WRE and Transportation Mains Questions
WRE and Transportation Mains Questions
WRE and Transportation Mains Questions
Question 01:
(a) The normal annual precipitation of five rain gauge stations P,Q,R,S and T are 125, 102, 76, 113
and 137 cm respectively. During a particular storm the precipitations recorded by stations P, Q,
R, and S are 13.2, 9.2, 6.8, and 10.2 cm respectively. The instrument at station T was inoperative
during that storm. Estimate the rainfall at station T during the storm.
(b) In a catchment there are six rain gauge stations with average depth of rainfall of 92.8 cm and
standard deviations of the rainfall values recorded in these rain gauge stations is 30.7 cm. For a
10% degree of error in the measurement of mean rainfall, the optimum number of stations
required is?
Question 02:
(a) The theissen polygonal areas of the four rain gauge stations A, B, C, D in a catchment are 75,
125, 150 and 150 km'` respectively and the rainfall recorded at A, B, C and D are 3, 5, 4 and 6 cm.
, then the average depth of rainfall over the catchment in cm, is?
(b) From the analysis of rainfall data at particular station it was found that a rainfall of 400mm
had a return period of 20 years. What is the probability of rain fall equal to or greater then
400mm occurring at least once in 10 successive years.
Question 04:
Compute the weekly evaporation from a reservoir using the water budget method form the
following record during the week. Average in flow into the reservoir: 31.5 m 3/sec; Average
outflow from the reservoir: 40.2 m3/sec; Rainfall during the week: 73.6mm; Average water
spread area (surface area of reservoir): 15.8km2
(i) Estimated seepage: 0.25 million m3
(ii) Storage at the beginning of the week: 9180 ha-m; Storage at the end of the week: 8630 ha-m
Question 05:
The plan area of a reservoir is 1km2. The water level in the reservoir is observed to decline by
20cm in a certain period. During this period the reservoir receives a surface inflow of 10 hectare-
meters, and 20 hectare-meters are abstracted from the reservoir for irrigation and power. The
pan evaporation and rainfall recorded during the same period at a nearby meteorological station
are 12 cm and 3cm respectively. The calibrated pan factor is 0.7. The seepage loss from the
reservoir during this period in hectare-meters is
Question 06:
The ordinates of a rain fall mass curve of a storm over a basin of area 850 km 2 measured in mm
at one hour intervals are 0, 10, 22, 30, 39, 45.5, 50, 55.5, 60, 64 and 68. If the infiltration during
this storm can be represented by Horton's equation with f 0 = 6.5 mm/hr, fC = 1.5 mm/hr and k =
0.15 mm/hr. Estimate the resulting runoff volume.
Question 07:
(a) The following are the rates of rain fall ( intensity of rainfall) for successive 20 min period of a
140 min storm 2.5, 2.5, 10.0, 7.5, 1.25, 1.25, 5.0 cm/hr. Taking the value of tit-index at 3.2 cm/hr.
Find out the net runoff in cm, the total rainfall and the value of W-index.
(b) The peak ordinate of a flood hydrograph produced by a 4 hour storm yielding 6.7cm of rainfall
is observed to be 832 m3/sec. If the base flow and 4cindex are 15m3/sec and 0.5 cm/hr what is
peak ordinate of the 4 hour unit hydrograph.
Question 08:
(a) A canal was designed to supply the irrigation needs of 1000 ha of land growing rice of 140
days base period and having a delta of 130 cm. If the canal Water is used to irrigate wheat of
base period 119 days and having a Δ of 50 cm, the area that can be irrigated is?
(b) Explain the spillway and its various types by neat and clean sketch.
Question 10:
(a) An observer travelling at a constant speed of 70 kmph with the traffic stream over a 5 km
stretch is passed by 17 vehicles more than what he passes. When the observer travels against
the stream at the same speed, the number of vehicles he meets is 303. The flow of the traffic
stream is
(b) Calculate the maximum permissible speed on a curve of a high speed BG group A route having
the following particulars: degree of the curve = 1°, superelevation = 80 mm, length of transition
curve = 120 m, maximum speed likely to be sanctioned for the section =160 km/h.
Question 11:
(a) Calculate the maximum permissible load that a BG locomotive with three pairs of driving
wheels bearing an axle load of 22 t each can pull on a straight level track at a speed of 80 km/h.
Also calculate the reduction in speed if the train has to run on a rising gradient of 1 in 200. What
would be the fluffier reduction in speed if the train has to negotiate a 4° curve on the rising
gradient? Assume the coefficient of friction to be 0.2.
(b) At an airport site at sea-level with standard atmospheric conditions, the runway lengths
required for take-off and landing are 2000 m and 2400 m respectively. The proposed airport is
situated at an altitude of 150 m. If the airport reference temperature is 25°C and if the effective
runway gradient is 0.35 per cent, calculate the length of runway to be provided.