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2015 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations And Logistics, And Informatics (SOLI)

Cloud Operating System for Industrial Application

Gang Xiong1, 2, Tongkai Ji1, Xipeng Zhang2, Fenghua Zhu2, Wenjing Liu1
Cloud Computing Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangdong, 523808, China
The State Key Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex Systems, Institute of Automation,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract—With the rapid development of latest infor- 2) The cloud computing resources are centrally managed
mation technology, it is inevitable to apply IoT (Internet of and maintained, so enterprises and users just pay for the
Things), cloud computing and big data into the industrial customized services, saving unnecessary procurement
fields of national key sectors including transportation, and maintenance cost of expensive computing infrastruc-
electricity, metallurgy, petroleum, chemical, manufactur- ture;
ing, military and so on. Wireless sensor network, industri- 3) Cloud service provider can develop and provide special-
al Internet, embedded system, software for industrial con- ized application functions for different kinds of users.
trol and management, and smart terminal are gradually The versatility of cloud computing makes its resources
introduced into the industrial systems, which would make more valuable and useful than traditional system.
the past relatively closed industrial systems more open and As an adaptable extension of traditional stand-alone OS,
intelligent, and contribute to the coming forth industrial cloud OS must be developed independently to assure the
revolution. In this paper, the authors mainly discuss issues cloud computing security and its large-scale application.
about cloud Operating System (OS) for industrial applica- Compared with traditional OS, cloud OS provides a complete
tion, including cloud computing and cloud operating sys- set of services compatible with most types of infrastructure
tem introduction, current status analysis of cloud OS and including network, hardware, software, terminals, and appli-
the transformation trend to industrial 4.0. Then, we inde- cation.
pendently design the main content of this cloud OS, and its Based on complete and standard cloud OS, a variety of
application prospect and expected result are given. The better application services can be provided rapidly by building
study provides theoretical guidance and practical chal- and managing the whole cloud computing infrastructure. In
lenge for the development of cloud OS oriented to indus- general, cloud OS includes three main functions:
trial area. 1) Centrally manage and maintain huge amounts of compu-
Keywords—Internet of Things; Big data; Cloud Compu- ting infrastructure, such as servers and storage, by inte-
ting; Cloud Operating System; Industrial 4.0; G-Cloud OS grating hardware resources of all connected data centers
for Industrial Application; into one single virtual cloud server.
2) Provide unified and standard function, service and inter-
I. INTRODUCTION face for different applications. Every user selects and
pays for the cloud-based application services in needed.
With the rapid development of latest information technolo-
3) Dynamically manage the massive computing tasks, ap-
gies, a new development wave is led by IoT (Internet of
plication deployment, and different resources migration.
Things), cloud computing and big data which are the hottest
Cloud OS is the core of managing all kinds of resources,
new generation technologies after parallel computing, distrib-
just like the brain of the whole cloud infrastructure. The ker-
uted computing and grid computing. Cloud computing is a
nel technology of cloud OS should be researched and devel-
mixed and integrated result of the novel concepts including
oped independently to ensure the security of the whole cloud
virtualization, utility computing, IaaS (Infrastructure as a Ser-
vice), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a
In this paper, the authors mainly discuss and design cloud
Service). Cloud computing is a dynamical and scalable com-
OS for industrial application. Cloud computing and cloud OS
puting mode where all resources including network, servers,
is introduced in section I. Current status of cloud OS is ana-
storage, application, and computing are virtualized and pro-
lyzed in section II along with detail information about the
vided as a service over the Internet. For the following reasons,
structure and function of domestic G-Cloud OS. Section III
cloud computing has such advantages as strong compatibility,
deals with the transformation trend to Industrial 4.0 and its
low cost and high efficiency, so it could bring more economic
main challenges. The main content of cloud OS for industrial
value and benefits for enterprises and users[1]-[2]:
application is independently designed in section IV, and its
1) Cloud computing can be formed by those existing cheap
application prospects and expected results are given out in
computing nodes due to its special fault tolerance meas-
section V. Finally, conclusions are drawn out in section VI.

978-1-4673-8480-3/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 43

2015 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations And Logistics, And Informatics (SOLI)

II. CURRENT STATUS ANALYSIS OF CLOUD OPER- was dominated by Apple and Google. In November 2014,
ATING SYSTEM many experts from “Chinese Intelligent Terminal Operating
Cloud computing is the developing direction of information System Industry Alliance” called for independent research and
technology, which has become a common view among most develop cloud OS for intelligent terminal application, to as-
of governments and industries all around world. From per- sure information security of domestic OS and its industrial
spective of applications, users can access to cloud-based re- application.
sources over the Internet, select on-demand services and then Cloud Computing Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences
pay just for his/her consumption. Meanwhile, from the point has designed and developed an independent cloud OS named
of service, cloud computing could provide compatible envi- G-Cloud jointly with its partners, which can support the virtu-
ronment and configurable services by integrating all kinds of alization and unified management of large-scale computing
heterogeneous software, hardware and the dynamic flow of resources, storage resources, and network resources. With the
resources. In summary, these are the two basic functions of help of G-Cloud, any private cloud, public cloud or the mixed
cloud operating system. cloud can be built upon the existing IT Infrastructure, which is
Companies such as Google, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP extensible, controllable, and reliable. G-cloud adapts com-
and Amazon have developed their own cloud OS [3]-[6]. For pletely independent and controllable core technology and
example, Google has developed its cloud OS named as large-scale intensive resource management, and provides safe
Chrome OS and the intelligent terminal OS named Android. and reliable cloud computing platform. As depicted in Fig. 1,
Until 2014, its open Android OS has occupied more than 80% the framework of G-cloud contains the following layers [9]:
of the world’s mobile phone OS market share. The giant soft- 1) Hardware layer (Adaptation layer of hardware re-
ware companies, like SAP and Oracle, mainly provide enter- sources): The open system architecture of G-Cloud could
prise cloud solutions. For example, Oracle Database Cloud manage different kinds of hardware infrastructure including
Service provides cloud service on the database layer, while traditional hardware, servers, storage, and network devices
Oracle Java Cloud Service provides cloud service on the ap- like switch and firewall, and safety protection devices like
plication layer. VMware and vSphere are open cloud OSs, intrusion detection system, intrusion prevention system.
which can be purchased from the market for application de- 2) OS Layer (Adaptation layer of operating system):
velopment. G-Cloud could realize information interaction among a varie-
So far, the most of cloud computing applications are built ty of operating systems from universal Windows, Linux, Unix
on the cloud OS, which are developed and managed by few to generalized OS-hypervisor including Xen, KVM, vSphere,
companies of developed countries, and this situation is unfa- HyperV and specialized OS for hardware devices, and inte-
vorable to IT infrastructure security of other countries. Thus, grate resources under their operating systems.
some governments and enterprises begin to pay more atten- 3) Communication Adapter Layer: This layer promotes re-
tion to the research and development of their own cloud OS. sources to integrate into G-Cloud, provides communication
At present, we find a list of independent cloud OS, including ability between components and a unified interface for heter-
the GalaX OS developed by HuaWei and Intel cooperatively, ogeneous language platforms, and supports plug-and-play of
Fusion Sphere cloud OS of HuaWei, CoCloud OS of ZTE, hardware resources;
TransOS developed by Yaoxue Zhang’s group from Tsinghua 4) Resource Driven Layer: Different manufacturers nor-
University, which is based on transparent computing, and in- mally provide different interface for resource management.
tegrates the existing Linux, Windows, Unix and Symbian [7]. The layer aims to provide a unified operation interface for
Chinese universities and companies design and develop a se- resources management of different manufacturers;
ries of Kylin operating systems, like special cloud OS dedi- 5) Interface Layer: G-cloud provides appropriate and
cated for TianHe and Galaxy high-performance servers, Neo standard interfaces for different type of users and applications.
Kylin cloud OS for universal server and user terminal which 6) Cloud Middleware Layer: It provides a unified logic in-
was jointly developed upon Linux kernel with CS2C[8]. In terface for application developers.
2013, “TianHe 2” was built up by Guangzhou supercomputing 7) Application Driven Layer: It provides an application de-
center, its Kylin cloud OS uses SLURM˄Simple Linux Utility veloping interfaces for application developers of industry
for Resource Management), and Ubuntu OpenStack, which
8) Application Layer: It is designed to provide cloud-based
are running on thousand of computing nodes. Its floating
specific applications for different industries.
point computing speed reaches 33.86 thousand trillion times
Based on perfect system architecture and delicate layer de-
per second, so it becomes the fastest machine and champion
sign, G-Cloud own two advantages: one is management ser-
during previous global competitions more than 5 times.
vice, and the other is security protection. Management system
In addition, Inspur Group launched an independent cloud
will realize the management functions of application, applica-
OS, which is an open architecture, modular, standardized re-
tion driver, resource, task, S&C (Supervision and Control),
source management platform of cloud data center. In PC era,
resource driver, communication, OS and hardware. Security
OS was dominated by Microsoft, and OS of mobile terminal
system manages App security, data security, communication

2015 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations And Logistics, And Informatics (SOLI)

security and identity security. G-Cloud can realize scalable, ing”, which is an advanced manufacturing mode created by
reliable and controllable private cloud, public could and hy- the combination of cloud computing and IoT (Internet of
brid cloud on the basis of existing IT infrastructure, and can Things) in keeping with the demand of manufacturing indus-
increase the utilization rate of traditional server from 10% to tries. But this new form is still absence of support from own
70%, together with the reliability of cloud data as high as IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), cloud OS, and network se-
99.99%. G-Cloud was awarded as an outstanding cloud com- curity solution, all of which should be researched and devel-
puting solution for its security and controllability by Chinese oped independently.
MIIT (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology) in
August 2011. Then in July 2014, G-Cloud became China’s III. TRANSFORMATION TREND TO INDUSTRIAL 4.0
first cloud OS to pass the EAL3 evaluation and acquired the The concept of “Industrial 4.0” was proposed at the Han-
EAL3 level certificate signed by Chinese National Infor- nover Fair by the German federal actuarial-oriented and the
mation Security Evaluation Center. federal ministry of economic affairs and technology in 2013.
Security System Application Layer Management System
Government Education Medical Desktop Cloud ··· App Management Set The academia and industry in German consider the fourth
App Application Driver Layer
App Driver Management Set industrial revolution with intelligent manufacturing as a dom-
Set Government Education Medical Desktop Cloud ···
Resource Management Set
Computing Storage Network
inant role or a revolutionary method of future manufacturing
industry. The “Industrial 4.0” strategy aims to lead the manu-

Cloud middleware layer Task Management Set

Data Interface Layer

Planning ···
facturing transformation from tradition to intelligence
Security Self-service : Portal APIs ···
SC Management Set
[13]-[14]. Industry 4.0 depicts an ideal vision of the future
Resource Driver Layer Strategy Management Set manufacturing industry. After the industrial revolutions of
steam engine, mass production, electronics & information
Virtual Machine Storage Device Driver Set Network & PE Device Set SSM FTSM ESSM DTSM
Driver Set
LocalDisk NAS iSCSI Switch Firewall LB

technology, manufacturing will enter in a new era, where all

Communication HBA Card Distributed User Management Set
VMware ··· storage ··· VPN SC ··· UMM AMM GMM
Communication Adapter Layer Failure Management Set manufacturing things are connected by wire/wireless net-
Heterogeneous Language
works, all the production data of manufacturing CPS
Network Communication Plug-in Management
Adapter Plug-in Management Set
Msg queue Msg format transform LSM Msg router
Java C/C++

(Cyber-Physical System) will be collected, stored and used.

Service define OS Management Set
Communication protocol support Python ··· Single-host Firewall Hypervisor

Security ···
The new manufacturing form aims at promoting the intelli-
Storage system Switch
OS Layer
Single host OS Hypervisor Switch OS Storage system OS Hardware Management Set

Hardware Layer
Device ··· gent level of industry, by building up an adaptive, efficient
Figure. 1 G-Cloud cloud operating system (source: and smart plant, and integrating customers and business part-
With the development of information technologies, the lat- ners into the value chain processes simultaneously.
est industrial IoT and cloud computing will be widely intro- “Industry 4.0” is not only an extension of traditional IT into
duced into those national key industries, like transportation, the industry field, but also full of connection between people
electricity, metallurgy, petroleum, chemical, manufacturing, and things, things and things. A stable “Industry 4.0”
military and so on. Take industrial control field as example, eco-system needs more assurances about a stronger network
most of international famous companies like Siemens, ABB, and data security protection, a stronger support for
Emerson, Honeywell, Rockwell, Schneider, Yokogawa, Gen- long-distance data storage, data backup, data processing, data
eral Electric, Mitsubishi Electric and so on, are making their analysis and visualization. In the meanwhile, it will realize
attempts on developing industrial cloud[10]-[12]. ABB has digital management of the entire production chain, achieve a
moved its SCADA to GlobaLogix for providing the high reli- state that all the machines are interconnected, and the entire
ability and redundancy of cloud computing infrastructure, its production process conditions will be tracked automatically
2048 Bit key is in line with the U.S. Department of defense [15]-[16].
standards, its infrastructure is in line with the U.S. Communi- Big Data & Intelligent Manufacturing &
cations Industry Association (TIA) and the National Institute Fusion of Internet and Manufacturing
of standards (ANSI) requirements for critical computing sys-
tem. MAXPRO Cloud developed by Honeywell realized the Demand Supply
monitoring system for all-weather management over Internet. Power grid, Natural Supervisory control of
Based on Windows Azure cloud computing platform, Siemens gas, Petrifaction production process/
Data security
in cooperation with Microsoft developed a product lifecycle Manufactu Steel, Metallurgy, Big Data
Data Data
High-end Data
management system oriented to all industrial automation re manufacture, Car Collec Analys Visuali
tion is zation
equipments. We are not ready for the coming industrial auto- Logistics/Tr Vehicle/Facility
scheduling, Network Fusion of Internet
Industrial Sensor
Big Data
Ethernet Cloud
mation revolution inspired by cloud computing. Since 2009, ansportation optimizing and Manufacturing Internet
with the 973/863 funding support from MOST, academician New Solar energy, Wind
energy, Biological
scientists Bohu Li of CASIC (China Aerospace Science & energy
machine tool
Industry Corp.) and his team began to promote the cloud Communic
Manufacturing SI(System Intelligent
ation Integrator) detection
technologies and systems for discrete manufacturing industry Satellite

Figure. 2 Big data & intelligent manufacturing & integration of Internet and
that possibly bring a new business form “cloud manufactur-
manufacturing (source:

2015 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations And Logistics, And Informatics (SOLI)

With the development of industrial IoT, more and more mobile phones, car-mounted terminals and so on. Take busi-
sensor nodes will be deployed to collect huge amounts of ness management cloud operating system for example, it is
manufacturing data, and meanwhile an increasing number of the comprehensive management system for background data
execution nodes are set up in industrial field to accomplish center of enterprise cloud that bases on hardware resources
more accurate M&C (Management and Control) function. For including servers, storage, network, software resources in-
the reason that the transmission of industrial signals, including cluding single operating system, middleware and database, by
control signal and sensing signal, is layered and progressive, which the masses of the basic hardware and software re-
industrial system emphasizes instantaneity, accuracy and reli- sources are managed. Enterprise cloud OS has the modules of
ability of information transmission. The character of industrial large-scale hardware and software management, virtual com-
system and huge quantity of manufacturing data make it im- puting management, distributed file system management,
possible to adopt traditional information processing methods business/resource scheduling management, safety control
to solve the problem. The industrial cloud platform offers a management and so on. Hardware resources in a data center
new solution to store, analyze, process and utilize the data are logically integrated into a single server by managing and
generated along with intelligent manufacturing processes. driving huge amounts of network service, storage and other
Therefore, in order to ensure information security of “Industry basic hardware. The enterprise cloud OS provides a unified
4.0”, we need pay more attention for industrial information and standard interface for enterprise cloud applications and
protection, where cloud OS for industrial application is one manages massive computing tasks and resource allocation.
fundamental part. The main function of enterprise cloud OS contains compu-
During the transition process to “Industry 4.0”, the main ting resource management, storage resource management,
problems and challenges include the following aspects: network resource management, key pair management, securi-
1) Relative lake of basic theory research and weak capacity ty group management, mirror image management, supervisory
for independent research and development in our country: control management, user management, system configuration
technical system is not complete, and the whole design management. And its main components includes front proxy,
capacity on independent R&D of manufacturing industry cloud controller, cluster controller, storage controller, master
is insufficient and lack of original innovation; node controller, standby node controller, certificate authority
2) Lack of all kinds of complex product design, intelligent (CA), controller of supervisory control and so on. Computing
high-end software products like 3D CAD (Computer resources management mainly has two kinds of operations, as
Aided Design): hardware is invested much more than to virtual machine, it has basic operation of creation, start up,
software in China; shut up, restart, transfer and rename; as to the operations to
3) Lack of accumulation in the field of related core patent internal data of virtual machine, it contains configuration,
technology: We have not yet grasped the core system de- backup, package, logging in, installing and extension of
sign and manufacturing technology of many important component. The modules of system management include
equipments and manufacturing processes. And many key business units of user management, maintenance of dictionary,
technologies and core infrastructure components are still virtual machine configuration, operating log, network plan-
dependent on imports from aboard countries; ning, access to equipment, task planning, management of re-
4) Weak safeguard hierarchy for information transmission cycle bin, mapping files and images. The main parameter in-
and incomplete information authorization management: dexes of enterprise cloud OS are as follows:
information security problems of industrial control sys- 1) Efficient virtual computing model mainly reflected in:
tems are critical, mainly includes the function security infrastructure virtualization, on-demand usage and an in-
like enterprise information protection, and data security crease of 30% in resources utilization rate;
like privacy protection, etc. 2) High availability and reliability of the cloud computing
Cloud OS for industrial application is an important part of mechanism: unified management of multicenter, migra-
industrial network, industrial control system and their infor- tion of virtual machine (second), copy of multi-backups,
mation security, thus independent R&D of cloud OS for in- failure recovery, fault-tolerant (millisecond interruption),
dustrial application become a crucial part for our country’s etc.;
transformation to “Industry 4.0”, and meanwhile a significant 3) Supporting for dynamic resource scheduling, elastic
reflection on promoting our country’s innovation ability. computing resources. And storage and providing a unified
monitor interface for administrator;
IV. MAIN CONTENTS OF CLOUD OS FOR INDUSTRI- 4) Flexible compatibility with the original policy: the entire
AL APPLICATION service platform could be fully compatible with the orig-
Compared with the existing industrial system hierarchy, in inal IT management strategy and keep the strategy of
the process of realizing industrial cloud, we need to accord- original network management and security management
ingly satisfy the function and performance requirements of unchanged by which users can select more flexible allo-
business management cloud, plant management cloud, pro- cate strategy;
duction control cloud and industrial cloud terminal such as 5) Secure connection: To ensure the applied resources of

2015 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations And Logistics, And Informatics (SOLI)

user are safe; Third-party security solutions, firewall and An industrial system contains four parts: its three layer
Internet Protocol Suite (IPS) could be quickly compati- subsystems (enterprise management layer, plant management
ble; layer and production control layer) and user. In the process of
6) Reliable service: Both computing resources and storage the development of industrial cloud, cloud OS oriented to
resources get through all reliability tests, by which the industrial control area should not only manage industrial sys-
availability of service and resource could be ensured. tem’s three layer subsystems, but also respectively satisfy the
7) To realize dynamic migration, fault tolerance of virtual requirements of different users. To get rid of our dependent on
machine, load balancing, failure recovery, etc. foreign technology, we must independently research and de-
velop industrial could OS. The requirements of industrial
V. APPLICATION PROSPECT AND EXPECTED RE- cloud OS faced to industrial system’s four parts are as follow:

Transportation Electricity Metallurgy Water conservancy Petrifaction Manufacturing Energy ···

General terminal Specialized terminal

Windows iOS Software structure
user interface port User
User level application

Project Prot
management management System call interface
Inquiry & Statistics Kernel System service Device G-Cloud
space drivers OS
Database File & Document
Linux Hardware platform

G-Cloud OS for

SaaS & PaaS

G-Cloud OS for plant Business component Interaction component Data component Management component Strategy component

Virtualized application service




Enterprise Plant Production line Distributor Customer Supplier Service provider

Figure. 3 The architecture and composition of industrial G-Cloud

1) On the basis of G-Cloud, independently-developed cloud quirements of industrial security and be compatible with
OS of our nation, enterprise management cloud OS need domestic industrial control equipments including DCS
to be compatible both with domestic enterprise applica- (Distributed Control System), PLC (Programmable logic
tion systems such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), controller), and NCS (Numerical Control System).
CAD, SCM (Supply Chain Management), ERM (Enter- 4) In order to satisfy the strict requirements for instantaneity
prise Resource Management) etc. and basic domestic and reliability of industrial cloud terminal, user terminal
hardware and software resources including industrial OS can be modified and improved on the basic of some
cloud serves, industrial network, and industrial middle- existing domestic intelligent operating systems. With the
ware. help of kernel security enhancement technology and sen-
2) Plant management cloud OS must be independently de- sitive data protection technology, domestic mobile termi-
signed to be compatible with domestic systems such as nal OS can break through technology bottleneck in bug
MES (Manufacturing Execution System), SCADA (Su- fixing, network security, malicious software prevention,
pervisory Control And Data Acquisition), LIMS (Labor- indentify confirmation, authorization management, access
atory Information Management System), etc. and satisfy control, data encryption and protection, and take proces-
the requirements of security. sion of independent intellectual property rights.
3) As to production control management, it also needs to be Figure 3 shows the architecture and composition of in-
independently researched and developed to meet the re- dustrial G-Cloud, which will provide an expected manage-

2015 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations And Logistics, And Informatics (SOLI)

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agement), EB (Electronic Business) and BI (Business Intelli- S&T project (2013508102018) and Dongguan 's Innovation
gence), enterprise management layer is designed to realize the Talents Project (Gang Xiong).
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of China under Grants 71232006, 61233001, Finnish


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