedures to
address the responsibilities and requirements related to design control activities. Design control
activities include:
 Preparation of drawings; design calculations; technical specification development, design
verification etc.
 Determination of the review priority for engineering deliverables, as per COMPANY
 Inter-discipline review of engineering deliverables
 Approval by authorized personnel, as applicable to the document priority.
 Verification of design deliverables.
 Ensuring that COMPANY comments are properly addressed.

The CONTRACTOR’s engineering management procedures shall ensure that all applicable design
inputs are considered, including (but not limited to) the following, as applicable:
 Qatari rules & regulations, international codes and standards.
 Safety regulations and requirements, International and National and laws, Codes, Standards,
previous lessons learned, etc.
 Constructability and Operability reviews.
 Design Inputs from Vendors / Manufacturers and Sub-contractors that may impact the project

The CONTRACTOR’s internal review and approval process shall be clearly defined, to ensure that
all engineering deliverables are properly distributed, and subjected to an appropriate level of
intra- and inter-disciplinary review.

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All engineering deliverables, generated during design shall be signed by authorized personnel to
confirm the review/approval process is complete and correct.
The procedure must address the delegation of authority requirement for final approval of design
deliverables such as drawings and technical specifications.
To ensure adequate drawing controls; as a minimum, all engineering drawings shall be clearly
identified in terms of title, issue purpose, revision, review/ approval parties etc. CONTRACTOR is
also required to generate a drawing master list to monitor the status of drawing issue.
For design changes, the design control procedure shall address management of change process
that includes identification of change, type of change, justifications, originator and internal
review/approval, and final approval by the COMPANY, as applicable.
All design changes after ‘Issued for Construction’ (IFC) shall be termed as Post IFC changes. Such
changes shall be properly reviewed and approved prior to formal construction issue. Manual
redlines mark-up to indicate post IFC changes on affected drawings are not acceptable unless
approved by COMPANY.
All computer software used in preparation of drawings, material take off (MTO) list or design
calculations shall be subject to independent checking and review before being used in the design
activities. Software actively used for calculations shall be subject to periodic validation to confirm
their suitability. Back-up system and operating procedures must be available to ensure continuity
in the event of software breakdown or if personnel operating the software are not available.
CONTRACTOR shall submit engineering deliverables for COMPANY APPROVAL, in accordance
with the document classification, as defined in the Qatargas Management of Engineering
Deliverables Procedure.
CONTRACTOR shall submit VENDOR’s technical deliverables for COMPANY REVIEW and/or
APPROVAL as applicable, in accordance with the requirements specified in the approved
purchase requisition, and the review level identified in the SMDR.
COMPANY reserves the right to conduct periodic QA evaluations of CONTRACTOR’s engineering
process, in addition to the annual QA audits.
All design changes identified to suit fabrication, installation and commissioning shall be positively
identified and documented. CONTRACTOR shall develop a ‘Field Design Change’ (FDC) procedure
to define the process to manage field design changes, including the CONTRACTOR’s roles and
responsibilities for review and approval of the change, in addition to documentation and
recording requirements. The FDC procedure shall include provisions for including these changes
in project documents ‘as-built’. The procedure shall also define the applicable level of COMPANY
approval for field design changes.
For design deliverables requiring design appraisal and/ or code inspection by an authorized third
party agency, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to appoint the verifying body or statutory
agency to verify the correctness and adequacy of the design, in addition to relevant inspection

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activities. The CONTRACTOR’s proposed verifying body or agency shal;l be subject to COMPANY
APPROVAL prior to engagement.
The CONTRACTOR shall also be responsible for coordinating with the authorized body to obtain
the appropriate final certification for the design deliverables or product in accordance with the
contractual or design code requirements.
CONTRACTOR shall ensure that there are an adequate number of qualified and trained personnel
to execute the engineering scope. Furthermore, CONTRACTOR shall establish a structured
training program, to ensure that all engineering personnel are adequately informed, trained and
competent in all aspects of project design.


The CONTRACTOR shall prepare and implement procedures to control CONTRACTOR and
subcontractors’ procurement activities associated with the WORK. These procedures shall also
include the controls and assignment of responsibilities for both the subcontractor's and
CONTRACTOR’s procurement activities.
The CONTRACTOR shall establish a criticality rating process which shall be consistent with
COMPANY technical specification. [ATTACHMENT 2] includes a sample rating assignment form
to be considered as a guideline. Criticality ratings and the associated quality control levels shall
be applied to material/ equipment in accordance with the COMPANY technical specification
listings. For cases in which the material/ equipment is not listed, or if there are special
circumstances that warrant further evaluation, CONTRACTOR shall coordinate with Qatargas, to
conduct a formal criticality rating determination workshop to define the criticality rating in
accordance with the established Qatargas Inspection Criticality Rating (ICR) process. Accordingly,
the assigned criticality rating (and quality control level) shall be subject to COMPANY approval,
prior to implementation.
Where possible, the CONTRACTOR shall procure all material and equipment from sources
identified in the COMPANY preferred material and equipment vendor list.
If it is not feasible to procure from suppliers identified in the COMPANY preferred vendor list
(PVL), the CONTRACTOR shall provide adequate justification and shall nominate an alternative
source for COMPANY approval with full prequalification document ensuring full compliance with
COMPANY Specification / Standard.
The CONTRACTOR shall establish a supplier evaluation and approval procedure for cases where
it is not possible to procure from suppliers listed on the COMPANY preferred vendor list (PVL).
The procedure will define the evaluation method and associated scoring criteria. The evaluation
method may include either a desktop review or facility quality audit. The minimum score
required in each section for a supplier to be considered ‘approved’ shall be documented in the
procedure. Typical criteria for the evaluation activity will include status of: ISO 9001 certification,
QMS, resources, KPI’s, etc. The approval of suppliers shall be specific to facility location and

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scope of work (i.e. type of product(s) or material(s). All assessments shall be documented and
provided to COMPANY for approval.
In some cases, the proposed supplier may be unable to provide reliable industry references to
support the integrity of his product (i.e. proven records indicating supply of materials/ equipment
to reputable, internationally renowned oil and gas operators). For such cases involving proposed
manufacturers of critical materials, and materials for pressure-retaining components, the pre-
qualification process should be supplemented by additional, physical verification of the actual
materials: i.e. additional, independent testing should be specified, to verify compliance with the
applicable material specification. Such additional testing should be subject to independent third
party verification.
Supplier evaluation shall be conducted for both manufacturers and stockists/traders as
applicable to the scope of their supply and associated key quality considerations. For
stockists/traders of materials/equipment, the following factors shall be considered:

 The material/equipment manufacturer shall be approved by COMPANY.

 Wherever practicable, material stockists/traders shall be authorized (nominated) by the
approved manufacturer.
 For cases where the stockist/trader cannot source material directly from the manufacturer,
the process to ensure authenticity of the material shall be confirmed (I.E. through the
availability of original manufacturer’s documentation, or verifiable equivalent).

Sub-contractors shall adopt a consistent process for the evaluation and approval of suppliers.
The CONTRACTOR may propose single source tender strategy when deemed necessary. This
proposal shall be subject to COMPANY review and approval prior to proceeding with the technical
bid evaluation.
The processes for preparing requisitions, invitation to bid (tender document), purchase orders
and communication of COMPANY’s contract requirements including QA shall be documented in
procedures. These shall include but not limited to activities on preparation, issuance, review and
approval of requisitions to ensure that the correct data is included and that the requisition
package is complete. CONTRACTOR shall also confirm that vendors receive all applicable
COMPANY technical specifications.
CONTRACTOR shall pay particular attention to ensure that welding requirements are clearly
defined, and included in the requisition package (and subsequent purchase order).
All technical evaluations shall be reviewed and endorsed by qualified CONTRACTOR personnel
prior to awarding of any purchase order or work order. The COMPANY will review and approve
the selected technical evaluation reports.

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CONTRACTOR shall establish a procedure to confirm the effective coordination and

communication of vendor prints between CONTRACTOR and COMPANY, and between
CONTRACTOR and VENDOR. The process will ensure that all vendor prints are controlled and
traceable, and that the vendor is in possession of the latest, approved prints, prior to
commencement of associated work activities.
Any deviations or non-compliance to the COMPANY relevant technical specifications or contract
requirements, the CONTRACTOR shall seek COMPANY’s approval in the form of Concession
Request prior to implementation.
All COMPANY comments or enquiries on technical evaluations shall be closed-out and
documented by updating/ revising the report.
Source and factory inspection/ expediting shall be undertaken based on the material/ equipment
criticality rating. All procedures and plans for the control of inspection at vendor premises shall
be developed and approved by COMPANY prior to implementation.
The controls for CONTRACTOR supplied equipment shall also be documented. These shall include
methods and types of receipt inspection, handling, storage and protection, reporting of any
deficiencies, damage or loss and instructions for use and installation.
The contractor shall develop and implement a quality verification program to periodically confirm
the status and implementation of the procurement related procedures and associated records.
CONTRACTOR shall progressively maintain documented records of vendor performance.
Contractor shall p a consolidated vendor performance report, for each project. The report shall
identify all vendors engaged during the project; shall indicate the scope of materials/ equipment
supplied by each vendor; and shall include a brief summary of vendor’s performance.
A copy of the final report shall be submitted to COMPANY for INFORMATION.
COMPANY reserves the right to conduct periodic QA evaluations of CONTRACTOR’s procurement
process, in addition to the annual QA audits.


The CONTRACTOR shall develop a procedure and instructions to document all source inspection
and expediting requirements and activities for the scope of WORK.
The CONTRACTOR shall assign qualified Source Inspection Coordinators (SICs) to handle all the
coordination and associated processes related to third party inspector assignment. The SIC
personnel proposed by the CONTRACTOR shall be approved by COMPANY.
The source inspection and expediting procedure shall address the assignment of qualified
inspectors/ expeditors, management of inspection/ expediting agencies, frequency of inspection,
types of inspection, and methods of reporting and follow-up of deficiencies. All inspection and
expediting reports issued by the Authorized Inspector shall be copied directly to COMPANY for
information within forty-eight [48] hours from completion of the actual inspection/ expediting.
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The source inspection procedure shall include arrangements to ensure that there is no conflict of
interest during source inspection activities. Conflict of interest would be where COMPANY
appointed third party inspection agency is the same as the CONTRACTOR proposed inspection
The CONTRACTOR shall assign Third Party Inspectors (TPIs) with extensive experience and
knowledge of similar inspections. A minimum of eight [8] years of experience in Oil & Gas
projects shall be required of the TPI. TPI qualifications and certifications shall be approved by
the CONTRACTOR prior to inspection assignment.
The frequency of inspection shall cover all the inspection activities as specified under
CONTRACTOR column of the Inspection and Testing Plan for all equipment as a minimum.
The CONTRACTOR shall generate a material/ equipment source inspection and expediting list.
The list shall be reviewed and approved by the COMPANY prior to implementation.
The CONTRACTOR shall appoint a reputable source inspection/ expediting agency as listed in the
COMPANY approved supplier list if available. The source inspection requirement shall not relieve
CONTRACTOR of the responsibility to comply with material/ equipment requirements as
specified in this contract.
The appointed source inspection agency shall be able to provide qualified inspectors worldwide
with the supporting inspection tools and reporting system to provide a professional standard in
English language. The inspection reports shall be clear, concise and factual.
All costs associated with source inspection shall be borne by CONTRACTOR and included in the
contract price. Prior approval from COMPANY is required if the CONTRACTOR plans to utilize its
own personnel to perform source inspection/ expediting activities.
The CONTRACTOR shall submit the pertinent supplier documents such as ITP, drawings,
procedures, etc. for COMPANY review and approval prior to manufacturing.
The COMPANY reserves the right to review and comment on any other additional supplier
procedures to ensure compliance to COMPANY requirements.
Supplier ITP’s shall comply with the minimum inspection requirements as specified in the
contract/ technical specification and associated with the material/ equipment inspection
criticality rating or as requested and approved by COMPANY.
The appointed inspector shall attend pre-manufacturing/ pre-inspection meetings prior to the
start of production. These meetings shall be a hold point for material/ equipment with inspection
level I & II (based on the COMPANY criticality rating process) or when deemed necessary and
instructed by COMPANY. The intent of the meeting is to establish supplier readiness for
production by confirming status of the following:
 Availability of approved design drawings
 Availability of approved construction drawings
 Inspection & Test Plan

Effective 14 JAN 2019  Minimum Quality Requirements for Third Parties  Rev 01  Page 22 of 47

 Approved QA/QC procedures

 Availability of trade resources.
The CONTRACTOR shall provide written notifications to COMPANY at least ten [10] working days
for any source inspection activities involving COMPANY’s personnel.
COMPANY reserves the right to postpone inspections that are not provided with the required ten
[10] days advance notification for inspection.
COMPANY appointed source inspection activities that are cancelled or rescheduled by
CONTRACTOR without proper advance notification shall be back-charged to the CONTRACTOR.
This shall be the case where lack of advance cancellation or reschedule notification has resulted
in source inspection agency costs.
Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) including performance and function tests shall be attended by
CONTRACTOR’s discipline/ package engineer/ qualified third party inspector to ensure
compliance with COMPANY requirements.
The CONTRACTOR shall communicate the latest vendor prints and inspection related documents
with the assigned TPI agency prior to the inspection date. The COMPANY shall be notified with
the latest supplier deliverables prior to the inspection.
The CONTRACTOR shall provide all third party source inspection reports to COMPANY within 72
hours from the date and time of the subject inspection activity for information.
All non-conformance reports issued by the authorized inspector shall be submitted to
CONTRACTOR/ COMPANY for information/ approval within twenty-four [24] hours from actual
completion visit date/ time or as specified by COMPANY.
A final release notice shall include digital photographs of the material, equipment or skid items
before and after packing. The digital photographs shall serve as additional evidence that the
material, equipment, skid items etc. are in compliance with the COMPANY specifications prior
release for shipment.
The CONTRACTOR shall periodically evaluate the performance of the assigned Third Party
Inspectors based on their communication skills, reporting, commitment, and reporting etc.


The CONTRACTOR shall develop and implement procedures or processes to control the work
execution to meet the contract requirements in terms of safety, schedule, cost and quality during
fabrication, installation, hook-up and commissioning.
Planning – CONTRACTOR shall develop a project execution plan to define the procedures
containing process descriptions on planning which include but not limited to the following:

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 Planning for each phase of the WORK

 Mobilization plan of adequate resources and personnel to meet contractual deliverables
 Planning deliverables preparation – CPN, Deliverables Register, Project Schedule,
Procurement Plan, etc.
 Progress Reporting & implementation of corrective actions in the event of progress delays

Interdisciplinary Interface Control – CONTRACTOR shall establish procedures for management of

the various engineering disciplines and the interfaces with fabrication, construction and
commissioning personnel. The same requirement shall be extended to subcontractor
Equipment Control and Maintenance – CONTRACTOR shall establish and implement procedures
for the control and maintenance of all production equipment for both CONTRACTOR and
subcontractors. This shall include, but not be limited to, jigs, fixtures, tooling, templates,
patterns, gauges, process control computers and survey tools. The procedures shall provide
instructions and guidelines for the following:
 Individual equipment key parameters to be controlled, where the lack of control may result in
poor quality performance i.e. key dimensions of a jig.
 Testing the precision and function prior to use.
 Frequency of re-test.
 Storage and protection between uses.
 Preventative maintenance program.
 Provision of records to verify compliance with the above.


CONTRACTOR shall develop and implement plans and procedures to execute fabrication,
construction and installation activities. The plan shall include activities for both CONTRACTOR
and its subcontractors. The plan shall be submitted to COMPANY for review and approval prior
to implementation.


CONTRACTOR shall provide pertinent procedures and instructions detailing process steps and
criteria for good workmanship/ quality. The procedures may initiate from construction
subcontractors. Procedures and instructions shall include but not be limited to the following:
 Material preparation, cutting, grinding & gouging

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 Fit-up instruction for welds, pipes, flanges, etc.

 General protection requirements on material & equipment during hot work activities
 Welding procedure specifications (WPS), procedure qualification records (PQR) and weld maps
 WPS matrices, to confirm the availability of applicable WPS for the entire scope of work
 Welding control instruction and guidelines (e.g. general or specific welding sequence, welding
consumables control, etc.)
 General lifting, installation and fabrication aid requirements
 Inspection, testing and commissioning procedures and guidelines (including testing of valves
at site, for shutdown applications)
 Non Destructive Testing (NDT)
 Blasting and painting
 Bolt torqueing
 Pipe cleaning instructions and associated diagram indicating injection and draining points
 Health, safety and environment guidelines
All procedures and work instructions shall be prepared in simple and easy language for all
workers to understand and follow. Subcontractor shall also prepare consistent procedures. The
COMPANY may request additional or separate instructions on critical activities that are not
included in the general work instructions. Distribution and revision of these work instructions
shall be controlled to prevent the use of obsolete or superseded instructions.
6.6.3. WPS & PQR
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to establish and control all welding procedures and associated
qualification records for the WORK in accordance with COMPANY technical specifications related
to welding. CONTRACTOR responsibilities shall include but not be limited to the following:
 When CVN impact or hardness testing is required for process reasons, the welding procedure
specification(s) shall be re-qualified fully in accordance with Qatargas specified requirements.
 For all other applications (I.E. when CVN impact or hardness testing is not required)
CONTRACTOR may propose to use previously qualified weld procedures. If so, the same shall
be reviewed and approved by CONTRACTOR and COMPANY prior to fabrication provided that
the original qualification was witnessed by a third party inspector and meets the requirements
of COMPANY technical specifications. The WPS and PQR documentation may also be reviewed
by an authorized 3rd Party Inspector, where applicable.
 New qualification of WPS/ PQR and associated laboratory tests shall be witnessed by
CONTRACTOR and COMPANY representatives. An authorized third party inspector may also
witness the test(s) with or in lieu of COMPANY, where applicable.

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 Upon approval of CONTRACTOR WPS/ PQR by COMPANY, a copy of all WPS/ PQR’s as a
complete set shall be distributed to COMPANY and all CONTRACTOR/ subcontractor
construction sites for reference.
 Supplier/ manufacturer WPS/ PQR qualification shall be witnessed and reviewed by an
authorized third party inspector. The CONTRACTOR shall confirm that all WPS/ PQR
submissions have been approved by the appointed third party inspector prior to submission
 Certifying Society (Or Third Party). To date, the CERTIFYING SOCIETIES (or THIRD PARTIES)
recognized by COMPANY are:


The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to establish and control all Contractor / Subcontractor
welders for the WORK as per COMPANY requirements. (Refer to APPENDIX B - QG – Control of
Welding Procedure). CONTRACTOR responsibilities shall include but not limited to the following:
 All welders shall undergo welder qualification test prior to fabrication and construction. The
test shall be witnessed by CONTRACTOR and COMPANY representatives and/ or a 3rd Party
Inspector as instructed by COMPANY.
 Subcontractor may propose previously qualified welders to CONTRACTOR and COMPANY for
approval of minor structural welding on infrastructure projects only. Approval of previously
qualified welders shall be provided that their qualification was witnessed by a third party
inspection agency. Such proposal shall include the welders’ performance records, approval
certificate (showing continuity of 6 months with the same contractor in accordance with the
requirements of ASME Section IX) and welder identification card.
 CONTRACTOR shall maintain an approved welder list which includes the following details:
 Welder Identification number
 WQR reference
 Material
 Welding positions
 Welder Performance Records

Effective 14 JAN 2019  Minimum Quality Requirements for Third Parties  Rev 01  Page 26 of 47

 Mobilization date, etc.


CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to coordinate with the NDT subcontractor to implement and
control all NDT activities for the WORK as per COMPANY requirements. CONTRACTOR
responsibilities shall include but not limited to the following:
 NDT procedures shall be prepared and reviewed by qualified PCN or ASNT Level III personnel
and approved by COMPANY prior to implementation. NDT procedures shall satisfy
international codes/ standards and COMPANY technical specifications. The procedures shall
also identify the methods for mock-up testing of UT technicians.
 CONTRACTOR shall coordinate RT Procedure Qualification Test during the prequalification of
new NDT subcontractors which shall be witnessed by the COMPANY representative.
 Subcontractor UT technicians shall undergo a mock-up test witnessed by CONTRACTOR and
COMPANY representatives unless otherwise waived by COMPANY. Only UT Technicians
successfully completing the mock-up test will be mobilized for the project.
 COMPANY reserves the right to review NDT subcontractors’ ASNT related written system of
work for qualification and testing of NDT operators and technicians.
 NDT technician qualifications (i.e. certification) shall be provided to COMPANY for review and
approval prior to their mobilization to site. This shall also include operators/ technicians
assigned to perform lamination and/ or thickness tests/ surveys. COMPANY may request to
confirm examination records in accordance with the subcontractors’ written system of work.
 Qualified NDT technicians shall be provided with a site ID card to confirm the validity and scope
of their qualification during on-site activities.


The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to ensure that the subcontractor develops and
implements a project quality system that satisfies the project quality requirements. The project
quality requirements shall be those specified in the contract document. The subcontractor
project quality system shall be documented in a project quality plan (PQP). The PQP shall be
developed with consideration to ISO 10005 guidelines for quality plans. The PQP shall define
how the subcontractor corporate quality system aligns with the project quality requirements.
Subcontractor PQP’s shall be provided to COMPANY for information.
 COMPANY reserves the right to audit the subcontractor, if deemed necessary.
 To ensure implementation of the subcontractor PQP, the CONTRACTOR shall conduct regular
surveillance and monitoring of the subcontractor’s quality activities. The subcontractor shall
also be subject to CONTRACTOR quality audit periodically to ensure quality system
implementation and effectiveness.

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 Procedures shall be established for the control and administration of subcontractors, which
shall include provision for the settlement of disputes regarding quality.


Procedures/ work instructions for controlling changes and approval during fabrication,
construction and installation phases shall be established and implemented. The procedure shall
include but not be limited to: types of changes; level of approving authority; interfaces between
subcontractor/ CONTRACTOR/ COMPANY; format to document changes and; final COMPANY
approval. The control shall also include changes instructed by COMPANY throughout the
engineering, procurement, construction and installation of the WORK.


The CONTRACTOR shall develop and implement a procedure for product identification and
traceability which satisfies the requirements of the COMPANY technical specifications.
It is responsibility of CONTRACTOR to ensure the same requirements are implemented to its
subcontractors and suppliers.
Similarly, identification and traceability control shall be applicable to material, components,
critical consumables and equipment for the development of end products or deliverables.
CONTRACTOR shall ensure all COMPANY supplied items are also subject to this control
throughout the duration of the WORK.
All material, components and equipment shall be fully traceable and identifiable with suitable
documents, drawings, material certificates, etc. These documents shall be made available for
COMPANY inspection and verification at all time during engineering, procurement, construction
and installation phases.
CONTRACTOR shall utilize practical permanent marking or stamping of identification during the
fabrication and installation processes. This marking and stamping shall be placed on the material,
component, and equipment at appropriate locations that are readily visible and accessible.
The procedure for the maintenance of material, components and equipment identification and
traceability shall also include responsibilities for preparation, receipt and compilation of records.


The CONTRACTOR shall prepare procedures and work instructions that detail the methodology
for safe handling of material/ equipment that prevents damage or deterioration. The procedure
shall also consider material/ equipment that are supplied directly by COMPANY.

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Procedures and work instructions shall detail the requirements for: storage; types of storage;
systems for release from storage; shelf life; methods for periodically checking the condition of
stored material; methods for periodically turning rotating equipment etc.
Material handling and storage procedures shall be distributed to the end users, which shall
include CONTRACTOR and subcontractor personnel.
CONTRACTOR shall prepare or have prepared a material protection program and simple work
instructions for the protection of COMPANY and CONTRACTOR supplied materials.
Material protection shall be extended from receipt to delivery of the final product to
CONTRACTOR. Material protection requirements shall be fully implemented by both
CONTRACTOR as well as sub-contractors’ personnel.


The CONTRACTOR shall develop and implement a procedure to define the methodology for
coordination and execution of inspection and testing activities. The procedure shall cover roles
and responsibilities, inspection notification, reference material, inspector qualifications,
inspection status and records etc.


CONTRACTOR shall develop Field Inspection Check Lists (FICs) or Inspection Test Record (ITR)
templates which shall be submitted with the respective ITP for COMPANY review.
The FIC or ITR shall be completed by CONTRACTOR to demonstrate satisfactory completion of:

 All installation inspections/checks (CONTRACTOR and COMPANY interventions).

 All testing, including recording of results.
 All Pre-Commissioning checks and tests.
 The CONTRACTOR shall submit signed, completed original hard copy of the FICs/ITRs to the
COMPANY QC Focal Point within two [2] days of the Inspection/test activity.

CONTRACTOR shall prepare Site system test packs including index, defined test limits and
template test checklists.
CONTRACTOR shall progressively compile the test pack documentation as part of the execution
of the Work on Site, and submit the original completed system test pack to the COMPANY
immediately on completion.
The CONTRACTOR shall include copies of all completed test packs in the Quality Control dossier.

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In addition to compilation of test packs, CONTRACTOR shall progressively compile, endorse and
review all quality records to verify compliance throughout the execution of the Work, and shall
make the progressively compiled Final Data Dossier (I.E. the FRB) available for periodic review
and verification by COMPANY, as required.
Contractor shall develop a Mechanical Acceptance Plan (MAP) detailing the number and scope
of Mechanical Acceptance Certificates (MAC’s) required for the project. The project-specific MAC
handover strategy shall be defined, and CONTRACTOR shall develop an effective MAC tracking
system to ensure complete and efficient handover. The MAP shall also define the process to
ensure all applicable ITR’s have been signed off prior signing MAC.
Inspection notifications or requests for inspection (RFI) shall be issued for all Hold (H) and Witness
(W) points.
The inspection procedure shall specify the types of records prepared to verify the conformance
of the materials/ equipment and that the required inspections and tests have been fulfilled.
Responsibility shall be assigned in the procedures for preparation of records and the methods for
indexing, filing and retention of records.
The CONTRACTOR shall provide a summary of the following days’ inspections on a daily basis.
This daily inspection summary sheet shall detail all of the anticipated inspection and surveillance
activities in accordance with the project approved ITP’s. The daily inspection summary shall be
provided to COMPANY before 3pm during every working day.


CONTRACTOR shall prepare Inspection and Test Plans (ITP’s) for the manufacture, fabrication,
assembly and/or installation of each type of equipment and/or key processes which are
associated with the execution of the Work.
The ITPs shall be submitted to COMPANY for review and/or approval in accordance with
requirements of this contract, and in line with the CONTRACTOR’s approved documents
deliverable matrix prior to commencement of Work.
No fabrication/manufacture/construction/installation work shall commence until the applicable
ITP is reviewed and/or approved by COMPANY.
CONTRACTOR ITPs shall detail the manufacture, fabrication, and assembly and/or installation
process in logical numbered steps from start to finish and shall typically include:

 Descriptions of the respective work steps in sequence of

 Process procedure reference, code or standard.
 Acceptance criteria, specification requirements/tolerances etc.

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 Authorities for acceptance/release of material/ equipment

 Verifying document/report/certificate/record that will be produced.
 All review / surveillance/inspection/testing/verification activities specified in the Scope of
 Witness and Hold points which will be subject to COMPANY inspection.

Where applicable, CONTRACTOR shall maintain the status of testing and inspection by
progressively having the ITPs signed off by their nominated signatory authorities, and the
COMPANY at the applicable ITP intervention points.
Refer to [ATTACHMENT 3] for a typical ITP format as a sample. .
CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all Sub-Contractors/Sub-Suppliers conform to the same ITP
requirements as identified above.
Subcontractors shall prepare procedures to control and execute inspection activities with
consideration to CONTRACTOR and COMPANY. The procedure(s) shall be consistent with the
CONTRACTOR procedure and PQP.
The Inspection and Test Plans shall be segregated into various work disciplines and adequate
inspection types or details are specified to ensure consistent requirements throughout the
The inspection scope of the WORK shall include receipt, in-process and final inspection of all
CONTRACTOR, subcontractor and COMPANY material, equipment or products.
All inspection personnel involved in execution of the ITP shall be properly trained and qualified.
The approved inspection procedures and ITP shall be extended to CONTRACTOR, subcontractor
The CONTRACTOR is responsible to conduct ITP briefing/ training for subcontractor personnel to
ensure understanding of inspection points and requirements.
The inspection procedures, formats and ITPs shall be submitted to the COMPANY for review and
approval prior to commencement of inspection activities, and iin line with the deliverable
submittal schedule defined in Exhibit G.


An Inspection Notice, or Request For Inspection (RFI) shall be issued to the COMPANY at least
twenty-four [24] hours from the actual inspection date of any major inspection and testing
activities as required by the approved ITP. The RFI format shall be approved by COMPANY.
Inspection notifications or RFI’s shall be numbered sequentially depending on project and
discipline. Duplicate notification numbers shall not be permitted.

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All relevant documents associated with the inspection shall be attached to the inspection
notification or RFI. The documents may include drawings, data sheets, procedures or technical
specifications etc. Attached documentations shall be wet-ink stamped to indicate that it is the
latest revision of the document (at the time of the inspection).
Under exceptional circumstances, an inspection may be accepted by COMPANY, subject to
certain conditions being met (I.E. the RFI is accepted with comments). In such cases,
CONTRACTOR shall implement a program to track and monitor the close-out of comments, to
ensure satisfactory close-out. A new inspection notification shall be issued in order to close-out
the comments once they have been adequately addressed by the CONTRACTOR.
The requirements for receipt inspection, in-process inspection and final inspection as well as
preparation of inspection records shall be fully extended to all subcontractors and the material/
equipment fabricated or installed by them.


The CONTRACTOR shall develop and implement a receipt inspection procedure to define the
methodology and associated roles and responsibilities for incoming material and equipment
purchased by CONTRACTOR or COMPANY. The procedure shall consider the provision of sample
NDT to confirm the suitability of material condition.
The procedure shall contain process flow chart, personnel responsibilities, checklist or formats
to define further receipt inspection activities.
Equipment or materials that are not inspected at receipt shall not be issued to fabrication and
rejected items shall be segregated and subject to non-conformance report.
The CONTRACTOR shall have the responsibility to verify that COMPANY free-issue material from
stock satisfies the project quality requirements. Any material/ equipment not conforming to the
project quality requirements shall be subject to non-conformance handling.
Due to schedule needs, CONTRACTOR may implement a COMPANY approved positive recall
process to issue material/ equipment where there is supporting documentation missing. The
material/ equipment shall be fitted/ installed based on the fact that the associated
documentation shall follow at a later stage prior to commissioning.
The CONTRACTOR’s positive recall procedure shall comply with the following criteria:

 Material/ equipment is clearly tagged/ marked and installation locations are identified in
applicable drawings.
 The CONTRACTOR shall be able to remove all material/ equipment installed when required.

Effective 14 JAN 2019  Minimum Quality Requirements for Third Parties  Rev 01  Page 32 of 47

 Prior to release, the CONTRACTOR shall obtain COMPANY’s written approval and such
approval does not relieve CONTRACTOR of the responsibility for complying with the contract
 CONTRACTOR shall prepare a report containing list and status of positive recall system
material & equipment released for production. The report shall be submitted to COMPANY on
a weekly basis for information.


The CONTRACTOR shall develop a procedure to define the methodology and associated roles and
responsibilities for positive material identification (PMI). The procedure shall satisfy the
COMPANY technical specification requirements. A copy of the procedure shall be provided by
the CONTRACTOR for COMPANY approval within thirty [30] days of contract approval.
In order to prevent the installation of incorrect materials, CONTRACTOR shall ensure that his sub-
contractors adopt a PMI program in accordance with the CONTRACTOR procedure.
The PMI program shall be applied to all metallic alloy-based materials and welds. Carbon steels
are excluded from this requirement.
The CONTRACTOR shall notify COMPANY of any COMPANY purchased materials which have not
undergone PMI as required by the equipment specification and CONTRACTOR.
Any materials found with a chemical composition which does not adhere to the requirements of
the relevant material specification shall be subject to non-conformance control.


The CONTRACTOR’s inspection coordination procedure shall provide define the process to ensure
progressive recording of QC traceability data for all in-process inspections. Such records will
include details of the inspection test record (ITR) reference, inspection date, result, remarks,
CONTRACTOR and COMPANY review and approval etc.


Final inspection and testing shall be included in the inspection coordination procedure. Final
inspection shall ensure that all preceding required inspections and tests have been completed
satisfactorily, and that the material/ equipment is fit-for-purpose, with no outstanding non-
conformances. The procedure shall also ensure that all necessary quality records has been
prepared and approved by the authorized CONTRACTOR and COMPANY representatives.
CONTRACTOR shall forward to COMPANY within an agreed period of construction CONTRACT
award, the proposed index for QC/ inspection records and the methods to be used in compiling
the QC catalogues.

Effective 14 JAN 2019  Minimum Quality Requirements for Third Parties  Rev 01  Page 33 of 47

The procedure shall ensure that any item is placed on hold, pending the resolution of any
outstanding testing and inspection results.
Authorized COMPANY representative(s) shall conduct final inspection and release of material/
equipment for further handling such as construction or installation


The CONTRACTOR shall develop and implement a procedure to control all CONTRACTOR and
subcontractor control and calibration of measuring and test equipment. The procedure shall
define the calibration frequency of each type of equipment and the process for conducting the
calibration activity.
As a minimum, the procedure shall establish instructions and guidelines on equipment control
parameters, applicable testing and calibration, incoming inspection, preventive maintenance
schedule, equipment tagging and identification, storage and validity periods. Documentation for
the above shall be made available for verification upon request.
Inspection, measuring and test equipment shall include but not limited to: survey tools;
measuring equipment or tools; jigs; gauges; computerized equipment; etc.



The CONTRACTOR shall provide detailed weekly and monthly quality performance reports
detailing the status of: QMS activities, project quality activities, verification activities, areas of
concern etc.
The CONTRACTOR shall host a monthly quality meeting with COMPANY QA/QC Team to discuss
and review the status of quality activities.


COMPANY reserves the right to conduct periodic QA evaluations of CONTRACTOR, in addition to
the annual QA audits and regular quality surveillance programs. Typically, COMPANY will
evaluate CONTRACTOR’s quality performance on a quarterly basis. The evaluation will involve an
assessment of various quality statistics and QMS elements to gauge the level of CONTRACTOR’s
compliance with contractual quality requirements, using an established questionnaire format.
The report will be communicated to CONTRACTOR for information, and further action, as

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7.3. Key Performance Indicator’s (KPI)

The CONTRACTOR shall develop and implement quality KPI’s throughout the contract duration.
The objective is to gauge the implementation effectiveness of the CONTRACTOR’s quality
processes for the scope of WORK.
The KPI’s shall be consistent with the project quality objectives, practical and specific according
to the development phase.
The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to develop the KPI’s and monitor their status against the
assigned target values. The KPI’s shall be provided to COMPANY for information on a monthly
basis. Reports shall be provided to COMPANY detailing any improvement actions taking place if
the KPI’s are not meeting the targets.
Quality KPI’s shall include but not be limited to the following:
S/N Indicator Target
1 RFI rejection and cancellation rate ≤2% (monthly) LAG
2 Incoming material/ equipment reject rate ≤2% (monthly) LAG
Weld repair rate
i) For structural, weld repair rate shall be shown as a
percentage of total linear welds.
3 ≤2% (monthly) LAG
ii) For piping, weld repair rate shall be a percentage
of the no. of Welds Rejected / total no. of Welds
Tested (2% Max.)
4 Welder repair rate ≤3% (monthly) LAG
Number of rejected weld fit-up inspections versus total
5 ≤3% (monthly) LAG
6 NDT backlog (planned vs. performed) ≤2% (monthly) LAG
7 Quality audits and surveillance executed as per approved plan LEAD
8 Number of NCRs issued by Qatargas 0 (monthly) LAG
Disposition approval for corrective action requests (CAR) and
non-conformance reports (NCR) within fourteen [14] days. 100%
[for all NCRs & CARs, i.e. those issued by COMPANY, CONTRACTOR, Sub- (monthly)
contractor, Vendor, etc.].
Final close-out of NCR’s and CAR’s within the assigned cost and 100%
10 time estimation. [for all NCRs & CARs, i.e. those issued by COMPANY, LAG
CONTRACTOR, Sub-contractor, Vendor, etc.].
Number of QG-issued NCRs classified as ‘Very High’ Quality
11 Risk Severity (i.e. the ratio of ‘very high’ quality risk NCRs vs Zero LAG
total number of NCRs)

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Number of QG-issued NCRs classified as ‘High’ Quality Risk

12 Severity (i.e. the ratio of ‘high’ quality risk NCRs vs total ≥50% LAG
number of NCRs)
QMS training implementation (induction training - planned vs. 100%
actual, as per approved schedule) (monthly)
% of overdue deliverables (planned vs actual)
14 ≤5% (monthly) LAG
[ref. approved EMDR]
% of deliverables requiring more than 2 review cycles, prior to
15 ≤2% (monthly) LAG
IFC [ref. approved EMDR]
% implementation of planned Engineering QA surveillance 100%
evaluations (planned vs. actual, as per approved plan) (monthly)
% of additional design deliverables versus initial, approved
17 ≤5% (monthly) LAG
Implementation of the engineering deliverables checking
18 (i.e. % implementation of IDC/squad check procedure (number LEAD
of deliverables transmitted to COMPANY, for which internal
IDC has been completed, as applicable)
Table 3 – Quality KPIs / Contract Level KPIs
S/N Indicator Target
ENGINEERING CONSULTANT KPIs – reported monthly to EPC contractor
No. of overdue deliverables (no. submitted to EPC Contractor
1 vs. total no. scheduled for submittal ≤2% (monthly) LAG
[ref. Approved EMDR]
% of deliverables requiring more than 2 review cycles, prior to
2 ≤2% (monthly) LAG
IFC [ref. approved EMDR]
Table 4 – Quality KPIs / Engineering Consultant’s KPIs
COMPANY shall review & approve CONTRACTOR’s quality KPI’s prior to implementation.


The CONTRACTOR shall develop and establish an internal quality audit procedure and
requirements to assess the implementation and adherence to the CONTRACTOR quality
management system throughout the duration of the contract.
Internal quality audits shall be conducted at planned intervals and/ or to coincide with key
development phase activities. The audit schedule containing information on QMS elements to be
audited and applicable audit dates shall be submitted to COMPANY for review and approval 30
days upon contract award. A revised schedule shall be provided to COMPANY on an annual basis

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As a minimum, all QMS elements are to be audited by CONTRACTOR appointed qualified or

certified Lead Assessor at a frequency of one [1] time per annum per development phase.
The audit scope shall also include major subcontractors and suppliers involved in this scope of
The COMPANY reserves the right to increase the internal quality audit frequency without any
justification and at no additional cost.
The COMPANY reserves the right to conduct a pre-execution audit on CONTRACTOR prior to the
start of the intended work. This requirement may be imposed to SUBCONTRACTOR and supplier
involved with the WORK at the discretion of the COMPANY.
To support the internal quality audit program, the CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY the
following documents:
Document Type Submission Timing
1. Internal quality audit charter consisting of audit 2 weeks before actual audit date
objectives, scope, auditors name, detail schedule, type of
audit findings and report format.
2. CONTRACTOR internal quality audit checklist 1 week before actual audit date
3. Corrective action log Weekly basis
The COMPANY reserves the right to participate in CONTRACTOR internal quality audits as an
observer or auditor to ensure audit activities are conducted as per COMPANY’s expectations.
The COMPANY shall also have the right to conduct external audits on the CONTRACTOR to assess
compliance to the contract requirements with 2 weeks prior notice. An independent party may
be appointed to conduct the external quality audit on behalf of the COMPANY.


The CONTRACTOR shall develop and implement a procedure to define the methodology and
associated roles and responsibilities for control of product and quality process related non-
The CONTRACTOR shall address the non-conformance of product and quality process separately
to ensure an effective close-out cycle. Normally, product non-conformances are reported in a
non-conformance report (NCR) and quality process non-conformances in a corrective action
request (CAR).
The procedure shall include a format to document non-conformance. The format shall consist of
information such as description of non-conformance, originator, material/ equipment criticality
rating, root cause(s), correction and corrective action(s), parties responsible to conduct remedial
works and close-out the issue etc.

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All non-conformances issued shall be logged and tracked using an appropriate register that is
updated accordingly on weekly basis. A copy of NCR and CAR tracking lists shall be submitted to
COMPANY on a monthly basis.
The CONTRACTOR shall submit a copy of the NCR/ CAR to COMPANY within twenty-four [24]
hours from the time of a non-conformance being detected and reported. Root Cause Failure
Analysis (RCFA) shall be conducted in accordance with section 7.6.
All NCR/ CAR disposition, correction and corrective action proposals shall be submitted to
COMPANY for review and approval within two [2] weeks from the date of issue. The NCR/ CAR
shall be closed-out before the agreed date of action implementation.
The CONTRACTOR shall also analyze and study non-conformance for trends or patterns of root
cause on a quarterly basis. From the analysis, the CONTRACTOR shall propose to their
management and COMPANY, suggested initiatives to improve its QMS to prevent recurrence of
issues of the same nature.
Any product which does not conform to the specified requirements shall not be accepted, used
or supplied until the condition of non-conformity has been evaluated and the disposition been
agreed by COMPANY.
Non-conforming product(s) shall be distinctly identified and segregated from the normal
production work to prevent inadvertent use.
Disposition of non-conforming product shall be in accordance with one of the following:
 Rework to meet the specified requirements, or
 Accept with or without repair by concession, or
 Re-grade for alternative applications, or
 Reject and scrap or replace.

The CONTRACTOR may request in writing for a deviation/ concession with justification if it is
necessary to accept and use the non-conforming product as-is. COMPANY format for deviation/
concession requests shall be utilized. COMPANY reserves the right to reject the deviation/
concession requests without any justification and such decision shall be final.
The approval of deviation/ concession requests shall not constitute precedence for acceptance
of lower standards either in principle or for similar components and similar non-conformance.


The CONTRACTOR shall correct all poor workmanship and defective work to the meet the job
specification as well as to the satisfaction of the COMPANY. Product quality/ workmanship shall
be consistent with prudent engineering practices.

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The CONTRACTOR shall proactively monitor the status of quality processes and actively identify
potential system non-conformances’ to implement actions to prevent such events.
The CONTRACTOR shall establish procedures for identifying and addressing suitable corrective
and preventive actions. Corrective actions refer to actions taken to eliminate the root cause of
non-conforming product or process and preventive actions refer to actions taken to prevent
potential system nonconformities.
Root cause failure analysis (RCFA) shall be conducted as a result of all product and quality process
related deficiencies. RCFA shall be conducted at the soonest opportunity, following identification
of the non-conformity. The CONTRACTOR may adopt any method of RCFA however the result
shall be documented. The result shall clearly mention the reason for the non-conformance and
the proposed correction and corrective actions required. CONTRACTOR shall extend an invitation
to attend RCFA sessions to COMPANY.
The corrective action procedure shall address COMPANY complaints.
CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all NCRs and CARs are captured in an applicable lessons learnt
database, for consideration during continuous improvement activities.


The CONTRACTOR shall develop and implement a continuous improvement review or study on
their QMS. The continuous improvement review/ study may be conducted by using quality data
such as audit findings, CAR/ NCR trends, KPIs, management review results etc. The frequency of
these reviews shall be quarterly or as agreed by COMPANY.
The output of this review shall list improvements on CONTRACTOR QMS to enhance compliance
with COMPANY requirements and improve COMPANY satisfaction.
The CONTRACTOR shall properly document the above reviews and shall be provided to
COMPANY for information.


CONTRACTOR shall implement and maintain a quality rewards and recognition program, from the start
of construction Work until the Project Completion Date; with the intent of encouraging consistent
CONTRACTOR and his Subcontractor workers quality performance during construction (e.g. number of
pipe joints / dia. inches welded without a repair, tie-in(s) executed successfully, pressure tests
completed without leakage, or other quality indicators).

CONTRACTOR shall submit the plan detailing the rewards and recognition program to COMPANY for
review and Approval, prior to starting construction. The quality rewards and recognition program shall
at minimum entail the recognition of and issuance of certificates and gift items to qualifying Project

Effective 14 JAN 2019  Minimum Quality Requirements for Third Parties  Rev 01  Page 39 of 47

CONTRACTOR’s quality rewards and recognition program will be reviewed periodically at COMPANY’s
discretion, to ensure that quality KPIs are maintained, and to identify whether changes or modifications
are required to improve the effectiveness of the program. CONTRACTOR’s quality performance rewards
shall be awarded only to workers who qualify by meeting pre-defined quality performance targets set
out in the aforementioned plan.

CONTRACTOR shall communicate details of the Approved quality rewards and recognition program to all
Project supervision for cascading to the workers, in order for workers to understand the targets, the
reward qualification criteria, and how worker performance is measured. The value, nature and
administration of rewards shall be as Approved by COMPANY.

CONTRACTOR shall include all costs associated with the quality rewards and recognition program costs
under Provisional Sum.




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30 Days
Document Contract Monthly Weekly Others
Project Quality Plan 
Quality procedures 
Codes and standards list 
PQP-related work instructions & guidelines 
QA/QC proposed personnel 
Training plan  Annually after 1st submission

Audit schedule 
Inspection and test plan Prior to commencement of work activities.

Quality audit report Within 2 weeks after actual audit date

Management review minutes Every 12 months

KPI Status 
Approved welder list 
Positive recall list 
Non-conformance report (NCR) 24 hours after detection and issue of the
first issue report
Non-conformance report (NCR)
Within 14 days of NCR issue
disposition proposal
Corrective action request (CAR) 24 hours after detection and issue of the
first issue report
Corrective action request (CAR)
Within 14 days of CAR issue
disposition proposal
NCR/ CAR log 
Source inspection/ expediting report Within 72 hours of the inspection visit

Quality performance report  

Monthly QA/QC meeting minutes 
After MAC, and within the time period
QA/QC final data dossier
specified in the contract.
Note:  Denotes documents to be submitted to COMPANY for review and approval.
 Denotes documents to be submitted to COMPANY for review and information only

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Material / Equipment Descriptions:

Material / Equipment Tag No: Material / Equipment Requisition No:

Criticality Elements Rating Base
1- Health, Safety and Environmental / Service Conditions:

Would failure during commissioning, start-up and/or operation (considering the service condition) , jeopardize health and safety of personnel,
and/or have an impact on the Environment?

 Fatalities / serious health and safety risk to personnel, and/or the public, and/or
 Environmental impact, with a high potential for coverage / spread beyond the site / public
boundary 4
 Service characteristics present a High Hazard as a consequence of high toxicity levels,
temperature, pressure, or a combination of.
 Medium to high potential for significant health and safety risk to personnel, with limited impact
on the public, and/or
 Environmental impact, with a medium potential for coverage / spread beyond the plant, up to site
/ public boundary, with limited impact on the public.
 Service characteristics present a Medium Hazard as a consequence of moderate toxicity levels,
temperature, pressure, or a combination of.
 low potential / limited health and safety risk to personnel requiring medical treatment , with No
impact on the public, and/or
 Environmental impact limited to the immediate and adjacent locations within the plant, and No
impact on the public.
 Service characteristics present Low Hazard as a consequence of low toxicity levels, temperature,
pressure, or a combination of.
 No significant health and safety risk to personnel, with No impact on the public, and/or
 Environmental impact restricted to the immediate location, and No impact on the public. 1
 Service conditions are innocuous (i.e. not harmful or offensive).

2- New & Complicated Technology:

Is there any level of new and/or complicated technology which requires special engineering or inspection follow-up?

 New/not proven/one of its kind. Technology or multidiscipline design technology. 4

 Multidiscipline design and "made to order" or single discipline design, but new technology. 3
 Single discipline design, available design/operation experience. 2
 Qatargas -wide usage or 'Mass Production'. 1

3- Manufacturing Complexity:

What is the level of complexity of the manufacturing process?

 Large number of complex processes involved. 4

 A significant number of complex processes required. 3
 A few complex processes are required. 2
 A number of simple processes are required. 1

4- Equipment / Material Cost & Schedule:

What influence would the manufacturing cost and/or lead time of the equipment and/or material have on the overall project cost and

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Material / Equipment Descriptions:

Material / Equipment Tag No: Material / Equipment Requisition No:

Criticality Elements Rating Base
 Schedule dependent, and/or high cost. 4

 Schedule dependent and medium cost, or conversely, non-schedule dependent and high cost. 3

 Non-schedule dependent and medium cost, or conversely, schedule dependent and low cost. 2

 Non-schedule dependent and low cost. 1

5- Operation Critical and / or Accessibility or Complexity of Repair:

What impact would equipment failure have on plant operation?

 Major shutdown of equipment or systems is required in order to allow repair, or replacement. 4

 Shutdown of equipment would be required for repair, or replacement. Major disruption. 3
 Difficult to access and/or special tools required to repair, or replace. 2

 Routine procedure to repair, or replace. Minor disruption. 1

6- Financial Impact due to Failure:

What would be the financial impact (loss of production) to plant operation in the event of equipment failure?

 Total loss of service and extreme cost implications (> $10 million). 4
 Significant service downgrade with associated significant cost implications ($1million to $10
 Limited service downgrade with limited cost implications ($100K to $1million). 2
 Negligible inconvenience/disruption and/or cost implications (< $100K). 1

Category Numerical Rating Definition Inspection Levels

Failure would result in immediate danger to life, the
High environment and significant loss of revenue and assets.
A ≥ 18 Level I – Resident Full Time.
Criticality Non-performance would result in critical project
Failure could lead to dangerous situations relating to
health, the environment, or property. Non-
performance would have some impact on project Level II – Regular Weekly Visits plus attend all ITP
B 13-17 schedule. witness / hold points, final inspection and quality
However, due to implementation of incentives (i.e. release for shipment.
premium costs / actions, etc.), schedule will be
Allowed to remain temporarily ‘out of service’, without
Low serious detriment to operations. Level III – Selected “in progress” Surveillance /
C 7-12
Criticality Non-performance would have little impact on project Review / Inspect/Test.
Allowed to remain temporarily ‘out of service’ with no
Little influence on operations.
D ≤6 Level IV – Final or Receiving inspection.
Criticality Non-performance would have no impact on project
Justification for amending or
changing category/inspection
Assessment Team Name Signature Date

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Material / Equipment Descriptions:

Material / Equipment Tag No: Material / Equipment Requisition No:

Criticality Elements Rating Base
Prepared by:
(Discipline Engineer)
Prepared by:
Prepared by:
Reviewed by:
Approved by:
(Project Manager/Project

Effective 14 JAN 2019  Minimum Quality Requirements for Third Parties  Rev 01  Page 44 of 47


Project Title: Project Owner: Revision:
Page: Of
Contractor/Subcontractor/ Location: Contract/PO No:

Work scope: Discipline:

Activity No. Activity Descriptions Control Acceptance Inspection Points & Inspection Remarks
Procedure Criteria Responsible Party Documents

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Owner Approval:

(Signature) (Signature) (Signature) (Signature)

Date Name Date Name Date Name Date Name
Legend: S – Subcontractor C - Contractor T - TPI O – Owner/Client/COMPANY

Intervention Definition Description

Prior notification of the ITP ‘Hold’ points (H) shall be provided.
Manufacturing or construction shall not progress until the ITP ‘hold’
H Hold point has been verified through attendance at the activity, and
verification of all applicable inspection and test records unless
COMPANY formally approves to waive the physical attendance.
Prior notification of the ITP ‘witness’ points (W) shall be provided, and
all applicable inspection and test records shall be made available for
review. Where Witness intervention is specified for Qatargas, the
W Witness Quality team shall make every effort to attend the notified inspection
activity. However, attendance is not mandatory, Manufacturing or
construction may proceed without physical attendance provided that
adequate justification is provided.
The ITP ‘surveillance’ items shall be monitored throughout
manufacturing or construction, to provide verification of compliance
with the applicable specifications. Sufficient records shall be maintained
S Surveillance
by the Quality team, to demonstrate surveillance implementation. Refer
to the PED QC Requirements for Projects procedure [ref. P50-X07-
002.000] for further details of the quality surveillance program.
For ITP ‘review’ items, Compliance shall be verified through verification
R Review of the applicable Inspection and Test Records after completion of the
inspection activity.
For ITP items designated ‘surveillance and review’, the activity may be
Surveillance physically attended, during surveillance. However, actual compliance
AND Review shall be verified during review of the applicable Inspection and Test

Effective 14 JAN 2019  Minimum Quality Requirements for Third Parties  Rev 01  Page 45 of 47


The List of Operating Procedures / Method Statements/Work Instructions and other Quality Assurance
/ Quality Control related documents to be submitted at appropriate stages of work, as a minimum, as
applicable, but not limited to, are:


Documents To Be Submitted for Verification And Approval Note

1 ‘Approved for Construction’ Drawings and Material Take-off
2 Fabrication Inspection Procedure
3 Material Control Procedure.
4 Welding Control Procedure.
5 Welding Consumable Control Procedure.
6 Pressure Testing Procedure
7 Welding Procedure Specifications (WPSs) & Procedure Qualifications Record’s (PQRs).
8 Welder Performance Qualification Records (WPQs).
9 Weld Repair Procedures / Repair Procedures for Buried Piping
10 Hot Tapping Procedures (if applicable)
11 Method statement of joining and Installation for Non Metallic piping (GRP)
12 Bonders Qualification Records for GRP piping
13 Repair Procedures for buried piping (if applicable)
14 NDT Operating Procedures for testing methods of VT, PT, MT, RT, UT, LT, etc.

15 Written Practice for control & administration of NDT personnel training, examination and
16 NDT Personnel Qualification Certificates with Visual Examination Records of Personnel
17 Material Inspection Reports with Mill Test Certificates for the base materials.
18 Weld Maps with Weld Summary, Welding Reports, NDE reports with NDE Maps
19 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) & Hardness Procedure , Material certificates for Thermocouples
20 CVs and experience certificates of PWHT personnel.
21 Calibration records of Welding & PWHT Machines, Testing and Inspection Instruments.
22 Surface Preparation and Painting Procedure along with coating schedule and products
23 Painting Inspection Reports

Effective 14 JAN 2019  Minimum Quality Requirements for Third Parties  Rev 01  Page 46 of 47

24 Pickling and Passivation Procedure

25 Lifting equipment certificates and approval
26 Test Pack that includes Isometric drawings with Test Limits, Weld summary table, Punch Lists.
27 PWHT charts and Hardness Reports.
28 Punch List (If applicable)
29 Pressure / Temperature Control Chart
30 Pressure Testing Report and water analysis certificate for SS/DSS material.
31 ‘As-built’ Drawings.
32 FAT / SAT Procedures
33 IRC
34 Construction / Installation MS
35 Final Dimensional Inspection & other NDT Reports.
36 Radiography films
37 Batch Test Certificates of welding consumables
38 Final dossier

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