Ohmic Drop Part 1 - Basic Principles: Application Area: Fundamental
Ohmic Drop Part 1 - Basic Principles: Application Area: Fundamental
Ohmic Drop Part 1 - Basic Principles: Application Area: Fundamental
Ohmic Drop
Part 1 – Basic Principles
A typical electrochemical experiment is performed using a RE1 RE2 RE3
three electrode setup; a working electrode (WE), a counter or
auxiliary electrode (CE), and a reference electrode (RE). In
addition, a sense (S) lead is connected to the WE. Therefore,
the potential applied to the cell is controlled by applying
current between the CE and WE, and measuring the potential
between the RE and S. In order to have reliable
measurements of the potential, the reference electrode WE
should ideally be non-polarizable.
When current is flowing through an electrochemical cell, a
potential drop between the RE and the WE will occur. This
voltage drop is influenced by the electrolyte conductivity, the
distance between the reference and the working electrodes,
and the magnitude of the current.
Using Ohm’s law, the ohmic (voltage) drop ∆𝐸 can be
calculated to be equal to the product of the current 𝑖 and the
ohmic or uncompensated resistance 𝑅 :
∆𝐸 = 𝑖𝑅 1
Figure 1 – Equipotential lines shown at close proximity to the
working electrode.
Assuming that the passage of current does not affect the
potential of the reference electrode (ideally non-polarizable),
Consequently, the ohmic drop value depends on the following
the measured potential of the working electrode is given by
the equation:
resistance and therefore the ohmic drop. Conductivity is scan rates, i.e., when 𝑡 is much bigger than 𝑅 𝐶 , the
in turn affected by other experimental factors, such as exponential approaches 0 and the errors can be negligible.
the temperature of the system.
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Application Area: Fundamental
Ohmic Drop
Part 1 – Basic Principles
March 2019 AN-EC-003
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