Date: 16/07/2016: Bo Are The Moment

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L-4/T-l/EEE Date: 16/07/2016


L-4/T -1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2014-2015

Sub: EEE 401 (Control System I)

Full Marks : 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
The symbols have their usual meanings.

1. (a) Show the design process of a control system using block diagrams. (6)
(b) In a nuclear power plant, heat from a reactor is used to generate steam for turbines.
The rate of fission reaction in the reactor determines the amount of heat generated, and
this rate is controlled by rods inserted into the radioactive core. The rods regulate the
flow of neutrons. If the rods are lowered into the core, the rate of fission will diminish; if
the rods are raised, the fission rate will increase. By automatically controlling the position
of the rods, the amount of heat generated by the reactor can be regulated. Draw a
functional block diagram for the nuclear reactor control system shown in the Fig. for Q.
No. 1(b). Show all blocks and signals. (9)

Set desired . Amplifier,

power level motor and
drive system


Radioactive Core

Fig. for Q. No. l(b)

L~-.__ .-.J"_,~.-~", .•..•.'

(c) The schematic diagram of a servo motor system is shown in the Fig. for Q. No. I(c). r
and c, shown in the figure, are reference input and controlled output, respectively. Draw
the block diagram for the system and find its closed-loop transfer function. Given: Jo and
bo are the moment of inertia and viscous friction coefficient, respectively, of the
combination of the motor, load, and gear train referred to the motor shaft. (10+10)

Error measuring device Amplifier Motor Gear Load
Fig. for Q. No. l(c)

Contd P/2

EEE 401

2. (a) Using Mason's rule, find the transfer function, T(s) = C(s)/R(s), for the system shown,

in the Fig. for Q. No. 2(a). (15)

Fig. for Q. No. 2(a)

(b) A missile in flight, as shown in Fig. for Q. No. 2(b), is subject to several forces:
thrust, lift, drag, and gravity. The missile flies at an angle of attack, a, from its

longitudinal axis, creating lift. For steering, the body angle from vertical, ~, is controlled

by rotating the engine at the tail. The transfer function relating the body angle, ~, to the

angular displacement, 8, of the engine is of the form: (10+10)

<D(s) Kas +Kb
8(s) K3s

Represent the missile steeling control in state space in phase-variable canonical form.
Also draw the corresponding signal flow graph.

Fig. for Q. No. 2(b) i
L-- .,....-- .,....-- --J

3. (a) The unity step response of a control system is found to be as shown in Fig. for Q.

No. 3(a). Find the transfer function of the system. (10)

25 i !

20 ~ j
, tI t! tI
if! i
Ii!. 15 ,.."_ -:
"1 ••••••••• , •••••••••••• j! jI
.~ , I I •

I ; i
J!IS. 10 ;
,f,.., i -t......•.............. , ,..,., .
! ! ! i
5 : t :
~ .
. . . I

i ) i !
234 Contd P/3
Time (seconds)

.~_.- .•.... _-_. Fig. for Q. No. 3(a)


EEE 401
Contd ... Q. No.3

(b) A second-order control system has the closed-loop transfer function T(s) = Y(s)/R(s).

The system specifications for a step input follow: (12)

Percent overshoot, %OS :s; 5

Settling time, Ts < 4s

Peak time, Tp < Is

Show the permissible area for the poles ofT(s) in order to achieve the desired response.
(c) An industrial robot, used to move 55-pound bags of salt pellets, uses a vacuum head
to lift the bags before positioning. The robot can move as many as 12 bags per minute.
The transfer function of the swivel controller and the plant of the robot is given by,

G(s) = ooo((s))= ( k ), where roo(s) is the Laplace transform of the robot's

vis (s + 10) s 2 + 4s + 10

output swivel velocity and Vj(s) is the voltage applied to the controller. Evaluate percent

overshoot, settling time and peak time of the response of the swivel velocity to a step-

voltage input. (13)

4. (a) Consider the system shown in the Fig. for Q. No. 4(a). Determine the conditions on K, p,

and z that must be satisfied for closed-loop stability. Assume that K > 0, S > 0, and OOn > O. (17)

Controller Process
s+z w,~
IW) K-.- Y{s) ;
s+p s{s + 2(w,,)

Fig: for Q. No. 4(a)

(b) Using the Routh-Hurwitz criterion and the system shown in the Fig. for Q. No. 4(b)

with G(s) = k , (6+6+6)

. s(s + l)(s + 2)(s + 5)

(i) find the range of K for stability.

(ii) find the value of K for marginal stability.
(iii) Find the frequency of oscillation when the system is marginally stable.

I~ ,--~ -,~-
-- ---_.~.,~-
R{$) +

Fig. for Q. No. 4(b)

Contd P/4

EEE 401
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
Use semi-log graph paper for Q. 6(b). Attach it with answer script.

5. (a) The steady-state error in velocity of a system is defined to be (20)

egg velocity . (dr

= hm - - -dC) ,
, t~oo dt dt

where r is the system input, and c is the system output. Find the steady-state error in
velocity for an input of t u(t) to a unity gain negative feedback system with a forward

transfer function of

O(s) = 100 (s + l)(s + 2) .

s2(s + 3)(s + 10)

(b) For a unity gain negative feedback control system with open loop transfer function (15)
O(s) = -(s-+-2)-(s-+-3)'
find the steady state error with unit-step input. Also the sensitivity of steady state error to
changes in parameter K.

6. (a) For a unity gain negative feedback control system with open loop transfer function (18)
O(s) = K (s + 2)(s + 3)
(s2 - 2s + 2) ,

sketch the root locus. Also, find the angle of departure from complex poles, and break-in
(b) Consider a unity gain negative feedback control system with open loop transfer

function (17)

O(s) = lOOK
s (s + 36)(s + 100)'

find the value of gain, K, to yield a 9.5% overshoot in the transient response for a step

input. Use frequency response method only, Relation between phase margin, ~M and

damping ratio, S is given by,

Use semi-log graph paper for bode plot and attach it with answer script.

Contd P/5

EEE 401

7. (a) Derive the equations for constant M and N circles. Roughly sketch them also. (15)
(b) Consider the following system shown in Figure 7(b), (20)

+ K(s + 3) C(s)
(s - 3)


Figure for Q. 7(b)

(i) Draw Nyquist diagram for K = 1. Is this system stable?

(ii) Find the range of stability for K.

8. (a) Draw the root locus for the system shown in Figure 8(a) with Pl as a parameter. (10)

R(s) + 3 C(s)
(s + 4)(s + P1)

Figure for Q.8(a)

(b) Consider a unity gain negative feedback system with forward transfer function, (25)
G(s) = -(s-+-2)-(s-+-4-X-s

Find the transfer function of a lag-lead compensator that will yield a settling time 0.5
second shorter than that of the uncompensated system, with a damping ratio of 0.5, and
improve the steady-state error by a factor of 30. Choose the lead compensator's zero to be
at -5. Also, find the compensated system's gain. [Assume, second order approximation is
valid, and you don't need to check.]
L-4/T-l/EEE Date: 2010712016
L-4/T-l B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2014-2015

Sub: EEE 413 (Solid State Devices)

Full Marks : 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
All the symbols have their usual meanings.

15 3
1. (a) An unknown semiconductor has Eg = 1.1 eY and Ne = Nv. It is doped with 10 cm-
donors, where the donor level is 0.2 eY below Ee. Given that EF is 0.25 eY below Ee,
calculate ni and the concentration of electrons and holds in semiconductor at 300 K. Also
calculate the concentration of ionized donors. (25)
15 -3
(b) For a Si conductor of length 5f.lm, doped n-type at 10 cm , calculate the current
density for an applied voltage of 2.5 Y across its length. How about for a voltage of 2500
2 2
Y? The electron and hole mobilities are 1500 cm N-s and 500 cm N-s, respectively, in
the ohmic region for electric fields below 10 Y Icm. For higher fields, electrons and holes
have a saturation velocity of 10 cm/s. (10)

2. (a) Derive the expressions of the recombination rates and the lifetimes of excess carries
considering defect states within the forbidden-energy bandgap of a semiconductor. (20)
(b) An n-type Si slice of a thickness L is inhomogeneously doped with phosphorus donor
whose concentration profile is given by ND(X) = No + (NL - No) (x/L). NO(L) is the
concentration at the front (back) surface. Derive the expression for the electric potential
difference between the front and the back surfaces when the sample is at thermal and
electric equilibria. (15)

3. (a) A Si sample with lOI6/cm3 donors is optically excited such that 1019/cm3 electron-
hole pairs are generated per second uniformly in the sample. The laser causes the sample
to heat up to 450 K. Find the quasi-Fenni levels and change in conductivity of the sample
upon shining the light. Electron and hole lifetimes are both 10 Dp = 12 cm /s;
2 14-3
Dn = 36 cm Is; ni = 10 cm at 450 K. (15)
(b) A diffused silicon pn junction has a linearly graded junction on the p side with
a = 2 x 1019 cm -4 and a uniform doping of 10 cm -3 on the n side. If the depletion width
on the p side is 0.7 /-lm at zero bias, find the total depletion width, built-in potential, and
maximum electric field at zero bias. Also plot the potential function through the junction. (20)

4. (a) For a silicon pn junction at T = 300 K, assume 'po = 0.1 'nO and fin = 2.4 fip' The ratio
of electron current crossing the depletion region to the total current is defined as the
electron injection efficiency. Determine the expression for the electron injection
efficiency as a function of NdlNa and the ratio of n-type conductivity to p-type
conductivity. (15)
Contd P12
EEE 413
Contd ... Q. No.4

3 2
(b) The cross-sectional area of a silicon pn junction is 10- cm . The temperature of the
16 3 15
diode is T = 300 K and the doping concentrations are Nd = 10 cm- and Na = 8xl0
3 6 7
cm- . Assume minority carrier lifetime of 'nO = 10- s and 'pO = 10- s. Calculate the total
number of excess electrons in the p region and the total number of excess holes in the n
region for Va = 0.4 V. (20)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
The symbols have their usual meanings.
Assume reasonable values for any missing data.

5. (a) What is the main difference between ohmic and Schottky contacts? Draw the energy
band diagrams of metal-semiconductor (n-type) ohmic and Schottky contacts and explain
their operational principles. (20)
(b) The excess electron concentration in the base of an npn transistor is given by (15)

BOB(x)~ DB, {[ exp(~) -1] Sinh( x~~ x) - Sinh( i;)}

Sinh(~: J
If on Bo (x) is the linear approximation of excess minority carrier in the base region,


at x = x~ for (i) XB{

jL B
= 0.1 and (ii) xB = 1.

Assume VBE » K% . Comment on the results.

6. (a) A silicon npn bipolar transistor at 300 K has the following parameters: (20)
2 2
DE = 10 cm Is, DB = 25 cm Is, XB= 0.7 /lm, XE= 0.5 /lm
-7 -7 18 -3 16-3
"CEo= 10 S, "CBo= 5 x 10 S, NE = 10 cm , NB = 10 cm

Jro = 5 x 10-8 A/cm2, VBE = 0.65 V

Calculate the
(i) emitter injection efficiency
(ii) base transport factor
(iii) recombination factor and
(iv) common-emitter current gain.
(b) Draw the Ebers-Moll equivalent circuit model for bipolar junction transistor and
explain its different components. (15)
Contd P/3
EEE 413

7. (a) An n-channel Si MOSFET with an n+ polysilicon gate has a substrate doping of

NA = 1015 cm -3 and a oxide (Si02) thickness of 500 A. The equivalent fixed oxide charge
is Q'ss = 1010 cm-2. Assuming, the n-channel thickness is equal to the maximum induced
space charge width, (20)
(i) detennine the channel thickness and
(ii) calculate the threshold voltage.
(b) Draw energy band diagrams of a pMOS structure for the following conditions: (15)
(i) at equilibrium
(ii) positive voltage at the metal and
(iii) negative the metal

8. (a)

\ \


-1)' ~V .-2--0 --------- __ --11.r

VFfJ, O. ve,(v-olnj-I
! f1~~-&.&.t~ :
The high frequency C-V characteristics curve of a MOS capacitor is shown in Figure for
3 2
Q. 8(a). The area of the device is 2 x 10- cm . The metal semiconductor workfunction
difference is <Dms = -0.5 V. The oxide is Si02. The semiconductor is Si and doped with
2x1016cm-3. (20)
(i) Is the semiconductor n or p type?
(ii) What is the oxide thickness?
(iii) What is the equivalent trapped oxide charge density?
(iv) Determine the flat band capacitance.
(b) Consider a p-channel Si MOSFET with Si02 thickness tox =600 A and No = 5 x 10
cm -3. Determine the body to source voltage V BS which will shift the threshold voltage
by-1.5 V. (15)
L-4/T-lIEEE Date: 26/07/2016
L-4/T -1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2014-2015

Sub: EEE 435 (Optical Fiber Communications)

Full Marks : 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) State the merits of an optical fiber over conventional waveguides. Classify optical
fibers and state their relative merits and applications. (10)
(b) Define the parameter which represents the light guiding capacity of a fiber and find its
expression as a function of relative refractive index difference. (10)
(c) Explain the various phenomenon which are responsible for power attenuation in a
silica fiber. Draw and explain the attenuation characteristics of a silica fiber showing all
the loss components and the transmission windows for optical fiber communications. (15)

2. (a) Explain the mechanism of intramodal and intermodal dispersion in a multimode fiber. (10)
(b) Define the parameter used to measure the effect of dispersion at the output of a fiber
and find its expression considering a single mode fiber. How does it relate to bandwidth
of the fiber? (10)
(c) A multimode is used for a short-hand transmission link at a wavelength of 1310 nm.

The material dispersion of the core is defined as d 2n 1/2 = 0.05 /-lm-2. The wavelength
dispersion coefficient is -100 ps/km-nm. The refractive index of the core is 1.56 and
relative index difference is 4 percent. The source is an LED with a FWHM linewidth of
10 nm. Determine: (15)
(i) material dispersion coefficient in ps/km-nm;
(ii) rms pulsewidth at the output of 10 km fiber only due to intra-modal dispersion;
(iii) overall rms pulsewidth at 10 km output of fiber;
(iv) bandwidth of 1 km fiber;
(v) bandwidth-distance product of the fiber.

3. (a) What are the limitations induced by dispersion on the performance of a fiber optic
communication link? What is meant by bandwidth-distance product (B-L) of a fiber?
Compare the B-L ofSMF and MMF. (10)
(b) What are the following fibers? (12)
(i) DSF (ii) NZ-DSF (iii) DCF (iv) DFF
Comment on their usefulness in a fiber-optic link.
(c) What are the methods used for compensating dispersion in a fiber-optic link using
DCF? Discuss with necessary system block diagrams. (13)

Contd P/2

EEE 435

4. (a) An SMF link consists of ten fiber spans of length 25 km which are connected by
connectors of loss 1 dB each. The link is an 1M direct detection link with a receiver with
sensitivity -60 dBm. The source is laser of linewidth 0.1 nm. The required loss margin is
6 dB. The source to fiber and fiber to detector couplers have loss of 1.5 dB each.
Determine required laser power in mW. Assume the fiber attenuation coefficient as

0.2 dB/km. (10)

(b) Classify the different types of WDM multi/demultiplexers. Find the transfer function
of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) and show how it can be used as a 2-ch WDM

MUXlDMUX. (10)
(c) Write short notes on (Any two): (15)
(i) Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG)
(ii) Optical Couplers
(iii) Fiber Non-linear Effects

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Why do lasers must operate away from thermal equilibrium? With necessary figures
explain how stimulated emission and laser oscillation are occurred in a semiconductor

laser diode. (13)

(b) Compare the input-output characteristics and spectral characteristics of laser with

LED. Which one is suitable for single-mode fiber and why? (12)
(c) State the advantages and limitations of LED and laser. Also mention their applications

in context of optical communication. (10)

6. (a) State the limitations of a p-n photodiode. Explain how p-i-n photodiode is more
advantages than p-n photodiode. Which one is suitable for current lightwave system

among Si, Ge and InGaAs p-i-n photodiodes and why? (10)

(b) Explain how APD offers high responsivity illustrating its cross-section and electric
field distribution under reverse bias. What are the merits and limitations of an APD

compared to p-i-n photodiode? (12)

(c) Derive the expression of the signal to noise ratio (SNR) at the output of an APD
receiver. In case of shot noise limit, show that its SNR is reduced by excess noise factor

(FA) compared to p-i-n receiver. (13)

Contd P/3


EEE 435

7. (a) Distinguish between IM/DD and coherent lightwave transmission systems. Why is
PSK modulation preferable to OOK modulation for high speed optical fiber

transmission? (11)
(b) What is dense WDM (DWDM)? How is the huge capacity of optical fiber utilized by

WDM technology? What are the limiting factors ofWDM transmission system? (11)
(c) An IM/DD optical transmission system is operating at a data rate of 100 Mbps with an
APD at the receiver. The quantum efficiency of the photo diode is 80% at the operating
wavelength of 1300 nm. An output current of 10 I-lA is achieved for the APD after
avalanche gain with a multiplication factor of 200. The receiver has an amplifier with a
noise figure of 4 dB and the post-detection bandwidth of the receiver is equal to data rate.
The dark current in the device is negligible and the load resistance is 2 kO at the

operating temperature of 27°C. The excess noise factor of the APD is 4. Calculate: (13)
(i) the SNR at the output ofthe receiver,

(ii) the receiver sensitivity corresponding to a BER of 10-9.

8. (a) What are the different types of optical amplifiers? State the basic concept of each of

them with corresponding schematic diagram. (11)

(b) Discuss the pumping scheme of EDF A. Compare the gain spectra of EDF A with

those of SOA and state their applications. (12)

(c) Compare the operating principle of EOM with that of EAM. Briefly explain how

phase modulated signal can be generated using EOM. (12)


L-4/T-l/EEE Date: 26/07/2016

L-4/T-1 R Sc. Engineering Examinations 2014-2015

Sub: EEE 475 (Power Plant Engineering)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours


There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
The questions are of equal value.

1. (a) With a block diagram explain the operation of a coal fired steam power plant.
(b) Considering the environmental factor along with others, describe the criteria for
selecting the location of a thermal power station.

2. (a) Explain how the shaft speed, steam and heat flow are controlled when real power
varies on a steam power plant.
(b) How the reactive power (VAR) transfer takes place between two alternators operating
in parallel and connected to an infinite bus?

4. (a) Discuss the private sector power generation policy of Bangladesh.

(b) Name the subsidiaries of BPDB. Is there any grid interconnection between
Bangladesh and neighbouring country? What are the advantages of interconnection?

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

5. (a) With necessary diagrams equations and explain the nuclear fission reaction and how
energy is released in such a reaction? Why it is the easiest in heavy elements? Where

does the energy come from? (18)

(b) Explain with diagram the operation of a Sodium-Graphite Reactor (SGR). What are

its advantages? (17)

Contd P/2


EEE 475

6. (a) Explain with a block diagram the operation of a closed cycle gas turbine plant. (14)
(b) Present a comparison between closed cycle and open cycle gas turbine. (7)
(c) Briefly explain the operation of a combined cycle power plant, with an appropriate

diagram showing the major components. (14)

7. (a) What are the energy-rate objectives? Present the general rate form for electrical energy. (12)
(b) Discuss how electricity rates are adjusted. (10)
(c) A residential consumer in Dhaka city uses 460 units of electricity in a month. The ..
tariff rates are given in the table below; consider existing slab structure. Sanctioned load
of the consumer is 3 kW. Demand and service charges are BDT 15/kW of sanctioned
load and 10 BDT/month respectively. VAT is 5% of the bill. Calculate the monthly

electricity bill of the consumer. Minimum charge is BDT 1I5/month. (13)

Table:' Tariff rate for Dhaka city
Step Rate, BDT/kWh
1 3.80
2 5.14
3 5.36
4 5.63
5 8.70
6 9.98

8. (a) Explain the mathematical load forecasting method considering economic parameters. (16)
(b) A generating system will have a total capacity of 300 MW. Investigate the probable
forced outages when the capacity is supplied by three 100 MW units; four 75 MW unit.
The operating probabilities of all units are P = 0.98, and the forced outage is Q = 0.02.

Comment on the capacity outage probability values calculated. (19)

L-4/T-lIEEE Date: 26107/2016
L-4/T-1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2014-2015

Sub: EEE 455 (Compound Semiconductor and Hetero-Junction Devices)

Full Marks : 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
Symbols have their usual meanings. Make necessary assumptions.

1. (a) Draw enegy band structure of Si and GaAs semiconductors and show optical
transitions in such semiconductors. Explain differential negative mobility in GaAs from
E-K diagram. How certain elements acts as amphoteric dopants in compound
semiconductors? (20)
(b) Discuss the significance of critical thickness in epitaxial growth. Show variation of
critical thickness with InxGal_xAs composition for epitaxy of InGaAs on GaAs substrate.

Describe hole band dispersions for biaxial tensile and compressive strain in GaAs. (15)

2. (a) Compare J-V characteristics of pn junction diode and Schottky barrier diode. Sketch
energy-band diagram of a metal-semiconductor junction with an interfacial layer and
interface states. Show that Fermi level becomes 'pinned' for high surface state density. (20)
(b) For a Schottky diode, following parameters are given: (15)
~m = 5.2 V, ~n = 0.10 V, ~o = 0.60 V
Eg = 1.43 eV, 8 = 25 A, Ej = EO

Es = (l3.1)Eo, X = 4.07 V
16 -3 13 -I -2
N d = 10 cm , Djt = 10 eV cm
(i) barrier height without interface states,
(ii) barrier height with interface states.

3. (a) Sketch basic Ebers-Moll equivalent circuit and define the parameters used in the
model. Elaborate that nonideal effects aretaken into account in the Gummel-Poon model.
What is Gummel number? (20)
(b) For an npn Si BJT following parameters are given at 300 K: (15)
IE = 0.5 rnA, Cje = 0.8 pF, Xs = 0.7 /lm, Xdc = 2.0 /lm,
Cs = CI-l = 0.08 pF, rc = 30 n, p= 60, Dn = 30 cm Is
(i) the transit time factors
(ii) the cutoff frequency and
(iii) the beta cutoff frequency
Contd P12
EEE 455

4. (a) Explain why polysilicon emitter is used in Si BJT. With necessary diagrams, discuss that
collector current and current gain are improved ifGe is incorporated in the base ofSi BJT. (20)
(b) Compare Kirk effect to that of base width modulation in BJT. How performance
degradation due to Auger recombination and Kirk effect are reduced in HBTS? With neat
sketch, describe basic operation mechanism ofTEBT. (15)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) A narrow bandgap n-type and a wide bandgap p-type material are used to form a
heterojunction. The band diagram of the system before the materials are brought into
contact is shown in Fig. 5(a). Draw the energy band diagram of the heterojunction at
thermal equilibrium. With necessary assumptions, derive expression for: (18)
(i) Electric field in both regions
(ii) Electrostatic potential along the junction
(iii) Space charge width in both regions

-,--,'-l---r-' Vacuum level



Fig. 5(a)
(b) Suppose, a thin layer of intrinsic GaAs IS sandwiched between a layer of
n-Alo.3GaO.7As and p-Gao.49Ino.51P as shown in Fig. 5(b). The middle GaAs layer is 50
f..llTI thick. The top and bottom layers each have thickness of 100 /lm. The doping density
16 3 17
at AlGaAs and GaInP regions are 10 cm- and 10 cm-3, respectively. The material
parameters at each layer is given in the following table: (17)
Parameters Material
GaxInl-xP GaAs AlxGal_xAs
Bandgap (eV) 1.34+0.92x 1.424 1.424+ 1.24 7x eV(x<0.45
Dielectric Constant 12.5-1.4x 12.9 12.90-2.84x
Electron Affinity (eV) 4.38-G.58x 4.07 4.07-1. Ix (x < 0.45)
Conduction Band 1.8x1 019 (0.03I7+0.9683x) 4.7x1017 2.5x1019 (0.063+0.083x)3/2
Density of States (cm-3)
Valance Band 1.9x 1019 (0.5689+0.4311x) 9x10lS 2.5x 1019 (0.51 +0.25x)3/2
Density of States (cm-3)

Draw the thermal equilibrium energy band diagram of the system.

Contd P/3

EEE 455
Contd ... Q. No. 5(b)





6. (a) Draw the energy band diagrams of metal-semiconductor non-rectifying junctions

under ideal conditions at thermal equilibrium. Draw diagrams for both n-type and p-type

semiconductors. (10)
(b) Draw the small signal equilibrium circuit of a p +n JFET. What are the frequency

limiting factors of such devices? With necessary assumptions, show that the maximum

cutoff frequency,fT,max of such a device can be given by the following expression:. (18)
IT,max = -2-C---
7[ G, min


gm,max = Maximum transconductance

CG,min = Minimum gate capacitance

(c) An n-channel silicon JFET is operating with a maximum cutoff frequency of 3.5 GHz.
16 3
Assume that, n-type doping density is 10 cm- , gate length is 5 /lm and channel

thickness is 0.6 /lm. Determine the device width. The relative permittivity of silicon is

11.7. Use the information given in Fig. 6(c) . (7)

. 0,2

~2:5 ,2- h5 ,1 o
Gate vottage;.vG~ (V)

Contd P/4


EEE 455

7. (a) Draw the channel space charge region profiles of a single gate n-channel JFET for the
following operating regions: (10)
(i) Vg> Vp and Vd = OV

(ii) Vg> Vp and Vd < Vd,sat

(iii) Vg> Vp and Vd:::; Vd,sat

(iv) Vg> Vp and Vd> Vd,sat

where, Vg = Applied gate voltage

Vp = Pinchoffvoltage

Vd = Drain voltage

Vd,sat = Drain voltage at the onset of saturation

(b) Write short notes on any three of the following topics: (15)
(i) 2 DEG
(ii) Velocity saturation in JFET
(iii) Subthreshold conduction in JFET
(iv) HEMT
(c) An AI/Alo.3sGao.6sAs/GaAs HEMT is fabricated with Alo.3sGao.6sAs layer doped n-
type to 10 cm-3 and having a thickness of 500 A. Assume the undoped spacer layer to

be negligible and GaAs layer is undoped. The barrier height at AI/AlxGal_xAs junction is
given in the Fig 7(a). Determine the carrier density per unit area in the HEMT channel at
Vg = 0.1 V. If necessary, use the information given in the energy band diagram of a
AIGaAs/GaAs HEMT at threshold voltage in Fig. 7(b). The AlxGal_xAs system has the

following parameters: (10)

Material Parameters
Bandgap (eV) 1.424+ 1.247x eV (x<0.45)
Dielectric Constant 12.90-2.84x
Electron Affinity (eV) 4.07-1.1x (x<0.45)



o 0.10;2'0.3 . 0.4
AI mole'iraction, Xi.

Fig.7(a) Fig. 7(b)

Contd P/5

EEE 455

8. (a) Show that, for a single gate JFET, the DC current in saturation region can be '
expressed by the following expression: (23)

f1n = mobility of the channel material Vbi = Junction built-in voltage
Nd = channel doping density Vpo = Internal pinch-off voltage
W = device width VGS = Gate voltage
a = channel thickness
L = gate length
&s = dielectric constant
(b) For a silicon p +n JFET, the following parameters are given: (12)
Relative permittivity 11.7 Channel mobility 1000 cmL/v/s

Channel thickness 0.75 J.!m Doping in p + region lOll.! cm-3

Channel width 30 f.lm Doping in n region 1010 cm-j

Gate length 10 J.!m Intrinsic carrier density 1.5x 1oj U cm-j

Calculate the following quantities:

(i) The maximum drain current in the device.
(ii) Internal pinch-off voltage
(iii) Drain current at V GS = -0.2 V

,D 1.

(' I " '

1/ > ' Important Equations

Students may'use the:following equations ofpnjunction electrostatics if necessary:
. ~ . .

, ,: '{:l' '. . [N ],[ ,

x;z - 2Es Vbl -E."" -'--- ,I' ]}1/2
. " ,e: Ne1 Na+ Nd
p n



W' {2EsCVbi + V~) ,[No + ,Nd]}1/2 '

, e , NaNd '
Vb; = ,kT In (NJVd) = VI In '(' NJVd)
e 2 n I
, , n~ I

Here, symbols have their usual meaning.

L-4/T-1/EEE Date: 31/07/2016
L-4/T-l B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2014-2015

Sub: EEE 453 (VLSI I)

Full Marks : 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) Derive an expression showing the influence of the source-body voltage on the
threshold voltage of a NMOS transistor. (9+3x3)
For the following NMOS pass transistor circuit find the output voltage Vout], Vout2 and

Vout3. Assume VtO= 1 V, Y = 0.5 and neglect ~f

5V 4V

~ l
5+J];- Vout1

Fig. for Q. No 1(a)

...• - .-.~-~----'-~,.-~.

(b) A pseudo NMOS inverter is designed such that the output voltage becomes 0.25 V
when the input voltage is 5 V. The following data are given: /lnCox = 120 /lAN ,
/lpCox = 50 /lA/V , Vton = 1 V, Vtop = -1 V, Voo = 5 V, Y =0.5. Assume that the body
of the NMOS transistor is connected with the ground and the body of the PMOS
transistor is connected with Voo. (2+8+7)
(i) Draw the circuit diagram ofthe inverter.
(ii) Calculate the inverter ratio i.e., the ratio of driver transistor (W/L) to the load
transistor (W/L).
(iii) What will be the output voltage if the input voltage is held at 0.25 V? Explain
your answer.

2. (a) A 3 input NAND gate is driving 15 similar NAND gates. The following data are
given: Gate oxide capacitance = 35 fF//lm . Source/Drain capacitance = 15 fF//lm2,

NMOS aspect ratio (W/L)n = 10 /lm/1 /lm, PMOS aspect ration (W/L)p = 25 /lm/l /lm,
2 2
Drain/source length for both NMOS = 15 /lm, /lnCox = 120 /lAN , /lpCox = 50 /lAN ,

Voo= 5 V. (6x3)
Contd P/2

EEE 453
Contd ... Q. No. 2(a)

(i) Derive expression for rise time, fall time and dynamic power dissipation of the
NAND gate in the worst case in terms of device and circuit parameters.
(ii) Calculate the rise time and fall time of the NAND gate in the worst case.
(iii) What is the maximum operating frequency of the gate in the worst case and what
is the dynamic power dissipation of the gate at this frequency?
(b) A clock signal from the PLL is routed by a minimum size inverter to 1500 locations
in an IC where the clock is received by the same size inverter in each location. The

following data are given: Gate oxide capacitance = 25 fF/~m2, Source/Drain capacitance

= 20 fF/~m2, NMOS aspect ratio of minimum sized inverter (W/L)n = 10 ~rnll ~m,

PMOS aspect ratio of minimum sized inverter (W/L)p = 25 ~m/1 ~m, Drain/source

length for both NMOS and PMOS of minimum sized inverter = 10 ~m, ~nCox = 120
2 2
~AN , ~pCox = 50 ~NV , VDD = 5 V. (5+12)
(i) Calculate the average propagation delay ofthe driving inverter.
(ii) Design a buffer chain such that the delay of the signal through the buffer chain
becomes minimum. What is the value of n (factor by which aspect ratio of each gate
in the chain is larger than that of the preceding gate) and m (number of stages in the
chain) of the buffer chain? What isthe average propagation delay of the buffer chain?

3. (a) Show the process sequence of fabricating the following circuit in a PWELL NMOS
process technology. Clearly show the mask used and the device cross-sectional diagram

after each step. (25)

o )
Fig. for Q. No. 3(a)
~~--,.----_.~~---_ .. .. _. _._-.-.~._---_.- ..-.-
- ..-./'"-

(b) Explain briefly the necessity of the following design rules: (10)
(i) Poly overlap diffusion = 2A
(ii) Floating NWELL not allowed
(iii) Metall width = 3A

(iv) N-difusion to P-diffusion spacing = 6A

(v) Maximum metall area = 1200 ~m2.

Contd P/3


EEE 453

4. (a) A process use aluminum conductor for which electromigration related maximum
current density is 2 mA//lm . How many NMOS 8: 1 inverter can be driven by a

minimum size conductor assuming A-based rule and 180 nrn process technology? The

following data are given: conductor width = 3A, conductor thickness = 1 /lm, VDD= 1.8V

and on-resistance of the 8:1 pull down transistor is 10 kn. (10)

(b) A 4-input NOR gate is designed such that the gate has equal rise and fall time in the
best case. If mobility of electron is 2.5 times that of hole, calculate the width of the
PMOS transistor in terms of the width of the NMOS transistor. Assume that both NMOS

and PMOS transistor has the same gate length. (10)

(c) A room has three doors with a switch beside each door and a light bulb at the center
of the room. You have to design a control circuit such that anyone entering into the room
from any of the door can turn the light ON or OFF. Write the truth table, the Boolean
equation of the control circuit and show the implementation of the circuit in (i) NMOS,

(ii) PseudoNMOS, (iii) Static CMOS and (iv) Footed dynamic CMOS technology. (15)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
If any question has missing data, make a reasonable assumption and state it in your solution.

5. (a) What is the significance of 'design for testability' for a VLSI system? Discuss the
different criteria which are used for fault classification in a VLSI system. Mention the

differences between stuck-open and stuck-on faults. (17)

(b) A two input static CMOS NAND gate is presented in Fig. for Q. 5(b). Determine a

test vector or a two-pattern test for the system for the following fault conditions: (18)
(i) a stuck-at! fault on the line fed by input X2,

(ii) a stuck -open fault in transistor 1,

(iii) a stuck-on fault in transistor 4 assuming that current monitoring is done.

Contd P/4


EEE 453

6. (a) Explain the operation of a four bit dynamic shift resister with the help of clear

diagrams. The stick diagrams for shift resister cells need to be presented. (18)
(b) A priority encoder is a combinational circuit in which each input is assigned a priority
with respect to the other inputs and the output generated at any time depends on the
highest priority input then present. If such a structure is described in the Fig. for Q. No.

6(b), design a stick diagram to realize the structure. (17)

C'- ~-;p- - .- -- ~ -"-e;

..-r'"YV\ +-1,,,"c:. b 1 .g, (

~?- ~ I 'ji, " P I Po
C)"---<::3--e --e--oc---:
Go p..,..; <rV' ; +-::J o 01 I,'
=-£:~~- -o-t 0 --1- 0
o I I I CJ


-CJ \
______________________ \ ,l.-c-.O 1

f-~~_. ~ -8:>/ 6 Cb/.

7. (a) Explain the operation of a 4x4 barrel shifter. Mention its practical applications.

Devise the stick diagram for such a barrel shifter. (18)

(b) Write and explain the verilog code for a Mealy type finite state machine with the help

of state diagrams. (17)

8. (a) Discuss the differences between NMOS and CMOS realizations of a parity generator
with the help of stick diagrams. Explain why buffer sections could be required during the

realization of bus arbitration logic circuits. (20)

(b) Design the layout of a four way n-switch based multiplexer showing the position of

the standard cells. (15)


L-4/T-1/EEE . Date: 31/07/2016

L-4/T-l B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2014-2015

Sub: EEE 473 (Power Electronics)

Full Marks : 210 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) Draw a DC chopper circuit and explain how can it be adopted for controlling variable

voltage output supplied to a load having back EMF. (20)

(b) A permanent magnet dc motor is controlled from a DC chopper. The total series
resistance in the chopper (including the motor armature resistance) is 1.50. The motor

back EMF is proportional to motor speed and maintains the following relation: (15)
Eback = 0.25 N
Where N is the motor speed in RPM. If the input supply to the chopper is 400V DC and
motor speed is 1000 RPM, determine the duty required for the chopper to supply a motor
current of 25A DC.

2. (a) What are the differences betWeen a DC chopper and.a switching regulator? (5)
(b) With a neat diagram explain the operation of a switching buck -boost regulator. Derive

the necessary equations to explain the buck-boost operation. (15)

(c) Design a switching Buck regulator that would limit the maximum current ripple to
lOrnA and maximum voltage ripple to 5mV. Consider an input supply voltage of 48V Dc

and input maximum supply current of lOA. (15)

3. (a) Draw a single full bridge voltage source inverter and explain (with necessary
diagrams) how it can be controlled for fixed output frequency and variable output using
Sine Pulse Modulation. Draw a typical spectrum of the FOURIER components and show

how the index of modulation affects the spectrum considering a fixed carrier frequency. (20)
(b) A single phase full bridge voltage source inverter is used in an Uninterruptible Power
Supply. The input supply of the inverter is a Battery having a nominal voltage of 96V .
DC. If the inverter is operated in single pulse per half cycle mode, determine the

fundamental RMS output voltage for an index of modulation of 0.8. (15)

Contd P/2

EEE 473

4. (a) Draw a three phase full bridge voltage source inverter and explain how it can be
controller to provide 1200 shifted three phase output voltage considering 1800
conduction. (15)
(b) With a neat diagram explain the operating regions of an AC motor drive. Explain why
v/f control is necessary to operate the motor in constant torque region. (10)
(c) An induction motor is run in v/f control mode from a three phase voltage source
inverter operating with Sine Pulse Width Modulation control. If the supply DC voltage to
the inverter is 400V DC, what should be the modulation index to have a fundamental
output voltage of 170V RMS? (10)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Draw the power circuit of a single phase full wave controlled rectifier and explain its
operation. Draw the waveforms of gate pulses and input current and output voltage
corresponding to input voltage for a firing angle a for 2 cycle. Determine input power
factor. (10+6+8=24)
(b) Draw the power circuit of a single phase half wave uncontrolled rectifier (for
inductive load). Draw the waveforms of output voltage and input current corresponding
to input voltage. Explain mathematically why output voltage becomes negative for a brief
period of time for inductive load. (11)

6. (a) Draw the power circuit of three phase half wave uncontrolled rectifier with resistive
load. Draw the waveforms of input current and output voltage. Determine average output
voltage. (12)
(b) Draw the power circuit of a three phase full wave controlled rectifier with resistive
load for a firing angle of a= 900• Draw the waveforms of input currents and output
voltage corresponding to the input voltage and also show the gate pulses. (23)

7. (a) Draw the power circuit of a single phase Dual converter. Explain how the circuit
operates to drive a DC motor in both direction. Show the gate pulses corresponding to the
input voltage. (18)
(b) Draw the power circuit of a 3<\>- 1<\>cyclo-converter and explain its operation with
gate pulses. (17)

8. Draw the power circuit of a three phase voltage controller. Show the gate pulses for a
firing angle a= 1200• Draw the waveforms of line to neutral and line to line voltage and
input currents for a = 1200 corresponding to input voltage. Show calculations for
determining the waveforms of voltages. (6+6+ 12+ 11)
L-4/T-1/EEE Date: 31/07/2016
L-4/T-l B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2014-2015

Sub: EEE 433 (Microwave Engineering) .

Full Marks : 210 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
Use appropriate diagram if necessary. Smith Transmission line chart is supplied.

1. (a) For sinusoidal voltage on an ideal transmission line, prove that Zmax= ZoS and Zmin=

Zo/S, where symbols have their usual meaning. (7)

(b) With proper diagram derive and explain the equations of constant resistance and
reactance curves of the Smith transmission line chart. (14) .
(c) Suppose an ideal transmission line with Zo = 50 ohm is 30 m long and operates at .
2 MHz signal frequency with a phase velocity 1.8 x 10 mls. The line is terminated with a

load ZL == 60 + j40 ohm. Using Smith transmission line chart determine input impedance

Zin of the line (Smith transmission line chart is supplied). (14)

2. (a) Suppose that the distributed impedance of a lossless transmission line is formed by
inductance and capacitance in series and only capacitance in parallel. Then derive the
equation of propagation constant in terms of the cutoff frequency and other line
parameters. Explain its behaviour when ro < roc and ill> roc. (8)
(b) For low loss lines show that the attenuation constant can be expressed as, (9)

where symbols have their usual meaning.
(c) Consider an Aluminum thin film parallel plate transmission line with a signal of 18
GHz. Given: (18)
. Metal thickness = 2.0 /lm
Dielectric thickness = 2.0 /lm
Width of each conductor =10 /lm
Relative permittivity of dielectric material = 3.8 and assumed to be lossless
Surface impedance of Aluminum = 3.26 x 10-7.Jf (1 + jl) ohm, and

Skin depth of Aluminum = 0.0826/.Jf m.

Assuming negligible shunt conductance determine characteristiCs impedance Zo and
attenuation constant a.

Contd P/2

EEE 433

3. (a) Starting from Maxwell's equations, prove that for a source free waveguide, (10+2)

E x =----1 (.y--+ BH z )
BEz Jroll--
y2 +k2 ax By

where symbols have their usual meaning. Then re-write the equation for attenuation free
(b) For TE and TM waves III a parallel plate waveguide derive the equation for

attenuation constant due to dielectric loss. (8)

(c) For TEIO wave in a rectangular waveguide the field equations are: (15) .
Hz = B cos kx x

E =- jrollBsink x
Y k x
H = _JI-'_ sink x
x k x

Ex =Hy= Ez= 0

Where symbols have their usual meaning. Considering these equations and other
parameters of the waveguide derive the equation for attenuation constant due to
conductor loss.

4. (a) Derive the field equations for TM waves in perfectly conducting parallel plates. (12)
(b) For the same wave mentioned in (a) derive the equations of propagation constant, cut-

off frequency, phase velocity, group velocity, guide wavelength and wave impedance. (18)
(c) Plot ro vs. propagation constant (P, a) found in (b) and explain it. (5)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) What types of waves are supported by a microstrip transmission line? How the phase

velocity and the propagation constant ofthe supported wave are expressed? (6)
(b) Explain the types oflosses usually occur in a microstrip transmission line. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of using microstrip line in microwave integrated circuits?

Also, show the field distribution over a cross-sectional geometry of a microstrip line. (9)
(c) Using the electrostatic solution technique, find an expression of static capacitance per
unit length of a microstrip transmission line. Explain how can you obtain the effective
dielectric constant and the characteristic impedance of the microstrip transmission line

from the electrostatic solutions. (20)

Contd P/3

EEE 433

6. (a) What are cavity resonators? What are their most desirable properties? Are the field
patterns in a cavity resonator travelling waves or standing waves? How do they differ
from those in a waveguide? (8)
(b) The fields of the lowest order mode (TEI01) in a rectangular waveguide resonator are

given by (18)
E y = E 0 Slll-;- sllld'

. Eo A . 7tX 7tZ
H x = - J~ 2d Slll-;- cos '

. Eo A 7tx. 7tZ
Hz =J--COS-Slll-,
11 2a a d
(symbols and letters have their usual meaning)
Show that the quality factor (Q) of a cubical resonator can be expressed by


(c) A cubical cavity resonator made of copper is to be designed to operate at 10 GHz for
the lowest order mode. Find the dimensions of the cavity, its quality factor, and its
bandwidth. (9)

7. (a) What are far fields of an antenna? Find the expressions of far fields for a Hertzian
dipole carrying current I = 10 cos rot. Show the two-dimensional sketches of E-plane and

H-plane radiation patterns of a Hertzian dipole. (20)

(b) Explain the terms "Directive Gain" and "Power Gain" of an antenna. (8)
(c) Evaluate the Directivity of an antenna with normalized radiation intensity (7)

u(e, ~) = {Sin e, o:s; e :s; 7t, 0 :s; ~ :s; 27t

0, otherwise

8. (a) What are the major advantages of antenna arrays compared to a single element
antenna fed with the same input power? Explain the principle of "Pattern Multiplication"
using a two element array. (15)
(b) A certain antenna with an efficiency of 95% has maximum radiation intensity of
0.5 W/Sr. Calculate its directivity when (i) the input power is 0.4 W, (ii) the radiated
power is 0.3 W. (10)
(c) Describe various elements of a typical Yagi-Uda antenna. What are the merits and
demerits ofYagi-Uda antenna? (10)
• .,,;f
jfi¥+ii:f' ~".,.""

;• _.,

._' ,_ •••
'_ ••••,_ •••••_' I •••••"""••__




. ..-

.. The Complete Smith Chart
Black Magic Design

0.12 0.13
~ '-,.

"\ ~ ::! :.t

~ l--
:'" .\-
- ,,"I




0010040 20 TOWARDLOAD_>
10 2.5 2 1.8 1.6 I.' 1.2 J.I t 15 10
7 5 3 2 I
2 3
IS 10
• 14
3 2 1 11 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
• 5 10 20 ~

6 20
0.9 0.8 0.1 0.6 0.5 0.' OJ 0.2
" 0.1 0.05 om

0 0.1 0.2 0.' 0.6 0.8 1 1.5 5 6 10 t~ ••.

0.9 0.8 0.1 0.• 05 0.' 0.3 0.2 0.1 01

0 .•
1.4 1.5 1.6 1.1 1.6 1.9 2
2.5 3 .- 5 10••
0.7 0.• 0.5 0.' 03 0.2 0.1 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.' 0.5 0 .• 0.7 0.8 0." 1 1.1 1.2 13 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.1 1.8 I.•
L-4/T -l/EEE Date: 06/08/2016
L-4/T-l B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2014-2015

Sub: EEE 451 (Processing and Fabrication Technology)

Full Marks : 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE questions.
Answers should be to the point.

1. (a) "Wet etching is a cheap process" - explain the technological implications behind this

assertion. Why diffusion is so ubiquitous a process in fabrication? (8+10)

(b) A 1000-A gate oxide is required for some process step. How long will it take for the
oxidation to be done, if done in a dry-02 environment? Compare that value with that done
in a wet-02 environment. The necessary parameters are given below, the symbols have

their usual meaning and proper units: (17)

dry wet
A 0.165 0.226
B 0.0117 0.287
't 0.37 x

2. (a) Compare contact and proximity aligners. Discuss the effects of surface reflections and.

standing waves. (15)

(b) Thermal annealing helps activate impurities. Explain this phenomena specially in the

exciting case of doping GaN. (15)

(c) What is the use of a primer solution in photoresist spinning? (5)

3. (a) Describe varIous techniques of physical vapor deposition. (20)

(b) Describe the differences in resolution and chemical composition of positive and

. negative photoresists. (15) .

4. (a) Describe the process of ion implantation, using appropriate figures and detailed

description of the equipment. (20)

(b) Discuss the relative merits of the two models that explains thin oxidation results

(tox < 300 A). (15)

Contd P/2


EEE 451
There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE questions.

5. (a) Discuss the main features of CMOS advances during the 1990's and 2000's. Can you

identify the key differences in the processing technologies of these two decades? (15)
(b) Describe the chip characteristics that affect packaging processes. (10)
(c) Comment on the different enclosure techniques of the packages. (10)

6. (a) What we the major yield-limiters in water fabrication business? Describe in detail. (18)
(b) Describe the use of Al in wire-bonding technologies of packaging. (10)
(c) Write down the expression for overall process-yield and briefly explain the yield-vs-

time profile. (7)

7. (a) Describe in detail the effects of major contamination sources III a cleanroom~

Comment on how to control them. (20)

(b) Why CMOS has become so popular and mature as a technology-explain the key

processing advantages that this process offers over other competing processes. (15) ..

8. Write short notes on: (35) ..

(a) Fabrication of organiC solar cells
(b) MBE
(c) Ohmic Contact
(d) Dopant activation energy.
L-4/T-lIEEE Date: 06/08/2016
L-4/T-I B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2015-2016

Sub: EEE 471 (Energy Conversion III)

Full Marks : 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE questions.

1. (a) "In a permanent magnet dc motor two processes cause reduction of air gap flux
(i) reduction due to cross-magnetization when brushes are on mechanical neutral position
(ii) demagnetization resulting from a brush shift and change of armature pole orientation"

- discuss in detail. (20)

(b) Explain how torque is developed in a reluctance motor. Discuss the torque speed

characteristics of such a motor. (15)

2. (a) Discuss the dc- and ac-torque-speed characteristics of a universal motor. (10)
(b) Explain why a chopper drive control universal motor gives higher efficiency, less
acoustic noise and better EMC behavior than those of a phase-angle driven universal

motor. (10)
(c) Present a sketch of an ion-membrane fuel cell and explain its operation. Comment on

the efficiency of a fuel cell and compare it with the Carnot-cycle efficiency. (15)

3. (a) Explain the following with reference to a switched reluctance motor (SRM). (18)
(i) At least two phases required to guarantee starting.
(ii) At least three phases required to ensure starting direction;
(iii) Number of rotor poles and stator poles must differ to ensure starting.
(b) "Design of firing angles in an SRM involves resolution of two conflicting concerns-

maximizing torque output or maximizing efficiency" - explain. (17)

4. (a) Classify power electronic interfaces for grid-connected PV systems. (5)

(b) What are the major factors that influence the electrical design of solar array? Discuss

the shadow effect on solar PV array and how it is addressed. (15)

(c) Present the incremental conductance-based maximum power point tracking technique. (15)

Contd P/2


EEE 471
There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE questions.

5. (a) How does a Magneto Hydrodynamic Generator (MHO) differ from a conventional ac

generator involved in electricity generation in most power plants? (10)

(b) With a neat diagram explain the operation of a typical MHD based power plant that

can supply power to an ac grid system. (25)

6. (a) What are the operational differences between windmill and wind turbines in respect to

electric power generation? (10)

(b) Why induction generators are used in wind turbines? . (5)

(c) With a neat diagram explain the necessary ofa power electronic converter in wind

turbine generators to supply power to a mini grid system. (20)

7. (a) What are the constructional and functional differences between an AMPLIDYNE and

a MET ADYNE generator? Cite an example of the use of an AMPLIDINE generator. (15) .
(b) With a neat diagram explain how a power electronic converter can mimic an

AMPLIDYNE and propose an application that could replace an AMPLIDYNE. (10)

(c) Explain the construction and operation of an acyclic generator. (10)

8. (a) Propose a noise free refrigeration system using semiconductor technology utilizing

thermo electric effects. (20)

(b) With a neat diagram explain the principle of operation of a thenno electric DC

conduction pump. (15)

L-4/T -1/EEE Date: 06/08/2016
L-4/T-l B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2014-2015

Sub: EEE 431 (Digital Signal Processing II)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Symbols have their usual meanings.

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE questions.

1. (a) Draw the schematic diagram of a proto type Wiener filtering set up. Show that the

error signal of the Wiener filter is orthogonal to the filter output. (12)
(b) Consider a cost function J = h2 - 40h + 28. We search for the minimum of J using the
Steepest-descent algorithm. Write the expression of the update equation. Determine the

value of step-size parameter that will give fastest convergence to the desired solution. (12)
(c) What are the algorithmic differences between Steepest-descent and LMS algorithms?

Based on these differences, discuss the advantages of LMS algorithm. (11)

2. (a) Write the conditions for the LMS algorithm to be convergent in the mean and mean-
. squared sense. Which condition gives more conservative. estimate of the step-size

parameter? (10)

(b) Consid_eran AR system as shown in Fig. for Q. 2(b). (13)

---- ~ ~_~"___..r--."'_ __ ~~ ---..~r----.----I--,

X(~ -- ~(-n) Fi~.1i~~1

'- . - - - ... - _.,
- --~~~-'
..• ,- _
..•. ---- - -~ _
, , ~ -'-
....•. - -- ----
• -_ .... - -_ ....- -,1-_.
The input x(n) and additive noise w(n) are white random process with variances O'x 2 and.
- ~.,

O'w , respectively. Determine the optimum coefficients of a two-tap filter B(z) = bo + biz-I
that can compensate the AR system.
(c) Discuss how the step-size parameter of LMS algorithm should be suitably chosen at

different stages of iterations and time-varying condition. (12)

3. (a) Discuss the influence of weighting factor a forgetting factor A on the solution of RLS

algorithm. (11)
(b) Consider a signal x(n) with Fourier transform X(ro) as shown in Fig. for Q. 3(b) (13)

Contd P/2

EEE 431
Contd ... Q. No. 3(b)
The signal is applied to a decimator that reduce the rate by a factor of 2. Sketch the
output spectrum. Can we reconstruct the original signal again? How?
(c) Discuss how decimation of a signal can be done using a polyphase filter and a

commutator. (11)

4. (a) Consider a system T {.} that given fractional delay to the input signal as

Describe the multirate implementation of system T {.}~

(b) Derive the polyphase structure of uniform DFT filter banks. (11)
(c) The analysis filter Ho(z) in a two channel QMF has the transfer function. (13)
Ho(z) = 1 + Z-I

Detennine the analysis filter H1(z), synthesis filter Go(z) and G1(z). Sketch the entire two
channel QMF based on polyphase filters. Show that the QMF bank results in perfect

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE questions.

5. (a) The input-output relationship of an AR(P) system is given by


x(n) = - L>ix(n-i)+u(n)

where aj are the AR parameters and u(n) is the zero-mean stationary white noise input to

the system. Determine the AR parameters that minimize the cost function. (18)

where e(n) = x(n)+ Iaix(n-i), N] = P+ 1 and N2 = N is the length ofx(n).

(b) Consider the AR(3) process generated by the equation (3+6+8)

14 9 1
x(n)=-x(n-1)+-x(n -2)--. x(n -3)+u(n)
24 24 24
where u(n) is a stationary white noise process with variance cr/.
(i) Determine the coefficients of the optimum p = 3 linear predictor
(ii) Determine the auto correlation sequence rxx(m), 1 ::s; m ::s; 4, when rxx(O)= 4.93.
(iii) Determine the reflection coefficients corresponding to the p = 3 linear predictor.
Is the AR system stable?
Contd P/3

EEE 431
6. (a) Show that a uniform filter bank with a bank ofM analysis filters can be implemented
in a computationally more efficient way using polyphase filters as compared to that of

realizing each analysis filter as a separate filter. (10)

(b) The sampling rate of an audio signal x(n) is to be reduced, by two-stage decimation,
from 240 kHz to 8 kHz. The highest frequency of interest in the data after decimation is
3.4 kHz. Assume that an optimal FIR filter is to be used, with an overall passband ripple,
op = 0.05, and stopband ripple, Os = 0.01. Design an efficient decimator. Your answer
must indicate a suitable pair of decimation factors, with appropriate detailed analysis of
computational and storage complexities to justify your choice. Specify the sampling.
frequencies at the input and output of each stage of decimation, and the following

parameters for each of the decimation filters in your design: (25)

(i) the bandedge frequencies
(ii) the normalized transition width
(iii) passband and stopband ripples
(iv) filter length

7. (a) Show that the Bartlett estimate of the power spectral density is asymptotically
unbiased, that the variance of the estimate decreases with the number of data sections,
and that the spectrum estimates are consistent. What effect does the modified

periodogram method have on the frequency resolution? (15)

(b) The 3 x 3 autocorrelation matrix of a harmonic process is

- j
j 3

Using the MUSIC algorithm, find the complex exponential frequencies and the variance

ofthe white noise. (20)

8. (a) Show that the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) can be implemented using a filter

brolk. (12)
(b) Explain with neat diagram why a scaling function is used in wavelet transform. (5)
(c) The wavelet and subband transform theories have significant linkages-explain with

mathematical details. (18)

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