SPT Roles and Responsibilities

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SPT Roles and Responsibilities

Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities

School Head  Team Leader
 Form a School Planning Team
 Convenes School Planning Team
 Provide leadership and guidance in the
development of the plan, clearly explain the SIP
planning process to the planning team and their
 Facilitate actual planning workshop
 Form a core team composed of Master Teachers
who will assist throughout the 3-year
implementation of SIP.
 Form Project Team that will initiate and
implement the projects based on the Priority
Improvement Areas.
 Guide

Students/Pupils  Share insights about their difficulties in the

SGC school
and participate in setting goals, strategies and
priorities of the school.
 Take part in initiating and implementing school’s
programs and projects

Teacher  Provide needed information relative to teaching

and learning process.
 Actively participate during the development of
the SIP establishing priorities, setting goals and
formulating implementation strategies for the

Parent  Share insights about what their children need to

learn and the difficulties they face in the school,
their aspiration for the school and their children,
present other areas of concerns and participate
in setting goals, strategies and priorities of the
 Commit available resources in the
implementation of the plan.

Barangay / LGU  Share valuable information on the interest of the

Representative community in school improvement and
ALUMNI participate in setting goals, strategies and
priorities of the school.
 Commit available resources in the
implementation of the plan.
Member of  Ensure and facilitate quick response before,
BDRRMC during, and after disaster situations.
 Approve, monitor and evaluate the
implementation of school DRRM plans
 Help the school in providing a safe and secured
learning environment and participate in hazard
mapping inside school premises.

Member of  Ensure that Child Protection Policy in the school

School Child is practiced in accordance with the existing
Protection policy guidelines of the DepEd.
Committee  Initiate projects that will improve school to be a
Child Friendly School

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