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Blog Post There are many different types of blog posts – and many sources of best

practice. The focus here is how to use a corporate blog to distribute useful
CHECKLIST content to your target audience.
for Content Promotion

Step One Post Strategy

Serve your audience

Focus on your audience and strive to be of use to your
prospects and customers. What does your audience
want to know? The best corporate blogs find the
questions their target audience is asking, and then
answer those questions. As Marcus Sheridan puts it,
“They ask, you answer.” The two most effective
blog posts are
Have an angle
Select a theme that you can use to illustrate thought Those that communicate
leadership for your brand by sharing a unique perspective. a strong opinion

Create a Series Those that share original

Consider writing a series of posts if your content theme
is meaty. A strong series can result in content longevity
and add SEO benefit. For example, start with a launch
announcement, then dive into a related theme each
week for the duration of the digital campaign.

Topic Check
Check your topic against keyword research to see if
it will resonate with your audience. Find out if trade
Try Google Keyword Search
or industry press is covering the topic, whether other
(free) or Buzzsumo (paid)
corporate blogs are discussing it and if your audience
is already sharing it on social.

Step Two Writing Headlines and Copy

Headline must get to the point
The ideal length is between 8-12 words and under
70 characters.
Blog Post

Lead or introduction
 ook the audience with the introduction. Good
introductions are compelling and promise the Create interest in your phrasing
reader something of value. Show that the blog post with action verbs, citing an
will yield new information, provide something of important stat, a listicle, and
use, or be entertaining - ideally all three. making a bold statement1.
 e the bridge between your headline and the body
of your post.
 onsider sharing something shocking, debunking a
myth, or asking a question.

Follow basic journalism best practice by quoting other
people. Consider industry thought leaders, customers,
employee experts and your own C-suite.

Credibility is critical. Always cite sources of any statistics that
you reference. Only use reputable and up-to-date sources.

Body Copy
Body copy length varies by topic. HubSpot suggests 1,600
words. Longer posts tend to provide strong SEO value.

Step Three Visuals

Decide where you want to use visuals. Consider a blog
banner, images in the body and a footer. Footers are
especially helpful if you’re writing a series of posts and want
to drive traffic to your content’s landing page in each one.
Try creating your own
infographics with tools
Be relevant like Canva or Piktochart
Visuals are great at attracting and holding reader
interest. Make sure the visuals are relevant. Popular
assets include: infographics, videos, Slideshare decks,
photos or screenshots, charts to share data.
Blog Post

Social shareability
Make sure you have a powerful thumbnail image When it comes to getting the message out

that social platforms can scrape to drive clicks of marketers say measuring
and increase your traffic. posts by number of social
shares is important2

Step Four Sharing

LinkedIn research found that content shared

by employees generates
Employees the click-through-rate than
Ask colleagues and employees to share with their the exact same content
networks. It will help them look like thought leaders shared by the company alone
as well.

“The Handy Character Count Guide for Blog Posts, Facebook Pages & More,” Lindsay Kolowich, Hubspot blog, January 20, 2016

BrightLocal, December 16, 2015


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