Waste Management: Arin Yilmaz, Nurhayat Degirmenci

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Waste Management 29 (2009) 1541–1546

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Waste Management
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Possibility of using waste tire rubber and fly ash with Portland cement as
construction materials
Arin Yilmaz a,*, Nurhayat Degirmenci b
Balikesir University, Engineering and Architecture Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering, Cagis Campus, 10145 Balikesir, Turkey
Balikesir University, Engineering and Architecture Faculty, Department of Architecture, Cagis Campus, 10145 Balikesir, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The growing amount of waste rubber produced from used tires has resulted in an environmental prob-
Accepted 10 November 2008 lem. Recycling waste tires has been widely studied for the last 20 years in applications such as asphalt
Available online 24 December 2008 pavement, waterproofing systems and membrane liners. The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibil-
ity of utilizing fly ash and rubber waste with Portland cement as a composite material for masonry appli-
cations. Class C fly ash and waste automobile tires in three different sizes were used with Portland
cement. Compressive and flexural strength, dry unit weight and water absorption tests were performed
on the composite specimens containing waste tire rubber. The compressive strength decreased by
increasing the rubber content while increased by increasing the fly ash content for all curing periods. This
trend is slightly influenced by particle size. For flexural strength, the specimens with waste tire rubber
showed higher values than the control mix probably due to the effect of rubber fibers. The dry unit weight
of all specimens decreased with increasing rubber content, which can be explained by the low specific
gravity of rubber particles. Water absorption decreased slightly with the increase in rubber particles size.
These composite materials containing 10% Portland cement, 70% and 60% fly ash and 20% and 30% tire
rubber particles have sufficient strength for masonry applications.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction mance, high volume fly ash concrete incorporating small quantity

of silica fume have also been reported. The mixtures gave a com-
Large quantities of industrial by-products are produced every pressive strength of 30–40 MPa at 28 days (Swamy and Hung,
year in Turkey, and a significant portion of these by-products con- 1998). The most common use of fly ash is in the cement industry.
tinues to be landfilled as solid waste. Fly ash is a major solid indus- In general, fly ash reduces the water consumption of cement, in-
trial by-product created by combustion of pulverized coal in creases the setting times, reduces the heat of hydration and adds
thermal power plants. The annual fly ash production is about 18 long-term strength to cement products. Bilodeau and Malhotra
million tons in Turkey. Relatively, little of this by-product is cur- (2000) have advocated the use of high volumes of fly ash and other
rently utilized, and handling of vast quantities of this waste mate- supplementary cementing materials in construction in order to re-
rial is causing serious environmental problems. Utilization of fly duce CO2 emissions and other environmental considerations. Fly
ash as a by-product in the construction industry reduces technical ash is used as cement extender or filler in the manufacture of build-
and environmental problems. Many attempts have been made to ing materials such as panels and boards (Yazici, 2007).
demonstrate the use of high volumes of fly ash in the manufacture Waste tires are another major environmental problem, with an
of structural and high-strength concrete systems. The use of con- increasing volume of rubber waste in landfills from the disposal of
crete containing high volumes of fly ash has recently gained popu- used tires. The reuse of rubber tires remaining from the retreading
larity as a resource-efficient, durable and sustainable option for a process can minimize environmental impacts and help the natural
variety of concrete applications (Crouch et al., 2007). Naik and Chun resources. Many researchers have investigated the use of recycled
(2003) have studied the effects of incorporating high volumes of tires mostly relating to applications such as asphalt pavement,
class C fly ash on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete. waterproofing systems, and membrane liners. (Siddique and Naik,
They have indicated that superplasticized high-strength concrete 2004; Cao, 2007).
using class C fly ash can be proportioned for 28-day strength levels Another approach to waste tires disposal is to incorporate the
of 100 MPa or more. The engineering properties of high perfor- rubber wastes into cement-based materials. The literature on the
use of tire rubber particles in cement-based materials generally fo-
cuses on using tire rubber particles as coarse or fine aggregate in
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 266 6121194/154; fax: +90 266 6121257.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Yilmaz), nurhayat@balikesir. concrete. Results indicate that the rubberized concrete mixtures
edu.tr (N. Degirmenci). possess lower density, increased toughness and ductility, lower

0956-053X/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1542 A. Yilmaz, N. Degirmenci / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1541–1546

compressive and tensile strength and more efficient sound insula- Recycling waste materials such as tire rubber wastes and fly
tion (Siddique et al., 2007). It has also been reported that mortars ashes, produced in an industrial process, conserve valuable natural
incorporating rubber shreds achieved workability comparable to or resources and reduces the amount of waste entering landfills. The
better than a control mortar without rubber particles (Raghavan main method of recycling these waste materials is the manufacture
et al., 1998). Because of the low specific gravity of rubber particles, of building materials or products. The aim of this study is to eval-
the unit weight of the mixture containing rubber decreases with uate the feasibility of utilizing two wastes: fly ash and tire rubber
the increase in the rubber content. They also observed that rubber particles, with Portland cement as construction materials.
shreds incorporated into mortar help reduce plastic shrinkage
cracking in comparison to control mortar. Eldin and Senouci 2. Experimental study
(1993) studied the mechanical behavior of concrete containing
rubber tires and showed that the concrete mixtures exhibited low- Fly ash (FA) was obtained from Soma Seas Thermal Power Plant
er mechanical strengths but demonstrated a ductile and plastic in Manisa, Turkey. The FA was produced from lignite coal, and con-
failure. Moreover, the effect of the rubber particle size on the tains significant amount of CaO with a lime content of 15.34%. The
mechanical properties of concrete has been studied by Topcu chemical composition of the FA is given in Table 1. According to
(1995), and he observed that despite a decrease in both unit weight ASTM C 618 (2005), the FA can be classified as a class C fly ash
and compressive strength, elastic behavior improved. The addition due to its chemical composition. In addition to having pozzolanic
of silica fume into the matrix improved the mechanical properties properties, this type of fly ash also has some cementitious proper-
of the rubberized concretes and diminished the rate of strength ties. The total amount of SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 is 74.32%, which is
loss (Güneyisi et al., 2004). Marzouk et al. (2007) investigated an amount larger than the value given by the ASTM standard for
the effect of adding rubber to concrete mixes on freezing and thaw- type C class FA. The free lime content of the FA complies with
ing resistance. They concluded that concrete with crumb rubber TSI (TS EN 450-1, 2006) and EN (EN 450, 1994) standards because
performed better under freeze-thaw conditions than plain con- it is 1.90%. The amount of SO3 with 0.99% is less than the value gi-
crete. Hernandez-Olivares and Baluenga (2004) reported that the ven by the standards. Pozzolanic activity index (PAI) of the FA is
addition of crumb tire rubber to high-strength concrete slabs im- 88% at 28 days, and this value satisfies the ASTM C 618 limit
proved fire resistance and reduced the damage by fire. (75%). PAI also meets the TSI and EN criteria that are 75% and
Segre and Joekes (2000) worked on the use of tire rubber parti- 85% at 28 days and 90 days, respectively. The amount of FA re-
cles as an additive to cement paste. They concluded that the low- tained on a 45-mm sieve was 16%, which was less than 40% given
cost procedure and agents might be used for pretreatment of the in standards. Analysis of leachate from the FA was conducted by
surface of powdered tire rubber to increase its adhesion to cement Baba and Kaya (2004) and they classified the fly ash samples as
paste. It has been reported that the deformation of modulus of ce- ‘‘non-toxic” waste based on CEN results. According to Cokca and
ment-based mortar can be controlled by the proportion of rubber Yilmaz (2004), the atomic absorption test results indicated that
aggregate replacing natural sand. The incorporation of rubber the concentration of all metals is below the stated EPA limits. This
aggregates obtained from shredded tires in cement-based mortars means that the leachates from Soma FA are not dangerous and
may be a suitable solution to limit their propensity for cracking. hazardous.
The rubberized mortars exhibit an enhanced strain capacity and in- The cement used in the study was ordinary Portland cement
creased free shrinkage (Turatsinze et al., 2005, 2007). Pierce and (PC) CEM I 42.5 produced according to TS EN 197-1 (2002). The
Blackwell (2003) suggested that crumb rubber is an ideal aggregate specific gravity and specific surface area of the cement were 3.15
for controlled low-strength material, because of the reduction in and 3516 cm2 g 1, respectively. The percentage of cement retained
end-product density and strength. Pinto et al. (2003) studied the on a 40 lm sieve was 13.6%. Physical, chemical and mechanical
mechanical properties of rubber powder that was added to Port- properties of the Portland cement and fly ash are given in Table 1.
land cement, and they concluded that concrete containing rubber Rubber waste (RW) particles used in the research were obtained
powder has potential use in the manufacturing of solid blocks in from mechanical shredding of waste automobile tires. Three size
the construction industry. fractions of rubber waste were used: 0.0–0.25, 0.25–0.50 and
There is limited amount of research on rubberized cementitious 0.50–1.0 mm. Fig. 1 shows the three different size fractions of rub-
products in construction applications such as concrete barriers, ber waste.
concrete blocks and rubber-added bricks. Some researchers have The mixture containing Portland cement (PC), fly ash (FA) and
suggested that because of its light unit weight, rubberized concrete rubber waste (RW) particles was based on dry weight percentages
may also be suitable for architectural applications and as a second- of the total mixture. The mix design was divided into two groups.
ary structural component (Fattuhi and Clark, 1996; Yang et al., In the first group (Group-I), FA and RW contents were 60% and 30%,
2001; Sukontasukkul and Chaikaew, 2006). respectively. In the second group (Group-II), FA and RW contents
Recycling waste rubber, in particular discarded automobile were 70% and 20%, respectively. The amount of PC was 10% by
tires, has become an increasingly important issue since this mate- dry weight of the total mixtures for both group mixes. A control
rial has been banned from landfills. As a consequence of this ban mix was prepared by mixing 10% PC and 90% FA with water. The
and the lack of an alternative technology to dispose of large quan- water content for each mix was determined by a flow test obtain-
tities of used tires, there are millions of used tires stockpiled, some ing a flow within 110–115 mm. The mixture design and the water-
illegally. Tire rubber has been successfully used in a number of civil to-binder ratio (W/B) of the mortar mixes are given in Table 2. The
engineering applications. Previous studies on leachate derived water was regular tap water. The tire rubber particles, Portland ce-
from crumb rubber showed no deleterious effects to the environ- ment and fly ash were initially dry-mixed in a Hobart mixer, and
ment (Liu et al., 1998; Lisi et al., 2004). A prior research also then water was added. The mixtures were cast in two layers into
showed that scrap tire rubber can absorb and retain volatile organ- three-gang molds compacting by a vibration table for 60 s. After
ic compounds. If tire chips are used in areas where contamination casting, all specimens were stored in a moisture room for 24 h at
levels are high, they can be used as a sorbent for environmental a relative humidity of 65% at 20 °C. After demolding, the specimens
clean up (Park et al., 2003). The acceptable limits for metals and were cured in water at 20 °C until the time of testing.
organics in leachate from shredded tires are discussed in ASTM D The flexural and compressive strength tests were performed at
6270-98 (1998), which provides guidelines for using scrap tires 14, 28 and 56 days in conformance with TS EN 196-1 (2002). For
in civil engineering applications. the flexural strength test, three specimens from each mixture were
A. Yilmaz, N. Degirmenci / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1541–1546 1543

Table 1
Physical, chemical and mechanical properties of PC and FA.

Chemical composition (%) PC FA Physical properties of Portland cement

SiO2 20.04 56.26 Specific gravity 3.15
Al2O3 5.81 28.54 Initial setting time (min) 150
Fe2O3 3.62 5.42 Final setting time (min) 185
CaO 61.52 4.54 Volume expansion (mm) 2.00
MgO 1.43 1.37 Specific surface (cm2/g) 3516
Na2O 0.18 0.15 Compressive strength (MPa)
K2O 0.94 1.74 2 days 22.0
SO3 2.87 0.28 7 days 38.7
Free CaO (%) 1.41 – 28 days 46.8
Cl 0.013 – Specific surface of FA (cm2/g) 3794
LOI 2.60 1.35 Specific gravity of FA 1.95

Fig. 1. Rubber waste particles used in the experimental study.

prepared and tested by one-point loading configuration with a pressed as a percentage of the dry weight, was of the water absorp-
span of 10 cm. The flexural strength test was performed using an tion of the specimens.
ELE model testing machine with a capacity of 10 kN. Compressive
strength tests were performed using six broken pieces of test 3. Test results and discussions
prisms left from the flexural strength test. Compressive strength
measurements were carried out using an ELE International ADR The 28-day compressive strength as a function of percentage of
3000 hydraulic press with a capacity of 3000 kN; the loading rate rubber for different rubber fractions is presented in Fig. 2. The test
was 0.25 N/mm2/s. The evaluation of the water absorption for results indicated that there was a reduction in the compressive
24 h in water and unit weight was performed on cubes of 5 cm. strength with the increase in rubber content compared to the con-
The specimens aged 28 days were dried in an oven at 50 °C and trol mix. The compressive strength of the control mix was evalu-
then allowed to cool to room temperature. For the determination ated as 5.82 and 7.11 MPa at 14 and 28 days, respectively. The
of water absorption by total immersion, the dry mass for each reductions in compressive strength (28 days) were 15%, 9% and
specimen was recorded and then totally immersed in water at 0.2% for 0.0–0.25, 0.25–0.50 and 0.50–1.0 mm fractions, respec-
20 °C until it achieved a constant mass. The gain in weight, ex- tively, with an increase in rubber content from 20% to 30%. This
trend is slightly influenced by the size fraction of the RW. Compar-
isons between three rubber fraction sizes indicate that the rubber
particles with 0.50–1.0 mm diameter seemed to have a better com-
5.40 pressive strength than the others. However, no significant differ-
20%RW 30%RW ence in compressive strength was observed between the 20% and
Compressive strength-28days (MPa)

5.00 30% content of the mixtures containing RW 0.50–1.0 mm in diam-

eter. For a given amount of rubber, fine particles lead to great
losses in compressive strength compared to the other particles,
especially at the 30% rubber content. The mixtures with a 20%
RW percentage present the maximum compressive strength,
4.20 4.84 MPa at 28 days for rubber particles with a diameter of 0.50–
1.00 mm. Previous studies also indicated that the reduction for
3.80 compressive strength of rubberized concrete was observed with
the use of higher rubber content. The results of various studies also
indicated that the size, proportions and surface textures of rubber
3.40 particles noticeably affect the compressive strength of rubberized
concrete mixtures (Eldin and Senouci, 1993; Topcu, 1995). The
3.00 reduction in compressive strength is attributed to the physical
0.50-1.0 properties of the rubber particles, since they are less stiff than
0.0-0.25 0.25-0.50
the cement paste. Also the decrease in the strength might be due
Particle size range of RW
to a poor bond between the cement paste and the rubber particles.
Fig. 2. Compressive strength (28 days) of the mixtures versus rubber waste The compressive strength gain of the mixtures with time can be
content. seen in Fig. 3. The rate of compressive strength development is
1544 A. Yilmaz, N. Degirmenci / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1541–1546

relatively high between 14 and 28 days, followed by a slower rate uated as 0.51 and 0.73 MPa at 14 and 28 days, respectively. For
between 28 and 56 days. flexural strength, the specimens with RW showed higher values
The variation in 28-day flexural strength as a function of rubber than the control mix probably due to the effect of rubber fibers.
content for different size particles is shown in Fig. 4, and all results The mixtures with a 20% RWe content present the maximum flex-
are presented in Table 3. Flexural strength of control mix was eval- ural strength of 1.40 MPa at 28 days for particles 0.50–1.0 mm in
diameter, compared to the control mix. There is a reduction in flex-
ural strength (28 days) with an increase in rubber content. These
8.00 reductions were 1%, 10% and 21% for 0.0–0.25, 0.25–0.50 and
0.50–1.0 mm fractions, respectively, with an increase in RW con-
14- days 28- days 56- days tent from 20% to 30%. This is possibly due to the reduction of bin-
der content in the mixtures. Fig. 5 shows the development of
Compressive strength (MPa)

6.00 flexural strength with curing period (14, 28 and 56 days) for the
mixtures containing 20% RW, 70% FA and 10% PC. Results also indi-
cated that for a given rubber content, flexural strength increases
with curing time.
4.00 Fig. 6 shows the fracture surfaces of specimens submitted to
bending stress after failure. The failure of specimens containing
RW did not exhibit the typical brittle type failure normally ob-
tained for conventional cement-based materials during compres-
sion or tension test (Fig. 6a, b and c). It has been observed that
the control specimens (Fig. 6d) split into two pieces immediately
after cracking, while the specimens containing rubber particles
0.00 showed a larger deformation without complete disintegration.
Although there were large cracks, the rubber fibers held the spec-
0.0-0.25 0.25-0.50 0.50-1.0
imen as one piece. The control specimens containing a high per-
Particle size range of RW
Fig. 3. Compressive strength of the mixtures containing 20% RW versus curing
time. 1.80
14- days 28- days 56- days
1.60 1.60
Flexural strength- 28 days (MPa)

20% RW 30% RW
Flexural strength (MPa)


1.20 1.00


0.80 0.40
0.0-0.25 0.25-0.50 0.50-1.0 0.0-0.25 0.25-0.50 0.50-1.0
Particlesize range of RW Particle size range of RW
Fig. 4. Flexural strength (28 days) of the mixtures versus rubber waste content. Fig. 5. Flexural strength of the mixtures containing 20% RW versus curing time.

Table 2
Mix proportions and some properties of the mixtures.

Mix RW particle RW (%) PC (%) FA (%) W/B Dry unit weight Water Compressive strength- 28 Flexural strength-28
fractions (mm) W/(PC+FA) (Kg/m3) absorption (%) days (MPa) days (MPa)
Group-I 0–0.25 20 10 70 0.55 1078 30 4.63 0.94
0.25–0.50 0.50 1192 26 4.81 1.17
0.50–1.0 0.46 1200 24 4.84 1.40
Group-II 0–0.25 30 10 60 0.63 1011 29 3.94 0.93
0.25–0.50 0.57 1096 27 4.37 1.05
0.50–1.0 0.52 1144 25 4.83 1.11

Table 3
Mechanical properties of the mixtures containing 20% RW.

RW (%) Fraction size (mm) Compressive strength (MPa) Flexural strength (MPa)
14 days 28 days 56 days 14 days 28 days 56 days
0–0.25 1.19 4.63 5.24 0.59 0.94 1.11
20 0.25–0.50 1.75 4.81 5.52 0.82 1.17 1.29
0.50–1.0 1.89 4.84 6.11 1.05 1.40 1.64
A. Yilmaz, N. Degirmenci / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1541–1546 1545

Fig. 6. Fracture surfaces of specimens with rubber particles (0–0.25 mm (a), 0.25–0.50 mm (b) and 0.50–1.0 mm (c), in diameter) and specimen without rubber particles (d)
submitted to bending stress after failure.

Fig. 7. The specimens containing rubber particles (a and b) and control specimen (c) after compression test.

centage of FA (90%) showed early cracks because of their weakness dards (EN-771-1, 2003; EN-771-2, 2003), the minimum mean val-
against tension. Fig. 7 also shows the specimens after compression ues of compressive strength of masonry units are minimum
test. Results of various studies showed that as the rubber content is 2.5 MPa for clay units and 5.0 MPa for calcium silicate units. These
increased, the specimens tend to fail gradually (Eldin and Senouci, composite materials containing 10% Portland cement, 70% and 60%
1993; Khatib and Bayomy, 1999). fly ash and 20% and 30% tire rubber particles have sufficient
The variation in dry unit weight versus rubber content and par- strength for masonry applications.
ticle fractions is presented in Table 2. Because of the low specific
gravity of rubber particles, the dry unit weight of the mixtures de-
creases with the increase in the percentage of RW. Moreover, in- 4. Conclusions
crease in RW content increases the air content which in turn
reduces the dry unit weight of the specimens (Khatib and Bayomy, The study investigated the possibility of using fly ash and rub-
1999). The dry unit weight changed between 1078 and 1200 kg/m3 ber waste with Portland cement as construction material. Based
for the mixtures containing 20% rubber particles. The dry unit on the study following conclusions may be drawn:
weight also changed between 1011 and 1144 kg/m3 for the mix-
tures containing 30% rubber particles. Water absorption values of  The compressive strength of the mixtures decreased with the
the mixtures are shown in Table 2. Water absorption decreased increase of rubber waste particles for all curing periods tested
slightly with the increase in the size of the rubber particles. For (14, 28 and 56 days). However, the strength of the mixtures
the 0.25–0.50 and 0.50–1.0 mm particle sizes, the water absorption increased with an increasing fly ash content. Compressive
increased with the increase in the RW content. The incorporation strength is slightly influenced by the particles size. The mixtures
of rubber particles in cementitious matrix tends to restrict the with a 20% rubber waste content present the maximum com-
water absorption of the composite (Fattuhi and Clark, 1996). pressive strength, 4.84 MPa at 28 days.
According to Segre and Joekes (2000), the addition of rubber parti-  The specimens with waste tire rubber showed higher flexural
cles lowers the amount of water absorbed, since the rubber parti- strength values than the control mix, probably due to the effect
cles do not absorb water. The water requirements for a constant of rubber fibers. The increase in rubber waste content from 20%
flow of 110 ± 5% for mortar are also shown in Table 2. It can be seen to 30% decreases the flexural strength of the mixtures. This
that the increase in RW content increased the water-to-binder ra- decrease is lower as the size of tire rubber particles decreases.
tio (W/B). The fineness of the rubber particles affects the water de-  The increase in rubber waste content decreased the dry unit
mand of the mixtures. It was also observed that the mixtures made weight. This is because of the low specific gravity of rubber com-
with fine rubber particles require more water. However, the in- pared to the fly ash it replaces.
crease in FA content decreases water requirements. The reduction  Water absorption decreased slightly with the increase in the size
in water requirement was due to the spherical shape and the of the rubber particles. For the 0.25–0.50 and 0.50–1.0 mm size
smooth surface of FA, which helped the flow and workability of fractions, the water absorption increased with the increase in
the mixture. the rubber content.
The investigated composite materials having a maximum  The increase in rubber waste content increased the water-to-
4.84 MPa of compressive strength can be used in masonry applica- binder ratio. However, the increase in fly ash content decreases
tions. The average and minimum compressive strength of clay ma- the water requirement of the mixture. Also, the fineness of rub-
sonry units prescribed in Turkish standards are 5.0 and 4.0 MPa, ber waste particles influences the water requirements for the
respectively (TS EN 771-1, 2005). In the relevant European Stan- preparation of the mixtures.
1546 A. Yilmaz, N. Degirmenci / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1541–1546

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