A.C. No. 5118 September 9, 1999 (A.C. CBD No. 97-485) MARILOU SEBASTIAN, Complainant, ATTY. DOROTHEO CALIS, Respondent

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A.C. No.

5118 September 9, 1999

(A.C. CBD No. 97-485)



For unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct as well as violation of his oath as lawyer,
respondent Atty. Dorotheo Calis faces disbarment.

The facts of this administrative case, as found by the Commission on Bar Discipline of the Integrated
Bar of the Philippines (IBP), 1 in its Report, are as follows:

Complainant (Marilou Sebastian) alleged that sometime in November, 1992, she was
referred to the respondent who promised to process all necessary documents
required for complainant's trip to the USA for a fee of One Hundred Fifty Thousand
Pesos (P150,000.00).

On December 1, 1992 the complainant made a partial payment of the required fee in
the amount of Twenty Thousand Pesos (P20,000.00), which was received by Ester
Calis, wife of the respondent for which a receipt was issued.

From the period of January 1993 to May 1994 complainant had several conferences
with the respondent regarding the processing of her travel documents. To facilitate
the processing, respondent demanded an additional amount of Sixty Five Thousand
Pesos (P65,000.00) and prevailed upon complainant to resign from her job as
stenographer with the Commission on Human Rights.

On June 20, 1994, to expedite the processing of her travel documents complainant
issued Planters Development Bank Check No. 12026524 in the amount of Sixty Five
Thousand Pesos (P65,000.00) in favor of Atty. D. Calis who issued a receipt. After
receipt of said amount, respondent furnished the complainant copies of
Supplemental to U.S. Nonimmigrant Visa Application (Of. 156) and a list of questions
which would be asked during interviews.

When complainant inquired about her passport, Atty. Calis informed the former that
she will be assuming the name Lizette P. Ferrer married to Roberto Ferrer, employed
as sales manager of Matiao Marketing, Inc. The complainant was furnished
documents to support her assumed identity. 1âwphi1.nêt

Realizing that she will be travelling with spurious documents, the complainant
demanded the return of her money, however she was assured by respondent that
there was nothing to worry about for he has been engaged in the business for quite
sometime; with the promise that her money will be refunded if something goes
Weeks before her departure respondent demanded for the payment of the required
fee which was paid by complainant, but the corresponding receipt was not given to

When complainant demanded for her passport, respondent assured the complainant
that it will be given to her on her departure which was scheduled on September 6,
1994. On said date complainant was given her passport and visa issued in the name
of Lizette P. Ferrer. Complainant left together with Jennyfer Belo and a certain
Maribel who were also recruits of the respondent.

Upon arrival at the Singapore International Airport, complainant together with

Jennyfer Belo and Maribel were apprehended by the Singapore Airport Officials for
carrying spurious travel documents; Complainant contacted the respondent through
overseas telephone call and informed him of by her predicament. From September 6
to 9, 1994, complainant was detained at Changi Prisons in Singapore.

On September 9, 1994 the complainant was deported back to the Philippines and
respondent fetched her from the airport and brought her to his residence at 872-A
Tres Marias Street, Sampaloc, Manila. Respondent took complainant's passport with
a promise that he will secure new travel documents for complainant. Since
complainant opted not to pursue with her travel, she demanded for the return of her
money in the amount of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos (P150,000.00).

On June 4, 1996, June 18 and July 5, 1996 respondent made partial refunds of
P15,000.00; P6,000.00; and P5,000.00.

On December 19, 1996 the complainant through counsel, sent a demand letter to
respondent for the refund of a remaining balance of One Hundred Fourteen
Thousand Pesos (P114,000.00) which was ignored by the respondent.

Sometime in March 1997 the complainant went to see the respondent, however his
wife informed her that the respondent was in Cebu attending to business matters.

In May 1997 the complainant again tried to see the respondent however she found
out that the respondent had transferred to an unknown residence apparently with
intentions to evade responsibility.

Attached to the complaint are the photocopies of receipts for the amount paid by
complainant, applications for U.S.A. Visa, questions and answers asked during
interviews; receipts acknowledging partial refunds of fees paid by the complainant
together with demand letter for the remaining balance of One Hundred Fourteen
Thousand Pesos (P114,000.00); which was received by the respondent. 2

Despite several notices sent to the respondent requiring an answer to or comment on the complaint, there
was no response. Respondent likewise failed to attend the scheduled hearings of the case. No
appearance whatsoever was made by the respondent. 3 As a result of the inexplicable failure, if not
obdurate refusal of the respondent to comply with the orders of the Commission, the investigation against
him proceeded ex parte.

On September 24, 1998, the Commission on Bar Discipline issued its Report on the case, finding
It appears that the services of the respondent was engaged for the purpose of
securing a visa for a U.S.A. travel of complainant. There was no mention of job
placement or employment abroad, hence it is not correct to say that the respondent
engaged in illegal recruitment.

The alleged proposal of the respondent to secure the U.S.A. visa for the complainant
under an assumed name was accepted by the complainant which negates deceit on
the part of the respondent. Noted likewise is the partial refunds made by the
respondent of the fees paid by the complainant. However, the transfer of residence
without a forwarding address indicates his attempt to escape responsibility.

In the light of the foregoing, we find that the respondent is guilty of gross misconduct
for violating Canon 1 Rule 1.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility which
provides that a lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful

WHEREFORE, it is respectfully recommended that ATTY. DOROTHEO CALIS be

SUSPENDED as a member of the bar until he fully refunds the fees paid to him by
complainant and comply with the order of the Commission on Bar Discipline pursuant
to Rule 139-B, Sec. 6, of the Rules of Court. 4

Pursuant to Section 12, Rule 139-B of the Rules of Court, this administrative case was elevated to the
IBP Board of Governors for review. The Board in a Resolution 5 dated December 4, 1998 resolved to
adopt and approve with amendment the recommendation of the Commission. The Resolution of the
Board states:


the Report and Recommendation of the Investigating Commissioner in the above-
entitled case, herein made part of this Resolution/Decision as Annex "A"; and, finding
the recommendation fully supported by the evidence on record and the applicable
laws and rules, with an amendment that Respondent Atty. Dorotheo Calis be
DISBARRED for having been found guilty of Gross Misconduct for engaging in
unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct.

We are now called upon to evaluate, for final action, the IBP recommendation contained in its
Resolution dated December 4, 1998, with its supporting report.

After examination and careful consideration of the records in this case, we find the Resolution
passed by the Board of Governors of the IBP in order. We agree with the finding of the Commission
that the charge of illegal recruitment was not established because complainant failed to substantiate
her allegation on the matter. In fact she did not mention any particular job or employment promised
to her by the respondent. The only service of the respondent mentioned by the complainant was that
of securing a visa for the United States.

We likewise concur with the IBP Board of Governors in its Resolution, that herein respondent is
guilty of gross misconduct by engaging in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct contrary
to Canon I, Rule 101 of the Code of Professional Responsibility. Respondent deceived the
complainant by assuring her that he could give her visa and travel documents; that despite spurious
documents nothing untoward would happen; that he guarantees her arrival in the USA and even
promised to refund her the fees and expenses already paid, in case something went wrong. All for
material gain.
Deception and other fraudulent acts by a lawyer are disgraceful and dishonorable. They reveal moral
flaws in a lawyer. They are unacceptable practices. A lawyer's relationship with others should be
characterized by the highest degree of good faith, fairness and candor. This is the essence of the
lawyer's oath. The lawyer's oath is not mere facile words, drift and hollow, but a sacred trust that
must be upheld and keep inviolable. 6 The nature of the office of an attorney requires that he should be
a person of good moral character. 7 This requisite is not only a condition precedent to admission to the
practice of law, its continued possession is also essential for remaining in the practice of law. 8 We have
sternly warned that any gross misconduct of a lawyer, whether in his professional or private capacity, puts
his moral character in serious doubt as a member of the Bar, and renders him unfit to continue in the
practice of law. 9

It is dismaying to note how respondent so cavalierly jeopardized the life and liberty of complainant when
he made her travel with spurious documents. How often have victims of unscrupulous travel agents and
illegal recruiters been imprisoned in foreign lands because they were provided fake travel documents?
Respondent totally disregarded the personal safety of the complainant when he sent her abroad on false
assurances. Not only are respondent's acts illegal, they are also detestable from the moral point of view.
His utter lack of moral qualms and scruples is a real threat to the Bar and the administration of justice.

The practice of law is not a right but a privilege bestowed by the State on those who show that they
possess, and continue to possess, the qualifications required by law for the conferment of such
privilege. 10 We must stress that membership in the bar is a privilege burdened with conditions. A lawyer
has the privilege to practice law only during good behavior. He can be deprived of his license for
misconduct ascertained and declared by judgment of the court after giving him the opportunity to be
heard. 11

Here, it is worth noting that the adamant refusal of respondent to comply with the orders of the IBP and
his total disregard of the summons issued by the IBP are contemptuous acts reflective of unprofessional
conduct. Thus, we find no hesitation in removing respondent Dorotheo Calis from the Roll of Attorneys for
his unethical, unscrupulous and unconscionable conduct toward complainant.

Lastly, the grant in favor of the complainant for the recovery of the P114,000.00 she paid the
respondent is in order. 12 Respondent not only unjustifiably refused to return the complainant's money
upon demand, but he stubbornly persisted in holding on to it, unmindful of the hardship and humiliation
suffered by the complainant.

WHEREFORE, respondent Dorotheo Calis is hereby DISBARRED and his name is ordered stricken
from the Roll of Attorneys. Let a copy of this Decision be FURNISHED to the IBP and the Bar
Confidant to be spread on the personal records of respondent. Respondent is likewise ordered to
pay to the complainant immediately the amount of One Hundred Fourteen Thousand (P114,000.00)
Pesos representing the amount he collected from her. 1âwphi1.nêt


Bellosillo, Melo, Puno, Vitug, Kapunan, Mendoza, Quisumbing, Purisima, Pardo, Buena, Gonzaga-
Reyes and Ynares-Santiago, JJ., concur.

Davide, Jr., C.J. and Panganiban, J., on official leave.

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