Assessment of GPS Radiosonde Descent Data: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

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Atmos. Meas. Tech.

, 7, 1011–1025, 2014 Atmospheric

Open Access
doi:10.5194/amt-7-1011-2014 Measurement
© Author(s) 2014. CC Attribution 3.0 License. Techniques

Assessment of GPS radiosonde descent data

M. Venkat Ratnam1 , N. Pravallika2 , S. Ravindra Babu3 , G. Basha4 , M. Pramitha1 , and B. V. Krishna Murthy5
1 NationalAtmospheric Research Laboratory, Gadanki, India
2 SriVenkateswara University, Tirupati, India
3 Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University, Hyderabad, India
4 SRM University, Chennai, India
5 B1, Ceebros, 47/20, 3rd Main Road, Chennai, India

Correspondence to: M. Venkat Ratnam ([email protected])

Received: 7 November 2013 – Published in Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss.: 3 December 2013
Revised: 17 February 2014 – Accepted: 27 February 2014 – Published: 16 April 2014

Abstract. Radiosondes are widely used to obtain basic mete- 1 Introduction

orological parameters such as pressure (P ), temperature (T ),
relative humidity (RH) and horizontal winds during the bal-
loon ascent up to the altitude of balloon burst, usually ∼ 32– Measurements of different meteorological parameters such
35 km. Data from the radiosondes released from Gadanki as pressure (P ), temperature (T ), relative humidity (RH)
(13.5◦ N, 79.2◦ E), a tropical station in India, have been col- and horizontal winds are very important for forecasting the
lected during the ascent and during the descent as well with- weather and for studying the thermal and dynamical state of
out attaching any parachute or its equivalent since the year the atmosphere. Several efforts are made to probe the atmo-
2008. In the present study an attempt has been made to char- sphere using different in situ and remote sensing techniques.
acterize the radiosonde descent data with the main objective In the in situ measurements, the sensors are normally located
of exploring its usefulness and reliability for scientific pur- in the instruments carried aloft in aircraft and rockets or as
poses. We compared the data obtained during ascent and de- radiosondes if vertical structure is needed. The instrument in-
scent phases of the same sounding. The mean differences in tended to be carried by a balloon through the atmosphere is
T , RH and horizontal winds between ascent and descent data equipped with devices to measure one or several meteorolog-
are found to be small and are sometimes even within the un- ical variables (P , T , RH, winds, etc.), and is provided with
certainty of the measurements and/or expected diurnal varia- a radio transmitter for sending this information to the ob-
tion itself. The very good consistency observed between the serving station. Originally named a radio-meteor graph, the
ascent and the descent data shows that one more profile of instrument is now referred to as a radiosonde, a name appar-
the meteorological parameters can be constructed within 3 h ently derived by Robert Bureau from a combination of the
of time of balloon launch practically at no additional cost. words “radio” for the onboard radio transmitter and “sonde”,
Further checks are done by utilizing the 3-hourly radiosonde which is messenger from old English.
observations collected during the Tropical Tropopause Dy- The earliest radio soundings were done in the late 1920s
namics campaigns conducted at Gadanki. In the process of and 1930s by V. Väisälä. However, archived data gen-
checking the consistency between the radiosonde ascent and erally begin in the 1940s, with significant expansion of
descent data, several new findings are arrived at and are re- the network at the time of the International Geophysical
ported in this study. In general, it has taken more than half Year (1957–1958). Currently, the global radiosonde net-
an hour for the balloon to reach the ground from the burst work includes about 1300 upper-air stations (http://www.
altitude. It is also observed that the fall velocity is close to, and
10 m s−1 near the surface. Finally, it is suggested to record about two-thirds of these conduct the experiment twice
the observations also when the balloon is descending as this daily (at 00:00 and 12:00 UTC) (Durre, 2006; Immler et al.,
information is useful for scientific purposes. 2010). The network is predominantly land-based and favors
the Northern Hemisphere as it is covered mostly by land.

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

1012 M. Venkat Ratnam et al.: Assessment of GPS radiosonde descent data

Measurements at every 12 h from these locations may be during January 2008 to December 2011 around 17:30 IST
enough to define the large-scale weather patterns, though not (IST = UT + 05:30 h). The weight of the sonde is 150 g and
sufficient to define small-scale weather events. However, for is attached to a 600 g Totex balloon. The dimensions of
many purposes the balloon sounding is an ideal research tool. the sonde are 98 (W) × 155 (H) × 88 (D) mm. Note that no
In addition, some radiosondes are flown with sensing sys- parachute is attached to the balloons launched from Gadanki.
tems for atmospheric constituents, such as ozone concentra- About 1461 profiles of P , T , RH, and horizontal winds
tion and radioactivity. The ranges of meteorological parame- reaching an average altitude of ∼ 30 km were obtained in dif-
ters are 1050 to 5 hPa for P , 50 to −90 ◦ C for T and 100 to 1 ferent seasons during the aforementioned period. The data of
percent for RH, with the systems being able to sustain contin- the atmospheric parameters were collected at sampling in-
uous reliable operation even when operating in heavy rain or tervals of 1s corresponding to an altitude interval of 5–6 m.
in the vicinity of thunderstorms or in severe icing conditions. The accuracy of altitude measurement is 5 m (rms) between
See detailed review on the quality of the radiosonde measure- 1000 hPa to 3 hPa. The original response time of the tem-
ments worldwide by Durre et al. (2006) and the World Me- perature (negative temperature coefficient thermistor) sensor
teorological Organization inter-comparison report of high- varies from 0.5 s or less at 1000 hPa to 10 s at 10 hPa though
quality radiosonde systems (WMO, 2011). Note that Sodell the data are recorded for every 1 s. The response time for
et al. (2004) employed Aerosonde, which is a programmable the humidity (capacitance based thin polymer) is 0.5 s or less
robotic aircraft developed mainly for use over remote and in- at 1000 hPa and 25 ◦ C (Meisei Ltd., Japan) and goes to 10 s
accessible regions (like oceans), for meteorological observa- for a step change from 11 % to 93 % RH, respectively. The
tions and compared them with simultaneous radiosonde ob- balloon burst altitude of all the radiosondes launched during
servations and found good agreement between the two. How- 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2011 is shown in Fig. 1a, and
ever, Aerosonde has not been much in use probably due to the minimum altitude reached during descent is also super-
the complexities involved, limitation on measurement ceil- imposed in the same panel. The number of profiles reaching
ing and cost factor. different altitudes in the ascent and the descent is shown in
As mentioned earlier, in general, radiosondes are widely Fig. 1b, and the statistics in different seasons is given in Ta-
used to obtain major meteorological parameters up to an al- ble 1. Note that the minimum altitude in the descent is not
titude of balloon burst, usually ∼ 32–35 km. It costs up to zero (ground) owing to the failure of the radio communica-
USD 200 per each launch including the cost of balloon, gas, tion at altitudes close to the ground due to surrounding com-
manpower, etc. However, many observations worldwide are plex terrain of Gadanki location. The minimum altitude has
not done up to altitudes higher than the tropopause (Durre a seasonal dependence as can be seen from the table. Dur-
et al., 2006) or about 25 km because of the higher cost of ing the monsoon season, the profiles reaching down close
the balloons and gas necessary to lift the equipment to the to the ground is less than during the other seasons due to
low pressures. In general, across the world data are collected blocking of the hills located in the southwest side. Note that
only during ascent of balloons, and once a balloon bursts the radiosonde will drift in the southwestern side of Gadanki dur-
data collection is terminated. There may be several reasons ing this season due to the prevailing winds in that direction.
for this including the thought of sensing different air masses As mentioned earlier, there were 1461 soundings – out
between the ascent and the descent (due to balloon drifts) of which 537 soundings were later eliminated due to non-
sensor response time (descent rate is faster than the ascent availability of usable descent data mainly because of very
rate). Chen et al. (2013) employed a light-weight hard ball as short duration of the data for a meaningful assessment. The
a parachute to the descending radiosonde to deduce vertical descent data of radiosondes were not recorded initially in
air motions at altitudes below ∼ 12 km. In the present study the starting year 2008. Thus, there are 924 soundings in
we obtained the meteorological data from the descending ra- total available for the present study; when they are segre-
diosonde without attaching any parachute or its equivalent gated into seasons, the number of soundings is 256, 234,
and explored the usefulness and reliability of the data dur- 218, and 216 during winter, pre-monsoon, monsoon, and
ing the descent. To the best of our knowledge there was no post-monsoon seasons, respectively. Out of the 924 balloons,
such study earlier. The ascent and descent data have been ob- only 14 balloons reached less than 16 km altitude in ascent.
tained from the radiosondes released (without any parachute About 98.2 % of the balloons reached the altitude of tropical
or equivalent) from Gadanki (13.5◦ N, 79.2◦ E), a tropical tropopause (around 16 km) and 92.6 % and 85.5 % reached
station in India since the year 2008 for this purpose. The re- the altitude of greater than 20 km and 25 km, respectively.
sults of this study are presented in this communication. Note that higher altitudes are attained over our station by
using quality balloons (Totex, Japan) unlike in the world-
wide radiosonde statistics reported by Durre et al. (2006),
2 Database which reveals that most of the radiosondes terminate near
the tropopause. The number of balloons reaching close to the
High-resolution GPS radiosonde (Meisei, Japan, make RD- surface (0–1 km) in descent is highest in the pre-monsoon
06G) balloons were launched almost regularly from Gadanki season and least in the monsoon season. From Table 1 it is

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Fig. 1. (a) Balloon burst altitude (ascent) and the minimum altitude (in descent) of all the radiosondes launched from Gadanki during
1 January 2008 to 31 December 2011. (b) Number of balloons reaching maximum and minimum altitudes while in ascent and in descent,

Table 1. Statistics of number of balloons reaching the minimum and maximum altitudes while descending and ascending time, respectively,
during different seasons together with statistics of 4 years. The values presented in the brackets are the percentages.

Minimum altitude Winter (256) Pre-monsoon (234) Monsoon (218) Post-monsoon (216) 4 years (924)
0–1 km 33 (12.89 %) 49 (20.94 %) 2 (0.92 %) 24 (11.11 %) 108 (11.69 %)
1–2 km 79 (30.86 %) 110 (47.01 %) 13 (5.96 %) 66 (30.55 %) 268 (29 %)
2–3 km 108 (42.19 %) 130 (55.56 %) 45 (20.64 %) 94 (43.52 %) 377 (40.80 %)
3–4 km 126 (49.22 %) 137 (58.55 %) 69 (31.65 %) 108 (50.0 %) 440 (47.62 %)
4–5 km 131 (51.17 %) 140 (59.83 %) 78 (35.78 %) 114 (52.78 %) 465 (50.32 %)
5–10 km 149 (58.20 %) 158 (67.52 %) 106 (48.62 %) 129 (59.72 %) 542 (58.66 %)
Maximum altitude
10–15 km 255 (99.61 %) 231 (98.72 %) 218 (100 %) 214 (99.07 %) 918 (99.35 %)
15–20 km 253 (98.83 %) 231 (98.72 %) 218 (100 %) 214 (99.07 %) 916 (99.13 %)
20–25 km 242 (94.53 %) 223 (95.30 %) 208 (95.41 %) 168 (77.77 %) 841 (91.02 %)
25–30 km 224 (87.5 %) 209 (89.32 %) 186 (85.32 %) 138 (63.89 %) 757 (81.93 %)
30–35 km 136 (53.12 %) 152 (64.96 %) 131 ( 60.09 %) 9 (41.20 %) 508 (54.98 %)
35–40 km 11 (4.30 %) 7 (2.99 %) 41 (18.81 %) 14 (6.48 %) 73 (7.90 %)

clear that more than 50 % of balloons reached 5 km (in de- location and topography of the Indian subcontinent and more
scent) in all the seasons. In contrast to this, the number of detailed topography of Gadanki are shown in Basha and
balloons reaching the maximum altitude is lowest in the pre- Ratnam (2009). Note that this station is surrounded by hills
monsoon season and highest in the monsoon season. with a maximum altitude of 350–400 m above the station,
and the station is at an altitude of 375 m a.m.s.l. (hereinafter
all altitudes are mentioned above mean sea level only). The
3 Background conditions local topography is complex with a number of small hillocks
around and a high hill of ∼ 1 km about 30 km from the bal-
3.1 Topographical conditions loon launching site in the northeast direction.

Before going into the details of the results, the topography 3.2 Background weather conditions
and background atmospheric conditions over the study re-
gion are presented, which will be useful in interpreting the Over the Indian subcontinent, mesoscale phenomena
observed results. The station Gadanki is in a rural environ- including convection dominate. On the basis of the me-
ment located about 120 km northwest of Chennai (Madras) teorological conditions over the observational site, the
on the east coast of the southern Indian peninsula. The months are grouped into four seasons, namely, winter Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 1011–1025, 2014

1014 M. Venkat Ratnam et al.: Assessment of GPS radiosonde descent data

Fig. 2. Time–altitude section of monthly mean (a) T , (b) RH, (c) U and (d) V observed over Gadanki using GPS radiosonde observations
during January 2008 to December 2011 using balloon ascent data.

(December–February), summer/pre-monsoon (March– southward up to 8 km and northward above in all the seasons,
May), monsoon/progressing southwest (SW) monsoon except during monsoon, with peak velocity of 5 m s−1 . Dur-
(June–August), and post-monsoon/retreating SW monsoon ing the winter and monsoon, somewhat stronger southerlies
(September–November). The onset of the SW monsoon and northerlies prevailed respectively between 12 and 15 km.
will be in the first or second week of June and withdrawal A clear annual oscillation can be noticed in both zonal and
in the last week of September. Besides this, the northeast meridional velocities. Similar variations are also observed
(NE) monsoon due to northeast circulation occurs over by the MST radar located at the same site in between 4
the southern part of India. Normal date of onset of the NE and 20 km (Ratnam et al., 2008; Basha and Ratnam, 2009;
monsoon is in the middle of October, with a deviation of Debashis Nath et al., 2009).
about a week on either side. Temperature does not show significant variations season-
ally in the lower to the middle troposphere, but shows vari-
3.3 Background meteorological conditions obtained ations in the lower stratosphere. There exist significant sea-
during the balloon ascent sonal variations in the RH. During winter RH is very small
(about 50 %) in the first few kilometers and is almost negli-
In this sub-section background meteorological conditions gible above. However, during the other seasons, particularly
prevailing over the observational site are briefly described in the monsoon season, large RH concentrations (60–70 %)
based on the data collected during the balloon ascent. The can be noticed up to middle troposphere.
monthly mean contours of the T , RH, zonal (U ) and merid-
ional (V ) winds are shown in Fig. 2a–d.
The mean zonal velocities are generally westerly during 4 Results and discussion
winter (with a maximum velocity of 10–12 m s−1 ) and pre-
monsoon (up to 14 km with maximum velocity of 13 m s−1 ). 4.1 Maximum horizontal drift of the radiosonde while
There seem to be weak easterlies above the altitude of 14 km in ascent and in descent
during the pre-monsoon. During the monsoon season low-
level westerlies exist below 7–8 km and easterlies above. Before assessing the radiosonde descent data, it is desirable
The tropical easterly jet (TEJ) is prevalent over this region to see the maximum horizontal drift of the balloons from the
in the SW monsoon season, with peak velocity sometimes launch location. Monthly mean drifts of the radiosondes from
reaching more than 40 m s−1 (Roja Raman et al., 2009). Gadanki location during ascent time observed in different
There exist large vertical shears during monsoon in the zonal seasons are depicted in Fig. 3. Figure 4 shows the locations
wind. In general, meridional velocities are very small and are of the balloons at the maximum altitude reached for all the

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Fig. 3. Monthly mean drifts of the radiosonde from Gadanki location during ascent time observed during (a) winter, (b) pre-monsoon,
(c) monsoon and (d) post-monsoon seasons.

radiosondes launched from Gadanki (shown with star mark) versa). Though we cannot directly compare our results with
during January 2008 to December 2011 separated according those reported by Houchi et al. (2010) and Seidel et al. (2011)
to the season. The radiosonde balloon drift at height level zi (as they have not included any Indian radiosonde observa-
is computed from the successively reported horizontal posi- tions) on the balloon drifts, note that drifts are larger at
tions of the balloon with altitude. This is done by accumulat- our location in contrast to those reported by them. Seidel
ing successive horizontal distances travelled by the balloon et al. (2011) reported that drifts are larger at mid-latitudes
as given by Houchi et al. (2010): than the tropics, but even at a tropical latitude station like
v Gadanki, we could notice large drifts. Another striking dif-
u !2 !2 ference observed is that summer season drifts are larger than
u j =t j =t
u X
winter drifts unlike those reported by Seidel et al. (2011).
Drift(zi) = t dxj + dyj , (1)
j =1 j =1
These differences are arising mainly due to prevailing strong
tropical easterly jets over the Indian region, whereas the
where dxj = 0.5(uj + uj +1 ) dt and dyj = 0.5(vj + vj +1 ) dt drifts at the mid-latitudes are due to the prevailing subtropi-
are the zonal and meridional distances travelled by the ra- cal jets (Seidel et al., 2011).
diosonde balloon from one atmospheric level j to another The maximum drift of the radiosondes from the balloon
j + 1 with respect to the launch location (13.5◦ N, 79.2◦ E). burst altitude and the locations of the balloons reaching
zi is the height of the ith level. In general, radiosonde has the lowest altitude for all the radiosondes launched from
drifted maximum during the monsoon season mainly due to Gadanki is also estimated for each radiosonde launched dur-
large winds observed due to prevailing TEJ during this sea- ing January 2008 to December 2011 (figure not shown). It
son (as shown in Fig. 2). Radiosondes have gone greater is observed that the radiosonde drifted with the background
than 120 km from the launch station during this season. wind in descent also as expected. It is also observed that the
The radiosonde drift in winter season is a minimum, and mean drifts during descent are small in all the seasons, be-
the maximum distance it has drifted during this season is ing less than 20 km. Thus, in principle, it can be concluded
only 20 km. During post-monsoon and pre-monsoon seasons, that during the ascent and the descent similar air masses are
the radiosonde drifts for maximum of 80–100 km and 40– probed. However, during disturbed weather conditions there
60 km, respectively. The observed drifts closely match with will be large changes within 3 h as background will change
the background wind velocities as expected (i.e., the higher drastically. Further, McGrath et al. (2010) reported that im-
the wind velocities, the larger the radiosonde drifts and vice pact of any errors due to the mean drifts on climate statistics Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 1011–1025, 2014

1016 M. Venkat Ratnam et al.: Assessment of GPS radiosonde descent data

Fig. 4. The locations of the balloons reaching the maximum altitude for all the radiosonde launched from Gadanki (shown with star mark)
during January 2008 to December 2011 separated according to the season.

is very small though individual errors may be of significance in the stratosphere, whereas the descent rate is as high as
for weather modeling and for the tuning of satellite data 50 m s−1 near the balloon burst altitudes and it reaches close
(Sun et al., 2010). However, MacPherson (1995) reported to 10 m s−1 near the ground.
that “while the impact of balloon drift can indeed be detected, We computed the descent rate (fall velocity) using the fol-
it is small compared with the impact from the observation lowing equation (Johansson and Bergström, 2005) based on
when assimilated with neglect of balloon drift”. We discuss the balance between gravity and drag forces suffered by the
this aspect further in the following. radiosonde (weight of 150 g) (without the gas but assuming
the portion of bursted balloon is still attached).
4.2 Mean differences between the ascent and the 1
descent durations Drag = mass × g = × ρ × VT2 × Cd × area (2)
2 s
2 × mass × g
Histograms showing the times taken for the balloon to reach Terminal velocity VT = , (3)
ρ × area × Cd
maximum and minimum altitudes during different seasons
along with the 4-year mean ascent and descent duration are where g is acceleration due to gravity, ρ is the density, Cd is
depicted in Fig. 5. The histograms showing the ascent and the drag coefficient and frontal area is calculated using both
descent durations reveal that it has taken about 1.5 to 2 h edgewise and non-edgewise. By considering the dimensions
to reach maximum altitude of 30–35 km and mostly half an of the radiosonde as 155 mm × 98 mm × 88 mm, the frontal
hour for the descent. There is another peak near 10 min sug- area is calculated as 0.015 m2 (non-edgewise) or 0.008 m2
gesting that quite often it has taken less than 10 min to reach (edgewise). The 4-year mean density profile along with stan-
to the ground/near ground. Note that the total ascent dura- dard deviations used in estimating VT is shown in Fig. 6a.
tion depends on the maximum altitude reached and not all Taking Cd as 1.0 for convenience and the radiosonde mass
the balloons reached altitudes greater than 35 km. However, as 150 g, the terminal velocity is calculated both edgewise
it is very interesting to see that about 70 % of the balloons and non-edgewise and is shown in Fig. 6b. At 10 km altitude
had taken more than 30 min to reach the ground/near sur- (ρ ∼ 0.4 kg m−3 ) the terminal velocity is close to 22 m s−1
face from the balloon burst altitude. The 4-year mean as- (edgewise) or 29 m s−1 (non-edgewise). At 30 km, these val-
cent and descent rates along with standard deviation shown ues (ρ is ∼ 0.017) are 106 m s−1 or 140 m s−1 . The maxi-
in Fig. 5c reveal that the mean ascent rate is close to 5– mum observed value is 60 m s−1 (Fig. 5c) suggesting the ra-
6 m s−1 in the troposphere and reaches slightly higher values diosonde might be tumbling and experiencing a much higher

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Fig. 5. Histograms showing the time taken for the balloons to reach (a) maximum and (b) minimum altitudes during different seasons along
with 4-year mean ascent and descent timings. Histograms are at 15 min intervals. (c) Mean ascent and descent rates along with standard
deviations obtained while averaging over 4 years.

drag. However, this can be a lower estimate due to the fact

that the falling system also still contains the ruptured balloon
(we have seen in few cases where we collected back fallen
radiosonde) and the connecting line.
Note that the descent duration also depends on the maxi-
mum altitude (i.e., higher the maximum altitude, the longer
the time taken to reach the ground). The time taken to reach
different altitudes while descending from the maximum alti-
tude is shown in Table 2. It is interesting to see no difference
in the time taken to reach from 30 km to 10 km and 25 km
to 10 km suggesting that radiosonde velocity is high when it
bursted, which can be seen from Fig. 5c. This is also true for
the balloons reaching from 30 km to 8 km and 25 km to 8 km,
30 km to 6 km and 25 km to 6 km, 30 km to 4 km and 25 km
to 4 km. No marked seasonal variation in the descent times
Fig. 6. (a) Mean profiles of density along with standard devia-
can be noticed (Table 2), and the differences are generally
tion observed over Gadanki averaged over 4 years (2008–2011).
within the standard deviations. (b) Mean terminal velocity calculated for radiosonde edgewise and
non-edgewise (see text for details) sections along with standard de-
4.3 Differences between the ascent and the descent data viations. Note that mean descent rate is also superimposed for com-
As mentioned earlier, the radiosonde data are available at ev-
ery 5–6 m (1 s interval). However, data have been smoothed
to 100 m resolution so as to remove the errors, if any, arising one of the main objectives is to examine the reliability and
due to random motion of the balloon. In a few cases we found usefulness of the descent data, the profiles of T , RH, U , and
that pressure is increasing (meaning that balloon is descend- V from descent data and descent rate are also superimposed
ing) and again ascending after a few seconds. During such in the respective panels. Note that the descent profiles of T ,
cases, sudden increase in the temperature will occur. Further, RH, U and V resemble the smoothed version of the ascent
1 s sampling particularly at higher altitudes (lower densities) profiles. In general, very good consistency can be observed
may not be sufficient to sample the background atmosphere. between the ascent and descent data sets revealing that one
Thus, to avoid all these effects, we have gridded to 100 m res- more profile can be constructed within 3 h of time from the
olutions for this study only, which is not necessary for other balloon launch.
studies where higher resolution is required. Typical profiles The differences between ascent and descent data in T , RH,
of T , RH, U , V (from ascent data) and ascent rate observed U and V are estimated and are shown in the middle pan-
on 1 January 2008 at 12:00 UT are shown in Fig. 7. Since els of Fig. 7. Note that the horizontal winds, T and RH are Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 1011–1025, 2014

1018 M. Venkat Ratnam et al.: Assessment of GPS radiosonde descent data

Table 2. The mean time (hours) along with standard deviation taken for the balloons to reach from maximum altitude to the minimum
altitudes during different seasons along with 4-year mean descent timings.

Altitude Winter Pre-monsoon Monsoon Post-monsoon 4 years

30 to 10 km 0.21 ± 0.05 0.22 ± 0.05 0.27 ± 0.08 0.24 ± 0.06 0.23 ± 0.06
25 to 10 km 0.21 ± 0.07 0.21 ± 0.06 0.26 ± 0.08 0.24 ± 0.1 0.22 ± 0.07
20 to 10 km 0.16 ± 0.05 0.17 ± 0.06 0.21 ± 0.07 0.2 ± 0.09 0.18 ± 0.07
15 to 10 km 0.09 ± 0.02 0.09 ± 0.03 0.11 ± 0.03 0.11 ± 0.05 0.10 ± 0.03
30 to 8 km 0.25 ± 0.06 0.26 ± 0.05 0.32 ± 0.08 0.28 ± 0.06 0.27 ± 0.07
25 to 8 km 0.25 ± 0.07 0.25 ± 0.07 0.31 ± 0.09 0.28 ± 0.1 0.27 ± 0.08
20 to 8 km 0.21 ± 0.06 0.21 ± 0.07 0.26 ± 0.08 0.26 ± 0.12 0.22 ± 0.07
15 to 8 km 0.13 ± 0.03 0.14 ± 0.04 0.16 ± 0.04 0.17 ± 0.08 0.14 ± 0.04
30 to 6 km 0.29 ± 0.06 0.3 ± 0.05 0.35 ± 0.08 0.33 ± 0.07 0.31 ± 0.07
25 to 6 km 0.3 ± 0.08 0.29 ± 0.07 0.35 ± 0.09 0.33 ± 0.1 0.31 ± 0.08
20 to 6 km 0.25 ± 0.07 0.25 ± 0.07 0.31 ± 0.09 0.29 ± 0.1 0.27 ± 0.08
15 to 6 km 0.18 ± 0.04 0.18 ± 0.04 0.2 ± 0.05 0.2 ± 0.06 0.19 ± 0.05
30 to 4 km 0.34 ± 0.06 0.35 ± 0.06 0.38 ± 0.07 0.38 ± 0.07 0.35 ± 0.07
25 to 4 km 0.35 ± 0.09 0.34 ± 0.08 0.4 ± 0.1 0.39 ± 0.11 0.36 ± 0.09
20 to 4 km 0.3 ± 0.08 0.3 ± 0.08 0.36 ± 0.1 0.35 ± 0.11 0.32 ± 0.09
15 to 4 km 0.23 ± 0.05 0.23 ± 0.05 0.26 ± 0.06 0.26 ± 0.07 0.24 ± 0.06

Fig. 7. First row: typical profiles of T , RH, U , V , and ascent rate observed on 1 January 2008 at 12:00 UT at Gadanki. The profiles obtained
during descent are also superimposed in respective panels. Second row: the difference observed in T , RH, U , V , and ascent rate and descent
rate between ascent and descent phase. Third row: histograms showing the variability in the difference of T , RH, U , V , and ascent rate
between ascent and descent profiles. Fourth row: same as third row but for the complete 4-year period (January 2008 to December 2011).

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Fig. 8. Diurnal variation observed seasonally during December 2010 to May 2012 in (a) T , (b) RH, (c) U , and (d) V using radiosonde ascent
data. The vertical lines are drawn at 17:00 LT and 20:00 LT to highlight the variability during ascent and descent times.

measured with an accuracy of 0.15 m s−1 , 0.5 K and 5 %, re- of the differences in T , RH, U , V , and ascent and descent
spectively. The difference in T between ascent and descent rate are within 2 K, 5 %, 2 m s−1 , 2 m s−1 , and 20 m s−1 , re-
is within 1 K up to ∼ 16 km (∼ tropopause), and above the spectively.
tropopause it is more and can reach as high as 4 K. In the case A similar analysis as mentioned above has been done for
of RH, there is a difference of about 10 % between the ascent the entire 4 years of data and is shown in the bottom panels
and descent data with higher RH during descent phase below of Fig. 7. Large spread in each of the parameters mentioned
10 km and reverse above that altitude. The difference in U above is noticed, which can be mainly attributed to the day-
between ascent and descent is within 4 m s−1 with slightly to-day, seasonal, annual and inter-annual variability in the
higher values in the lower stratosphere. Below 15 km, V dur- respective parameters. Relatively less variability is seen in T
ing the descent is more and reverses above. Generally ascent than in RH, U and V . The difference in T is within 3 K up to
rate is close to 5 m s−1 . The descent rate initially is as high as 16 km and increases to 5 K sometimes. In case of RH, there
60 m s−1 and drastically decreases with increase of density to is a difference of about 30–40 % between the ascent and the
almost 10 m s−1 before it reaches the ground. Wild fluctua- descent data with higher RH during the descent phase be-
tions in descent rate can be noticed, which probably can be low 10 km. The difference in U between the ascent and the
attributed to tumbling of the radiosonde as indicated by the descent is seen up to 5 m s−1 , which increases to 10 m s−1
estimated terminal velocities with two different radiosonde in the lower stratosphere. The difference in V goes as high
frontal areas. The terminal velocity is inversely proportional as 10 m s−1 between the ascent and the descent data. The
to the square root of the frontal area. Roughly the frontal descent rate is as high as 100 m s−1 drastically decreasing
area is about one-third edgewise, so that the terminal speed with increase of density below to almost 10 m s−1 before it
would be 1.7 times the non-edgewise descent. This appears reaches the ground. In general, most of the differences in T ,
to be consistent with top two rows of Fig. 7e panels. In order RH, U , V , and ascent and descent rate are within 5 K, 30 %,
to check the variability of the differences in T , RH, U , and V 5 m s−1 , 5 m s−1 , and 10 m s−1 , respectively. Note that the
and between the ascent and descent rates, these are shown as observed differences seem to be on the higher side and are
histograms in the third row panels of Fig. 7. In general, most mainly arising due to including the differences immediate Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 1011–1025, 2014

1020 M. Venkat Ratnam et al.: Assessment of GPS radiosonde descent data

Fig. 9. Mean difference in T , RH, U and V between ascent and descent times observed during different seasons along with 4-year mean
difference. Horizontal bars represent the standard deviation.

after balloon burst. Otherwise the differences will be low no strong diurnal variation can be noticed in RH. The diur-
(details shown in Fig. 9). However, there could be several nal variation observed in U and V is close to 2 m s−1 in the
reasons for these differences within 3 h of observations in- troposphere, whereas it is as high as 4 m s−1 in the lower
cluding the diurnal variation and prevailing waves, which are stratosphere. The diurnal variation between 17:00 IST (as-
discussed in detail in the following sub-sections. cent time) and 20:00 IST (descent time) is highlighted with
vertical lines in Fig. 8. A difference of 2–3 K, 15–20 %, 3–
4.4 Seasonal mean differences in the meteorological 4 m s−1 in T , RH and wind components, respectively, can be
parameters between the ascent and the descent data noticed between 17:00 IST and 20:00 IST. Note that differ-
ences in all the meteorological parameters are seen (Fig. 5)
As there is a time difference of 2.5 to 3 h between the as- between the ascent and descent profiles. It can be seen that
cent and descent profiles, it is quite natural to expect some the differences in the above-mentioned parameters between
difference between these profiles because of diurnal varia- ascent and descent are consistent with the diurnal variations
tion of the parameter itself. To get a clear picture of the strongly supporting the contention that the descent data are
diurnal variation in each parameter, we make use of the meaningful and reliable and can used for scientific studies.
3-hourly radiosonde launchings done during the Tropical In order to check whether there is seasonal dependence
Tropopause Dynamics (TTD) campaign (Venkat Ratnam et in the observed differences in the meteorological parameters
al., 2014) conducted at Gadanki every month for 3 days (to- between the ascent and the descent profiles, a similar pro-
tal 24 launches) since December 2010. The diurnal variation cedure is followed as for the individual cases and for all 4
observed in T , RH, U and V during the above-mentioned pe- years of the data. Figure 9 shows the seasonal mean differ-
riod separated seasonally is shown in Fig. 8. The diurnal vari- ence profiles of T , RH, U and V between ascent and descent
ation in T below the tropopause is less than 1 K. However, data along with standard deviations at different altitudes. The
strong diurnal variation in the lower stratosphere and near seasonal mean differences between the ascent and descent
ground reaching as high as 3 K can be noticed, and there ex- data at different altitudes are shown in Table 3 and for all 4
ists some seasonal dependence in the diurnal variation. Diur- years of data in Table 4. It is very interesting to see that the
nal variation with warmer and colder conditions during day- mean difference in T is less than 0.5 K below 30 km except
time and nighttime can be clearly noticed in the lower tropo- near the tropopause altitude during monsoon season where
sphere. The diurnal variation in RH can be as high as 15 % it reaches 1 K with standard deviation of 2 K. Above 30 km
with high and low values during noon and midnight hours, the mean difference reaches 2 K with standard deviation of
respectively, in all the seasons except in winter. In winter, 4–6 K. The mean RH difference between ascent and descent

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M. Venkat Ratnam et al.: Assessment of GPS radiosonde descent data 1021

Table 3. Mean difference between ascent and descent observed in all the parameters at different altitudes in different seasons.

Temperature (K) Humidity (%)

Altitude Winter Pre-monsoon Monsoon Post-monsoon Winter Pre-monsoon Monsoon Post-monsoon
5 km 0.43 ± 0.78 0.42 ± 0.85 0.16 ± 1.03 0.37 ± 0.82 −2.84 ± 10.62 −6.66 ± 17.03 −4.69 ± 18.86 −5.52 ± 14.04
10 km 0.40 ± 0.52 0.25 ± 0.61 0.040.76 0.16 ± 0.62 −7.57 ± 9.44 −8.92 ± 15.61 −8.60 ± 14.52 −7.39 ± 15.44
15 km 0.16 ± 1.07 0.30 ± 1.16 −0.28 ± 1.68 −0.01 ± 1.10 15.17 ± 8.02 16.37 ± 10.73 24.18 ± 14.52 17.77 ± 12.47
20 km 0.38 ± 1.25 0.67 ± 1.72 0.12 ± 2.04 0.09 ± 1.42 – – – –
25 km −0.12 ± 1.21 0.43 ± 1.75 0.40 ± 1.61 0.04 ± 1.03 – – – –
30 km −1.71 ± 2.24 −1.18 ± 2.43 −0.44 ± 2.21 −0.91 ± 1.26 – – – –
35 km −1.34 ± 2.38 −1.78 ± 2.28 −1.80 ± 2.51 −0.49 ± 3.17 – – – –
U (m s−1 ) V (m s−1 )
Altitude Winter Pre-monsoon Monsoon Post-monsoon Winter Pre-monsoon Monsoon Post-monsoon
5 km 0.51 ± 1.90 0.27 ± 2.17 1.29 ± 4.47 0.40 ± 1.97 0.03 ± 2.94 0.36 ± 2.22 −0.66 ± 2.61 0.04 ± 1.81
10 km 0.04 ± 2.11 0.10 ± 2.25 0.97 ± 5.46 −0.15 ± 2.79 −0.26 ± 2.80 −0.27 ± 2.84 0.38 ± 3.42 −0.20 ± 2.55
15 km −0.33 ± 3.93 −0.66 ± 5.57 −2.48 ± 6.51 −3.01 ± 5.25 0.86 ± 4.61 0.13 ± 3.90 −1.05 ± 4.86 0.73 ± 4.80
20 km 1.22 ± 4.41 −0.44 ± 5.22 −0.79 ± 5.89 −0.89 ± 5.54 0.77 ± 4.20 −0.03 ± 3.95 0.20 ± 3.71 −0.25 ± 4.73
25 km 1.00 ± 4.69 −0.02 ± 4.83 −1.26 ± 5.45 −1.74 ± 4.95 0.47 ± 3.75 0.08 ± 3.56 0.11 ± 4.37 −0.06 ± 3.88
30 km −0.22 ± 5.08 −0.61 ± 4.06 −0.51 ± 4.62 −1.82 ± 5.23 −0.46 ± 4.25 0.20 ± 4.07 0.42 ± 4.36 −1.10 ± 3.12
35 km 0.09 ± 2.67 0.79 ± 7.92 0.70 ± 3.74 0.15 ± 3.41 0.47 ± 3.55 −0.07 ± 4.80 1.05 ± 3.96 −0.53 ± 4.64

is less than 10 % with standard deviation of 20–25 % below during TTD campaign launched every 3 h during 28–31 De-
12 km. It is again consistent to see higher RH during ascent cember 2010 are shown in Fig. 10. Descent profiles are also
time than descent time as the atmosphere cools by the time superimposed in the same panel. A very good consistency
of descent. Since radiosonde is not sensitive to RH below between the ascent and the descent profiles can be noticed.
−40◦ C (Miloshevich et al., 2009, and references therein), The mean difference between the ascent and the descent time
no conclusion can be reached for altitudes above 12 km, and along with the standard deviation shown in the same figure
they are erroneous and are removed. Differences seen above and Table 5 reveals a very low mean difference between the
25 km in T must be due to inadequate sensor response during descent and the ascent profiles with maximum standard devi-
the fast descent so that the values are biased toward higher al- ation of 2 K. Details of differences between the descent and
titudes during descent. Thus, the hysteresis effect in the tem- the immediate ascent data for individual profiles are shown
perature observation is clearly observed. in Table 6. Note that the standard deviations are small when
The mean difference in U and V between ascent and de- compared to the ascent and the descent data of the same
scent is less than 1 m s−1 with standard deviation of about sounding mentioned in the last sub-section. However, from
5 m s−1 . In general, the mean temperature difference in all this figure it is seen that descent temperature data are lower
the parameters is less in winter season compared to the other than the immediate ascent data.
seasons. At altitudes near the balloon burst, since the descent
rate is high (Fig. 5c), the response time of sensors is also 4.6 Validation of descent data with immediate balloon
important, where ambient density is low and the terminal ve- ascent data: day and night differences
locity is high (Fig. 6). The sensor will lag behind the ambient
value because of the finite response time. It is further desirable to check the consistency in the ascent
and descent data between the day and night. Here we take
again TTD campaign data conducted during 21–24 July 2011
4.5 Consistency check for the descent data with to compare the temperature difference between the descent
immediate balloon ascent data and the immediate ascent profile during daytime and night-
time separately. Figure 11 shows profile of temperature ob-
In general, it takes 2 to 2.5 h to reach the maximum altitude tained during TTD campaign launched every 3 h during 21–
of 35 km and takes only 30 min to reach surface or near sur- 24 July 2011 separately for the profiles obtained during day-
face. To reduce this time difference for a better comparison, time and nighttime. During daytime the temperature during
we made use of the 3-hourly radiosonde launching done dur- the descent is observed to be less than the immediate ascent
ing TTD campaign mentioned above. Using these data we profile as expected. However, no such systematic difference
have estimated the difference between the descent data and during nighttime is noticed.
the ascent data of immediate next radiosonde. In this case
note that the time difference is less than half an hour below
the tropopause altitude. The profiles of temperature obtained Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 1011–1025, 2014

1022 M. Venkat Ratnam et al.: Assessment of GPS radiosonde descent data

Table 4. Mean difference along with standard deviation observed in all the parameters between ascent and descent at different altitudes
obtained during January 2008 to December 2011.

4 years T (K) RH (%) U (m s−1 ) V (m s−1 )

5 km 0.37 ± 0.86 −4.98 ± 15.15 0.54 ± 2.62 0.01 ± 2.44
10 km 0.23 ± 0.63 −8.12 ± 13.90 0.20 ± 3.24 −0.12 ± 2.89
15 km 0.07 ± 1.26 18.00 ± 11.88 −1.51 ± 5.44 0.22 ± 4.56
20 km 0.35 ± 1.64 – −0.13 ± 5.29 0.21 ± 4.14
25 km 0.18 ± 1.47 – −0.28 ± 5.05 0.18 ± 3.86
30 km −1.13 ± 2.20 – −0.68 ± 4.72 −0.17 ± 4.07
35 km −1.45 ± 2.59 – 0.47 ± 4.08 0.49 ± 4.07

Table 5. Mean difference (descent–ascent) in temperature between

descent profiles and immediate ascent profiles observed during 28–
31 December 2010.

Altitude region Difference in T

1–5 km −1.12 ± 0.29
5–10 km −0.99 ± 0.21
10–15 km −0.81 ± 0.14
15–20 km −1.04 ± 0.41
20–25 km −0.62 ± 0.39
25–30 km −0.34 ± 0.50
30–35 km 1.73 ± 0.70

Fig. 10. Left panel: profiles of temperature obtained during Trop-

Table 6. Mean temperature difference between descent profile and ical Tropopause Dynamics campaign launched every 3 h during
immediate ascent profile below and above the tropopause altitude. 28–31 December 2010. Descent profiles are also superimposed in
the same panel, and subsequent profiles are shifted by 10 K. Right
Date 0–18 km 18-maximum panel: mean difference between descent and immediate ascent pro-
latitude files along with standard deviation.

28 Dec 2010, 11:00 LT −1.42 ± 1.24 −0.51 ± 1.75

28 Dec 2010, 14:00 LT −0.66 ± 1.18 −1.44 ± 1.12 from the ascent data. The profiles of all the meteorological
28 Dec 2010, 20:00 LT −0.01 ± 1.04 −0.94 ± 1.54
parameters are obtained during the descent phase for each of
29 Dec 2010, 08:00 LT – 2.2 ± 0
29 Dec 2010, 11:00 LT −1.23 ± 1.09 −0.24 ± 1.19
the ascent profiles, and the monthly mean T , RH, U and V
29 Dec 2010, 14:00 LT −2.07 ± 0.84 −1.16 ± 1.34 obtained during these descent profiles are shown in Fig. 12.
29 Dec 2010, 17:00 LT −0.30 ± 0.90 −0.13 ± 1.37 The major features of the ascent data seen in Fig. 2 can be
29 Dec 2010, 20:00 LT −0.23 ± 0.65 −0.05 ± 1.18 noticed in Fig. 12 as well except perhaps in RH. This may be
30 Dec 2010, 02:00 LT −0.15 ± 0.70 0.53 ± 1.09 due to slower response of RH.
30 Dec 2010, 05:00 LT −0.74 ± 0.89 −0.65 ± 1.49
30 Dec 2010, 08:00 LT −2.52 ± 0.80 −0.95 ± 1.31
30 Dec 2010, 11:00 LT −0.82 ± 1.09 −0.72 ± 2.13 5 Summary and conclusions
30 Dec 2010, 14:00 LT −2.08 ± 0.59 −1.11 ± 2.19
30 Dec 2010, 17:00 LT −0.26 ± 0.60 – A systematic study has been made to assess the quality of the
30 Dec 2010, 20:00 LT −0.16 ± 1.45 – radiosonde descent data (without attaching parachute) ob-
31 Dec 2010, 05:00 LT −1.51 ± 1.00 −1.59 ± 1.47
tained from high-resolution GPS radiosonde launched from
a tropical station Gadanki during January 2008 to December
2011 for the first time. The main conclusions drawn from the
4.7 Background meteorological conditions constructed present study are the following.
using descent data
1. About 98.2 % of the total balloons reached the altitude
From the above, it can be concluded that descent profiles of tropical tropopause (around 16 km), and 92.6 % and
from the radiosonde observations are reliable and provide 85.5 % reached an altitude of greater than 20 km and
useful information similar to that of the profiles obtained 25 km, respectively. The number of balloons reaching

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M. Venkat Ratnam et al.: Assessment of GPS radiosonde descent data 1023

Fig. 11. Left panels: profiles of temperature obtained during Tropical Tropopause Dynamics campaign launched during daytime (top panel)
and nighttime (bottom panel) every 3 h during 21–24 July 2011. Descent profiles are also superimposed in the same panels, and subsequent
profiles are shifted by 10 K. Ascent and descent cases are abbreviated as A and D, respectively. Right panels: mean difference between
descent and immediate ascent profiles along with standard deviation.

Fig. 12. Time–altitude section of monthly mean during descending (a) T , (b) RH, (c) U , and (d) V observed over Gadanki using GPS
radiosonde observations during January 2008 to December 2011 using balloon descent data. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 1011–1025, 2014

1024 M. Venkat Ratnam et al.: Assessment of GPS radiosonde descent data

the maximum altitude is lowest in the pre-monsoon to the back of the hill, the link for data transfer will be lost.
season and highest in the monsoon season. Hence, we will miss the first few kilometers during that time.
However, this may not be the situation at other locations, and
2. More than 50 % of the balloons reached (in the de- data can be obtained until close to the surface even during
scent) down to 5 km. The number of balloons reach- descent if no obstacle is there. Further, less difference be-
ing close to the surface (0–1 km) is high in the pre- tween ascent and descent observed in this study might be due
monsoon season and the least in the monsoon season. to a larger number of profiles entering the calm atmosphere.
3. In general, radiosonde has drifted to a maximum dur- However, during disturbed weather conditions like convec-
ing the monsoon season mainly due to large winds ob- tion or thunderstorm activity, within 3 h of ascent and de-
served due to prevailing tropical easterly jet during this scent time, background atmosphere will completely change;
season. The drift in the winter season is minimum, and hence during those times the descent data are more useful.
the maximum distance it has drifted during this season Thus one more reliable profile of meteorological profiles can
is only 20 km. Mean drift during descent is less in all be constructed within 3 h of time of balloon launch and can
seasons (i.e., 20 km from balloon burst location). be used for scientific purposes. It is suggested to record the
descent data whenever and wherever these type of radioson-
4. It roughly takes 1.5 to 2 h to reach a maximum alti- des are launched across the globe so that one more profile
tude of 30–35 km in the ascent. It is interesting to see of meteorological parameters can be obtained at practically
that about 70 % of the balloons had taken more than no additional cost. Various studies like boundary layer pro-
30 min to reach the ground/near surface from the max- cesses, detection of zero degree isotherm, tropopause char-
imum altitude. This time is matching well with esti- acteristics, turbulence (Clayson and Kantha, 2008), and esti-
mated drag and terminal velocity. As quite often it is mation of instability indices using descent data will be pre-
taking more than half an hour for descent, it appears sented in a separate communication. However, some caution
that the bursted balloon itself is acting like a kind of is advised while using the descent data. Note that descent rate
parachute. Moreover the descent rate while it is close is quite high (50–60 m s−1 ) immediately after balloon burst,
to ground is only 10 m s−1 (mean is around 20 m s−1 ), and it takes some time to stabilize. Thus, the data within a
which allows us to construct one more profile. Note few kilometers from the balloon burst may be biased because
that no parachute is attached to the balloon. The hori- of improper sampling.
zontal winds, T , and RH are measured with an accu-
racy of 0.15 m s−1 , 0.5 K and 5 %, respectively, dur-
Acknowledgements. We wish to thank NARL staff for launching
ing ascent. These parameters exhibit significant diur- the radiosonde every day, which was the main source for the
nal variation. It is very interesting to see that the mean present study.
difference in T between ascent and descent is less than
0.5 K below 30 km except near the tropopause altitude Edited by: A. Stoffelen
during monsoon season where it reaches 1 K with stan-
dard deviation of 2 K. Above 30 km mean difference
reaches 2 K with standard deviation of 4–6 K. References

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