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Ascential Datastage: Nls Guide

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Ascential Datastage: Nls Guide

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Ascential DataStage

NLS Guide

Version 6.0
September 2002
Part No. 00D-0007DS60
Published by Ascential Software

© 1997–2002 Ascential Software Corporation. All rights reserved.

Ascential, DataStage and MetaStage are trademarks of Ascential Software Corporation or its affiliates and may
be registered in other jurisdictions

Documentation Team: Mandy deBelin


Software and documentation acquired by or for the US Government are provided with rights as follows:
(1) if for civilian agency use, with rights as restricted by vendor’s standard license, as prescribed in FAR 12.212;
(2) if for Dept. of Defense use, with rights as restricted by vendor’s standard license, unless superseded by a
negotiated vendor license, as prescribed in DFARS 227.7202. Any whole or partial reproduction of software or
documentation marked with this legend must reproduce this legend.
Table of Contents

Organization of This Manual ..................................................................................... vii
Documentation Conventions ....................................................................................viii

Chapter 1. What Is NLS?

NLS Mode .................................................................................................................... 1-1
How NLS Mode Works .............................................................................................. 1-1
What You Get with NLS ............................................................................................. 1-3

Chapter 2. Getting Started

Setting Configurable Parameters .............................................................................. 2-1
Setting Default Maps and Locales ............................................................................ 2-4
Setting Locales ............................................................................................................. 2-6
Associating Maps with Devices ................................................................................ 2-6
Setting File Maps ......................................................................................................... 2-7
Setting Terminal Maps ............................................................................................... 2-7
Setting Maps on Tapes and Other Devices .............................................................. 2-8
Updating Accounts ..................................................................................................... 2-8

Chapter 3. Maps
How Maps Work ......................................................................................................... 3-1
Map Naming Conventions ........................................................................................ 3-4
Creating New Maps .................................................................................................... 3-5
Building and Installing Maps .................................................................................... 3-8
Multibyte NLS Maps and System Delimiters ......................................................... 3-9
Handling Extra Characters ...................................................................................... 3-10
Maps and Files ........................................................................................................... 3-11

Table of Contents iii

Chapter 4. Locales
How Locales Work ...................................................................................................... 4-1
Creating Conventions ................................................................................................. 4-4
Creating New Locales ................................................................................................. 4-4
Format of Convention Records .................................................................................. 4-5
Collating ...................................................................................................................... 4-22
Using Locales ............................................................................................................. 4-27

Chapter 5. NLS in BASIC Programs

How BASIC Is Affected .............................................................................................. 5-1
Display Length in BASIC ........................................................................................... 5-3
Maps in DataStage BASIC .......................................................................................... 5-5
Maps and Devices ....................................................................................................... 5-7
Unmappable Characters .............................................................................................5-9
Multinational Characters in BASIC ........................................................................ 5-11
BASIC and Locales .................................................................................................... 5-18

Chapter 6. NLS Administration Menus

Unicode Menu ..............................................................................................................6-1
Mappings Menu .......................................................................................................... 6-3
Locales Menu ............................................................................................................... 6-3
Categories Menu .......................................................................................................... 6-4
Installation Menu ........................................................................................................ 6-4

Appendix A. The NLS Database

Appendix B. National Convention Hooks
General Hook Mechanism ........................................................................................ B-2
Support from DataStage ............................................................................................ B-3
Memory Management ............................................................................................... B-4
Using Hooks in DataStage ........................................................................................ B-4
NLS Hook Interface Definitions ............................................................................... B-6
Hook Functions ........................................................................................................... B-7

iv NLS Guide
Appendix C. NLS Quick Reference
DataStage Commands ............................................................................................... C-1
BASIC Statements and Functions ............................................................................ C-3
Map Tables .................................................................................................................. C-4
DataStage Locales ...................................................................................................... C-6
Unicode Blocks ........................................................................................................... C-7

Table of Contents v
vi NLS Guide

This guide is for users, programmers, and administrators who are familiar with
DataStage and want to use and manage its National Language Support (NLS)

Organization of This Manual

This manual contains the following:
Chapter 1 gives an overview of how NLS works, and describes the NLS
features that are included in DataStage.
Chapter 2 describes how to get started using the configurations supplied
Chapter 3 describes character set maps and how to modify them.
Chapter 4 describes locales and how to modify them.
Chapter 5 tells how to use NLS in UniVerse BASIC programs.
Chapter 7 describes the structure and content of the NLS Administration menu
Appendix A contains reference information about the files in the NLS
Appendix B describes the national convention hooks users can write to imple-
ment specific NLS functions and then hook them into UniVerse.
Appendix C contains reference information about commands, BASIC state-
and so on.
The Glossary defines the NLS terms that are used in this manual.

Preface vii
Documentation Conventions
This manual uses the following conventions:

Convention Usage
Bold In syntax, bold indicates commands, function names, and
options. In text, bold indicates keys to press, function names,
menu selections, and MS-DOS commands.
UPPERCASE In syntax, uppercase indicates DataStage commands,
keywords, and options; BASIC statements and functions;
and SQL statements and keywords. In text, uppercase also
indicates DataStage identifiers such as filenames, account
names, schema names, and Windows NT filenames and
Italic In syntax, italic indicates information that you supply. In text,
italic also indicates UNIX commands and options, filenames,
and pathnames.
Courier Courier indicates examples of source code and system
Courier Bold In examples, courier bold indicates characters that the user
types or keys the user presses (for example, <Return>).
[] Brackets enclose optional items. Do not type the brackets
unless indicated.
{} Braces enclose nonoptional items from which you must
select at least one. Do not type the braces.
itemA | itemB A vertical bar separating items indicates that you can choose
only one item. Do not type the vertical bar.
... Three periods indicate that more of the same type of item can
optionally follow.
➤ A right arrow between menu options indicates you should
choose each option in sequence. For example, “Choose
File ➤ Exit” means you should choose File from the menu
bar, then choose Exit from the File pull-down menu.
I Item mark. For example, the item mark ( I ) in the following
string delimits elements 1 and 2, and elements 3 and 4:
F Field mark. For example, the field mark ( F ) in the following
string delimits elements FLD1 and VAL1:

viii Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Convention Usage
V Value mark. For example, the value mark ( V ) in the following
string delimits elements VAL1 and SUBV1:
S Subvalue mark. For example, the subvalue mark ( S ) in the
following string delimits elements SUBV1 and SUBV2:
T Text mark. For example, the text mark ( T ) in the following
string delimits elements 4 and 5: 1F2S3V4T5

The following conventions are also used:

• Syntax definitions and examples are indented for ease in reading.
• All punctuation marks included in the syntax—for example, commas,
parentheses, or quotation marks—are required unless otherwise indicated.
• Syntax lines that do not fit on one line in this manual are continued on
subsequent lines. The continuation lines are indented. When entering
syntax, type the entire syntax entry, including the continuation lines, on the
same input line.

Preface ix
x Ascential DataStage NLS Guide
What Is NLS?

This chapter gives an overview of what NLS (National Language Support) is, why
you need it, how it works, and what you will find when you install NLS.

Note: This manual uses some terms that may be new to you. When a new term is
introduced, it is printed in italic. This means you can find an entry for the
term in the Glossary at the back of the book.

NLS Mode
DataStage has a special mode that offers National Language Support (NLS). With
NLS mode enabled, you can use DataStage in various languages and countries.
You can do the following:
• Input data in many character sets (dependent on your local keyboard)
• Retrieve data and format it using your own conventions or those of another
• Output data to a screen or printer using the character sets and display
conventions of different countries
• Write programs that run in different languages and countries without
source changes or recompilation

How NLS Mode Works

NLS mode works by using two types of character set:
• The NLS internal character set
• External character sets that cover the world’s different languages
In NLS mode, DataStage maps between the two character sets when you input
data to or output data from a database.

What Is NLS? 1-1

Internal Character Set
In NLS mode, DataStage stores data using a single, large, internal character set
that can represent at least 64,000 characters. Each character in the internal char-
acter set has a unique code point. This is a number that is by convention
represented in hexadecimal format. You can use this number to represent the
character in programs. DataStage easily stores many languages. You can also
customize DataStage to handle less common languages.

About Unicode
The NLS internal character set conforms to the Unicode standard. Unicode
defines characters using 16-bit codes in 4-digit hexadecimal format. The Unicode
standard gives unique character definitions for many languages, as well as many
symbols and special characters.
The Unicode standard forms part of ISO 10646. NLS complies with:
• ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993 Basic Multilingual Plane
• Unicode Version 2.0 (with the exception of Tibetan)
For more information about Unicode, see The Unicode Standard, Version 2.0,
Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-48345-9, or the Unicode Consortium’s World Wide
Web page at http://www.unicode.org.

When you need to enter, list, print, or transfer data, NLS maps the data to or from
the external character set you want to use. NLS includes map tables for many of
the character sets used in the world (see the list in Appendix C). You can specify
mapping for:
• DataStage files
• Operating system files
• Terminals
• Keyboards and other input devices
• Printers (including auxiliary printers)
• Storage media
• Communications devices

Note: If your files contain only ASCII 7-bit characters, they need not be mapped.

1-2 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

What You Get with NLS
NLS has its own configurable database of DataStage files in the nls subdirectory of
the DataStage server engine account directory. For a description of these files, see
Appendix A and Chapter 6. This database contains:
• Information about the Unicode character set. For more information, see
Chapter 3, “Maps.”
• Tables of character set maps. For more information, see Appendix C, “NLS
Quick Reference.”
• Tables of locales and national conventions that define how data is
formatted for a particular country or area. For more information, see
Chapter 4, “Locales.”
When you install DataStage with NLS enabled, the files in the database are config-
urable as well. This means you can customize all the categories defined in each

Maps define how DataStage converts characters in the external character set to
the internal character set, and vice versa. The external character set is what the
user sees and uses to input data on a keyboard, to print reports, and so on.
Appendix C shows the map tables that are supplied with DataStage. For more
information about specifying the correct map for your system, see “Setting
Default Maps and Locales” on page 2-4.

Strictly speaking, a DataStage NLS locale is a set of national conventions. A locale is
viewed as a separate entity from a character set. You need to consider the
language, character set, and conventions for data formatting that one or more
groups of people use. You define the character set independently, although for
national conventions to work correctly, you must also use the appropriate char-
acter sets. For example, Venezuela and Ecuador both use Spanish as their
language, but have different data formatting conventions.
Locales do not respect national boundaries. One country may use several locales,
for example, Canada uses two and Belgium uses three. Several countries may use
one locale, for example, a multinational business could define a worldwide locale
to use in all its offices. Appendix C lists all the locales that are supplied with
DataStage and the territories and languages associated with them.

What Is NLS? 1-3

Note: This manual uses the term territory rather than country to describe an area
that uses a locale.

National Conventions
A national convention is a standard set of rules that define data formatting a
particular territory uses. NLS supports the following national conventions:
• The format for times and dates
• The format for displaying numbers
• How to display monetary values
• Whether a character is alphabetic, numeric, nonprinting, and so on
• The order in which characters should be sorted (collation)

Time and Date. Most territories have a preferred style for presenting times and
dates. For times, this is usually a choice between a 12-hour or 24-hour clock. For
dates, there are more variations. Here are some examples of formats used by
different locales to express 9.30 at night on the first day of April in 1990:

Territory Time Date DataStage Locale

France 21h30 1.4.90 FR-FRENCH
U.S. 9:30 p.m. 4/1/90 US-ENGLISH
Japan 21:30 90.4.1 JP-JAPANESE

Numeric. This convention defines how numbers are displayed, including:

• The character used as the decimal separator (the radix character)
• The character used as a thousands separator
• Whether leading zeros should be used for numbers 1 through –1
For example, the following numbers can all mean one thousand, depending on
the locale you use:

Territory Number DataStage Locale

Ireland 1,000 IE-ENGLISH
Netherlands 1.000 NL-DUTCH
France 1 000 FR-FRENCH

Monetary. This convention defines how monetary values are displayed,

• The character used as the decimal separator. This may differ from the
decimal separator used in numeric formats.

1-4 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

• The character used as a thousands separator. This may differ from the thou-
sands separator used in numeric formats.
• The local currency symbol for the territory, for example, $, £, or ¥.
• The string used as the international currency symbol, for example, USD
(US Dollars), NOK (Norwegian Kroner), or ITL (Italian Lire).
• The number of decimal places used in local monetary values.
• The number of decimal places used in international monetary values.
• The sign used to indicate positive monetary values.
• The sign used to indicate negative monetary values.
• The relative positions of the currency symbol and any positive or negative
signs in monetary values.
Here are examples of monetary formats different locales use:

Currency Format DataStage Locale

U.S. Dollars $123.45 US-ENGLISH
French Francs 123,45 F FR-FRENCH
German Marks DM123,45 DE-GERMAN
Portuguese Escudos 123$45 Esc PT-PORTUGUESE

Character Type. This convention defines whether a character is alphabetic,

numeric, nonprinting, and so on. This convention also defines any casing rules,
for example, some letters take an accent in lowercase but not in uppercase.

Collation. This convention defines the order in which characters are collated, that
is, sorted. There can be many variations in collation order within a single char-
acter set. For example, the character Ä follows A in Germany, but follows Z in
Sweden. For an explanation of how NLS determines the sort order for an external
character set, see “How DataStage Collates” on page 4-23.

What Is NLS? 1-5

1-6 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide
Getting Started

This chapter tells you how to configure NLS using the maps and locales supplied
with DataStage. Topics include the following:
• Setting the configurable parameters used by NLS
• How to set up maps for devices and files
• How to set up locales
• How to set the maps for client/server programs

Setting Configurable Parameters

You can set system-wide defaults for NLS in the uvconfig file. The defaults are
stored as DataStage configurable parameters. You can specify:
• Whether NLS mode is on or off
• How DataStage behaves if a character cannot be mapped during read or
write operations
• Default maps for new files
• Default maps for files created outside NLS
• Default maps for terminals and other devices
• Default national conventions

Getting Started 2-1

Table 2-1 lists the NLS configurable parameters in the uvconfig file. The default
values in Table 2-1 may be different on your system. Please consult your
DataStage release notes for changes to the default values.

Table 2-1. NLS Configurable Parameters

Parameter Description
NLSDEFDEVMAP Specifies the name of the default map to use for device
input or output. This map is used for all devices except
printers that do not have a map specified in the
&DEVICE& file. The ASSIGN MAP command over-
rides this setting. The default value is ISO8859-
NLSDEFDIRMAP Specifies the name of the default map to use for type 1
and type 19 files without assigned maps. This occurs if
a type 1 or type 19 file was not created on an NLS
system and has not had a map defined for it by the
SET.FILE.MAP command. This map applies only to the
data in records, not to record IDs. The default value is
NLSDEFFILEMAP Specifies the name of the default map to use for hashed
files without assigned maps. This occurs if a hashed file
was not created on an NLS system and has not had a
map defined for it by the SET.FILE.MAP command.
The default value is ISO8859-1+MARKS.
NLSDEFGCIMAP Specifies the name of the default map to use for string
arguments passed to and from GCI subroutines. This
map is used if the GCI subroutine does not explicitly
define a map. The default value is ISO8859-1+MARKS.
NLSDEFPTRMAP Specifies the name of the default map to use for printer
output. This map is used if a printer does not have a
map defined for it in the &DEVICE& file. The default
value is ISO8859-1+MARKS.
NLSDEFSEQMAP Specifies the name of the default map to use for
sequential input or output for files or devices without
assigned maps. The SET.SEQ.MAP command overrides
this setting. The default value is ISO8859-1+MARKS.
NLSDEFSRVLC Specifies the name of the default locale to use for
passing data to and from client programs. This locale is
used if the client program does not specify a server
locale. The default value is ISO8859-1+MARKS.

2-2 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Table 2-1. NLS Configurable Parameters (Continued)

Parameter Description
NLSDEFSRVMAP Specifies the name of the default map to use for passing
data to and from client programs. This map is used if
the client program does not specify a server map. The
default value is ISO8859-1+MARKS.
NLSDEFTERMMAP Specifies the name of the default map to use for
terminal input or output. This map is used if a terminal
does not have a map defined for it in its terminfo defini-
tion. The SET.TERM.TYPE MAP command overrides
this setting. The default value is ISO8859-1+MARKS.
NLSDEFUSRLC Specifies the default locale. The default value is OFF.
NLSLCMODE Specifies whether locales are enabled. A value of 1 indi-
cates that locales are enabled; a value of 0 indicates that
locales are disabled. The default setting is 0. This
parameter has no effect unless NLSMODE is set to 1.
NLSMODE Turns NLS mode on or off. A value of 1 indicates NLS
is on, a value of 0 indicates NLS is off. If NLS mode is
off, DataStage does not check any other NLS
NLSNEWDIRMAP Specifies the name of the map to use for new type 1 and
type 19 files created when NLS mode is on. This map
applies only to the data in records, not to record IDs.
The default value is ISO8859-1+MARKS.
NLSNEWFILEMAP Specifies the name of the map to use for new hashed
files created when NLS mode is on. A value of NONE
(the default value) indicates that data is to be held in
the internal DataStage character set.
NLSOSMAP Specifies the name of the map to use for filenames or
record IDs visible to the operating system. This chiefly
affects CREATE.FILE and record IDs written to type 1
or type 19 files. The default value is ISO8859-1.
NLSREADELSE Specifies the action to take if characters cannot be
mapped when a record is read by a READ statement. A
value of 1 indicates that the READ statement takes the
ELSE clause. A value of 0 indicates that unmappable
characters are returned as the Unicode replacement
character 0xFFFD. The default value is 1.

Getting Started 2-3

Table 2-1. NLS Configurable Parameters (Continued)

Parameter Description
NLSWRITEELSE Specifies the action to take if characters cannot be
mapped when data is written to a record. A value of 1
indicates that the write aborts or takes the ON ERROR
clause (if there is one). A value of 0 indicates that
unmappable characters are converted to the file map’s
unknown character (for example, ?) before writing the
record. When this happens, some data may be lost.

Setting Default Maps and Locales

You need to plan what the maps for your files will need once you enable NLS.
After enabling NLS, check that terminals, printers, other devices, and existing
files have maps set to your requirements. This section describes how to set
system-wide defaults for maps and locales. You must be a DataStage Adminis-
trator logged in to the server engine home account to do this. Later sections
describe how to set maps and locales for specific uses.
1. Decide which maps you need. See “Map Tables” on page C-4 for a complete
list of DataStage NLS maps. You can view the maps using the Mappings
option of the NLS Administration menu. If you cannot find a suitable map,
you can define a new one. For more information about defining maps, see
“Creating New Maps” on page 3-5.
If your operating system supports a different character set from any of the
maps already chosen, you have to choose and build another map for the oper-
ating system.
2. Build the maps by choosing Mappings ➤ Build from the NLS Administration
3. Set the NLS configurable parameters in the uvconfig file as follows:
• Set NLSMODE to 1. This turns NLS on for the whole system.
• If you want to use NLS locales, set NLSLCMODE to 1.
• If you want to specify a default locale for the whole system, set the NLSDE-
FUSERLC parameter to the name of the locale you want to use. (For a list of
locale names, see “DataStage Locales” on page C-6. For more information
about setting locales, see “Setting Locales” on page 2-6.)

2-4 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

• Set the NLSDEFTERMMAP and NLSDEFPTRMAP parameters to the map
names you want for your terminals and printers.
• If you have data in existing files, the file maps should match your terminal
parameters to this map name.
• Set the NLSNEWDIRMAP and NLSDEFDEVMAP parameters to match the
terminal map.
• Set the NLSOSMAP parameter to the name of the map for the character set
used by the operating system.
• Leave the NLSNEWFILEMAP parameter set to NONE. This ensures that
new files are created in NLS format. Leave all other NLS parameters set as
DataStage checks that all the maps you defined have been built. If not, it
builds them for you.
4. Exit DataStage and enter bin/uvregen so that DataStage recognizes the
settings in the configurable parameters when you restart it. Then do one of
the following, as appropriate:
On UNIX systems: Shut down and restart the DataStage server.
On Windows NT systems: Start the DataStage Engine Resource service. If the
DataStage Engine Resource service is already running, you must stop it first.
5. When you reenter DataStage, NLS mode is on. You can display the default
map name associated with your terminal by entering TERM.

Moving NLS Map and Locale Definitions

You can move NLS map and locale definitions from one system to another. Do the
1. Create a type 19 file in the server engine account of the source system.
2. Copy the definition records from the NLS database files to the type 19 file. For
maps, these records come from the NLS.MAP.DESCS and NLS.MAP.TABLES
files. For locales, these records come from the NLS.LC.TIME,
NLS.LC.COLLATE files. You may also need weight table information for your
Collate category if you defined specific weight tables.
3. Transfer the type 19 file to the target system.

Getting Started 2-5

4. Copy the definitions back into the appropriate NLS files.
5. Use NLS.ADMIN to build the maps and locales.
6. Load the maps and locales into shared memory using the documented
method for your operating system (see “Building and Installing Maps” on
page 3-8, and “Creating New Locales” on page 4-4).

Setting Locales
UVLANG Environment Variable. To set your initial DataStage locale, use the
UVLANG environment variable. When you start a DataStage session, DataStage
retrieves the value of the UVLANG variable and checks to see if a locale of the
specified name is loaded. If it is, it becomes your current locale.
Direct DataStage connections (uvsh), telnet connections, and BCI connections are
all affected by the UVLANG variable.

System Locale. You can set a locale for your whole system with the NLSDEFU-
SERLC parameter in the uvconfig file. The procedure is described in “Setting
Default Maps and Locales” on page 2-4).
Users can set locales from the DataStage prompt using the SET.LOCALE
command. You can set locales from BASIC programs using the SETLOCALE
For more information about the locale database and how to customize locales, see
Chapter 4, “Locales.”

Associating Maps with Devices

You can associate a map name with any device defined in the &DEVICE& file. To
do this, add the map name in field 19 of the device’s record in &DEVICE&.
• If a device has a specific map defined in &DEVICE&, all input and output
for the device use the map.
• If a device does not have a specific map defined in &DEVICE&, it uses the
default specified in the uvconfig file. The defaults are specified in the
following parameters:
– NLSDEFPTRMAP, for printers
– NLSDEFDEVMAP, for other devices

2-6 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Setting File Maps
For old files not created under NLS mode, DataStage uses the default map speci-
fied in either the NLSDEFFILEMAP or the NLSDEFDIRMAP parameter in the
uvconfig file. For new files, DataStage uses the maps specified in the parameters
NLSNEWFILEMAP and NLSNEWDIRMAP. If you want to set a specific map on a
file, use theET.FILE.MAP command. If you want to convert an existing non-NLS
file to an NLS file, use the UNICODE.FILE command.

Setting Terminal Maps

The system specifies the default setting for terminal maps in the uvconfig file
NLSDEFTERMMAP parameter. (Terminal maps can also be specified in the
terminfo file. See “@ Function Codes for Terminal and Auxiliary Maps” on
page 5-7.) If you want to set an explicit terminal map, use the SET.TERM.TYPE
command with the following syntax:

SET.TERM.TYPE [ code ] [ MAP mapname ] [ AUXMAP mapname ]

code specifies the terminal type. It is case-sensitive. If you omit code, the current
terminal type is used by default.
mapname must be built and loaded into shared memory.
Specify mapname as DEFAULT if you want to use the map specified for the corre-
sponding terminal type in the terminfo file. But if there is no default map defined
in terminfo, SET.TERM.TYPE uses the default specified in the uvconfig parameter
If you want to set a map for an auxiliary printer attached to the terminal, use
AUXMAP. If you do not specify a map for an auxiliary printer, the terminal’s map
is used.
This example sets a terminal map without changing the terminal type:
The next example sets the terminal type to VT220 and sets up an auxiliary printer
map. The terminal map is set up from the terminfo record or from the parameter

Getting Started 2-7

Retrieving Terminal Settings
You can use the TERM and GET.TERM.TYPE commands to list the terminal and
auxiliary printer map names. For example:
Terminal Printer
Page width: 80 80
Page depth: 24 66
Page skip : 0
LF delay : 0
FF delay : 2
Backspace : 8
Term map : SHIFT-JIS
DEC vt200/vt220 8 bit terminal (vt220)
Width : 80
Depth : 24

Setting Maps on Tapes and Other Devices

You can specify a map name for a tape device using the ASSIGN command. This
command overrides any map name given in the &DEVICE& file for device until
you either unassign the device or specify another map with an ASSIGN
The following example assigns the tape device MT0 to tape unit 0 and sets its map
so that data is written to the tape in the Korean standard character set KSC5601:

Updating Accounts
Once NLS mode is enabled, all users who enter DataStage have NLS mode on by
default. All accounts created after NLS mode is enabled can use NLS commands
and functionality.
If you are installing NLS on a system that has previously been running DataStage
without NLS, you must use the NLS.UPDATE.ACCOUNT command to update
all existing accounts. This command ensures that an account contains all of the
correct VOC entries and converts relevant system files for NLS use, e.g.,

2-8 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

&SAVEDLISTS&. Run the command in all existing user accounts, including the
server engine account.
When you run the command in the server engine account, it asks you if you want
to convert SQL catalog files to NLS format. If you are using SQL, answer yes.
This lets you create schema, table, and column names containing multibyte char-
acters. However, multibyte SQL identifiers are not supported at this release.

Maps for Client Programs

The NLS.CLIENT.MAPS file defines maps for client programs on the server. You
define maps for client programs by choosing Mappings ➤ Clients ➤ Create from
the NLS Administration menu.
You are prompted to enter the following information:
• A client type and character set identifier (see below).
• An optional description.
• An NLS map name that corresponds to the character set used on the client.
This information enables UniVerse to map the character set used on the
client to the NLS maps known to UniVerse. For a list of the map tables
supplied with NLS, see Appendix C.
The client type and character set identifier are in the following format:
client.type : char.set.ID
client.type identifies the type of client system and should be one of the following:

WIN For clients using, for example, UniObjects or InterCall programs on

Windows systems.
UNX For clients using, for example, BCI and UCI programs on UNIX systems.

char.set.ID is a text string that identifies the character set used by the client. On
Windows systems, the identifier is normally an integer, for example, 1252. On
UNIX systems, the identifier can be any text. An example of a complete client type
and character set identifier is WIN:1252.
Each development environment differs in how you determine which char.set.ID to
use. For example, you can call something like the COleControl::AmbientLocaleID
in an OLE application.
If UniVerse cannot find the client type and character set identifier, it uses a
default. The default is either WIN:DEFAULT or UNX:DEFAULT. If these defaults

Getting Started 2-9

are not available on the system, UniVerse uses the value specified in the uvconfig
file for the NLSDEFSRVMAP parameter.

Configuring the Code Page on Multibyte Windows NT Systems

On Windows NT systems the code page detected by UniVerse client programs may
not be the real code page in use. This information is returned by an operating
system call and is outside the client’s control. The code page information is passed
to the server, which looks it up in the NLS.CLIENT.MAPS file, part of the NLS
database. If there is no entry in the file, a default is selected either from the
NLS.CLIENT.MAPS file, if one exists, or from the NLSDEFSRVMAP configurable
parameter in the uvconfig file. It should be clear from this that the server can select
the wrong map for the client.
For example, suppose you are running on the Korean version of Windows NT. This
returns the code page number 1252, though the real code page is 949. The client
sends an identifier of WIN:1252 to the server. The server tries to find a record for
WIN:1252. If it finds the entry that is shipped with UniVerse, this sets the NLS map
to MS1252, which is wrong. You can do one of three things to resolve the problem:
• Change the WIN:1252 entry to point to the correct NLS map, for example:
Record id: WIN:1252
0001: Korean character set
0002: KSC5601+MARKS

• Delete the WIN:1252 entry and set the WIN:DEFAULT entry to point to the
correct NLS map.
• Delete both WIN:1252 and WIN:DEFAULT entries and set the NLSDEFS-
RVMAP configurable parameter to the correct NLS map.
The first of these options is preferable.

Locales for Client Programs

Locales for client programs are defined in the NLS.CLIENTS.LCS file on the
server. You set a locale for a client program by choosing Locales ➤ Clients ➤
Create from the NLS Administration menu.
The system prompts you to enter the following information:
• A client type and locale identifier (see below).
• An optional description.
• The name of the locale to use for the client program. This must be one of
the UniVerse locale names in Appendix C.

2-10 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

The client type and locale identifier are in the following format:
client.type : locale.ID
client.type identifies the type of client system and should be one of the following:

WIN For clients using, for example, UniObjects or InterCall programs on

Windows systems.
UNX For clients using, for example, BCI and UCI programs on UNIX systems.

locale.ID is a text string that identifies the locale used by the client. On Windows
systems the identifier is a hexadecimal number, for example, 0409. An example of
a complete client type and locale identifier is WIN:0409. On UNIX systems the
identifier can be any text string.

Getting Started 2-11

2-12 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

This chapter provides more detailed information about the maps supplied with
DataStage. The topics covered include:
• How DataStage maps work
• Map types
• How to create, build, and install maps
• Extending a character set to cover extra characters

How Maps Work

DataStage provides a set of standard map descriptions and tables. Maps are
stored in the following two files in the NLS database:
• NLS.MAP.DESCS holds information about maps, such as whether they are
single-byte or double-byte, and what replacement character should be used
for characters that cannot be mapped.
• NLS.MAP.TABLES holds the character mappings themselves. Each code
point in the external character set is mapped to a code point in the
DataStage internal character set. Each map table supplied with DataStage
has an entry in this file.
Before you can use a map in a program or a command, you must compile it and
load it into shared memory. See “Building and Installing Maps” on page 3-8.
Any map name you supply to a program or command must be the ID of a record
in the NLS.MAP.DESCS file. Each map record in the file contains a pointer to a
main map table and optionally to an input map table in the NLS.MAP.TABLES file.

Main Maps and Input Maps

Main maps define the input and output mapping for a character set. The mapping
is two-way. External byte sequences map to internal values on input and back to

Maps 3-1
the same external byte sequences on output. For a list of the map tables supplied
with DataStage, see “Map Tables” on page C-4.
Input map tables, also known as deadkey tables, are one-way. They define byte
sequences that map from external to internal values only. You use them to enter
characters that a system can display on the screen but that are not on the

Base Maps
A map can be based on another map. When it is, the record in the
NLS.MAP.DESCS file also contains a pointer to the base map. This map can be
based on yet another map. To understand the complete map you must follow the
chain of base maps. For more information about the construction of a map, choose
Mappings ➤ Descriptions ➤ Xref and Mappings ➤ Tables ➤ Xref from the NLS
Administration menu.
For example, the map C0-CONTROLS is a single-byte character set map using the
C0-CONTROLS table. It maps the set of 7-bit control characters. The italic
comments are not part of the record but are added here for clarity.
0001 Standard ISO2022 C0 control set, chars 00-1F+7F
0002 - Name of base map
0003 SBCS
0004 C0-CONTROLS - Name of map table
0002 00-1F 0000
0003 7F 007F

In general you can construct larger maps from existing maps by adding another
table. For example, the map ASCII, which maps all of the 7-bit characters, is
constructed by adding the table ASCII to the map C0-CONTROLS:
0001 #Standard ASCII 7-bit set
0002 C0-CONTROLS - Name of base map
0003 SBCS
0004 ASCII - Name of map table
0001 * 7-BIT ASCII, identity mapping to 1st 127 chars
0002 * (not including control characters - see C0-CONTROLS)
0003 20-7F 0020

3-2 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Similarly the map C1-CONTROLS, which contains all 8-bit and 7-bit control char-
acters, is constructed by adding the table C1-CONTROLS to the map
0001 Standard 8-bit ISO control set, 80-9F
0002 C0-CONTROLS - Name of base table
0003 SBCS
0004 C1-CONTROLS - Name of map table
0002 80-9F 0080

You can further modify this map as required. The map ASCII+C1 is constructed
by adding the table ASCII to the map C1-CONTROLS, and the map ISO8859-1 by
adding the table ISO8859-1 to the map ASCII+C1.

Creating a New Map

When you need to create new maps, follow these steps:
1. Find an existing map that most closely matches the required map.
2. Identify the characters that need to be mapped differently in the new map.
3. Create a new table in NLS.MAP.TABLES that contains only these new
4. Create the new map in NLS.MAP.DESCS by basing it on the existing map and
adding the new table.
The following example creates a map called MY.ASCII. This map is identical to
the existing ASCII map, except the input character 0x23 is mapped to the UK
pound sign (pound) instead of the number symbol (hash).
0001 * Modified ASCII with UK pound
0002 ASCII
0003 SBCS
0001 * Map input 0x23 to Unicode 00A3
0002 23 00A3

Maps 3-3
Map Naming Conventions
Map names must contain only characters in the ASCII-7 character set. The
following map names are reserved and have special meanings:

AUX The map associated with the auxiliary printer.

CRT The map associated with the current terminal.
DEFAULT The default map.
LPTR The map associated with print channel 0.
NONE No mapping. The DataStage internal character set is used.
UNICODE The map from or to the DataStage internal set and Unicode 16-bit
fixed width external set.
UTF8 The map from or to the DataStage internal set and UTF8 as described
in ISO 10646. This involves mapping the DataStage system delimiters
to the Private Use Area of Unicode.

Avoid defining a map that uses any of the following prefixes or suffixes that are
associated with existing groups of maps:

ASCII… Underlies most other code pages and defines the characters 0000
through 007F.
BIG5… The de facto standard Chinese double-byte character set.
GB… Chinese GB standards (for example, GB2312-80).
ISO8859-nn ISO 8859 series of single-byte character set standards.
KSC… Korean DBCS national standards (for example, KSC5601).
…JIS and JIS… Japanese DBCS national standards (for example, SHIFT-JIS and
MNEMONICS A large set of deadkey sequences for entering Unicode characters
using the form <xx>. For example, <Ye> enters the Yen symbol.
MAC… Apple Macintosh code pages (single-byte character set).
MSnnnn Microsoft Windows code pages. nnnn is four decimal digits.
PCnnn IBM PC code pages. nnn is usually three decimal digits.

3-4 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Creating New Maps
You can create or edit map records by choosing the Mappings option from the
NLS Administration menu. Choose Tables for a map table or Descriptions for a
map description. You can then choose one of the following options:

Option Description
List Lists all the tables or descriptions.
Create Creates a new record in the NLS database.
Edit Edits a record in the NLS database.
Delete Deletes a record in the NLS database.
Xref Prints cross-reference information on a record.

Creating a Map Description

When you create a map description, a new record is added to the
NLS.MAP.DESCS file. You are prompted to enter values for the fields in the new
record. The following table shows the fields in the file:

Field Name Description

0 Map ID The name used to specify the map in commands
and programs.
1 Map Description A description of the map.
2 Base Map ID The name of a map to base this one on. This value
must be the record ID of another record in the
3 Map type The value of this field must be either SBCS for a
single-byte character set, or DBCS for a double-
byte or multibyte character set. The default value is
4 Table ID The record ID of the map table in the
NLS.MAP.TABLES file that this map description
refers to. You do not need to specify a value if the
map table has the same ID as the map description.

Maps 3-5
Field Name Description
5 Display length The display length of all characters in the mapping
table specified in field 4. Most double-byte char-
acter sets have some characters that print as two
display positions on a screen (for example, Hangul
characters or CJK ideographs). However, the same
map will usually require that ASCII characters are
printed as one display position. This field does not
pick up a value from any base map description.
The default value is 1.
6 Unknown char This field specifies the character sequence to substi-
seq. tute for unknown characters that do not form part
of the character set. The value, which is a byte
sequence in the external character set, should be a
hexadecimal number from one to four bytes. The
default value is 3F, the ASCII question mark char-
acter. The default is used if neither this map nor
any underlying base map has a value in this field.
7 Compose seq. This field contains the character sequence to
compose hexadecimal Unicode values from one to
four bytes. If DataStage detects the sequence on
input, the next four bytes entered are checked to
see if they are hexadecimal values. If so, the
Unicode character with that value is entered
directly. If neither this map nor any base map has a
value in this field, you cannot input Unicode char-
acters by this means. A value of NONE overrides a
compose sequence set by an underlying map.
8 Input Table ID The name of a map table in NLS.MAP.TABLES to
be used for inputting deadkey sequences.
9 Prefix string A string in hexadecimal numbers to be prefixed to
all external character mappings in the table refer-
enced by field 4. Used mainly for mapping
Japanese character sets.
10 Offset value A value in hexadecimal numbers to be added to
each external mapping in the table referenced by
field 4. If prefixed by a minus sign, the value is
subtracted. Used mainly for mapping Japanese
character sets.

3-6 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Example of a Map Description Record
This example shows the map description record for a custom map for a Korean
character set. The italic comments are not part of the actual record, but are added
here for clarity.
0001: #KOREAN: EUC as described by KSC standard + local changes
0002: KSC5601 - map description record this is based on
0003: DBCS - this map is multibyte
0004: KSC-CHANGES - main table added to KSC5601
0005: 2 - all its characters are double-width
0007: 5C5C - compose sequence is two backslashes \\
0008: MNEMONICS - name of the input table for deadkeys
0009: - not used
0010: - not used

Creating a Map Table

When you create a map table, a new record is added to the NLS.MAP.TABLES file.
This is a type 19 file. Records in the file contain comments, and mappings
between the external character set and a Unicode code point. The mappings each
occupy a single line and can be in any order.
• Blank lines and lines starting with # or * are treated as comments.
• Mapping lines must contain only two values:
– The first value represents a byte sequence of up to eight bytes in the
external character set.
– The second value is its corresponding Unicode character value.
• Each value must be in hexadecimal notation and can be preceded by the
characters 0x.
• The two values must be separated by at least one space or tab.
• A comment must follow the second value and be separated from it by at
least one space or tab.
• The first value can be the start and end value of a range, separated by a
hyphen (-). The second value should be a single Unicode value corre-
sponding to the start of the range.

Maps 3-7
• The second value can be one of the following special strings:

String Value Use

@IM xFF Item mark
@FM xFE Field mark
@VM xFD Value mark
@SM xFC Subvalue mark
@TM xFB Text mark
@6M xFA The mark below text mark
@7M xF9 The mark two below text mark
@8M xF8 The mark three below text mark
@SQL.NULL x80 Internal representation of the
null value

Example of a Map Table Record

Here is an example of part of a map table record:
# Part of the Latin-3 character set ISO8859/3. A contrived example.
# The next line maps a range of bytes to the Unicode values
# 0080 through 00A0.
82-A0 0080
# The next 3 lines map the bytes A1, A2, and A6.
# The next 2 lines map control characters to SQL null and field mark.
81 @FM
# The next line uses the explicit hexadecimal form of numbers, and shows
# how a 2-byte sequence is mapped to a Unicode character:
xA7A7 x4E0

Building and Installing Maps

To build a map, choose Mappings ➤ Build from the NLS Administration menu.
DataStage prompts you to enter the name of a map description record. You are
also asked if you want a detailed report of the build to be written to a record
called mapname in the NLS.MAP.LISTING file. If you choose this option, when the
map is built you are prompted to view it.

3-8 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

If there is a warning or error message, you must fix the problem before the map
can be built. You must edit either the map description or the map table records
referenced by the map description named in mapname.
The report in the NLS.MAP.LISTING file:
• Lists all mapping rules in the order of the external byte sequence
• Adds descriptions of the Unicode characters taken from the

Note: The report can be thousands of lines long for large double-byte character
set maps.

Multibyte NLS Maps and System Delimiters

NLS provides maps for a number of multibyte character sets such as Japanese,
Chinese, and Korean. On their own these maps do not allow the DataStage system
delimiters to be used (which is also true of the single-byte maps). However, unlike
the single-byte maps, where it is possible to use the internal values of the system
delimiters in the external character set, this is not possible with the multibyte maps
because the system delimiters can be misinterpreted as lead bytes of multibyte
characters. For this reason NLS provides versions of all the multibyte maps both
with and without the DataStage system delimiters. The maps provided are as

Without System Delimiters With System Delimiters

GB2312 GB2312+MARKS

Maps 3-9
The DataStage system delimiters are mapped into the following values for each
character set:

Value (in hex) System Delimiters

1A Text mark
1C Subvalue mark
1D Value mark
1E Field mark
1F Item mark

In addition, the null value is mapped to the hexadecimal value 19.

Handling Extra Characters

The character set mapping you want to use may not cover all the characters you
need. First check to see if the characters are already defined in a different area of
For example, the Hangul language character set KSC5601-1987 supports only the
4500 Hangul characters in daily use in Korea; many rarely used or historical char-
acters are omitted. However, Unicode supports over 11,000 Hangul characters. If
you have a Korean system that supports more Hangul than is available in
KSC5601-1987, the characters you need are probably already available in Unicode.
The same applies to Japanese Kanji and Korean Hanja, where the character you
want may be available as part of the unified Chinese character set.

Defining New Characters

If Unicode does not define the character you need, you can create a character defi-
nition. Unicode has a Private Use Area with values xE000 through xF8FF. This
area has room for an additional 6400 characters. You can choose a Unicode value
in that area and map your character to it.
The Unicode standard reserves the area from F8FF downward for corporate use,
and from E000 upward for individual users’ use. DataStage uses the values F8F7
through F8FF for the DataStage system delimiters.

CAUTION: Take care when transferring data between sites. Both sites must
agree on the use of positions E000 upward in the Private Use Area,
otherwise you lose data integrity.

3-10 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Maps and Files
In NLS mode, each DataStage file has an associated map that defines the external
character set for the file. The maps are stored as follows:
• For type 1 and type 19 files, the map is stored as a file in the O/S directory.
• For all other DataStage file types, the map name is stored in the file header.
Any files created with NLS mode turned off use the default maps defined by the
configurable parameters in the uvconfig file. For a list of these configurable param-
eters, see Table 2-1 on page 2-2.

Assigning Maps to New Files

When you create a new DataStage file, the CREATE.FILE command assigns a
default map name to the file. The default map name is defined in the uvconfig file
as follows:
• The NLSNEWFILEMAP parameter defines the value for hashed files.
• The NLSNEWDIRMAP parameter defines the values for type 1 and type 19

Modifying File Maps

If you use a BASIC program to open and read a file, you must ensure that the file
map is the one that your program expects. You can use a call to the FILEINFO
function to determine the map name. A file’s map name is also included in
reports generated by the ANALYZE.FILE, FILE.STAT, and GET.FILE.MAP
The GET.FILE.MAP command retrieves the name of the map associated with a
file. If there is no map name associated with the file, the command gives the name
of the default map to be used.
The LIST.MAPS command lists maps that are built and installed. The report
includes the name and description for each map.
You need to ensure that the map associated with the file you are working with is
the one that you want. Use the SET.FILE.MAP command when you need to set or
modify the file map.
The SET.SEQ.MAP command specifies the map for you to use with BASIC
sequential I/O statements if you cannot find an explicit map in the sequential file
that you open.

Maps 3-11
Use the UNICODE.FILE command to convert a mapped file to an unmapped file,
or vice versa, without making a copy of the file. The conversion process first
checks that all record IDs and data can be read from the file using the correct map.
If record IDs and data cannot be retrieved using the input map, the command
fails. If some characters cannot be converted using the output map, the records
are not written.

3-12 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide


This chapter provides more information about how locales work, and how to
modify the locales and conventions supplied with DataStage. The topics covered
• Creating locales and conventions
• The format of convention records
• How DataStage collates

How Locales Work

It is important to distinguish between a locale, a category, and a convention.
• A locale comprises a set of categories.
• A category comprises a set of conventions.
• A convention is a rule describing how data values are input or displayed.
In NLS each locale comprises five categories:
• Time
• Numeric
• Monetary
• Ctype
• Collate
Each category comprises various conventions specific to the type of data in each
For example, conventions in the Time category include the names of the days of
the week, the strings used to indicate AM or PM, the character that separates the
hours, minutes, and seconds, and so forth. This information is stored in files in the
NLS database.

Locales 4-1
The following example shows the record for the US-ENGLISH locale:
Locale name..... USA
Description..... Country=USA, Language=English
Time/Date....... US-ENGLISH
Numeric......... DEFAULT
Monetary........ USA
Ctype........... DEFAULT
Collate......... DEFAULT

Each of the five categories has its own DataStage file that stores the definitions for
these categories. The conventions are grouped together and identified by a name
which is the record ID of an item in the appropriate category file.
For example, the US-ENGLISH conventions for Time /Date are defined by a
record ID of that name in the NLS.LC.TIME file.
The NLS.LC.ALL file acts as an index for the locales. It contains a record for each
locale, such as US-ENGLISH, with fields for each category.
Each field contains a pointer to a record in another file, which is the relevant cate-
gory file. The Time field has a pointer to a record in the NLS.LC.TIME file, the
Numeric field has a pointer to a record in the NLS.LC.NUMERIC file, and so on.

Points to a record in locale record contains
the corresponding these corresponding
Each category field… file… values…

This means that a locale can be built from existing conventions without duplica-
tion. Different locales can share conventions, and one convention can be based on
For example, Canada uses the locales CA-FRENCH and CA-ENGLISH. The two
locales are not completely different; they share the same Monetary convention.

4-2 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

The records in the NLS.LC.ALL file for the CA-FRENCH and CA-ENGLISH
locales look like this:
Locale name..... CA-FRENCH
Description..... Country=Canada, Language=French
Time/Date....... CA-FRENCH
Numeric......... CA-FRENCH
Monetary........ CANADA
Ctype........... DEFAULT
Collate......... DEFAULT+ACCENT+CASE
Locale name..... CA-ENGLISH
Description..... Country=Canada, Language=English
Time/Date....... CA-ENGLISH
Numeric......... CA-ENGLISH
Monetary........ CANADA
Ctype........... DEFAULT
Collate......... DEFAULT

Notice that for both locales the Monetary field points to a record in the
NLS.LC.MONETARY file called CANADA. The other fields contain the appro-
priate value for the language concerned.
You examine the conventions defined for a locale using the NLS Administration
menu. Enter the command NLS.ADMIN in the DataStage serevr engine home
account (UV), choose Locales ➤ View. When prompted for a locale ID, enter one
of the IDs shown in Appendix C.

Note: You must be logged in as a DataStage Administrator to use NLS.ADMIN.

For more information about NLS Administration menus, see Chapter 6.

Locales 4-3
Creating Conventions
The conventions supplied with DataStage conform to international standards. For
major languages you should not need to create completely new conventions. To
modify a convention, you create a new convention based on an existing conven-
tion. An outline of the procedure is as follows:
1. Plan your new convention. Study the format of the convention records in each
category and decide which fields you need to modify. See “Format of
Convention Records” on page 4-5.
2. From the NLS Administration menu, choose Categories. Then choose Time,
Numeric, Monetary, Ctype, or Collate.
3. Using the View option, find a convention that looks like what you need. If
you want to create a Collate convention, you may also need to choose a suit-
able weight table. This is explained in “Collating” on page 4-22.
4. Choose the Create option to create the new convention.
5. Choose Edit to change the convention to suit your needs. You are prompted
to edit and save the record using ReVise.

Creating New Locales

To make a new locale from existing conventions:
1. From the NLS Administration menu, choose Locales ➤ Create. You are
prompted to enter a name for the new locale and the name of an existing
locale to base it on.
2. You are then prompted to make any changes to the record using ReVise.
3. Choose Build to build the new locale.

Naming Locales
Locale names can be any string that is a valid DataStage record ID. You must not
use any string that is the same as a VOC record ID. The locales shipped with
DataStage have names that use only ASCII-7 characters, but you can rename them
using different character sets, as appropriate.

4-4 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Format of Convention Records
The following sections describe the fields in convention records in the five
• Time
• Numeric
• Monetary
• Ctype
• Collate

Time Records
Convention records in the Time category are stored in the NLS.LC.TIME file. The
following table shows each field number, its display name, and a description for
time and date information:

Field Name Description

0 Category Name The name of the convention.
1 Description A description of the convention. It usually
includes the territory that the convention
applies to and the language it is used with.
2 Based on The name of another convention record in
the NLS.LC.TIME file that this convention is
based on.
3 TIMEDATE format A format for combined time and date used
by the BASIC TIMEDATE function and the
TIME command. The value should consist of
an MT or TI time conversion code, and a D or
DI date conversion code. The two codes can
be in any order. They should be separated by
a tab character, or a text or subvalue mark.
4 Full DATE format The full combined date and time format used
by the TIME command. The value should
consist of an MT or TI time conversion code,
and a D or DI date conversion code. The two
codes can be in any order. They should be
separated by a tab character, or a text or
subvalue mark.
5 Date ‘D’ format The default date format for the D conversion
code. The value should be any D or DI
conversion code.

Locales 4-5
Field Name Description
6 Date ‘DI’ format The default date format for the DI conver-
sion code. The value should be a D
conversion code. The order is specified by
the DMY order (field 23). The separator is
specified by the date separator (field 24).
7 Time ‘MT’ format The default time format for the MT conver-
sion code. The value should be an MT
conversion code. In most cases, use the value
8 Time ‘TI’ format The format for the TI conversion code. The
value should be an MT conversion code that
specifies separators. The default separator is
a colon (:) as specified by the time separator
(field 25).
9 Days of the week A multivalued list of the full names of the
days of the week. For example, Monday,
Tuesday. Fields 9 and 10 are associated multi-
valued fields; the same number of values
must exist in each field.
10 Abbreviated A multivalued list of abbreviated names of
the days of the week. For example, Mon, Tue.
See field 9.
11 Month names A multivalued list of the full names of the
months of the year. For example, January,
February. Fields 11 and 12 are associated
multivalued fields; the same number of
values must exist in each field.
12 Abbreviated A multivalued list of abbreviated names of
the months of the year. For example, Jan, Feb.
See field 11.
13 Chinese years A multivalued list of Chinese year names
(Monkey to Sheep).
14 AM string A string used to denote times before noon in
12-hour formats.
15 PM string A string used to denote times after noon in
12-hour formats.

4-6 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Field Name Description
16 BC string A string to be added to dates before the date
01 Jan 0001 in the Gregorian calendar. This
corresponds to –718432, the DataStage
internal date.
17 Era name A multivalued list of names of eras and their
start dates, beginning with the most recent,
for example, Japanese Imperial Era Heisei.
This field can be used for any locale that uses
a calendar with several year zeros. For
example, the Thai Buddhist Era commencing
1/1/543 BC. See “Defining Era Names” on
page 4-7.
18 Start date Corresponding era start dates for the era
names specified in DataStage internal date
19 HEADING/FOOTING A D or DI conversion code used in
D format HEADING and FOOTING statements.
20 HEADING/FOOTING An MT or TI conversion code used in
T format HEADING and FOOTING statements.
21 Gregorian calendar day 1 The date at which the calendar changes from
Julian to Gregorian, expressed as a DataStage
internal date. The default is –140607, corre-
sponding to 11 January 1583.
22 Number of days skipped The number of days to skip when the
calendar changes from Julian to Gregorian.
The default is 10.
23 Default DMY order The order of day, month, and year, for
example, DMY.
24 Default date separator The separator used between day, month, and
year. The default is the slash (/).
25 Default time separator The separator used between hours, minutes,
and seconds. The default is the colon (:).

Defining Era Names

The values in the ERA_NAMES field can contain the format code:

Name [ %n ] [ string ]
Name is the era name.

Locales 4-7
%n is a digit from 1 through 9, or the characters +, –, or Y.
string is any text string.
The %n syntax allows era year numbers to be included in the era name and indi-
cates how the era year numbers are to be calculated. If %n is omitted, %1 is
The rules for the %n syntax are as follows:
%1 – %9: The number following the % is the number to be used for the first year n
of this era. This is effectively an offset which is added to the era year number. This
will usually be 1 or 2.
%+: The era year numbers count backward relative to year numbers; that is, if era
year number 1 corresponds to Julian year Y, year 2 corresponds to Y–1, year 3 to
Y–2, etc.
%– : The same as for %+, but uses negative era year numbers; that is, first year Y is
–1, Y–1 is –2, Y–2 is –3, and so forth.
%Y: Uses the Julian year numbers for the era year numbers. The year number will
be displayed as a 4-digit year number.
The %+, %–, and %Y syntax should only be used in the last era name in the list of
era names, that is, the first era, since the list of era names must be in descending
date order.
string allows any text string to be appended to the era name. It is frequently the
case that the first year or part-year of an era is followed by some qualifying char-
acters. Therefore, the actual era is divided into two values, each with the same era
name, but one terminated by %1string and the other by %2. You must define the
era names accordingly.

This example shows the contents of the records named DEFAULT and US-
ENGLISH in the NLS.LC.TIME file. The US-ENGLISH record is based on the
ENGLISH.NAMES record. An empty field specifies that its definition is derived
from any category on which it is based. If there is no base category, the default
category is used.
Time/Date Conventions for Locale DEFAULT

Category name............ DEFAULT

Description.............. System defaults
Based on.................
TIMEDATE format.......... MTS

4-8 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

. D4
Full DATE format......... D4WAMADY[", ", " ", ", "]
. MT
Date ’D’ format.......... D4 DMBY
Date ’DI’ format......... D2-YMD
Time ’MT’ format......... TI
Time ’TI’ format......... MTS:
Days of the week........................................
Sunday Sun
Monday Mon
Tuesday Tue
Wednesday Wed
Thursday Thu
Friday Fri
Saturday Sat
Month names.............................................
January Jan
February Feb
March Mar
April Apr
May May
June Jun
July Jul
August Aug
September Sep
October Oct
November Nov
December Dec
Chinese years............ MONKEY
. OX
AM string................ am
PM string................ pm
BC string................ BC
Era name................................ Start date....

Locales 4-9
Heisi 08 JAN 1989
Showa 25 DEC 1926
Taisho 30 JUL 1912
Meiji 08 SEP 1868
. D2-
Gregorian calendar day 1. 11 JAN 1583
Number of days skipped... 10
Default DMY order........
Default date separator...
Default time separator...
Time/Date Conventions for US-ENGLISH

Category name............ US-ENGLISH

Description.............. Territory=USA, Language=English
Based on................. .ENGLISH.NAMES
TIMEDATE format..........
Full DATE format.........
Date ’D’ format..........
Date ’DI’ format......... D2/MDY
Time ’MT’ format.........
Time ’TI’ format......... MTHS:
Days of the week.........................Abbreviated.........

Month names............................. Abbreviated.........

Chinese years............
AM string................
PM string................
BC string................
Era name................................ Start date....

Gregorian calendar day 1.
Number of days skipped...
Default DMY order........ MDY
Default date separator...
Default time separator...

4-10 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Numeric Records
Convention records in the Numeric category are stored in the NLS.LC.NUMERIC
file. The following table shows each field number, its display name, and a

Field Name Description

0 Category Name The name of the convention.
1 Description A description of the convention. It usually
includes the territory that the convention
applies to and the language it is used with.
2 Based on The name of another convention record in the
NLS.LC.NUMERIC file that this convention
is based on.
3 Decimal separator The character used as a decimal separator
(radix character). The value can be expressed
as either a single character or the hexadecimal
Unicode value of a character.
4 Thousands separator The character used as a thousands separator.
The value can be expressed as either a single
character or the hexadecimal Unicode value
of a character. Use the value NONE to indi-
cate that no separator is needed.
5 Suppress leading zero Defines whether leading zeros should be
suppressed for numbers in the range 1
through –1. A value of 0 or N means insert a
zero; any other value suppresses the zero.
6 Alternative digits A multivalued field containing 10 values that
(0 first) can be used as alternatives to the corre-
sponding ASCII digits 0 through 9.

This example shows the contents of the records named DEFAULT and
DEC.COMMA+DOT locale (used by DE-GERMAN) in the NLS.LC.NUMERIC
file. The DEC.COMMA+DOT conventions are based on DEFAULT.
Numeric Conventions for DEFAULT

Category name......... DEFAULT

Description........... System defaults: Decimal separator =
dot, thousands = comma
Based on..............
Decimal separator..... . - FULL STOP
Thousands separator... , - COMMA

Locales 4-11
Suppress leading zero. 0
Alternative digits (0 first).

Numeric Conventions for DEC.COMMA+DOT

Category name......... DEC.COMMA+DOT

Description........... Decimal separator = comma, thousands =
Based on.............. DEFAULT
Decimal separator..... , - COMMA
Thousands separator... . - FULL STOP
Suppress leading zero.
Alternative digits (0 first).

Monetary Records
Convention records in the Monetary category are stored in the NLS.LC.MONE-
TARY file. The following table shows each field number, its display name, and a

Field Name Description

0 Category Name The name of the convention.
1 Description A description of the convention. It usually
includes the territory that the convention
applies to and the language it is used with.
2 Based on The name of another convention record in the
NLS.LC.MONETARY file that this category is
based on.
3 Monetary decimal The character used as a decimal separator
separator (radix character). You do not need to specify a
value if this character is the same as the one
in the decimal separator field in the corre-
sponding convention in NLS.LC.NUMERIC.
4 Monetary thousands The character used as a thousands separator.
separator You do not need to specify a value if this
character is the same as the one in the thou-
sands separator field in the corresponding
convention in the NLS.LC.NUMERIC file.
5 Local currency symbol A character or string used as the local
currency symbol, for example, $ or ¥. Leading
or trailing spaces are not included.

4-12 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Field Name Description
6 International currency The international currency symbol. The value
symbol should consist of three uppercase ASCII char-
acters as specified in the ISO 4217 standard.
For example, USD. Trailing spaces are
included. This symbol always precedes the
amount it refers to.
7 Decimal places The number of decimal places in monetary
amounts when the local currency symbol is
8 International decimal The number of decimal places in monetary
places amounts when used with the international
currency symbol (field 6).
9 Positive sign The sign used to indicate positive monetary
amounts. If the value consists of two charac-
ters, these are used to parenthesize positive
monetary amounts (one used at either end of
the monetary format). Use the value NONE
to omit a positive sign.
10 Negative sign The sign used to indicate negative monetary
amounts. If the value consists of two charac-
ters, these are used to parenthesize negative
monetary amounts (one used at either end of
the monetary format). Use the value NONE
to omit a negative sign.
11 Positive currency The format for positive monetary amounts.
format This is expressed using a combination of the
characters $ S + 1 and a space. The $ or S
represents the local currency symbol. 1 repre-
sents the monetary amount. + represents the
positive sign. If the positive sign (field 9)
contains two characters, the + sign is ignored.
For example, the value $1 in a US locale
results in the format $1,234.56. The value 1 $
in a GERMAN locale results in the format
1.234,56 DM.

Locales 4-13
Field Name Description
12 Negative currency The format for negative monetary amounts.
format This is expressed using a combination of the
characters $ S – 1 and a space. The $ or S
represents the local currency symbol. 1 repre-
sents the monetary amount. – represents the
negative sign. If the negative sign (field 10)
contains two characters the – sign is ignored.
For example, the value –$1 in a PORTU-
GUESE locale results in the format –1,234$56.
The value $ –1 in a DUTCH locale results in
the format F1 –1.234,56.

This example shows the contents of the record named DEFAULT in

NLS.LC.MONETARY, followed by records for NETHERLANDS, ITALY,
NORWAY and PORTUGAL, which show different combinations of fields:
Numeric Conventions for DEFAULT

Category name................. DEFAULT

Description................... System defaults
Based on......................
Monetary decimal separator.... . - FULL STOP
Monetary thousands separator.. , - COMMA
Local currency symbol......... $ - DOLLAR SIGN
International currency symbol. USD<SP>
Decimal places................ 2
International decimal places.. 2
Positive sign................. NONE
Negative sign................. - - HYPHEN-MINUS
Positive currency format...... S1
Negative currency format...... S-1

Monetary Conventions for NETHERLANDS

Category name................. NETHERLANDS

Description................... Territory=Netherlands
Based on......................
Monetary decimal separator.... , - COMMA
Monetary thousands separator.. . - FULL STOP
Local currency symbol......... Fl
International currency symbol. NLG<SP>

4-14 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Decimal places................ 2
International decimal places.. 2
Positive sign................. NONE
Negative sign................. - - HYPHEN-MINUS
Positive currency format...... S 1
Negative currency format...... S 1-

Monetary Conventions for ITALY

Category name................. ITALY

Description................... Territory=Italy
Based on......................
Monetary decimal separator.... , - COMMA
Monetary thousands separator.. . - FULL STOP
Local currency symbol......... L.
International currency symbol. ITL.
Decimal places................ 0
International decimal places.. 2
Positive sign................. NONE
Negative sign................. - - HYPHEN-MINUS
Positive currency format...... S1
Negative currency format...... -S1

Monetary Conventions for NORWAY

Category name................. NORWAY

Description................... Territory=Norway
Based on......................
Monetary decimal separator.... , - COMMA
Monetary thousands separator.. . - FULL STOP
Local currency symbol......... kr
International currency symbol. NOK<SP>
Decimal places................ 2
International decimal places.. 2
Positive sign................. NONE
Negative sign................. - - HYPHEN-MINUS
Positive currency format...... S1
Negative currency format...... S1-

Monetary Conventions for PORTUGAL

Category name............... PORTUGAL

Based on Category name................. PORTUGAL
Description................... Territory=Portugal
Based on......................
Monetary decimal separator.... $ - DOLLAR SIGN

Locales 4-15
Monetary thousands separator.. . - FULL STOP
Local currency symbol......... NONE
International currency symbol. PTE<SP>
Decimal places................ 2
International decimal places.. 2
Positive sign................. NONE
Negative sign................. - - HYPHEN-MINUS
Positive currency format...... 1 S
Negative currency format...... -1 S

The following table shows how the data in the previous records affect monetary

Locale Name Positive Format Negative Format International Format

DEFAULT $1,234.56 $–1,234.56 USD 1,234.56
NETHERLANDS Fl 1.234,56 Fl 1.234,56– NLG 1.234,56
ITALY (see Note) L.1.234 –L.1.234 ITL.1.234
NORWAY kr1.234,56 kr1.234,56– NOK 1.234,56
PORTUGAL 1.234$56 –1.234$56 PTE 1,234$56

Note: Italian lire are usually quoted in whole numbers only. Your programs must
detect that the DEC_PLACES and INTL_DEC_PLACES fields contain zero
in this case and not hard code an MD2 conversion. An MM conversion
handles the scaling automatically.

Ctype Records
Convention records in the Ctype category are stored in the NLS.LC.CTYPE file.
The following table shows each field number, its display name, and a description.

Note: For fields 3 onward, you can enter the values as characters or as Unicode
values. You can specify a range of values separated by a dash (–).

Field Name Description

0 Category Name The name of the convention.
1 Description A description of the convention. It usually
includes the territory that the convention
applies to and the language it is used with.

4-16 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Field Name Description
2 Based on The name of another convention record in the
NLS.LC.CTYPE file that this convention is
based on.
3 Lowercase A multivalued list of lowercase values whose
associated uppercase values differ from the
defaults in NLS.CS.CASES.
4 ->Upper A multivalued list of the equivalent upper-
case values for the characters listed in field 3.
5 Uppercase A multivalued list of uppercase values whose
associated lowercase values differ from the
defaults in NLS.CS.CASES.
6 ->Lower A mutivalued list of the equivalent lowercase
values for the characters listed in field 5.
7 Alphabetics A multivalued list of characters that are
alphabetic but are not described as such in
the NLS.CS.ALPHAS file. You can specify
this value as a Unicode block value using the
format BLOCK=nn, where nn is the Unicode
block number. For a list of major Unicode
blocks, see Table C-5 on page C-7.
8 Non-Alphabetics A multivalued list of characters that are not
alphabetic but are described as such in the
NLS.CS.ALPHAS file. You can specify this
value as a Unicode block value using the
format BLOCK=nn, where nn is the Unicode
block number. For a list of major Unicode
blocks, see Table C-5 on page C-7.
9 Numerics A multivalued list of characters that should
be considered as numeric but are not
described as such in the NLS.CS.TYPES file.
10 Non-Numerics A multivalued list of characters that are not
considered to be numeric but are described as
such in the NLS.CS.TYPES file.
11 Printables A multivalued list of characters that are
considered to be printable but are not
described as such in the NLS.CS.TYPES file.
12 Non-Printables A multivalued list of characters that are not
considered to be printable but are described
as such in the NLS.CS.TYPES file.

Locales 4-17
Field Name Description
13 Trimmables A multivalued list of characters that are to be
removed by TRIM functions in addition to
spaces and tab characters.

In Spanish, accented characters other than ñ drop their accents when converted to
uppercase. In French, all accented characters drop their accents in uppercase.
This example shows a convention called NOACCENT.UPCASE, which the locale
FR-FRENCH uses, and a convention called SPANISH, that is based on it.

Note: In this example, the only characters affected are those in general use in
French and Spanish. There are many other accented characters in Unicode.
This example displays <N?> that comes from the MNEMONICS map.
This lets you easily enter non-ASCII characters rather than their Unicode

Character Type Conventions for ACCENTLESS.UPPERCASE

Category name. NOACCENT.UPCASE

Description... ISO8859-1 lowercase accented chars lose
accents in uppercase
Based on...... DEFAULT
Lowercase.............................. -> Uppercase...........................

4-18 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

00F8 -
00F9 -
00FA -
00FB -
Uppercase.............................. -> Lowercase................


Character Type Conventions for SPANISH

Category name. SPANISH

Description... Language=Spanish - SMALL N WITH TILDE
keeps tilde on uppercasing
Based on...... NOACCENT.UPCASE
Lowercase.............................. -> Uppercase...........................
Uppercase.............................. -> Lowercase...........................


Collate Records
Convention records in the Collate category are stored in the NLS.LC.COLLATE
file. The following table shows each field number, its display name, and a descrip-
tion. Many of the fields are Boolean. An empty field or a value of 0 or N indicates
false; any other value indicates true.

Field Name Description

0 Category Name The name of the convention.
1 Description A description of the convention. It usually includes
the territory that the convention applies to and the
language it is used with.
2 Based on The name of another convention record in the
NLS.LC.COLLATE file that this convention is based

Locales 4-19
Field Name Description
3 Accented Sort? This field determines how accents on characters
affect the collate order. A false value indicates that
accents are not collated separately. A true value indi-
cates that accents are used as tie breakers in the sort.
See “Collating” on page 4-22.
4 In reverse? If field 3 indicates an accented collation, this field
determines the direction of that collation. A false
value indicates forward collation. A true value indi-
cates reverse collation.
5 Cased Sort? This field determines whether the case of a character
is considered during collation. A false value indicates
that case is not considered. A true value indicates
that case is used as a tie breaker in the collation.
6 Lowercase first? If field 5 indicates a cased collation, this field deter-
mines which case is collated first. A false value
indicates that lowercase is collated first. A true value
indicates that uppercase is collated first.
7 Expand A multivalued field containing Unicode values of
characters that are expanded before collation. See
“Contractions and Expansions” on page 4-24.
8 Expanded A multivalued field associated with field 7 that
supplies the values the characters expand to. Each
value may be one or more Unicode values separated
by tab characters or spaces. To override an expansion
inherited from a based convention named in field 2,
enter the same multivalue in fields 7 and 8. (For
another method, see the description of field 10.)
9 Before? A multivalued field associated with fields 7 and 8
that determines how expanded characters collate. A
false value indicates that a character is collated after
expansion; a true value indicates that a character is
collated before expansion.
10 Contract A multivalued field containing a list of pairs of
Unicode values of characters after contraction. The
values should be separated by tab characters or
spaces. To override an expansion inherited from a
based convention named in field 2, enter a value in
this field and a corresponding empty value in field
11. See “Contractions and Expansions” on page 4-24.

4-20 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Field Name Description
11 Before A multivalued field associated with field 10. It gives
the Unicode value of the character that a contracted
pair precedes in the collation order.
12 Weight Tables A multivalued field supplying the weight informa-
tion for characters in this locale. The values should be
record IDs in the NLS.WT.TABLES file. The default is
the name of the locale. The weight information is
processed in the order supplied in this field.

This example shows the NLS.LC.COLLATE records named DEFAULT, GERMAN,

• DEFAULT uses no expansion or contraction, but does collate in a sequence
other than the Unicode value.
• GERMAN uses the DEFAULT collating sequence, but introduces an
• SPANISH is also based on DEFAULT, but introduces eight contractions.
Collating Sequence Conventions for DEFAULT

Category name.... DEFAULT

Description...... System defaults
Based on.........
Accented Sort?... N
In reverse?...... N
Cased Sort?...... N
Lowercase first?. N
Expand -------------------->..... Before? Expanded.. ..........................

Contract... ----------------------->..... Before ..............................

Weight Tables.... LATIN1-DEFAULT


Collating Sequence Conventions for GERMAN

Category name.... GERMAN

Description...... Language=German
Based on......... DEFAULT
Accented Sort?... Y
In reverse?...... N
Cased Sort?...... Y
Lowercase first?. N
Expand -------------------->..... Before? Expanded.. ..........................
Contract... ----------------------->..... Before ..............................

Locales 4-21
Weight Tables....

Collating Sequence Conventions for SPANISH

Category name.... SPANISH

Description...... Language=Spanish
Based on......... DEFAULT
Accented Sort?... Y
In reverse?...... N
Cased Sort?...... Y
Lowercase first?. N
Expand -------------------->..... Before? Expanded.. ..........................

Contract... ----------------------->..... Before ..............................

Weight Tables.... LATIN-SPANISH

Collating is a complex issue for many languages. It is not sufficient to collate a
character set in numerical order of its Unicode values. Locales that share a char-
acter set often have different collating rules. For example, these are the main
issues that affect collating in Western European languages:
• Accented characters. Should accented characters come before or after their
unaccented equivalents? Or should accents only be examined if two strings
being compared would otherwise be identical (that is, as a tie breaker)?
• Expanding characters. Some languages treat certain single characters as
two separate characters for collating purposes.
• Contracting characters. Some languages have pairs of characters that
collate as though they were a single character.
• Should case be considered? Should case be used as a tie breaker for other-
wise identical strings? If so, which comes first, uppercase or lowercase?
• Should hyphens or other punctuation be considered as tie breakers?

4-22 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

How DataStage Collates
To overcome these collating problems, DataStage allows each Unicode character
to be assigned up to three weights. The weight is a numeric value to use instead of
the character during collation. The three weights are as follows:

Shared weight All characters that are essentially the same have the same shared
weight, even though they may differ in accent or case.
Accent weight This weight shows the order of precedence for accented charac-
ters. The Collate convention determines the direction of the
Case weight This weight differentiates between uppercase and lowercase
characters. The Collate convention determines which case has

Before collation begins, DataStage expands or contracts any characters as defined

in the Collate convention. The collation works as follows:
1. The characters are compared by shared weight.
2. If two characters have the same shared weight, they are compared by accent
3. If the accent weight is the same, they are compared by case weight.

Example of Accented Collation

This table compares how four French words that differ only in their accents are
collated in two different ways, depending on how the weight tables have been

Order Accented Collation Unaccented Collation

1 cote cote
2 côte coté
3 coté côte
4 côté côté

In the accented collation, the words are in the order they would be found in a
French dictionary. (It is actually a reverse accented collation.) Each accented char-
acter has the same shared weight as it would have without the accent. The order is
decided by referring to the accent weight.

Locales 4-23
In the unaccented collation, each accented character has a different shared weight
unrelated to its unaccented equivalent. The order is decided by the shared weight

Example of Cased Collation

The three words Aaron, Aardvark, and aardvark show how case affects collation:

Order Cased Collation Uncased Collation

1 Aardvark Aardvark
2 aardvark Aaron
3 Aaron aardvark

In the cased collation, Aaron follows aardvark because the characters ‘A’ and ‘a’
have the same shared weight. The case weight is only considered for the two
strings that are otherwise identical, that is, Aardvark and aardvark.
In the uncased collation, Aaron precedes aardvark because the characters ‘A’ and
‘a’ have different shared weights.

Shared Weights and Blocks

Unicode is divided into blocks of related characters. For example, Cyrillic charac-
ters form one block, while Hebrew characters form another. For a list of major
Unicode blocks, see Table C-5 on page C-7. In most circumstances, it is unlikely
that you need to collate characters from more than one block at a time. Shared
weights are assigned so that characters collate correctly within each Unicode

Contractions and Expansions

Some languages have pairs of characters that collate as though they were a single
character. Other languages treat certain single characters as two separate charac-
ters for collating. These contractions and expansions are done before DataStage
begins a collation.
For example, in Spanish, the character pairs CH and LL (in any combination of
case) are treated as a single, separate character. CH comes between C and D in the
collating sequence, and LL comes between L and M. DataStage identifies these
character pairs before collation begins. In German, the character ß is expanded to
SS before collation begins.

4-24 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Editing Weight Tables
Collating character sets in different languages is a complex issue. Each character
has an assigned weight value used for numeric comparisons in sorting, but you
can change these weight values to sort in a different way when you want to
customize your locale.
You can edit the weight table for a locale by choosing Categories ➤ Weight Tables
➤ Edit from the NLS Administration menu. Any change you make to the weight
assigned to a character overrides the default weight derived from its Unicode
The weights are held in the NLS.WT.TABLES file, which is a type 19 file. Each
record in the file can contain:
• Comment lines, introduced by a # or *
• A set of weight values for a Unicode code point
Each weight value line has the following fields, separated by at least one ASCII
space or tab character:

character [block.weight / ] shared.weight accent.weight case.weight [comments]

character is a Unicode character value. This should be four hexadecimal digits,
zero-filled as necessary.
The block.weight / shared.weight value is one or two decimal integers, separated by
a slash ( / ) if necessary. block.weight can be 1 through 127; shared.weight 1 through
32767. If block.weight is omitted, it is taken as the value of the Unicode block
number to which character belongs. shared.weight may be given as a hyphen, in
which case it is taken as the value of the most recent weight value line without a
hyphen for shared.weight. Characters that should sort together if accents and case
are disregarded should have the same block.weight / shared.weight value.
accent.weight is a decimal integer 1 through 63. It may be given as a hyphen, in
which case it is taken as the value of the most recent weight value line without a
hyphen for accent.weight. Characters that are distinguished only by accent should
have the same block.weight / shared.weight value and differ in their accent.weight
value. A list of conventional values to assign to this field can be found by listing
records starting with “AW…” in the NLS.WT.LOOKUP file.
case.weight is a decimal integer 1 through 7, or the letter U or L to indicate upper-
case and lowercase. case.weight can be given as a hyphen, in which case it is taken
as the value of the most recent weight value line without a hyphen for case.weight.
Characters that are distinguished only by case should have the same block.weight /
shared.weight value and accent.weight value and differ only in their case.weight

Locales 4-25
value. A list of conventional values to assign to this field can be found by listing
records starting with “CW…” in the NLS.WT.LOOKUP file.
comments can contain any characters.

Calculating the Overall Weight

The overall weight assigned to character is calculated using the following formula:

( block.weight x 224 ) + ( shared.weight x 29 ) + ( accent.weight x 23 ) + case.weight

If character is not mentioned in a table, the default weight is calculated as follows:

( BW x 224 ) + ( SW x 29 )
BW is the character’s Unicode block number. SW depends on its position within
the block: the first character has a SW of 1, the second a SW of 2, and so on.

Example of a Weight Table

This example shows a weight table for collating Turkish characters:
* Sorting weight table for TURKISH characters (from ISO8859/9)
* in order on top of LATIN1/LATINX tables. These characters are:
* Between G and H: G BREVE
* Between H and J: I WITH DOT ABOVE (uppercase version of SMALL I 0069)
* DOTLESS I (lowercase version of CAPITAL I 0049)
* (Note: the sequence is H, dotless I, I dot + accented versions, J, ...)
* Between S and T: S CEDILLA
* Each non-comment line gives one or more weights for a character,as
* follows (character value in hex, weights in decimal):
* Field 1 = Unicode character value
* Field 2 = Shared weight (characters that sort together if
* accents and case were to be disregarded should * have
the same SW)
* Or, Block Weight/Shared Weight. This form allows
* characters in different Unicode blocks to have
* equal SWs. If BW is omitted, only SWs for characters in
* the same block are equal.
* Field 3 = Accent weight, or ’-’ to omit or copy from previous.
* Please use values as defined in the file NLS.WT.LOOKUP.
* Field 4 = Case weight, or ’U’ for upper and ’L’ for lower case chars.
* After G:
011E 4/1092 5 U * G WITH BREVE

4-26 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

011F - 5 L
* I, dotted and undotted:
* (Note we do not use AWs here, but use SWs to differentiate
* these characters from the unaccented versions.)
0049 4/1109 - U * I
0131 - - L * DOTLESS I
0130 4/1110 - U * I WITH DOT ABOVE
0069 - - L * I
* S cedilla
015E 4/1232 40 U * S WITH CEDILLA
015F - 40 L

Using Locales
From within a BASIC program you can do the following:
• Retrieve the current locale name of a specified category
• Save the current locale settings
• Restore the saved locale settings
• List the current locale settings
• Change the current locale settings
For information about using functions to do these tasks from within BASIC
programs, see Chapter 5.

Retrieving Locale Settings

You can retrieve locale settings in two ways:
• From the DataStage prompt using the GET.LOCALE command
• From a BASIC program using the GETLOCALE or LOCALEINFO func-
tions (see Chapter 5)
GET.LOCALE displays the locale names set in each category, and details of any
saved locale, if it differs from the current one. If locales are not enabled on the
system, or if NLS mode is off, GET.LOCALE returns an error.

Saving and Restoring Locales

You can save and restore locales in two ways:
• From the DataStage prompt using the SAVE.LOCALE and

Locales 4-27
• From a BASIC program using the SETLOCALE function. This is described
in detail in “Changing the Current Locale” on page 5-19.
A locale is always set up and saved when you enter DataStage. You can restore
this initial locale using RESTORE.LOCALE if you have not issued a
SAVE.LOCALE command during your DataStage session. SAVE.LOCALE and
RESTORE.LOCALE return errors if they are issued when locales are turned off,
that is, if either the NLSLCMODE or NLSMODE configurable parameters in the
uvconfig file is set to 0.

Listing Current Locales

You can list the current locales from the DataStage prompt using the
LIST.LOCALES command. The LIST.LOCALES command uses an existing active
select list; otherwise, it lists all installed locales.

Changing Current Locales

You can change or disable locale settings in two ways:
• From the DataStage prompt using the SET.LOCALE command
• From a BASIC program using the SETLOCALE function (see Chapter 5)
You can disable a locale or set a new locale from the DataStage prompt using the
SET.LOCALE command. SET.LOCALE returns an error if locales are not enabled,
that is, if either the NLSLCMODE or the NLSMODE configurable parameter is set
to 0.

Note: When you want to specify numeric and monetary formatting for a locale,
you must set both the Numeric and Monetary categories to something
other than OFF, for example, DEFAULT. If not, DataStage treats BASIC
conversions, such as MD, ML, and MR, as if locales are turned off.

4-28 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

NLS in BASIC Programs

This chapter describes how DataStage BASIC programs use NLS. The topics
covered include:
• How BASIC is affected by NLS.
• Display length in BASIC. This describes how to accommodate the differ-
ence between a character’s display length and its string length.
• Maps in DataStage BASIC. This covers how maps are used by files and
devices, how to set and modify maps, and how BASIC handles unmap-
pable characters.
• Multinational characters in BASIC. This describes how you can include
multinational characters in source code, specify them for printing, or edit
them using ED.
• Using locales in BASIC. This topic describes how to set or query a locale
from within a program.

How BASIC Is Affected

DataStage BASIC is aware of multinational characters and locales. Usually this is
transparent to the programmer, and no special code is needed. There is usually no
need to recompile existing programs for NLS. If you write programs that use NLS
features such as locales, you should compile the programs with DataStage in NLS
mode. Any program that uses NLS features should be run with DataStage in NLS
mode, otherwise you may see run-time errors.
DataStage BASIC is fundamentally unchanged by NLS, except for some new or
modified BASIC statements and functions. BASIC statement and variable names
must be in ASCII with the exception of comments and literal strings. For more
information about when you can use ASCII and non-ASCII characters, see “Multi-
national Characters in BASIC” on page 5-11.

NLS in BASIC Programs 5-1

Using the UVNLS.H Include File
You can use the SYSTEM function to test whether NLS mode is on when a
program runs, and to extract information about NLS settings. The following
system function values are read-only. Their tokens are in the include file

Value Token Return Value

100 NLS$ON 1 if NLS is installed and NLSMODE is on,
otherwise 0. Use this value to check if NLS
maps are enabled.
101 NLS$LOCALES The value of the NLSLCMODE parameter,
otherwise 0. Use this value to check if NLS
locales are enabled.
102 NLS$MESSAGES Reserved for future enhancements. Always
returns 0.
103 NLS$TERMMAP The terminal map name assigned to the
current terminal print channel, otherwise 0.
104 NLS$AUXMAP The auxiliary printer map name assigned to
the current terminal print channel, otherwise
105 NLS$CONFIG A dynamic array, with the elements separated
by field marks, containing the current values
of the parameters in the uvconfig file related to
NLS maps; otherwise 0. See the UVNLS.H
include file for a list of equate tokens that
define the order of the fields.
106 NLS$SEQMAP The current name of the map used for sequen-
tial I/O, otherwise 0. This is the value for the
NLSDEFSEQMAP parameter unless it is
overridden by a SET.SEQ.MAP command.
107 NLS$GCIMAP The name of the current GCI map.

The UVNLS.H include file also gives the internal character set values of the
DataStage system delimiters.
Here is a program example that examines the current NLS settings:
THEN PRINT "Terminal map set to: ":SYSTEM(NLS$TERMMAP)
ELSE PRINT "NLS is not enabled"

5-2 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

String Length
DataStage BASIC uses characters rather than bytes to determine string length.
Statements and functions such as LEN, MATCH, INDEX, FIELD, TRIM,
REPLACE, READ, WRITE, PRINT, and so on, work in the same way for multibyte
and single-byte character sets.
Statements and functions that operate on dynamic arrays, for example,
EXTRACT, REMOVE, INSERT, DELETE, and so on, work equally well with NLS
turned on or off. This is because they look for DataStage system delimiters in
string variables, which have the same value whether NLS is on or off.

Length of Record IDs

Record IDs in DataStage files must not exceed 255 bytes. This means that the
maximum number of characters in a record ID depends on the character set in use.
For multibyte character sets, the safe limit is 85 characters. This allows each char-
acter to be three bytes long in the internal character set.
This limit also applies to values used as keys in secondary indexes. If a secondary
index is too long, a WRITE statement fails, a message is issued, and a nonzero
value is returned to the STATUS function.

Display Length in BASIC

DataStage BASIC uses character maps to find the correct display length for a char-
acter. Several BASIC statements and functions can operate on the display length
rather than the character length.
• The LENDP and LENSDP functions distinguish display length from char-
acter length.
• The HEADING and FOOTING statements allow for varying display posi-
tions in gaps.
• The FMTDP, FMTSDP, and FOLDDP functions work like FMT, FMTS, and
FOLD, but use display positions rather than character lengths.
• The SETPTR statement allows you to associate a map with a print channel.
This means you can determine display widths for formatting spooled
output. (Note that the internal to external mapping does not take place
until a report is printed.)
• The INPUTDP statement works like INPUT, but allows you to define input
displays to work in terms of variable display positions.

NLS in BASIC Programs 5-3

The display length of the unknown character is assumed to be 1.
For the syntax and full details about these statements and functions, see DataStage

Finding the Display Length of a String

Use the LENDP and LENSDP functions to return the display length of a string.
These functions are similar to LEN and LENS respectively. If these functions are
executed with NLS turned off, the program behaves as if the equivalent LEN or
LENS function had been called.

Formatting a String in Display Positions

Use the FMTDP and FMTSDP functions to format a string in display positions
rather than character lengths. If these functions are executed when NLS is not
enabled, the program behaves as if the FMT or FMTS function had been called.

Folding Strings Using Display Positions

Use the FOLDDP function to fold a string using the display position length rather
than its length in characters. If FOLDDP is executed when NLS is not enabled, the
program behaves as if the FOLD function had been called.

Inputting Using Display Length with INPUTDP

Then INPUTDP statement is equivalent to the INPUT statement, but it works on
character display lengths.

Inputting Through a Mask with INPUT @

Display positions affect how masks work with an INPUT @ statement. If the
external character set is multibyte, the initial value is displayed through the mask
as far as possible. If you enter a new value, the mask disappears, and the user
inputs to a field of the appropriate length not including any inserted characters.
The only editing functions supported are backspace and kill. When the user
finishes inputting, the new value is redisplayed through the mask just as the orig-
inal value was.

Block Size Always in Bytes

With the READBLK and WRITEBLK statements you must specify the block size
in bytes, not characters. This is because these statements are normally used to

5-4 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

read binary data in blocks. However, the data read is mapped using the appro-
priate file map, so the strings that are read can be processed in the internal
character set using any BASIC functions.
Similarly, you must be careful about block sizes for tapes written in a multibyte
external character set. Data is written in blocks of bytes, and if you specify an odd
number, you may get a character split across a block boundary. In particular,
READT may return a status value indicating that an unmappable character was
read, and WRITET will truncate a string, possibly writing an incomplete

The REMOVE Pointer and Multibyte Character Sets

When you use SETREM to set the REMOVE pointer of a dynamic array, the posi-
tion you specify for the REMOVE pointer must be calculated in bytes, not
characters. You should not call SETREM and give it a random integer, since it may
not point to the start of a character in the internal character set. You should use
only a value returned by GETREM, which is guaranteed to be correct.

Maps in DataStage BASIC

BASIC statements that perform input or output always map external data to the
DataStage internal character set using the appropriate map for the device or file.
In addition to the statements previously discussed, the following statements also
use maps for input and output:


Printers PRINT with PRINTER ON
Sequential files, etc. OPENDEV, OPENSEQ, READSEQ, and WRITESEQ

Determining a File’s Map Name

In NLS mode each DataStage file has an associated map that defines the external
character set for the file. If your program opens and reads a file, you may need to
know the name of the map associated with the file to ensure that the file map is

NLS in BASIC Programs 5-5

the one that your program expects. There are two main ways you can use to deter-
mine the map name:
• Calling the FILEINFO function
• Executing a GET.FILE.MAP command
The ANALYZE.FILE and FILE.STAT commands also include the map name for
the file in their reports.

To use the FILEINFO function to determine a file’s map name, use the
FINFO$NLSMAP value. A token is defined in the FILEINFO.H include file as

Value Token Returns…

20 FINFO$NLSMAP The file map name if NLS is enabled, or an empty
string. If the file’s map is a default specified in
the uvconfig file, the returned string is the map
name followed by the name of the configurable
parameter in parentheses.

The following example returns the map currently used by the VOC file:
OPEN "VOC" TO filevar
ELSE STOP "Cannot open the VOC file"
mapname = FILEINFO(filevar, FINFO$NLSMAP)
PRINT "Map in use for the VOC is: ":FIELD(mapname, ’(’, 1)

Maps for Source Files

If you use embedded literal strings containing non-ASCII characters, you must
specify a map for the source code in one of the following ways:
• Ensure that the source file has a map defined for it. If the file itself has no
explicit map, you can specify the default map to use in the
NLSDEFDIRMAP configurable parameter in the uvconfig file.
• Specify the $MAP mapname compiler directive. The map must be installed
in DataStage, or the compiler produces an error. Only one $MAP directive
line is allowed during the compilation; multiple lines cause a compilation
error. For more information, see DataStage BASIC.

5-6 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Note: Programs containing non-ASCII characters that were compiled in NLS
mode cannot be run with NLS mode off. Programs that contain ASCII
characters can always be run, whether NLS mode is on or off.

Maps and Devices

This section gives more information about how maps are used by devices. For
information about configuring devices, see page 2-6.

Maps for Auxiliary Devices

If there is an auxiliary device associated with a terminal, a program can send data
to the device in the correct character set. It does this by using an auxiliary map
defined through the AUXMAP statement. This avoids having to hard code the
map name.

@ Function Codes for Terminal and Auxiliary Maps

There are two terminfo records that you can use to set maps for terminals and
auxiliary printers as follows:

Integer Equate Name Description

–80 IT$NLSMAP Main terminal map name
–81 IT$NLSAUXMAP Auxiliary printer map name

If these map entries are not set in the terminfo file, the default specified in the
NLSDEFTERMMAP parameter of the uvconfig file is used. If the terminfo record
specifies maps that are not installed, the defaults are used and you may see a

CAUTION: The maps named in terminfo may not be the current terminal map.
For example, the value can be overridden by a SET.TERM.TYPE
command. Do not use the TERMINFO function or the @ function to
read the terminfo values. Use the GETPU subroutine, the
GET.TERM.TYPE command, or the SYSTEM function instead.

Printing Previously Mapped Data with UPRINT

You can use the UPRINT statement to print data that has already been mapped to
an external format using OCONV NLSmapname (see “NLS Conversion Code” on
page 5-14). The data is not mapped again by the printer’s map. If NLS is not
enabled, UPRINT behaves like PRINT.

NLS in BASIC Programs 5-7

Finding the Map Associated with a Print Channel
You can use the GETPU subroutine to determine the map name associated with a
print channel using the following token, which is defined in the GETPU.H
include file:

Value Token Returns…

22 PU$NLSMAP The print channel’s map name if NLS is enabled, or
an empty string.

If this token is used to call !GETPU when NLS is disabled, the following run-time
warning message is issued:
Program "!GETPU": pc = nnnn, Unsupported option "PU$NLSMAP".

This code example finds the name of the map associated with print channel 0:
CALL !GETPU(PU$NLSMAP, 0, mapname, code)
PRINT "Map in use for print unit 0 is: ":mapname

Maps for UNIX Pipes

You can assign maps to UNIX pipes opened with OPENDEV or OPENSEQ.
OPENDEV assigns maps to devices and OPENSEQ assigns maps to sequential
files and pipes.
OPENDEV uses the map name in the entry in the &DEVICE& file to open a UNIX
device. The NLSDEFDEVMAP parameter contains the default map name. Use the
ASSIGN command to override the NLSDEFDEVMAP parameter.
OPENSEQ filename, record.id uses the map assigned to the type 1 or type 19 file in
the .uvnlsmap file. If there is no map name, the map name in the NLSDEFDIRMAP
parameter is the default. Use the SET.FILE.MAP command to override the
OPENSEQ pathname opens a UNIX pipe, file, or special device directly. OPENSEQ
uses the map name in the directory containing pathname. If there is no map name,
the map name in the NLSDEFSEQMAP parameter is the default. Use the
SET.SEQ.MAP command to override the NLSDEFSEQMAP.
The SET.SEQ.MAP command specifies the map to use with BASIC sequential I/O
statements if you cannot find an explicit map in the sequential file that you

5-8 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Unmappable Characters
A character that cannot be mapped using the current map is called an unmap-
pable character. If DataStage encounters unmappable characters during a read or
write, its behavior is determined by two factors:
• The setting of the NLSREADELSE and NLSWRITEELSE parameters in the
uvconfig file
• Whether there is an ON ERROR clause
The STATUS function returns values to indicate the treatment of the unmappable
characters, as described in the next sections.

Unmappable Characters and WRITE Statements

If DataStage encounters unmappable characters while executing WRITE state-
ments, that is, WRITE, WRITEU, WRITEV, WRITEVU, and MATWRITE, the
STATUS function returns certain values. The values returned and the behavior of
DataStage depend on the existence of an ON ERROR clause and the setting of the
The STATUS function returns certain values when an ON ERROR clause is
present and the NLSWRITEELSE parameter is set to 1. The write fails and no
records are written.
• If the unmappable character is in the record ID, the STATUS function
returns 3.
• If the unmappable character is in the record’s data, the STATUS function
returns 4.
The behavior of DataStage is different when there is no ON ERROR clause and the
NLSWRITEELSE parameter is set to 1. The following occurs:
• If the unmappable character is in the record ID, the program aborts with a
message in this format:
Program "name": Line nnn,
Record Id ? contains characters which are not defined in the
file’s NLS map.
• If the unmappable character is in the record’s data, the program aborts with
a message in this format:
Program "name": Line nnn,
Record record.id contains characters which are not defined in
the file’s NLS map.

NLS in BASIC Programs 5-9

The behavior of DataStage also varies when there is no ON ERROR clause and the
NLSWRITEELSE parameter is set to 0. The following occurs:
• If the unmappable character is in the record ID, the program aborts with a
message in this format:
Program "name": Line nnn,
Record Id ? contains characters which are not defined in the
file’s NLS map.

Regardless of the existence of an ON ERROR clause, if NLSWRITEELSE is set to 0

and the unmappable character is in the record’s data, the record is written using
the map’s unknown character to replace the unmappable characters. The
unknown character is usually a question mark (?). Data is lost as a result.

Note: There is no relationship between the NLSWRITEELSE parameter and the

ELSE clause of a BASIC statement.

Unmappable Characters and READ Statements

If DataStage encounters unmappable characters during READ statements, that is,
returns certain values. The values returned and the behavior of DataStage depend
on the existence of the setting of the NLSREADELSE parameter.
The STATUS function returns certain values when the NLSREADELSE parameter
is set to 1. Depending on the origin of the unmappable characters, the following
• If the unmappable character is in the record ID, the program takes the ELSE
clause and the STATUS function returns 3 with a message in this format:
Program "name": Line nnn,
Record Id ? contains characters which are not defined in the
file’s NLS map.
• If the unmappable character is in the record’s data, the program takes the
ELSE clause and the STATUS function returns 4. You also see a message in
this format:
Program "name": Line nnn,
Record record.id contains characters which are not defined in
the file’s NLS map.

5-10 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

The behavior of DataStage differs when the NLSREADELSE parameter is set to 0.
Depending on the origin of the unmappable characters, the following occurs:
• If the unmappable character is in the record ID, the program takes the ELSE
clause and the STATUS function returns 3.

Note: This is different from the case when a record does not exist, where
STATUS returns 0.

• If the unmappable character is in the record’s data, the record is read, and
the unmappable characters are replaced with the Unicode replacement
character (value xFFFD). No message is displayed, and data is lost.

ASCII and EBCDIC Conversions

The ASCII and EBCDIC functions convert between 7-bit ASCII values and 8-bit
EBCDIC values. The functions work the same way whether NLS mode is on or
off. This may result in ambiguous data that is not recognized by your current
mapping, for example, terminal maps, file maps, and so forth.

Multinational Characters in BASIC

All BASIC language elements in source code, such as pathnames, variable names,
tokens, subroutine names, and reserved words, must be in 7-bit US ASCII. You
can use other character sets in your source code for the following:
• Embedded literal strings. In this case there must be a map associated with
the source file. For more information about maps, see Chapter 3.
• Comments.
You can specify any Unicode value using the UNICHAR function. See “CHAR
and SEQ in NLS Mode” on page 5-14. You can specify certain 8-bit characters in
your source by using CHAR (nnn), where nnn is a decimal value 129 through 247.

Note: If your program source uses a CHAR (nnn) function, it must be recom-
piled for use in NLS mode.

NLS in BASIC Programs 5-11

Editing Multinational Characters
You can use ED to edit multinational characters in records and source code. With
NLS mode enabled, ED offers a further up-arrow mode to deal with the full
internal character set. Up-arrow mode can be in three states:
• Disabled
• Enabled
• Enabled+Unicode
The command ^ toggles between enabled or disabled. With NLS enabled, the
command ^X switches to Unicode mode (enabled+Unicode).
In disabled mode, all characters are printed directly; whether you see them or not
depends on your terminal and terminal map.
In enabled mode, code points less than 248, and system delimiters (code points
248 through 255), print using the decimal notation ^ddd. Every other code point
uses the hexadecimal notation ^xhhhh, which can be entered in Unicode mode.
In enabled+Unicode mode, code points 128 (character string used to represent the
null value) and 248 through 255 print in decimal notation ^ddd; all other code
points greater than 126 use the hexadecimal notation ^xhhhh.
The special cases of ^094, ^128, and ^248–^255 appear in decimal in both of the
enabled modes.
Note the distinction between, for example, the character printed as ^253 and that
printed as ^x00FC. The first is a DataStage value mark, the second is the lower-
case y acute character.
The following tables compare the differences between inputting and displaying
characters in hexadecimal and decimal notation in the two up-arrow modes:

Mode Printed Input in ^ddd Input in ^xhhh

enabled 000–126 127–255 0x0100–0xFFFF
enabled+Unicode 000–126 128, 248–255 0x007F, 0x0081–0xFFFF

Input Input Format

Format (Enabled +
Special Characters (Unicode Format) (Enabled) Unicode)
The null value ^128 ^128
C1 control character (PAD) ^x0080

5-12 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Input Input Format
Format (Enabled +
Special Characters (Unicode Format) (Enabled) Unicode)
DataStage reserved mark ^248 ^248
DataStage reserved mark ^249 ^249
DataStage reserved mark ^250 ^250
DataStage text mark ^251 ^251
DataStage subvalue mark ^252 ^252
DataStage value mark ^253 ^253
DataStage field mark ^254 ^254
DataStage item mark ^255 ^255

Inputting Unicode Characters

To enter a character by its Unicode value, you can type either ^ddd or ^xhhhh,
where hhhh must be a 4-digit hexadecimal number. You can use ^ddd only for
values 0 through 255.
You can input system delimiters only by using the decimal notation ^ddd.

Generating Characters in External Format

You can use the UNICHAR function to generate a single character from a
supplied Unicode value, or you can use the UNICHARS function to generate a
dynamic array of characters. The UNICHAR and UNICHARS functions operate
in the same way whether NLS mode is on or off.

NLS in BASIC Programs 5-13

Generating System Delimiters and the Null Value
Do not use UNICHAR or UNICHARS to generate DataStage system delimiters or
the internal representation of the null value. Use the BASIC @variables instead:
@TM, @SVM, @SM, @VM, @FM, @AM, @IM, and @NULL.STR.

Generating Characters in Internal Format

You can generate a Unicode value from a supplied character using the UNISEQ
function, or you can generate a dynamic array of Unicode values using the
UNISEQS function. These functions perform the opposite action of the
UNICHAR and UNICHARS functions.

CHAR and SEQ in NLS Mode

Use the CHAR and SEQ functions with care in NLS mode.
Use CHAR (nnn) to operate modulo 256. If nnn is in the range 0 through 127, 128,
and 248 through 255, it operates in the same way whether NLS mode is on or off.
If nnn is in the range 129 through 247, it produces Unicode characters in the range
x0081 through x00F7. These correspond to the ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1) characters with
those values, and are multibyte characters. If you want to generate the specific
bytes with those values, use the BYTE function. To generate characters outside the
CHAR range, use UNICHAR. For more information, see DataStage BASIC.
Use SEQ (var) to return a number in the range 0 through 255, but you cannot use
this function to look at the Unicode values in the range x0080, and x00F8 through
x00FF, or above. To examine those values, use UNISEQ. If you call SEQ on a char-
acter outside its range, a run-time message is printed, and an empty string is

Internal and External String Conversion

You can use the ICONV and OCONV functions to do the following:
• Convert an internal Unicode string to its external representation and vice
versa, using the NLS conversion code
• View internal strings in their Unicode hexadecimal format using the MU0C
conversion code

NLS Conversion Code

Use the following syntax for ICONV and OCONV with the NLS conversion code:
ICONV (string, "NLSmapname")
OCONV (string, "NLSmapname")

5-14 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

ICONV treats string as being in the external format defined by mapname, converts
it to internal format, and returns the result. Use OCONV to convert string from
internal format to the external format specified by mapname.
mapname must be either the name of an installed map or one of the special strings
LPTR, CRT, AUX, or OS. These denote the map associated with the current
printer, terminal, auxiliary printer, or operating system respectively. With ICONV,
if mapname is the value UNICODE, each two bytes in string is assumed to be a
Unicode character. If there is an odd number of bytes in string, the last byte is
substituted with the Unicode replacement character (xFFFD) and the STATUS
function returns 3. If mapname is not installed, an empty string is returned.
The conversion works only with NLS mode on. The STATUS function can return
the following values:

Value Description
0 The conversion succeeds.
1 The map name supplied is invalid, an empty string is returned.
2 The conversion is invalid or NLS is not enabled.
3 Some characters of the converted string could not be mapped, and the
returned string contains replacement characters.

Use UPRINT instead of PRINT (which treats string as being in internal format) to
print the external format string returned by OCONV NLSmapname.
For example:

For more information, see DataStage BASIC.

MU0C Conversion Code

Use the MU0C conversion code to view internal strings in Unicode hexadecimal

Note: The MU0C conversion code uses four hexadecimal digits. The MX0C
conversion code treats strings as two hexadecimal digits per byte, and
does not know about internal Unicode format.

Use the following syntax:

ICONV (string, "MU0C")
OCONV (string, "MU0C")

NLS in BASIC Programs 5-15

If you use the conversion code with the DataStage system delimiters, note that
OCONV(@FM, "MU0C") returns xF8FE, and ICONV("F8FE", "MU0C") produces
@FM, that is, the single character CHAR(254) in internal format. This is so you can
distinguish UNICHAR(254) from CHAR(254). OCONV(UNICHAR(254),
"MU0C") returns x00FE.
The value of the BASIC STATUS function after an MU0C conversion has been
executed is as follows:

Value Description
0 The conversion succeeds.
2 The conversion is invalid or NLS is not enabled.

The following example shows internal to external byte sequences for several
PRINT "Internal form in hex bytes is: ":OCONV(X, ’MX0C’)
Y = OCONV(X, ’NLSISO8859-1’)
PRINT "External form in hex bytes is: ":OCONV(Y, ’MX0C’)
PRINT "Internal form in Unicode is: ":OCONV(X, ’MU0C’)

This program produces the following output:

Internal form in hex bytes is: C39E C3B0 FE
External form in hex bytes is: DE F0 3F
Internal form in Unicode is: 00DE 00F0 F8FE

The characters in the output are separated by spaces in order to display the differ-
ences more easily. For example, C39E represents 222 in the internal form in
DataStage, DE represents 222 in the external byte sequence as it is displayed on
the terminal, and 00DE represents 222 in the Unicode byte sequence.
Likewise, C3B0 represents 240 in the internal form in DataStage, F0 represents 240
in the external byte sequence for the terminal, and 00F0 represents 240 in the
Unicode byte sequence.
In the final column, FE is the internal representation of @FM, 3F (the Unicode
character ?) represents the external byte sequence for the terminal, and F8FE
represents the Unicode byte sequence.

Other Conversion Codes

You can use other conversion codes with ICONV and OCONV, such as MM
(monetary conversion), NL (Arabic numeral conversion), MCM, MC/M, and
MCW (additional masked character conversions). For more information about
these conversion codes, see DataStage Basic.

5-16 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Displaying Records by Character Value
You can check the contents of a record even if your terminal cannot display the
character set that the record uses.

CAUTION: Be careful to distinguish the differences in how characters are repre-

sented on your terminal. A system delimiter, for example @VM, is
displayed as FC in the HEX case, but F8FC in the UNICODE case,
not 00FC. F8FC is the external representation of the DataStage value
mark in Unicode. The value remains unchanged.

The COPY, CP, and CT commands have a HEX option to display the contents of a
record in hexadecimal digits, and a UNICODE option to display the Unicode
values of the characters. For the Pick version of the COPY verb, you specify (U
instead of UNICODE, and (H instead of HEX.
For example, if a record contains the string ABC in field 1 and ÄßÇ in field 2,
using the HEX option, you see the following with NLS mode off. In field 1 the 41
is the ASCII code for A, and C4 is the (single byte) ASCII code for Ä.

0001 414243
0002 C4DFC7

You see the following with NLS mode on:


0001 414243
0002 C384C39FC387

ABC uses one byte per character in internal format (line 0001) whereas ÄßÇ uses
two bytes per character (line 0002). Field 1 contains 41, the (single byte) internal
code for A, and field 2 contains C384, the (double byte) internal code for Ä.
Using the UNICODE option you see the following:

0001 004100420043
0002 00C400DF00C7

NLS in BASIC Programs 5-17

Line 0001 is zero-extended, but similar to the previous example, whereas line 0002
is completely different. 0041 is the UNICODE representation for A, and 00C4 is
the UNICODE for Ä.

Exchanging Character Values

The BASIC EXCHANGE function is not NLS-aware and may not produce the
results you expect when NLS is enabled. This function has two arguments: the
first is the hexadecimal value of a character to be found, and the second is a hexa-
decimal value of a character to replace it with. EXCHANGE looks at only the first
two bytes of its arguments and so can handle only characters 00 through FF. In
NLS mode, bytes 00 through FA are treated as Unicode characters 0000 through
00FA, and bytes FB through FE are treated as system delimiters. If FF is used as
the second argument, all occurrences of the character designated by the first argu-
ment are deleted.

Case Inversion and Deadkey Characters

Deadkey characters are generated by a sequence of keystrokes rather than a
single, dedicated key. Deadkey characters are always generated after any case
inversion commands are processed. This means that a command such as PTERM
CASE INVERT has no effect on characters entered through deadkey sequences.
For example, using the MNEMONICS map, if case inversion is on (the default),
entering the sequence < a- > produces the character LATIN SMALL LETTER A

BASIC and Locales

A locale comprises the set of conventions in the five categories (Time, Numeric,
Monetary, Ctype, and Collate). From within a BASIC program, you can do the
• Retrieve the current locale names in any category
• Save the current locale setting
• Restore the saved locale setting
• Change the current locale setting
For information about setting locales system-wide, see Chapter 4.

5-18 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Retrieving Locale Settings
You can retrieve locale settings using the GETLOCALE and LOCALEINFO func-
tions. GETLOCALE retrieves the names of specified categories of the current
locale. LOCALEINFO retrieves the settings of the current locale.

Saving and Restoring Locales

You can save and restore locales using the SETLOCALE function with the

Changing the Current Locale

You can change or disable a locale setting using the SETLOCALE function.

NLS in BASIC Programs 5-19

5-20 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide
NLS Administration Menus

This chapter describes the structure and content of the NLS Administration
You must be a DataStage Administrator in the DataStage server engine account
(UV) to use the menus. To display the main NLS Administration menu, use the
NLS.ADMIN command. The NLS Administration menu has the following
• Unicode. This option lets you examine the Unicode character set using
various search criteria.
• Mappings. This option lets you view, create, or modify map descriptions or
map tables.
• Locales. This option lets you view, create, or modify locale definitions.
• Categories. This option lets you view, create, or modify category files and
weight tables.
• Installation. This option lets you install maps into shared memory or edit
the uvconfig file.
The options lead to further menus that are described in the following sections.

Unicode Menu
Use the Unicode menu to examine the Unicode character set. The following
options are available:
• Characters. This option leads to a further menu containing the following
– List All descriptions. Provides a very long listing of all the Unicode

NLS Administration Menus 6-1

– by Value. Prompts you to enter a Unicode 4-digit hexadecimal value,
then returns its description.
– by Char description. Prompts you to enter a partial description of a
character, then returns possible matches.
– by block Number. Lists all characters in a given Unicode block in
Unicode order.
– by Block descriptions. Lists the Unicode block numbers, the official
description of what each block contains, the start and end points in the
Unicode set, and the number of characters in the block.
– Ideograph xref. The start of further levels of menu, which are of interest
to multibyte users only. These let you do the following:
Display a listing of how the Unicode ideographic area maps to
Chinese, Japanese, and Korean standards
Search for a character in Unicode, given its external character set refer-
ence number
Convert between external encodings and standard reference numbers,
for example, convert shift-JIS to row and column format
– Mnemonic search. Looks up entries in the MNEMONICS input map by
• Alphabetics. This option lists the NLS.CS.ALPHAS file. This file contains
records that define ranges of code points within which characters are
considered to be alphabetic. Use the Ctype category to modify these
• Digits. This option lists the NLS.CS.TYPES file. This file contains records
that describe code points normally considered to represent the digits 0
through 9 in different scripts. Use the Numeric category to modify these
• Non-printing. This option lists the NLS.CS.TYPES file. This file contains
records that describe code points normally considered to be nonprinting
characters. Use the Ctype category to modify these ranges.
• case Rules. This option lists the NLS.CS.CASES file. This file describes the
normal rules for converting uppercase to lowercase and lowercase to
uppercase for all code points in Unicode. Use the Ctype category to modify
these ranges.
• Exit.

6-2 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Mappings Menu
Use the Mappings menu to examine, create, and edit map description and map
table records, and to compile maps. The following options are available:
• View. Displays a listing of all map description records.
• Descriptions. Leads to a submenu for manipulating map descriptions, that
is, records in the NLS.MAP.DESCS file. The Xref option produces a cross-
reference listing that lets you see which maps and tables are being used as
the basis for others.
• Tables. Leads to a submenu for manipulating map tables, that is, records in
the NLS.MAP.TABLES file. From the submenu you can list, create, edit,
delete, and cross-reference map tables.
• Clients. Administers the NLS.CLIENT.MAPS file, which provides
synonyms between map names on a client and the DataStage NLS maps on
the server. You can list, create, edit, and delete records using this option.
• Build. Compiles a single map.

Locales Menu
Use the Locales menu to examine, create, and edit locale definitions. The
following options are available:
• List All. Lists all the locales that are available in DataStage, that is, all the
records in the NLS.LC.ALL file. You may need to build the locales in order
to install them into shared memory.
• View. Prompts you for the name of a locale, then lists the record for that
• Create. Creates a new locale record.
• Edit. Edits an existing locale record.
• Delete. Deletes a locale record
• Xref. Cross-references a locale. This lets you see the relationship between
various locale definitions.
• Clients. Administers the NLS.CLIENT.LCS file, which provides synonyms
between locale names on a client, and the DataStage NLS locales on the
server. You can list, create, edit, and delete records using this option.

NLS Administration Menus 6-3

• Report. Lets you produce a report on records in locale categories. You can
choose from All, Time/date, Numeric, Monetary, Ctype, and Collate.
• Build. Builds a locale.

Categories Menu
From the Categories menu you can administer the NLS category files for different
types of convention. The following options are available:
• Time/date
• Numeric
• Monetary
• Ctype
• Collate
• Weight tables
• Language info
The first five options call submenus that let you list, view, create, edit, delete, and
cross-reference records in the specific category. The final two options have differ-
ences as described below.
• Weight tables. This option has two additional suboptions as follows:
– Accent weights. This option lists all the records in the
NLS.WT.LOOKUP file that refer to accents.
– Case weights. This option lists all the records in the NLS.WT.LOOKUP
file that refer to casing.
• Language info. This option administers the NLS.LANG.INFO file and lets
you list, view, create, edit, delete, and cross-reference records in the file.

Installation Menu
Use the Installation menu to edit the system configuration file or to install maps in
shared memory. The following options are available:
• Edit uvconfig. This option lets you edit the configurable parameters in the
uvconfig file. You can edit all the parameters, or just those referring to NLS,
maps, locales, or clients.
• Maps. This option leads to a further menu with the following options:
– Configure. Runs the NLS map configuration program.

6-4 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

– All binaries. Lists all the built maps that are available to be installed into
shared memory.
– In memory. Lists the names of all maps currently installed in shared
memory and available for use within DataStage.
– (re-)Build. Compiles a single map in the same way as the Build option
on the Mappings menu.
– Delete binary. Removes a binary map. This takes effect when DataStage
is restarted.
• Locales. This option leads to a further menu with the following options:
– Configure. Runs the NLS locale configuration program.
– All binaries. Lists all the built locales that are available to be installed
into shared memory.
– In memory. Lists the names of all locales currently installed in shared
memory and available for use within DataStage. Use this option if the
SET.LOCALE command fails with the error locale not loaded. This
option lets you identify locales that are built but not loaded.
– (re-)Build. Compiles a single locale.
– Delete binary. Removes a binary locale. This takes effect when
DataStage is restarted.
• By language. This option lets you configure NLS by specifying a particular
language. The configuration program selects the appropriate locales and
maps to be built and an appropriate configuration for the uvconfig file.

NLS Administration Menus 6-5

6-6 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide
The NLS Database

This appendix describes the files in the NLS database. The NLS database is in the
nls subdirectory of the server engine directory. The nls directory contains the
subdirectories charset, locales, and maps.
Each subdirectory of the NLS directory contains further subdirectories, such as
the listing and install subdirectories. listing contains listing information generated
when building maps and locales (if the user selects this option). install contains
the binary files that are loaded into memory.
You should use the NLS.ADMIN command to perform all NLS administration.
The VOC names for NLS files start with the prefix NLS (this prefix is absent if you
view the files from the operating system). The second part of the filename indi-
cates the logical group that the file belongs to. The logical groups are as follows:

These letters… Indicate this file group…

CLIENT Data received from client programs
CS Information about Unicode character sets
LANG Languages
LC Locales
MAP Character set maps
WT Weight tables

The third part of the filename indicates the contents of the file. For example, the
file called NLS.LC.COLLATE is an NLS file belonging to the locales group that
contains information about collating sequences.

The NLS Database A-1

Table A-1 lists all the files in the NLS database.

Table A-1. NLS Database Files

File Description
NLS.CLIENT.LCS Defines the locales to be used by client programs
connecting to DataStage. For a description of the record
format for this file, see “Locales for Client Programs”
on page 2-10.
NLS.CLIENT.MAPS Defines the character set used by client programs. For a
description of the record format for this file, see “Maps
for Client Programs” on page 2-9.
NLS.CS.ALPHAS Defines which characters are defined as alphabetic in
the Unicode standard. Each record ID is a hexadecimal
code point value that indicates the start of a range of
characters. The record itself specifies the last character
in the range. These default values can be overridden by
a national convention. You should not modify this file;
it is for information only.
NLS.CS.BLOCKS Defines the blocks of consecutive code point values for
characters that are normally used together as a set for
one or more languages. The record IDs are block
numbers. This file is cross-referenced by the
NLS.CS.DESCS file. You should not modify this file; it
is for information only.
NLS.CS.CASES Defines those characters that have an uppercase and
lowercase version, and how they map between the two,
according to the Unicode standard. These default
values can be overridden by a national convention.
Each record ID is the hexadecimal code point value for
a character. You should not modify this file; it is for
information only.
NLS.CS.DESCS Contains descriptions of every character supported by
DataStage NLS. Each character has its own record,
using its hexadecimal code point value as the record
ID. The descriptions are based on those used by the
Unicode standard. You should not modify this file; it is
for information only.

A-2 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Table A-1. NLS Database Files (Continued)

File Description
NLS.CS.TYPES Defines which characters are numbers, nonprintable
characters, and so on, according to the Unicode stan-
dard.These default values can be overridden by a
national convention. Each record ID is the hexadecimal
code point value for a character. You should not modify
this file; it is for information only.
NLS.LANG.INFO Contains information about languages. Provides
possible mappings between language, locale and char-
acter set map. It is used for installing NLS and
reporting on locales, and should not be modified.
NLS.LC.ALL Holds records for all the locales known to DataStage.
The record IDs are the locale names. The fields of each
record are the IDs of records in other locale files. These
files contain data about the categories that make up a
locale (Time, Numeric, and so on). For a description of
the record format for this file, see “Creating New
Locales” on page 4-4.
NLS.LC.COLLATE Each record in this file defines a collating sequence
used by a locale. The collating sequences are defined
according to how they differ from the default collating
sequence. For a description of the record format for this
file, see “Format of Convention Records” on page 4-5.
NLS.LC.CTYPE Each record in this file holds character typing informa-
tion used in a locale, that is, which characters are
alphabetic, numeric, lowercase, uppercase,
nonprinting, and so on. The character types are defined
according to how they differ from the default character
typing. For a description of the record format for this
file, see “Format of Convention Records” on page 4-5.
NLS.LC.MONETARY Each record in this file holds the monetary formatting
convention used in a locale. For a description of the
record format for this file, see “Format of Convention
Records” on page 4-5.
NLS.LC.NUMERIC Each record in this file holds the numeric formatting
convention used in a locale. For a description of the
record format for this file, see “Format of Convention
Records” on page 4-5.

The NLS Database A-3

Table A-1. NLS Database Files (Continued)

File Description
NLS.LC.TIME Each record in this file holds the time and date format-
ting convention for a locale. For a description of the
record format for this file, see “Format of Convention
Records” on page 4-5.
NLS.MAP.DESCS Contains descriptions of every map known to
DataStage. The record ID of each map is the map name
used in DataStage commands or BASIC programs. The
record IDs must comprise ASCII-7 characters only. For
a description of the record format for this file, see
“Creating a Map Description” on page 3-5.
NLS.MAP.TABLES A type 19 file that contains the map tables for mapping
an external character set to the DataStage internal char-
acter set. For more information about the structure of
this file, see “Creating a Map Table” on page 3-7.
NLS.WT.LOOKUP Contains weightings given to characters during a sort,
based on the Unicode standard. This file should not be
NLS.WT.TABLES Contains specific weight information about characters
used in a locale. For more information about the struc-
ture of this file, see “Editing Weight Tables” on
page 4-25.

A-4 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

National Convention

The national conventions support described in DataStage NLS Guide does not
cover all needs. It is designed to be as table-driven as possible, with all tables
visible to and changeable by a knowledgeable user. For maximum flexibility, we
also support user-written code hooks. These are routines you write to implement
specific NLS functions and then hook them into DataStage on request.
Hooks are points in DataStage code where an NLS convention is in force; at such
points, user-written code can be plugged in to intercept an action that NLS would
otherwise do. Hook routines must be written in C. Each routine has a fixed name
and interface, as described later.
All string data is passed in and out of hooks in external format (i.e., as multibyte
8-bit strings). That is, a map name (other than UNICODE) associated with a hook
is used to map string data from DataStage internal format to external format
before calling the hook. All hooks for a particular locale specify the same map
name. To accommodate CHAR(0) bytes, STRING data types are used (a variable-
length character string) rather than null-terminated C strings.
This hook mechanism is available only if both NLS mode and locale support are
enabled. The hooks also introduce some areas of potential internationalization that
are not otherwise supported by NLS, notably:
• Specialized FMT format codes
• Soundex ‘sounds-like’ replacement

National Convention Hooks B-1

General Hook Mechanism
You write C code conforming to the naming and calling conventions described
later, and link them into DataStage using the tools described. You then set up a
locale record in which the HOOK_LIBRARY_ID and HOOK_MAPNAME fields
are filled in. These identify which hook library to invoke if you set that locale, and
what map to use to convert strings to external form. The hook library must
contain an ih_init function and whatever other ih_… functions it wants to
When the SET.LOCALE command or the SETLOCALE function invokes the
locale, its HOOK_LIBRARY_ID is used to call the appropriate ih_init function.
From now on, assume that HID is the specific “hook_locale_id”, which can be any
alphanumeric string (e.g., GB, HEBREW, etc.). So DataStage tries to call
ih_init_HID. If there is no such function linked, the locale cannot be set. Other-
wise, ih_init_HID returns a list of which other hook routines are included in the
library. This information is then used elsewhere in DataStage where conventions
would apply. If the hook in question is set, DataStage tries to call the appropriate
ih_xxx_HID function.
For ease of implementation, the file sample/NLSHKtmplt.c in the server engine
account directory provides a complete set of stub routines. Copy this file to create
a hook library of your own, replacing all HID suffixes with your chosen HID.
Then add code to the hooks you want to implement, and change ih_init_HID so it
says which functions contain real code. This avoids unnecessary complication in
the linking mechanism (since all functions of a library exist, even if empty), but
also stops the performance overhead of calling empty functions. Basically, the
DataStage code makes a call to ih_xxx_HID only if the current locale says it’s
worth it. The use of HID lets you develop multiple hook libraries independently
and then link them together easily—all it requires is that they choose different
The following routines can be in a hook library:
ih_case_HID( )
ih_compare_HID( )
ih_ctype_HID( )
ih_fmt_HID( )
ih_iconv_HID( )
ih_lendp_HID( )
ih_match_HID( )

B-2 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

ih_oconv_HID( )
ih_soundex_HID( )
ih_trim_HID( )
Each hook has a similar form. There are usually in_str, out_str, and replaced_char
arguments. All the functions return an integer value with the same basic meaning.
int ih_xxx_HID(STRING in_str, int replaced_char, STRING *out_str, … other

in_str (I) Incoming data in external format as mapped by the

HOOK_MAPNAME map (which defaults to the value in the
uvconfig parameter NLSOSMAP).
replaced_char (I) Set to 1 if in_str contains a character that had to be mapped to
the replacement character in the external set.
out_str (O) Pointer to the STRING structure containing outgoing data in the
same external character set. Only valid if the returned value is

The returned value can be one of the following:

NLSHK_HKE_OK Hook routine did its stuff, no further action

required by DataStage—use what is in out_str.
NLSHK_HKE_NO_CONV Hook routine did nothing, DataStage pretends it
was never called and continues processing the
NLSHK_HKE_SOME_CONV Hook routine did something but wants DataStage
to continue its own processing, using the contents
of out_str rather than in_str. The data is first
mapped back to internal form.

The ih_xxx_HID routines in the sample/NLSHKtmplt.c file ignore all input argu-
ments and simply return NLSHK_HKE_NO_CONV.

Support from DataStage

The STRING data type used in the interface definitions requires the DataStage file
gcidir/include/uv.h in the server engine account directory to be included in the
source of the hook library.

National Convention Hooks B-3

Also required is the DataStage include file gcidir/include/flavor.h, which contains
definitions for the account flavor types used by ih_fmt_HID, ih_iconv_HID, and
The NLS hook table must be initialized by the ih_init_HID routine. The NLS hook
table is a global structure, a reference to which can be found in the public include
file gcidir/include/NLShooks.h. Include this file in your hook library source files.

Memory Management
Hook routines are responsible only for the memory they allocate to perform their
allotted function, i.e., memory for return parameters and temporary variables.
They do not need to worry about memory occupied by input parameters;
DataStage deals with this.
Memory must be allocated and freed using the standard system memory allocator
interfaces: malloc (and realloc) to allocate memory and free to deallocate it.

Using Hooks in DataStage

To make DataStage use a hook library, do the following:
1. Create a GCI definition for the initialization routine.
2. Compile the hook library.
3. Build the hook library.
4. Test the hooks.
5. Install the hook library.
Since the GCI identifies the hook library to DataStage, and since the GCI differs
slightly on the UNIX and Windows NT versions of DataStage, there are a few
differences in the steps required on both platforms.
In the examples shown, a set of hook library routines is written in the file

Create a GCI Definition for the Initialization Routine

On Windows NT only, you must create a GCI definition file (GCI menu, option 1)
to hold the definition of the hook library initialization routine. Remember the
name of the file: you’ll need it when you build the hook library.

B-4 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Then, on both platforms, choose the GCI menu option to add a GCI subroutine
definition (GCI menu, option 1 on UNIX, option 2 on Windows NT). On
Windows NT use the GCI definition file you just created.
The purpose is to add a definition for the initialization routine ih_init_HID, as

Subroutine name: ih_init_HID

Language: C
External name: ih_init_HID
Module name: my_hooks <--- i.e. my_hooks.c
Description: My hooks
Number of args: 0
Return value: void

HID is the hook library identifier, e.g., HEBREW. This identifies the initialization
routine to DataStage and lets it be called.

Compile the Hook Library

Check that the hook library source file (e.g., my_hooks.c) compiles, and put a copy
of the source file in the GCI directory gcidir of the server engine account directory.

Build the Hook Library

Build the hook library (on UNIX, GCI menu, enter GCI.ADMIN, option 4, Make a
new UniVerse; on Windows NT, option 5, Make a GCI Library from a GCI Defi-
nition File). This will ultimately compile the hook library source file. On
Windows NT, remember to specify the name of the GCI definition file that you
On UNIX the hook library object file produced by the compilation will also be
linked with DataStage to produce a new DataStage executable, uvsh.new, in the
server engine account directory.
On Windows NT the sequence of events is slightly different. The result of menu
option 5 is a dynamic link library (DLL) in the GCI directory that has the same
name as the GCI definition file that you created.

National Convention Hooks B-5

Test the Hooks
Before the hooks can be used, you must create a locale with the
HOOK_LIBRARY_ID and HOOK_MAPNAME fields set appropriately. Do this
from the NLS.ADMIN menu in the server engine account. The
HOOK_LIBRARY_ID must be the same as the HID suffix given to the hook
routines. The hooks are designed to work with a given character set, so set the
HOOK_MAPNAME to the corresponding NLS map name for this character set.
To use the hook library routines, the NLSLCMODE parameter in the uvconfig file
must be set to 1 and DataStage must be reloaded (on UNIX, uvregen followed by
DBsetup, on Windows NT, uvregen followed by stopping and restarting all of the
On UNIX, start up DataStage using the uvsh.new executable. The run file is stand-
alone and will not disrupt other users.
On Windows NT, set up the environment variable UVGCIDLLS to include the
path of the DLLs generated by the build in the gcidir directory (or add the paths to
the system variable UvGCILibraries), then start up DataStage using the bin\uvsh
When this is done, the hooks can be activated using the SET.LOCALE command
or the SETLOCALE BASIC function. This executes the ih_init_HID routine and
makes the hooks ready for use.

Install the Hook Library

When testing is complete, you can install the hook library on a UNIX system
using the GCI menu, option 5, Install new UniVerse, and on a Windows NT
system, option 6, Install a GCI Library. This makes the hooks available to all
users on the system without having to change anything in their environment.

NLS Hook Interface Definitions

Here are a few general rules regarding hook functions:
• A hook function should not free any strings passed to it.
• A hook function is called only if the corresponding BASIC statement is
executed. For example, the hook for iconv is called only if a BASIC
program calls ICONV. If an internal function of DataStage calls iconv, the
hook function does not execute, as is the case with SQL DML functions.

B-6 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

• If a hook function returns NLSHK_HKE_NO_CONV, it should not return
any allocated memory.
• All NLSHK_xxx tokens are in the include file gcidir/include/NLShooks.h in
the server engine account directory.

Hook Functions
The initialization function ih_init_HID initializes each element of the Hook table
to a corresponding hook function or sets it to null as shown below. You should
replace HID with your hook library ID. In the example only the CASE hook is
void ih_init_HID()

National Convention Hooks B-7

Case Hook Function

The case hook function is called in response to a BASIC call to DOWNCASE or

UPCASE. When ICONV or OCONV is called with a code of lowercase or upper-
case, the CASE hook function is not called. The hook function must be defined as

int ih_case_HID(in_str, replaced_char, out_str, conv_type)

STRING in_str;
int replaced_char;
STRING *out_str;
int conv_type;

Argument Description
in_str The input string.
replaced_char Set to 1 if a character was replaced in in_str.
out_str Output STRING variable whose text field is malloc’d by the
hook function if the hook function returns NLSHK_HKE_OK
conv_type Input argument to contain NLSHK_CT_DOWNCASE or

The hook function’s return value should be:

NLSHK_HKE_NO_CONV No conversion done by hook.

NLSHK_HKE_OK Complete conversion done by hook.
NLSHK_HKE_SOME_CONV Some conversion done by hook.

If the hook function returns an invalid value, DataStage issues a warning.

B-8 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Compare Hook Function

The compare hook function is called in response to a call to:

• The BASIC COMPARE function
• Simple comparisons of the type <, =, >, LE, GE, NE
• Vector comparisons like LES, LTS, GTS, GES, EQS, NES
The hook function must be defined as follows:

int ih_compare_HID(in_str1, rep_char1, in_str2, rep_char2, type, just-

prec, pretval)
STRING in_str1;
int rep_char1;
STRING in_str2;
int rep_char2;
int type, justprec, *pretval;
*pretval = 0;


Argument Description
in_str1 The first input string.
rep_char1 Set to 1 if a character was replaced in in_str1.
in_str2 The second input string.
rep_char2 Set to 1 if a character was replaced in in_str2.
type Input arguments to contain the following values while
justprec pretval is an output argument:
justprec contains 0 for left justification (default), 1 for right

National Convention Hooks B-9

Compare Hook Function

Argument Description
• Simple comparisons of the type <, =, >, LE, GE, NE
type is one of NLSHK_CO_GREATER,
NLSHK_CO_LESSTHAN depending on the type of
comparison being done.
justprec is the current precision (if required) or 0.
• Vector comparisons like LES, LTS, GTS, GES, EQS, NES.
type is one of NLSHK_CO_GREATER,
NLSHK_CO_LESSTHAN depending on the type of
comparison being done.
justprec is the current precision (if required) or 0.
pretval Must be set to one of the following if the return value is
<0 If in_str1 is less than in_str2
0 If in_str1 and in_str2 are equal
>0 If in_str1 is greater than in_str2

The hook function’s return value should be NLSHK_HKE_NO_CONV or

NLSHK_HKE_OK. If the hook function returns an invalid value, DataStage issues
a warning.

B-10 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Ctype Hook Function

The ctype hook function is called in response to a call to the BASIC function
ALPHA, which checks whether a string is alphabetic. The hook function must be
defined as follows:

int ih_ctype_HID(in_str, replaced_char, pretval)

STRING in_str;
int replaced_char;
int *pretval;
*pretval = 0;


Argument Description
in_str The input string.
replaced_char Set to 1 if a character was replaced in in_str.
pretval Must be set to one of the following if the return value is
1 If in_str is alphabetic
0 If in_str is not alphabetic

The hook function’s return value should be NLSHK_HKE_NO_CONV or

NLSHK_HKE_OK. If the hook function returns an invalid value, DataStage issues
a warning.

National Convention Hooks B-11

Match Hook Function

The match hook function is called in response to a call to the BASIC function
MATCH or MATCHFIELD, which check for the presence of a pattern in a string.
The hook function must be defined as follows:

int ih_match_HID(in_str1, rep_char1, mask_str, rep_char2, out_str,

fieldnum, pmatched)
STRING in_str1;
int rep_char1;
STRING mask_str;
int rep_char2;
STRING *out_str;
int fieldnum;
int *pmatched;
*pmatched = 0;


Argument Description
in_str1 The input string.
rep_char1 Set to 1 if a character was replaced in in_str1.
mask_str The mask to use.
rep_char2 Set to 1 if a character was replaced in mask_str.
out_str Output STRING variable whose text field is malloc’d by the
hook function in certain cases.
fieldnum 0 if the hook function is for MATCH, otherwise the field
number specified to the MATCHFIELD function.
pmatched Output parameter that indicates whether a match was found
(see below).

The hook function’s return value should be NLSHK_HKE_NO_CONV,

NLSHK_HKE_OK or NLSHK_HKE_SOME_CONV. If the hook function returns
an invalid value, DataStage issues a warning.

B-12 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Match Hook Function

If the hook function is for MATCH:

• If the return value is NLSHK_HKE_NO_CONV, the pmatched argument is
irrelevant. out_str should not be set.
• If the return value is NLSHK_HKE_SOME_CONV, the pmatched argument
is irrelevant. The hook function should set out_str to contain the relevant
• If the return value is NLSHK_HKE_OK, the hook function should set the
pmatched argument (1 if pattern found, 0 otherwise). out_str should not be
If the hook function is for MATCHFIELD:
• If the return value is NLSHK_HKE_NO_CONV, the pmatched argument is
irrelevant. out_str should not be set.
• If the return value is NLSHK_HKE_SOME_CONV, the pmatched argument
is irrelevant. The hook function should set out_str to contain the relevant
• If the return value is NLSHK_HKE_OK, the pmatched argument is irrele-
vant. The hook function should set out_str to contain the relevant output.

National Convention Hooks B-13

Format Hook Function

The format hook function is called in response to a call to the BASIC functions
FMT and FMTS. The hook function must be defined as follows:

int ih_fmt_HID(in_str, replaced_char, out_str, fmt_code, options_flag,

STRING in_str;
int replaced_char;
STRING *out_str;
STRING fmt_code;
int options_flag;
int precision;

Argument Description
in_str The input string.
replaced_char Set to 1 if a character was replaced in in_str.
out_str Output STRING variable whose text field is malloc’d by the
hook function if the hook function’s return value is
fmt_code Input argument to contain the format code supplied to FMT
or FMTS.
options_flag Input argument to contain one of the following:
Also, if fmt_code is in display positions, the options_flag is
ORed with DP_FLAVOR.
See the file gcidir/include/flavor.h for these tokens.
precision The current DataStage precision.

The hook function’s return value should be NLSHK_HKE_NO_CONV,

indicate an invalid conversion code and NLSHK_HKE_INPUT_INVALID to indi-
cate invalid data was input for formatting. If the hook function returns an invalid
value, DataStage issues a warning.

B-14 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Iconv and Oconv Hook Functions

The iconv and oconv hook functions are called in response to a call to the BASIC
functions ICONV, OCONV, ICONVS, or OCONVS. The hook function must be
defined as follows:

int ih_iconv_HID(in_str, replaced_char, out_str, conv_code, options_flag)

int ih_oconv_HID(in_str, replaced_char, out_str, conv_code,
STRING in_str;
int replaced_char;
STRING *out_str;
STRING conv_code;
int options_flag;

Argument Description
in_str The input string.
replaced_char Set to 1 if a character was replaced in in_str.
out_str Output STRING variable whose text field is malloc’d by the
hook function if the hook function’s return value is
conv_code Input argument to contain the conversion code to apply.
options_flag Input argument to contain one of the following:
See the file gcidir/include/flavor.h for these tokens.

The hook function’s return value should be NLSHK_HKE_NO_CONV,

indicate an invalid conversion code and NLSHK_HKE_INPUT_INVALID to indi-
cate invalid data was input for formatting. If the hook function returns an invalid
value, DataStage issues a warning.

National Convention Hooks B-15

Lendp Hook Function

The lendp hook function is called in response to a call to the BASIC functions
LENDP and LENSDP. The hook function must be defined as follows:

int ih_lendp_HID(in_str, replaced_char, pretval)

STRING in_str;
int replaced_char;
int *pretval;
*pretval = 0;


Argument Description
in_str The input string.
replaced_char Set to 1 if a character was replaced in in_str.
pretval Must be set to the length in display positions of the input
string when the return value is NLSHK_HKE_OK.

The hook function’s return value should be NLSHK_HKE_NO_CONV or

NLSHK_HKE_OK. If the hook function returns an invalid value, DataStage issues
a warning.

B-16 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Soundex Hook Function

The soundex hook function is called in response to a call to the BASIC function
SOUNDEX. The hook function must be defined as follows:

int ih_soundex_HID(in_str, replaced_char, out_str)

STRING in_str;
int replaced_char;
STRING *out_str;

Argument Description
in_str The input string.
replaced_char Set to 1 if a character was replaced in in_str.
out_str Output STRING variable whose text field is malloc’d by the
hook function if the hook function returns NLSHK_HKE_OK

The hook function’s return value should be NLSHK_HKE_NO_CONV,

NLSHK_HKE_OK, or NLSHK_HKE_SOME_CONV. If the hook function returns
an invalid value, DataStage issues a warning.

National Convention Hooks B-17

Trim Hook Function

The trim hook function is called in response to a call to the BASIC functions
tion is called only if expression is the sole argument specified in the TRIM function
call (see DataStage BASIC for more details). The hook function must be defined as

int ih_trim_HID(in_str, replaced_char, out_str, trim_type)

STRING in_str;
int replaced_char;
STRING *out_str;
int trim_type;

Argument Description
in_str The input string.
replaced_char Set to 1 if a character was replaced in in_str.
out_str Output STRING variable whose text field is malloc’d by the
hook function if the hook function returns NLSHK_HKE_OK
or NLSHK_HKE_SOME_CONV. The length of the output
must not be greater than the length of in_str.
trim_type Input argument, which is one of the following:

The hook function’s return value should be NLSHK_HKE_NO_CONV,

NLSHK_HKE_OK, or NLSHK_HKE_SOME_CONV. If the hook function returns
an invalid value, DataStage issues a warning.

B-18 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

NLS Quick Reference

This appendix contains reference tables for NLS, including the following:
• DataStage commands that are available only in NLS mode
• DataStage commands that support NLS features
• Useful NLS commands
• BASIC functionality that is available only in NLS mode
• Map tables that are supplied with NLS
• DataStage locales
• Unicode blocks

DataStage Commands
Table C-1 lists DataStage commands that are available only in NLS mode.

Table C-1. Commands Available Only in NLS Mode

Command Description
GET.FILE.MAP Displays the map name associated with the speci-
fied file.
GET.LOCALE Retrieves the current locale settings.
LIST.LOCALES Lists the current locales.
LIST.MAPS Lists maps that are built and installed in shared
NLS.UPDATE.ACCOUNT Updates an account to NLS mode.
RESTORE.LOCALE Restores a locale.
SAVE.LOCALE Saves a locale.
SET.FILE.MAP Associates a map name with a file.

NLS Quick Reference C-1

Table C-1. Commands Available Only in NLS Mode (Continued)

Command Description
SET.GCI.MAP Sets a map for passing character string parameters
to and from GCI subroutines.
SET.LOCALE Sets or restores a locale.
SET.SEQ.MAP Associates a map with sequential I/O.
UNICODE.FILE Converts a mapped file to the DataStage internal
character set, or vice versa, without copying the

Table C-2 lists DataStage commands that behave differently in NLS mode.
Table C-2. Commands That Change in NLS Mode

Command Changed Behavior

ANALYZE.FILE Reports the map name on a file.
ASSIGN Defines a map name for an assigned tape device.
BASIC Optionally sets a map during compilation using the $MAP
compiler directive.
COPY, CP, and CT Have a UNICODE keyword that prints each character as a
Unicode 4-digit hexadecimal value. The HEX keyword
displays internal hexadecimal character values.
CREATE.FILE Adds a map name to a file as specified in the NLSNEW-
FILEMAP and NLSNEWDIRMAP parameters in the
uvconfig file.
ED The ED command has an extended up-arrow mode for
undisplayable multinational characters.
FILE.STAT Reports the map name on a file.
GET.TERM.TYPE Reports the name of the terminal or auxiliary printer map.
SETPTR Optionally associates a map with a print channel in order
to determine display widths for formatting spooled
SET.TERM.TYPE Sets a map for a terminal or auxiliary printer.
T.ATT Defines a map name for an assigned tape device.
TERM Reports the name of the terminal or auxiliary printer map.

C-2 Ascential DataStageNLS Guide

Table C-3 contains other useful NLS commands.

Table C-3. Useful NLS Commands

Command Description
EDIT.CONFIG Edits the uvconfig file. This command is also available by
choosing Installation ➤ Edit uvconfig from the NLS
Administration menu.
NLS.ADMIN Enters the NLS Administration menu system.

BASIC Statements and Functions

Table C-4 lists BASIC statements and functions that provide new functionality
when NLS is enabled.

Table C-4. BASIC Functionality Available Only in NLS Mode

Statement/Function Description
AUXMAP Switches to a terminal’s auxiliary map.
FILEINFO Returns a file’s map name.
FMTDP Formats a string in display positions rather than char-
acter positions. IF NLS mode is off, FMTDP acts like
FMTSDP Formats a dynamic array in display positions rather than
character positions. If NLS mode is off, FMTSDP acts like
FOLDDP Determines where to fold a string using display posi-
tions. If NLS mode is off, FOLDDP acts like FOLD.
FOOTING Calculates gaps in footings using display positions.
GETLOCALE Retrieves the names of specified categories of the current
HEADING Calculates gaps in headings using display positions.
ICONV Uses the NLS, MU0C, other new conversion codes.
INPUTDP Defines input formats using display positions.
LENDP Returns the length of a string in display positions. If NLS
mode is off, LENDP acts like LEN.

NLS Quick Reference C-3

Table C-4. BASIC Functionality Available Only in NLS Mode (Continued)

Statement/Function Description
LENSDP Returns the length of a dynamic array in display posi-
tions. If NLS mode is off, LENSDP acts like LEN.
LOCALEINFO Retrieves the settings of the current locale.
OCONV Uses the NLS, MU0C, and other new conversion codes.
SETLOCALE Changes the setting of one or all categories for the
current locale.
STATUS Returns additional values for READ and WRITE state-
ments that encounter unmappable characters.
SYSTEM Returns a value to indicate the current NLS mode and
other NLS parameters.
UNICHAR Generates a single character in external format.
UNICHARS Generates a dynamic array in external format.
UNISEQ Returns the Unicode value of a single character in
internal format.
UNISEQS Returns a dynamic array of Unicode values in internal
UPRINT Sends data to a printer without using the printer’s map.
!GETPU Determines the map name associated with a print

Map Tables
The following list shows all the map tables for major character sets used world-
wide that are supplied with DataStage. The left column contains the name of the
map, the middle column contains the name of the map table used by the map (in
NLS.MAP.TABLES), and the right column contains a description of the map.
MAP.DESCS...... Table ID....... Map description..................................

ASCII ASCII #Standard ASCII 7-bit set

ASCII+C1 ASCII ASCII 7-bit + C1 control chars
ASCII+MARKS UV-MARKS #Std ASCII 7-bit set for type 1&19 files w/ marks
BIG5 BIG5 #TAIWAN: "Big 5" standard
C0-CONTROLS C0-CONTROLS Standard ISO2022 C0 control set, chars 00-1F+7F
C1-CONTROLS C1-CONTROLS Standard 8-bit ISO control set, 80-9F
EBCDIC EBCDIC #IBM EBCDIC as implemented by standard uniVerse
- full set
EBCDIC-037 EBCDIC-037 #IBM EBCDIC variant 037
EBCDIC-1026 EBCDIC-1026 #IBM EBCDIC variant 1026 (Turkish)
EBCDIC-500V1 EBCDIC-500V1 #IBM EBCDIC variant 500V1

C-4 Ascential DataStageNLS Guide

EBCDIC-875 EBCDIC-875 #IBM EBCDIC variant 875 (Greek)
EBCDIC-CTRLS EBCDIC-CTRLS IBM EBCDIC as implemented by standard uniVerse
- control chars only
GB2312 GB2312-80 #CHINESE: EUC as described by GB 2312
ISO8859-1 ISO8859-1 #Standard ISO8859 part 1: Latin-1
ISO8859-1+MARKS UV-MARKS #Standard ISO8859 part 1: Latin-1 for type 1&
19 files with marks
ISO8859-10 ISO8859-10 #Standard ISO8859 part 10: Latin-6
ISO8859-2 ISO8859-2 #Standard ISO8859 part 2: Latin-2
ISO8859-3 ISO8859-3 #Standard ISO8859 part 3: Latin-3
ISO8859-4 ISO8859-4 #Standard ISO8859 part 4: Latin-4
ISO8859-5 ISO8859-5 #Standard ISO8859 part 5: Latin-Cyrillic
ISO8859-6 ISO8859-6 #Standard ISO8859 part 6: Latin-Arabic
ISO8859-7 ISO8859-7 #Standard ISO8859 part 7: Latin-Greek
ISO8859-8 ISO8859-8 #Standard ISO8859 part 8: Latin-Hebrew
ISO8859-9 ISO8859-9 #Standard ISO8859 part 5: Latin-5
JIS-EUC JISX0208 #JAPANESE: EUC excluding JIS X 0212 Kanji
JIS-EUC+ JISX0212 #JAPANESE: EUC including JIS X 0212 Kanji
JIS-EUC-HWK JISX0201-K JAPANESE: 1/2 width katakana for JIS-EUC
JIS-EUC2 JISX0208 #JAPANESE: EUC fixed width excluding JIS X 02
12 kanji
JIS-EUC2+ JISX0212 #JAPANESE: EUC fixed width including JIS X 02
12 kanji
JIS-EUC2-C0 C0-CONTROLS JAPANESE: EUC2 fixed width C0 control chars
JIS-EUC2-C1 C1-CONTROLS JAPANESE: EUC fixed width C1 control chars
JIS-EUC2-HWK JISX0201-K JAPANESE: EUC fixed width representation of 1
/2 width katakana
JIS-EUC2-MARKS JIS-EUC2-MARKS JAPANESE: EUC2 fixed width mark characters (e
xternal form)
JIS-EUC2-ROMAN JISX0201-A JAPANESE: EUC fixed width representation of J
JIS-ROMAN JISX0201-A #JAPANESE: Variant of 7-bit ASCII
JISX0201 JISX0201-K #JAPANESE: Single-byte set, 1/2 width katakana
KOI8-R KOI8-R #KOI8-R Russian/Cyrillic set
KSC5601 KSC5601 #KOREAN: Wansung code as described by KS C 5601
MAC-GREEK MAC-GREEK #Apple Macintosh Greek Repertoire (like ISO8859-7)
MAC-GREEK2 MAC-GREEK2 #Apple Macintosh Greek Repertoire based on APPLE II
MAC-ROMAN MAC-ROMAN #Apple Macintosh Roman character set, based on
MNEMONICS #ASCII mnemonics for many Unicodes, based on
MNEMONICS-1 ISO8859-1 #As for MNEMONICS, but ISO8859-1 capable
MS1250 MS1250 #MS Windows code page 1250 (Latin 2)
MS1251 MS1251 #MS Windows code page 1251 (Cyrillic)
MS1252 MS1252 #MS Windows code page 1252 (Latin 1)
MS1253 MS1253 #MS Windows code page 1253 (Greek)
MS1254 MS1254 #MS Windows code page 1254 (Turkish)
MS1255 MS1255 #MS Windows code page 1255 (Hebrew)
MS1256 MS1256 #MS Windows code page 1256 (Arabic)
PC1040 PC1040 #PC DOS code page 1040 (Korean)
PC1041 PC1041 #PC DOS code page 1041 (Japanese)
PC437 PC437 #PC DOS code page 437 (US)
PC850 PC850 #PC DOS code page 850 (Latin 1)
PC852 PC852 #PC DOS code page 852 (Latin 2)
PC855 PC855 #PC DOS code page 855 (Cyrillic)
PC857 PC857 #PC DOS code page 857 (Turkish)
PC860 PC860 #PC DOS code page 860 (Portuguese)
PC861 PC861 #PC DOS code page 861 (Icelandic)
PC863 PC863 #PC DOS code page 863 (Canada-Fr)
PC864 PC864 #PC DOS code page 864 (Arabic)
PC865 PC865 #PC DOS code page 865 (Nordic)

NLS Quick Reference C-5

PC866 PC866 #PC DOS code page 866 (Cyrillic)
PC869 PC869 #PC DOS code page 869 (Greek)
PIECS PIECS #PI and PI/open Extended Character Set
PRIME-SHIFT-JIS PJISX0208 #JAPANESE: Shift-JIS main map (Prime variant)
TAU-SHIFT-JIS TJISX0208 #JAPANESE: Shift-JIS main map (Tau variant)
TIS620 TIS620-A #THAI: standard TIS 620 ("Thai ASCII")
TIS620-B TIS620-B Non-spacing characters part of TIS620 (Thai)

DataStage Locales
The following list shows the locales supplied with DataStage, the territory that
uses each locale, and the relevant language:
NLS.LC.ALL..... Description............................................

AR-SPANISH Territory=Argentina, Language=Spanish

AT-GERMAN Territory=Austria, Language=German
AU-ENGLISH Territory=Australia, Language=English
BE-DUTCH Territory=Belgium, Language=Dutch
BE-FRENCH Territory=Belgium, Language=French
BE-GERMAN Territory=Belgium, Language=German
BG-BULGARIAN Territory=Bulgaria, Language=Bulgarian
BO-SPANISH Territory=Bolivia, Language=Spanish
BR-PORTUGUESE Territory=Brazil, Language=Portuguese
CA-ENGLISH Territory=Canada, Language=English
CA-FRENCH Territory=Canada, Language=French
CH-FRENCH Territory=Switzerland, Language=French
CH-GERMAN Territory=Switzerland, Language=German
CH-ITALIAN Territory=Switzerland, Language=Italian
CL-SPANISH Territory=Chile, Language=Spanish
CN-CHINESE Territory=China (PRC), Language=Chinese
CO-SPANISH Territory=Colombia, Language=Spanish
CR-SPANISH Territory=Costa Rica, Language=Spanish
CZ-CZECH Territory=Czech Republic, Language=Czech
DE-GERMAN Territory=Germany, Language=German
DK-DANISH Territory=Denmark, Language=Danish
DO-SPANISH Territory=Dominican Republic, Language=Spanish
EC-SPANISH Territory=Ecuador, Language=Spanish
EE-ESTONIAN Territory=Estonia, Language=Estonian
ES-SPANISH Territory=Spain, Language=Spanish
EV-SPANISH Territory=El Salvador, Language=Spanish
FI-FINNISH Territory=Finland, Language=Finnish
FO-FAEROESE Territory=Faeroe Islands, Language=Faeroese
FR-FRENCH Territory=France, Language=French
GB-ENGLISH Territory=UK, Language=English
GL-GREENLANDIC Territory=Greenland, Language=Greenlandic
GR-GREEK Territory=Greece, Language=Greek
GT-SPANISH Territory=Guatemala, Language=Spanish
HN-SPANISH Territory=Honduras, Language=Spanish
HR-CROATIAN Territory=Croatia, Language=Croatian

C-6 Ascential DataStageNLS Guide

HU-HUNGARIAN Territory=Hungary, Language=Hungarian
IE-ENGLISH Territory=Ireland, Language=English
IL-ENGLISH Territory=Israel, Language=English
IL-HEBREW Territory=Israel, Language=Hebrew
IS-ICELANDIC Territory=Iceland, Language=Icelandic
IT-ITALIAN Territory=Italy, Language=Italian
JP-JAPANESE Territory=Japan, Language=Japanese
KP-KOREAN Territory=Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (NORTH),
KR-KOREAN Territory=Republic of Korea (SOUTH), Language=Korean
LT-LITHUANIAN Territory=Lithuania, Language=Lithuanian
LV-LATVIAN Territory=Latvia, Language=Latvian
MX-SPANISH Territory=Mexico, Language=Spanish
NL-DUTCH Territory=Netherlands, Language=Dutch
NO-NORWEGIAN Territory=Norway, Language=Norwegian
NZ-ENGLISH Territory=New Zealand, Language=English
PA-SPANISH Territory=Panama, Language=Spanish
PE-SPANISH Territory=Peru, Language=Spanish
PL-POLISH Territory=Poland, Language=Polish
PT-PORTUGUESE Territory=Portugal, Language=Portuguese
RO-ROMANIAN Territory=Romania, Language=Romanian
RU-RUSSIAN Territory=Russia, Language=Russian
SE-SWEDISH Territory=Sweden, Language=Swedish
SI-SLOVENIAN Territory=Slovenia, Language=Slovenian
TR-TURKISH Territory=Turkey, Language=Turkish
TW-CHINESE Territory=Taiwan, Language=Chinese
US-ENGLISH Territory=USA, Language=English
UY-SPANISH Territory=Uruguay, Language=Spanish
VE-SPANISH Territory=Venezuela, Language=Spanish
ZA-ENGLISH Territory=South Africa, Language=English

Unicode Blocks
Unicode is divided into blocks of related characters. These correspond approxi-
mately to the scripts used for different families of languages. Characters allocated
within blocks have a code value and a description. The description must use
uppercase A through Z, hyphen, and digits 0 through 9 only. In DataStage NLS,
the blocks are allocated numbers starting from 1. The main blocks are shown in
Table C-5.

Table C-5. Unicode Blocks

No. Block Description Start End Usage

1 CONTROL SET 0 0000 001F ASCII control characters
2 BASIC LATIN 0020 007F ASCII printing characters

NLS Quick Reference C-7

Table C-5. Unicode Blocks (Continued)

No. Block Description Start End Usage

3 CONTROL SET 1 0080 009F Second control character set
from ISO8859-n
4 LATIN-1 SUPPLEMENT 00A0 00FF Rest of ISO8859-1 (Latin-1)
printing characters
5 LATIN EXTENDED-A 0100 017F Mainly East European, other
10 BASIC GREEK 0370 03CF Greek alphabet, based on
12 CYRILLIC 0400 04FF Russian alphabet and related
16 BASIC HEBREW 05D0 05EA Hebrew alphabet, based on
18 BASIC ARABIC 0600 0652 Based on ISO8859/6
35 THAI 0E00 0E7F Thai language, based on
69 CJK SYMBOLS AND 3000 303F For Chinese, Japanese, and
70 HIRAGANA 3040 309F Japanese syllabary
71 KATAKANA 30A0 30FF Japanese syllabary
97 CJK UNIFIED 4E00 9FFF Unification area for Chinese-
IDEOGRAPHS derived characters
102 HANGUL SYLLABLES AC00 D7A3 Korean-only characters
107 PRIVATE USE AREA E000 F8FF User-defined
116 HALFWIDTH / FULL- FF00 FFEF Mainly for CJK use

C-8 Ascential DataStageNLS Guide


base map A character set map upon which another map is

based. For example, most character sets use an ASCII
map as their base map with additional sets of charac-
ters building on the ASCII map.
category One of the five national conventions: Time, Numeric,
Monetary, Collate, or Ctype.
character set A fixed association between the characters used by a
language, or group of languages and the values, or
code points, that represent them. For example, the
KSC5601 character set fixes code points for the
Hangul characters used in the Korean language.
code point A number that is used in a program to represent a
character. Note that in different character sets the
same code point may be used to represent different
deadkey characters Characters that do not have a dedicated key on the
keyboard, but are generated using a sequence of key
deadkey table See input map table.
double-byte character A character set where the code points are either one or
set two bytes long. The two-byte code points usually
represent characters belonging to Asian languages,
such as Chinese or Kanji. See also single-byte char-
acter set.
EBCDIK character set A variant of the EBCDIC character set. EBCDIK
replaces lowercase Latin characters with Japanese
Katakana characters.
external character set The character set used to input data on a keyboard,
display data on a screen, print reports, and so on.
Appendix C lists the external character sets
supported by DataStage. See also internal character
set and Unicode.

JEF character set A Fujitsu proprietary encoding of several thousand
characters. It includes the single-byte EBCDIK and
double-byte JIS character sets. The JEF character set
differs from all other character sets that DataStage
NLS supports, in that it uses a pair of shift characters
to toggle between single-byte and double-byte
input map table Mapping tables used to define byte sequences that are
valid only on input. They are used to define deadkey
internal character set The character set that DataStage uses to store and
manipulate data. See also external character set and
locale The language, character set, and data formatting
conventions used by a group of people. In DataStage,
a locale comprises a set of conventions in specific
categories (Time, Numeric, Monetary, Ctype, and
Collate). See also territory.
main map table The main table that defines how a character set is
mapped between the internal and external character
national conventions A standard set of rules that defines how certain data
types such as numbers and dates are used in a terri-
National Language See NLS.
Support (NLS)
NLS A program’s ability to use any languages, data
formatting rules, or character sets, that are required
by its users all over the world. Also referred to as
single-byte character A character set whose code points have values 0
set through 255, and can therefore be represented by a
single byte. Single-byte character sets are suitable for
some European, American, and Middle Eastern
languages. See also double-byte character set.
territory The area or region where a locale is used. This may
correspond to a geographical location, such as a

Glossary-2 Ascential DataStageNLS Guide

country, or to something less easy to define in
geographical terms, such as a multinational organiza-
Unicode A 16-bit character set that aims to provide unique
code points for all characters in every standard char-
acter set (with room for some nonstandard characters
too). Unicode forms part of ISO 10646 and is a trade-
mark of Unicode, Inc.
Unicode blocks Groups of logically related characters in the Unicode
character set that correspond to the scripts used for
different families of languages.
Unicode replacement The character value xFFFD, which is used to replace
character an unmappable character read from the external
character set.
unknown character The character that is used as a substitute for an
unmappable character. Each map contains a defini-
tion of an unknown character.
unmappable character A character that cannot be mapped to the external
character set using the current map table. DataStage
substitutes the current map’s unknown character,
usually a question mark (?), for any unmappable
UTF8 UTF8 is a standard for the use Unicode character data
in 8-bit UNIX environments. In DataStage UTF8 is
enhanced to map the DataStage system delimiters to
the Private Use area of Unicode. Other UTF8-compat-
ible software can understand the DataStage UTF8

Glossary-4 Ascential DataStageNLS Guide
Symbols blocks, see Unicode: blocks
!GETPU subroutine 5-8, C-4 locales 6-4
&DEVICE& file 2-6 maps 6-3
@ function 5-7 BYTE function 5-14

Numerics C
7-bit ASCII 1-2, 5-11 case hook function B-8
8-bit EBCDIC 5-11 case inversion 5-18
case weight 4-23
A Categories menu 6-4
categories, see locale categories
accent weight 4-23 changing locale setting 4-28, 5-19
accounts CHAR function 5-11, 5-14
updating 2-8 character sets 1-1, 1-2, 3-1
adding characters to maps 3-10 code points 1-2
alphabetic characters 4-17, 6-2 definition Gl-1
ANALYZE.FILE command 3-11, C-2 mapping between internal and
ASCII function 5-11 external 1-1
ASSIGN command 2-8, C-2 maps 1-3
assigning maps 3-11, 5-6 maps for multibyte 3-9
auxiliary devices, setting maps for 5-7 Unicode 1-3
auxiliary printers, setting maps characters
for 2-7, 5-7 see also Unicode characters
AUXMAP statement 5-7, C-3 alphabetic 4-17, 6-2
defining in Unicode 3-10
B listing Unicode block 6-2
nonprinting 6-2
base maps 3-2 radix 1-4
definition Gl-1 7-bit ASCII 1-2
BASIC storing 1-2
and locales 5-19 Characters menu 6-1
and multinational characters 5-11 client programs
determining display length 5-3 code page 2-10
determining string length 5-3 code page 2-10
functions and statements C-3 code point 1-2, 3-1, 5-12
and maps 5-5 definition Gl-1
BASIC command C-2 Collate category 2-5, 4-1, 4-19
block characters definition 1-6
listing 6-2 Collate records 4-19
block size 5-5 collating

accented sorts 4-20 conversion codes 5-14
considering case 4-20 conversions, ASCII and EBCDIC 5-11
contractions and expansions 4-24 converting
in DataStage 4-23 lowercase to uppercase 6-2
issues 4-22 uppercase to lowercase 6-2
compare hook function B-9 converting strings 5-14
compiling COPY command 5-17, C-2
locales 6-5 CP command 5-17, C-2
maps 6-5 CREATE.FILE command 3-11, C-2
configurable parameters creating
editing 6-4 conventions 4-4
NLSDEFDEVMAP 2-2, 2-8 locale records 6-3
NLSDEFDIRMAP 2-2, 2-7 locales 4-4
NLSDEFFILEMAP 2-2, 2-7 map descriptions 3-5
NLSDEFGCIMAP 2-2 map tables 3-7, 6-3
NLSDEFPTRMAP 2-2, 2-5 maps 3-5
NLSDEFSEQMAP 2-2 new maps 3-3
NLSDEFSRVLC 2-2, 2-10 cross-referencing
NLSDEFSRVMAP 2-3, 2-10 locales 6-3
NLSDEFTERMMAP 2-3, 2-5, 2-7 map tables 6-3
NLSLCDEF 2-3 CT command 5-17, C-2
NLSLCMODE 2-3 Ctype category 4-1, 4-16, 6-2
NLSMODE 2-3 definition 1-6
NLSNEWDIRMAP 2-3, 2-7, 3-11 ctype hook function B-11
NLSNEWFILEMAP 2-3, 2-7, 3-11 Ctype records 4-16
NLSOSMAP 2-3 currency symbols
NLSREADELSE 2-3, 5-9 international 4-12
NLSWRITEELSE 2-4 local 4-12
setting 2-1
table of 2-2 D
locales 6-5 DataStage BASIC, see BASIC
maps 2-4, 6-4 DataStage commands C-1
NLS by language 6-5 DataStage NLS, see NLS
convention DataStage Resource service 2-5
definition 4-1 DataStage server engine account direc-
convention records 4-5–4-22 tory, see server engine account
conventions 4-2, 4-3 directory
creating 4-4 deadkey characters
national 1-3, 1-4, 1-4–1-6 and case inversion 5-18
viewing 4-4 definition 3-2, Gl-1
conventions, documentation 1-viii deadkey tables 3-2

Index-2 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

definition Gl-1 maps 3-5
decimal places, specifying in monetary multinational characters 5-12
formats 4-13 weight tables 4-25
decimal separators enabling
specifying in monetary NLS 1-3
formats 4-12 enabling NLS 1-3
specifying in numeric formats 4-11 era names 4-7
defining EXCHANGE function 5-18
characters as lowercase 4-17 external character sets 1-1, 1-2, 3-1, 3-7,
characters as uppercase 4-17 3-11
characters in Unicode 3-10 definition Gl-1
DELETE statement 5-3 EXTRACT function 5-3
locale records 6-3 F
locales 6-5
map tables 6-3 FIELD function 5-3
maps 6-5 field mark 3-8, 3-10
devices, setting maps for 2-6 FILE.STAT command 3-11, C-2
digits 6-2 FILEINFO function 3-11, 5-6, C-3
specifying alternatives to files
ASCII 4-11 &DEVICE& 2-6
disabling locales 4-28, 5-19 GETPU.H 5-8
display length NLS.CLIENT.LCS 6-3, A-2
and screen input 5-4 NLS.CLIENT.MAPS 2-9, 2-10, 6-3,
when folding strings 5-4 A-2
displaying records in hexadecimal NLS.CLIENTS.LCS 2-10
values 5-17 NLS.CS.ALPHAS 4-17, 6-2, A-2
documentation conventions 1-viii NLS.CS.BLOCKS A-2
double-byte character set 3-4 NLS.CS.CASES 6-2, A-2
definition Gl-1 NLS.CS.DESCS 3-9, A-2
NLS.LC.ALL 4-2, 6-3, A-3
EBCDIC function 5-11 NLS.LC.COLLATE 2-5, 4-2, 4-19,
EBCDIK character set A-3
definition Gl-1 NLS.LC.CTYPE 2-5, 4-2, 4-16, A-3
ED command 5-12, C-2 NLS.LC.MONETARY 2-5, 4-2,
EDIT.CONFIG command C-3 4-12, A-3
editing NLS.LC.NUMERIC 2-5, 4-2, 4-11,
configurable parameters 6-4 A-3
locale records 6-3 NLS.LC.TIME 4-2, 4-5, A-4
map tables 6-3 NLS.MAP.DESCS 2-5, 3-1, 6-3, A-4

NLS.MAP.TABLES 2-5, 3-1, 3-7,
6-3, A-4 ICONV function 5-14, C-3
NLS.WT.LOOKUP 4-25, 6-4, A-4 iconv hook function B-15
NLS.WT.TABLES A-4 ideographic area (Unicode) 6-2
type 19 4-25 include files
unmapping 3-12 GETPU.H 5-8
uvconfig 2-2, 2-4, 2-6, 6-4, 6-5 UVNLS.H 5-2
UVNLS.H 5-2 INDEX function 5-3
FINFO$NLSMAP value of the INPUT @ statement 5-4
FILEINFO function 5-6 input map table, definition Gl-2
FMTDP function 5-4, C-3 input maps 3-2
FMTSDP function 5-4, C-3 INPUTDP statement 5-4, C-3
FOLDDP function C-3 inputting
FOOTING statement 5-3, C-3 display positions 5-4
format hook function B-14 system delimiters 5-14
formatting strings in display Unicode values 5-13
positions 5-4 INSERT function 5-3
functions Installation menu 6-4
hook B-7 installing
maps 3-8, 6-4
internal character sets 1-1, 1-2, 3-1
G definition Gl-2
GET.FILE.MAP command 3-11, C-1 ISO 10646 standard 1-2
GET.LOCALE command 4-27, C-1 ISO 4217 standard 4-13
GET.TERM.TYPE command 2-8, C-2 item mark 3-8, 3-10
GETLOCALE function 5-19, C-3
GETPU.H include file 5-8 J
Gregorian calendar 4-7
Japanese Imperial Era 4-7
JEF character set
H definition Gl-2
HEADING statement 5-3, C-3
HEX option 5-17 L
hexadecimal values, displaying
records in 5-17 LEN function 5-3
hooks LENDP function 5-4, C-3
functions B-7 lendp hook function B-16
memory management B-4 LENSDP function 5-4, C-4
national convention B-1 LIST.LOCALES command C-1
using in DataStage B-4 LIST.MAPS command 3-11, C-1

Index-4 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

built locales 6-5 listing installed 6-5
built maps 6-5 moving 2-5
currently installed locales 6-5 naming conventions for 4-4
currently installed maps 6-5 NLS locale configuration
locales 6-3 program 6-5
map tables 6-3 overview 1-4
maps 6-3 retrieving settings for 4-27, 5-19
Unicode block characters 6-2 saving and restoring 4-27, 5-19
Unicode block numbers 6-2 setting default 2-4
Unicode characters 6-1 setting initial 2-6
locale supplied with DataStage C-6
definition 4-1 tables 1-3
locale categories 1-3 Locales menu 6-3
Collate 1-6, 4-1, 4-19 lowercase
Ctype 1-6, 4-1, 4-16 defining characters as 4-17
definition Gl-1 rules for converting to
Monetary 1-5, 4-1, 4-12 uppercase 6-2
Numeric 1-4, 4-1, 4-11
Time 1-4, 4-1, 4-5 M
locale category
definition 4-1 main map table, definition Gl-2
locale records main maps 3-1
creating 6-3 map descriptions 3-1, 6-3
deleting 6-3 map names, where stored 3-11
editing 6-3 map tables 1-2, 1-3, 3-1
LOCALEINFO function C-4 creating 3-7, 6-3
locales 4-1–4-28 cross-referencing 6-3
and BASIC 4-27 deleting 6-3
building 6-4 editing 6-3
changing current setting of 4-28, listing 6-3
5-19 table of C-4
and client programs 2-10 Mappings menu 6-3
compiling 6-5 maps 3-1–??
configuring 6-5 adding characters to 3-10
creating 4-4 assigning to files 3-11, 5-5
cross-referencing 6-3 and auxiliary printers 2-7
definition Gl-2 base 3-2
deleting 6-5 building 3-8, 6-3
disabling 4-28, 5-19 character set 1-3
how they work 4-1 for client programs 2-9
listing 6-3 compiling 6-5
listing built 6-5 configuring 2-4, 6-4

creating 3-3, 3-5 menus
creating descriptions 3-5 Categories 6-4
deleting 6-5 Characters 6-1
determining current 3-11, 5-5, 5-6 Installation 6-4
determining for printers 5-8 Locales 6-3
and devices 2-6 Mappings 6-3
editing 3-5 Maps 6-4
and existing files 2-7 NLS Administration 6-1
and external character set 3-11 Unicode 6-1
for multibyte character sets 3-9 MNEMONICS map 6-2
getting name 3-11 modifying maps 3-8
how they work 3-1 Monetary category 4-1, 4-12
input 3-2 definition 1-5
installing in shared memory 3-8, Monetary records 4-12
6-4 moving
listing 3-11, 6-3 locales 2-5
listing built 6-5 maps 2-5
listing installed 6-5 MU0C conversion 5-15
main 3-1 multibyte character sets 3-9
MNEMONICS 6-2 multibyte characters
modifying 3-8, 3-11 and REMOVE pointer 5-5
moving 2-5 multibyte Windows NT systems 2-10
naming conventions 3-4 multinational characters
and new files 3-11 in BASIC 5-11
NLS map configuration editing 5-12
program 6-4
overview 1-3 N
and sequential files 3-11
setting default 2-4 national convention
single-byte 3-9 definition 4-1
for source files 5-6 national conventions 1-3, 1-4, 1-4–1-6,
supplied with DataStage 1-3, C-4 4-2, 4-3
and tape devices 2-8 definition Gl-2
and terminals 2-7 hooks B-1
for UNIX pipes 5-8 National Language Support, see NLS
unmapping a file 3-12 NLS
Maps menu 6-4 configurable parameters 2-2
mask, inputting display positions configuring by language 6-5
through 5-4 definition Gl-2
match hook function B-12 enabling 1-3
MATCHES function 5-3 updating accounts 2-8
memory management and hooks B-4 NLS Administration menu 6-1

Index-6 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

Build (map) option 2-4, 6-3 NLS.UPDATE.ACCOUNT
Categories option 6-4 command 2-8, C-1
Installation option 6-4 NLS.WT.LOOKUP file 4-25, 6-4, A-4
Locales option 4-3, 6-3 NLS.WT.TABLES file A-4
Mappings option 2-4, 6-3 NLSDEFDEVMAP parameter 2-2, 2-8
Unicode option 6-1 NLSDEFDIRMAP parameter 2-2, 2-7
NLS conversion code 5-14 NLSDEFFILEMAP parameter 2-2, 2-7
NLS database A-1 NLSDEFGCIMAP parameter 2-2
nls directory 1-3, A-1 NLSDEFPTRMAP parameter 2-2, 2-5
NLS locale configuration program 6-5 NLSDEFSEQMAP parameter 2-2
NLS map configuration program 6-4 NLSDEFSRVLC parameter 2-2, 2-10
NLS mode NLSDEFSRVMAP parameter 2-3, 2-10
enabling 1-3 NLSDEFTERMMAP parameter 2-3,
overview 1-1 2-5, 2-7
testing for 5-2 NLSLCDEF parameter 2-3
NLS.ADMIN command C-3 NLSLCMODE parameter 2-3, 4-28
NLS.CLIENT.LCS file 6-3, A-2 NLSMODE parameter 2-3
NLS.CLIENT.MAPS file 2-9, 2-10, 6-3, NLSNEWDIRMAP parameter 2-3,
A-2 2-7, 3-11
NLS.CLIENTS.LCS file 2-10 NLSNEWFILEMAP parameter 2-3,
NLS.CS.ALPHAS file 4-17, 6-2, A-2 2-7, 3-11
NLS.CS.BLOCKS file A-2 NLSOSMAP parameter 2-3
NLS.CS.CASES file 6-2, A-2 NLSREADELSE parameter 2-3, 5-9
NLS.CS.DESCS file 3-9, A-2 NLSWRITEELSE parameter 2-4, 5-9
NLS.CS.TYPES file 6-2, A-3 nonprinting characters 6-2
NLS.LANG.INFO file 6-4, A-3 null value 3-8, 3-10
NLS.LC.ALL file 4-2, 6-3, A-3 Numeric category 4-1, 4-11, 6-2
NLS.LC.COLLATE file 2-5, 4-2, 4-19, definition 1-4
A-3 Numeric records 4-11
NLS.LC.CTYPE file 2-5, 4-2, 4-16, A-3
NLS.LC.MONETARY file 2-5, 4-2, O
4-12, A-3
NLS.LC.NUMERIC file 2-5, 4-2, 4-11, OCONV function 5-14, C-4
A-3 oconv hook function B-15
NLS.LC.TIME file 4-2, 4-5, A-4 ON ERROR clause 5-9
files OPENDEV statement 5-8
NLS.LC.TIME 2-5 overview
NLS.MAP.DESCS file 2-5, 3-1, 6-3, A-4 of locales 1-4
NLS.MAP.LISTING file 3-8, 3-9 of maps 1-3
NLS.MAP.TABLES file 2-5, 3-1, 3-7, of NLS mode 1-1
6-3, A-4 of Unicode 1-2

P SET.TERM.TYPE command 2-7, C-2
SETLOCALE function 2-6, 4-28, 5-19,
PICK flavor 5-17 C-4
PRINT statement 5-3 SETPTR command C-2
printing mapped data 5-7 SETPTR statement 5-3
Private Use area 3-10 SETREM statement 5-5
PTERM command 5-18 setting
configurable parameters 2-1
Q default locales 2-4
default maps 2-4
quick reference, NLS commands C-1– initial locale 2-6
C-7 maps for auxiliary printers 2-7, 5-7
maps for devices 5-7
R maps for tape devices 2-8
shared memory 3-1
radix character 1-4, 4-12 installing maps in 6-4
READ statement 5-3, 5-10 shared weight 4-23
READBLK statement 5-4 single-byte character set 3-4
record IDs, length of 5-3 definition Gl-2
REMOVE single-byte maps 3-9
function 5-3 soundex hook function B-17
pointer 5-5 source code 5-11
REPLACE function 5-3 STATUS function 5-15, C-4
RESTORE.LOCALE command 4-27, storing characters 1-2
C-1 strings
restoring locales 4-27 converting 5-14
determining length 5-3
S formatting in display positions 5-4
and multinational characters 5-11
SAVE.LOCALE command 4-27, C-1 subvalue mark 3-8, 3-10
saving locales 4-27 suppressing zeros 4-11
secondary indexes, maximum charac- system delimiters 3-9, 3-10, 5-18
ters in 5-3 inputting 5-13
SEQ function 5-14 in string variables 5-3
sequential I/O 3-11, 5-8 SYSTEM function 5-2, 5-7, C-4
server engine account directory 1-3
SET.FILE.MAP command 2-7, 3-11,
C-1 T
SET.GCI.MAP command C-2 T.ATT command C-2
SET.LOCALE command 2-6, 6-5, C-2 tape devices, setting maps for 2-8
SET.SEQ.MAP command 3-11, 5-8, TERM command 2-8, C-2
C-2 terminfo file 2-7, 5-7

Index-8 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

TERMINFO function 5-7 values, generating characters
territory 1-4 from 5-13
definition Gl-2 values, generating from
text mark 3-8, 3-10 characters 5-14
Thai Buddhist Era 4-7 values, inputting 5-13
thousands separators UNICODE keyword 5-17
specifying in monetary UNICODE.FILE command 2-7, 3-12,
formats 4-12 C-2
specifying in numeric formats 4-11 UNISEQ function 5-14, C-4
Time category 4-1, 4-5 UNISEQS function 5-14, C-4
definition 1-4 UNIX clients 2-9
TIME command 4-5 UNIX pipes 5-8
Time records 4-5 unknown characters
TIMEDATE function 4-5 defining substitute characters
TRIM function 5-3 for 3-6
trim hook function B-18 definition Gl-3
type 19 files 4-25, A-4 unmappable characters
definition Gl-3
U when reading or writing 5-9
when reading tapes 5-5
UNICHAR function 5-13, C-4 unmapping a file 3-12
UNICHARS function 5-13, C-4 up-arrow mode 5-12
Unicode updating accounts 2-8
block characters, listing 6-2 uppercase
block numbers, listing 6-2 defining characters as 4-17
blocks C-7 rules for converting to
definition Gl-3 lowercase 6-2
character set 1-3 uppercase, defining characters as 4-17
characters 6-1 UPRINT statement 5-7, C-4
listing 6-1 UV account directory A-1
code point 3-7 uvconfig file 2-1, 2-2, 2-4, 2-6, 6-4, 6-5
defining characters 3-10 UVLANG environment variable 2-6
definition Gl-3 UVNLS.H include file 5-2
ideographic area 6-2 uvregen command 2-5
menus 6-1
overview 1-2 V
Private Use area 3-10
replacement character, value mark 3-8, 3-10
definition Gl-3 viewing conventions 4-4
shared weights and 4-24
standard 1-2, 3-10

weight tables 2-5
editing 4-25
calculating 4-26
shared 4-23
Windows NT
multibyte systems 2-10
WRITE statement 5-3, 5-9
WRITEBLK statement 5-4

zeros, suppressing in numeric
formats 4-11

Index-10 Ascential DataStage NLS Guide

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