Environment and Hydrology Objective Questions

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CE/2018/S1/15 Environmental Engineering, RCC, Hydrology and Surveying

1 The pathogens can be killed by (b) geometrical increase method

(a) Sedimentation (c) incremental increase method
(b) U. V. rays and ozone treatment. (d) graphical method
(c) aeration
(d) none of the above 11. If 2% solution of a sewage sample is incubated for
5 days at 20°C and depletion of oxygen was found to be
2 In Air pollution RSPM stands for 5 ppm, B.O.D. of the sewage is
(a) reversible soluble particulate material (a) 200 ppm (b) 225 ppm (c) 250 ppm (d) 300 ppm
(b) reflected suspended poor matter
(c) respirable suspended particulate matter 12 BOD in Drinking water may be
(d) retained suspended packed material (a) 0 (b) 5 (c) 10 (d) none

3 Which of the following is not a water borne disease? 13 Fresh and septic sewage are respectively
(a) dysentery (b) cholera (c) typhoid (d) malaria (a) acidic and alkaline (b) alkaline and acidic
(c) both acidic (d) both alkaline
4 Ground water is usually free from
(a) suspended impurities 14. The shape of a sewer suitable to carry combined
(b) dissolved impurities flow is—
(c) both suspended and dissolved impurities (a) Circular (b) Elliptical
(d) none of the above (c) Horse-shoe shaped (d) Egg shaped

5 Dissolved oxygen in streams is 15. The self-cleaning velocity normally adopted for
(a) maximum at noon (b) minimum at noon sewers is—
(c) maximum at midnight (d) same throughout the day (a) 0.1 m/sec (b) 0.2 m/sec
(c) 0.4 m/sec (d) 0.85 m/sec
6 Which of the following is water disinfectant method?
(a) Oxidation (b) Aeration 16. The minimum diameter of manhole opening is—
(c) Sedimentation (d) Chlorination (a) 50 cm (b) 100 cm
(c) 150 cm (d) 200 cm
7 Which of the following is not a unit of city water
treatment plant? 17. The solid content of sewage is usually —
(a) Coagulation unit (b) Sedimentation unit (a) 99 % (b) 80 — 85 %
(c) Chlorination unit (d) Boiling unit (c) 10 — 15 % (d) 0.1 %

8 As compared to geometrical increase method of 18. State sewage is usually—

forecasting population, arithmetical increase method (a) Neutral (b) Acidic
gives (c) Alkaline (d) of pH value 7
(a) lesser value (b) higher value
(c) same value (d) accurate value 19. Fresh sewage is usually has —
(a) Alkaline (b) Neutral
9 The population of a town in three consecutive years (c) Acidic (d) pH value of 7
are 5000, 7000 and 8400respectively. The population
of the town in the fourth consecutive year according to 20. The underground conduit constructed for
geometrical increase method is removal of liquid waste of a community is known
(a) 9500 (b) 9800 (c) 10100 (d) 10920 as—
(a) Canals (c) Sewer
10 The suitable method of forecasting population for a (b) Tunnels (d) Sewerage
young and rapidly
increasing city is
(a) arithmetical increase method
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CE/2018/S1/15 Environmental Engineering, RCC, Hydrology and Surveying
21. The liquid waste conveyed by a sewer is known 33. In separate sewers the minimum velocity of flow
as should not be less than—
(a) Sewer (b) Sewerage (c) Sewage (d) All are correct (a) 0.6 in/sec (b) 0.75 m/sec (c) 1 m/sec (d) 6 m/sec

22. The waste water from bath rooms, kitchen etc. 34. The circular section of a sewer is best suitable
is called — when diameter is —
(a) Refuse (b) Sullage (c) Sewage (d) Garbage (a) 0.75 m (b) 1.25 m (c) 1.5 m (d) 3 m

23. The colour of fresh sewage is — 35. While designing a sewerage system, the span of
(a) Blue (b) Green (c) Pink (d) Grey design period is generally taken as —
(a) 1 year (b) 5 years (c) 10 years (d) 20 years
24. The colour of septic sewage is—
(a) Black (b) Green (c) Grey (d) Blue 36. pH value of fresh sewage is expected to be —
(a) 1 (b) 3.5 (c) 7 (d) 8 to 11
25. The minimum diameter of sewer pipe is —
(a) 1 cm (b) 5 cm (c) 10 cm (d) 15 cm 37. The quantity of storm water from an area
depends upon—
26. In a combined sewer when only the industrial or (a) Shape of the area (b) Slope of the area
sanitary sewage are flowing, then it is termed as — (c) Nature of soil (d) All are correct
(a) Storm water flow (b) Industrial flow
(c) Ordinary flow (d) Dry whether flow 38. The ratio in between length of the sewer and
velocity of flow when running full is known as —
27. The wash water from stables which contains (a) Inlet time (b) Time of flow
animal wastes is called — (c) Time of concentration (d) Time intensity
(a) Barn sludge (b) Animal sludge
(c) Live sludge (d) Horse sludge 39. The minimum infiltration of water in one km,
length of water pipe per day is —
28. Partly or completely treated sewage flowing out (a) Zero litre (b) 500 litres
of a sewage treatment tank or plan is called — (c) 2800 litres (d) 140000 litres
(a) Treated sewage (b) Sewage water
(c) Discharged sewage (d) Effluent 40. A street sewer into which sewer from house
connections in poured is called –
29. A fresh sewage becomes stale in— (a) Street sewer (b) Main sewer
(a) 1 hour (b) 3 hours (c) Lateral sewer (d) Head sewer
(c) 6-8 hours (d) 24-36 hours
41. A sewer which receives its flow from a number
30. The process of removing suspended and colloidal of transverse sewers or outlets is called—
matter from sewage is called— (a) Head sewer (b) Sewer reservoir
(a) Purification (b) Clarification (c) Connecting sewer (d) Interceptor
(c) Suspension (d) Dewatering
42. The gas that is mainly responsible for explosion
31. Sewage that has received no purification in sewers is —
treatment is called — (a) Ammonia (b) Methane
(a) Raw sewage (b) Untreated sewage (c) Oxygen (d) Carbon monoxide
(c) Crude sewage (d) Fresh sewage
43. The lowest point of the interior of a sewer or
32. The minimum infilteration of water in one km. drain at any cross-section is called—
length of sewer pipe per day is — (a) Bottom point (b) Negative head point
(a) 0 litre (b) 500 litres (c) 2800 litres (d) 140000 litres (c) Revetral point (d) Invert

Page 3 5th Year of Excellence with 200+ Selections

CE/2018/S1/15 Environmental Engineering, RCC, Hydrology and Surveying
44. Alignment of sewer lines is started from— 55 A recording type rain gauge
(a) The outfall (b) The high point (a) produces a mass curve of rain fall
(c) The tail end (d) The last point (b) produces a mass curve of rain fall records the
cumulative rain
45. The proper gradient of sewer lines is ensured by (c) is sometimes called integrating rain gauge or
(a) Compass (b) Plane - labelling continuous rain gauge
(c) Dumpy level (d) Telescope (d) all the above.

46. Hydraulically the economical section of drains 56 In India the recording type rain gauge generally
for large flow is— used, is
(a) Circular (b) V-shaped (a) weighing type (b) tipping type
(c) Rectangular (d) Oval shaped (c) float recording type (d) none of these.

47. A man hole is generally provided at each — 57. The deficiency in rain catch due to vertical
(a) Bend
acceleration of air forced upward over the gauge, is
(b) Junction and change of sewer dia
(a) greater for heavy rain
(c) Change of gradient
(b) greater for lighter rain
(d) All the above
(c) greater for large drops
(d) lesser for small rain drops.
48. The minimum diameter of working chamber of a
circular man hole should be—
(a) 0.5 m (b) 0.9 m (c) 1.2 m (d) 2 m 58. If a gauge is installed perpendicular to the slope,
its measurement is reduced by multiplying
49. Man hole covers are usually made of — (a) sine of the angle of inclination with vertical
(a) Cement (b) Wood (b) cosine of the angle of inclination with vertical (c)
(c) Cast iron (d) Steel tangent of the angle of inclination with vertical
(d) calibration coefficient of the gauge.
50. The location of flushing tank in a sewer in order
to flush the sewer should be at its— 59. For determination of average annual
(a) Head (b) Middle precipitation in a catchment basin, the best method
(c) Bottom (d) at any place is
(a) Arithmetical method (b) Thiessen's mean method
51. Natural fresh water lakes account for about (c) Isohyetal method (d) None of these.
__________ of the total fresh water on planet.
(a) 0.26% (b) 0.50% (c) 0.16% (d) 0.026% 60. The quantity of water retained by the sub-soil
against gravity, is known
52. The percentage of earth covered by oceans is (a) Specific Retention (b) Specific Yield
about (c) Specific Storage (d) porosity
(a) 31% (b) 51% (c) 71% (d) 97%
61. Hydrology is the science which deals with
53. Hydrology helps in (a) rain water (b) river water
(c) sea water (d) Land water
(a) predicting maximum flows
(b) deciding the minimum reservoir capacity
62. Isohytes are the imaginary lines joining the
(c) forecasting the availability of quantity of water at
points of equal
reservoir site
(a) Rainfall intensity (b) Rainfall
(d) all the above.
(c) Pressure (d) None of the above
54. The standard height of a standard rain gauge, is
63. The rainfall at any place is described by
(a) 10cm (b) 20cm
(a) its intensity (b) its duration
(c) 30cm (d) 50cm
(c) its frequency (d) all the above.
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CE/2018/S1/15 Environmental Engineering, RCC, Hydrology and Surveying
64. Pick up the correct statement from the following 71. The main reinforcement in R.C.C. cantilever
(a) The intensity of rain is the rate at which it falls members is placed at
(b) The duration of rain is the time for which it falls (a) top fibre (b) side fibres
with a given intensity (c) bottom fibre (d) top and bottom fibres.
(c) The frequency of rain is the number of times, if
falls. 72. The main reinforcement in R.C.C. continuous
members is placed at
(d) All the above.
(a) top fibre (b) side fibres
(c) bottom fibre (d) top and bottom fibres.
65. If the dew point is greater than 0°C
(a) dew will be formed (b) frost will be formed 73. An additional longitudinal reinforcement in
(c) vapours will be formed (d) dew will not form webs of beams should be placed if the depth of the
web is more than 750 mm at
66. Pick up correct statement from the following : (a) top fibre (b) side fibres
(a) The air from outer portion of cyclones gets lifted (c) bottom fibres (d) top and bottom fibres.
for causing precipitation
(b) The air from central portion of cyclone's gets lifted 74. The maximum strain in the tension
for causing precipitation reinforcement at failure shall not be less than
𝑓𝑦 𝑓𝑦
(c) The air from entire surface of the cyclones gets (a) − 0.002 (b) + 0.002
1.15𝐸𝑠 1.15𝐸𝑠
lifted for causing precipitation
(d) None of those. 1.15𝐸𝑠 1.15𝐸𝑠
(c) − 0.002 (d) + 0.002
𝑓𝑦 𝑓𝑦

67. In chain surveying field work is limited to

a) linear measurements only 75. The depths to N.A. in a singly reinforced section
b) angular measurements only is given by
𝑥𝑢 700 𝑥𝑢 1100+0.87𝑓𝑦
c) both linear and angular measurements (a) = (b) =
𝑑 1100+0.87𝑓𝑦 𝑑 700
d) all the above.
𝑥𝑢 700 𝑥𝑢 1100−0.87𝑓𝑦
68. In quadrantal bearing system, back bearing of a (c) = (d) =
𝑑 1100−0.87𝑓𝑦 𝑑 700
line may be obtained from its forward bearing, by
a) adding 180°, if the given bearing is less than 180°
b) subtracting 180°, if the given bearing, is more than (End of Test)
c) changing the cardinal points, i.e. substituting N for
S and E for W and vice-versa
d) none of these.

69. A bearing of a line is also known as

a) magnetic bearing b) true bearing
c) azimuth d) reduced bearing

70. True meridians are generally preferred to

magnetic meridians because
a) these converge to a point
b) these change due to change in time
c) these remain constant
d) None of these.

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