CFBC Boiler Calculation

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Special Issue - 2015 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
ISNCESR-2015 Conference Proceedings

Energy Performance Assessment of CFBC Boiler

Rakesh Kumar Sahu G.Ishwar Rao
Department of Mechanical engineering Department of Mechanical engineering
Parthivi college of engineering and management Parthivi college of engineering and management
Bhilai-3 Bhilai-3

Kirti Maurya
Department of Mechanical engineering
Parthivi college of engineering and management

Abstract— Steam power plant generates electricity by using fuel The CFBC boiler is said to be the second generation fluidized
as input. In steam power plant boiler is a crucial part. Boiler is a bed boiler. It is divided into two parts first is fluidized and the
most useful device for any developing industries to process & second one is the gas solid separator or say a cyclone. CFBC
production. It also had some losses through some part of the boiler is generally made of water tubes as in pulverized coal
boiler. Due to this, day by day fuel consumption increases and to
fired boilers. The primary combustion air enters the furnace
maintain it at a constant level is required to evaluate the
performance of the boiler. Performance assessment of the boiler through an air distributor or grate at the furnace floor. The
is nothing but the calculating the efficiency of the boiler. The secondary air is injected at some height above the grate to
performance parameters of boiler, like efficiency and complete the combustion. Bed solids are well mixed
evaporation ratio reduces with time due to poor combustion, throughout the height of the furnace. Thus, the bed
heat transfer surface fouling and poor operation and temperature is nearly uniform in the range, though heat is
maintenance. Even for a new boiler, reasons such as extracted along its height. Relatively coarse particles are
deteriorating fuel quality, water quality etc. can result in poor captured in the cyclone and unburned coal, larger than the
boiler performance. Boiler efficiency tests help us to find out the cyclone cut-off size, are captured in the cyclone and are
deviation of boiler efficiency from the best efficiency and target
recycled back near the base of the furnace.
problem area for corrective action. Different methods are
adopted for calculating efficiency of the boiler such as direct II. LITERATURE SURVEY
method and indirect method. Direct method does not include
any losses for calculating boiler efficiency, while indirect method A ) Coal analysis
includes all the heat losses from a system to find boiler
efficiency. This project will give the information about the P.K. Nag [5] explained the analysis of coal. According to
efficiency of the CFBC boiler from 150 MW power plant by the this book the coal analysis are of two types, such as.
indirect method. Any observed abnormal deviations could 1) Ultimate Analysis
therefore be investigated.
2) Proximate Analysis
Keywords- Eefficiency of CFBC boiler, Heat balance sheet of Proximate analysis and ultimate analysis; both done on a
CFBC boiler mass percent basis.
I. INTRODUCTION Both these types may be based on
Economic growth of India being dependent on the power 1) As-received basis useful for combustion calculation,
sector has necessitated an enormous growth in electricity 2) Dry or moisture free basis
demand over the last two decades. The establishment of a 3) Dry mineral-matter-free basis.
sustainable energy is one of the most pressing tasks of
humanity. The initial developed reciprocating steam engine According to this proximate analysis of coal gives the
has been produce mechanical power since the 18 th century. information of FC, VM, M, ash, etc. And the other side the
Now in the present scenario, steam power plants continuously ultimate analysis gives the information about the chemical
convert the fuel heating energy to the electricity. elements that comprise the coal substance together with ash
and moisture.
Now coming to the main part of the power plant which is
Boiler. Boiler or steam generator is a device used to creat B ) CFBC boiler
steam by applying heat energy to water. A boiler or steam P.K. Nag [5] through which we understand the functioning of
generator is used wherever a source of steam is required. the CFBC boiler. It gives an overview of the functioning of
Boiler is a very crucial part of the power plant. So for this it the boiler.
is desired that to maintain it to a desired level. Here a CFBC
(circulating fluidized bed combustion boiler) is taken for the According to this, the CFBC boler is divided into two
study of some losses through some part of the boiler from a sections.
150MW steam power plant. .

Volume 3, Issue 20 Published by, 1

Special Issue - 2015 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
ISNCESR-2015 Conference Proceedings

1) It consists of furnace or fluidized bed, cyclone, loop seal, F ) Heat balance sheet
and external heat exchanger.
Heat balance shows the computed mass and energy flows
2) The second section is the back-pass, where the remaining
between the major equipment of power plant. In this we are
heat from the flue gas is absorbed by the economizer,
focusing on the boiler only. A heat stream is often the best
superheater and air preheater.
way to present a heat balance since it is easy and everybody
C ) Methods can understand the relative magnitude of energy involved in
different section of heat power equipment.
Bureau of Energy Efficiency [6], it is a guide book.
According to this book there are two methods to find out the Prabir Basu [9] explained the purpose of the heat balance
efficiency of the boiler, and the two methods are given by as sheet of the boiler. He proposed that The distribution of the
follows :- heat supplied to the boiler as useful heat and lost heat is the
basis for compiling the heat balance of a steam boiler.
1) Direct method
2) Indirect method Chetan T. Patel, Dr. Bhavesh K. patel, Vijay K. Patel, they
1) The Direct Method: Where the energy gain of the working had calculating efficiency of FBC boiler. The mathematical
fluid (water and steam) is compared with the energy model in the Microsoft excel is prepared for the indirect
content of the boiler fuel. This is also known as ‘input- method for finding boiler efficiency, because these method
output method’ due to the fact that it needs only the useful has a lots of calculation which make us a bore if the same
output (steam) and the heat input (i.e. fuel) for evaluating calculation is required for the different value of GCV of coal.
the efficiency By using Microsoft excel the repeated calculations are being
2) The Indirect Method: This method is based upon accurate quite easy and time saving. Just change the various values
and complete information which will make possible the and at the last you got the result immediately without any
calculations to determine all accountable losses and heat hand written time consuming paperwork.
credits. The efficiency then is equal to 100 percent minus
accountable losses expressed in percentage.
Indirect method:-
Rahul S.Patel, Prof. Bhavesh K.Patel [5] also explained the
above two methods in their paper. The efficiency can be measured easily by measuring all the
losses occurring in the boiler. The disadvantages of the direct
D ) Losses
method can be overcome by this method, which calculates the
For the indirect method we must need all the losses occurs in various heat losses associated with boiler. The efficiency can
the boiler. Mukesh Gupta, Raj Kumar, Manmohan Kakkar [4] be arrived at, by subtracting the heat loss fractions from 100.
The major heat losses from boiler are due to Indirect method is also called as method of losses.
1) High temperature flue gases leaving the stack (Dry flue The following losses which are given by as follows:-
1) L1 - Loss due to dry flue gas (sensible heat)
2) Moisture in fuel and combustion air
2) L2 - Loss due to hydrogen in fuel (H2 )
3) Combustion of hydrogen
3) L3 - Loss due to moisture in fuel (H2O)
4) Heat in un- burnt combustibles in refuse
4) L4 - Loss due to moisture in air (H2O)
5) Radiation from boiler surfaces
5) L5 - Loss due to carbon monoxide (CO)
6) Un- accounted losses.
*Losses which are difficult to measure and mostly taken from
But the above paper does not taking account of the the manuals.
combustible losses. Bureau of Indian Standards [10] proposed 6) L6 - Loss due to surface radiation, convection and other
the consideration of the combustible losses. According to unaccounted.
Bureau of Indian Standards [10], it plays an important role 7) L7 - Unburnt losses in fly ash (Carbon)
for the calculation of the boiler efficiency. As per the Bureau 8) L8 - Unburnt losses in bottom ash (Carbon)
of Indian Standards [10] the combustible losses are found to 9) L9 - Losses due to combustibles
be fewer boilers, if it is occurred we have to consider this.
Boiler Efficiency by indirect method = 100 - (L1 + L2 + L3 +
E ) Assumptions L4 + L5 + L6 + L7 + L8 + L9)
Every method is underperformed by taking in account of Equations
some assumptions. In indirect method some assumptions are
Step 1: Calculate the theoretical air requirement:-This is
taken for the calculation of the efficiency of the boiler.
the theoretical air required for the complete combustion. Fuel
Bureau of Energy Efficiency [6] has explained the
contains following elements such as:
assumptions which should be consider in the indierct method.
1) Carbon
The assumptions are given by as follows :
2) Hydrogen
1) Standby losses, 3) Sulphur
2) Blow down loss, And oxygen is already present in the fuel. So in burning
3) Soot blower steam, process
4) Auxiliary equipment energy consumption. C + O2 CO2

Volume 3, Issue 20 Published by, 2

Special Issue - 2015 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
ISNCESR-2015 Conference Proceedings

12 32 44 m x C pg x ( Tf - Ta ) x 100
L1 = ––––––––––––––––––––––––
1 32/12 44/12
GCV of fuel
So for 1kg of carbon required oxygen is = 32/12 = 8/3
Where, m = mass of dry flue gas in kg/kg of fuel
For C kg of carbon required oxygen is = 8/3 × C
m = ( mass of dry products of combustion / kg of fuel) +
Now for hydrogen ( mass of N2 in fuel on 1 kg basis ) + (mass of N2 in
actual mass of air we are supplying) .
Cpg = Specific heat of flue gas (0.378 kcal/kg )
2H2 + O2 2H2O
ii. Percentage heat loss due to evaporation of water
4 32 20 formed due to H2 in fuel(L2): - During combustion of the
fuel some heat losses occurs due to the presence of the
1 8 5 hydrogen in the fuel.
So for 1kg of hydrogen required oxygen is = 8 9 x H2 { 584 + C p (Tf - Ta ) } x 100
For H2 kg of hydrogen required oxygen is = 8 × H2 L2 = –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
GCV of fuel
Now for sulphur
Where,H2 = percentage of H2 in 1 kg of fuel
S + O2 SO2 Cps = specific heat of superheated steam (0.45
32 32 64 kcal/kg)
1 1 2 iii. Percentage heat loss due to evaporation of moisture
present in fuel (L3):-This is the loss of heat from the boiler
So for 1kg of sulpher required oxygen is = 8 kg of O 2 in the flue gases due to water vapour which was present
For S kg of sulpher required oxygen is = 1 × S initially as moisture in the coal burnt. This heat loss is the
latent heat supplied to evaporate the moisture.
So the total amount of oxygen required for the complete
combustion of 1 kg of fuel it also called as theoretical air. M { 584 + Cps ( Tf - Ta ) } x 100
L3 = ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Ta = 8/3 kg of O2 × C + 8 kg of O2 × H2 + S – O2 GCV of fuel
Ta = 8/3 kg of O2 × C + 8 kg of O2 ( H2 - O2/8 ) + S Where, M – % moisture in 1kg of fuel
We know that atmospheric air contains 23 % of oxygen by Cps – Specific heat of superheated steam (0.45
mass so the equation is written as kcal/kg)

Ta = 100/23×[8/3 × C + 8{ H2 - O2/8 } + S ] iv. Percentage heat loss due to moisture present in the air
(L4):-This is the heat loss due to moisture present in the air.
Ta = [(11.6 x C) + {34.8 x (H2 – O2/8)} + (4.35 x S)]/100 Humidity factor plays a small role in this calculation.
( kg/kg of fuel)
AAS x humidity factor x Cps ( Tf - Ta ) } x
Step 2: Calculate the % excess air supplied (EA) :- The 100
excess air, which is the quantity of air, required to be fed to L4 = –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
the boiler over the theoretically correct quantity of air needed GCV of fuel
for complete combustion of fuel.
Where, M – % moisture in 1kg of air
O2% x 100 Cps – Specific heat of superheated steam (0.45 kcal/kg)
EA =
(21 – O2%) v. percentage heat loss due to partial conversion of C to
CO (L5):- This is the heat loss due to the partial combustion
Step 3: Calculate actual mass of air supplied/ kg of fuel of the fuel during combustion process.
(AAS):- This is the actual air supplied, if too little air is
supplied, the fuel is not completely burnt and if too great %CO x C 5744
quantity of air is supplied the heat being carried up in the L5 = ––––––––––––––––– x –––––––––––––––
stack in greater quantity than normal. %CO + CO2 GCV of fuel

AAS = {1 + EA/100} x theoretical air vi. Percentage heat loss due to radiation and other
unaccounted loss(L6):- No measurement of this loss of heat
Step 4: Estimate all heat losses from boiler is possible except that by some empirical
i. Percentage heat loss due to dry flue gas( L1):- This is the formulae.
heat loss from the boiler in the dry component of gases to the The actual radiation and convection losses are difficult to
stack. The flue gas exit temperature and flue gas mass stack assess because of particular emissivity of various surfaces, its
determines the order of this loss. inclination, airflow patterns etc.

Volume 3, Issue 20 Published by, 3

Special Issue - 2015 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
ISNCESR-2015 Conference Proceedings

vii. Percentage heat loss due to unburnt fuel in fly ash of 1 hour, the loss in weight of the sample gives the moisture
Constituents Unit % Quantity content of the coal.

CO % 0.55 Constituents Unit % qunatity

Fixed carbon % 40
O2 % 4.00
Moisture % 7.5
Temperature after A/H (Tf ) (0C) 165 Volatile matter % 20.5
Ash % 32
Ambient air temperature (ta) (0C) 30
Fixed carbon / volatile matter % 1.95
Absolute humidity ------- 0.01
Specific heat of flue gas Kcal/kg 0.378 Other parameter required for the calculation:-

(L7): This loss is due to small amount of carbon, which Table.III OTHER PARAMETERS
remains as a residue in the ash from boiler. The losses in
function of % ash in fuel and % carbon in ash from boiler.
Total ash collected/kg of fuel burnt IV. RESULT
. x GCV of fly ash x 100
L7 = –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– TABLE.IV HEAT BALANCE SHEET
– S.No. parameters %
GCV of fuel
1. L1 = 5.52 %
viii. Percentage heat loss due to unburnt fuel in bottom
ash (L8):- This is the heat loss due to unburnt fuel in the ash. 2. L2 = 2.15%
3. L3 = 0.59%
Total ash collected per Kg of fuel burnt x G. C. V of bottom ash x 100
L8 =
GCV of fuel 4. L4 = 0.06%
5. L5 = 1.38%
ix. Percentage heat loss due to combustibles (L9):- This is 6. L6 = 0.41%
the unaccounted losses.
7. L7 = 0.13%
5.4 The following data is taken for calculating efficiency: - 8. L8 = 0.06%
Here the data is taken from a 150 MW thermal power plant. 9. L9 = 3.65%
The proximate and ultimate analysis was carried out with the
help of chemistry division of industry and the results have 10. Total losses = 13.95%
been tabulated in the table given below. 11. Boiler efficiency = 86.05%

Ultimate analysis: - Ultimate analysis gives chemical

elements that comprise the coal substance, together with ash V. CONCLUSION
and moisture. The coal substance consists of organic Conclusion derived from the data related to the boiler, if
compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen derived from higher GCV coal is used, then the efficiency should be
the original matter. The analysis shows the following increased and the other one is the excess air. The quantity of
components on the mass basis. excess air adversely affects boiler efficiency The quantity of
excess air needs to be optimized for achieving maximum
efficiency of boiler If the excess air is provided at maximum
COAL CONSTITUENTS UNIT % QUANTITY rate then it causes to reduce the temperature inside the boiler.
Carbon ( C ) % 51.32 The result is comes out to be 86.06 %. Ash and Moisture
Hydrogen ( H ) % 3.00 content inside the fuel will affect the efficiency. From this
Indirect Method mathematical model, the efficiency should
Nitrogen ( N ) % 0.94
be easily calculated.
Sulpher ( S ) % 0.54
Oxygen ( O ) % 4.70 REFERENCES
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Special Issue - 2015 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
ISNCESR-2015 Conference Proceedings

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Volume 3, Issue 20 Published by, 5

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