AS350 Manual-Hydraulics

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The document discusses the hydraulic system of the AS350 helicopter and emergency procedures to follow in case of hydraulic failures.

The main components include the reservoir, hydraulic pump, distribution block, servo control manifolds, main and tail rotor servos.

The pilot should cut off hydraulic pressure by engaging the isolation solenoid switch on the collective before reaching an unrecoverable attitude, then land without delay if in a hover or adjust speed if in forward flight.

Chapter 10 - Hydraulics

Photo by: Anton Heumann

INTRODUCTION The hydraulic distribution block houses a

hydraulic filter, a pressure regulating valve,
The elastomeric based rotor system on the a hydraulic pressure switch, a hydraulic
AS350 creates in flight dynamic forces that test solenoid and on certain models a
cause feedback loads in the cockpit flight hydraulic filter clogging indicator.
controls. To counter act these forces the
AS350 is equipped with a single hydraulic The hydraulic filter removes contaminates
system that assists with the pitch changes from the hydraulic fluid and the clogging
and dampens out dynamic feedback on indicator gives a visual warning of a
the main and tail rotor blades. impending blockage. The pressure
regulating valve keeps the systems
GENERAL pressure at a constant and the hydraulic
pressure switch activates the red HYD light
The hydraulic system is comprised of on the caution and warning panel and
a reservoir, variable delivery pump, a the horn. The hydraulic test solenoid valve,
hydraulic distribution block, 3 servo control when activated, routes pressurized fluid
manifolds, 3 main rotor servos, a single tail from the pump back to the reservoir.
rotor servo and on certain models a yaw
load compensator. Each of the three main rotor hydraulic
servos is fitted with a servo control
The reservoir is mounted on the main manifold. Each servo control manifold
gearbox and gravity feeds to the houses a one way check valve, an
hydraulic pump. The pump is belt driven accumulator and an isolation solenoid
off of the engine to main gearbox drive valve.
shaft and provides pressurized fluid for the

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Figure 166, Hydraulic Component Locations

The one way check valve traps The helicopter is equipped with either
pressure created by the accumulator a hydraulic isolation switch on the
after a hydraulic pressure failure. The collective head or, on earlier models, with
accumulators provide hydraulic boost a hydraulic isolation pushbutton on the
after a hydraulic failure and the isolation end of the collective arm (Figure 168).
solenoid allows pressurized fluid to bypass The hydraulic isolation switch/pushbutton
the servo and return to the reservoir. activates the isolation solenoid valve on
the main rotor servo control manifold.
The three main rotor servos are attached
via a rod end bearings on the bottom to The system is equipped with a single red
the main gearbox and on the top to the HYD light located in the warning-
non rotating swash plate. caution panel (Figure 167). When the
pressure drops at the hydraulic pressure
The single yaw servo is located horizontally switch below 32 bars the HYD light will
in the forward section of the tail boom illuminate and the aural warning horn will
under the tail rotor drive shaft. sound (provided the horn pushbutton or
switch is in the enabled position).
The AS350B1 & B2 models include a yaw
load compensator which assists in A hydraulic test pushbutton (Figure 169)
pedal inputs after a hydraulic failure. The or switch (Geneva panel) is located
yaw load compensator consists of a on the center console which activates
trim rod, a compensator lever, an the hydraulic test solenoid valve on the
actuator piston, a compensator body, hydraulic distribution block and on the
an accumulator, a solenoid valve, and a AS350 B1 & B2 models also activates
pressure release valve. the solenoid valve on the yaw load
compensator .

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Figure 167, Hydraulic Warning Light

COMPONENTS Figure 168, Hydraulic Isolation Switch/Button


The hydraulic reservoir is secured by two

clamps to the aft side of the conical
housing of the main gear box and is
constructed of light aluminum alloy
(Figure 170). It has a capacity of 2.1 liters
and is equipped with a sight glass on
the right side of the reservoir to view the
level of the hydraulic fluid. The reservoir Figure 169, Hydraulic Test Switch/Button
is equipped with a vented cap that can
be easily opened to add hydraulic fluid to
the system and a strainer mounted in the Return
reservoir opening to filter out debris when
adding fluid to the system. Hydraulic fluid
from the reservoir flows by gravity to the
hydraulic pump.

The reservoir has one feed to the pump

and two return ports.

Hydraulic Pump

The hydraulic pump is located in the

right hand side of the main gearbox Feed
compartment just behind the transmission
(Figures 171 & 172). Return

The pump is belt driven by the forward Figure 170, Hydraulic Reservoir
end of the engine to main gearbox drive
shaft off of the main gear box input pinion
pulley flange. There are two variants of (Figure 172). Each belt utilizes different
belts used on the AS350 models, either a input pinion pulley flanges and they are
green Filon type (Figure 171) or a black not interchangeable. The black Poly V
V Polychloroprene – Polybutadiene belt belts are more durable and have a longer

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Figure 171, Hydraulic Pump (Green Belt) Figure 172, Hydraulic Pump (Black Belt)

life limit then the green belts. The hydraulic pump (Figure 174) produces
In order to replace a hydraulic belt the a rate of flow of 6 liters per minute when
articulated coupling and engine to the main rotor is turning at a speed of
main gearbox drive shaft needs to be approximately 390 rpm and can provide
disconnected at the forward end in order operating pressure for the servos down
to get the belt around the pulley. Since to 170 NR. The pump is equipped with a
the articulated coupling is the forward magnetic chip plug and an internal .8 - 1
mount for the engine, the engine needs mm strainer to help remove debris in the
to be supported by outside means during fluid. With all main gearbox components
installation. intact the hydraulic pump produces
operating pressure, including after an
During installation the gimbal ring on the engine failure, whenever the main rotors
articulated coupling is disconnect in are turning.
order to disconnect the engine to MGB
drive shaft. The rear engine mount is then
loosened, and the entire engine is moved
back about 1 inch in order to string the
new belt around the drive shaft.

When equipped with a green belt

system a spare hydraulic belt is secured
around the articulated coupling to
provide for easier installation away from
a maintenance facility after a belt failure
(Figure 173). The articulated coupling
will still need to be disconnected at the
gimbal ring and the engine will need to
be supported but the engine to main
gearbox drive shaft will not need to be
disconnected. Figure 173, Spare Hydraulic Belt

© 2007 All rights reserved 102 EuroSafety International, LLC

Hydraulic Distribution Block

From Reservoir The hydraulic distribution block (Figure

Magnetic Chip Plug 175) is mounted on the right side main
gearbox and receives pressurized fluid
from the hydraulic pump. It houses the
hydraulic filter, hydraulic filter clogging
indicator (only on part numbers BFS-
Strainer 155 and BFS155-1), pressure regulating
valve, hydraulic pressure switch and the
Splined Shaft hydraulic test solenoid.

The hydraulic filter is mounted on the

bottom of the hydraulic distribution block.

It further removes contaminates from the

hydraulic fluid.

The BFS150 distribution block contains a 25

micron metallic filter that can be cleaned
between usages. The BFS155 and BFS155-
1 distribution block contains a 3 micron
Figure 174, Hydraulic Pump consumable mesh filter.
Hydraulic Test Solenoid Hydraulic Test Solenoid


Return To Return From Tail

Reservoir Return From Tail Return To
Rotor Servo
Rotor Servo Reservoir

Pressure to
Main Rotor Pressure to
Servos Main Rotor

Pressure Pressure
Switch Switch Pressure to Tail Rotor
Pressure to Tail Rotor Servo
Servo Pressure Inlet
Pressure Inlet
From Pump
From Pump

Clogging Indicator Filter


BFS-155 BFS-150
Figure 175, Hydraulic Distribution Block

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Hydraulic Test Solenoid Hydraulic Test Solenoid
Regulating Pressure
Valve Regulating Return From Tail
Pressure to Valve Rotor Servo
Main Rotor Return From Pressure to
Servos Tail Rotor Main Rotor
Servo Servos

Return To
Return To

Pressure Pressure to Pressure to Tail

Switch Tail Rotor
Pressure Rotor Servo

Clogging Filter
Pressure Inlet Indicator
From Pump Pressure Inlet
From Pump

BFS-155 BFS-150
Figure 175, Hydraulic Distribution Block

The difference between the BFS155 and debris builds up on the filter element
BFS155-1 is the addition of a restrictor the hydraulic fluid pressure will increase
into the valve body to minimize the risk around the outside of the filter and
of untimely activation of the clogging decrease after the filter. When the
indicator. pressure differential reaches 2.7 ± 0.4 bar
the magnetic piston spring assembly will
The filter has no bypass capability, if be pushed back off of the filter bulkhead.
the filter becomes clogged the flow
of hydraulic fluid from the hydraulic
distribution block to the servos will cease.

When equipped with either the BFS155 or

BFS155-1 hydraulic distribution block the
unit is equipped with an indicator button
which extends from the bottom of the filter
housing at a 2.7 bar differential pressure
across the filter. This indicator gives a visual
indication that the filter is clogging (Figure

The clogging indicator is held in the Clogging

recessed position against the filter Indicator
bulkhead by a magnetic piston spring
assembly (Figure 175). When sufficient Figure 176, Clogging Indicator

© 2007 All rights reserved 104 EuroSafety International, LLC

Hydraulic Test Solenoid

Without the magnetic attraction of the

piston spring assembly the clogging
indicator will be pushed outward by a
spring under the indicator (Figure 176).

The hydraulic pump provides more

pressure to the hydraulic system then
is needed so that at any operating
rotor speed there is sufficient pressure
to operate the hydraulic servos. The
pressure relief valve, located on top of
the hydraulic distribution block (Figures Pressure
174 & 175), opens at approximately 40 Switch

bar to allow hydraulic fluid to return to

the reservoir. This allows pressure in the
hydraulic system to remain at a constant.
The pressure relief valve is set at a 0 flow to
open at 43 ±1 bar. When installed on the
helicopter, with pressurized fluid flowing
past the regulating valve at 6 liters per
minute, the pressure relief valve will open Figure 177, Pressure Switch/ Solenoid Valve
at approximately 40 bar. This pressure
can be modified by maintenance to the longer receive pressurized hydraulic fluid.
correct pressure by adjusting the spring The pressure at the hydraulic pressure
calibration of the pressure relief valve. switch will decrease causing the pressure
switch to activate the HYD light and the
The hydraulic pressure switch (Figure 177), horn. Pressurized hydraulic fluid exits the
located on the front of the hydraulic hydraulic distribution block and is routed
distribution block, activates the red HYD to the hydraulic servos.
light (Figure 167) and the aural warning
horn when the pressure in the hydraulic Main Rotor Servo Actuators
system drops below 32 ±1 bar. The switch
will turn off the HYD light and the horn AS350’s are fitted with either SAMM
when pressure increases past 38 ±2 bar @ or Dunlop servos. These servos are
25° C ±10° C. interchangeable and their mounting
are identical, though it is recommend
The hydraulic test solenoid valve is located to use all the same brand on a specific
on top of the hydraulic distribution block airframe. The forward/left servo controls
(Figure 177) and is opened by engaging pitch and the left and right servos control
the HYD TEST pushbutton (Figure 178) or roll. All three main rotor servos are used for
switch (Geneva Panel) on the center collective pitch changes.
console. When the valve is opened
the pressurized fluid from the pump is The pistons on the bottom are attached
allowed, by path of least resistance, to via a rod end bearing to the conical
return directly to the hydraulic reservoir. housing of the main gearbox. The upper
The main and tail rotor servos will now no housing of each servo is attached via

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Figure 178, Hydraulic Test Push-Button/ Switch

a rod end bearing to the non rotating openingi off the

th slide
lid valve
l is i 2 mm.
swashplate of the rotor system (Figure The housing will continue to move until
179). movement of the control tube ceases and
the input lever is level or at hydraulic zero.
The extension or retraction of the servos When the input lever is at hydraulic zero
is accomplished through the movement the slider valve is in a position that doesn’t
of the servo housing. The steel piston allow fluid to enter or exit the servo.
rod remains fixed to the conical housing
during servo movements. The maximum Each of the three main rotor hydraulic
useful travel of the servos is 110 mm and servos are fitted with a servo control
the travel between stops is 135 mm. manifold (Figure 180). The manifold is
attached to the servo with banjo screws
When the helicopter flight controls are (Figure 180) which thread into the
moved, the servo input lever (Figure 182) pressure and return ports on the servo
is moved in the corresponding direction body through the servo control manifold.
via rigid push pull tubes. Displacing the A banjo screw is a hollow screw with
input lever moves the position of the servo connecting holes to the hollow middle
distribution slide valve allowing hydraulic near the bolt head. The screws allow
fluid to be routed to one of the two attachment of the servo control manifold
chambers on the piston rod while allowing and the servo while allowing hydraulic
fluid from the other chamber to exit fluid to flow through them.
the servo housing back to the reservoir.
Deflection of the input lever for maximum

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Attached to each manifold is a one way
check valve that traps pressure created
by the accumulator after a hydraulic
failure, an accumulator to provide
hydraulic boost after a hydraulic failure
and an isolation solenoid which allows
pressurized fluid to bypass the servo inlet
port (Figure 182) .

Hydraulic fluid enters the servo through the

top of the servo control manifold through
the one way check valve (Figure 181). The
fluid is routed to the accumulator then
on to the inlet pressure port of the servo
housing through a banjo screw. The slider
valve inside the servo routes the fluid to
one of the chambers on the piston rod,
at the same time allowing fluid from the
other chamber to be expelled through
the return port. The fluid exiting the servo
travels through the banjo screw then out
Figure 179, Main Rotor Servos (Dunlap) of the top of the servo control manifold.

Rod End Bearing Rod End Bearing


One Way
Check Valve
Servo Control

Banjo Screws

Piston Rod

Piston Rod
Rod End Bearing
Rod End Bearing
Figure 180, Main Rotor Servo (SAMM)

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The oleopneumatic accumulator, of the servo. The amount of time the
mounted on the top of the servo control accumulator will keep the servo boosted is
manifold, provides pressurized hydraulic dependent on the amount of movements
fluid to its respective servo in case of a made to the rotor system.
hydraulic failure and absorbs surges in
the system. The accumulator consists of The isolation solenoid valve is mounted
a metal cylinder with a rubber bladder on the side of the servo control manifold
inside of it which is charged with nitrogen and is closed during normal operation. The
gas to 15 +1 -0 bar at 20° C. As the valve is opened by activating the switch
hydraulic system is pressurized, hydraulic located on the collective head.
fluid is pumped into the cylinder around
the nitrogen filled bladder. When the When activated, the pressure inlet and
pressure of the hydraulic system exceeds the return outlet are connected. By path
the charged pressure of the bladder the of least resistance any pressurized fluid
hydraulic fluid compresses the bladder entering the manifold will be routed to the
creating pressurized fluid. return outlet along with any pressurized
fluid in the accumulator.
If the flow of hydraulic pressure from the
pump ceases, the accumulator will dispel In case of a slide valve seizure the valve
its pressurized fluid into the servo. The one could be opened to stop the flow of
way check valve, mounted on top of the pressurized fluid into the servos.
servo control manifold at the pressure
inlet port, traps hydraulic fluid dispelled After the loss of pressure to the servos, the
from the accumulator to the inlet port solenoid is opened after obtaining the
Pressure Return Pressure Return


One Way
Valve One Way
Check Valve


Banjo Screws Banjo Screws

Banjo Screw
Figure 181, Servo Control Manifold

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recommended airspeed to dump the When fluid is routed to chamber B the
remaining pressure from the accumulators increased volume of fluid in the chamber
and disable the system from coming back moves the housing and shortens the
on line. length of the servo. Compression of
chamber A forces fluid out of the servo
When the isolation solenoid valve switch through the return line.
is placed in the hydraulic cut off position
the horn relay for the hydraulic system is As long as the pilot inputs control forces,
disabled, however the horn will continue the servo will continue to travel in the
to operate for the NR system. direction of input. Once the control inputs
are ceased the housing will move until
SAMM Servo Actuators input lever is at hydraulic zero. In this
position the slider valve does not allow
Prior to start up the servos locking pin is fluid to enter or exit the servo.
extended into the servo actuator input
lever slot (Figure 182). This secures the Dunlop Servo Actuators
input lever at hydraulic zero and removes
any input play in the flight controls after Unlike the SAMM servos the Dunlop servos
a hydraulic failure. With the input lever have a locking pin on only the pitch servo.
at hydraulic zero the slide valve is in a Prior to start up, on the pitch servo, the
position that will not let hydraulic fluid locking pin is extended into the servo
enter or exit the servo. After a hydraulic actuator input lever slot. This secures the
failure the trapped fluid is needed in the input lever at hydraulic zero and removes
servo for lubrication. The locking pins any input play in the flight controls after
upper portion acts as a bypass valve. a hydraulic failure. The locking pins
When hydraulic pressure to the servo upper portion acts as a bypass valve.
drops below 14 bars the locking pin drops When hydraulic pressure to the servo
and allows chambers A and B to be drops below 14 bars the locking pin drops
interconnected. This allows the fluid in the and allows chambers A and B to be
chambers to flow between them during interconnected. This allows the fluid in the
control inputs after a hydraulic failure. chambers to flow between them during
control inputs after a hydraulic failure.
When the servo is first pressurized, fluid is
routed under the locking pin, and above When the pitch servo is pressurized, fluid is
6 bars lifts the locking pin out of the input routed under the locking pin and above
lever slot and compresses the locking 6 bars lifts the locking pin out of the input
pin spring. This closes the interconnect lever slot and compresses the locking
between the chambers on the piston rod. pin spring. This closes the interconnect
With the locking pin recessed the slide between the chambers on the piston rod.
valve is free to move. With the locking pin recessed the slide
valve is free to move.
When fluid is routed to chamber A the
increased volume of fluid in the chamber Prior to start up on the roll and tail rotor
moves the housing and extends the length servos the bypass valve is positioned to
of the servo. Compression of chamber B allow chambers A and B on the piston rod
forces fluid out of the servo through the to be interconnected.
return line.

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Extension of
Servo Actuator
Locking Pin

Slide Valve

Chamber A

Return Piston
Pressure Rod

Input Lever
Chamber B

Push Pull Tube Input Lever


Retraction of Loss Of Hydraulic

Servo Actuator Pressure

Figure 182, Samm Hydraulic Servo

© 2007 All rights reserved 110 EuroSafety International, LLC

When the roll and tail rotor servos are boom (Figure 186). The servo housing is
pressurized, fluid is routed under the secured on the aft end to the tail rotor
bypass valve. Above 6 bars the bypass pitch change rod via two attaching bolts
valve is moved into a position that closes that act as guides that slide in a Teflon
the interconnect between the chambers track during servo movements (Figures 188
on the piston rod and compresses the & 189).
bypass valve spring.
The AS350B1 & B2 models include a yaw
When fluid is routed to chamber A the load compensator which assists in pedal
increased volume of fluid in the chamber inputs after a hydraulic failure. When
moves the housing and extends the length equipped with a yaw load compensator
of the servo. Compression of chamber B an output adapter casing is mounted
forces fluid out of the servo through the between the tail rotor servo housing and
return line. the tail rotor pitch change rod (Figure
When fluid is routed to chamber B the
increased volume of fluid in the chamber
moves the housing and shortens the
length of the servo. Compression of
chamber A forces fluid out of the servo
through the return line.

As long as the pilot inputs control forces

the servo will continue to travel in the
direction of input. Once the control inputs
are ceased the housing will move until
input lever is at hydraulic zero. In this
position the slide valve does not allow fluid
to enter or exit the servo.

Tail Rotor Servo Actuators

The AS350 is equipped with either a SAMM

or a Dunlop tail rotor servo. The operating
principles for the servo are the same
as the main rotor servos except the tail
rotor servo does not have a servo control
manifold and the servo input lever is
moved by a ball flex cable.

The servo is mounted in the forward end

of the tail boom just under the tail rotor
drive shaft. The piston rod of the servo is
attached at the forward end via a rod
end bearing to mounting support No. 6
which is fastened to the top of the tail Figure 183, Dunlop Hydraulic Servos

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Extension of
Servo Actuator

Locking Pin
Chamber A

Slide Valve Rod

Chamber B

Input Lever
Push Pull Tube Slot

Loss Of Hydraulic
Retraction of Pressure
Servo Actuator

Figure 184, Dunlop Hydraulic Servos with Locking Pin

© 2007 All rights reserved 112 EuroSafety International, LLC

Extension of
Servo Actuator

Locking Pin
Chamber A

Slide Valve Rod

Chamber B

Input Lever
Push Pull Tube Slot

Loss Of Hydraulic
Retraction of Pressure
Servo Actuator

Figure 185, Dunlop Hydraulic Servos without Locking Pin

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Yaw Load Compensator
Support No. 6
The AS 350 B1 and B2 models are
equipped with a yaw load compensator
on the tail rotor hydraulic servo to assist
in heavy loads during a hydraulic failure
(Figure 190).

Models equipped with a yaw load

compensator have an output adapter Support No. 6
casing (Figures 189 & 191) mounted
between the tail rotor servo housing
and the tail rotor pitch change rod. The Figure 186, Support No. 6
adaptor casing is open in the middle to
allow free movement of the trim rod. The
trim rod is connected on its forward end to
the tail rotor servo housing, and on its aft
end to the compensator lever (Figure 191).

Rod End
Bearing Piston Rod Guide Track

Figure 188, Tail Rotor Servo Without Yaw Load

Input Return Compensator
Lever Pressure

Figure 187, Tail Rotor Servo

Adaptor Casing
Guide Track

Figure 189, Tail Rotor Servo With Yaw Load Compensator

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The compensator lever pivots between Actuating
the two brackets mounted under the Compensator Piston
top of the tail boom. The other end of
the compensator lever is connected to One-Way
the actuator piston (Figure 190) in the Check Valve
compensator body.

The compensator body pivots in between

the same mounting brackets as the
compensator lever.

Pressurized hydraulic fluid enters the

compensator body through a one way Solenoid
check valve that traps pressure created
by the accumulator in case of a hydraulic Accumulator
Figure 190, Yaw Load Compensator

Output Adapter

Trim Rod






Figure 191, Yaw Load Compensator

© 2007 All rights reserved 115 EuroSafety International, LLC

The fluid entering the compensator body is and fills the actuator. When the pedals
routed to the accumulator then on to yaw are displaced in the opposite direction
load compensator actuator. the force of the twist in the tail rotor spar
will assist in pushing the fluid out of the
The oleopneumatic accumulator, actuator and back into the accumulator.
mounted on compensator body,
provides pressurized hydraulic fluid to the Hydraulic Line Routing
compensator actuator in the case of a
hydraulic failure and absorbs surges in Hydraulic fluid gravity feeds from the
the system. The accumulator consists of reservoir to the pump. The pressurized fluid
a metal cylinder with a rubber bladder is then routed to the hydraulic distribution
inside of it which is charged with nitrogen block. If the pressure of the fluid is above
gas to 15 +1 -0 bar at 20° C. As the 40 bars the regulating valve opens and
hydraulic system is pressurized hydraulic allows fluid to be routed back to the
fluid is pumped into the cylinder around reservoir until the pressure returns to 40
the nitrogen filled bladder. When the bars.
pressure of the hydraulic system exceeds
the charged pressure of the bladder the The fluid is routed from the left side of the
hydraulic fluid compresses the bladder hydraulic distribution block to a “T” fitting
creating pressurized fluid. on the main gearbox. From the “T” fitting
the fluid is allowed to flow to the right roll
A solenoid valve is mounted to the servo and into the main gearbox housing.
compensator body. When opened it The hydraulic lines in the main gearbox
allows the accumulator pressure to be housing are routed to the left forward
dumped in case of a loss of control in the pitch servo and the left roll servo.
tail rotor system and to depressurize the
compensator after shutdown. The return fluid from the right roll servo and
the pitch servo are routed through the
A pressure relief, set at 55 bars, is mounted main gearbox to a “T” fitting by the right
at the solenoid valve to prevent hydraulic roll servo. The return fluid from the right roll
locking. servo meets with the return fluid from the
other servos and then is routed externally
After a hydraulic failure the flow of to the reservoir.
pressurized fluid to the tail rotor servo and
yaw load compensator will cease. Pressurized hydraulic fluid for the tail rotor
servo exits the right side of the hydraulic
The pressure trapped in the compensator distribution block . The hydraulic line is
will assist in applying pitch to the tail rotor routed directly to the tail rotor servo and if
blades (Figure 192). equipped, the yaw load compensator.

When the tail rotor pedals are displaced The return fluid from the tail rotor servo and
the pressure created by the accumulator yaw load compensator is routed back
is transferred to the actuator piston and to the hydraulic distribution block and is
will help in applying pitch to the tail fed into the same return as the fluid from
rotor blades. As the pedals are moved the regulating valve. The return fluid then
hydraulic fluid exits the accumulator exits the hydraulic distribution block and is
routed directly to the reservoir.

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Neutral Pitch


Servo Extending


Servo Retracting

Figure 192, Yaw Load Compensator

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HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CHECKS With the solenoid valve on the hydraulic
distribution block open the pressurized fluid
General from the hydraulic pump, by path of least
resistance, will return to the reservoir, and
After every start there are two hydraulic the flow of hydraulic fluid to the main and
system checks performed to ensure that tail rotor servos will cease. The hydraulic
the system is serviced and operating fluids pressure at the hydraulic pressure
properly. switch will decrease causing the pressure
switch to activate the HYD light and the
The hydraulic accumulator check tests horn.
that there is sufficient pressurized fluid in
the accumulators after a hydraulic failure. With the solenoid valve on the yaw load
For models equipped with a yaw load compensator open the pressurized fluid in
compensator the check also tests that the the yaw load compensator will be allowed
solenoid valve on the compensator body to exit the unit back to the reservoir.
operates correctly.
Confirm that the HYD warning light is
The hydraulic pressure isolation check illuminated and the horn has sounded.
tests the proper operation of the isolation After confirmation of the horn sounding,
solenoid valves mounted on the servo it may be disabled by deactivating the
control manifold of each of the main HORN push button or switch on the center
rotor servos. If equipped with a yaw load console.
compensator the check also tests the
proper operation of the compensator The cyclic is then moved forward and aft
system. for a total travel of 4 inches, 2 to 3 times.
The cyclic is then moved left and right for
Hydraulic Accumulator Check a total travel of 4 inches, 2 to 3 times.

The hydraulic accumulator check (Figures During these movements the

194 & 196) is performed with the engine accumulators are discharging their
running and the fuel flow control lever in pressurized fluid by the expansion of the
the flight gate. nitrogen bag. By moving the cyclic fore
and aft the single pitch servo accumulator
Friction of the cyclic is adjusted to the level system is checked. When moving the
used in flight. Check that the collective is cyclic left and right the two roll servos
securely locked down by the locking strip. accumulator systems are checked. The
cyclic should be fully boosted during all
Cut off the hydraulic pressure by actuating movements.
the HYD TEST push button or switch (if
helicopter is equipped with a Geneva If any control feed back is felt during the
Panel) on the center console. movements the accumulator system will
need to be checked by maintenance.
When the HYD TEST switch is depressed the
solenoid valve on the hydraulic distribution The tail rotor pedals on models equipped
block opens and if equipped, the solenoid with a yaw load compensator should then
valve on the compensator body opens. be displaced left and right to check that

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Figure 193, Fully Charged Hydraulic System on Models Equipped with a Yaw Load Compensator

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Figure 194, Hydraulic Test on Models Equipped with a Yaw Load Compensator

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Figure 195, Fully Charged Hydraulic System on Models Not Equipped with a Yaw Load

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Figure 196, Hydraulic Test on Models Not Equipped with a Yaw Load Compensator

© 2007 All rights reserved 122 EuroSafety International, LLC

the solenoid valve on the compensator After activation the cyclic will almost
body has dumped the pressure out of the immediately get stiff. The cyclic should
unit by confirming that the pedals have be slightly displaced fore and aft and left
become stiff. and right to ensure control response of the
main rotor system.
The HYD TEST push button is then
disengaged and if the HORN has been With the loss of pressure in the system the
disabled, the HORN push button or switch tail rotor servo will no longer be receiving
should be re-engaged. pressurized fluid.

Confirm that the HYD light has The tail rotor pedals on models equipped
extinguished. with a yaw load compensator should then
be displaced left and right to check that
Hydraulic Isolation Check the yaw load compensator has held its
charge by confirming that the pedals are
Following the hydraulic accumulator partially boosted.
check the hydraulic pressure isolation
check is performed (Figures 197 & 198). The isolation switch or push button is
then returned to its normal position, this
Confirm that the collective is securely activates the isolation solenoid valves to
locked down by the locking strip. close. With the valves closed the pressure
will build in the system including filling of
Place the hydraulic isolation switch or the accumulators.
push button located on the collective
in the cut-off position. This will open the With the isolation switch or push button in
isolation solenoid valve on each of main the normal position the horn is no longer
servos control manifold. With the isolation disabled and will sound until the system is
solenoid valve open, the pressure inlet charged to above 38 ±2 bars.
and the return outlet of the servo control
manifolds are connected. By path of least The horn should sound for 2 to 3 seconds
resistance the pressurized fluid entering the if the accumulator’s nitrogen bladders
manifold will be routed to the return outlet are properly charged. If the horn sounds
along with any pressurized fluid in the for less then 2 seconds the nitrogen filled
accumulator. bladders in the accumulators may be
overcharged. With the bladders over
With the solenoid valves on the servo charged less hydraulic fluid can fit into the
control manifolds open the hydraulic accumulators. Since the accumulators will
system can not build up pressure. fill to their capacity faster the hydraulic
The pressure switch on the hydraulic system will achieve 38 ±2 bars faster.
distribution block senses this loss of pressure If the horn sounds for longer then 3
and illuminates the HYD light. Since the seconds the nitrogen filled bladders in the
activation of isolation switch or push accumulators may be undercharged.
button disables the horn relay for the With the bladders under charged
hydraulic system the horn does not sound. more hydraulic fluid can fit into the
accumulators. Since the accumulators will
fill to their capacity slower the hydraulic
system will achieve 38 ±2 bars slower.

© 2007 All rights reserved 123 EuroSafety International, LLC

Figure 197, Hydraulic Isolation Check on Models Equipped with a Yaw Load Compensator

© 2007 All rights reserved 124 EuroSafety International, LLC

Figure 198, Hydraulic Isolation Check on Models Not Equipped with a Yaw Load Compensator

© 2007 All rights reserved 125 EuroSafety International, LLC

HYDRAULIC SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS should be enough pressure stored in the
accumulators to adjust the helicopters
General speed to 40 to 60 kts. During an in ground
effect hover there should be enough
The loss of pressure to the hydraulic system pressure stored in the accumulators to
or the seizure of the slide valve requires land the helicopter safely.
immediate attention by the pilot. The
proper emergency procedure can be Loss of Pressure
found in section 3 of the aircrafts flight
manual, the expanded explanation of When the hydraulic system experiences a
these procedures written herein are meant loss of pressure (Figures 199 & 200) the red
for the purpose of standardization. They HYD light on the warning caution panel
may not be applicable in all situations will illuminate and the aural warning horn
and never supersede the FAA approved activates. With the accumulators properly
manufactures flight manual or common charged the cyclic and collective controls
sense. will feel normal. The pedals will feel stiff in
the AS350 B & BA and the pedals will feel
The loss of pressure to the hydraulic system partially boosted on the AS 350 B1 & B2.
can result from various causes. These
include a failure of the hydraulic pump After the loss of pressure in forward flight
or belt, the filter becoming clogged, or a adjust the airspeed to 40 to 60 kts without
break in a hydraulic line. haste. After reaching the target airspeed
range engage the isolation switch on the
After a loss of pressure in the system the collective. This will cause the horn to be
pressure switch located on the hydraulic silenced and the remaining pressure in the
distribution block will activate the HYD light accumulators to be dumped. The cyclic
and the horn. With the system properly and collective will immediately become
serviced the accumulators on the main stiff (Figures 200 & 202).
rotor servos will provide pressurized fluid
to the servos allowing the main rotor Since the elastomeric rotor system is set
flight controls to be normally boosted. with positive pitch in the rotor blades, the
The yaw pedals on the AS350B and BA collective will sit close to a 40 to 60 kt pitch
will become stiff and the pedals on the setting. Because of the aerodynamic rotor
AS350B1 and B2 will feel partially boosted force the cyclic will want to travel aft and
due the assistance from the yaw load to the right. To help over come the extra
compensator. needed forces to push the cyclic forward
and left the pilot can position his or her
Since the accumulators on the main right leg against the cyclic.
rotor servos have a set amount of fluid in
them the length of time they will provide As stated in the rotorcraft flight manual
pressurized hydraulic fluid to the servos the pilot then is recommended to “land
depends on the amount of movements as soon as possible”. Even though the
made to the main rotor flight controls. In helicopter can be maneuvered without
flight, or in a out of ground effect hover, extreme difficultly, extended flight can
with the system properly serviced and over fatigue the pilot and make the
with smooth and limited inputs, there landing of the helicopter more of a

© 2007 All rights reserved 126 EuroSafety International, LLC

Figure 199, Loss of Pressure in Models Equipped with a Yaw Load Compensator

© 2007 All rights reserved 127 EuroSafety International, LLC

Figure 200, System After Loss of Pressure Emergency Procedure

© 2007 All rights reserved 128 EuroSafety International, LLC

Figure 201, Loss of Pressure in Models Not Equipped with a Yaw Load Compensator

© 2007 All rights reserved 129 EuroSafety International, LLC

Figure 202, System After Loss of Pressure Emergency Procedure

© 2007 All rights reserved 130 EuroSafety International, LLC

The preferred landing area after a switch on the collective. Perform the same
hydraulic failure would be a long smooth landing procedure as for a loss of pressure
area like a runway or a field. After in forward flight.
selecting the landing area make a shallow
approach. As the helicopter is slowed the Slide Valve Seizure
forces required to hold the cyclic and
pedal in position will increase, the cyclic The hydraulic servo slide valve routes
will want to travel aft and to the right and hydraulic fluid to one of the two chambers
additional right pedal will be needed on the piston rod and allows the fluid
as collective is increased. If these forces from the other chamber to exit the servo.
are not overcome the helicopter will If the slide valve seizes in any position
pitch up and rotate left. The suggested besides hydraulic zero, fluid will continue
method of landing is with slight forward to be routed to a chamber extending
speed on the touch down. After landing or retracting the servo to full stop (Figure
the helicopter, lower the collective and 203).
lock the collective down with the locking
strip. While guarding the cyclic perform a If one of the main rotor hydraulic servos
normal shutdown. experiences a slide valve seizure the
cyclic will move without pilot input. The
After the loss of pressure in an in ground forces may be impossible for the pilot
effect hover control any tendency of the to over come and if the hydraulic fluid
helicopter to rotate around the yaw axis. pressure to the servo is not shut off the
In models not equipped with a yaw load helicopter may get into an unrecoverable
compensator the forces required to hold attitude. Upon uninitiated movement
the nose of the helicopter straight with a of the cyclic the pilot should, prior to
high power setting may be severe. Land reaching an unrecoverable attitude, cut
the helicopter normally without delay and off the hydraulic pressure by engaging the
after the collective is fully down engage isolation solenoid switch on the collective.
the collective locking strip. Tighten the Upon engaging the isolation switch the
friction on the cyclic and continue to red HYD light will illuminate and the flight
guard it until the rotor has fully stopped. controls will immediately get stiff. If in a
Place the hydraulic cutoff switch on the hover, after the isolation switch is placed
collective in the cutoff position. This will in the cutoff position, the helicopter should
cause the cyclic to become stiff and the be landed without delay.
horn to be silenced. After which the pilot
can perform a normal shut down. If in flight and the speed of the helicopter
is outside the range of 40 to 60 kts, the
After the loss of pressure in an out of helicopter may be difficult to control
ground effect hover control any tendency after the isolation switch is placed in the
of the helicopter to rotate around the yaw cutoff position. The pilot should then adjust
axis. In models not equipped with a yaw the speed as quickly as possible to the
load compensator the forces required to proper speed range. Once the proper
hold the nose of the helicopter straight speed is reached and the helicopter is
with a high power setting may be severe. brought under control the procedure for a
Immediately adjust forward speed to 40 to hydraulic failure in forward flight should be
60 kts and engage the isolation solenoid accomplished.

© 2007 All rights reserved 131 EuroSafety International, LLC

If one of the yaw hydraulic servo
experiences a slide valve seizure the
pedals will move without pilot input. The
forces may be impossible for the pilot
to over come and if the hydraulic fluid
pressure to the servo is not shut off the
helicopter may get into an unrecoverable
spin. Upon uninitiated movement of
the pedals the pilot should, prior to
reaching an unrecoverable spin, cut off
the hydraulic pressure by engaging the
isolation solenoid switch on the collective.
Upon engaging the isolation switch the
red HYD light will illuminate and the flight
controls will immediately get stiff. If in a
hover, after the isolation switch is placed
in the cutoff position, the helicopter should
be landed without delay.

If in flight and the speed of the helicopter

is outside the range of 40 to 60 kts, the
helicopter may be difficult to control
after the isolation switch is placed in the
cutoff position. The pilot should then adjust
the speed as quickly as possible to the
proper speed range. Once the proper
speed is reached and the helicopter is
brought under control the procedure for a
hydraulic failure in forward flight should be
accomplished. Slide Valve

Figure 203, Slide Valve Seizure

© 2007 All rights reserved 132 EuroSafety International, LLC

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