Helicopter Structures: Butt Line Diagram of A Horizontal Stabilizer

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Helicopters use rotating airfoils called rotors to generate lift in a similar way to how wings provide lift in fixed-wing aircraft. They have unique flight controls like the collective, cyclic, and tail rotor pedals to control lift, horizontal movement, and counteracting torque respectively.

Helicopters generate lift through rotating airfoils called rotors. As the rotors spin, faster air flow over the curved top of the blades causes lower pressure and lift, similar to how wings work. Changing the angle of attack of the rotor blades increases or decreases lift.

The main rotor controls in a helicopter are the collective, which changes the pitch of all rotor blades simultaneously to control lift, and the cyclic control stick, which changes the plane of rotation of the rotor blades to control horizontal movement.

better laminar airflow, which causes lift.

On large aircraft,
BL 21.50 BL 21.50 walkways are sometimes designated on the wing upper
BL 47.50 BL 47.50
surface to permit safe navigation by mechanics and inspectors
BL 96.50 BL 96.50 to critical structures and components located along the
wing’s leading and trailing edges. Wheel wells and special
component bays are places where numerous components and
accessories are grouped together for easy maintenance access.

Panels and doors on aircraft are numbered for positive

identification. On large aircraft, panels are usually numbered
sequentially containing zone and subzone information in the
BL 96.62
BL 86.56

BL 86.56
BL 96.62
panel number. Designation for a left or right side location on
BL 76.50 BL 76.50 the aircraft is often indicated in the panel number. This could
BL 61.50 BL 61.50
BL 47.27 BL 47.27 be with an “L” or “R,” or panels on one side of the aircraft
BL 34.5 BL 34.5
BL 23.25
could be odd numbered and the other side even numbered.
BL 16.00 The manufacturer’s maintenance manual explains the panel
numbering system and often has numerous diagrams and
Figure 1-89. Butt line diagram of a horizontal stabilizer. tables showing the location of various components and under
indexed to indicate the location and type of system of which which panel they may be found. Each manufacturer is entitled
the component is a part. Figure 1-92 illustrates these zones to develop its own panel numbering system.
and subzones on a transport category aircraft.
Helicopter Structures
Access and Inspection Panels The structures of the helicopter are designed to give the
Knowing where a particular structure or component is located helicopter its unique flight characteristics. A simplified
on an aircraft needs to be combined with gaining access to explanation of how a helicopter flies is that the rotors are
that area to perform the required inspections or maintenance. rotating airfoils that provide lift similar to the way wings
To facilitate this, access and inspection panels are located on provide lift on a fixed-wing aircraft. Air flows faster over the
most surfaces of the aircraft. Small panels that are hinged or curved upper surface of the rotors, causing a negative pressure
removable allow inspection and servicing. Large panels and and thus, lifting the aircraft. Changing the angle of attack of
doors allow components to be removed and installed, as well the rotating blades increases or decreases lift, respectively
as human entry for maintenance purposes. raising or lowering the helicopter. Tilting the rotor plane of
rotation causes the aircraft to move horizontally. Figure 1-93
The underside of a wing, for example, sometimes contains shows the major components of a typical helicopter.
dozens of small panels through which control cable
components can be monitored and fittings greased. Various Airframe
drains and jack points may also be on the underside of The airframe, or fundamental structure, of a helicopter can be
the wing. The upper surface of the wings typically have made of either metal or wood composite materials, or some
fewer access panels because a smooth surface promotes combination of the two. Typically, a composite component

WL 123.483

WL 97.5
WL 79.5 WL 73.5

WL 7.55 Ground line WL 9.55

Figure 1-90. Water line diagram.









15.2 25.7
65.7 NAC C
76.5 72.5
85.5 BL 86.179 88.1

106.4 104.1

FS 652.264

FS 674.737

FS 625.30
15° 163
WGLTS 49.89
264 NAC C
WGLTS 0.00 282 BL 86.179
294.5 2°





Figure 1-91. Wing stations are often referenced off the butt line, which bisects the center of the fuselage longitudinally. Horizontal
stabilizer stations referenced to the butt line and engine nacelle stations are also shown.

E 300—Empennage 326 324 ZONE 300—Empennage

342 345
321 333
351 312 332


Zone 600—Right wing

Zone 400—Engine nacelles ZONE 800

Zone 200—Upper half of fuselage 822



Zone 700—Landing gear and landing gear doors

ZONE 100—Lower half of fuselage 146

143 Zone 500—Left wing
123 133


135 Subzones
111 112

Figure 1-92. Large aircraft are divided into zones and subzones for identifying the location of various components.

consists of many layers of fiber-impregnated resins, bonded Landing Gear or Skids
to form a smooth panel. Tubular and sheet metal substructures As mentioned, a helicopter’s landing gear can be simply a
are usually made of aluminum, though stainless steel or set of tubular metal skids. Many helicopters do have landing
titanium are sometimes used in areas subject to higher gear with wheels, some retractable.
stress or heat. Airframe design encompasses engineering,
aerodynamics, materials technology, and manufacturing Powerplant and Transmission
methods to achieve favorable balances of performance, The two most common types of engine used in helicopters are
reliability, and cost. the reciprocating engine and the turbine engine. Reciprocating
engines, also called piston engines, are generally used
Fuselage in smaller helicopters. Most training helicopters use
As with fixed-wing aircraft, helicopter fuselages and tail reciprocating engines because they are relatively simple
booms are often truss-type or semimonocoque structures and inexpensive to operate. Refer to the Pilot’s Handbook
of stress-skin design. Steel and aluminum tubing, formed of Aeronautical Knowledge for a detailed explanation and
aluminum, and aluminum skin are commonly used. Modern illustrations of the piston engine.
helicopter fuselage design includes an increasing utilization
of advanced composites as well. Firewalls and engine Turbine Engines
decks are usually stainless steel. Helicopter fuselages vary Turbine engines are more powerful and are used in a wide
widely from those with a truss frame, two seats, no doors, variety of helicopters. They produce a tremendous amount
and a monocoque shell flight compartment to those with of power for their size but are generally more expensive
fully enclosed airplane-style cabins as found on larger to operate. The turbine engine used in helicopters operates
twin-engine helicopters. The multidirectional nature of differently than those used in airplane applications. In most
helicopter flight makes wide-range visibility from the applications, the exhaust outlets simply release expended
cockpit essential. Large, formed polycarbonate, glass, or gases and do not contribute to the forward motion of the
plexiglass windscreens are common. helicopter. Because the airflow is not a straight line pass
through as in jet engines and is not used for propulsion, the

Tail rotor

Tail boom

Main rotor hub assembly

Main rotor blades Pylon
Tail skid





Landing gear or skid

Figure 1-93. The major components of a helicopter are the airframe, fuselage, landing gear, powerplant/transmission, main rotor system,
and antitorque system.

cooling effect of the air is limited. Approximately 75 percent Transmission
of the incoming airflow is used to cool the engine. The transmission system transfers power from the engine to
the main rotor, tail rotor, and other accessories during normal
The gas turbine engine mounted on most helicopters is flight conditions. The main components of the transmission
made up of a compressor, combustion chamber, turbine, system are the main rotor transmission, tail rotor drive
and accessory gearbox assembly. The compressor draws system, clutch, and freewheeling unit. The freewheeling unit,
filtered air into the plenum chamber and compresses it. or autorotative clutch, allows the main rotor transmission to
Common type filters are centrifugal swirl tubes where debris drive the tail rotor drive shaft during autorotation. Helicopter
is ejected outward and blown overboard prior to entering transmissions are normally lubricated and cooled with their
the compressor, or engine barrier filters (EBF), similar to own oil supply. A sight gauge is provided to check the oil
the K&N filter element used in automotive applications. level. Some transmissions have chip detectors located in the
This design significantly reduces the ingestion of foreign sump. These detectors are wired to warning lights located
object debris (FOD). The compressed air is directed to the on the pilot’s instrument panel that illuminate in the event
combustion section through discharge tubes where atomized of an internal problem. Some chip detectors on modern
fuel is injected into it. The fuel/air mixture is ignited and helicopters have a “burn off” capability and attempt to correct
allowed to expand. This combustion gas is then forced the situation without pilot action. If the problem cannot be
through a series of turbine wheels causing them to turn. corrected on its own, the pilot must refer to the emergency
These turbine wheels provide power to both the engine procedures for that particular helicopter.
compressor and the accessory gearbox. Depending on model
and manufacturer, the rpm range can vary from a range low Main Rotor System
of 20,000 to a range high of 51,600. The rotor system is the rotating part of a helicopter which
generates lift. The rotor consists of a mast, hub, and rotor
Power is provided to the main rotor and tail rotor systems blades. The mast is a cylindrical metal shaft that extends
through the freewheeling unit which is attached to the upwards from and is driven, and sometimes supported, by
accessory gearbox power output gear shaft. The combustion the transmission. At the top of the mast is the attachment
gas is finally expelled through an exhaust outlet. The point for the rotor blades called the hub. The rotor blades are
temperature of gas is measured at different locations and is then attached to the hub by any number of different methods.
referenced differently by each manufacturer. Some common Main rotor systems are classified according to how the main
terms are: inter-turbine temperature (ITT), exhaust gas rotor blades are attached and move relative to the main rotor
temperature (EGT), or turbine outlet temperature (TOT). hub. There are three basic classifications: rigid, semirigid,
TOT is used throughout this discussion for simplicity or fully articulated.
purposes. [Figure 1-94]

Compression Section Turbine Section Combustion Section

Exhaust air outlet N2 Rotor Stator N1 Rotor

Compressor rotor

Igniter plug

Air inlet

Fuel nozzle
Inlet air
Compressor discharge air Output Shaft
Combustion liner
Combustion gases
Exhaust gases

Figure 1-94. Many helicopters use a turboshaft engine to drive the main transmission and rotor systems. The main difference between
a turboshaft and a turbojet engine is that most of the energy produced by the expanding gases is used to drive a turbine rather than
producing thrust through the expulsion of exhaust gases.

Rigid Rotor System the blades to flap up and down. With this hinge, when one
The simplest is the rigid rotor system. In this system, the blade flaps up, the other flaps down.
rotor blades are rigidly attached to the main rotor hub and are
not free to slide back and forth (drag) or move up and down Flapping is caused by a phenomenon known as dissymmetry
(flap). The forces tending to make the rotor blades do so are of lift. As the plane of rotation of the rotor blades is tilted and
absorbed by the flexible properties of the blade. The pitch the helicopter begins to move forward, an advancing blade
of the blades, however, can be adjusted by rotation about and a retreating blade become established (on two-bladed
the spanwise axis via the feathering hinges. [Figure 1-95] systems). The relative windspeed is greater on an advancing
blade than it is on a retreating blade. This causes greater lift
to be developed on the advancing blade, causing it to rise
Static stops
up or flap. When blade rotation reaches the point where the
blade becomes the retreating blade, the extra lift is lost and
the blade flaps downward. [Figure 1-97]
Teetering hinge
Direction of Flight

Retreating Side Advancing Side

a tion

Blade tip Blade tip
Relative wind

Relative wind
speed speed
Pitch horn minus plus
helicopter helicopter
speed speed
Feathering hinge
(200 knots) (400 knots)

Figure 1-95. The teetering hinge allows the main rotor hub to tilt, and Blade

the feathering hinge enables the pitch angle of the blades to change.
Forward Flight 100 knots

Semirigid Rotor System

Figure 1-97. The blade tip speed of this helicopter is approximately
The semirigid rotor system in Figure 1-96 makes use of a
300 knots. If the helicopter is moving forward at 100 knots, the
teetering hinge at the blade attach point. While held in check
relative windspeed on the advancing side is 400 knots. On the
from sliding back and forth, the teetering hinge does allow
retreating side, it is only 200 knots. This difference in speed causes
a dissymetry of lift.
Coning hinge Teetering hinge
Fully Articulated Rotor System
Blade grip Blade grip
Fully articulated rotor blade systems provide hinges that
allow the rotors to move fore and aft, as well as up and
down. This lead-lag, drag, or hunting movement as it is
called is in response to the Coriolis effect during rotational
Blade pitch
change horn speed changes. When first starting to spin, the blades lag
until centrifugal force is fully developed. Once rotating, a
Pitch link
Coning hinge reduction in speed causes the blades to lead the main rotor
hub until forces come into balance. Constant fluctuations in
rotor blade speeds cause the blades to “hunt.” They are free
Swash plate to do so in a fully articulating system due to being mounted
on the vertical drag hinge.

One or more horizontal hinges provide for flapping on a

fully articulated rotor system. Also, the feathering hinge
allows blade pitch changes by permitting rotation about the
spanwise axis. Various dampers and stops can be found on
Figure 1-96. The semirigid rotor system of the Robinson R22. different designs to reduce shock and limit travel in certain

directions. Figure 1-98 shows a fully articulated main rotor
system with the features discussed.

Pitch change axis (feathering)

Pitch horn

Flap hinge Drag hinge

Figure 1-99. Five-blade articulated main rotor with elastomeric bearings.

by changing the pitch of the tail rotor blades. This, in turn,
changes the amount of countertorque, and the aircraft can be
rotated about its vertical axis, allowing the pilot to control
the direction the helicopter is facing.
Figure 1-98. Fully articulated rotor system.
ation Tor
d e rot qu
Numerous designs and variations on the three types of main Bla e

rotor systems exist. Engineers continually search for ways to

reduce vibration and noise caused by the rotating parts of the
helicopter. Toward that end, the use of elastomeric bearings
in main rotor systems is increasing. These polymer bearings
have the ability to deform and return to their original shape.
As such, they can absorb vibration that would normally be
transferred by steel bearings. They also do not require regular
lubrication, which reduces maintenance. Tor
Blade rota
Some modern helicopter main rotors have been designed with torque from
Tail rotor thrust
flextures. These are hubs and hub components that are made main rotor
out of advanced composite materials. They are designed to
take up the forces of blade hunting and dissymmetry of lift by
Figure 1-100. A tail rotor is designed to produce thrust in a direction
flexing. As such, many hinges and bearings can be eliminated
from the tradition main rotor system. The result is a simpler opposite to that of the torque produced by the rotation of the main
rotor mast with lower maintenance due to fewer moving rotor blades. It is sometimes called an antitorque rotor.
parts. Often designs using flextures incorporate elastomeric
bearings. [Figure 1-99] Similar to a vertical stabilizer on the empennage of an
airplane, a fin or pylon is also a common feature on rotorcraft.
Antitorque System Normally, it supports the tail rotor assembly, although
Ordinarily, helicopters have between two and seven main some tail rotors are mounted on the tail cone of the boom.
rotor blades. These rotors are usually made of a composite Additionally, a horizontal member called a stabilizer is often
structure. The large rotating mass of the main rotor blades constructed at the tail cone or on the pylon.
of a helicopter produce torque. This torque increases with
engine power and tries to spin the fuselage in the opposite A Fenestron® is a unique tail rotor design which is actually a
direction. The tail boom and tail rotor, or antitorque rotor, multiblade ducted fan mounted in the vertical pylon. It works
counteract this torque effect. [Figure 1-100] Controlled the same way as an ordinary tail rotor, providing sideways
with foot pedals, the countertorque of the tail rotor must be thrust to counter the torque produced by the main rotors.
modulated as engine power levels are changed. This is done [Figure 1-101]

The controls of a helicopter differ slightly from those found
in an aircraft. The collective, operated by the pilot with the
left hand, is pulled up or pushed down to increase or decrease
the angle of attack on all of the rotor blades simultaneously.
This increases or decreases lift and moves the aircraft up
or down. The engine throttle control is located on the hand
grip at the end of the collective. The cyclic is the control
“stick” located between the pilot’s legs. It can be moved in
any direction to tilt the plane of rotation of the rotor blades.
This causes the helicopter to move in the direction that the
cyclic is moved. As stated, the foot pedals control the pitch
of the tail rotor blades thereby balancing main rotor torque.
Figures 1-103 and 1-104 illustrate the controls found in a
Figure 1-101. A Fenestron or “fan-in-tail” antitorque system. typical helicopter.
This design provides an improved margin of safety during ground

A NOTAR® antitorque system has no visible rotor mounted

on the tail boom. Instead, an engine-driven adjustable fan
is located inside the tail boom. NOTAR® is an acronym
that stands for “no tail rotor.” As the speed of the main
rotor changes, the speed of the NOTAR® fan changes. Air Throttle control
is vented out of two long slots on the right side of the tail
boom, entraining main rotor wash to hug the right side of the
tail boom, in turn causing laminar flow and a low pressure
(Coanda Effect). This low pressure causes a force counter
to the torque produced by the main rotor. Additionally, the
remainder of the air from the fan is sent through the tail
boom to a vent on the aft left side of the boom where it is
expelled. This action to the left causes an opposite reaction Collective
to the right, which is the direction needed to counter the main
rotor torque. [Figures 1-102] Figure 1-103. The collective changes the pitch of all of the rotor
blades simultaneously and by the same amount, thereby increasing
or decreasing lift.

Air jet
Main rotor wake Lift

Air intake
Rotating nozzle

Figure 1-102. While in a hover, Coanda Effect supplies

approximately two-thirds of the lift necessary to maintain
directional control. The rest is created by directing the thrust from
the controllable rotating nozzle.

Swash plate

Sideware flight Forward flight

Cyclic control stick moved sideways Cyclic control stick moved forward

Figure 1-104. The cyclic changes the angle of the swash plate which
changes the plane of rotation of the rotor blades. This moves the
aircraft horizontally in any direction depending on the positioning
of the cyclic.


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