Signalling Relay Spec PDF
Signalling Relay Spec PDF
Signalling Relay Spec PDF
obsolete now. Proved Type Plug In Relay 7. Rated voltages are 24 V and 60 V DC. Front contact
Relay is a device which controls electrical circuit Plug in type relays These relays are manufactured by M/s Siemens India 8. Rated continuous load per contact is 5 amp. It is that contact which is made with the arm contact
according to change in its own energisation circuit. It Ltd. under the manufacturing code K-50 with the 9. The length of separating pin is 0.35 mm for K-50A when the relay is energised.
Some of the commonly used relays are: relay, whereas it is 0.15 mm for K-50 B relay and
relays information electrically. following characteristics:
î Style “Q” relay
1. Power consumption this is the basic difference between the two. Back contact
Classification of signalling relays î Style “G” relay a) 1.3 W to 2.5 W for neutral relays. It is that contact which is made when the relay is de-
î Siemen's relay Definitions
Relays may be classified into various ways depending b) 5 W for interlocked relays energised.
upon the following factors. î Sundaram Clayton relay 2. Life 20,000,000 switching. Dependent contact
Arm Contact
Common Features 3. Pick up time 25 to 60 m sec. The condition in which a movable arm contact connects
1. Mounting of Relay Shelf type 4. Drop away time 7 to 15 m sec. to a front contact when the relay is energised and the The contact which is the movable part of the pair of
î Standard plug boards are used for each type of contacts and makes with front contact when the relay is
Plug in type relays for mounting the same. Salient Features same arm contact connects to a back contact when the
2. Supply used DC relay relay is de-energised. energized and with back contact when the relay is de-
î Pre-wiring facilities are available for each type of 1. All movable contacts are rigidly coupled to ensure energized.
AC relay relay. Independent contact
3. Contacts provided Metal to Metal contact simultaneous making and breaking of “NO” and Percentage release
î Facilities are available for terminating the wiring “NC” contacts respectively. The condition in which the movable arm contact
Metal to Carbon contact on plug board connectors both by crimping or It is the ratio between the drop away value and pick up
4. Application Line relays 2. Double break series contact arrangement provided connects to either a front or a back contact, but not to
soldering. ensures high switching speed and more gap both. value of a relay and is given by
Track relays î All relays are provided with registration devices
Special relays between the contacts. Pickup value % release = Drop away value × 100
with specified coding combination to prevent 3. Contacts are designed to have “Self Cleaning”
Note: Now a days electronic relays are also used in plugging in wrong relay. The value of the current or ampere turns which is just Pickup value
Signalling circuit to achieve time delay. features.
î Unless code pins are correctly engaged no 4. All contacts are silver to silver contacts. sufficient to close all the front contacts of a relay under Proved type relays
Relays directly connected across the track electrical connection between the relay and the specified conditions.
circuit are called track relays. Relays used for 5. These relays are provided with 8 contacts having Means a relay having Metal to Metal contacts. They are
plug board connector is possible. following combinations:
any other purpose are called line relays. Drop away (release) value used for controlling NON VITAL circuits and hence also
Shelf type relay Non Proved Type Plug In Relay a) 6F/2B The value of the current or ampere turns at which all the called as NON VITAL relays.
Following two styles of relays are in use under this b) 5F/3B front contacts of the relay get open under specified
DC shelf type relay can be further classified as under:
c) 4F/4B
Non proved type relays
î Neutral group: conditions. Means a relay having Metal to Carbon contacts as front
î 6. The resistance of these relays varies from 1260 to
î Polar Style “Q”
contact. They are used for controlling vital circuits and
î 1840 ohms.
î Neutral polar Style “G”
Back Contact
"F" denotes Front contact of relay. 1. There is no loose connection on the terminals. Plug A Y 11 o 1
200- W 31 21
51 41
"N" denotes Normal contact of relay. in relays are fitted tightly & the sealing is intact. 6 1 o 2
"R" denotes Reverse contact of relay. 2. Metal contacts are not blackened due to arching. 91 81 o 3
"D" denotes De-energized contact of relay. 3. There is no pitting of carbon contacts. o 4
Salient features and important data 4. No foreign materials are inside the relay. o o 5 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA
5. There is no rusting or sulphation on the parts. o o 6 MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS
o o 7
Particulars Line Relay Track Relay 6. Removing the transit lock screw, hole has been
Front Contact
Coil resistance 1000 W when 9 W when o o 9
shelf type relay in the circuit o o10
(in W) connected in connected in 7. Relays are not due to for POH. o
series series 8. Track relay drops properly with 0.5 ohms shunt. o 30 20
250 W when 2.25 W when 6 0 50 40
9. Over energisation is not more than 250% and 7 0 11
0 80 31 21
connected in connected in 300% of its pickup value for shelf type and plug in 100 9 51 41
o 1
7 1 6 1 o 2
parallel parallel. type relays respectively. 91 8 1
o 3 CAMTECH/2000/S/SIG.RELAY/1.0
No. of Two each of 2 each of Overhauling o 4
windings 500 W 4.5 W o 5
Coil Connections
Type of relay Schedule o o 6
o o 7
4 F/B 2 F.2F/B Track relay of all types After every 10 to 12 years. o o 8
6 F/B Shelf type line relays After every 15 years. o o 9
Contact resistance o o10
All other non proved When removed from o
i. M to C 0.2 W 0.20 W 20
mini plug in relay service after failure. o 40 30
ii. M to M 0.05 W 0.05 W 7 0 60 50 EXCELLENCE IN MAINTENANCE
0 80
100 9
% Release Not less than Not less than
50% 68%
SIGNALLING RELAY Note : Neutral Polar relays are obsolete now. 1840 ohms. Front contact
Relay is a device which controls electrical circuit Plug in type relays Proved Type Plug In Relay 7. Related voltages are 24 V and 60 V DC. That contact which is made with the arm contact when
according to change in its now energisation circuit. It 8. Rated continuous load per contact is 5 amp. the relay is energised.
Some of the commonly used relays are: These relays are manufactured by M/s Siemens India 9. The length of separating pin is 0.35 mm for K-50A
relays information electrically. î Style “Q” relay Ltd. under the manufacturing code K-50 with the Back contact
relay where as it is 0.15 mm for K-50 B relay and
Classification of signalling relays î Style “G” relay following characteristics: this is the basic difference between the two. That contact which is made when the relay is de-
Relays may be classified into various ways depending î Siemen's relay 1. Power consumption energised.
î Sundaram Clayton relay a) 1.3 W to 2.5 W for neutral relays. Definitions
upon the following factors. Arm Contact
b) 5 W for interlocked relays Dependent contact
Common Features
1. Mounting of Relay Shelf type 2. Life 20,000,000 switching. The contact which is the movable part of the pair of
î Standard plug boards are used for each type of The condition in which a movable arm contact connects
Plug in type 3. Pick time 25 to 60 m sec. contacts and makes with front contact when the relay is
relays for mounting the same. to a front contact when the relay is energised and the
2. Supply used DC relay 4. Drop away time 7 to 15 m sec. energized and with back contact when the relays de-
î Pre-wiring facilities are available for each type of same arm contact connects to a back contact when the
AC relay Salient Features relay is de-energised. energized.
3. Contacts provided Metal to Metal contact î Facilities are available for terminating the wiring 1. All movable contacts are rigidly coupled to ensure Independent contact Percentage release
Metal to Carbon contact on plug board connectors both by crimping or simultaneous making and breaking of “NO” and It is the ratio between drop away value and the pick up
4. Application Line relays The condition in which the movable arm contact
soldering. “NC” contacts respectively. value of a relay and is given by
Track relays connects to either a front or a back contact, but not to
î All relays are provided with registration devices 2. Double break series contact arrangement provided
both. % release = Drop away value × 100
Special relays with specified coding combination to prevent ensures high switching speed and more gap Pickup value
Note: Now a days electronic relays are also used in plugging in wrong relay. between the contacts. Pickup value
Signalling circuit to achieve time delays. Proved type relays
î Unless code pins are correctly engaged no 3. Contacts are designed to have “Self Cleaning” The value of the current or ampere turns which is just
Relays directly connected across the track electrical connection between the relay and the features. sufficient to close all the front contacts of a relay Means a relay having Metal to Metal contacts. They are
circuit are called track relays. Relays used for plug board connector is possible. 4. All contacts are silver to silver contacts. specified conditions. used for controlling NON VITAL circuits and hence also
any other purpose are called line relays. 5. These relays are provided with 8 contacts having called as NON VITAL relays.
Shelf type relay Non Proved Type Plug In Relay Drop away (release) value
following combinations: Non proved type relays
DC shelf type relay can be further classified as under: Following two styles of relays are in use under this a) 6F/2B The value of the current or ampere turns at which all the
î Neutral group: front contacts of the relay get open under specified Means a relay having Metal to Carbon contacts as front
b) 5F/3B
î Polar î Style “Q” c) 4F/4B conditions. contact. They are used for controlling vital circuits and
î Neutral polar î Style “G” 6. The resistance of these relays varies from 1260 to
hence also called as Vital relays.