Design and Development of Kaplan Turbine Runner Blade: I J I R S E T

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International Journal of Innovative Research in

Engineering and Technology
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Design and Development of Kaplan Turbine

Runner Blade
Aadilahemad Momin1, Nairutya Dave2, Parth Patel3, Karan Panchal4
Bachelor Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Navrachana University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India1
Bachelor Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, ITM Universe, Vadodara, Gujarat, India2
Bachelor Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVIT, Vasad, Gujarat, India3
Bachelor Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, GEC, Surat, Gujarat, India4

ABSTRACT: Use of renewable energy has been of great interest since last few years, especially the hydropower
energy. Usually electricity is generated from hydropower energy, which is obtained from potential pressure heads,
water discharge and hydro sites. Based on the location constraints, different types of hydro turbines can be designed
and developed to generate electricity. The primary concern is to reduce the dependency on fossil fuels and increase the
use of renewable power in rural areas such as ChotaUdepur (Amalwant check dam). In this paper, designing of Kaplan
turbine runner mechanism for Amalwant Check Dam(Vadodara) which has a head of 17m for the generation of power
upto 5MW is carried out. For thickness calculation, occurring forces are established which is followed by detailed
drawings of the developed runner mechanism drawn in SolidWorks 2014.

KEYWORDS:Renewable Energy, Hydropower, Electricity, Kaplan Turbine, Check Dam, Design, Runner,


Hydropower, generated mainly from hydroelectric dams, is a clear, green, and sustainable source of energy that
produces cheaper electricity andlowers carbon emissions. Because of its high energy density, hydropower is the most
efficient and most primarily available renewable power source to produce electricity [7]. In order to obtain greater
efficiency, hydraulic turbines installed in the hydroelectric power plants have to be suitable, depending on the
discharge of the site and head. There are a lot of hydraulic turbines available which are generally classified into two
1] Impulse turbines
2] Reaction turbines
A hydraulic turbine in which all hydraulic energy of water gets converted into kinetic energy before the water reaches
to the runner of the turbine is called impulse turbine. While in case of reaction turbine, some amount of available
hydraulic energy is converted into kinetic energy before it strikes on the runner of the turbine. For flow head range
available at the chosen site, reaction turbine is well suited. Reaction turbines include Propeller, Kaplan, and Francis
turbine [2].

Table 1 Classification of the Turbines

Type Head Flow Rate Specific Speed
Pelton Turbine High Low Low
Francis Turbine Medium Medium Medium
Kaplan Turbine Low High High

Copyright to IJIRSET DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2017.0608246 1

The Kaplan turbine and the Propeller turbine are relatively of smaller dimensions, and high specific speed and rational speed and
hence the dimensions of the generator are quite smaller which results in low cost. In addition, both the turbines have a large overload
capacity. Water comes through scroll casing into guide vanes in the radialdirection, from where flow make a right angle turn and
axially enters the runner. The design of runner differentiates Propeller turbine from the Kaplan turbine.The former has fixed blades,
while runner blades of the latter can be adjusted according to the flow rate. Propeller turbines are more suitable for constant flow and
head, while Kaplan turbine works under a broad range of flow rate [5].
There are two types of Kaplan turbines: single regulate and double regulated. The former has only adjustable runner blades, and the
latter has flexible runner blade as well as adjustable guide vanes. Generally, Kaplan turbine is applicable for a head range of 2m -
40m. The double regulated Kaplan turbine works under awider range of designed discharge (15% - 100%), while single regulated
turbine operates under lower range (30% - 100%). It is the main advantage of doubleregulated turbine over the single regulated
turbine [2,5].

Figure 1 Kaplan Turbine

In this paper, low head Kaplan turbine runner is focused, because low-head schemes can be executed readily on the canals and run-
off-rivers. The primary focus is on the development of Kaplan turbine runner blade for the Amalwant Check Dam(Vadodara). The
main characteristics based on the site are calculated, which is followed by design methodology of the blade.The designed blade is
drawn in SolidWorks software.


(A) Material
Most of the parts involved in the Kaplan Turbine are generally high alloy steel (Stainless Steel) because most of the parts will be in
continuous contact with water and thus they have to be corrosion resistant. Moreover, stainless steel (high Cr and Ni) possesses good
weldability, high strength against bending and highly machinable. Thus looking at the above mentioned required properties,
materials for various parts are selected as shown below [4]:
Table 2 Material Selection

Component Material Reason
Hub material should be of weldable material since it is to be welded to the
1 Hub X04Cr19Ni9 axle.
The material should have high strength against bending and corrosive
material. Also, theblade should be thin, and chosen material SS has high
2 Blade 16Cr5Ni
resistance against bending.

The material should be SS with high machinability.

3 Pivot X20Cr13
The material should be corrosion resistant since lever will be machined
4 Lever X20Cr13 through milling.
The material should fulfill the requirement of corrosion resistance and
5 Link 16Cr5Ni withstand occurring forces.
The Material with good machinability and conditionalweldability is
6 Crosshead X20Cr13 required which SS provides.
(B) Main Characteristics Calculations
Runner blade is one of the most important components in the Kaplan turbine. And to begin with the designing part of the same,
parameters like power, flow rate, and runner diameter first have to be determined. Depending upon the site selected, the calculations
of these parameters are done in this section. The data on which the design of the runner is based is known as main characteristics. So
for the calculation of forces on the blade, the maincharacteristics are to be obtained.

Figure 2 Various Heads involved in working of Kaplan Turbine

(I) Power
Multiplication of head of water and discharge through the turbine gives available Power [7].The equation for the output power is as
P = q ∗ g ∗ Q ∗ H ∗ 5h
q = Density of Water [Kg/m3] = 1000 Kg/m3
g = Gravitational Acceleration [m/s2] = 9.81 m/s2
Q = Discharge [m3/s]
H = Gross Head [m]
ƞh= Hydraulic Efficiency [-]
Generally, according to the requirement of the power, and available head, other parameters are determined.

(II) Specific Speed

Usually, based on this parameter, hydraulic turbines are categorized. Specific speed is the speed of turbine which is identical in
shape and other geometries and which works under the unit head and produces unit power. It is a dimensionless parameter.
It is given by the following equation:
Nc = 1

Ns = Specific Speed [-]
Hn= Net Head [m]
Based on the available head, thenet head has to be calculated, which is calculated from the following equation
Hn = H ∗ 5h
(III) Speed of the Runner (N)

N = Nc ∗ H


(IV) Diameter of the Runner and Hub

To calculate thediameter of the runner De, following equation is used [3]:
Q = ∗ (D2– D2) ∗ V
e i ƒ

Vf= Velocity of Flow [m/s]
De= Diameter of Runner [m]
Di= Diameter of Hub [m]
A relation between runner diameter and hub diameter is D e = 0.4Di.Velocity of flow is unknown, which can be calculated from the
equation given below[2]:

T = ƒ2 ∗ g ∗ H

T = Flow ratio [-]

Table 3 Result Data of Main Characteristics

Parameter Symbol Value Unit

Power P 5 MW
Gross Head H 17 m
Hydraulic Efficiency ƞh 0.9 -
Flow Rate Q 33.31 m3/s
Net Head Hn 15.3 m
Specific Speed Ns 447 -
Runner Speed N 191 rpm
Flow Speed T 0.6 -
Velocity of Flow Vf 10.39 m/s
Runner Diameter De 2.204 m
Hub Diameter Di 0.881 m

The designing of the blade is mainly done in three parts. In the first part, the blade is considered to be a few sections.
The radius of each section is to be calculated. Velocity diagram is drawn for each section, and involved velocities and
blade angles of each section are calculated in the second part, While the thickness of the blade is calculated in the third
part, once the occurring forces are established.In order to get a streamlined flow of water over the runner blade, the
leading edge is designed thicker than the trailing edge. In addition, the cavitation characteristics can also be improved
by keeping the blade as thin as possible; blade is designed so that thickness gradually reduces from the flange to the tip.

Figure 3Runner Blade

(I) Distortion of the Blade

As per this theory, the blade is considered to be distorted into six sections.The velocity triangles of six different
sections of the blade are determined. The angle β∞ of each section gives conclusions on the distortion of the blade.
Before beginning with the computation of the velocity triangle of each section of the blade, radiuses of each section
needs to be determined.

Figure 4 Blade Sections

For Section 1,
R1 and hub radius (Ri) are same. So using Ri, radiusesof all the blade sections are calculated from following equations.
R1 = Ri
For Section 2,

R = Di + 0.0015 ∗ D
2 e
For Section 4,

Di 2
De J1 + ( ) De
R4 =
2∗ 2
For Section 3,
R4 − R2
R3 = R2 +
For Section 6,
R = De − 0.015 ∗ D
6 e
For Section 5,
R6 − R4
R5 = R4 +

(II) Velocity Triangle

In order to know the blade angle of each section, velocity diagram is drawn for each section. Different velocities such
as tangential velocity, flow velocity, and whirl velocity are shown in the figure.Gratings, as mentioned in the figure,
occurs by a cylindrical cut (developed into drawing pane) at the runner. The first velocity triangle occurs when the
water just enters into the runner(before the grating), and the other velocity triangle occurs at the time when water leaves
the runner (after the grating).The vertical components wm1 and wm2 are flow velocities and are equal. The relative
velocity w∞can be determined by taking an average of relative velocity at the inlet (w 1), and relative velocity at the
outlet (w2) and β∞ shows its direction. The value of “t” indicates the distance between two adjacent blades and “l”
denotes the length of the blade.

Figure 5Velocity Triangles of Kaplan Turbine Blade

w = Relative Velocity [m/s]
c = Absolute Velocity [m/s] u
= Tangential Velocity [m/s]

Drawing velocity triangle at each section of the blade and using following equations, tangential velocity, inlet velocity,
outlet velocity, Relative velocity and blade angle at each section are calculated.
Tangential Velocity,

Absolute Velocity,
Hn ∗ g
cu =
Whirl Velocity,

wu = cu − u
Flow Velocity,
wN =
Relative Velocity,
w = ƒw 2 + w 2
u N

Blade Angle,

þœ = arccos wu

(III) Thickness of Blade Sections

Figure 6 Blade Section

It is assumed that resultant force acts on the tip of the blade and not on the center of pressure of the blade. A safety
factor of 1.5 is considered, so theblade does not fail in bending. To calculate the thickness using bending stress,
following equation is used:
6 ∗ Fr ∗ z
ℎ ∗ abperNiccibSe

σbpermissible = Allowable Stress
y = Blade Thickness
z = Distance between tip of the blade and top of the section of the blade
abperNiccibSe =
For thechosen material of the blade (16Cr5Ni), σyield = 750 MPa and factor of safety is taken as 1.5. So from above equation,
σbpermissible yields out to be 500MPa. Distance z is found from the following equation:
z = Re − Rn
Resultant Force,

Fr = JF2 + F2
t a

Ft = Tangential Force [N]
Fa = Axial Force [N]
Tangential force,
F =
2 ∗ n ∗ N ∗ Z ∗ rcp
N = Rotational Speed [rpm]
Z = Number of Blade [-]
rcp = Radius of the center of pressure [m]
Centre of pressure is a point on the blade on which the entire resultant force can be assumed to be acted and distance of which is
calculated from the following equation:

R 2 + R2
rcp = J e

Axial Force,
Fa = q ∗ g ∗ Hn ∗ Ab
Ab= Area of the Blade
n ∗a∗(R2–
R2) i

Table 4Result Data of Blade Profile

Parameter Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6
R m 0.473 0.656 0.839 0.954 1.068 1.102
L m 0.844 0.980 1.226 1.374 1.414 1.414
u m/s 9.50 13.16 16.83 19.13 21.43 20.86
wm m/s 10.39 10.39 10.39 10.39 10.39 10.39
wu m/s 15.79 11.39 8.91 7.84 7.00 6.83
cu m/s 18.90 15.42 17.81 13.02 14.78 12.45
w1 m/s 12.15 10.54 13.06 15.34 17.78 19.37
w2 m/s 14.08 16.77 19.78 21.77 23.82 25.29
w∞ m/s 13.11 13.66 16.42 18.56 20.80 22.33
β∞ º 127.55 130.42 140.71 145.92 150.01 152.00
180-β∞ º 52.44 49.57 39.28 34.07 29.98 28.00
Table 5 Result Data of Forces acting on Blade
Parameter Symbol Value Unit
Yield Stress ayieSd 750 MPa
Factor of Safety FOS 1.5 -
Allowable Stress abperNiccibSe 500 MPa
No. of Blades Z 4 -
Radius of Center
rcp 0.839 m
of Pressure
Tangential Force Ft 74.26 kN
Area of Blade Ab 0.711 m2
Axial Force Fa 106.84 kN

Table 6 Result Data of Blade Thickness

Parameter Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6
Rn m 0.473 0.656 0.839 0.954 1.068 1.102
z m 0.628 0.445 0.262 0.147 0.033 0.005
y mm 127.85 107.66 82.69 62.04 29.33 20.00


(I) (II) (III) (IV) (V)

Kaplan Turbine Runner Blade

Kaplan Turbine Runner
Figure 7 Runner Assembly Exploded View


The main characteristics play the primary role in selecting the type of turbine for the chosen site. At Amalwant
Check Dam, theavailable head is 17m, theflow rate is 33.31 m 3/s, and desired power output is 5MW. So Kaplan turbine
is selected based on the main characteristics. The diameter of thehub is 0.881m, and diameter of therunneris 1.102m.
There are four blades in the runner. The specific speed is 447, and runner speed is 191 rpm. The blade is designed in
six different sections. For each section, velocities and blade angles from velocity diagram are calculated. Thickness is
calculated by assuming the blade as a beam. For these calculations, Microsoft office excel is used, and SolidWorks
software is used for modeling. Velocity distribution on theblade can be known by performing flow simulation on the
blade in SolidWorks software.
Looking at the current scenario of increasing greenhouse gases, usage of conventional energy resources is not
favorable. And since India is facing the coal issues, the increasing electricity demand will need to be fulfilled in the
near future and for that necessary steps have to be taken. In Gujarat state, about 1,66,082 check dams with water
storage capacity of 28,408 million cubic feet have been built so far, and thishydropower can be utilized to generate
pollution free electricity.

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