Question 3
Question 3
Question 3
Even though there may be a deceiver of some sort, very powerful and very
tricky, who bends all his efforts to keep me perpetually deceived, there can be
no slightest doubt that I exist, since he deceives me; and let him deceive me as
much as he will, he can never make me be nothing as long as I think I am
something. Thus, after having thought well on this matter, and after examining
all things with care, I must finally conclude and maintain that this proposition: I
am, I exist, is necessarily true every time that I pronounce it or conceive it in my
Author: Rene Descartes
In this example the author has used the strategy of arguing persuasively and
logically. As in these types of documents there are arguments, premises and then
conclusion is drawn from these arguments. For example
Argument 1 Premise 1: To be deceived ... I must exist
Hence it is clear from the above example that the author is discussing/arguing in a
persuasive manner but has logic that if someone has to be deceived he must
exist, if he/she does not exist, then will not be deceived. Overall a person
existence is necessarily true.