Entuity Report Managing

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Entuity® 15.5
Entuity Managing Reports

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is available through its web UI.

1 Manage Entuity Reports

Accessing Reports from the Web Interface ............................................................10
Reporting Access Rights ....................................................................................11
Entuity Reports and Perspectives ..........................................................................11
Listing of Reports................................................................................................12

2 Run Reports
Reporting On Demand ............................................................................................16
Schedule Reports Overview ...................................................................................17
Report Schedule Definition ................................................................................18
Using Report Options .............................................................................................21
Saving Report Options .......................................................................................21
Running Reports Using Saved Report Options .................................................22
Scheduling Reports ................................................................................................23
Scheduling Reports Using Report Options........................................................23
Viewing All Scheduled Report Jobs...................................................................25
Viewing Scheduled Report History ....................................................................26

3 Report Builder
Report Builder Process Overview ...........................................................................27
Report Builder Templates .......................................................................................28
Template Name and Header Details..................................................................28
Report and Advanced Options...........................................................................29
Save, Preview and Publish Templates ...............................................................31
Time Series Chart Template...............................................................................31
Inventory Table Template...................................................................................33
Multiple Chart and Table Template ....................................................................36
Time Series Table Template...............................................................................38
Composite Report Template ..............................................................................39
Defining a Composite Report.............................................................................39
Define Data Sets for Reports ..................................................................................41
Drop Box.............................................................................................................41
Find Attributes ....................................................................................................42
Define Attributes .................................................................................................44
Example Single Chart Report .................................................................................49
Example Single Table Report .................................................................................51

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 3


4 Flex Reports
Information Access .................................................................................................55
Formatting and Design ...........................................................................................55
Report Viewing ........................................................................................................55

5 View and Run Flex Reports

View Generated Flex Reports .................................................................................57
Third Party Tools Required to View Flex Reports ..............................................57
Viewing Flex Reports..........................................................................................57
Viewing Flex Reports From Component Viewer ................................................58
Flex Reports On Demand .......................................................................................59
Running Flex Reports .........................................................................................59
Running Flex Reports From Component Viewer ...............................................60
Canceling Flex Reports Generation ...................................................................60
Reporting On Demand Considerations..............................................................61
Regenerating Flex Reports .....................................................................................62

6 Configure Flex Reports

When, And For What Period, Do Reports Run? .....................................................64
On Demand Reporting .......................................................................................64
Flex Reports and Managed Data ............................................................................65
Reporting Considerations .......................................................................................66
Flex Reports Styles .................................................................................................66
Flex Reports Guided Forms ...............................................................................67
Common Flex Reports Elements ............................................................................67
Flex Reports Definition Details ...........................................................................68
Flex Reports Header Fields................................................................................68
Flex Reports Views .............................................................................................68
Flex Reports Configuration Fields......................................................................68
Flex Reports Output Format...............................................................................69
Flex Reports Prime Time ....................................................................................69
Flex Reports Reporting Period ...........................................................................69
Flex Reports Data Selection ...............................................................................69
Flex Reports Filters .................................................................................................70
Pre-Selecting Report Objects.............................................................................71
Create Flex Reports ................................................................................................72
Using Report Definitions Outside of Entuity ...........................................................72

7 Configuring Inventory Flex Reports

Inventory Flex Reports ............................................................................................73

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 4


Creating a Simple Inventory Flex Reports .........................................................73

Example Simple Inventory Flex Reports ............................................................73

8 Configuring TopN Flex Reports

Flex Reports Sort Criteria ........................................................................................78
Creating TopN Flex Reports ...................................................................................78
Creating a Simple TopN Flex Reports ...............................................................78
Example Simple TopN Flex Reports ..................................................................79

9 Configuring Graph Flex Reports

Creating Graph Flex Reports ..................................................................................84
Creating a Simple Graph Flex Reports ..............................................................84
Example Simple Graph Flex Reports .................................................................85
Example Advanced Graph Flex Reports............................................................87

10 Amending Flex Reports Configuration

Amending Flex Reports from Component Viewer ..................................................92
Flex Report Definition Parameters ..........................................................................94
Using Report Schedules .........................................................................................96
Assigning Report Schedules..............................................................................96
Defining Report Schedules ................................................................................96

11 Using Flex Reports Definitions

Using the Report Definition as a URL .....................................................................99
Copying Flex Reports URLs .............................................................................100
Using the Report Definition from the Command Line ..........................................101
Additional Report Definition Parameters ..............................................................103
Report Definition Security .....................................................................................105

12 Advanced Flex Reports

User Defined Attributes and Expressions .............................................................106
Building Expressions ............................................................................................106
Switching on Expression Builder .....................................................................106
Using Expression Builder .................................................................................107
Attribute Data Types .........................................................................................109
Reporting on Attributes from Multiple Database Tables ......................................111
Converting Data Formats ......................................................................................114
Combining Database Tables and Defining Table Sort Order ..............................117
Table Column Renaming and Reordering ...........................................................119

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 5


13 Delete Flex Reports

Deleting Generated Flex Reports .........................................................................123
Delete Flex Reports Files and Objects .................................................................124

Glossary .....................................................................................................................126

Index ..........................................................................................................................154

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 6


Figure 1 Report Categories .............................................................11

Figure 2 Viewing Report Categories ...............................................16
Figure 3 Device Latency Report ......................................................17
Figure 4 Viewing Report Types .......................................................18
Figure 5 Report Schedule ...............................................................19
Figure 6 Report Parameters ............................................................19
Figure 7 Report Email Parameters ..................................................20
Figure 8 Reports with Saved Report Options .................................22
Figure 9 Generated Report .............................................................23
Figure 10 Scheduled Report Parameters .........................................24
Figure 11 Scheduled Report Schedule .............................................24
Figure 12 Scheduled Report Email ...................................................25
Figure 13 All Report Schedules ........................................................25
Figure 14 Report Schedules for a Report .........................................26
Figure 15 Scheduled Report History .................................................26
Figure 16 Report Builder and Drop Box ...........................................27
Figure 17 Report Options ..................................................................30
Figure 18 Single Chart Template ......................................................33
Figure 19 Single Table Template ......................................................34
Figure 20 Multi Chart Template .........................................................37
Figure 21 Composite Report .............................................................40
Figure 22 Find Attributes ...................................................................43
Figure 23 Find Attributes ...................................................................43
Figure 24 Show Advanced Options Define Attribute ........................44
Figure 25 Data Dictionary ..................................................................45
Figure 26 Property Fields ..................................................................46
Figure 27 Parameter Property ...........................................................48
Figure 28 Define an Underline ..........................................................49
Figure 29 Setting Aggregate Attributes .............................................50
Figure 30 Preview Chart Reports ......................................................51
Figure 31 Report Builder Context Menu ...........................................52
Figure 32 Report Builder - Single Chart Example .............................53
Figure 33 Report Builder - Published Single Chart Example ...........54
Figure 34 View Flex Reports .............................................................58
Figure 35 Flex Reports in Component Viewer ..................................58
Figure 36 Running Reports from Report Center ...............................59
Figure 37 Running Reports On Demand ..........................................60
Figure 38 Cancel Flex Reports Generation Confirmation .................61
Figure 39 Canceled Flex Reports in Component Viewer .................61
Figure 40 Regenerating Flex Reports ...............................................62

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 7


Figure 41 Flex Reports Architecture .................................................63

Figure 42 Aging Out Data .................................................................65
Figure 43 Flex Reports Builder Page ................................................67
Figure 44 Defining a Filter .................................................................70
Figure 45 Pre-Select Report Objects ................................................71
Figure 46 Inventory Example - Device Header Details .....................74
Figure 47 Inventory Example - Device Details ..................................75
Figure 48 Inventory Example - Module Details .................................76
Figure 49 Inventory Example - Generated PDF Report ....................77
Figure 50 TopN Example - Port Header Details ................................80
Figure 51 TopN Example - Port Attributes ........................................81
Figure 52 TopN Example - Utilization Statistics ................................82
Figure 53 TopN Example - Generated PDF Report ..........................83
Figure 54 Graph Example - Applied Filter .........................................85
Figure 55 Graph Example - Flex Reports Definition Page ................86
Figure 56 Graph Example - Port Utilization Report ...........................87
Figure 57 Graph Advanced Example - Applied Filter .......................88
Figure 58 Graph Advanced Example - Flex Reports definition page 89
Figure 59 Graph Advanced Example - Port Utilization .....................90
Figure 60 Graph Advanced Example - Device and Port Utilization ..91
Figure 61 Viewing Reports from Component Viewer .......................92
Figure 62 Flex Reports Definition ......................................................93
Figure 63 Flex Reports Edit Dialog ...................................................93
Figure 64 Report Schedules .............................................................97
Figure 65 Scheduled Report Settings ...............................................97
Figure 66 Flex Reports URL ..............................................................100
Figure 67 Command line Login Failure ............................................105
Figure 68 Expressions Built using Expression Builder .....................107
Figure 69 Expression Builder ............................................................108
Figure 70 Associating Attributes from Different Tables ....................112
Figure 71 Combined Database Tables and Host Resolution ...........114
Figure 72 Bit Rate Conversion ..........................................................116
Figure 73 Converted Data Formats Report Example .......................117
Figure 74 Combined Database Tables and Set Sort Order .............119
Figure 75 Expression Builder - Renaming Attributes ........................121
Figure 76 Renamed and Reordered Table Columns Report ............122
Figure 77 Delete Generated Flex Reports ........................................124
Figure 78 Deleting Generated Flex Reports .....................................125
Figure 79 Deleting Flex Reports Files and Objects ..........................125

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 8

Table 1 Email Notification Tags......................................................... 20
Table 2 Template Report Header ...................................................... 29
Table 3 Report Options ..................................................................... 30
Table 4 Time Series Chart Template................................................. 32
Table 5 Inventory Table Template..................................................... 34
Table 6 Multi Chart Template ............................................................ 37
Table 7 Time Series Table Template................................................. 38
Table 8 Report Builder and Drop Box Icons ..................................... 42
Table 9 Attribute Display Data Types ................................................ 109

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 9

1 Manage Entuity Reports

Welcome to the Entuity Reports Guide, which is aimed at users and system administrators of
Entuity reports. Entuity Reports are grouped into these sets:
 Standard reports provides modern reports that are easy to stylize, design, use and
understand. These reports are easy to interpret and leverage technical data that is
captured and processed by Entuity. Access to this data is through the Entuity Data API.
 Flex Reports are flexible in purpose and technology. You can define them through one of
a number of general forms designed for different report types, i.e. Inventory, TopN, and
Graph report forms. Alternatively you can use advanced features to combine report types,
or create your own variables using Expression Builder. (See Chapter 4 - Flex Reports.)

 Flex Reports are always identified as such, reports that are solely identified as reports belong
to the standard set of reports.

Accessing Reports from the Web Interface

Reports are available to those users that are members of user groups that have permission
to use the Reports tools. Entuity provides a number of tools and methods for configuring,
running and managing reports:
 Reports web page, through which you can view and run Entuity reports.
 Component Viewer, through which you can configure, view and run Flex Reports.
 URLs, through which you can configure and run Flex Reports. (See Chapter 4 - Flex

A description of each report is available through the Entuity Reports Reference Manual.

From the web interface:

1) Click Reports. Entuity displays the Reports page, with links to the categorized reports.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 10

Entuity Entuity Reports and Perspectives

Figure 1 Report Categories

2) Click the required report category link. Entuity displays the reports associated with that

Reporting Access Rights

Entuity controls access to its reports through two permission levels:
 Entuity allows you to separately allow/deny access to Flex Reports, and Reports and
InSight Center.
 For user groups with the Reports and InSight Center permission you can control access
to individual reports, through Report Permissions. By default users are denied access to
all reports, however you can amend this default permission. You can set for all reports, or
for individual reports these permission level:
 No Access
 View Only
 View and Run
 View, Run and Schedule.
For details on Account Management see the Entuity User and System Administrator Guide.

Entuity Reports and Perspectives

Entuity includes an extensive set of reports that access the Entuity database through the
Entuity data API.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 11

Entuity Entuity Reports and Perspectives

Entuity categorizes reports, grouping them to improve their accessibility. Categories include
by type for example Activity, Connection and Routing, Administration but also by feature for
example CIO Perspective, Branch Office Perspective, Service Perspective.
For most reports having the object under management and in an accessible view is sufficient
to run the report. For the perspectives you may have further configurations or restrictions to
consider, for example:
 Branch Office Perspective requires a specific hierarchy of services and sub-services.
 CIO Perspective requires a specific hierarchy of services and sub-services, with use of a
strict syntax
For more details on requirements for these perspectives see the Entuity User Guide.
Perspectives are also detailed in the Entuity Reports Reference Manual.

Listing of Reports
Entuity reports are grouped by category. The following tables reflect that grouping, e.g.
Activity, Availability. (For full details see the Entuity Reports Reference Manual.)

Activity Reports
Autonomous AP Summary Port Utilization and Faults Chart
Device Health Port Utilization Chart
Device Latency Port Utilization Details
Event Details Port Utilization Trend
Event History Port and CPU Utilization Chart
Event Summary QoS Utilization
Flow Analysis Routing Summary
IP SLA Details Switching Summary
IP SLA Echo Top-N Devices
Managed Host Summary Top-N Port Error Rates
Port Fault Details Top-N Ports
Port Rate Chart Wireless Controller Summary
Port Statistics Comparison

Administrative Reports
Devices Failing SNMP Polling Polling Diagnostics
Devices SNMP Response Time Process Diagnostics
Entuity Server Health Summary View Comparison
Management Start Date and Custom View View Hierarchy

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 12

Entuity Entuity Reports and Perspectives

Availability Reports
Application Availability Outages
Device Reachability Port Availability
Infrastructure Availability Port Operational States
Network Delivery Perspective Server Availability
Network Delivery Summary Device Uptime, Reachability and Last Reboot

Branch Office Perspective Reports

Branch Office Details Multi-Branch Office Perspective
Branch Office Perspective

CIO Perspective
CIO Perspective SLA Summary

Configuration Reports
Configuration Monitor Settings Device Configuration Status
Device Configuration Summary

Connectivity and Routing Reports

BGP Router Peering LSR Detail
BGP Peering State Transitions LSR Inventory
CDP Port Adjacencies LSR Performance
EIGRP Router Peering VPN Device Details
HSRP Port VPN Device Summary
LDP Label Ranges VPN Route Capacity
LDP Peer Details OSPF Router Peering
LDP Peer Performance OSPF Peering State Transitions
LDP Summary Switch Port Connectivity

Dashboard Panels
Device Reachability Transition Summary Port Operational State Transition Summary
Device Reboot Summary Port Utilization Charts
Event Severity Summary Port Utilization Gauges
Module Change Summary

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 13

Entuity Entuity Reports and Perspectives

Green Reports
Shutdown Compliance by Host Power Consumption Overview
Shutdown Compliance by Group Server Activity History
Shutdown Compliance Overview Spare Ports and Power Consumption Overview
Green IT Perspective Dashboard Spare Ports by Device
Nominal Device Power Consumption Spare Ports and Power Consumption by View
Missing Nominal Module Power Consumption Underutilized Servers
Power Consumption by View

Inventory Reports
CUCM Inventory PoE and VLAN by Port and Device
Device Inventory Spanning Tree Device Changes
Device Types Spanning Tree Device Configuration
IP Phone Directory Spanning Tree VLAN Changes
IP Phone Lookup Spanning Tree VLAN Changes for all VLANs
Inventory Change Spanning Tree VLAN Configuration
Inventory Overview Spare Ports by Device
Manufacturers Spare Ports by View

Planning Reports
Device CPU Capacity Planning Heat Map Port Bandwidth Capacity Planning Heat Map
Device Memory Capacity Planning Heat Map Port Capacity Planning - Rate

Services Reports
Service Availability Service Inventory
Service Delivery Summary Service Delivery Perspective
Service Event History

Virtualization Reports
Hypervisor and Virtual Machine Inventory Impact of Virtualization on Access Switches
Switch Traffic by Virtual/Physical Mix Switches with Connected Hypervisors
Virtual/Physical Host Traffic Mix Over Time Virtual/Physical Host Traffic Mix by View
Virtualization Perspective Virtualization Traffic Trends

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 14

Entuity Entuity Reports and Perspectives

Virtualization Reports
vSwitch Inventory

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 15

2 Run Reports

Entuity’s main set of reports are configured and run from the web interface. Entuity groups
the reports by category, e.g. Activity Reports, Administrative Reports. You can manually run
reports, or access the scheduler to configure reports to run automatically. By default reports
are not scheduled.

Reporting On Demand
To run a report, from the web interface:
1) Click Reports. Entuity displays the Reports page, with links to the categorized reports.

Figure 2 Viewing Report Categories

2) Click the link referencing the reports you are interested in. Entuity displays the available
reports for that category.
3) Click the report. Entuity displays the report options page.
4) Configure the report options and click Run. Entuity runs and displays the report.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 16

Entuity Schedule Reports Overview

Figure 3 Device Latency Report

Schedule Reports Overview

Schedules should be associated to a report through its saved report options. Schedules are
only associated with the report type for which they were created, e.g. you cannot use a
schedule created for an Event Summary report with a Device Latency report. You therefore
locate a schedule through its association with its report.
To view report schedules, from the web interface:
1) Click Reports. Entuity displays the Reports page, with links to the categorized reports.
2) Click the link referencing the reports you are interested in. Entuity displays the available
reports for that category.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 17

Entuity Schedule Reports Overview

Figure 4 Viewing Report Types

3) Select the:
 Report to generate the report. Entuity displays the report options page through which
you can configure the report.

 Schedule icon to select or define a report schedule.

 Schedule History icon Entuity displays the generated reports for the report
definition. From this page you can also access the reports scheduled jobs, to view,
run and delete jobs.

Report Schedule Definition

A wizard guides you through the components of a Report Schedule that you must configure:
 Schedule, an extended series of schedule options.
 Parameters, defines the scope of the report.
 Email, defines email notification settings.

Report Schedule
For each report you can select an existing schedule or define a new one. Entuity includes
predefined schedules that run the report Daily, Hourly, Minutely or Weekly.
You can also define your own schedule, which comprises of:
 Start, the time when Report Server runs the report. Select:
 Immediately
 On, select a date and time from the calendar.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 18

Entuity Schedule Reports Overview

 Its pattern of recurrence, select:

 No Recurrence, to only run the schedule once.
 Simple Recurrence, to display an abbreviated set of options. You can define in:
 Occur, for how long the report runs. Indefinitely, until a defined end date, a set
number of times
 Every, how often the schedule runs a report, setting the number of minutes, hours,
days or weeks.
 Calendar Recurrence, to display a set of options that allow fine control over the
schedule. You can define:
 End Date, the end period of the report schedule.
 Minutes and hours, the time when the report runs.
 Days, select either every day, weekdays, one or more individual days or Month
 Months, select All to run every month, or one or more particular months.

Figure 5 Report Schedule

Report Parameters
Report parameters define the scope of the report. These report options vary according to the
report, for details see the Entuity Reports Reference Manual.
You should specify report parameters by running through the process of creating a report
instance, and then saving these report options. You can then create a schedule for the report
by associating it against the saved report options. (See Using Report Options.)

Figure 6 Report Parameters

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 19

Entuity Schedule Reports Overview

Configuring Email Notification

For each report schedule you can define the output format:
 Email Notification details:
 To, email recipient.
 Subject, title of the email.
 Message Text, standard text for the email. When you are not attaching generated
reports this could include the location of the report.

Email Tags Description

<reportURL> Abbreviated URL to the report on the Entuity server, e.g. /reports/
<user> User account which generated the report.
<view> Entuity view the report is generated against, e.g. Europe/London
<format> Format of the generated report, e.g. HTML, PDF.
<report-name> Name of the report.
<report-description> Report description, e.g. Summary of real-time events raised.
<report-link> URL to the report, e.g. http://ppk/webUI/
jasperReport.do?reportHistoryId=2. The user is required to login to
Entuity to view the report.
<report-history-id> Identifies the particular instance of the report, for example an identifier
of 49 would indicate the 49th time the report has been generated.
<start-time> Date and time the report was generated.
<queue-size> Report queue size at the time the report generation request was

Table 1 Email Notification Tags

 Attach Files, select to email generated reports.

 Skip empty reports, select to prevent Report Server from sending empty reports.

Figure 7 Report Email Parameters

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 20

Entuity Using Report Options

Using Report Options

It is through report options that you configure the scope of a report, e.g. the Entuity server,
view, managed objects. Different reports have different report options, the Entuity Report
Reference Manual includes a full list of the report options for each report.
Entuity supports these report output formats:
 PDF, portable document format
 CSV, comma separated value file
 RTF, rich text format
 TXT, text file
 ODF, Open document format
 ODS, open document spreadsheet
 DOCX, Microsoft Office Open XML
 XLS, Microsoft Excel
 XLSX, Microsoft Excel 2007.

You save report options and then run and schedule reports using these saved definitions.

Saving Report Options

Report options determine against what the report runs, for example which Entuity server,
view, managed object. You can save these report options outside of the report, and use them
when scheduling the report rather than scheduling the report itself.
To save report options:
1) Click Reports. Entuity displays the Reports page, with links to the categorized reports.
2) Select the link referencing the reports you are interested in. Entuity displays the available
reports for that category.
3) Select the report. Entuity displays the report options dialog.
4) Enter the report options.
5) Click Save. Entuity displays the Save Report Options dialog.
6) Enter a meaningful name for the report options and click OK. Entuity displays the Report
Options dialog with the saved values.
7) Select:
 Run to run the report with the newly defined report options.
 Cancel. Entuity does not run the report, but does display the reports category home
page. The saved report options are available as a sub folder of the report.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 21

Entuity Using Report Options

You can now schedule and run the report using the report options definition, rather than
the report definition.

Figure 8 Reports with Saved Report Options

Running Reports Using Saved Report Options

To run reports using saved report options:
1) Click Reports. Entuity displays the Reports page, with links to the categorized reports.
2) Click the category link referencing the reports you are interested in.
3) Click the report type.

4) From Used saved values select the required report option and then click Run.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 22

Entuity Scheduling Reports

Figure 9 Generated Report

Scheduling Reports
Entuity allows you to associate report schedules to reports. You can use supplied schedules
or create your own. To assist in creation you can clone existing definitions and edit them to
match your requirements.

Scheduling Reports Using Report Options

To schedule reports using report options:
1) Click Reports. Entuity displays the Reports page, with links to the categorized reports.
2) Select the link referencing the reports you are interested in. Entuity displays the available
reports for that category.
3) Select the report option’s scheduler icon.
4) Click New Schedule. Entuity displays the Schedule Reports dialog.
5) Complete the remaining details and click the Parameters tab.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 23

Entuity Scheduling Reports

Figure 10 Scheduled Report Parameters

6) Complete the schedule details and click Email.

Figure 11 Scheduled Report Schedule

7) Enter the email details and click OK.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 24

Entuity Scheduling Reports

Figure 12 Scheduled Report Email

Viewing All Scheduled Report Jobs

To view schedule report jobs for a report:
1) Click Reports. Entuity displays the Reports page, with links to the categorized reports.
2) Click Scheduled Reports. Entuity displays all of the scheduled reports.

Figure 13 All Report Schedules

3) You can click on the link referencing a particular report to view all of its report schedules.
From this page you can:
 Click the Back icon, to return to the list of reports for the report category.
 Click New Schedule to create a new schedule for the report.
 Highlight a schedule and then click:
 Edit. Entuity opens the Schedule Report editor through which you can amend the
schedule definition.
 Clone. Entuity opens the Schedule Report editor through which you can amend a
copy of the selected schedule definition.
 Suspend to prevent Entuity applying the schedule and running the report. Entuity
updates the report schedule Status to Suspended, and also changes the Suspend
button to Resume.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 25

Entuity Scheduling Reports

 Delete, to delete the report schedule. Entuity does not delete the associated

Figure 14 Report Schedules for a Report

Viewing Scheduled Report History

To view scheduled report jobs for a report:
1) Click Reports. Entuity displays the Reports page, with links to the categorized reports.
2) Select the link referencing the reports you are interested in. Entuity displays the available
reports for that category.

3) Click Schedule History icon . Entuity displays the Scheduled Reports History page
from which you can.
 Click the Back icon, to return to the list of reports for the report category.
 Click View, to view the generated report. You can view the report in the format it was
generated, or select a different format.
 Highlight one or more reports and click Delete. Entuity removes the report from the
list and also deletes the report from the server.
 Click Scheduled Jobs to view all of the schedules for the report.

Figure 15 Scheduled Report History

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 26

3 Report Builder

Report Builder allows you to create your own reports based on a set of templates using data
you have collected and stored in Drop Box. Through Report Builder Preview you can review
your report as you create it. Once designed you can save the report to the User Defined
Reports folder from where you can use it in the same way as Entuity’s other reports.

Report Builder Process Overview

To build reports:
1) Add to Drop Box managed objects, for example devices, ports and also their metrics, for
example device latency, port utilization.
2) Open Report Builder which you can access through the Reports page or the Report
Builder icon in Drop box.
3) The Report Builder page includes an overview of the build process, a description of each
template and for each template a hyperlink which opens Report Builder in the context of
that template.
Available from the Report Builder page are two movies; an overview movie of the Report
Builder process and a second which takes you through how to build a composite report
and introduces more advanced concepts for example StormWorks, expressions, filters.

Figure 16 Report Builder and Drop Box

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 27

Entuity Report Builder Templates

4) When you open a report template Entuity automatically populates the template with the
metrics added to Drop Box. You can now complete its setup, for example you can:
 Control report presentation, for example page width, margins, the presence of
navigation framework.
 Filter the rows included in tabular a report using StormWorks Statement Language
 Set a fixed Y-axis for charts.
 Supplement the data added through Drop Box by using the Find Attributes tool to
select attributes and stream attributes to include in the report, including those from
associated objects.
 Define new attributes by aggregating attributes or using StormWorks Statement
Language expressions.
5) You can use Preview to check your progress.
6) Publish the finished report. Entuity saves the new report definition to the User Defined
Reports folder.
You can now use your report like any other report distributed with Entuity, e.g. printing,
scheduling, export to PDF, CSV, MS Office formats. You can also subsequently edit these
reports or make a copy of the report to use it as the basis of another report.

Report Builder Templates

You can create reports by making a copy of an existing report and modifying it. Entuity also
includes a set of Report Builder templates. These templates provide a configurable structure
within which you can create new reports. The components of individual templates vary but
there is a similar structure:
 Template Name and Header Details
 Report and Advanced Options
 Save, Preview and Publish Templates
 Time Series Chart Template
 Inventory Table Template
 Multiple Chart and Table Template
 Time Series Table Template
 Composite Report Template.

When you save a report definition it becomes a standalone report, independent of its original

Template Name and Header Details

Although templates have different configuration options, the naming and header options are
the same. The preview, reset and publish tools are the also common to all reports.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 28

Entuity Report Builder Templates

Attribute Description
Name Unique name of the report definition. By default the name is derived from
the report type and its creation time and date.
Report title Title displayed in the report.
Chart title Name of the chart.
Include Standard When selected you can then select the standard components to include in
Header the report’s header:
 View Name, only useful when defining Single Table reports that are
view based.
 Report Period
 Prime Time
 Print Time
 Logo
 Description.
Prime Time The time within the reporting period for which the report is applicable, e.g.
between 09:00 and 17:00 each day.

Table 2 Template Report Header

Report and Advanced Options

Report Options and Show Advanced Options provide a greater level of control over the
report layout but also require an extra level of care as you are adjusting report defaults. For
example with:
 Report URL you must ensure that the URL does not unintentionally overwrite an existing
 Page Width and Margins you must check that the report content can be displayed in the
resultant canvas space.
 Show Advanced Options selected Entuity displays additional settings (see Inventory
Table Template), with:
 Row Filter you can apply expressions to filter the content of rows in tables.
 Markup you can select a markup format and enter markup tags.
 Table you can amend the default structure of a report table, controlling where data
cells are positioned.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 29

Entuity Report Builder Templates

Figure 17 Report Options

Attribute Description
Report URL Every report has a URL which by default it is assigned when the report is
For a new report you can enter a URL and for an existing report amend its
URL to make a copy of the existing report, however the URL must be
unique. If you enter a URL already assigned to a report that report
definition is overwritten.
Navigation Framework The navigation framework is included to reports generated in HTML to
allow the user to scroll through reports, return to the reports listing,
generate the report in another format.
Uncheck this option when you do not want the navigation framework, for
example when including the report to a dashboard.
Chart Legends By default Report Builder includes a legend following a chart. Uncheck this
option to suppress the legend from the report.
Row Count By default Report Builder includes a row count in the header section of
tabular reports. Uncheck this option to suppress the row count.
Page Width By default the page width of an HTML report is 612 pixels. Together with
the report margins this determines the effective canvas size for the report
You may want to adjust this canvas size, for example when using the
report in a dashboard or defining a sub-report. When defining sub-reports
that are displayed side-by-side their combined width should not be greater
than that of the composite report in which they reside, otherwise they are
not displayed.
Margins These are the default margins used by HTML reports. Together with Page
Width they determine the effective canvas size for the report content.

Table 3 Report Options

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 30

Entuity Report Builder Templates

Robust Expressions
For the Advanced Reporting option Row Filter you can enter a StormWorks Statement
Language expression which Entuity evaluates for each object in the report’s selection or
view. Only those objects for which the evaluation returns a value equivalent to true are
included to the report. Any expression must relate to the objects to which it is applied, for
example applying this expression against devices:
findstr("Server Room", sysLocation, 0)!=-1
is not valid because the sysLocation attribute does not belong to the Basic Device
StormWorks type that a report showing All Devices is run against. You can use the
StormWorks function get_attribute() which returns a null value if the attribute does not
exist, for example:
findstr("Server Room", get_attribute("sysLocation", 0), 0) != -1

Save, Preview and Publish Templates

Custom Report Builder templates have three controls for developing and saving reports:
 Reset sets the current report definition to the items in Drop Box.
 Preview generates a temporary report from the current definition and displays it in a new
 Publish provides options for saving the report to the Entuity server, from where it will be
available through the User Defined Report categories.
You should frequently save your report as you develop it; it is only when it is published
that the components within it are saved, for example expressions, filters, attributes.

Time Series Chart Template

With the Time Series template you can build reports that include time-series charts; charts
which allow you to view the history of metrics over the reporting period. This report includes
one chart on which you can plot a maximum of eight metrics. You could select these metrics
 One managed object, for example eight different attributes from the same device.
 Eight different managed objects but use the same metric, for example inbound utilization
for eight different ports.
 Multiple managed objects and attributes, for example inbound and outbound utilization
for four ports.

You can also aggregate metrics in the report definition and graph the result, e.g. sum
inbound and outbound utilization.
You can set two different time periods for the one chart which is useful when comparing
performance using the same metric but at two different times, for example comparing before
and after a configuration change, comparing the most recent week with last week, last month
or last year.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 31

Entuity Report Builder Templates

Attribute Description
Primary time frame Default time frame for the chart.
Secondary time frame Select and specify when comparing metrics over different time frames.
Prime Time The time within the reporting period for which the report is applicable, e.g.
between 09:00 and 17:00 each day.
# Row number.
Show Select to include the metric in the report.
Name Name of the metric displayed in the chart legend.
Value Name of the attribute. For metrics derived from polled data this includes
the object name and metric, for calculated data Entuity displays
Selecting this value displays the Attribute Selection dialog through which
you specify calculations.
Line Color Color of the metric displayed in the chart. Click on the line for Entuity to
display the Color Chooser dialog through which you can define chart
Chart Style Report Builder allows line and stacked area type charts. When a
secondary time frame is selected only the line type chart is available.

Table 4 Time Series Chart Template

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 32

Entuity Report Builder Templates

Figure 18 Single Chart Template

Inventory Table Template

With this template you can build reports that display a single table of data. You can specify
one or more attributes on which to sort the data, and also limit the returned results to the
You include to the table any available attribute value or aggregate values of time series data.
This report type is useful when compiling an inventory of information on all managed items of
a certain type, or when generating a Top-N style list of items based upon the aggregate value
of a specific metric, e.g. the top 5 most utilized ports, top 50 devices ordered by last reboot

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 33

Entuity Report Builder Templates

Figure 19 Single Table Template

Attribute Description
Time frame Default time frame for the chart.
Prime Time The time within the reporting period for which the report is applicable, e.g.
between 09:00 and 17:00 each day.
# Row number.
Sort Select to include the metric in the report.
Column Header Name of the metric displayed in the chart legend.

Table 5 Inventory Table Template

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 34

Entuity Report Builder Templates

Attribute Description
Value Name of the attribute. For metrics derived from polled data this includes
the object name and metric, for calculated data Entuity displays
Selecting this value displays the Attribute Selection dialog through which
you specify calculations.
Display Type Select Auto for Entuity to identify the most appropriate format for the data.
Alternatively select a format from the drop-down list.
Width Enter Auto for Entuity to derive the best width of the column. Alternatively
enter the width in pixels,
Align Select the horizontal alignment of the column, i.e. Left, Right, Center,
Markup This feature is only available when Show Advanced Options is selected.
There are a set of markup types from which you can select and then you
can enter markup in that format for the cells in that column. Supported
markup types are:
 None, default no markup is applied.
 Styled markup type is proprietary to Jasper and allows simple HTML-
like markup tags from the following list: <b>, <u>, <i>, <font>,
<sup>, <sub>, <li>, or <br>.
 HTML markup type supports HTML markup tags, for example using
the <b>bold</b> tags then content is displayed in a bold font.
 RTF, Rich text Format markup.
 Invisible hides the column from the report. This is distinct from
removing the column as its contents are calculated internally and are
available as a field in the report JRXML. This feature may be a useful
Composite Report feature when passing values as parameters to a
sub-report that are not displayed in the Composite report itself.
Table This feature is only available when Show Advanced Options is selected for
the Time Series and Multi chart and table templates.
From the drop down list you can assign each piece of tabular data to a
location in the table, for example:
 0.0 (Main), is the default with Entuity assigning each attribute to its
own column.
 1.1 (Top Left) assigns the data to the top left of the table.
 3.3 (Bottom Right) assigns the data to the bottom right of the table.
Maximum number of Maximum number of rows in the report.

Table 5 Inventory Table Template

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 35

Entuity Report Builder Templates

Attribute Description
Row Filter This feature is only available when Show Advanced Options is selected.
You can enter a StormWorks Statement Language expression which
Entuity evaluates for each object in the report’s selection or view. Only
those objects for which the evaluation returns a value equivalent to true are
included to the report.
For example you can use row filters to restrict a:
 Port report to only display ports that are currently operationally up,
portOperationalStatus == 1
 Device report to those devices that do not have a defined Location
string, sysLocation == ""
 Device report to include only Cisco devices,
tolower(devManufacturer) == "cisco"
 Device report to show only Cisco devices without defined location
strings, (sysLocation == "") &&
(tolower(devManufacturer) == "cisco")
Use Selection Select to use the items in the selection box.
Ignore selection, and Select to specify a filter Entuity applies to determine the report content.
use objects from view You can specify the view, the Entuity server and the object type.
Object Type can be All Devices, or a particular device type, or through the
Other Types option a list of all Entuity object types.

Table 5 Inventory Table Template

Multiple Chart and Table Template

With this template you can configure reports that include:
 One or more charts
 One or more attribute tables
 One or more charts and one or more attribute tables.

There are two main uses for the Multiple Chart and Table template:
 Creating reports that include a chart with some (optional) text for each of the objects
reported on.
 Creating sub-reports that include a single chart with series data from the object passed to
it by the parent Composite repor.t

This report type is particularly useful when you want to display both summary information, for
example device name, location, mean CPU%, alongside a chart of one or more time series
values. Unlike the single time series chart report you cannot display time series data from
multiple object on the same chart. However because the objects in this report type are
determined at run time it makes it very useful as a sub-report when building composite

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 36

Entuity Report Builder Templates

Figure 20 Multi Chart Template

Attribute Description
Primary time frame Default time frame for the chart.
Secondary time frame Select and specify when comparing metrics over different time frames.
Prime Time The time within the reporting period for which the report is applicable, e.g.
between 09:00 and 17:00 each day.
# Row number.
Show Select to include the metric in the report.
Name Name of the metric displayed in the chart legend.

Table 6 Multi Chart Template

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 37

Entuity Report Builder Templates

Attribute Description
Value Name of the attribute. For metrics derived from polled data this includes
the object name and metric, for calculated data Entuity displays
Selecting this value displays the Attribute Selection dialog through which
you specify calculations.
Line Color Color of the metric displayed in the chart. Click on the line for Entuity to
display the Color Chooser dialog through which you can define chart
Chart Style Report Builder allows line and stacked area type charts. When a
secondary time frame is selected only the line type chart is available.

Table 6 Multi Chart Template

Time Series Table Template

This template lets you build reports that display time series data in a tabular format for a
single selected object. Attributes from one or more streams can be displayed in a single
table, and the rows in the table can be optionally sorted by one or more of the column
values. so for example if you sort by descending order of the timestamp column (which is
always present) then the samples will be presented in reverse chronological order.

Attribute Description
Primary time frame Default time frame for the chart.
Secondary time frame Select and specify when comparing metrics over different time frames.
Prime Time The time within the reporting period for which the report is applicable, e.g.
between 09:00 and 17:00 each day.
Header Table
# Row number.
Sort Select to include the metric in the report.
Label Column name of the metric.
Value Name of the attribute. For metrics derived from polled data this includes
the object name and metric, for calculated data Entuity displays
Selecting this value displays the Attribute Selection dialog through which
you specify calculations.
Display Type Select Auto for Entuity to identify the most appropriate format for the data.
Alternatively select a format from the drop-down list.
Width Enter Auto for Entuity to derive the best width of the column. Alternatively
enter the width in pixels,
Align Select the horizontal alignment of the column, i.e. Left, Right, Center,

Table 7 Time Series Table Template

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 38

Entuity Report Builder Templates

Attribute Description
Maximum number of Maximum number of rows in the report.
Use Selection Select to use the items in the selection box.
Ignore selection, and Select to specify a filter Entuity applies to determine the report content.
use objects from view You can specify the view, the Entuity server and the object type.
Object Type can be All Devices, or a particular device type, or through the
Other Types option a list of all Entuity object types.

Table 7 Time Series Table Template

Composite Report Template

This template lets you build reports that are composed of one or more sub-reports.
Sub-reports can be single instances or repeated once per object in the composite report's
result set. Since the sub-reports can themselves be composite reports this report type allows
you to create reports of arbitrary complexity.
A composite report is a more complex report to build than other reports. The main
consideration when building a composite report is its sub-reports and usually you would
specially build its sub-reports. For example, a sub-report might have reduced or no page
margins and a, smaller page width if the report is to be placed side-by-side with another
sub-report. In the latter case the combined width of the two sub-reports must be less than
that of the composite report or Entuity will not display them.

Defining a Composite Report

For a Composite Report you must specify the sub-reports it consists of and how to call them.
The sub-reports section allows you to add new sub-reports and select a sub-report from the
list of available ones.
Entuity includes a movie with a fully worked composite report which is available from the
Report Builder page.

You can use any report as a sub-report. However sub-reports are usually designed for use
within a composite, for example:
 Navigation features are hidden.
 Page and margin settings are adjusted to fit within the layout of the composite report

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 39

Entuity Report Builder Templates

Figure 21 Composite Report

When you have added a sub-report to the composite report and if you have the edit
permission Entuity displays against the report an edit icon. You can open the sub-report and
edit it in a new window. If you use a sub-report in more than one composite report you
should take care that adjusting it for use in one report does not make it unsuitable for use in
By default each sub-report is placed in the details section of the Composite Report, which is
the section of a report which is repeated for each row in the data set. By default sub-reports
are vertically aligned, however you can control the layout:
 Repetition when set to:
 Repeat determines that the sub-report is repeated once for each row in the
Composite Report's data set.
 Single determines that the sub-report is generated once for the whole report.
 Alignment determines how this sub-report follows a preceding sub-report, when set to:
 Vertical it follows underneath the previous one.
 Horizontal it sits alongside the previous one. The total width of the sub-reports must
not be greater than the width available in the Composite Report. For example you
might want to remove all left and right margins from each sub-report and alter its page
width to be half or less of the space available in the parent report. By default a report

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 40

Entuity Define Data Sets for Reports

has a page width of 612 pixels with a left margin of 30 pixels and a right margin of 18
pixels. This leaves 564 pixels available, or 282 each for two sub-reports side-by-side.
Usually it is best to leave a little space so you might wish to define each sub-report as
having a page width of 280 or 275 pixels.
 Position allows you to group sub-reports into three sections, Top, Middle and Bottom.
This determines where in the Composite Report the sub-report appears; so all
sub-reports in the Top section are placed above those in the Middle, and all those at the
Bottom are placed below the other two.
 Height allows you to specify a minimum height for the sub-report. Content that does not
fit within this minimum height is displayed.
 Parameters is an Advanced Option. Parameters column allows you to control what
parameters are passed to a sub-report. Clicking on this presents a panel showing the
parameters currently being passed and allows you to add, remove or modify their values.
By default sub-report parameters are populated with the value of the same parameter
from the parent report, and this is usually what is wanted. For example the view
parameter is passed from the composite report to the sub-report. You could for example
change the view the sub-report is run against.
 Filter is an Advanced Option. Filter column allows you to specify a condition which must
be true for the sub-report to be included to the composite report. The filter is usually
defined using a StormWorks expression.

Define Data Sets for Reports

You can define the data types included to a report by:
 Dragging and dropping them into Drop Box.
 Using Report Builder’s Find Attributes tool to find data types associated with the currently
assigned objects in the report. When a report does not have associated data types you
can usually navigate the data hierarchy from the Basic Device type.
 Using Report Builder’s Define Attributes tool to create new attributes. For this advanced
feature knowledge of the StormWorks Statement Language and the Entuity Open
Modeling Framework is required.

When creating a report definition you can set whether a chart report uses the particular
instances added to it, or uses the underlying type. For example you could add Average CPU
Utilization% from a particular device to the template, you then have the option of restricting
the report to that device or extending by setting the Entuity server, view and object type.

Drop Box
Drop Box acts as a temporary repository for objects, for example gauges, charts, links,
device metrics, that you want to include to new reports.
Only objects in Drop Box that are selected when you access Report Builder are included to
the new report.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 41

Entuity Define Data Sets for Reports

Icon Description
Click to display Drop Box in the Navigation Pane.

Click Browse to display the Explorer tree in the Navigation Pane.

Click Open to view saved Drop Box contents and then load one.

Click Save to save Drop Box contents to the server, saved for later use.

Click Clear to delete the current Drop Box contents.

Click Delete to remove the selected object from Drop Box.

Click Pin to keep the Navigation pane open as you use Entuity’s web UI. By default the
Navigation pane is only displayed when you access Report Builder, Maps, Events or
Click Report Builder to display the Custom Report Builder page. You can also position the
mouse pointer over the icon and from the context menu click on the report template that
you want to use with Report Builder.

Table 8 Report Builder and Drop Box Icons

Find Attributes
Find Attributes is a useful tool when wanting to include data attributes that are:
 Associated with the current object against which the report is to be run, for example a
report includes utilization details but not the interface name.
 Not part of the object against which the report is to be run. For example when creating a
table on port details you may want to include information about the associated device, for
example the device location or device type (for convenience device name is an attribute
on the device and on its associated ports).

You can use the Find Attributes tool with:

 Static attributes, attributes for which a history is not maintained for example Device Name,
Device Location.
 Stream Attributes, attributes for which a history is essential to their purpose, for example
Inbound Utilization, Available Bandwidth, Outbound Packet Rate.
The Find Attribute tool does respond to the context in which it is called; if you open it from a
chart then it only displays Stream Attributes as a history is required for an attribute to be
plotted on a chart.

Add Device Details to a Port Table

To add device details to a port table:
1) From Report Builder click Add Column.
2) From the new column in Value click None. Entuity opens the Static Attribute dialog.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 42

Entuity Define Data Sets for Reports

3) Click Find Attributes. Navigate the Types tree, clicking Port and then Associated

Figure 22 Find Attributes

4) Check the particular device details you want to add to the report and click OK.

Figure 23 Find Attributes

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 43

Entuity Define Data Sets for Reports

5) Select the attribute you want to add to the current column and click OK.
Entuity identifies the attribute as being from a associated tab by including to its Label and
Value the parent type, for example for device description, Device-> Description.

Define Attributes
To define an attribute you must check the Show Advanced Options check box for the report.
When you then open the Attribute Selection dialogs Entuity displays the Define Attribute
button in addition to the Find Attribute button which is always available.
You can define new attributes using StormWorks Statement Language expressions. This is
an advanced option and you may require guidance from Entuity Support. You can define
attributes to display within the report or to use as a filter or parameter when determining what
to display in the port.

Figure 24 Show Advanced Options Define Attribute

Define an Attribute Expression

When you define a new attributes using StormWorks Statement Language expression you
may also require a knowledge of the underlying structure of the StormWorks object model.
You can access the Entuity Data Dictionary through the home page of the Help:
1) Click Help > Contents and then Entuity Data Dictionary.
The contents page lists all of the hyperlinked object types, you can click through to see
the attributes and associations of an object. Device and Port are object types but the
more interesting and connected port and device objects types are PortEx and DeviceEx.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 44

Entuity Define Data Sets for Reports

Figure 25 Data Dictionary

You can use the Data Dictionary to identify the StormWorks name of an attribute that you
want to use when developing an expression. For example these expressions are all filters
that use the StormWorks name of an object. This filter:
 Limits a port report to only displaying ports that are currently operationally up:
portOperationalStatus == 1
 Allows a device report to include only those devices that do not have a location string
sysLocation == ""
 Restricts a device report to include only Cisco devices:
tolower(devManufacturer) == "cisco"
 Restricts a device report to showing only Cisco devices without defined location strings:
(sysLocation == "") && (tolower(devManufacturer) == "cisco")
When developing an expression an important consideration is where you it,; applying a port
filter on a device report would not be appropriate.

Define a Row Filter Property

You can define attributes to use as filters when determining what to display in reports. For
example you could define a Property attribute that determines the state of ports included to a
sub-report. Only when the report includes active ports is that chart included to the composite

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 45

Entuity Define Data Sets for Reports

This example uses applies an expression that checks the active state of ports associated with
the devices included to a report before generating a chart on those ports. To define and
apply a property:
1) From Report Builder check Show Advanced options.
2) Click Add Property. Entuity opens the Static Attribute dialog.
3) Click Define Attribute. Enter a description of the attribute and then for the expression
count(foreach(get_associated_objects("ports"), this, get_at-
tribute("portOperationalStatus", 0) == 1)) > 0

4) Click OK.
5) From the Static Attribute Selection dialog highlight the newly defined expression and click
OK. Entuity creates a new property, the property number (#) is important as you refer to it
when setting the row filter.
6) From the Sub-Report in its Filter column click None.
7) In the Row Filter dialog in Property select the property number, in Value enter 1 and then
click OK.

Figure 26 Property Fields

Define a Parameter Property

The Composite Report movie, available from the Report Builder page, includes an example
property that calculates a list of ports for each device in the report. This property,

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 46

Entuity Define Data Sets for Reports

portServerObjectIds, is applied to a report as a Parameter. This parameter replaces the

default value of ServerObjectIds applied to the report
portServerObjectIds uses this StormWorks Statement Language expression:
join( foreach( get_associated_objects("ports"), concat(entuity_-
server_info()[0], ":", id) ), "," )

 get_associated_objects("ports") returns all of the ports associated with the
current device.
 entuity_server_info()[0] returns the identifier of the Entuity server managing the
 concat(entuity_server_info()[0], ":", id) prepends the server identifier to
the port identifier with a colon separating them. This ensures each port is uniquely
identified even in Entuity multi-server environments. Each object on an Entuity server has
a unique StormWorks identifier, different objects on different servers may have the same
 foreach command returns the list of ports associated with the device, and the join
function converts it into a comma delimited list.

Once defined you can replace the default value of ServerObjectIds, which sets the
components included to the report, with the list of ports derived from the current device.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 47

Entuity Define Data Sets for Reports

Figure 27 Parameter Property

Define a Layout Expression

You can define attributes for use in styling the report layout, for example adding a space
between sections of the report or as in the following example adding a line. These attribute
definitions improve the presentation of the report, specifically Entuity displays:
 Device name in a bold 18 point font:
concat("<b><font size=18>", name, "</font></b>")
 Port description appended to its device name separated by a colon:
concat(portDeviceName, ":", ifDescr)

This example uses the Styled markup and defines an underline that runs across the page.
When creating a layout attribute consider the Label column; leave it empty when creating a
line as even a space would prevent the effect applying to both columns (label and value).
To create an underline:
1) From Report Builder click Add Column.
2) From the new column in Value click None. Entuity opens the Static Attribute dialog.
3) Click Define Attribute. Enter a description of the attribute and then for the expression

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 48

Entuity Example Single Chart Report

"<u> </u>"
The length of the line is determined by the number of spaces that you enter between the
underline instruction.
4) Click OK.
5) From the Static Attribute Selection highlight the newly defined expression and click OK.
6) From Label delete the expression name.
7) In Markup select Styled.
8) Click Preview. You may have to adjust the length of the line to fit the

Figure 28 Define an Underline

Example Single Chart Report

This example creates a simple Single Chart Report, charting device CPU utilization and
latency, specifically:
 Name, the default name is derived from the template type and the date and time
 Report Title, Correlating CPU Utilization and Device Latency
 Chart Title, CPU Utilization and Device Latency

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 49

Entuity Example Single Chart Report

 Description, Correlating CPU Utilization and Device Latency Over Time

 Sum CPU utilization for two devices
 Two twenty-four hour time frames, the second is used to chart summed CPU Utilization.

To build a Correlating CPU Utilization and Device Latency report:

1) Add objects and/or their metrics to the Drop Box.
2) Open the Custom Report Builder Single Chart Template.
You can access this page by placing the mouse pointer over the Report Builder icon in
the Navigation pane and from its context menu selecting Single Chart.
3) Place data from the Drop Box into your custom report and complete its setup. You can
use Preview to check your progress.
4) Specify two time frames Primary time frame, and Secondary time frame. You can then
associate a time frame against an attribute.
5) Specify two aggregate columns, both summing CPU Utilization.
Click on None in the Value column. Entuity displays the Attribute Selection dialog from
which you can select attributes that you want to aggregate. From Aggregate Method you
can select from Min, Max, Mean and Sum.

Figure 29 Setting Aggregate Attributes

6) For the second CPU Utilization Sum attribute, in Time Frame select Secondary. This
charts this value using data collected during the tie frame specified in Secondary time
7) Preview the report.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 50

Entuity Example Single Table Report

Figure 30 Preview Chart Reports

8) Publish the finished report to the User Defined Reports folder.

You can now use your custom report like any other report distributed with Entuity, e.g.
printing, scheduling, export to PDF, CSV, MS Office formats.

Example Single Table Report

This example creates a simple Single Table Report, linking device CPU utilization and latency
with an events summary, specifically:
 Name, the default name is derived from the template type and the date and time.
 Report Title, Device Performance with Events.
 Description, Troubleshooting Device Latency and Utilization.
 twenty-four hour timeframe.
 five columns, Display Name, CPU Utilization%, CPU RAM Size, ICMP Latency, Events
Summary, with the table sorted on CPU Utilization%.
 Events Summary is set to 200px.
 The table has a maximum of twenty rows.

To build a custom Device Performance with Events report:

1) Add objects and/or their metrics to the Drop Box.
2) Open the Custom Report Builder Single Chart Template.
You can access this page by placing the mouse pointer over the Report Builder icon in
the Navigation pane and from its context menu selecting Single Table.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 51

Entuity Example Single Table Report

Figure 31 Report Builder Context Menu

3) Configure the report. You can use Preview to check your progress.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 52

Entuity Example Single Table Report

Figure 32 Report Builder - Single Chart Example

4) Publish the finished report to the User Defined Reports folder.

You can now use your custom report like any other report distributed with Entuity, e.g.
printing, scheduling, export to PDF, CSV, MS Office formats.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 53

Entuity Example Single Table Report

Figure 33 Report Builder - Published Single Chart Example

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 54

4 Flex Reports

Flex Reports allow access to the Entuity management database, with dynamic configuration
and generation of reports. The resulting data can be integrated into web and windows
Flex Reports can be viewed on three levels:
 Information access
 Formatting and design
 Report viewing and interaction.

Information Access
Flex Reports allow access to Entuity’s business management database. They allow you to
build the particular report you require, accessing the required data and presenting it in the
appropriate format.
Entuity’s command-line support allows you to directly query the management database. You
can write your own queries on the command-line or use the interface to create and then copy
a Flex Reports URL. You can amend these URLs.

Formatting and Design

Flex Reports offers a high degree of flexibility and control over how data is presented and
 Guided forms simplify the available data and report formatting options, where Advanced
forms allow access to the full range and power of Flex Reports.
 Create virtually any report you need including Inventory, TopN, Graph or combinations of
these styles of report elements. These can have both Summary and drill-down
 Reusable report templates that improve the efficiency of the report design process by
making all templates available for use, with the most useful being highlighted.
 Customizable templates. Spend less time formatting individual reports. Design and apply
customized templates that specify standards in formatting and logic to ensure design
consistency across reports. You can even use existing reports as templates.

Report Viewing
Flex Reports provides flexible options that let end users view and interact with information in
familiar formats and via familiar environments:
 Multiple export formats. Provide end users with reports in the format they prefer. Export
reports to popular formats, including CSV, PDF, XML, HTML.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 55

Entuity Report Viewing

 End user report interactivity options—including page forward/back, drill up/down, export,
and print—are automatically included and can be customized based on your
 Hyperlinks. Use hyperlinks to turn reports into interactive web documents that connect to
related information, including web sites and other reports.
 Drill-down. Without additional coding, create reports that allow end users to drill down to
uncover details that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 56

5 View and Run Flex Reports

Flex Reports can only be created from the Report page, however you can also amend, run
and viewed them through Component Viewer. Flex Reports are generated from Flex Reports
templates. You can then decide whether you want to copy and amend an existing report or
create a completely new report.

View Generated Flex Reports

Third Party Tools Required to View Flex Reports
Flex Reports are available in a number of formats, including PDF and HTML. To view:
 PDF documents Entuity recommend using Adobe Acrobat.
 HTML reports that include graphs your web browser must have installed an SVG Viewer
plug-in. The Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format is used in the dynamic generation of
high-quality graphics from Entuity’s real-time data. Entuity recommend Adobe SVG
Viewer, downloadable from the Adobe website (http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/

Viewing Flex Reports

From the Flex Reports page you can view:
 Flex Reports, configurable through its checkbox.
 Temporary Flex Reports, configurable through its checkbox. Temporary reports include
files generated as part of other files. They are maintained for one day and are only useful
for troubleshooting purposes.
 Queued Reports, reports currently queued for generation.
 Running Reports, displays the reports Entuity is currently running and their state of

To view Flex Reports:

1) From the web interface select Reports. Entuity displays the Reports home page.
2) Select Flex Reports. To restrict the returned reports set the report filter:
 Owner is the user who created the template.
 View is the Entuity view in which the report is generated.
3) Select Submit. Entuity displays a list of Flex Reports templates.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 57

Entuity View Generated Flex Reports

Figure 34 View Flex Reports

Viewing Flex Reports From Component Viewer

Flex Reports are accessed in Component Viewer through the view with which they are
associated. The Flex Reports folder only appears under a view when a Flex Reports has been
run in that view.
To view Flex Reports:
1) Highlight the report definition from the Component Viewer tree.
2) Select the Generated Reports tab.
3) Highlight the generated report and from the context menu select Open Report. Entuity
opens the selected report.

Figure 35 Flex Reports in Component Viewer

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 58

Entuity Flex Reports On Demand

Flex Reports On Demand

Entuity recommend Flex Reports are scheduled for generation when the load on your
network and Entuity is low. However, Entuity does allow you to generate reports on demand
from both Component Viewer and Report Center.
Report generation can be a resource intensive process, this is certainly true for large reports
that include graphs. To avoid impacting Entuity processes that are time critical, all reports
have a low priority. This may delay report generation, but not prevent it. Entuity allows you to
monitor the progress of report generation through Report Center (see Canceling Flex Reports

Running Flex Reports

You can run reports on demand using already defined Flex Reports:
1) Display Flex Reports (see View Generated Flex Reports).
2) Select the Report Name. Entuity displays the Run Report dialog with the required
displayed by default.

Figure 36 Running Reports from Report Center

3) Specify the report to run:

 Report is the Flex Reports template from which Entuity generates the new report.
 Start Time is the report period start time.
 End Time is the report period end time.
4) Select:
 Run Report to generate the report. Entuity schedules the report for immediate
 Update to monitor the progress of the report’s generation. Progress can also be
monitored from the View Reports page.
 Close to close the Run Report dialog.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 59

Entuity Flex Reports On Demand

Running Flex Reports From Component Viewer

Flex Reports are run on demand from Component Viewer by:
1) Highlighting either:
 The report definition from the Component Viewer tree, or
 A generated report, from the Generated Reports tab.
2) From the context menu selecting Report On Demand. Entuity displays the Report On
Demand editor.

Figure 37 Running Reports On Demand

3) Define the reporting period:

 Start of Period is the start of the reporting period. Click on Edit to open a calendar.
 End of Period is the end of the reporting period. Click on Edit to open a calendar.

 Care should be taken when setting the reporting period; setting it to a time when data is no
longer available would not return a meaningful report.

4) Click Ok. Entuity displays a message informing you the report is being generated. The
report can be viewed from Component Viewer and Report Center.

Canceling Flex Reports Generation

From Report Center’s View Reports page you can monitor the progress of report generation,
whether the reports were started in Component Viewer or Report Center. Also from this page
you can cancel report generation. A canceled report appears in Component Viewer as
canceled, and from there you can delete it.
To cancel a Flex Reports as it is being generated:
1) Display Flex Reports (see View Generated Flex Reports).
2) From Running Reports click on report Name. Entuity displays a cancel report
confirmation message.
3) Click Yes to confirm cancellation of the report. Entuity displays a report generation
scheduled for deletion confirmation message.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 60

Entuity Flex Reports On Demand

In Report Center a canceled report is marked as a failed report. In Component Viewer

viewing the report appears in the Generation tab but Status details the report was
canceled during generation.

Figure 38 Cancel Flex Reports Generation Confirmation

4) From Component Viewer view the canceled report. You should then delete the report, as
only then does Entuity remove the files generated before report generation was canceled.

Figure 39 Canceled Flex Reports in Component Viewer

Reporting On Demand Considerations

When generating and waiting for on demand reports consider:
 Report generation can take some time, the length of time depending upon the amount of
data involved in the report. Look at the length of time the report has taken to generate in
the past (available from Component Viewer’s Generated Report tab).
 A delay in the report being available may occur when the Entuity server is busy, Flex
Reports processes are resource intensive and have been given a low priority to avoid
impacting Entuity performance.
 Checking Report Center for on demand reports first. Component Viewer requires an
update from the Entuity server informing it of a new report, Report Center looks directly at
the server report folder.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 61

Entuity Regenerating Flex Reports

Regenerating Flex Reports

Entuity saves both the generated Flex Reports output and data files (to the same folder on
the Entuity web server). This allows Flex Reports to be regenerated from the supporting XML,
in the original output format or a one of the other available forms.
Regenerated reports are intended for immediate use, they are not available from Component
Viewer. When you want to view a regenerated report again, then the report must be
regenerated, Entuity only maintains a reference to the original report.
From Report Center you can run reports on demand using already defined Flex Reports:
1) Click Reports, and then from the Reports home page Flex Reports. (see View Generated
Flex Reports).
2) For the required Flex Reports select View all reports.

Figure 40 Regenerating Flex Reports

3) From the list of generated reports, select the required output format:
 XML, Entuity displays the original XML data file.
 HTML, Entuity generates and displays a report using the original XML data file.
 PDF, Entuity generates and displays a PDF report using the original XML data file.
 CSV, Entuity generates and displays a report using the original XML data file.

 Monitoring the progress of regenerated Flex Reports is not available through Report Center.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 62

6 Configure Flex Reports

Flex Reports can only be configured and run by all Entuity users. A report is built using a
number of elements and is associated with a view. Entuity users that have access to the view
then have access to the generated report through Report Center or Component Viewer. In
this way control is kept over report creation, which is one of the more resource intensive
functions, whilst allowing access to reports.
Flex Reports are created using Report Center and then scheduled and amended using
Component Viewer.

Figure 41 Flex Reports Architecture

This diagram represents the elements in Flex Reports configuration:

 Each Flex Reports definition includes:
 Report Style defines the report type, e.g. graph, inventory TopN.
 View is the Entuity view. This determines the scope of the report and who has access
to the generated report.
 Reporting Period determines whether the report runs over hours, days, weeks or
 Prime Time determines the period of the day for which the report is applicable, e.g.
daytime, night-time, twenty-four hours.
 Data Selection determines the components and their attributes and associations that
are the data content of the report.
 Filters are applied to the selected data.

 Schedule determines when the report first runs and stops. This is optional with Flex
Reports also being available to run on demand.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 63

Entuity When, And For What Period, Do Reports Run?

Once the report is configured it generates an historic report stream, which is held in Entuity’s
database. The reports viewed by users are generated from this stream.

When, And For What Period, Do Reports Run?

There are three components that together determine the period that a generated report
 Report Schedule determines when the report is generated.
 Report Period determines whether the report reports over an hour, a day, a week or a
 Prime Time determines what data collected during the report period should be included
in the report.

For example if a report is generated every Sunday evening, reporting on the previous
working week’s activity then:
 Report Schedule is set to Sunday and Weekly together with an evening start time.
 Report Period is set to weekly.
 Prime Time is set to Monday to Friday, 07:00 to 19:00, only data collected during this
period is included to the report.

On Demand Reporting
On Demand Reporting allows you to generate reports in real-time, rather than using the
report schedule associated with the report. Running a report on demand does not impact the
report schedule. Reports that you only want to run on demand still have a report schedule,
but it is set to Never, which ensures the report is never scheduled.

 Although you can generate on demand reports from report definitions that have schedules,
this does have implications for reports that reference data from the previous running of a
report, e.g. Inventory Change reports.

On demand report configuration is the same as for those reports using an active report
schedule. You can set any valid reporting period; for that period Entuity must still have the
required rollup data.
When you run an on demand report Entuity still prioritises server resources, so report
generation does not adversely impact Entuity performance. The progress of report
generation can be viewed through Report Center.
The generated on demand reports are the same as those generated from report definitions
that include a report schedule. Generated on demand reports are available from Component
Viewer and Report Center.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 64

Entuity Flex Reports and Managed Data

Flex Reports and Managed Data

The data available for Flex Reports is linked to the rollup, ageout and trend data compression
processes that manage trend data. These processes are configured to meet the requirement
for fast report generation and sensible data storage without compromising the depth of
information maintained.
Rollup is a method of taking polled data and bundling it into larger more manageable units,
e.g. rolling twenty-four hourly datapoints into one daily sample. If Entuity generated monthly
reports from hourly data then this would cause a significant increase on the processing
overhead, i.e. instead of one datapoint for each day there would be twenty-four.
Ageout is a method for removing from the system data that has been rolled up. For example,
once hourly data has been rolled up into daily data then the hourly samples are no longer
required and can be deleted.
This diagram, not to scale and with example ageout values, illustrates ageout periods for
different data rollups. When generating reports Entuity uses rollup and trend compression
data, and tries to use the lowest rollup interval that fits the report period.

Live 5 minutes
15 minutes rollup 36 hours
Keep time
Hourly rollup 10 days
Daily rollup 6 months
Trend Compression 6 months
Aged out data Current data
Figure 42 Aging Out Data

 On Demand Reporting allows you to generate any Flex Reports at any time, providing the
required rollup stream is available.

For example, daily reports detail data collected during the previous day. When the report
runs in the:
 morning Entuity uses the previous day’s 15 minutes rollup data (i.e. the report is run
within the thirty-six hour period).
 afternoon Entuity uses the previous day’s hourly rollup data because the ageout process
has now deleted part of the 15 minutes rollup data, i.e. more than thirty-six hours have

 If unsure of your ageout and rollup configuration, or you require amendments, contact your
Entuity representative.

The Rollup and Ageout methods have implications for Flex Reports generation:

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 65

Entuity Reporting Considerations

 Reports must be scheduled before the data they report on is aged out. For example,
where hourly data is aged out after ten days the latest a weekly report should be
scheduled is for the following Wednesday.
 Once data is aged out the Flex Reports generated from them can be regenerated from
the saved XML. However the generated reports and XML files are aged out after a ten
week period.
 When data is rolled up Entuity does not compensate for incomplete polling within that
period. For example, if Entuity polls for only half a day Entuity does not handle that data
any differently to data that was polled over a full day.

If you do not back up generated reports then when deleted it may not be possible to
! regenerate them. The generated Flex Reports ageout period and the auto-delete functionality
settings can be amended. Contact an Entuity representative for more details.

Reporting Considerations
These are items that you should consider when building Flex Reports:
 Report generation is a resource intensive process. Flex Reports generation has a low
priority call on system resource to avoid it impacting Entuity functions that are time
critical. Where possible schedule large reports to run when demand on Entuity is low, i.e.
when network usage is low.
 Flex Reports are generated using data from the Entuity management database. When
building and testing new reports create a view that has a limited number of objects to
report on. This allows quicker development and keeps the impact on the resources of the
Entuity management server to a minimum.
 After installing Entuity the first monthly reports may take longer to generate and then
display more datapoints than expected. This occurs when Entuity is installed in
mid-month so a full month’s daily data is not collected and instead the report displays
weekly data. The data is accurate and the report correct, it simply has more datapoints.

Flex Reports Styles

Flex Reports are built from underlying reporting styles. These styles determine how Entuity
data is presented in the Flex Reports, these are:
 Inventory.
 TopN.
 Graph.
Flex Reports are built through completion of forms. Advanced report editing allows the
building of complex reports comprising one or more of the Inventory, TopN and Graph

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 66

Entuity Common Flex Reports Elements

Figure 43 Flex Reports Builder Page

Flex Reports Guided Forms

The Flex Reports guided forms vary according to the report style but the general process is
the same. All reports:
 Use the view concept. This also means reports are tied into Entuity user security levels.
 Can be generated as XML, PDF, HTML and CSV formats. These are the only Entuity
reports that have that flexibility.
 Use report periods, including Prime Time.

The data contained in the report is selected through list boxes. For example, Components
contains a list of high level objects such as application types, ports types, device types as
well as the generic device and port. Highlight the data to report on and press the Next button.
If Port was selected then Entuity presents a list of Port Details. This iterative process allows
drilling down the object hierarchy.
Report definitions can be held as report templates, which are in effect forms that contain
defaulted data. One usage is for the administrator to create templates that ordinary users
then run.
These report definitions are saved to the Entuity server.
Pressing the Generate button generates reports. Reports are immediately generated and
appear in the browser. They may also be viewed later through the Entuity client, through the
Flex Reports tab. Generated reports are saved to the Entuity server.

Common Flex Reports Elements

All of the Flex Reports can be created through Report Center guided forms. Many of the
elements are common to all of the reports.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 67

Entuity Common Flex Reports Elements

Flex Reports Definition Details

The core definition fields on all of the Flex Reports are similar:
 Report style is graph, inventory or TopN.
 Report Name is:
 Used as part of the report template name.
 Used as part of the reports subsequently generated from the template.
 The folder name that holds the generated reports, and their xml files.

 If the same user creates two or more report templates with the same name in the same view
then Entuity places both templates in the same folder, together with any subsequently
generated reports. Entuity can distinguish between reports generated from the different
templates, but for ease of use Entuity recommend all Flex Reports template names are

Flex Reports Header Fields

The header fields on all of the Flex Reports are similar:
 Report Title is the title of the report displayed in the generated report.
 Company Name is the company name that appears on the report.
 Company Logo URL contains the location and file name of the logo you want to use on
your reports. By default, the folder is the same as the one containing the stylesheets, i.e.
The image should be a gif format, Entuity proportionally scales the image to fit the height
of the logo space on the report.

Flex Reports Views

All Flex Reports are View constrained; only objects within a report’s view can be included to a
report. In this way reports are held within Entuity’s security model; only users with access
rights that allow them to view the network objects in Entuity can view the reports on those
 View identifies the Entuity view against which the report is generated.

 Filters may further restrict the objects within a report (see Flex Reports Filters).

Flex Reports Configuration Fields

The configuration fields on all of the Flex Reports are similar. These fields determine how you
create a report, the range of fields available and whether the report is available as a template:
 Advanced Edit provides the experienced user with access to greater functionality that is
usually hidden to users that require more guidance when configuring Flex Reports.
 Show Hidden Data displays data that is not usually required for reports.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 68

Entuity Common Flex Reports Elements

 Mark as a Selectable report identifies the report as one that is likely to be used as a
template for other reports. All Flex Reports may be used as templates, but with this flag
checked the template is listed on the Generate Flex Reports Menu page.

Flex Reports Output Format

The output formats available to all of the Flex Reports are similar:
 Output Format is the format of the generated report, i.e. CSV, HTML, PDF and XML.

Flex Reports Prime Time

Prime Time allows you to specify a period of time (minutes, hours and days) that the report
reports on, e.g. 09:00 to 17:00 from Monday to Friday. When defining your report you can
include the Prime Time. These reports then only report data collected during Prime Time.

Flex Reports Reporting Period

Reporting Periods are applied to Graph and TopN reports (and to Inventory reports when
using Advanced Edit):
 Last Hour sets the reporting period to the previous complete hour from the report
generation time.
 Last Day sets the reporting period to the previous day from the report generation time.
 Last Week sets the reporting period to the previous week from the report generation time.
 Last Month sets the reporting period to the previous month from the reporting generation
 Previous allows you to define the number of Weeks, days, hours the reporting period
 From and To sets the reporting period between two inclusive dates. Select the calendar to
aid date selection, it also ensures the date format is correct.

Flex Reports Data Selection

For reporting purposes you can consider that Entuity holds information as attributes and
groups related attributes together as components. For example, device name, device type
and device description are all grouped together by the component device.
Entuity allows you to select first the component and then, when you refresh the form by
pressing NEXT, allows you to select the component’s attributes. There are two underlying
attribute types:
 Fixed data does not contain a history of the values of the attribute. For example, if a
device name changes, then the previous name is not held and so cannot be reported on.
 Time-Series data maintains a history of previous values. For example, Chassis Status is
polled every two minutes and each sample is kept. It is time-series data that is graphed in

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 69

Entuity Flex Reports Filters

Entuity also maintains the relationships between components as associations. Flex Reports
allows you to build reports that show these real world relationships, for example devices with
a breakdown of their ports.

Flex Reports Filters

All Entuity reports are constrained by the view in which they are run. Flex Reports also allow
you to set filters for the components in the report. These filters are also view constrained.
More than one filter can be applied to a report. These filters can be both simple, where only
the view and the component type is specified, or more advanced where conditions may be
applied against attributes of a component.

 A report can be run in a different view from the views applied to filters used in the report.
However, for a component to appear in the report it must be available in both the report and
filter views.

Filter parameters:
 view identifies the Entuity view against which the filter is applied.
 type identifies the component type.
 use advanced filter settings makes active the otherwise grayed out conditional sections of
the filter:
 where is the attribute of type against which the condition is set.
 has is the attribute data type, e.g. Value, String.
 that is is the condition. e.g. Less Than, Equal To, Greater Than.
 value is the value in the comparison value.
 Show hidden types displays those component types usually hidden by Entuity, as they
are considered less useful for reporting on.

Figure 44 Defining a Filter

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 70

Entuity Flex Reports Filters

Filters are available with all reports against all components. They are accessed:
 Through the Flex Reports Templates Page by selecting Pre-select report Objects.
 By defining a filter against a selected component.
 Through the first page of the Graph Report form. Filters are part of the graph report form
to highlight how many graphs a report will generate (graphs are resource intensive).

Pre-Selecting Report Objects

All reports are constrained by the view in which they are run. Filters can also be applied to
the components (objects) as part of the report template. These filters can be applied as the
first stage in defining a report template.
Pre-selection allows you to see how many components are returned by a filter, often useful
when determining whether a report returns a level of information that is usable. For example,
Graph Flex Reports components are always pre-selected; you have to define a filter before
defining the report. This is for two reasons:
 Graph reports are the most resource intensive reports, care should always be taken
before running them.
 A graph report that contains thousands of graphs is unlikely to be useful.

To pre-select object filters:

1) Click Reports > Flex Reports > Report Builder. Entuity displays the Flex Reports
templates page.
2) Click Pre-select report objects. Entuity displays the New Filter form.
3) Complete the filter definition and select Apply Filter. Entuity displays the components
that fulfill the criteria. Checking these components includes them to the report when
generating the report using Create Report Using This Selection.

Figure 45 Pre-Select Report Objects

4) Select:

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 71

Entuity Create Flex Reports

 Create Report Using This Filter to use the filter and create the new report.
 Create Report Using This Selection uses the selected components in the report.
Entuity displays the Flex Reports Templates Page.
5) Select the report you want to create. Entuity opens the report form, with the report’s View
grayed out (the filter’s view is used). Selected by default is the component specified in the

Create Flex Reports

Flex Reports are built through completion of guided forms. Transition from one form to the
next, and generation of the report is actioned through HTML buttons. When you select:
 Next, the HTML form is refreshed and any new elements displayed.
 Save, the report definition is saved. This is useful when creating new reports and wanting
to save the current definition.
 Run, Entuity generates the report but does not save the definition. This is useful when
creating new reports and wanting to experiment with the layout and content.
 Run & Save, Entuity generates the report and saves the definition.

Using Report Definitions Outside of Entuity

To make definitions easy to copy, distribute and integrate with third party scripts they are
available in two forms, as URLs and command line definitions.
When Flex Reports is used with Advanced Settings enabled Entuity automatically generates
report URLs. The URL does not represent the location of a report definition but rather the
command that when issued to the web server results in the creation of a report object, a
generated report or both depending upon the set options.
The URL can also be amended for use from the command line. For details on URLs and
command line forms of report definitions see Chapter 11 - Using Flex Reports Definitions.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 72

7 Configuring Inventory Flex Reports

Flex Reports allow extensive access to Entuity’s comprehensive inventory of network assets,
their dependencies in parent-child and peer-to-peer relationships, and their physical
connectivity. Resource profiles combined with fault and performance data provide an
unprecedented ability to manage infrastructure in the context of the business it supports.

Inventory Flex Reports

Before creating any report you should understand what you require. You can then decide
whether you can copy and amend an existing report or whether a completely new report has
to be created.

Creating a Simple Inventory Flex Reports

Flex Reports are defined through completion of HTML forms. The Next button on these forms
allows Entuity to update and expand the form’s content, for example displaying attribute data
of an already selected component.
1) Click Reports, and then from the Reports home page Flex Reports. (See View Generated
Flex Reports.)
2) Click Report Builder. Entuity displays the Flex Reports templates page.
3) Click Generate Inventory Report. Entuity displays the first page of the Inventory form.
4) Complete the report header information (see Flex Reports Definition Details).
5) Select the report’s view (see Flex Reports Views).
6) Select the report’s output format (see Flex Reports Output Format).
7) Enter the report details (see Flex Reports Data Selection).
8) Select Include this report in the list of definition templates to make the report template
available for easy re-use (through its display in a list of key templates on the Flex Reports
templates page).
9) Leave Advanced Edit and Show Hidden Data unchecked.
10) Click Run & Save. Entuity displays the report.

Example Simple Inventory Flex Reports

This example creates a simple device and module inventory Flex Reports:
 Regional View.
 PDF format.
 device details, with hyperlinks to the associated device’s module details.

To create a device and module inventory Flex Reports:

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 73

Entuity Inventory Flex Reports

1) From the web interface select Reports, and then from the Reports home page Flex
Reports. (see View Generated Flex Reports).
2) Select Report Builder. Entuity displays the Flex Reports templates page.
3) Select Generate Inventory Report. Entuity displays the first page of the Inventory form.
4) Complete the report header information (see Flex Reports Definition Details).
5) Select Regional as the report’s view (see Flex Reports Views).
6) Select PDF as the report’s output format (see Flex Reports Output Format).

Figure 46 Inventory Example - Device Header Details

7) From Components select Device and then Next. Entuity displays an updated form that
shows device attributes and associations. Also available is a filter that allows you to
restrict the devices included in the report to those you filter in (see Flex Reports Filters).

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 74

Entuity Inventory Flex Reports

Figure 47 Inventory Example - Device Details

8) Select:
 The device details to include in the report (standard Windows interface behavior of
holding down Shift or Control keys while clicking on multiple options allows you to
select more than one attribute).
 From Device Associated Components select Modules and then Next. Entuity
displays an updated form that shows module details and associations.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 75

Entuity Inventory Flex Reports

Figure 48 Inventory Example - Module Details

9) Select module details to include in the report and then Run & Save. Entuity displays the
report in Report Center. The report is also available from Component Viewer.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 76

Entuity Inventory Flex Reports

p y p
View: Regional

Device Type: Autonomous WAP
Model: C1130 Manufact.: cisco
Version: 12.3(2)JA2 Serial #: FOC09201RXQ
Mngd. IP: Managed since: 14 Oct 2009 02:55:38 GMT
Location: Server: jdiamondnj
Description: Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software

IOS (tm) C1130 Software (C1130-K9W7-M), Version 12.3(2)JA2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc
Ports: 7

Device Type: Unclassified (Full)
Model: n/a Manufact.: Dell Computer Corporation
Version: n/a Serial #: n/a
Mngd. IP: Managed since: 14 Oct 2009 02:55:26 GMT
Location: Server: jdiamondnj
D i ti
Figure 49 Inventory Example - Generated PDF Report

The example Inventory report contains a device inventory table, with each row detailing a
device and a hyperlink to its associated modules. The modules table includes module details
and hyperlink back to the module’s device in the device table.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 77

8 Configuring TopN Flex Reports

Flex Reports allow access to Entuity’s comprehensive performance, availability and resource
management data. Through the TopN form you can define a report that shows all, or a
restricted set (the top number), of the returned data items. For example your network’s top
talkers and listeners, the most utilized ports and device events. The sort order can be
ascending or descending.

Flex Reports Sort Criteria

TopN reports allow you to report on all or the first n, where n is user-definable, items that
meet the report configuration. These returned items can be sorted according to a criteria:
 Show defines the number of items included to the report, e.g. Show All, Top 1, Top 10,
Top 500.
 Sorted by Ascending or Descending value of the selected Statistic.
 Statistic sets the particular statistic of the attribute on which the sort is applied, e.g. Last
Value, Mean, Max.
 Attribute sets the attribute on which the returned items are sorted.

Creating TopN Flex Reports

Before creating any report you should understand what you require. You can then decide
whether you can copy and amend an existing report or whether a completely new report has
to be created.

Creating a Simple TopN Flex Reports

In Report Center Flex Reports are defined through completion of HTML forms. The Next
button on these forms allows Entuity to update and expand the form’s content, for example
displaying attribute data of an already selected component.
1) From the web interface select Reports, and then from the Reports home page Flex
Reports. (see View Generated Flex Reports).
2) Select Report Builder. Entuity displays the Flex Reports templates page.
3) Select Generate TopN Report. Entuity displays the first page of the TopN form.
4) Complete the report header information (see Flex Reports Definition Details).
5) Select Regional as the report’s view (see Flex Reports Views).
6) Select PDF as the report’s output format (see Flex Reports Output Format).
7) Enter the report’s Prime Time (see Flex Reports Prime Time).
8) Enter the report’s reporting period (see Flex Reports Reporting Period).
9) Enter the report details (see Flex Reports Data Selection).

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 78

Entuity Creating TopN Flex Reports

10) Set the Sort criteria (see Flex Reports Sort Criteria).
11) Select Include this report in the list of definition templates to make the report template
available for easy re-use (through its display in a list of key templates on the Flex Reports
templates page).
12) Leave Advanced Edit and Show Hidden Data unchecked.
13) Select Run & Save. Entuity displays the report in Report Center. The report is also
available from Component Viewer.

Example Simple TopN Flex Reports

The example creates a simple port TopN Flex Reports:
 Regional View.
 PDF format.
 Prime Time is not set and reporting period is one week, running from the previous
Sunday to Sunday.
 Port details, with reporting on time-series inbound and outbound long term utilization
including mean and maximum statistics.
 Sort Criteria that includes all items sorted by Inbound Utilization.

To create the example port TopN Flex Reports:

1) From the web interface select Reports, and then from the Reports home page Flex
Reports. (see View Generated Flex Reports).
2) Select Report Builder. Entuity displays the Flex Reports templates page.
3) Select Generate TopN Report. Entuity displays the first page of the TopN form.
4) Complete the report header information (see Flex Reports Definition Details).
5) Select the report’s view (see Flex Reports Views).
6) Select the report’s output format (see Flex Reports Output Format).
7) Leave Prime Time to its default setting of off and for Report Period select Last Week (see
Flex Reports Reporting Period).

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 79

Entuity Creating TopN Flex Reports

Figure 50 TopN Example - Port Header Details

8) From Components select Port and then Next. Entuity displays an updated form that
shows port attributes and associations. Also available is a filter that allows you to restrict
the ports included in the report to those you filter in (see Flex Reports Filters).
9) Select Device Name and Interface Description.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 80

Entuity Creating TopN Flex Reports

Figure 51 TopN Example - Port Attributes

10) From Port Time-Series Attributes select inbound and outbound utilization and then Next.
Entuity displays an updated form that shows the statistics available against the utilization

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 81

Entuity Creating TopN Flex Reports

Figure 52 TopN Example - Utilization Statistics

11) From the Statistics lists select Mean and Max.

12) From Port Sort Criteria, set:
 Show to All to display all associated ports.
 Ports sorted by to Descending and Max.
 Inbound Utilization % (20 minute samples) as the sort attribute.

13) Select Run & Save. Entuity displays the report in Report Center. The report is also
available from Component Viewer.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 82

Entuity Creating TopN Flex Reports

Port Top N
Over the 1 week period Sun Aug 28 2005 - Sun Sep 04 2005
No prime time is set for this report
Generated at 17:47 on Tue Sep 06 2005 for the Regional view

Port Details
Device Name Interface Inbound Inbound Outbound Outbound
Description Utilization% Utilization% Utilization% Utilization%
(Mean) (Max) (Mean) (Max)
IOALANA [ 96 ] 41.38% 65% 63% 96%
IOALANA [ 100 ] 38.78% 62% 99.96% 100%
IOALANA [ 98 ] 18.44% 31% 27.28% 45%
IOALANA [ 91 ] 16.98% 28% 24.11% 41%
IOALANA [ 15 ] Worldcom 17.57% 21% 32% 41%
Leased 2M link
to Brussels
IOALANA [ 13 ] WorldCom 15.92% 20% 37.17% 47%
Leased to Paris
IOALANA [ 5 ] Worldcom 13.18% 16% 12.1% 16%
Leased 2Mb Line
to Stockholm [ 3/15 ] 10/100 0.06% 14% 0.09% 2%
utp ethernet (cat
3/5) [ 2/7 ] 0.86% 11% 0.04% 0.27%
LONBDCEX01 [ 3/4 ] 0.64% 11% 0.16% 3%
WINDBREAK [ 2/11 ] 10/100 0.05% 9% 0.03% 0.25%
utp ethernet (cat
3/5) [ 2/2 ] TRUNK to 0.67% 9% 0.52% 9%
IOALANA [ 97 ] 5.53% 9% 13.35% 21%
Serial11/0/2.1 [ 2/2 ] TRUNK to 0.53% 9% 0.67% 9%
IOALANA [ 93 ] 5.49% 9% 11.37% 17%
Serial4/0/0.3 [ 2/24 ] 10/100 0.02% 8% 0.01% 0.65%
utp ethernet (cat
IOALANA [ 101 ] 4.89% 8% 8.39% 13%
IOALANA [ 14 ] WorldCom 5.36% 7% 14.93% 19%
frame relay
access circuit #2
IOALANA [ 17 ] C&W 2Mb 5.77% 7% 9.99% 13%
link to NY GDC 1
4/0 [ 2/3 ] TRUNK to 0.09% 7% 0.11% 3%

Figure 53 TopN Example - Generated PDF Report

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 83

9 Configuring Graph Flex Reports

Flex Reports allow access to Entuity’s comprehensive performance, availability and resource
management data. Through the Graph guided form you can define a report that may contain
one or more graphs, each graph may plot one or more data types (series). Sample periods,
graph and series labels, are all configurable.

Creating Graph Flex Reports

Before creating any report you should understand what you require. You can then decide
whether you can copy and amend an existing report or whether a completely new report has
to be created.

Creating a Simple Graph Flex Reports

In Report Center Flex Reports are defined through completion of HTML forms. The Next
button on these forms allows Entuity to update and expand the form’s content, for example
displaying attribute data of an already selected component.
1) From the web interface select Reports, and then from the Reports home page Flex
Reports. (see View Generated Flex Reports).
2) Select Report Builder. Entuity displays the Flex Reports templates page.
3) Select Generate Graph Report. Entuity displays the first page of the graph form, the
graph filter.
4) Complete the graph filter and select Apply Filter (see Flex Reports Filters). Entuity allows
you to add another filter to the report definition or apply the filter.
When Entuity applies multiple filters it uses a logical AND. Entuity displays the results of
the applied filters. You can then select:
 The hyperlink of a returned item to only use that item as the data source for the
subsequently defined report.
 Create Report Using this Filter to apply the filter to the subsequently defined report.
 Create Report Using This Selection to use the returned items that are checked as
the data source for the subsequently defined report.

Entuity displays the Graph Flex Reports definition page. You can check and amend this
filter by clicking on the component filter. Entuity displays the Find Filter dialog, containing
the filter definition. Amending this filter would amend the filter as applied to the report.
5) Complete the report header information (see Flex Reports Definition Details).
6) Select the report’s view (see Flex Reports Views).
7) Select the report’s output format (see Flex Reports Output Format).
8) Enter the report details (see Flex Reports Data Selection).

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 84

Entuity Creating Graph Flex Reports

9) Select Include this report in the list of definition templates to make the report template
available for easy re-use (through its display in a list of key templates on the Flex Reports
templates page).
10) Leave Advanced Edit and Show Hidden Data unchecked.
11) Select Run. Entuity displays the report in Report Center. The report is also available from
Component Viewer.

Example Simple Graph Flex Reports

This example creates a simple port graph Flex Reports:
 Regional View.
 HMTL format.
 Ports selected by VIP Status, with graphed port inbound and outbound long term
utilization data.

To create a port graph Flex Reports:

1) From the web interface select Reports, and then from the Reports home page Flex
Reports. (see View Generated Flex Reports).
2) Select Report Builder. Entuity displays the Flex Reports templates page.
3) Select Generate Graph Report. Entuity displays the first page of the graph form, the
graph filter.

Figure 54 Graph Example - Applied Filter

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 85

Entuity Creating Graph Flex Reports

4) From View select Regional, from Type select Port and then use the Advanced Filter
settings to filter by VIP Status. Select Apply Filter (see Flex Reports Filters). Entuity
displays a list of ports that meet the set criteria.
5) Select Create Report Using this Filter to apply the filter to the report. Entuity displays
the graph report form, with the filter applied and View set to the filter’s view.

Figure 55 Graph Example - Flex Reports Definition Page

6) Complete the report header information (see Flex Reports Definition Details).
7) Select the report’s output format as HTML (see Flex Reports Output Format).
8) Select Port Details Alias, Description and Device Name.
9) Select Add Graph under Port Graph Data. Entuity updates the report form.
10) Enter the port report details, this involves the graphing of port time-series data:
 Enter the graph Title and set Sample Frequency to 20 Mins.
 Select Add Series this refreshes the report form In Series 1 add Inbound
 Select Add Series again, In Series 2 add Outbound Utilization%.
11) Select Include this report in the list of selectable templates to make the report
template available for easy re-use (through its display in a list of key templates on the Flex
Reports templates page).
12) Leave Advanced Edit and Show Hidden Data unchecked.
13) Select Run & Save. Entuity displays the report in Report Center. The report is also

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 86

Entuity Creating Graph Flex Reports

available from Component Viewer.

Figure 56 Graph Example - Port Utilization Report

Example Advanced Graph Flex Reports

The example creates a combined device and port graph Flex Reports that uses:
 Advanced edit functionality to allow graph and inventory style reporting elements in the
same form.
 Regional View.
 HMTL format.
 Devices, with graphed port inbound and outbound long term utilization data.

To create a device and port graph Flex Reports:

1) From the web interface select Reports, and then from the Reports home page Flex
Reports. (see View Generated Flex Reports).
2) Select Report Builder. Entuity displays the Flex Reports templates page.
3) Select Generate Graph Report. Entuity displays the first page of the graph form, the
graph filter.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 87

Entuity Creating Graph Flex Reports

Figure 57 Graph Advanced Example - Applied Filter

4) From View select Regional, from Type select Device and then select Apply Filter (see
Flex Reports Filters). Entuity displays a list of device details.
5) Check the devices on which you want to run the report and select Create Report Using
This Selection. Entuity displays the Graph Flex Reports definition page with the applied
filter and the selected view.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 88

Entuity Creating Graph Flex Reports

Figure 58 Graph Advanced Example - Flex Reports definition page

6) Complete the report header information (see Flex Reports Definition Details).
7) Select HTML as the report’s output format (see Flex Reports Output Format).
8) With the checkbox settings:
 Select Include this report in the list of selectable templates to make the report
template available for easy re-use (through its display in a list of key templates on the
Flex Reports templates page).
 Select Advanced Edit to allow combining of graph and inventory style reporting
 Leave Show Hidden Data unchecked.
9) From Device Associated Components select Ports and then select Next. Entuity updates
the report form, specifically reporting elements relating to Devices and Ports.
10) Enter the device report details:
 From Device Attributes select Device Type, Location, Manufacturer, Model and
Serial Number.
 Set Device Sort to Location.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 89

Entuity Creating Graph Flex Reports

 Graph generation is resource intensive, the more ports to be graphed the longer report
generation will take. If required select Filter Associated Ports and apply a filter to restrict the
number of ports included to the report.

11) Select Add Graph under Port Graph Data. Entuity updates the report form.
12) Enter the port report details, this involves the graphing of port time-series data:
 Enter the graph Title and set Sample Frequency to 20 Mins.
 Select Add Series this refreshes the report form In Series 1 add Inbound
 Select Add Series again, In Series 2 add Outbound Utilization%.

Figure 59 Graph Advanced Example - Port Utilization

13) Select Run & Save. Entuity displays the report in Report Center. The report is also
available from Component Viewer.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 90

Entuity Creating Graph Flex Reports

Figure 60 Graph Advanced Example - Device and Port Utilization

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 91

10 Amending Flex Reports Configuration

Flex Reports templates can be amended through both Component Viewer and the Report
Center. The advised method is to create reports in Report Center and use Component
Viewer to adjust settings.

Amending Flex Reports from Component Viewer

In Component Viewer Flex Reports are found under their View. (See Viewing Flex Reports
From Component Viewer.)

Figure 61 Viewing Reports from Component Viewer

To amend a configuration:
1) From Component Viewer highlight the Flex Reports requiring amendment. Entuity
displays the reports definition.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 92

Entuity Amending Flex Reports from Component Viewer

Figure 62 Flex Reports Definition

2) From the context menu select Edit. Entuity displays the report’s edit dialog.

Figure 63 Flex Reports Edit Dialog

3) Highlight:
 Report Name and enter the new name. This name is only used as a label; it does not
change the report’s file or folder names.
 Edit Mode select Normal, so from Report Center the report definition conforms to one
of the three report styles, Graph, Inventory or Table, Advanced to allow combining of
elements from the report styles.
 Show Hidden Data and select:
 Hide, to only display the data Entuity consider most useful for reporting.
 Show, to allow access to more of the Entuity database.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 93

Entuity Flex Report Definition Parameters

 Selectable Template and select:

 Yes, to mark the template as available from the Reports Selectable list in Report
 No, to make the template unavailable from this list.
 Email Mode sets Report Emailer for the report definition:
 No Email, is the default state. An email is not sent when the report is generated.
 Hyperlink, an email is sent with a hyperlink to the generated report.
 Attachment, the generated report is included in the email.

 HTML reports should not be sent as attachments. The associated report images, e.g.
company logos, report graphs, are not included to the email.

 Email Address is the email address to which the email is sent. Multiple addresses can be
used and should be separated by a semi-colon.
 Email Subject appears in the subject field of the generated email. By default it has the
<reportname> for <view> from Entuity
 <reportname> references the report Name
 <view> is the Entuity business view.

 Report Definition values are not available for amendment.

Flex Report Definition Parameters

The Flex Reports Definition Parameters are defined during Flex Reports configuration. The
Flex Reports definition values can be viewed and copied through Component Viewer, but not
When creating Flex Reports in Report Center using the Advanced Edit function, the report’s
URL is visible. The URL instructs the DMK to generate report definition parameters (see Using
Report Definitions Outside of Entuity).
Flex Reports Definition Details
These parameters set the underlying report values:
 reportStylesheet is reserved for use in future release. Leave blank.
 reportStyle can be graph, inventory or topN.
 reportName determines to which folder on the Entuity server Entuity writes a report and
its files, and also the report name part of that file.
The internal name of the report template remains the same allowing Entuity to recognize
that reports have been generated from the same, but renamed templates. Component

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 94

Entuity Flex Report Definition Parameters

Viewer and Report Center display these reports together, even though on the Entuity
server they are stored in separate folders.
Flex Report Header Fields
 companyName is the company name that appears in the report.
 reportTitle is the title of the report displayed in the generated report.
 logoURL is a relative path to file name of the logo you want to use on your reports. By
default, the folder is the same as the one containing the stylesheets, i.e. install_dir/lib/
The image should be a gif format, Entuity proportionally scales the image to fit the height
of the logo space on the report.
Flex Reports Views
 viewId is the unique identifier used internally by Entuity to identify each view.
Flex Reports Output Format
 outputFormat is the report output format, i.e. HTML, CSV, XML, PDF.
Flex Report Prime Time
Reports only report using data collected during Prime Time:
 primeTimeStartDay, prime time start day, by default 0, Sunday.
 primeTimeStartHour, prime time start time, by default 00, twelve midnight.
 primeTimeEndDay, prime time end day by default 0, Sunday.
 primeTimeEndHour, end time of prime time, by default 00, twelve midnight.

Flex Report Reporting Period

 reportPeriod is the defined report period, example valid values include:
 timestamps, when startTimestamp and endTimestamp are used.
 2091@1h defines reporting period by number of hours.
 1@1d defines reporting period by number of complete days.
 1@1w defines reporting period by number of complete weeks, running Sunday to
 1@1m defines reporting period by number of complete months.
 Together startTimestamp and endTimestamp set the reporting period between two
inclusive dates. These timestamp values are applied against the time on the Entuity
server. when set to 0 reportPeriod is used.

Flex Report Data Selection

Components (also known as types) and attributes define the data content of the report.
Against this content filters are applied. The particular parameters vary according to the report
and the data, these are example parameters:
 type is the report’s main component, e.g. Device, Switch, Application.
 DeviceEx.filter is the filter applied to the selected components.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 95

Entuity Using Report Schedules

 DeviceEx.attr defines the attributes of the component to include in the report, e.g. device
name, location, manufacturer.
 DeviceEx.ref includes components associated with the main component that are to be
included in the report. For example, device is associated with its ports.
 DeviceEx.ports.attr uses the relationship between the two components to then include the
associated components attributes.

Using Report Schedules

By default Flex Reports are not associated with a schedule. When a schedule is required it
must be associated to the report template through Component Viewer.

Assigning Report Schedules

To assign a schedule to a report:
1) From Component Viewer highlight the Flex Reports requiring a schedule. Entuity displays
the reports definition.
2) From the context menu select Edit. Entuity displays the report’s edit dialog.
3) Highlight Report Schedule and from the list of schedules select the required one. Select
(new Report Schedule) to create a schedule (see Defining Report Schedules).

Defining Report Schedules

Report Schedule determines when the report is run. Report Schedule does not determine the
reporting period (e.g. weekly, monthly), or the time within that period (Prime Time) that is
reported on.
Report generation is a resource intensive task so generating reports when demands on the
Entuity server are otherwise low is advisable. When the Entuity server is being used and
reports are being generated then any performance impact will be on report generation as this
is given a low priority rather than on real-time tasks.
These are the Report Schedule attributes, viewable through the report’s Report Schedule
 Name is the schedule name, the more descriptive this is the easier it will be to later
identify the schedule. The name should describe the schedule rather than the report, as
the schedule could be used against more than one report.
 Schedule Pattern determines when the report is run, which years, months, weeks and
days down to the hours and minutes.

Entuity supplies these schedules:

 New Report Schedule, used when you want to create your own schedule.
 Daily, runs each day at 02:00.
 Weekly, runs each Monday at 00:00.
 Monthly, runs the first day of each month at 00:00.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 96

Entuity Using Report Schedules

 Never, sets the report to never run. This should be used for on demand reporting.

When the schedule is user defined its attributes are editable through the Flex Reports editor.
To define a report schedule.
1) From the Schedule Report editor highlight the Report Schedule folder.
2) In the editor's Change Attribute section from Report Schedule select either an existing
user defined format or New Report Schedule.
3) Expand the folders under Report Schedule and amend the attribute default values.

Figure 64 Report Schedules

4) When creating or amending the schedule pattern, highlight the pattern and select Edit.
Entuity displays the Scheduled Settings dialog.

Figure 65 Scheduled Report Settings

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 97

Entuity Using Report Schedules

5) The schedule pattern is built from the values you enter being combined using a logical
AND. For example, to only run report when the first day of the month falls on a Sunday
 Days Sunday
 Dates 1

 You can hold down the shift or control keys to select more than one value from lists in the
Schedule Settings dialog.

To define a schedule pattern:

 Start Year and End Year determine when the schedule pattern is valid. When you want
the pattern to always be available put in a distant end date, e.g. 2500.
 Hours and Minutes sets the hour and minutes past the hour the report is generated.
 Months determines the months of the year for which the report schedule is applicable.
 Dates sets the report to run on particular dates of the month.
 Weeks sets the report to run on a particular calendar week in the month:
 FIRST WEEK includes the month’s first to seventh days.
 SECOND WEEK includes the month’s eighth to fourteenth days.
 THIRD WEEK includes the month’s fifteenth to twenty-first days.
 FOURTH WEEK includes the month’s twenty-second to twenty-eighth days.
 FIFTH WEEK includes the last days of the month, starting from the twenty-ninth.
 LAST 7 DAYS includes the month’s last seven days. Handling the varying number
of days in a month is useful when a report must run in each month’s final week.
 Day sets the report to run on a particular day, e.g. Sunday, Monday.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 98

11 Using Flex Reports Definitions

To make Flex Reports definitions easy to copy, distribute and integrate with third party scripts
they are available in two forms, as URLs and command line definitions. Entuity can
automatically generate URLs, Entuity recommend deriving command line report definitions
by amending URL report definitions. Although the format of the two forms differ the
functionality is the same, the same parameters are available and the same security
constraints are in place.

Using the Report Definition as a URL

The URL does not represent the location of a report definition but rather the commands that
when issued to the web server results in the creation of a report object, a generated report or
both depending upon the set options.
A Flex Reports URL is run from a browser calling the report generation cgi. The report
definition URL is only available as part of the Advanced Edit settings.
Entuity presents the URL in two forms, both are for use with browsers:
 Full URL uses full parameter names, which is useful when reading the URL:
at a.2=s Attr. v_Por tLong Util .v_Ou tLong Util% 20Lon g%20T erm% 20Out -
 Compressed abbreviates the parameter names:

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 99

Entuity Using the Report Definition as a URL


Figure 66 Flex Reports URL

These example URLs specify the same report:

 Entuity server as drizzle
 graph report style
 Device and Port Utilization report (see Example Advanced Graph Flex Reports).

Copying Flex Reports URLs

URLs are only available when a report is created using Advanced Edit. URLs should be
copied as the last stage of report creation.
To copy a URL:
1) Create the report through Reports web UI.
2) Select Next and then Run to generate and view the report, checking the report is as
required. Run generates a report but does not save the report or the template you are

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 100

Entuity Using the Report Definition from the Command Line

 Next must be selected each time you change the report definition. Only when the form is
represented are the URLs updated to reflect the latest changes to the form.

3) Use the browser’s Back button to return to the report definition page.
4) Copy the URL, selecting Copy of either the full or compressed version of the URL.
5) The copied URL can now be pasted where required. When run report progress can be
monitored through the web UI Report Center. Once generated the report is automatically
opened and is available from both Component Viewer and Report Center.

 If the report template does not exist in Entuity, e.g. it has been deleted or is being run against
a different server, then Entuity creates the template and its reporting folders. Running URLs
from one Entuity server on a second Entuity server is one way of copying Flex Reports

Using the Report Definition from the Command Line

There are two forms of command line URL, one directly entered on the command line and
the second uses a file redirect. There are differences in the format between the two.
To create a command line report definition amend a report definition URL:
 remove the reference to the cgi on the Entuity server, e.g. http://drizzle/EOS/cgi/
 replace the escape characters between report definition parameters with:
 spaces in the command line
 new lines in the redirect file.

 Entuity recommend using the redirect file form of the command line capability as it better
handles the length and complexity of report definitions. If you do decide to enter report
definitions direct to the command line and they contain spaces these must be escaped
otherwise they will be handled as parameter delimiters.

This report definition is in the redirect file form. It specifies the same Device and Port
Utilization report as the browser URL examples, and so leads to the same example report
(see Example Advanced Graph Flex Reports).
reportName=Device and Port Utilization
reportTitle=Device and Port Utilization

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 101

Entuity Using the Report Definition from the Command Line

DeviceEx.filter=(this!= null)/*clause*/ && (isinview(1))/*clause*/ &&
(this.isa(DeviceEx))/*clause*/ && (true)
DeviceEx.ports.timeseries.1.title=Port Utilization
Long Term Inbound Util
Long Term Outbound Util

The command line instruction has the format:

GenerateReportExecutable loginDetails ReadFile < filename
 GenerateReportExecutable is the location and name of Flex Reports cgi.
 loginDetails is the Entuity user name and password.
 ReadFile is the instruction to read the redirect file.
 < is the standard redirect to file command.
 filename is the location and name of the report definition text file.

This example runs the Device and Port Utilization report from the DevicePortUtil.txt report
definition file:
login=username:password -r < DevicePortUtil.txt

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 102

Entuity Additional Report Definition Parameters

This extract generates the same report but can be entered directly to the command line:
login=username:password reportStylesheet= reportStyle=graph startTime-
stamp=0 endTimestamp=0 "reportName=Device and Port Utilization" compa-
nyName=Entuity "reportTitle=Device and Port Utilization" logoURL=/EOS/
reporting/stylesheets/default.gif viewId=1 outputFormat=html prime-
TimeStartHour=00 primeTimeEndHour=00 primeTimeStartDay=0 primeTi-
meEndDay=0 type=DeviceEx "DeviceEx.filter=(this != null) &&
(isinview(1)) && this.isa(DeviceEx)) && (true)
rialNumber DeviceEx.ref=ports" DeviceEx.sort=000000,ascending,sysLo-
cation DeviceEx.ports.filter=all
minStatus.lastValue "DeviceEx.ports.timeseries.1.title=Port Utili-
zation DeviceEx.ports.timeseries.1.period=1200"
Long Term Inbound Util"
LongUtil Long Term Outbound Util" reportPeriod=1@1w

The command line instruction has the format:

GenerateReportExecutable loginDetails ReportDefinition
 GenerateReportExecutable is the location and name of Flex Reports cgi.
 loginDetails is the Entuity user name and password.
 ReportDefinition is the report definition.

This extract is entered on one line. Where a parameter includes a space then the whole
parameter is enclosed in quotation marks (where quotation marks are already included to the
parameter then use escaping appropriate to the operating system).
Login details are included with the report definition.

Additional Report Definition Parameters

For advanced users who want to use the command line interface to generate new Flex
Reports, or integrate with third party scripts URLs are useful. The advised process is to use
Entuity to create a report definition and then copy, and amend if required, the URL.
Usually running a new report definition generates a new report object and associated files.
This is different from running an existing report as that only generates new files, not a new
object. These Entuity parameters allow you greater control over the report objects and files
generated as you develop a new report by amending the URL:
 useRedirect, when set to:
 1, a redirect page is used.
 0, a redirect page is not used, the output file is sent directly to standard out.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 103

Entuity Additional Report Definition Parameters

 noCreate, when set to:

 1, after the report has been generated and run Entuity deletes the report object. This
is useful when developing a report and wanting to avoid draft versions of the report
being available in your system.
 0 (default), Entuity retains the report object.
When noCreate is set it Entuity never uses a redirect page because the re-directed file
would have already been deleted. It instead sends the output file directly to standard out
just as if useRedirect was set.
 noRun, when set to:
 1, the report definition (object) is created but not run, so there is no generated report.
 0 (default), the report is generated.
noRun only applies to the URL, the report definition can be run from Report Center or
Entuity without restriction.
 editMode, when set to:
 normal (default), Advanced Edit settings are hidden when the report definition is
viewed in Report Center.
 expert, provides the experienced user with access to greater functionality that is
usually hidden to users that require more guidance when configuring Flex Reports.
 reportableOverride, when set to:
 0, hides data that is not usually required for reports.
 1, displays data that is not usually required for reports.

 isTemplate, when set to:

 0 (default), the report definition is not identified as a selectable template in Report
 1, identifies the report as one that is likely to be used as a template for other reports.
All Flex Reports may be used as templates, but with this flag checked the template is
listed on the Generate Flex Reports Menu page.

These parameters use the same format:

 & (ampersand), adds the new parameter to the URL,
 useRedirect, is the parameter name,
 =, assignment symbol,
 1, is the parameter value.

This example URL includes login, useRedirect and noCreate parameters (highlighted):

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 104

Entuity Report Definition Security


Report Definition Security

To successfully use a URL a user must be able to access the Entuity server, this requires
having a username and password that allows access to the view used by the URL. For
security reasons, by default the URLs do not include Entuity login names and passwords.
When using URLs to run Flex Reports and the user is not logged into Entuity, then the user is
prompted to login.
Entuity username and password can be included to the URL, using the format:
but this does have security implications (i.e. URLs are not encoded and so are easily read).
When login details are not included to the URL the user is prompted to login.
When running report definitions from the command line, the user name and password must
be included. When not included Entuity does not run the report and displays an access
denied error message.

Figure 67 Command line Login Failure

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 105

12 Advanced Flex Reports

Flex Reports provide ready access to Entuity’s management database. Using the default
interface the report definitions and generated reports reflect the structure, names and
formats of data in the database. Flex Reports includes advanced functionality that allows
greater control over report definition:
 Display data that is usually hidden. By default Entuity restricts the type of data available to
Flex Reports to what Entuity have identified as the most useful.
 Combine components from the three different types of report, Inventory, TopN and
Graphic into one report.
 Creating user defined attributes, using expressions to manipulate Entuity data, for
example data names, formats and structure.

User Defined Attributes and Expressions

For many Flex Reports requirements the standard interface is sufficient, for more demanding
tasks where new attributes are required use expressions to manipulate data. Useful
applications of expressions include:
 Placing data from different database tables into one report table.
 Controlling the order of columns in tables.
 Converting data formats.
 Performing realtime calculations when the report is generated.

User defined attributes are available for both types of data:

 Static, data for which Entuity does not maintain a history, e.g. Device Name, Spare Status.
 Time Series, data for which Entuity does maintain historical data, e.g. Inbound Errored
Packet Rate, Operational Status.

Building Expressions
Flex Reports built using the standard interface only displays attributes held in the
management database. Using the advanced features you can use expressions to build new
attributes. The Expression Builder guides you through this process.

Switching on Expression Builder

Expression Builder is enabled by default. It can be deactivated through a setting in

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 106

Entuity Building Expressions

 For changes to entuity.cfg to impact Entuity, the Entuity server must be stopped and then
restarted (for full details on configuration settings see the Entuity Reference Manual).

Once enabled Expression Builder is available through hyperlinks on the Flex Reports HTML
pages. Expressions built using Expression Builder are also displayed on the Flex Reports
HTML pages.

Figure 68 Expressions Built using Expression Builder

Using Expression Builder

Expression Builder is called from Flex Reports. To use Expression Builder:
1) From the report select Advanced Edit and then select Next to update the page. The
refreshed page now includes the Add User Defined Attribute button.
To access the Add User Defined Series button first add a graph and/or time series data
to the report.
2) Select Add User Defined Attribute. Entuity updates the page, adding three fields which
hold the attribute definition:
 Name, attribute name.
 Expression, expression which defines the attribute. The expression can only be
defined through Expression Builder.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 107

Entuity Building Expressions

 Display Type, the data type of the attribute.

3) Select Define New Expression to define an expression using Expression Builder. Entuity
displays Expression Builder.

Figure 69 Expression Builder

When first opened Expression Builder displays:

 Define Static Attribute, this is a display only field that shows the current expression.
 String, allows insertion of a text string.
 Attributes, the attributes of the current component data type.
 Associated Data, the component types associated to the current type.
 Display Type, the data type of the attribute (see Attribute Data Types).
 Numbers and operators for use with expressions.
The same options are available when defining time series attributes.

To build expressions select:

 Insert, to insert the value into the expression.
 Expand, causes Entuity to drill-down and display data types associated with the current
data type.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 108

Entuity Building Expressions

 Test, tests the syntactical validity of the expression.

 Cancel, deletes the current expression and close Expression Builder.
 Done, accepts the current expression, closes Expression Builder and writes the
expression to the report.
 Undo, deletes the last part of the expression. Entuity recognizes the different sections of
an expression allowing easy edit and revision of existing expressions.
 Clear, deletes the current expression and leaves Expression Builder open.

Attribute Data Types

User defined attributes must have appropriate data types, otherwise data in reports can be
incorrectly handled and presented. Entuity does not perform type checking when
expressions are tested in Expression Builder, when an inappropriate type is used then the
report may indicate this, e.g. NaN (Not A Number).

Attribute Data Type Description

None Formatting is not applied to the data.
String Data handled as a character string.
Integer Data handled as integers.
Float Floating point format, rounded to two decimal places.
Float (4 Decimal Places) Floating point format, rounded to four decimal places.
Percent Percentage rounded to two decimal places and displays with the
percentage symbol (%).
Percent (Whole) Percentage, rounded to nearest whole number and displays with the
percentage symbol (%).
Percent (3 Decimal Percentage, rounded to three decimal and displays with the
Places) percentage symbol (%).
Traffic Traffic data displayed in appropriate data format, e.g. bps (bits per
Volume Volume data displayed in appropriate data format, e.g. bytes.
Memory Memory data displayed in appropriate data format, e.g. bytes.
Voltage Voltage data displayed in appropriate data format, e.g. mV
Temperature Temperature data displayed in appropriate data format, e.g. oC
(degrees Celsius).
Octets Data displayed in octets.
Cells Cell data, e.g. for use with buffer sizes, displayed in appropriate data
format, e.g. Kcells.
Packets Packet data displayed in appropriate data format.
PDUs PDU data displayed in appropriate data format, e.g. KPDUs.

Table 9 Attribute Display Data Types

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 109

Entuity Building Expressions

Attribute Data Type Description

Frames Frame data displayed in appropriate data format, e.g. frames.
Octet Rate Data displayed in appropriate data format, e.g. Kbytes/s (kilobytes
per second).
Cell rate Data displayed in appropriate data format, e.g. Kcells/s (kilocells per
Packet Rate Data displayed in appropriate data format, e.g. Kpkts/s (kilopackets
per second).
PDU Rate Data displayed in appropriate data format, e.g. KPDUs/s
(kilopackets per second).
Frame Rate Data displayed in appropriate data format, e.g. Kframes/s
(kiloframes per second).
Timestamp Timestamp converted to an appropriate date format, e.g.22-Jun-
2005 00:00:00.
Timespan in Seconds Converts a timespan from seconds to an appropriate format, e.g. 35
years, 25 weeks, 5 days, 23 hours.
Timespan in milliseconds Converts a timespan from milliseconds to an appropriate format,
e.g. 1w, 5d, 22h, 56m, 34s, 800ms.
Time Since Timestamp Compares the time when the report is run with the timestamp, the
difference is displayed in an appropriate date format, e.g. 1 day, 12
Elapsed Time in Seconds Displays elapsed time in seconds, rounding to the nearest second,
e.g. 168seconds.
Elapsed Time in Minutes Displays elapsed time in minutes, rounding to the nearest minute,
e.g. 3minutes.
Elapsed Time in Hours Displays elapsed time in hours, rounding to the nearest hour, e.g.
IP Address Integer Entuity stores most IP addresses as strings, but occasionally they
are stored as integers. This data type converts IP addresses stored
as integers to formatted IP addresses.
Unique ID Data displayed handled as string (reserved for future development).
Resolved IP Address When the report runs Entuity attempts to resolve the IP address and
display the hostname in the report. If the IP address does not resolve
the IP address is displayed.
Resolved IP Address Entuity stores most IP addresses as strings, but occasionally they
Integer are stored as integers. Entuity attempts to resolve IP addresses
stored as integers to their hostname. If the IP address does not
resolve the IP address is displayed in standard format,

Table 9 Attribute Display Data Types

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 110

Entuity Reporting on Attributes from Multiple Database Tables

 Entuity usually handles IP addresses as strings. Only when a report does not display the
expected IP addresses when using a string data type should you use the IP Address Integer
and Resolved IP Address Integer data types.

The following examples illustrate common techniques available with the Flex Reports
Expression Builder.

Reporting on Attributes from Multiple Database Tables

The data structure of the database is often not the structure required for a report. By default
Flex Reports allows you to follow database associations to display data from different tables,
but places this data into linked tables in the report. A more efficient solution is to place
attributes from different database tables into the same table in the report.
This example requires the report to display one table containing a list of switch ports, each
row contains the details of one port. Each row should include the switch name, interface
description, MAC addresses, IP addresses and name(s) of the connected host(s).

This requirement requires access to information held on different components:
 Interface description and the switch on which that port is located are held on one
component type (Port).
 Host MAC and IP addresses are held on a second, associated type. Using the standard
reporting interface, for each port this data would appear in a separate, linked table.
 These components do not include resolved host names.

To create the Port Details Inventory report:
1) From the web interface select Reports, and then from the Reports home page Flex
Reports. (see View Generated Flex Reports).
2) Select Report Builder. Entuity displays the Flex Reports templates page.
3) Select Generate Inventory Report.
4) Complete the report identity fields, e.g. Report Name, Report Title, Output Format.
5) Select from Components Port. Select Next to accept these values and for Entuity to
refresh the page.
6) Select from Attributes Device Name and Interface Description.
7) Select Advanced Edit and then select Next to accept these values and to update the
page. The refreshed page now includes advanced reporting features:
 reporting schedules, including prime time.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 111

Entuity Reporting on Attributes from Multiple Database Tables

 the option to include characteristics from other report types, e.g. graphics, TopN
 table sort criteria
 report URLs.
 Add User Defined Attribute button.

8) Below the Port Attributes list select Add User Defined Attribute. Entuity refreshes the
page and includes text boxes in which the user defined attribute name, expression and
data type can be entered.
9) In Name enter Host MAC and then select Define New Expression. Entuity launches its
Expression Builder in which the attribute can be defined.
10) From Associated Data select the component type Host MAC Addresses and then select
Expand. Entuity displays the component type attributes.
11) From the attribute list select MAC Address (Arp), from Display Type select String and then
select Done. Entuity closes the Expression Builder and updates the report definition.

Figure 70 Associating Attributes from Different Tables

12) Repeat steps 8) to 11) to create the user defined attributes:

 Name Host IP, associated data component Host MAC Addresses, attribute IP

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 112

Entuity Reporting on Attributes from Multiple Database Tables

Addresses (Concatenated) and data type String.

 Name Host Name, associated data component Host MAC Addresses, attribute IP
Addresses (Concatenated) and data type Resolved IP Address. When the report is run
Entuity attempts to resolve each IP address. Unresolvable IP addresses are left in their
numeric format.
13) Select Run & Save.

The completed URL:


Managing Entuity Reports Guide 113

Entuity Converting Data Formats

Port Details
Over the 1 day period Tue Sep 13 2005 - Wed Sep 14 2005
No prime time is set for this report
Generated at 12:11 on Wed Sep 14 2005 for the Regional view

Port Details
Device Name Interface Host Mac Host IP Host Name
Switch_2 [ 11/23 ] EYE Server 0F10111220F8 saphire
Switch_2 [ 11/22 ] London 0F10111220FC, saphire
PC-368, diamond, gold, ruby,, copper, zircon, brass, pewter, emeralds, steel, iron,, platinum, zinc, silver aluminium
Switch_2 [ 11/21 ] London 0F1011123151 --
Switch_2 [ 11/20 ] London 0F1011121476 bluejohn
Switch_2 [ 11/19 ] London 0F1011121FE2 ruby
Switch_2 [ 11/18 ] London 0F1011122002 coal
Switch_2 [ 11/17 ] -- --
Switch_2 [ 11/16 ] -- --
Switch_2 [ 11/15 ] -- --
Switch_2 [ 11/14 ] 0F1011122115 nickel
Switch_2 [ 11/13 ] 0F10111213FE lead
Switch_2 [ 2 ] sl0 -- --
Switch_2 [ 11/12 ] 0F1011122087 tungsten
Switch_2 [ 11/11 ] 10/100 utp -- --
ethernet (cat 3/5)
Switch_2 [ 11/10 ] London -- --
Switch_2 [ 11/9 ] London 0F1011122001 titanium
Switch_2 [ 11/8 ] London 0F101112146B tantalum
Switch_2 [ 11/7 ] London Fax 0F1011121419 colombium
Entuity © 2005 1 Confidential

Figure 71 Combined Database Tables and Host Resolution

Converting Data Formats

This report example outlines how the advanced Flex Reports Expression Builder can convert
data formats.

This example requires a graphical representation of data traffic rate for both data directions
on an interface using Bits per Second as the units.
Timeseries rate data is held in Bytes per Second and requires converting to Bits per Second.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 114

Entuity Converting Data Formats

To create the WAN Port Traffic Rate report:
1) From the web interface select Reports, and then from the Reports home page Flex
Reports. (see View Generated Flex Reports).
2) Select Report Builder. Entuity displays the Flex Reports templates page.
3) Select Generate Graph Report.
4) Create a filter to deliver a WAN Port.
5) Complete the report identity fields, e.g. Report Name, Report Title, Output Format.
6) Select from Attributes Device Name and Interface Description.
7) Select Advanced Edit and then select Next to accept these values and to update the
8) Select Add Graph.
9) Name the graph and then select Add User Defined Series. Entuity refreshes the page
and includes text boxes in which the user defined series name, expression and data type
can be entered.
10) In Name enter Inbound Bit Rate and then select Define New Expression. Entuity
launches its Expression Builder in which the series can be defined.
11) From Timeseries Attributes select the component type Inbound Octet Rate (5 minute
12) From Display Type select Traffic.
13) To convert the octet (byte) rate to a bit rate multiply by 8 and then select Done. Entuity
closes the Expression Builder and updates the report definition.

14) Repeat steps 10) to 13) to create a second user defined series, using Name Outbound
Bit Rate, Timeseries Attributes Outbound Octet Rate (5 minute samples) and convert to
bit rate.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 115

Entuity Converting Data Formats

Figure 72 Bit Rate Conversion

15) Select Run & Save.

The completed URL:


Managing Entuity Reports Guide 116

Entuity Combining Database Tables and Defining Table Sort Order


WAN Port Traffic Rate

Over the 1 day period Tue Jun 14 2005 - Wed Jun 15 2005
No prime time is set for this report
Generated at 23:58 on Wed Jun 15 2005 for the Regional view

Wan Port Details

Device Name Interface Description
IOALANA [ 10 ] German GDC W/com 2m leased

Traffic Rate

Device Name Interface Description

IOALANA [ 11 ] EMC link (Deutch Telekom) to Munich DC1 S4/1

Traffic Rate

Figure 73 Converted Data Formats Report Example

Combining Database Tables and Defining Table Sort Order

This report example outlines two advanced Flex Reports functions:
 Placing in one reporting table attributes from two different database tables.
 Specifying the column sort order.

This example requires the report to display a device availability table, ordered by worst
availability. The table should include both the name and model for each device as separate

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 117

Entuity Combining Database Tables and Defining Table Sort Order

This requirement requires access to information held on different components:
 Device availability is held in the Monitored Device component type
 Model details are held in Device component type. Using the standard reporting interface,
for each device this data would appear in a separate, linked tables.
To create the Device Availability and Model report:
1) From the web interface select Reports, and then from the Reports home page Flex
Reports. (see View Generated Flex Reports).
2) Select Report Builder. Entuity displays the Flex Reports templates page.
3) Select Generate TopN Report.
4) Complete the report identity fields, e.g. Report Name, Report Title, Output Format.
5) Select from Component Monitored Device. Select Next to accept these values and for
Entuity to refresh the page.
6) From Monitored Device Attributes select Name.
7) From Monitored Device Timeseries Attributes select Component Availability.
8) Select Advanced Edit and then select Next to accept these values and to update the
9) From Component Availability (1 hour samples) Statistics select Mean. This produces
an average availability for the time frame of the report.
10) To add a column for the Model select Add User Defined Attribute. Entuity refreshes the
page and includes text boxes in which the user defined attribute name, expression and
data type can be entered.
11) In Name enter Model and then select Define New Expression. Entuity launches its
Expression Builder in which the attribute can be defined.
12) From Associated Data select the component type Device and then select Expand.
Entuity displays the component type attributes.
13) From the attribute list select Model, from Display Type select String and then select
Done. Entuity closes the Expression Builder and updates the report definition.
14) To set the table’s sort order select ALL, Ascending, Mean, Component Availability and
then select Next to accept these values and to update the page.
15) Select Run & Save.

The complete URL for the example Device Availability and Model report:
Style=topN&startTimestamp=0&endTimestamp=0&companyName =&report-

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 118

Entuity Table Column Renaming and Reordering


Device Availability and Model

Over the 1 day period Wed Jun 15 2005 - Thu Jun 16 2005
No prime time is set for this report
Generated at 13:25 on Thu Jun 16 2005 for the Regional view

Monitored Device Details

Name Component Availability (Mean) Model
hali 80% 7200 85% s72033_rp 85% WS-C6509.Cisco 85% Summit48i 91% WS-C6509.Cisco 93% WS-C6509.Cisco 100% Summit48i 100% 2611 100% WSX5302
IP129 100% x86 100% x86 100% 2GG 100% WS-C6513 100% WS-C3750G-24TS-S 100% C2950 100% 4000 100% 1XX 100% Layer2-7
IOALANA 100% 7513
HUKO 100% 7507 100% 2503 100% WS-C3550-24-EMI 100% WS-C5505 100% WS-C5505 100% WS-C5505 100% C2950lre 100% C2950 100% 1XX

Figure 74 Combined Database Tables and Set Sort Order

Table Column Renaming and Reordering

This report example outlines how advanced Flex Reports function Expression Builder can
change the default column order of tables.
This example requires the report to display a device table, listing in this column order name,
model and manufacturer. The second and third column should be renamed Device Model
and Device Manufacturer, respectively.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 119

Entuity Table Column Renaming and Reordering

This report requires:
 A column order which conflicts with the default column order (alphabetic ordering by
attribute name).
 Renaming of column headings, by default columns are titled using the attribute name.

Columns can be re-ordered and renamed using user defined attributes. Columns in Flex
Reports tables are ordered by
To create the Device Details Inventory report:
1) From the web interface select Reports, and then from the Reports home page Flex
Reports. (see View Generated Flex Reports).
2) Select Report Builder. Entuity displays the Flex Reports templates page.
3) Select Generate Inventory Report.
4) Complete the report identity fields, e.g. Report Name, Report Title, Output Format.
5) Select from Component Device. Select Next to accept these values and for Entuity to
refresh the page.
6) Select from Attributes Name.
7) Select Advanced Edit and then select Next to accept these values and to update the
page. The refreshed page now includes advanced reporting features:
8) Below the Device Attributes list select Add User Defined Attribute. Entuity refreshes the
page and includes text boxes in which the user defined attribute name, expression and
data type can be entered.
9) In Name enter Device Model and then select Define New Expression. Entuity launches
its Expression Builder in which the attribute can be defined.
10) From Attributes select Model, from Display Type select String and then select Done.
Entuity closes the Expression Builder and updates the report definition.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 120

Entuity Table Column Renaming and Reordering

Figure 75 Expression Builder - Renaming Attributes

11) Repeat steps 8) to 10) to create the second user defined column, enter for Name Device
Model, Attributes Manufacturer and Display Type select String.
12) Select Run & Save.

The complete URL for the example Device Availability and Model report:

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 121

Entuity Table Column Renaming and Reordering

Device Details
Over the 1 day period Wed Jun 15 2005 - Thu Jun 16 2005
No prime time is set for this report
Generated at 14:30 on Thu Jun 16 2005 for the Regional view

Device Details
Name Device Model Device Manufacturer
hali 7200 cisco Summit48i Extreme Networks Summit48i Extreme Networks WS-C6509.Cisco cisco WS-C6509.Cisco cisco WS-C6509.Cisco cisco s72033_rp cisco
IP129 x86 Microsoft x86 Microsoft
HUKO 7507 cisco C2950lre cisco WS-C3750G-24TS-S cisco WS-C6513 cisco C2950 cisco C2950 cisco 4000 cisco 1XX IBM Layer2-7 Alteon Networks Inc. 2GG IBM 1XX IBM WS-C5505 cisco WS-C5505 cisco WS-C5505 cisco
IOALANA 7513 cisco WSX5302 cisco 2611 cisco 2503 cisco WS-C3550-24-EMI cisco

Figure 76 Renamed and Reordered Table Columns Report

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 122

13 Delete Flex Reports

Flex Reports templates and their generated reports and associated files are stored on the
Entuity web server. Entuity automatically deletes the generated reports and associated files
once they have exceeded their KeepTime (ten weeks). Alternatively you can manually delete
Flex Reports through Component Viewer.

Deleting Generated Flex Reports

By default Entuity is configured to automatically delete generated Flex Reports ten weeks
after their generation date. Entuity does not automatically delete Flex Reports templates, but
does delete the generated Flex Reports’:
 Output file, e.g. PDF, HTML
 Associated XML files used when generating the report.
 Related objects that are not used by any other Entuity objects, e.g. report schedule.
 Entuity database entries.

You can manually delete generated Flex Reports (and their associated files and Entuity
database entries) from Component Viewer:
1) From Component Viewer highlight the required Flex Reports.
2) Select the Generated Reports tab and highlight the report(s) you want to delete.
3) From the context menu click Delete. Entuity displays the Confirm deletion dialog, which
displays the Flex Reports and related objects identified for deletion.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 123

Entuity Delete Flex Reports Files and Objects

Figure 77 Delete Generated Flex Reports

4) Click Yes to delete the Flex Reports template, the generated reports, their associated
support files, related objects and any entries from the Entuity database.

Delete Flex Reports Files and Objects

Flex Reports are the report definitions Entuity uses when generating the output Flex Reports
(e.g. PDF files). Deleting Flex Reports deletes this definition, uniquely associated objects and
the generated report files and support files held on the Entuity web server.
To delete Flex Reports:
1) From Component Viewer highlight the Flex Reports.
2) From the context menu click Delete. In the Confirm Deletion dialog Entuity displays the
Flex Reports and any associated objects that are uniquely associated to the report.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 124

Entuity Delete Flex Reports Files and Objects

Figure 78 Deleting Generated Flex Reports

3) From the Delete dialog click Yes when the displayed objects are the ones you want to
delete. Entuity deletes the Flex Reports files on the webserver and all references to the
report in Entuity.

Figure 79 Deleting Flex Reports Files and Objects

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 125

An IEEE standard for providing quality of service (QoS) in 802-based networks. 802.1p uses
three bits (defined in 802.1q) to allow switches to reorder packets based on priority level. It
also defines the Generic Attributes Registration Protocol (GARP) and the GARP VLAN
Registration Protocol (GVRP). GARP lets client stations request membership in a multicast
domain, and GVRP lets them register into a VLAN.

AAL (ATM Adaptation Layer)

AAL enhances the service provided by the ATM layer to a level required by the next higher
layer. It performs the functions for the user, control and management planes and supports
the mapping between the ATM layer and the next higher layer.

Advanced Actions
Advanced Actions, also known as user menus and user actions, are defined through
configuration files. Actions may be automatically triggered through Entuity raising an
appropriate event, or interactively through advanced action menus, available both from the
menu bar and context menus.

Intelligent management software embedded in a network device. In network management
systems, agents reside in all managed devices and report the values of specified variables to
management stations.

Antenna / Radio
Each Wireless Access Point has one or more Antennas. Each Antenna is attached to an
802.11 radio within the Access Point. Wireless Hosts communicate with the network via a
wireless association with an Antenna/Radio. Each Antenna/Radio can have multiple hosts
simultaneously attached. Each Antenna/Radio operates in a chosen 802.11 compatibility
mode such as 802.11a, 802.11b or 802.11g. Additionally, each Antenna/Radio has a single
SSID assigned. Each Antenna/Radio operates on a chosen radio channel and with a
specified transmit power setting, which is measured in mW. Many controller based
installations use dynamic optimization algorithms to pick a suitable channel and power
setting. Frequent auto-adjustment of these setting indicates that there are problems being
encountered with the quality of the wireless communications.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 126


AP (Access Point) / WAP (Wireless Access Point)

A device that has one or more 802.11 radios and Wireless Antennas. For example, laptops,
PDAs, connect to a wired LAN through an AP, which is a hardware device or software that
acts as a communication hub.

It bridges traffic from wireless attached hosts to/from an Ethernet interface that connects to
an access layer switch port. APs provide heightened wireless security and extend the
physical range of a wireless LAN. The access layer switch will see the MAC addresses of the
individual wireless attached hosts (the MAC address of the wireless NICs) plus the MAC of
the Access Point Ethernet interface.

AR System
BMC Remedy Action Request System (AR System) is a framework within which applications
are built by AR System administrators. Applications consist of a set of AR System forms that
are linked using workflow rules designed for the application. These forms contain fields
which Entuity can be configured to populate.

Entuity integrates with AR System to generate Action Requests (ARs). The sample integration
with the Remedy Help Desk includes ARs of the type incident.

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is the layer 2 standard for TCP/IP. It is used to obtain a
node’s physical address when only its logical IP address is known.

ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) is a packet-switching technology, that delivers
high-speed performance together with a scalable architecture. Its use of small packets (fixed
length cells of 53 bytes), provide for low latency so sound and vision arrive together. It can
also handle bursty, non time-sensitive data, translating variable length packets to fixed size

In Entuity an attribute is a property of an object that is defined through StormWorks. Attribute
data can be charted using the Attribute Grapher and is available to Report Builder.

Autonomous Wireless Access Point (AWAP)

A Wireless Access Point (WAP) that embodies all of its necessary control functionality in a
self-contained manner. AWAPs are usually connected to switched access layer ports and
can coexist with ordinary wired connections to end user hosts and servers on the same
switch. AWAPs do not require wireless controllers and do not interact with them if they exist.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 127


The part of a network that acts as the primary path for traffic that is most often sourced from,
and destined for, other networks.

BECN (Backward Explicit Congestion Notification)

BECN is a bit in the header of a frame-relay frame that is set when frames are sent on the
data path backwards from destination to source. It indicates congestion to the source node.
WAN News combines BECN and FECN values to determine congestion on a data path.

The upper limit of the rate at which data can be transferred.


The BMC Atrium Configuration Management Database (BMC Atrium CMDB) is a data
repository that provides a working model of your enterprise IT infrastructure.

BMC Cell
BMC Impact Manager instance. A cell receives events from Entuity and displays them in the

BMC II Web Services Server

BMC Impact Integration Web Services Server. You can connect to the BMC II Web Services
at the end point as defined by the URL format, http://webServerHostName:
webServerPortNumber/webServiceName, e.g. http://decade:6080/impactManager.

BMC IX (BMC Impact Explorer) displays events received from Entuity.

BMC ProactiveNet Performance Management

BMC ProactiveNet Performance Management which receives events from Entuity.

Blackout is complete loss of the network, as opposed to a brownout, which is degradation in
the performance of the network.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 128


Bridge Data Protocol Units are special frames that contain spanning tree information. There
are two types of BPDU, Topology Change Notification (TCN) BPDU contains topology
change information, Configuration BDU contain configuration information.

A device that interconnects local or remote networks. Bridges form a single logical network,
centralizing network administration. They operate at the physical and link layers of the OSI
Reference Model.

Brownouts, also known as soft faults, are typically caused by cabling faults, faulty
transceivers, faulty NIC cards and configuration errors such as duplex/half-duplex
mismatches. These problems cause a percentage of the packets traversing that particular
area of the network to be corrupted. The total number of packets discarded as a percentage
of packets is directly related to the severity of the brownout.

Burst is the access rate of the physical connection to the Frame Relay carrier network.

Central Server
A central server is an Entuity server trusted by remote Entuity server(s). A user logged into
the central Entuity server is able to view information collected by the remote Entuity server(s),
according to their user account access rights. A remote Entuity server responds to requests
from a trusted central Entuity server, and freely shares information with it.
An Entuity server can be configured to perform both roles, be both a remote and central
Entuity Server. This allows administrators to create both hub-n-spoke and fully meshed
A central Entuity server can also act as a central license server. From it you can allocate, and
de-allocate, license credits to its remote servers.
Configuration of central and remote servers is through the Multi-Server Administration area of
the Entuity web UI.

CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol)

CDP is primarily used to obtain protocol addresses of neighboring devices and discover the
platform of those devices. CDP can also be used to show information about the interfaces
your router uses. CDP is media- and protocol-independent, and runs on all Cisco-
manufactured equipment including routers, bridges, access servers, and switches.
Entuity uses CDP as a method when maintaining links on maps and identifying trunk ports.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 129


Within BMC Atrium CMDB a Configuration Item (CI) is a collection of objects related to the
specific functionality of a larger system.

Committed Information Rate is the rate (in bps) that the network agrees to transfer
information over a permanent virtual circuit (PVC) in Frame Relay. The CIR applies to the rate
of data entering the network.

Cisco IOS IP SLA Operations

Cisco IOS IP SLA Operations are created on devices by Entuity (via SNMP). Entuity currently
fully supports DHCP, DNS, HTTP, HTTP Raw, ICMP Echo, ICMP Path Echo, TCP, UDP Echo,
UDP Jitter and UDP Jitter VoIP operations. Entuity can also monitor operations other than
these ten, for example FTP. The completeness of the returned data depends upon how close
the operation’s data structure corresponds to Entuity’s default representation of the IP SLA
operation data structure.
These are the ten fully supported operations:
 DHCP, Verify availability of dynamic IP addresses.
 DNS, DNS server functionality check.
 HTTP, Web page availability.
 HTTP Raw, Web page availability.
 ICMP Echo, Simple connectivity tests.
 ICMP Path Echo, Simple connectivity tests.
 TCP, Connect Application availability.
 UDP Echo, Simple connectivity tests.
 UDP Jitter, Detailed latency measurements (requires IP SLA on both devices).
 UDP Jitter VoIP, Detailed latency measurements (requires IP SLA on both devices).
A computer that requests a service from another. In Entuity the Java client is Component
Viewer which requests, for example, information from the Entuity server on the devices on
your network.

Collisions occur when two transmitters attempt to send data at the same time. The greater
the number of collisions the poorer network performance appears.

Component Viewer
Component Viewer is the Entuity Java client, available through the web UI Tools menu.
Through it you can quickly scan the network for both current and historical performance

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 130


data. It creates an intuitive hierarchy which lets you easily view configuration settings, check
status information and launch fault, utilization and traffic volume history graphs.

Context Menus
Context menus are available from the Entuity web UI and Component Viewer. The contents
of the menu are dependent on the position of the mouse when you clicked the right button.

Core Ports
Entuity considers core ports, as WAN ports, administratively up ports which have a
configured IP addresses (i.e. layer 3 ports) on devices which are routers or have router
capability, or trunks and uplinks that are administratively up.
By default the port status event, Port Operationally Down, is only enabled for core ports.

Current Configuration
The device configuration (either startup- or running) currently being processed.

DLCI (Data Link Connection Identifier)

A unique logical identifier assigned to a PVC end point in a frame relay network. It identifies a
particular PVC endpoint within a user’s access channel therefore allowing multiple
connections to many destinations over a single, physical channel.

Data Management Kernel (DMK)

The DMK supports Entuity's intelligent discovery function. It includes out of the box data
models for a wide range of managed devices including hundreds of Ethernet switches and
routers. These customizable data models define the attributes of each managed element, its
possible dependencies in relation to other elements of the network, and the specific details
to retrieve for each element. The DMK manages these data models and automatically applies
updates and changes to the Entuity database schema.

Data Path
A data direction on each PVC is a data path. For example, a PVC that connects points A and
B has two data paths, from A to B and from B to A. WAN News analyzes the data paths

Data Rollup
Data Rollup is a method of taking polled data and bundling it into larger more manageable
units, e.g. rolling 24 hourly datapoints into one daily sample. If Entuity generated monthly
reports from live polled data then this would cause a significant increase on the processing
overhead, i.e. instead of one datapoint for each day there would be hundreds.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 131


DE (Discard Eligibility)
DE is a bit in the header of a frame-relay frame that indicate the frame may be discarded in
preference to other frames if congestion occurs. It is usually set by a network node if the user
is offering data (frames) at a higher rate than has been negotiated. This maintains the
committed quality of service within the network. Frames with the DE bit set are considered to
be excess data.

Derived Events
IA derived event is an event derived from an existing event definition. It retains the event
identifier of the original definition, unlike a custom event which has its own unique identifier.
Derived events are defined as part of an action. They useful for adding additional information
to an incoming event, and can also be called from an incident.

In Entuity devices refers to network devices, for example switches and routers.

Device Support Datasets

Device support datasets define the attributes of each managed element, its device type, its
possible dependencies in relation to other elements of the network, and the specific details
to retrieve for each element. This comprehensive library streamlines modeling and ultimately
shows exactly what you own, where it is deployed and how it is connected.
Datasets are available through these types of vendor files, all have a .vendor extension.
These vendor files are, listed in ascending order of priority:
 newbin.vendor, which is created in entuity_home\etc when Entuity discovers devices
with sysoids for which there is not a device support dataset. These generic device
support datasets should be considered temporary definitions, and only used until Entuity
supply an appropriate vendor file.
Device support datasets in newbin.vendor have the lowest priority when Entuity is
determining which vendor device definition to use to manage a device type.
 bin.vendor has the second lowest priority when Entuity is determining the source of
device information.Device support datasets in bin.vendor have the second lowest priority
when Entuity is determining which of those available to use to manage a device type.
 exotica vendor files are installed to entuity_home\etc\exotica. Exotica files are only
used by Entuity when they are copied to entuity_home\etc, either manually or during
Entuity configuration, e.g. when selecting a module.
Device support datasets in exotica vendor files have the highest priority when Entuity is
determining which vendor device definition to use to manage a device type.These files
use a simple naming convention, using the vanilla filename, with a plus sign in the
filename and identifying name, e.g. SOLSERV+managed Host.vendor.
During Entuity upgrades configure identifies and removes exotica files from the
installation that are now part of the updated bin.vendor.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 132


vendinfo identifies the vendor device support datasets available to Entuity and the
decisions made when more than one vendor file is available for a particular sysoid; which
device support dataset Entuity uses to manage that device type (as identified through its

Device Types
In Entuity every device has a type, which you can view through the web interface and
Component Viewer. The device type is derived from its vendor file information, and helps to
determine how Entuity manages a device. Device types include hubs, switches and routers.
There are also two Unclassified device types, Basic Management and Ping Only, and also
Full Management.
Unclassified device types have two distinct roles:
 Basic Management and Ping-only, is used for those devices Entuity has taken under
management at the Basic Management and Ping-only level.
 Full Management, is used for those devices Entuity has taken under management at the
Full level but for which there is no vendor file information but Entuity can generate a
suitable generic device type. These are uncertified devices.
Domains and domain filters are terms used within Component Viewer, in fact supplied
domains are now only used within Component Viewer to group objects in its Explorer tree,
e.g. the routers domain. In the web UI, where you manage views In Entuity, domain filters are
referred to by the more apt term view content filters as they determine the type of object that
can potentially appear in a view.

DHCP Operation
The IP SLA DHCP operation measures the round trip time (RTT) taken to discover a DHCP
Server and obtaining a lease from it. After obtaining an IP Address, Cisco IOS IP SLA
releases the IP address that was leased by the server.
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is an Internet protocol for automating the
configuration of computers that use TCP/IP. DHCP can be used to automatically assign IP
addresses, to deliver TCP/IP stack configuration parameters such as the subnet mask and
default router.

Drop Box
Drop box acts as a temporary repository for objects, for example gauges, charts, links,
device metrics, that you want to include to new reports, dashboards.

A full-duplex link with one telegrapher at each end, transmitting alternately in each direction.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 133


Dynamic Thresholds
Dynamic thresholds enable Entuity to alert the user to deviations from what Entuity’s
previous polling has established as normal behavior for that hour on that day. Entuity
establishes normal behavior for a given attribute on a given port by maintaining the last four
weeks worth of polled data, and applying an averaging algorithm.

The Excess Information Rate (EIR) is the sustainable rate of information in excess of CIR, that
the network will deliver if there is available bandwidth. The total information rate is CIR + EIR.

Frame Relay allows data rates in excess of the CIR to be successfully used on occasions. It is
also possible that the amount of data that can be transferred per measurement interval (Tc)
may be limited to less than the burst (or access rate) of the physical connection to the carrier
EIR defines how many bits per second beyond the CIR the data rate may be exceeded. This
is may be policed by the carrier ingress switch per Tc on a pro-rata basis. This means that
although data can be transmitted for periods of time at the burst rate of the physical port it
would not be possible to continue transferring data at this rate successfully on a continuous
basis if the CIR+EIR were to be less than the burst rate.

Entuity is both the name of the network management software and the company producing
it. Entuity software is designed for networks of any size and complexity, from the smallest,
simplest corporate infrastructure to the largest multinational. Every customer can access the
full functionality of our cornerstone solution, incorporating fault, performance and inventory

entuity_home is used within the Entuity documentation to indicate the Entuity server’s root
folder. The root folder is set by Entuity install, in Windows environments the default is
C:\Entuity. You can view its current setting through destination in
entuity_home\etc\entuity.cfg. Within Entuity configuration files it is represented by the
variable ENTUITY_HOME.

IEEE standard network protocol that specifies how data is placed on and retrieved from a
common transmission medium. Forms the underlying transport vehicle used by several
upper-level protocols, including TCP/IP and XNS.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 134


Events are alerts and alarms that are generated through Entuity monitoring the network.
Event Viewer displays events and they can also be reported on.

Expect is a Unix automation and testing tool, written by Don Libes as an extension to the Tcl
scripting language, for interactive applications such as telnet, ftp, passwd, fsck, rlogin, tip,
ssh, and others. It uses Unix pseudo terminals to wrap up subprocesses transparently,
allowing the automation of arbitrary applications that are accessed over a terminal. With Tk,
interactive applications can be wrapped in X11 GUIs.

Eye of the Storm® (EYE)

Until Entuity 12.5 the software was known as Eye of the Storm (EYE).

Entuity Remedy AR System Integration

The Entuity Remedy AR System integration allows forwarding of event and managed object
information from Entuity to one or more AR System servers.
Entuity allows two types of forwarding:

 automatic generation of Action Requests (ARs), derived from Entuity events, to particular
application forms on target AR System servers
 interactive generation of Action Requests (ARs), initiated from Entuity. The specified
application forms on target AR System servers are opened for editing, with default data
populated from the current Entuity managed object(s) or event(s).
Entuity can also pass to AR System a URL identifying the managed object that is the source
of the AR. From AR System you can open Entuity’s Component Viewer with the focus on the
managed object.

Factory Default
The shipped values of event thresholds are the factory defaults. You can amend a factory
default, which if done at the root level effectively changes the default value for all objects
against which that threshold can be set. For example, if you amend a threshold setting for a
device event at the Entuity (system) level, all devices on that server will have a new default

Forwarding Equivalence Class (FEC) is central concept to MPLS. An FEC is a set of packets
that a single router forwards to the same next hop, using the same interface and with the
same handling (e.g. queuing). The FEC is determined only once, at the ingress to an LSP,
rather than at every router hop along the path.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 135


FECN (Forward Explicit Congestion Notification)

FECN is a bit in the header of a frame relay frame that is set to indicate to the destination
node that congestion is occurring on the network. WAN News combines BECN and FECN
values to determine congestion on a data path.

Filters in Entuity act by filtering in those objects specified in the filter. There are three types of
filters, view, event and Flex Report.
Entuity uses these types of filter:
 View content filters are applied to the views, restricting the components available from a
view to those that meet the criteria.
 Event Filters restrict the events available through a view.
 Flex Report filters restrict the data included to the report.
Flow Collector
The Flow Collector is the set of processes within an Entuity Integrated Flow Analyzer
responsible for the receiving, processing and storage of flow records.
Administrators can enable/disable an Entuity server’s Flow Collector through configure, a
decision which should be made according to the role the administrator wants the server to
perform in the management of the network.

Frame Relay
A fast packet protocol that relies on physical component and higher level software reliability.
The network discards any frame with bit errors. Frame relay services include PVCs
(Permanent Virtual Circuit) and SVCs (Switched Virtual Circuit).

Full Duplex
A full-duplex link with one telegrapher at each end, transmitting alternately in each direction.

Generic Device Type

Entuity uses the concept of an underlying generic object against which are mapped the
characteristics of different device types, e.g. routers, switch, firewalls, BladeCenters. This
allows complete management of devices that have characteristics of one or more of the
traditional types of devices, e.g. a router with switching capabilities.

A type of communication channel using a single circuit which can carry data in either
direction but not both directions at once.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 136


Host Identifier
Your Entuity representative requires the host identifier of the Entuity server machine before
they can generate your license. The host identifier associates the Entuity license with the
physical footprint of the machine. Entuity install and configure programs both display the host
identifier, alternatively you can run the command line program hostIdent (which is included
with the software but is also available from the Support website).
Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP)
Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) establishes a framework between network routers to
achieve default gateway failover if the primary gateway becomes unavailable in close
association with a rapid-converging routing protocol like EIGRP or OSPF. By multicasting
packets, HSRP sends its hello messages to the multicast address (all routers)
using UDP port 1985, to other HSRP-enabled routers, defining priority between the routers.
The primary router with the highest configured priority will act as a virtual router with its own
IP and MAC address, which the hosts on the local segment will be configured to use as a
gateway to the destination in question. If the primary router should fail, or the link to the
destination drop, the router with the next-highest priority would take over communications
through alternative routes within seconds, without major interruption to network connectivity.
HSRP and VRRP on some routers have the ability to trigger a failover if one or more
interfaces on the router go down. This can be useful for dual branch routers each with a
single serial link back to the head end. If the serial link of the primary router goes down, you
would want the backup router to take over the primary functionality and thus retain
connectivity to the head end.

A hypervisor, also called virtual machine monitor (VMM), allows multiple operating systems
to run concurrently on a host computer. The hypervisor presents to the guest operating
systems a virtual operating platform and monitors the execution of the guest operating
systems. Multiple instances of a variety of operating systems may share the virtualized
hardware resources. Hypervisors are installed on server hardware whose only task is to run
guest operating systems.

Infrastructure Ports
Entuity considers infrastructure ports, as:
Entuity considers infrastructure ports, as router ports, as uplinks which are ports connecting
routers with switches and as trunk ports which are ports connecting switches together.
 Router ports.
 Uplinks, ports connecting routers with switches.
 Trunk ports, ports connecting switches together.
This is the entity on a node which is polled, such as a physical port. Nodes are likely to have
more than one interface.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 137


In TCP/IP, the standard for sending the basic unit of data, an IP datagram, through the

IP Link
IP links may be autoDiscovered or created manually. They represents a link of some form at
layer 3 or above e.g. a pair of IP addresses, an IP address and a URL.

IP Peering
IP Peering provides visibility into your WAN links, i.e. leased line, Frame Relay DLCIs, ATM
VCCs, using subnet masking. It also reflects any manual IP pairings you may have made in

International body that is responsible for establishing standards for communications and
information exchange; developed the OSI reference model. ISO is not an acronym, but the
Greek word for "equal."

Java Web Start

A technology for simplifying deployment of Java applications. It allows you to download and
launch the Entuity client from your Web browser or shortcuts placed on your PC.

Key Metrics Gauge

From Entuity’s Explorer you can access the Device and Port Summary pages, both of which
display Key Metric graphs. Key metrics vary according to the managed object, e.g. Device
CPU utilization, Port Inbound Utilization%.
These graphs are of two forms a:
 green only gauge is used with metrics that do not have thresholds.
 green and red gauge is used with metrics that have thresholds. When the indicator is
pointing to the red area then the threshold has been crossed. The relative size of the red
and green areas of the gauge is fixed, i.e. the red area does not take a larger or smaller
proportion of the total area of the gauge on changes to the threshold level.
You can view the current threshold value by passing the cursor over the data value below
the graph.
You can click on each key metric gauge to view a larger graph.

LAP (Lightweight Wireless Access Point)

A low cost Wireless Access Point (WAP) that delegates much of the control functionality
usually embodied within an Autonomous WAP to a WC. LAPs are usually connected to
switched access layer ports and can coexist with ordinary wired connections to end user

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 138


hosts and servers on the same switch. The associations between the LAPs and WCs are
negotiated dynamically and can change under fault conditions.
A LAP is an AP that is designed to be connected to a wireless LAN (WLAN) controller (WLC).
The LAP provides dual band support for IEEE 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g and
simultaneous air monitoring for dynamic, real-time radio frequency (RF) management. In
addition, Cisco Aironet 1000 Series LAPs handle time-sensitive functions, such as Layer 2
encryption, that enable Cisco WLANs to securely support voice, video, and data applications.
Entuity Wireless currently supports Cisco LAP, part of the Cisco Unified Wireless Network

Leased Line
A leased line is a dedicated point-to-point connection over a WAN via a router at the
subscriber’s premises to the telecommunications provider.
Entuity identifies a leased line, by default, when both of these conditions are true:

 The interface type is either IANAifType 22 (propPointToPointSerial) or 23 (PPP).

 The WAN port is not:
 A Frame Relay port.
 An ATM port.
 An ISDN port. These are identified as having an associated lower layer protocol port
(found from the ifStack table) of ifType 81 (ds0). This indicates the port is a layer on top of
either basic rate or primary rate ISDN.
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)
The IEEE 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP), provides a solution for the
configuration issues caused by expanding LANs. It runs over the data link layer and
specifically defines a standard method for Ethernet network devices to advertise information
about themselves to other nodes on the network and store the information they discover.
LLDP is available as a technology link type on the Entuity maps.

Load Balancers
Load balancers are devices that control and optimize traffic flow over your network. For
example directing traffic away from over utilized servers to those less utilized, improving
mission critical service delivery, providing fall over protection.
Entuity delivers a similar level of fault, performance and inventory management for load
balancers as provided for other standard Entuity device types, e.g. routers, switches, hubs.
For example device reports include load balancers, you can build your own reports using
Flex Reports, device and port events apply and full load balancer details are viewable
through Component Viewer.
Entuity currently manages F5 Labs Big IP 6400 Load Balancer. Entuity delivers additional
polling of the device ports using F5 lab’s propriety MIB, returning additional port
identification, port status, port traffic and port utilization data. The full integration of this

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 139


additional data within Entuity allows administrators to set up utilization and traffic events
against this data.

Log Files
Entuity process messages are written to their individual log files, in entuity_home/log. For
example, applicationMonitor writes to applicationMonitor.log. When the log file
becomes full, it automatically wraps to another file with up to four versions, e.g.
applicationMonitor.log.1, applicationMonitor.log.2,

Management Level
Every device under Entuity management is managed according to its management level,
which is set when the device is added to Entuity but can be subsequently amended. Each
managed device costs one license object.
These are the management levels:
 Full Management (all interfaces), Entuity manages all interfaces on the device.
 Full Management (management interfaces only), Entuity only manages the management
 Full Management (no interfaces)
 Basic Management Entuity collects only basic system information and the full IP address
table via SNMP. This management level is used when Entuity does not have the
appropriate device support dataset (vendor file), cannot generate an appropriate dataset
or you only want the device placed under basic management. Entuity does not manage
any ports or modules on the device.
 Ping Only, devices only under ping management, SNMP data is not collected for these
Managing Agent
Handles requests for information or action from the management station on a node. A
protocol links the management station and the Managing Agent; for Entuity users this must
be SNMP.

MIB (Management Information Base)

Entuity supports SNMP MIBs only. MIBs are present within nodes on a network, and
comprise a logical collection of managed objects arranged in a tree structure. Managing
agents on an element use MIBs to store information regarding the element, e.g. the speed at
which packets of information are transferred.
All managed objects within a MIB share a common root.

Mobility Controller
An SNMP manageable hardware device, manufactured by Aruba, that controls and
coordinates the operation of a group of Aruba Wireless Access Points. In an Aruba wireless

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 140


network deployment all wireless equipment discovery and real-time monitoring is performed
via the Mobility Controllers rather than via SNMP/ping monitoring of the individual Access

Network communication between a single sender and multiple receivers.

My Network
Supplied view that contains the entire set of managed object’s the user is permitted to view.
Different users may have different devices in their My Network view, reflecting their different
access permissions.

An SNMP managed device attached to a network, from which data can be retrieved. For
example, node devices such as hubs, routers, bridges, or network printers.

An Object Identifier is a sequence of integers that represent the position of an object in the
hierarchical structure of objects in a MIB.

OMF (Open Modeling Framework)

Flexible Entuity framework that allows the fast integration and management of new types of
managed objects, e.g. new device types. For example, the BladeCenter device type is
implemented through the OMF.

OSI Model
A model for networks developed by International Standards Organization (ISO). The network
is divided into seven layers, each layer building on the services provided below it.

Any logical block of data sent over a network; it contains a header consisting of control
information such as sender, receiver, and error-control data, as well as the message itself.
May be fixed or variable length.

PCR (Peak Cell Rate)

PCR is the maximum short term data throughput supported by an ATM port; the limit to
which traffic can burst.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 141


Percentile Utilization
Percentile Utilization indicates that for a defined percent of the time, e.g. 95, port utilization is
below this value. It is useful for monitoring the sustained utilization of the port.
The 95th percentile is derived by ordering the utilization data by value, from highest to
lowest. Application of a least square fit method removes spikes that would distort the
analysis. The top 5% values are discarded, leaving the 95th percentile. This value is
calculated for both inbound and outbound utilization.

Policy Group
Entuity licensing is enabled by grouping related types of managed objects into groups.
These Policy Groups are then assigned a license credit quota. Before Entuity manages an
object it first checks whether the license allows its management and then whether a credit is
required. When a license credit is required, Entuity checks that the policy group to which the
object’s type is associated has available credits. For example, before Entuity manages a
device it checks the device licensing policy group for available credits.

Devices on the network are accessed by the system at regular, pre-defined, intervals in order
to retrieve required data. This is referred to as polling the devices.

Polling Engine
The Polling Engine (or Core Management Engine) is the set of processes within an
Entuity server responsible for all general network management tasks excluding flow
collection (e.g. network discovery, inventory, monitoring, event management).
Administrators can enable/disable an Entuity server’s Polling Engine through configure, a
decision which should be made according to the role the administrator wants the server to
perform in the management of the network.

Entuity considers ports as interfaces on network devices, e.g. routers, and as endpoints in
communications systems. In IP an upper-layer process that receives information from lower
layers. Ports are numbered, and each numbered port is associated with a specific process.
For example, SMTP is associated with port 25.
TCP and UDP transport layer protocols used on Ethernet use port numbers to distinguish
between (demultiplex) different logical channels on the same network interface on the same

A set of formal rules detailing how to transmit data across a network. Example protocols
include TCP, UDP and IP.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 142


PVC (Permanent Virtual Circuit)

PVC is a Frame Relay virtual connection providing the user with the equivalent of a physical
connection to a destination address, using shared facilities. Virtual circuits can be permanent
(PVC) or switched (SVC).

Availability Monitor sends an ICMP ping to the management IP address of managed devices,
by default every two minutes. Devices that respond are considered reachable, those that do
not respond, after the set number of retries, are considered unreachable. When Availability
Monitor (applicationMonitor) is not running, then the reachability of the device is
Unknown for that period, although Entuity maintains the last known state of the device.
Entuity uses the device sysuptime to calculate when the device was last rebooted, or more
accurately when the device last came up after being rebooted.

Reconciliation Rules
Within BMC Atrium reconciliation rules are applied by the reconciliation engine to improve
accuracy and efficiency of maintaining IT environment data in the CMDB. Reconciliation is
used to identify and merge CI information and relationship form imported dataset with
production dataset.

Remedy Help Desk / Service Desk

Entuity Remedy AR System Integration for Remedy AR System 7.0 includes a sample
configuration which integrates with the Remedy Service Desk application.

Remote Server
A remote server is an Entuity server configured to trust another central Entuity server. A user
logged into the central Entuity server is able to view information collected by the remote
Entuity server(s), according to their user account access rights. A remote Entuity server
responds to requests from a trusted central Entuity server, and freely shares information with
An Entuity server can be configured to perform both roles, be both a remote and central
Entuity Server, allowing administrators to create both hub-n-spoke and fully meshed
Configuration of central and remote servers is through the Multi-Server Administration area of
the Entuity web UI.

A device that routes data between networks. Routers connect multiple LAN segments to
each other or to a WAN.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 143


Routers may be equipped to provide frame relay support to the LAN devices they serve.
These routers can:
 encapsulate LAN frames in frame relay frames and send those frames to a frame relay
switch for transmission across the WAN.
 receive frame relay frames from the WAN, strip the frame relay frame off each frame
producing the original LAN frame, and forward it to the end device.
The configuration controlling the current operation of a piece of Cisco hardware. This may be
different to the start-up config if changes have been made since start-up and the changes
have not been saved. The running-config can be saved as the startup-config replacing any
previous start-up config. The running config is held in DRAM. If the machine is restarted
without the running-config being saved, all changes are lost.

Sample Interval
In Entuity the period between two data samples. This may be between two pollings of a port,
or between two rolled up data samples.

SCR (Sustainable Cell Rate)

SCR is the long term data throughput of an ATM port. Traffic can burst above this limit up to
the PCR.

Any computer whose function in a network is to provide user access to files, printing,
communications, and other services. Servers usually have more memory, more disk storage,
and a more advanced processor than a single-user desktop PC.
Where Entuity manages an application, Entuity can manage the application server as a

Services is a method of grouping together collections of ports that provide a service and
associating with them other ports which use that service. For example, a service maybe e-
mail, with one port designated as the provider of the service and all others in the group
defined as consumers.

A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a set of rules and metrics which can be used to measure
the efficiency and performance of an object. That object may be a department, a server, a
network or any other functional component of an organization. If an object adheres to its
associated set of rules and metrics, then it can be said to be conforming to its SLA. Similarly,
if the object breaches the set of rules and metrics, then this means that it is no longer
conforming to its SLA.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 144


Standardized method of managing and monitoring network devices on TCP/IP based
internets. SNMP defines the formats of a set of network management messages, and the
rules by which those messages are exchanged. The network management messages are
used to make requests for performing network management functions and to report on
events that occur in the network. Also, SNMP defines the allowable data types for MIBs, they
way in which MIBs can be structured, and a set of standard objects that can be used in
implementing a MIB.

Spanning Tree
Spanning tree provides a vendor neutral technology for visibility into your network. When
correctly implemented Entuity discovers bridge links, switch to switch relationships, through
polling the Bridge MIB. Complete spanning tree connectivity relies on a contiguous set of
Entuity managed devices.

Spare Ports
By default Entuity spare port calculations include ports that have been unused for forty days
or more, include ports that have system uptime of less than forty days and are currently
unused and exclude ports that have been unused for less than forty days but have a system
uptime of forty days or more.
By default Entuity spare port calculations:
 Include ports that have been unused for forty days or more.
 Include ports that have system uptime of less than forty days and are currently unused.
 Exclude ports that have been unused for less than forty days but have a system uptime of
forty days or more.
The forty day threshold is configurable through the reporting section of entuity.cfg. Entuity
distinguishes between physical and virtual ports using interface type. If required System
Administrators can amend the virtual port identifier.

SNMP Agent
Management code that resides in the device, controls the operation of the device, and
responds to SNMP requests.

An SSL Certificate consists of a public key and a private key. The public key is used to
encrypt information and the private key is used to decipher it. When a browser points to a
secured domain, an SSL handshake authenticates the server and the client and establishes
an encryption method and a unique session key. They can begin a secure session that
guarantees message privacy and message integrity.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 145


The initial configuration when a piece of Cisco hardware starts-up. If there have been no
changes to the configuration since start-up, this will be the same as the running-config. The
startup-config is also referred to as the saved config. The startup-config is held in NVRAM.

Static Thresholds
Static threshold settings allow you to configure the trigger points which when crossed cause
Entuity to raise events. You can set thresholds against an individual event, a managed
object, view or all objects on an Entuity server.
StormWorks is the internal Entuity engine, also known as the Data Management Kernel
(DMK). It runs as the DsKernelStatic process.StormWorks enables the delivery of
functionality through a highly configurable set of core services. The configuration files, found
in entuity_home\etc, prefixed with sw_ define and configure StormWorks services.
Entuity assigns all of the objects it manages their own StormWorks identifier. StormWorks
identifiers are sequentially assigned, do not consider the object type and are unique within
each Entuity server. StormWorks ID is visible from the object’s web UI Advanced tab, and is
used in creating dashboards to the user, for example during Data Export, Map Export,
running of Flex Reports.

Stream Attributes
Information Entuity collects from your network is stored within Entuity as an attribute of the
managed object, for example a port’s name, a port’s utilization are stored as attributes.
Stream attributes are to maintain a history of a metric, for example Entuity maintains a history
of port utilization.

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a graphics file format and Web development language
based on XML. SVG is used by Entuity’s reports to dynamically generate, high-quality
graphics from real-time data.

A switch is a network device that selects a path or circuit for sending a unit of data to its next
destination. It is usually simpler and faster than a router, which requires knowledge about the
network to determine the route.
A switch may also include the function of the router, a device or program that can determine
the route and specifically what adjacent network point the data should be sent to.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 146


SynOptics Network Management Protocol (SONMP)

SONMP is also known as the Nortel Discovery Protocol (NDP), a Data Link Layer network
protocol for discovery of Nortel (Avaya and Ciena) devices. It is available as a technology link
type for the Entuity maps.

System Capabilities
Entuity determines the switching capability of a device by checking the group dot1dtp,
specifically the mandatory scalar value dot1dTpLearnedEntryDiscards. dot1dtp is only
present when the device supports transparent bridging, which implies it has Ethernet
switching capability.
Entuity determines the routing capability of a device by checking for the ip-forwarding
variable from the ip group in the MIB of the device. When ip-forwarding has a value of 1, this
implies the device is acting as a gateway and so has routing capability.
Entuity determines whether the device type is hub by comparing its type to device types
detailed in the vendor files.

Connection-oriented protocol that provides a reliable byte stream over IP. A reliable
connection means that each end of the session is guaranteed to receive all of the data
transmitted by the other end of the connection, in the same order that it was originally
transmitted without receiving duplicates.

Combination of TCP and IP protocols common to many different computer systems and so
often used for communication between them.

Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a very simple file transfer protocol, with the
functionality of a very basic form of FTP. It uses UDP as its transport protocol and has no
authentication or encryption mechanisms.

Ticker allows you to view real time output at the device and port level, viewing data changes
as they occur. You can select to view data activity for one or more client devices or ports.
For monitored:
 Ports you can select from a list of MIB variables the particular variable(s) you want to use
to monitor the port. Entuity is supplied with a default number of MIB variables for use with
ports and you can also add your own MIB variables to this list.
 Devices you can create your own list of MIB variables on which to monitor the device.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 147


Entuity includes two types of traceroute functionality, identified in the Entuity client as
TraceRoute from Client and TraceRoute from Server.
TraceRoute from Entuity Client, calls the traceroute utility installed on the Entuity client
machine and performs a live traceroute from the Entuity client to the target IP address.
TraceRoute from Entuity Server, uses data collected by applicationMonitor. This
traceroute information is updated every two minutes, so calling TraceRoute from Server does
not initiate a live traceroute but instead interrogates the data returned from the last
applicationMonitor traceroute.

applicationMonitor uses Entuity’s own implementation of traceroute functionality. This

implementation performs ICMP pings in a similar way to a standard traceroute but with this
key difference. When performing a traceroute applicationMonitor increments TTL
values by one, until the pings reach the edge of an invisible cloud. At this point
applicationMonitor increase the TTL value to 32. When this results in the ping reaching
its target, the response from the target includes the actual number of hops required to reach

Traps can be used by network components to signal abnormal conditions. Entuity can both
receive and forward SNMP traps.
Entuity can be configured to:
 Generate events in Event Viewer then traps are received.
 Forward traps to up to six concurrent recipients.

 Entuity also supply a more advanced SNMP trap forwarding integration module. Contact
your Entuity sales representative for details.

Trivial Change
A difference between a current-configuration file and a previously archived one that is not
considered important by the system because it matches a set of rules codified as patterns in
an “ignore file”. Trivial changes may include comments such as timestamps in a
configuration file.

Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

RCA isolates IT related problems using vector differencing. This involves the building of a
dependency chain of objects and monitoring the object states in that chain. In the event of
state changes (where each object state change is a vector), differencing the dependency
chain state vectors enables Entuity to determine the true cause of the event. Entuity can then
raise the appropriate event.
For example, if an application becomes unavailable because a switch has failed then Entuity
raises an event relating to the switch failure in Event Viewer. Entuity does not raise events for

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 148


the application being unavailable as changes in state in the dependency chain are attributed
to the switch failure.

Trunk Ports
Trunk ports, i.e. ports connecting switches together.
Entuity identifies a trunk port by:
 reading the MIB.
 macman identifying the switch port as having more than ten MAC addresses and also
having associated VLANs.
 using CDP Trunk Port Discovery, a CISCO proprietary method.
When one or more of these methods identifies a trunk port, Entuity also considers it as a
trunk port.

Unclassified Devices
Entuity managed devices for which Entuity does not have a device support dataset, provided
through individual vendor, bin.vendor or newbin.vendor files, are included to Entuity as
Unclassified devices under Full Management, or Unclassified devices under Ping-only and
Basic Management.
Unclassified generically managed devices use an Uncertified device type, created by Entuity
and held in newbin.vendor. These are Entuity managed devices and do incur a license
charge. System Administrators should contact their Entuity support representative for a
vendor file which would ensure Entuity fully manages these devices.

Unicast is network communication between a single sender and a single receiver.

Uplink Detection
Entuity considers an uplink as trunking on a connection to a router or layer 3 switch, which is
visible through spanning tree. This technology attempts to link layer 3 with layer 2.
Where links between switches and routers are not done using VLAN trunking and spanning
tree then the spanning tree technology will not detect them. This is typically at smaller
satellite offices, which do not need the greater port density and much greater speed available
from router on a stick and even greater speed available from layer 3 switching.

Ports connecting routers with switches.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 149


By default Entuity polls devices every five minutes, retrieving device sysuptime. Entuity
checks as to whether the device has been continually up since the last poll, and modifies the
device’s uptime value accordingly.
When sysuptime indicates the device has been down during the polling interval but is now
up, from sysuptime alone Entuity cannot identify for how long the device was down. Entuity
takes this unknown time, and adds fifty percent of it to the known uptime value, with the
remaining fifty percent considered UNKNOWN. For example where sysuptime has a value of
two minutes. Entuity cannot determine the state of the device over the first three minutes of
the polling interval. Entuity adds ninety seconds to the sysuptime value, giving an uptime
value of two hundred and ten seconds and records the device state as UNKNOWN for ninety
Device uptime is visible through Component Viewer, and is used in many reports, e.g.
Routing Summary, Switching Summary.

In Entuity port utilization is expressed as a percentage of actual traffic volume against the
maximum volume that can be handled by the port.

UUID (Universally Unique ID)

A 16 byte value written to a system’s planar at manufacturing time to uniquely identify a
system across time and space.

Variable Binding
A variable binding, or VarBind, refers to the pairing of the name of a MIB variable to the
variable's value. A VarBindList is a simple list of variable names and corresponding values.
Some PDUs are concerned only with the name of a variable and not its value (e.g., the
GetRequest-PDU). In this case, the value portion of the binding is ignored by the protocol
entity. However, the value portion must still have valid ASN.1 syntax and encoding. It is
recommended that the ASN.1 value NULL be used for the value portion of such bindings.

VCC (Virtual Channel Connection)

A VCC is an association established at the ATM Layer between two or more endpoints for the
purpose of user-user, user-network, or network-network information transfer. The points at
which the ATM cell payload is passed to the AAL for processing signify the endpoints of a
VCC. Virtual Circuit is a more generic, non-ATM specific term.

VCI (Virtual Channel Identifier)

VPI and VCI together identify a virtual channel link on an ATM interface.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 150


Vendor Files
Entuity identifies the device type of discovered devices by matching their sysoid to that held
against the device support datasets. Device support dataset definitions are held in, listed
here in order of precedence, individual vendor files, bin.vendor file, newbin.vendor file, and
then uncertified file.
vendinfo identifies the vendor information available to Entuity and the decisions made when
more than one vendor file is available for a particular sysoid; which vendor device definition
Entuity uses to manage that device type.

File Type Description

individual vendor files When Entuity does not currently manage a device that you require it to,
you can request your Entuity support representative for an appropriate
vendor file. Those non-standard definitions are listed in entuity_home/etc/
exotica. Only when a vendor file is moved to entuity_home/etc does
Entuity use that definition.
bin.vendor file File includes the default vendor file definition
newbin.vendor file File includes device type definitions generated by earlier versions of
uncertified file File includes device type definitions created by Entuity, using proliferate
with the -g parameter. Devices of this type are considered as Unclassified

All network objects within Entuity are displayed through views. View filters allow you to
restrict the displayed objects in the view to the ones you are interested in. You can also use
user profiles to control access to different views.

Virtual Channel Links (VCLs)

A VCC consists of the concatenated VCLs. A VCL is a means of unidirectional transport of
ATM cells between the points where a VCI value is assigned and the point where the value is
translated or removed. The VPI and VCI within the ATM cell header associates each cell with
a particular VCL over a given physical link.

Virtual Circuit
A Virtual Circuit is a generic term for an association established between two or more
endpoints for the purpose of user-user, user-network, or network-network information
transfer. An example would be ATM’s VCC.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 151


Virtual Port
Entuity distinguishes between physical and virtual ports using interface type. If required
System Administrators can amend the virtual port identifier.

A logical association that allows users to communicate as if they were physically connected
to a single LAN, independent of the actual physical configuration of the network.

VM Platforms
Entuity currently manages Oracle and VMware VMs through its VM Platform device type.
Entuity communicates with VMs and their hypervisors through the VM’s SDK. This requires
specification of different connection attributes when compared to devices of other types. It
also requires that all VMs are added to Entuity with a Ping Only management level, as this
allows the selection of the VM Platform type and its connection configuration. When adding
VMs using autoDiscovery care must be taken to ensure candidate device VMs are always
added as Ping Only.

VPD (Vital Product Data)

VPD is information about a device that is stored on a computer's hard disk (or the device
itself) that allows the device to be administered at a system or network level. Typical VPD
information includes a product model number, a unique serial number, product release level,
maintenance level, and other information specific to the device type. Vital product data can
also include user-defined information, such as the building and department location of the
device. The collection and use of vital product data allows the status of a network or
computer system to be understood and service provided more quickly.

VPI (Virtual Path Identifier)

VPI identifies a virtual path leg on an ATM interface.

VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding)

VRF allows multiple instances of a routing table to co-exist within the same router at the same
time. Because the routing instances are independent, the same or overlapping IP addresses
can be used without conflicting with each other.

VTP (VLAN Trunk Protocol) Domain

A VTP domain consists of one or more connected switches that share the same VTP domain
name. A switch can be configured to be in one and only one VTP domain. The
vtpDomainTool generates a view that groups devices and VLANS by this VTP domain name.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 152


Wireless Controller (WC)

A network attached device that coordinates traffic to and from Lightweight Wireless Access
Points (LAPs). It provides centralized control over the configuration and dynamic behavior of
potentially many LAPs.

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 153

A Composite Report Template 39
Access Points 127 CSV 55
Account Management
report permissions 11 D
Advanced Edit 68, 104 Data Dictionary 44
Graph report example 87, 91 Data Types 109
Ageout Deleting Flex Reports 124
Flex Reports 65
Device Management Level 140
Device Support Datasets 132, 140
log files 140
reachability 143 Device Types 133
traceroute 148 device support datasets 132
AR System 127 DMK 131
ARs 127 Drop Box 41
Attributes DsKernelStatic 146
data types 109
user defined 106 E
Email Notifications 20
B Entuity Remedy AR System 135
BMC Remedy Action Request System (AR Sys- entuity_home 134
tem) 127
Branch Office Perspective 12 activating Expression Builder 107
see also Entuity User and System Administrator
Guide Expression Builder
activating 106
buttons 108
C using 107
trunk port discovery 129 F
CIO Perspective 12 F5 Labs Big IP 6400 Load Balancer 139
see also Entuity User and System Administrator
Guide Filters 70
pre-selecting objects 71
ordering 119 Flex Reports 10, 55
Advanced editing 66
Company Logo ageing out data 65
using 68 amending 92
Component Viewer cancelling 60
On Demand Reporting 60 data rollup 65
viewing Flex Reports 58 deleting 65, 123
Components 95 developing 66

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 154


filters 70, 71 L
KeepTime 123
Layer 2
naming 68
uplink detection 149
Prime Time 69
regenerating 62 Layer 3
Reporting Periods 69 core ports 131
scheduling 66, 96 IP Links 138
selecting data 69 uplink detection 149
viewing 57, 58 Link Layer Discovery Protocol 139
viewing problems 57 Load Balancer
device support 139
G login
Generically Managed Devices 149, 151 URL parameter 105
Graph Reports
creating 84 M
device and port example 87, 91 Mark as a Selectable report 69, 104
port utilization example 85
Markup 35
Green Perspective styled example 48
see also Entuity User and System Administrator
Guide Multiple Chart and Table Template 36

Guided Forms 55
common elements 67 N
overview 67 NaN 109
Navigation pane
H pin 42
HTML 55 noCreate 104
Hyperlinks 56 noRun 104
Not Classified Devices 149
Introduction 55 O
Inventory Reports On Demand Reporting
example 73, 77 from Component Viewer 60
Inventory Table Template 33 from Report Center 59
overview 64
IP Addresses scheduling 97
data types 110
report runtime resolution 113 Output Formats 69

Key Metrics PDF 55
gauge 138 Pin 42
Prime Time 95

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 155


R Reporting On Demand
considerations 61
Remedy Help Desk 143
Reporting Periods 95
Report Builder 27
Data Dictionary 44 Requirements
Drop Box 41 PDF viewer 57
examples 49, 51 SVG viewer 57
Find Attributes 42 Rollup
Inventory Table Template 33 trend data 65, 131
layout expression 48 Row Filter 36
margins 30 expression 31
options 29
Running Reports
overview 27
using report options 22
page width 30
row filter 45
Save 31 S
templates 28 Scheduling Flex Reports 96
Time Series Chart Template 31 schedule pattern 98
Report Center Scheduling Reports
On Demand Reporting 59 using report options 23, 25, 26
regenerating reports 62
viewing Flex Reports 57 Scripting 103

Report Definition Security

data selection 95 URLs 105
deleting 124 Service Desk application 143
output format 95 Service Perspective 12
parameters 94 see also Entuity User and System Administrator
Prime Time 95 Guide
report header 95
Show Advanced Options 29
Reporting Periods 95
Markup 35
URLs 72, 99
Row Filter 31, 36
views 95
Table 35
Report Emailer 94
Show Hidden Data 68, 104
Report Formats 20
Report Options 29 TopN reports 78
output formats 21
SSL 145
running 22
scheduling 23, 25, 26 Static Data
user defined attributes 106
Report Schedules
definition 18 Stopping Flex Reports 60
output format 20 StormWorks 146
report options 23, 25, 26 expression 31
tags 20 Style Sheet 94
Report Style 68 SVG plug-in 57
Report URL 30 System Capabilities 147

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 156


T hypervisor 137
Table 35
Templates W
reports 28 Wireless Access Points 127
Time Series Chart Template 31
Time Series Data X
user defined attributes 106 XML 55
Time Series Table Template 38 deleting files 123
TopN Reports
creating 78
port utilization example 79
sort criteria 78
traceroute 148
TraceRoute from Client 148
TraceRoute from Server 148
Trunk Ports
CDP discovery 129
Types 95

Uncertified Device 133
Unclassified Device Types 133
copying 100
email notification 20
including to scripts 103
information access 55
security 105
using 72, 99
User Defined Attributes
combining tables 117
table sort order 117
useRedirect 103

Vendor Files 151
Views 68
Flex Reports 63, 92
report content 71
view ID 95
Virtual Machines

Managing Entuity Reports Guide 157


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