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Análisis de Sistemas de Segundo Orden

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Second order systems analysis

Emmanuel Enriquez Jimenez Jesus David Franco Gomez Dayana Lopez Realpe
engineering department engineering department engineering department
Universidad Autónoma de occidente Universidad Autónoma de occidente Universidad Autónoma de occidente
Cali, Colombia Cali, Colombia Cali, Colombia
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Currently the are many methods for the design of control ic1 = C1 (3)
systems, since they can be used in an infinity of projects,
highlighting those of filters of all kinds[1], as the multiple
feedback filter that uses all the gain in open loop[2], for this
dv 2
ic2 = -C2 (4)
case the op-amp LM741 was implemented for a three-circuit dt
design that would allow to see the response of the
underdamped system, critically damped and underdamped, ( vi−v 1) v 1−va v 1−v 0 dv 1
because they acquire their own characteristics in each case. = + +C 1 (5)
R1 R2 R3 dt
B. The next step was to determine the block diagram using
During the following document, each step that is carried out
the equations found in (A) and arrive at its transfer function
in the analysis of a circuit delegated by the teacher to obtain
for which we used the matlab2021a program and in the
its equations is detailed, state variables, block diagram and
program simulink, we verified that our transfer function was
its correct simulation and assembly.
equal to the one assigned in the document guide Fig (2)
II. Methodology
Initially the graph was analyzed to define the elements by
which the circuit is composed and these were determined as
Fig(2) Guide document transfer function
3 resistors, 2 capacitors and an operational amplifier.
Using a scope in simulink we realize that the graphs of the
transfer function are identical so we move on to the next
step. Fig (5)

C. Continuing with the procedure, the state variables are

found using equations (1) (2) (3) (4) to perform a correct
dVi dVo
clearance of each of our variables of interest and .
dt dt
In order to represent this in matrix form and again by means
of a code in matlab 2021a we verify that the state variables
and the matrix were correctly set Fig(5)
Fig(1) Designated circuit
The following procedure is to find the elements of the circuit
A.Once this was defined, the process of finding the (resistors, capacitors and operational amplifiers) in real
equations begins, which allow to relate the voltage in the commercial values, which is done by setting up tables in
vo(t) and the voltage in the input vi(t) excel which, applying the quadratic formula in the
For purposes of circuit analysis, two important denominator of the transfer function Fig(2),allowing to find
characteristics of the ideal op amp are taken into account.: the values with which the poles of the system gave us equal
reals different reals and complex conjugates.
1. The currents through the two input
terminals are zero: Ia = 0, Ib = 0
2. The voltage between the input terminals is
equal to zero.: Vd = Va - Vb = 0,
resulting in: Va = Vb

i = i2 + i3 + ic1 (1) Table(1) example of resistors and capacitors

i2 = ic2 + ia (2)
As you can see, in the respective block diagram a display
was added next to the transfer function, to determine the
percentage of error they have each other, in addition, you
can see the behavior of both curves in the scope.

It must be taken into account that the amplitude that was

obtained in the curves of both the oscilloscope, corresponds
to the output voltage of the op-amp in the three cases
D.The complete scheme was obtained with the code which
was developed at the same time as all the other points and
the simulation of the circuit is performed in the multisim
software giving the commercial values found to the elements
Table(1) verifying that they are the same as those of the
matlab simulation.

Fig(6) Graphs in the scope

The state variables are given by:

Fig (3) Unit step response of conjugated complexes

Finally, the circuit was assembled using a dual source that

simultaneously delivers +- 12 on pin 4 and 7 of the
amplifier, in each case using the oscilloscope to see the
output response of the circuit. In the same way, for the 3
cases developed, the response of the system to a unit step
(1V) was proposed. It should be noted that it was not Fig(7) State matrix.
possible to stimulate the system with a value greater than 3,
since in the assembly of the circuit the operational amplifier After this, the simulation and assembly of the 3 circuits
would be saturated and would not deliver the desired output corresponding to: Same real poles, different real poles and
voltage. complex conjugate poles. This simulation was done in
III. RESULTS multisim.

After determining the differential equations that describe the

proposed circuit, the development of the respective block
diagram and state diagram describing the behavior of the
given system was carried out.

Fig(8). Assembly of the proposed circuit.

- Complex conjugate poles

Table(2). Values of resistors and capacitors of

Complex conjugate poles.

Fig(5) System block diagram.

Fig(12). Graph of the simulation of the case of complex
conjugate poles.

- Different real poles

Table(3). Values of resistors and capacitors of

different real poles.

Fig(9). Map of poles and zeros of the case of

complex conjugate poles.

In the case of the different real poles it is underdamped, this

system has the characteristic of having a slower response.

Fig(10). Simulation of the case of complex

conjugate poles.

Fig(13). Map of poles and zeros of the case of

different real poles.

Fig(11). Oscilloscope plot of the complex

conjugate poles case.
Fig(14). Simulation of the case of real conjugated

Fig(15).Oscilloscope graph of the case of different Fig(17). Map of poles and zeros of the case of equal real
real poles. poles.

Fig(18). Oscilloscope graph of the case of equal

real poles.
Fig(16). Gráfica de la simulación del caso de polos
reales diferentes.

- Polos reales iguales

Table(4). Values of resistors and capacitors equal real
Fig(19). Graph of the simulation of the case of
equal real poles in state variables.


First, the time and voltage scale corresponding to the

oscilloscope axes had to be adjusted, to appreciate the
different curves of the different circuits. Also, at the time of
assembly, a dual source was used to power gates 4 and 7 of
the LM741
As you can see above in the case of conjugated complex
poles, in that case of complex conjugate poles behaves as an
underdamped system which stabilizes at -1V; To configure
the stabilization time, large values of the capacitors were
used to better appreciate the curve on the oscilloscope;
because when low values in the capacitances were used, the
respective curve could not be well appreciated in the

In the case of the different real poles it could be seen in

figures (15) and (16) that it was the system that gave a
higher output voltage; Similarly, this overdamped system
has the characteristic of having a slower stabilization time
compared to the two different cases.

Finally, for the case of equal real poles, the ideal behavior in
figure (17) was for both poles to be at the same point,
making this system have a critically damped behavior,
however, as commercial values had to be used for the
resistors and capacitances, this made it difficult for the
system to behave as a critically damped one, therefore close
values were used in the elements that make up the circuit so
that the poles of said system were located as close as
possible and had a behavior similar to the ideal.


At the conclusion of the analysis, it was determined that for

each case worked on by giving the values to the elements
(resistors, capacitors), the value of the capacitances is
directly related to the stabilization time, therefore, the higher
the value of the capacitors, the longer the time stabilization
will be slower. In the same way, it was concluded that the
operational amplifier will never deliver an output voltage
higher than the one fed into the gates (+)vcc and (-)vcc
because the amplifier would saturate.


[1] Floyd, T. “ Dispositivos electrónicos”, pearson, octava

edición, páginas 755-810
[2]Hernández, R. “Introducción a los sistemas de control”.
Pearson, primera edición, páginas 195-204
[3] Cardenas, R.“Identificación de sistemas de segundo
orden”. Departamento de ingeniería eléctrica Universidad
de Magallanes. Disponible en:

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