Mechanical Syllabus
Mechanical Syllabus
Mechanical Syllabus
Cam Mechanisms
Types of cams, follower and applications. Synthesis of cam for different types of follower motion like constant velocity,
parabolic SHM, cycloidal etc. Construction of eccentric cam, tangent cam and circular arc cam. Analysis of follower motion
for cams with specified contours like eccentric cam, tangent cam and circular arc cam.
Belt Drive: Ratio of belt tension, initial tension for flat and V belts.
Power Screw: Theory of Friction, Efficiency and torque required to raise and lower load
Brakes: Types of brakes and braking torque relations
Clutches: Types of clutches and relations for torque transmitted
Types of gears, Gear tooth terminologies. Concept of conjugate action, law of conjugate action, kinematics of involute gear
tooth pairs during the contact, number of pairs of teeth in contact, path of approach and path of recess Interference,
undercutting for involute profile teeth. Introduction to cycloidal profile. Types of gear trains. Kinematic analysis of ear trains
including simple epicyclic and double epicyclic gear trains.
Force Analysis
Static force analysis: free body diagram, condition of equilibrium. Analysis of all links of given linkages, cams, gears
mechanism and their combinations without friction. Force analysis of four bar chain with friction, Force analysis of gear
trains. Concept of inertial load. Dynamic force analysis of four link mechanisms. Dynamic force analysis of cam follower
References :
1. Shigley J.E., Uiker J.J.; “Theory of Mechanisms & Machines”; McGraw Hill Int., 1985
2. Thomos Beven; Theory of Mechanisms & Machines; CBS Publishers
3. Rao J.S., Dukki Patti R.V.; Mechanisms & Machines Theory, 2nd Ed; New age Int, 1998
4. Ghosh A, Mallik A.; Theory of Mechanisms & Machines,3rd Ed; Aff. East-West Press, 1998.
5. Rattan; Theory of Machine; Tata McGraw Hill, 1995
6. Sandor G.N., Erdman A.G.; Theory of Machines; Prentice Hall Publications, 1984
Introduction, stress, strain, types of stresses, stress strain diagram, hooke’s law, analysis of composite section, thermal
stresses and strain, thermal stresses, longitudinal stress and strains, lateral stress and strain, poisons ratio, volumetric stresses
and strain with uni-axial, bi-axial and tri-axial loading, bulk modulus, relation between Young’s modulus, and modulus of
rigidity, poison’s ratio and bulk modulus.
Principal stress and strain: - Analytical method, Mohr’s circle for representation of stresses, derivation of maximum and
minimum principal stresses and maximum shear stresses when member is subjected to different types o stresses
simultaneously (i.e. combined stress)
Types of beam (cantilever, simply supported, overhang beam etc.), types of load (concentrated and UDL), shear force and
bending moment diagram for different types of beams subjected to different types of loads
Stresses in beam: pure bending, theory of simple bending with assumption and expression for bending stresses, derivation of
bending equation, bending stresses in symmetrical sections, section modulus for various shapes of beam sections.
Shear stresses in beams
Derivation of differential equation of elastic curve with the assumptions made in it, deflection and slopes of cantilever,
simply supported, overhang beams subjected to concentrated load, UDL, relation between slope deflection and radius of
curvature, Macaulay’s method, Area-Moment method to determine deflection of beam.
Derivation of torsion equation with the assumptions made in it, torsion shear stress induced in the shaft when it is subjected
to torque, strength and rigidity criteria for design of shaft, torque transmitted for solid and hollow circular shaft, derivation of
maximum, minimum principal stresses and maximum shear stress induced in shaft when it is subjected to bending moment
torque and axial load.
Column and struts: Failure of long and short columns, slenderness ratio, assumptions made in Euler’s column theory, end
conditions for column, expressions for crippling load for various end conditions of column, effective length of column,
limitations of Euler’s formula, Johnson’s parabolic formula
Definition of strain energy stored in a body when it is subjected to gradually applied load, suddenly applied load sand impact
loads, strain energy stored in bending and torsion.
Factor of safety, statistical method of determining factor of safety, theories of failure, modes of failure, Compound stresses,
eccentric axial loading, variable stresses in machine parts stress concentration and stress raiser, notch sensitivity, stress
concentration factor, methods of reducing stress concentration, Goodman’s criteria, soderberg’s criteria, Garber’s criteria,
fatigue design for finite and infinite life of parts subjected to variable loads
1. Two problems on principal stresses.
2. Two problems on Mohr’s circle.
3. Two problems on thermal stresses with heat flow.
4. Two problems on SF and BM diagram.
5. Two problems on stresses in beam bending
6. Two problems on shear stresses.
7. Two problems on Macaulay’s method.
8. Two problems on Area –Moment method.
9. Two problems on shafts.
10. Two problems on columns and struts.
11. Two problems on compound loading.
12. Two problems on fatigue and variable loads.
Basic Concepts
Introduction to Thermodynamics Basic concept of thermodynamics, Closed and open systems, Forms of energy, Properties
of system, State and equilibrium, processes and cycles, Temperatures and Zeroth law of thermodynamics. Introduction to
First law of Thermodynamics (Law of conservation of Energy), Heat and work, Mechanical forms of work, non-mechanical
forms of work (Electrical, Magnetic etc.) ,Ideal gas equation of states, Difference between Gas and vapor,
compressibility Factor, Internal energy and specific heats of gases, Universal Gas constant.
Properties of Steam
Critical state, sensible heat, Latent heat, Super Heat, Wet Steam, Dryness fraction, Internal energy of steam External work
dine during evaporation, T-S diagram Mollier Chart. Work and heat transfer during various thermodynamic processes with
steam as working fluid Determination of dryness fraction using various calorimeters.
Books Recommended:
1. Nag P.K.; Engineering Thermodynamics, 3rd Ed; Tata McGraw- Hill, 2002.
2. Reyner Joel; Engineering Thermodynamics, 5th Ed; Addison Wesley, 1999
3. Arora C.P.; Thermodynamics; Tata McGraw Hill Publication,
4. Thombre S.B.; A data book on Thermal Engineering, 1st Ed, Green Brains Publication, 2003
Classification of materials, Properties and applications of materials crystalline nature of materials, especially microscopic
examinations of metals. Alloys and solid solutions, types and their formations, modified Gibb's Phase rule, Lever rule for
phase mixtures and their application in system.
Study of equilibrium diagram and invariant reactions, Iron-Iron carbide equilibrium diagram, critical temperatures,
microstructure of slowly cooled steels, Estimation of carbon from microstructures, structure property relationship.
Classification and application of steels, Effect of alloying elements, Specification of some commonly used steels for
Engineering applications (e.g. En. AISI, ASTM, IS etc.) with examples
Classification and application of plain carbon steels. Examples of alloy steels such as high manganese steel, Ball bearing
steels, maraging steels, spring steels, etc.
Tool steels-classification, composition, application and commercial heat treatment practice for HSS, secondary hardening.
Stainless steels- classification, composition, application and general heat treatment practice for stainless steels.
Heat Treatment and its importance, annealing, Normalizing, Hardening, Quench Cracks, Hardenability test TTT Diagram
and its construction and related Heat Treatment Processes such as Austempering, Martempering, patenting etc. Retention of
austenite, Effects and elimination of retained austenite, Tempering case/ Surface hardening treatments such as carbonizing,
Nitriding, Cyaniding, Carbonitriding. Flame and Induction hardening.
Cast Iron- Classification, White Cast Iron, Gray Cast Iron, Nodular Cast Iron, Malleable Cast Iron, and Chilled and alloy
Cast iron. (Production route, Composition, Microstructure and applications) Effects of various parameters on structure and
properties of Cast Iron, Alloy Cast Iron such as Ni resist Ni hard,
Non-Ferrous Alloys: Study of non-ferrous alloys such as brasses (Cu-Zn diagram), bronzes (Cu-Zn diagram), Aluminum
alloys (e.g. Al-Si and Al-Cu diagram), bearing materials
Tension Test: Engineering and True stress strain curve, conversion relationship, evaluation of properties, numerical based on
tension and compression test, Types of engineering stress strain curves, compression test.Hardness test- Brinell, Vickers,
And Rockwell.
Introduction to Charpy and Izod Impact Test, Introduction to Non Destructive Testing.
References :
1. Avner; Introduction to Physical Metallurgy, 2nd Ed; Tata McGraw Hill, 2001
2. Lakhtin Y.; Engg. Physical Metallurgy & Heat Treatment, 6th Ed; Mir Publishers, 1998
3. Rollason E.C.; Metallurgy for Engineers; Edward Arnold publications, 1959
4. Grewal B.K.; Introduction to Engineering Metallurgy
Differential Equation
Solution of Ordinary differential equation of higher order, Frobenius method, Legendre equation, Bessel equation, Legendre
Polynomials, Bessel function of first and second kind.
Laplace Transform
Definition & its properties, transform of derivatives and integrals, evaluation of integrals by Laplace Transform. Inverse
Laplace Transform, convolution theorem, Laplace transform of periodic function and unit step function and dirac delta
function, application of Laplace transform to solve ordinary differential equation and partial differential equation-One-
dimensional wave and heat equation
Fourier Series
Introduction, the Fourier theorem, Evaluation of Fourier coefficients, Half Range series, considerations of symmetry,
Exponential form of Fourier series, Fourier integral theorem, Fourier transform, Elementary concept of double Fourier
Complex Variable
Analytical function, Cauchy-Riemann conditions, conjugate functions, singularities, Couchy’s integral theorem and integral
formula, Taylor’s and Laurent’s theorem, Residue theorem, Evolution of integral by residue theorem, Conformal mapping,
mapping by Linear and Inverse transformation.
Books Recommended:
1. Kreyszig E.; Advanced Engineering Mathematics; 7th Ed; John Wiley & Sons, 1993
2. Chandrika Prasad; Mathematics for Engineers, 12th Ed; Prasad Mudranalaya, 1981.
3. Chandrika Prasad; Advanced Mathematics for Engineers, 9th Ed; Prasad Mudra, 1972.
4. M.R.Speigel; Advanced Mathematics For Engineers and Scientists, McGraw Hill, 1992
Properties of fluids, viscosity, capillarity and surface tension, Fluid pressure and its measurement
Pressure variation in compressible and incompressible fluids, Hydrostatics: Forces on plane and curved surfaces, Buoyancy,
Stability of floating and submerged bodies, Relative equilibrium pressure distribution in liquid subjected to acceleration and
Flow Kinematics
Types of flows; steady and unsteady, rotational and irrotational, laminar and turbulent, etc
Streamlines, potential lines, flow net, vortex motion, Velocity and acceleration at a point, stream function, potential function,
continuity equation, Bernoulli’s equation and its applications.
Viscous Flow
Through pipes and parallel plates (Hagen poiseuille and plane poiseuille flow)
Boundary layer concept, boundary layer thickness, wall shear, displacement thickness, momentum thickness and energy
thickness, integral equation,Boundary layer separation.
Compressible Flows
Introduction to compressible flows, speed of sound wave, Mach number, Mach cone, one dimensional isentropic flows,
stagnation properties, flow through nozzles, normal shock
Tutorials: (minimum 5)
1. Dimensional analysis and similitude
2. Error analysis
3. Drag and lift on immersed bodies
4. Kinetic energy and momentum correction factors
5. Water hammer
6. Pipe networks
7. Other assignments based on the theory syllabus
Books recommended:
1. White F.M.; Fluid mechanics; 2nd Ed; McGraw Hill, 1986
2. Massey B.S.; Mechanics of fluids, 6th Ed; ELBS-Chapman & Hall, 1994
3. Streeter V.L., Wylie E.B.; Fluid mechanics, 7th Ed; McGraw Hill, 1983
4. Thombre S.B.; A data book on Thermal Engineering, 1st Ed; Green Brains Publication, 2003
Pattern Making
Casting Processes, Pattern making, pattern materials, Types of pattern, Removable and disposable pattern, pattern
allowances, color codes of pattern.Moulding Sands: Types of Moulding sands, properties of moulding sand.Moulding: Types
of Moulds, Tools used in moulding, Procedure for making moulds, Moulding process, Types of moulding operations. Cores:
Properties of cores, types of cores, core making, chaplets
Elements of gating system, Types of gating, risering, Melting and pouring of metals,Melting Furnaces: Electric arc furnace,
Cupola furnace, Induction furnace, oil fired tilting furnace.
Defects in sand casting: blowholes, shrinkage defect, hot tears. Mis-runs, cold shut, and pour short, Inclusions. Special
casting processes: Plaster mould casting processes, shell moulding casting processes, permanent mould casting processes,
die casting processes, continues casting processes, centrifugal casting processes, Advantages and limitations of casting
processes, selection of casting process. CO2 moulding, Investment casting.
Metal joining processes: Introduction, classification of joining processes.
Welding process: Types of welding processes, pre-welding requirements, and welding, welding technique, types of welding
joints, edge preparation for welding, welding techniques.
Arc welding: electron theory of arc columns, arc-welding process, weld penetration,
Gas welding: Gas welding process, Types of flames, fluxes, filler material.
Resistance Welding: Spot welding, seam welding, tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding, Metal Inert gas welding (MIG).
Soldering and brazing, Thermit welding.
Mechanical Fasteners: Threaded fasteners, non-threaded fasteners.
Books Recommended:
1. Rao P.N.; Manufacturing Technology: Metal cutting & Machine Tools
2. Ghosh, Malik; Manufacturing Science; Affiliated East-West Press Ltd, Anand, 2001
3. HajraChoudhari ; Workshop Technology, 13th Ed; Media Promoters & Publishers,
4. Kalpakjian S, Schmid SR; Manufacturing Engg & Technology, 4th Ed; Pearson Edu Asia, 2000
5. Krar, Oswald; Technology of machine Tools; McGraw Hill, New York, 1976
6. Begman M.; Manufacturing Processes; Texas, 1956
8. HMT; Production Technology; New Delhi, 1981
9. Bawa H. S.; Workshop Technology; Tata McGraw Hill, 2001
Machine Dynamics
Concepts in machine element dynamics. D’Alembert principle and inertia forces. Unbalance forces and moments in rotor-
disc assembly. Static and dynamic balancing by analytical as well as graphical method. Field balancing by vector diagram
and by influence coefficient method.
Dynamic force analysis of reciprocating mechanism by analytical method. Primary and secondary inertia forces. Balancing
of inertia forces in reciprocating mechanism. T-ς diagram for single- cylinder and multi-cylinder engines and other
reciprocating machines such as punching press. Selection of Flywheel inertia parameters. Balancing of inertia forces and
couples in multi-cylinder engines. Selection of firing order and crank diagram. Radial engines and V-twin engines.
Gyroscopic effect in machines such as ship, vehicles, grinding mills.
Basic methods of mathematical modeling of discrete vibratory systems. Free body diagram, Rayleigh energy method and
Langrange equation. Laplace transform and transfer function derivation. Free vibration of single DOF systems. Estimation of
Damping. Forced vibration under harmonic excitation. Impulse and step response. Modeling of two DOF systems. Torsional
vibrations of rotors. Whirling of shaft and critical speed. Modeling of multi-degree of freedom system mode orthogonality
property. Natural frequency and mode shape calculation by matrix iteration method. Modal analysis. Free and forced
Recommended Books:
1. Ghosh & Malik; Theory of Mechanism and Machine, 3rd Ed; Aff. East-West Press, Anand
2. Ratan; Theory of Machine, 12th Reprint Edition; Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
3. Rao,Gupta; Theory and Practice of Mechanical Vibration, 2nd Ed; New Age International
4. Meirovitch L.; Elements of Vibration Analysis, 2nd Ed; McGraw Hill Publications
Design Principles
Definition of design, types of design, design process, need, defining the problem, feasibility, preliminary design alternatives,
final design selection, preliminary and final plans and drawings.
Failure criterion & manufacturing considerations in design, basis of good design, theories of failure and factor of safety,
wear, corrosion, manufacturing methods, machining tolerance, surface finish, cost design consideration in casting & forging.
Material Selection: Mechanical properties, Applications and designations as per ISI and their equivalence with other
standards of engineering materials, selection of material, temperature effects on material properties cast iron, plane carbon
steel, alloy steels, aluminum and copper alloys, cast steel, plastics, polymers & composites & their applications.
Design of cotter and knuckle joint, shrink and press fit joints. Riveted Joint: Riveted joints for boilers, structural works
(uniform strength joint), and eccentric loaded joint. Welded Joint: Design of single transverse, double transverse, parallel
fillet, combination fillets butt joint, eccentrically loaded welded joints. Bolted Joint: Design of bolted fasteners, bolts of
uniform strength, bolted joints under eccentric loading. Design of lever and pin joints: Hand lever, Foot lever, and Bell
Crank lever.
Design of shafts: Design of Transmission shafts on the basis of strength, rigidity & critical speed, ASME code for shaft
design. Design of stepped shaft, axle, splined shaft, keys.
Recommended Books:
1. Maleev V.L, Hartman J.B.; Mechanical Design of Machine; CBS Pub. & distributors, 1983
2. Black P.H., Adams O.E.; Machine Design; Tata Mc Graw Hill, Kogakusha, 1968
3. Shigley J.E.; Mechanical Engg. Design; Tata Mc Graw Hill International, 1986
4. Shiwalkar B.D.; Design of Machine Elements, 2nd Ed; Central Techno Publication, 2001
5. Shiwalkar B.D.; Design Data for Machine Elements; Central Techno Publication, Nagpur
6. PSG College of Technology; Design data, 1st Ed.; DPV Printers, Coimbature, 2002
Steam Generators
Principles of steam generation, Classification of Steam Generators, Fire tubes and Water tubes Steam Generators, High
Pressure and Super critical Steam Generators, Boiler Mountings and Accessories.
Draught and its classification, Chimney height, Chimney Efficiency, Condition for maximum discharge. Performance of
Steam Generators, Evaporative Capacity, Equivalent Evaporation, Factor of Evaporation, Boiler Efficiency, Energy balance.
1. High pressure boilers
2. Meta-stable flow in steam nozzles
3. Governing of steam turbines
4. Blade design in steam turbines
5. Cooling Towers and cooling ponds
6. Design aspects of steam condenser.
Books Recommended:
1. Domkundwar, K’raman, Khajuria; Thermal Engineering, 4th Ed; Dhanpatrai & sons, 1996
2. Ballaney P.L.; Thermal Engineering, 24th Ed; Khanna Publishers, 2003
3. Rogers, Mayhew; Engineering Thermo: Work and Heat Transfer; Longman, London, 1992
4. Kearton V.J.; Steam Turbines; The English Language Book Society, London, 1961
4. Thombre S.B.; A data book on Thermal Engineering, 1st Ed; Green Brains Publication, 2003
List of Experiments:
1. Determination of jump-of speed of a typical cam-follower system.
2. Dynamic balancing of rotating masses.
3. Balancing of reciprocating mechanism.
4. Critical speed of shafts.
5. Gyroscope
6. Free vibration of single DOF and two DOF spring mass system.
7. Natural frequency determination of cantilever beam.
8. Damping determination through free vibration logarithmic decay of simple damped system.
9. Natural frequency determination of two & three rotor system.
10. Torsional vibration of bifilar or trifilar pendulum.
11. Transmissibility of single DOF system.
12. Dynamic vibration absorber.
13. Dynamic force analysis of four bar mechanisms.
14. Dynamic force analysis of slider crank mechanism.
15. Flywheel selection and parameter design for a typical multi cylinder engine.
16. Performance characteristics of governors.
Tutorials based on the syllabus of Machine Design-I
Forced Convection
Flow over flat plate, Hydrodynamic & thermal boundary layer, Prandtl Number, Nusselt Number, Reynolds Number, Local
and average heat transfer coefficient, Empirical relations for external flows, Flow through ducts.
Natural Convection
Natural Convection from vertical plate, Grashoff’s Number, Empirical relations for natural convection from various bodies.
Filmwise and Dropwise condensation, Nusselt theory for filmwise condensation on vertical plates, Pool Boiling Curve.
Laws of Radiation, Black body, Grey body & Coloured body, Emissivity, Black body radiation, Shape factor & its
properties, Radiation exchange between two gray surfaces.
Heat Exchanger
Classification of heat exchangers, LMTD Approach for parallel & Counter flow heat exchangers, NTU
approach for parallel/ Counter flow heat exchangers, Design aspects of heat exchangers.
Recommended Books:
1. Incropera FP, Dewitt D P; Funda.of Heat & Mass Transfer; 4th Ed; John Wiley & Sons, 1996
2. Holman J. P.; Heat Transfer; 8th Ed; McGraw Hill, 2003
3. Sukhatme S. P.; A Textbook on Heat Transfer, Orient Longman Ltd., Bombay, 1985
4. Thombre SB; A data book on Thermal Engg, 1st Ed; Green Brains Publication, 2003
Introduction, construction, types, work holding devices, operating conditions, operations on lathe. Turrets, capstan and
automats. Introduction, construction, classification, tool attachments of turret and capstan lathe, bar feed mechanism,
indexing mechanism. General operation mechanism, classification advantages of automatic lathe machines.
Finishing Processes
Grinding wheel, grinding machines, fine finishing operations such as lapping, honing, polishing buffing
Recommended Books:
1. Sharma P.C.; Text Book of Production Engineering, 10th Ed; S Chand & Co. Ltd, 2002
2. Parashar B.S., Mittal R.K.; Element of Manufact. Processes, Eastern Eco.Ed.; PHI, 2003
3. Ghosh A., Mallik A.K.; Manufacturing Science; Affiliated East-West Press Pvt. Ltd., 2001
4. Pandya, Shah; Modern Machining Processes, 12th Ed; Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1998
5. HajraChoudhary S.K., Bose S.K, HajraChoudary A.K., Roy H.; Elements of Workshop Tech. Vol.I & II, 19th Ed;
Media Promoters & Pub.
MEL308 : ENERGY CONVERSION –II : [(3-0-0); Credits : 6]
I.C. Engines
Air standard and fuel air cycles, parts of I.C. engines, two stroke and four stroke I.C. engines, SI and CI engines, combustion
in SI and CI engines, detonation, carburetion and diesel injection. Measurement of power: indicated, friction and brake
power, fuel and air consumption, indicated, brake, volumetric and mechanical efficiency, percentage of excess air, heat
balance sheet, performance characteristics & factors influencing the performance of I.C. engines
Reciprocating Compressors
Parts, operations, work done during isothermal, polytropic & adiabatic compression process, PV diagram, isothermal,
volumetric and mechanical efficiency, effect of clearance, multistage compressor, condition for minimum work input,
capacity control, actual indicator diagram.
Recommended Books:
Drawing Sheets , Name Blocks, Lines, Sections, Dimensioning, Dimensioning of Tolerances Standard Components,
Standard Features, Machining Symbols, Welding Symbols, Surface Finish Symbols, Heat Treatment, Manufacturing
Instructions, Allowances, Materials.
Orthographic Projections, Sectional Views, Multiple Views, Missing Views, Profiles, Cross sections, References,
Alignments, Dimensioning.
Study, qualitative selection of type / size (excluding design calculations) and standard practices for the following elements
Threads, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Rivets, Welds, Keys & Keyways, Splines, Couplings.
Component, Subassembly, Full assembly, Exploded Views, Various frames / brackets / housings / casings, Study of some
standard assemblies.
Production Drawing
Name Plates, Part List, Revisions, etc., Essential Parts/Formats required for production drawing, Process Sheet.
Recommended Books:
1. Naryana K.L., Kannaiah R., Venkata Reddy K.; Machine Drawing, 1st Ed.; New Age Int.Pub.
2. Naryana K.L., Kannaiah R., Venkata Reddy K.; Production Drawing, 1stEd; New Age Int.Pub.
3. N.D.Bhatt; Machine Drawing; 33 Ed; Charotar Publishing House, 2000
4. PSG College of Technology; Design data, 1st Ed.; DPV Printers, Coimbature, 2002
5. Bureau of Indian Standards; Engg. Drawing practice for schools & colleges, 1st Ed.; 1998
List of Practicals:
Practicals should be based on study, operations, accessories, attachment of following machines:
Lathe m/c, Drilling m/c, Shapers, Milling m/c and Grinding m/c.
List of Practicals:
1. Pencil Drawings of some standard components: Two sheets.
2. Pencil Drawings of standard assemblies with components: 2 sheets (2 different assemblies)
3. Pencil Drawings of Exploded View of a small assembly: One sheet.
4. Computer print out of a small assembly with components: One Assembly.
5. Computer Print out of a large assembly with component drawings, subassembly drawings and assembly drawings using
all standard formats: One Assembly.
6. Computers print out of Production Drawing and Process sheets for Two components.
List of Practicals:
generators, furnace, fuel firing methods, fuel and ash handling systems, various accessories of steam generators, steam
temperature control.
Steam Turbines: Details of construction, accessories, governing, turbine blades, power calculations, arrangement of turbines,
industrial turbines.
Condensers and Cooling Towers: Performance, heat transfer design, calculations, efficiencies, detail construction, cooling
water circuit, environmental aspects.
Hydro Electric Plant
Hydrology, rainfall measurement hydrographs, flow duration curves, site selection, classification of hydro stations, capacity
of hydro stations, selection of prime movers, governing of water turbines, operation of different components of hydro station
reservoirs, dam, spillway, canals, penstock, water hammer surge tank, Draft-tubes, specific speeds of turbines, Advantages
of hydro station.
Recommended Books:
1. Stroteki , Vopat,; Power Station Engineering & Economy ;Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1977
2. Domkundawar; Power Plant Engineering; Dhanpat Rai & Sons, 1980
3. Nagpal G. R.; Power Plant Engineering; Khunna Publications, 1978
4. Keswani H. S.; Power Plant Engineering; Standard Book House, 1776
5. Morse Frederick T.; Power Plant Engineering, 3rd Ed; D Van Nostrand Co., 1961
6. Verma M.; Power Plant Engineering; Metropolitan Book Co., 1987
Introduction to kinematics, types of mechanism, kinematics synthesis, science of relative motion, tasks of kinematic
synthesis with practical applications, Degree of freedom, class-I, class-II chain, Harding's notation, Grashof criterion,
Grubler's criterion. Introduction to position generation problem, concept of pole, two & three position generation synthesis,
pole triangle, Relationship between moving & fixed pivots, Four position generation, opposite pole quadrilateral, center
point & circle point curve, Burmester's point. Matrix method for position generation problem, rotation matrix, displacement
Introduction to function generation problem, co-ordination of input-output link motion, relative pole technique, inversion
technique, overlay technique, graphical synthesis of quick return mechanisms for optimum transmission angle. Types of
Introduction to path generation problem, synthesis for path generation with and without prescribed timing using graphical
method. Coupler curves, cognate linkages, Robert's law of cognate linkages. Complex number method for path generation
problem 3 precision points.
Synthesis for infinitesimally separated position, concept of polode and centrod, Euler's savery equation, inflection circle,
Bobbilier and Hartman's construction.Optimal synthesis of planer mechanisms, least square method. Introduction to spatial
mechanisms, D-H notations, Introduction to kinematic analysis of robot arms.
Books Recommended:
1. Tad D.C.; Applied linkage synthesis; Addison Wesley publication Co., 1964
2. Sandor G.N., Erdman A. G.; Advanced mechanism design; Prentice Hall Inc., 1984)
3. Suh C.H., Radcliff C.W.; Kinematics and mechanisms design; John Wiley &Sons, 1978
Selection criterion of journal, Antifriction bearings, thrust bearings; dry rubbing bearings, general design considerations and
procedure of these bearings.
Study of special types of bearings
Porous metal bearing, Hydrostatics bearings, gas bearings, crankshaft bearings. Oscillatory journal bearings, spherical
bearings, universal couplings. Study of following machine elements from the point of view of friction, gear and lubrication,
cams, all types of gears, power transmission chain, clutches and brakes. Design of following from the point of view of
friction, gear and lubrication: wire cables / control cables, slides, valves, piston rings, cylinders & liners, seals.
Analytical methods of gear analysis, zero and non-zero gear consideration, gear measuring methods, gear resistant parts,
material selection, hard surface coatings: selection and applications.
Selection of lubricant type, oils, gases, solid lubricants and coatings, other liquids.
Lubrication of components
Plain bearings, antifriction bearings, gears, cams, roller chains, slides, couplings, wire ropes.
Lubrication Systems
Selection of systems, circulation systems, storage tank, pumps, filters, centrifuges warning & protection devices heaters and
coolers, miscellaneous. Constructions like lubricant change periods, tests, deterioration, hazards.
Recommended Books:
1. Wilcock, Banter; Bearing Design & Application, 1st Ed; McGraw Hill Co., 1957
2. Bearings Reference Issue; NRB Bearing, Mumbai, 1999
3. Rothbent; Cams (Design, Dynamics & Accuracy); John Wiley &Sons Inc., 1956
4. Duddley; Crewan Design
5. Neabe M. J.; Tribology Handbook; Newness Butterworth, London, 1973
Construction of manipulators, advantages and disadvantages of various kinematic structures.
Pneumatic, hydraulic and electric. Characteristics and control. Nonservo robots, motion planning. Feed back systems,
encoders, servo control PTP and CP.
Introduction to Kinematics
Homogeneous coordinates, solution of the inverse kinematics problem, multiple solutions, jacobian, work envelopes.
Trajectory planning
Manipulator dynamics and force control.
Vision, ranging, laser, acoustic, tactile. Developments in sensor technology, sensory control.
Programming Language: VAL, RAIL, AML. Mobile robots, walking devices. Robot reasoning and Robot applications.
Types of pumps, fans, blower, and compressors, cavitation in pump
Hydraulic design of centrifugal type pump and blower.
Hydraulic design of Positive displacement type and jet pump type machinery.
Impulse and reaction type hydro turbines; operation, performance, similarity laws,
Hydraulic design of impulse type and radial flow type hydro turbines.
Recommended Books:
1. Lal Jagdish; Hydraulic Machines, 7th Ed.; Metropolitan Book Co.Ltd, 1984
2. Kumar D.S.; Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines, 4th Ed.; S.K.Kataria &Sons, 1992
3. Bansal R.K.; Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines, 7th Ed.; Laxmi Publications, 2002
4. Vasandani V.P.; Hydraulic Machines; Khanna Publishers, 1984
5. Rajput R.K.; Hydraulic Machines, 1st Ed.; S.Chand &Co., 1998
6. Church A.H., Lal J.; Centrifugal Pumps and blowers, 6th Ed.; Metropolitan Book. 1973
7. Massey B.S.; Mechanics of Fluids, 6th Ed.; Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1989
8. Yahya S.M.; Turbines, Fans and Compressors; Tata McGraw Hill, 1990
Types of shaft coupling, design of flange coupling, flexible bush coupling. Flywheel: Coefficient of fluctuation of energy
and Coefficient of fluctuation of speed, energy store in flywheel, stresses in flywheel, design of flywheel.
Types of belts & belt material, analysis of belt tension, condition for transmitting maximum power, design of flat belt, flat
belt pulley. V belt drive: Types of V-belt, analysis of V-belt tension, design of V belt pulley, Roller change drive: Velocity
ratio and length of chain, design of chain, dimensions of tooth profile, sprocket.
Worm gear drive: Types and proportion of worm and worm gear, force analysis, beam strength of worm gear teeth, dynamic
tooth load, wear load, thermal rating of worm gear, design of worm and worm gear. Introduction to haulage system, design
of wire rope, sheave and drums, Electric motor rating, types of motor like AC, DC, their Characteristics, controls, selection
Books Recommended:
1. Maleev V.L., Hartman J.B.; Mechanical Design of Machine; CBS Pub. & Distributors, 1983
2. Black P.H., Adams O.E.; Machine Design; Mc Graw Hill, Kogakusha, 1968
3. Shigley J.E; Mechanical Engineering Design; Mc Graw Hill International, 1986
4. Norton R.L.; Machine Design –An Integrated Approach; Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1996
5. Shiwalkar B.D.; Design Data Book; Central Techno Publications, Nagpur.
Gear Manufacturing
Gear casting gear milling, gear shaping, gear bobbing for spur helical and bevel gear. Tooling and selection of cutting
parameters, Process accuracy and quality of gears. Gear stamping. Process, gear drawing. Processes, Rolling process, gear
finishing gear shaving, gear lapping, gear honing.
Processing of plastics: Plastic molding methods, thermoforming, coding, laminate forming, machining of plastic, reinforced
Press working
Die cutting operation, classification, types of presses, press terminology, introduction to shaping operations, bending
forming & drawing
Introduction of Jigs and Fixtures
Difference between jigs and fixtures, uses, principles of jigs and fixture design. Materials, principles of location, methods of
location, Clamping requirements, types of clamps, jig bushes, drilling jigs, milling fixtures, classification of fixtures.
Automated Machines
NC, Basic components, co-ordinate system, types, NC part programming, DNC, types, advantages, limitations, CNC, AC,
CIM, FMS. Robotics: Robot anatomy, configurations, types of control, accuracy & repeatability of robot, end effectors,
sensors, robot programming, robot applications.
Books Recommended:
1. Sharma P.C.; Production Technology, 10th Ed; S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 2003
2. Groover M P; Automation production systems and CIMS, 9th Ed; Prentice Hall of India, 2002
3. Koren Yoram; Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems, 3rd Ed; McGraw Hill, 1986
MEL 423 : Measurement & Signal Processing : [(3+0+0 = 6; Credits : 6]
General Principles, Purpose and performance of measurement systems, Structure and Examples of
measurement systems, Block diagram symbols
Systematic characteristics, Generalised model of a system element, Statistical characteristics, Identification
of static characteristics – calibration
Measurement error of a system of ideal elements, the error probability density function of a system of non-
ideal elements, Error reduction techniques, Theory of Experimentation,
Elements of Measurement Systems
Classification, Principle, Construction, Range and working of following instruments (Analytical Treatment Not
included) Displacement, force, speed, torque, Flow, Level, Pressure, Sound and Light
Signal Processing
Sensing elements, Types of Signals, Signal Processing and Conditioning elements, Data Acquisition Digital
Techniques in Mechanical Measurements, Readouts and Data Processing, analysis and Data Presentation
References :
NC part programming
Punched tape and tape formats, NC words, methods of part programming, manual part programming: APT programming,
Direct numerical control. Computer numerical control. Adaptive control. Applications and economics of NC.
Industrial Robotics
Introduction, robot anatomy, robot control systems, accuracy and repeatability and other specifications, end effectors,
sensors, introduction to robot programming, safety monitoring.
Robot applications- Characteristics of robot applications, work cell layout, robot applications in material handling,
processing, assembly and inspection.
Group Technology
Part families, parts classification & coding, Opitz classification systems, production. Flow analysis; Machine cell design -
composite pat1 concept, types of cell design, best machine arrangement, benefits of group technology.
1. Computer aided manufacturing -Manufacturing planning, manufacturing control; Computer integrated manufacturing;
2. Flexible manufacturing systems -Components, Types of systems, FMS layout configuration computer functions, data files,
system reports, FMS benefits.
3. Computcr aided process planning: Retrieval CAPP systems, generative CAPP systems, benefits of CAPP.
Text Book:
1. Groover M.P.; Automation, production System & CIMS, 2nd Ed.; Prentice Hall of India, 2002
2. Zimmers, Groover; CAD/CAM, 9th Ed.; Prentice Hall of India, 1998
3. Kundra, Rao, Tiwari; Numerical Control and Computer Aided Manufacturing; TMH
4. Koren Yoram; Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems, 3rd Ed.; McGrawHill, 1986
MEP423 : Measurement & Signal Processing Lab. : [(0-0-2); Credits : 2]
Introduction to vibration in mechanical and structural systems. Discrete system modeling. Hamilton’s principle and
Lagrange’s equation. Free and forced vibration response of single degree of freedom system with and without damping
under harmonic excitation. Discussion on various types of damping; viscous, coulomb, hysteretic etc. Forced response under
periodic excitation and transient response through Du-hamel’s integral. Concept of response spectrum.
Rotor whirling and critical speed. Vibration isolation and transmissibility ratio. Vibration isolation in automobiles. Dynamic
vibration absorber. Torsional vibration in rotors. Numerical simulation in Cosmo-Kgp using Bond graph modeling and in
Simulink of Matlab.
Modeling of multi degree of freedom systems. Determination of natural frequencies using matrix iteration and deflation
technique. Concept of mode shapes and orthogonality principle. Rayleigh’s quotient. Free and forced response through
modal analysis.
Vibration of continuous systems. Longitudinal vibration of rods, transverse vibration of beams and torsional vibration of
shafts. Determination of natural frequencies and mode shapes under various boundary conditions. Introduction to FEM
modeling of continuous systems. Free and forced response through modal analysis.
Introduction and distinguishing characteristics of nonlinear vibration. Phase plane, equilibrium points and limit cycles.
Random vibration, correlation and spectral density functions.
Vibration measurement parameters and procedures. Vibration transducers and instruments. Source of vibration in
Machineries. Role of vibration measurement and analysis in machine design and machine condition monitoring.
Books Recommended:
1. Rao, Gupta; Theory & practice of Mechanical vibration, 2nd Ed.; NewAge Publication
2. Thomson; Theory of Vibration, 3rd Ed.; CBS publication
3. Meirovitch; Elements of Vibration analysis, 2nd Ed.; McGraw Hill
4. Timoshenko; Vibration Problems in Engineering, 5th Ed.; John Willey & Sons
Principles of management
Concepts of management, development of scientific management, principles of Fredric Taylor &
functionssuchasplanningorganizing,staffing,leadingmotivating,communicating,controlling,decision making, span of control
Personal management
Meaning, functions of personal management, manpower planning, collective bargaining, wages & salary administration,
labor welfare, training, trade unions, industrial factories Act, industrial boilers Act, Trade union act.
Plant management
Plant location, plant layout, types of maintenance such as break down, predictive & preventive maintenance, stores of
management, industrial safety, causes & cost of accidents, safety programs, production planning & control, job, batch &
process type of production
Marketing management
Definition & selling & modern concept of marketing, market research, new product development, product life cycle product
launching, sales promotion, pricing, channels of distribution, advertising, market segmentation, marketing mix.
Material management
Importance of material management, classification, codification, forecasting, necessity of inventory
Financial management
Sources of finance, financing organizations, types of capital, elements of costs & allocation of indirect expenses, cost
control, break even analysis, budgets & budgetary control, equipment replacement policy, make or buy analysis,
balance sheet, ratio analysis, profit & loss statement.
1. Koontz, O Daniall; Principles of management
2. Banga T.R.,.Sharma S.C.; Industrial organization & engineering Economics; Khanna Pub.
3. Kuchal S.C.; Financial management; Chaitanya Publishing House, 1996
4. Kotler P., Stauton William; Principles of marketing management, 5th Ed.; PrenticeHall, 1985
Solar Energy
Introduction, Spectral distribution of solar radiation, beam and diffused radiations, measurement of solar radiation,
pyranometer, pyrhelio meter, sunshine recorder. Solar radiation geometry, radiation on tilted surface, tilt factors.
Concentrating Collectors
Cylindrical parabolic collectors, compound parabolic collectors, parabolied collectors, their construction and principle of
operation, advantages and drawbacks, tracking systems Solar energy storage.
Introduction to biogas generation, fixed dome & floating drum biogas plants, their constructional details, factors affecting
generation of biogas, utilization of biogas.
Introduction, methods of obtaining energy from biomass, inceneration, thermal gasification. Up draft and down draft
gasifiers, their constructional details, Applications of producer gas.
Ocean energy
Introduction, Ocean Thermal Electric Conversion (OTEC), open and closed cycle of OTEC, hybrid cycle, energy from tides,
generation components of tidal power plants, single and double basin design arrangement, estimation of tidal power and
Recommended books:
1. Sukhatme S.P.; Solar energy, 2nd Ed.; Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2003
2. Duffie, Beckman; Solar energy; John Wiley & Sons, 1974
3. Parulekar B.B., Rao S.; Energy technology, 3rd Ed.; Khanna Publishers, 1995
4. Rai G.D.; Non Conventional energy sources, 3rd Ed.; Khanna Publishers, 1995
5. Garg H. P.,Prakash J.; Solar Energy – Fundamentals & Applications; Tata McGraw Hill,1997
6. Khandelwal K., Mahdi S.; Biogas Techno.-A practical Handbook, 1st Ed.; TMH, 1988
7. Thombre SB; A data book on Thermal Engg, 1st Ed; Green Brains Publication, 2003
MEL 407 – Biomechanics : [(3+0+0 = 6; Credits : 6]
Psychometric processes
Mixing, mixing with condensation, sensible heating and cooling, humidification and dehumidification, bypass factor and its
role, evaporative cooling, drying process, working of air-washer.
Air-conditioning systems
Sensible heat factor, design of summer air conditioning system, calculation of dehumidified air quantity and apparatus dew
point, ERSHF method, air-conditioning systems for monsoon and winter, air conditioning systems using all fresh air.
Recommended Books:
1. Dossat Roy J.; Principles of Refrigeration, 4th Ed.; Pearson Education Asia Publication
2. Arora C.P.; Refrigeration and Air conditioning, 2nd Ed.; Tata Mc Graw Hill Publication
3. Ballaney P.L.; Refrigeration and Air conditioning; Khanna publishers
4. Prasad Manohar; Refrigeration and Air conditioning, 2nd Ed.; New edge Publication
5. Khurmi R.S.; Refrigeration and Air conditioning, 3rd Ed; Eurasia publishing house
6. Arora, Domkundwar; A course in Ref. &Air Conditioning, 7th Ed.; Dhanpat Rai Publications.
7. Pita Edward G.; Air conditioning principles and systems, 4th Ed.; Prentice Hall
8. ASHRAE handbook and CARRIER hand book.
Probability theory, Random variables (discrete & continuos), binomials, poisons, normal and other standard distribution.
Chebychev's inequality, joint distribution, moment generation function, measure of control tendency, variability, control
limit theorem, sampling theory and distribution, estimation theory.
Hypothesis testing, x2 goodness fit curves, Regression analysis.
Quality Assurance
Concept of quality characteristics, Value of quality, Quality of design and conformance, Process capability, selective
assembly, concept in total quality control and quality system, Quality assurances.
Quality cost aspects. Job plan. Case study in value analysis. Process control - Concept of S.Q.C. control chart for variable
additives and attributes. Multi-characteristics control chart. Acceptance sampling plan, single, Double and sequential
sampling, ACL, LTPD concept. AOQL and rectification plan. Economic of inspection. Motivation for quality assurance.
Total quality management, Zero-defect program, Quality circle.
Books Recommended: -
1. Spigel M.R.; Probability and statistics; McGraw Hill Book Co., 1980
2. Gupta, Kapoor; Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 8th Ed.; S.Chand & Sons, 1998
3. Duncan A.J., Irwin Richard D.; Quality Control and Industrial Statistics; INC, USA, 1965.
4. Feigenbaum F.V.; Total Quality Control, 3rd Ed.; McGraw Hill International Edition, 1987.
5. Halpern S.; The Assurance Sciences; Prentice Hall India Ltd. New Delhi, 1979.
6. Winston, Duxbury Zappen; Managerial Statistics; Thompson Learning Inc.
Project Phase-I
DE – VI :
MEL 410 : CAD : [(3+0+0 = 6; Credits : 6]
CAD Introduction
Need of machine design, use of computer, computer fundamentals, computer aided design process, CAD configuration,
CAD tools, positive and negative points of CAD, CAD and CAM integration.
CAD Hardware
Introduction to hardware specific to CAD, CRT, Random scan technique, raster scan technique, DVST, Raster display,
Display systems, sequential scanning and interiaced scan.
CAD Software
Introduction to software specific to CAD, output primitives, line generation algorithm, circle generation, plane curve,
transformation, windowing and clipping, line clipping technique, geometrical modeling, CSG technique & B-rep technique.
types of forces, elemental stiffness matrix, elemental force matrix, assembly, truss, introduction to 2 dimensional finite
element method.
Introduction, Johnson method of optimization normal specification problem, redunant specification problem, introduction to
genetic algorithm.
Recommended Books:
1. Zeid I; CAD / CAM problem & practice, 3rd Ed.; Tata McGraw Hill 2001.
2. Newman, Sproull; Principles of interactive computer graphics; Mc Graw Hill book Co. 1981.
3. Bathe K.K.; Finite Element Procedures; Prentice Hall of India, 1996.
4. Kuthe A.M.; Computer Graphics including CAD, AutoCAD & C, 1st Ed.;S.Chand, 2005
5. Rao P.N.; CAD/CAM principles &applications; Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2002
Engines types and their operation, Introduction and Historical Perspective, Engine classifications, Engine operating cycles,
Engine components, Engine friction, lubrication and cooling, lubrication systems. Frictional losses, blow by losses, pumping
loss, Factors affecting mechanical friction
Fluid, Solid, gaseous, liquid fuels, SI Engine fuels characteristics, C.I. Engine fuels, characteristics, Rating of engine fuels,
I.C. engine fuels - petrol, diesel ENG, LPG, Alcohol, Vegetable oils, Combustion, Combustion stoichiometry - The first low
of thermodynamics and combustion, Enthalpies of formation, Heating values combustion efficiency. The second law of
thermodynamics applied to combustions. Maximum work, chemical equilibrium, theoretical flame temperature.
SI Engine
S. I. Engine fuel requirements, carburetors, factors attesting carburetion, moderns carburetors, metering systems, choke,
altitude compensation, fuel injection systems, multipoint port injection, feedback systems, charge motion within the cylinder
swirl, squish, combustion stages, flame propagation cyclic variations in combustion, ignition fundamentals, conventional
ignition system, abnormal combustion, knock and surface ignition, knock fundamentals, turbo charging, supercharging and
scavenging in engines.
C. I. Engines
Essential features of the process, combustion systems. Combustion in direct and indirect injection, fuel spray behavior. Fuel
injection systems, fuel pumps, fuel injectors, atomization, combustion in C. I. Engines, ignition delay, certain number, auto
ignition. Factors affecting delay. Effects of fuel properties. Abnormal combustion, supercharging and turbo charging in
Introduction to Computer Graphics, Application of Graphics, Graphic devices, display systems, refresh CRT, Raster scan
and random scan, color monitors, VGA, flat panel display, LED and LCD, input and output devices.
Graphical User Interface, Introduction, Types of GUI, widgets, components, Design of GUI, User centered design, Event
driven programming, Principles of good GUI design.
Scan conversion and output primitives, DDA algorithm, Bresenham line drawing algorithm, Bresenhem’s midpoint circle
and ellipse algorithm, polygon filling.
Windows and clipping, windows and Viewport, clipping, point clipping, line clipping, Sutherland cohen subdivision line
clipping algorithm, Midpoint subdivision algorithm.
2D and 3D transformations, geometric transformation using homogenous matrix method, translation, rotation, scaling,
reflection, and shearing. Successive transformation and composite transformation.
Solid Modeling vs. surface modeling, Types of representation, spatial enumeration, cell decomposition, boundary
representation, sweep representation, primitive instancing, constructive solid geometry, Advanced modeling techniques,
procedural modeling, Multi-particle rendering, Volume rendering, Grammar based system.
Curves, curves representation, parametric and non parametric form, properties of curve representation, interpolation and
approximation, Blending functions, 3d Space curves, Spline, cubic Spline, B-spline, Bezier curves, properties of Bezier
curves, Hermite curves, comparison of curves, 3D surfaces, Super-quadric surfaces, blobby objects.
References :
1. Interactive Computer Graphics by Edward Angel
2. Computer Graphics C version by Hearn and Baker
3. Computer Graphics ISRD Group The McGraw Hill Companies
4. Computer Graphics by Sinha and Udai.
1. Study of Carburetors
2. Study of Fuel Injection Systems
3. Study of Engine Components
4. Performance Characteristics of C.I. Engine
5. Performance Characteristics of C.I. Engine
6. Experiment on Air Pollution
MEP 432 : Computer Graphics & Solid Modeling Lab. : [(0-0-2); Credits : 2]
DE – VII :
MEL435 : CFD : [(3+0+0 = 6; Credits : 6]
Mathematical Preliminaries
Numerical integration. Review of linear algebra, solution of simultanilus linear algebric equations – matrix inversion,
solvers – direct methods, elimination methods, ill conditioned systems; Gauss- Sidel method, successive over relaxation
Grid Generation
Transformation of coordinates.General principles of grid generation – structured girids in two and three dimensions, algebric
grid generation, differential equations based grid generation; Elliptic grid generation, algorithm, Grid cluistering, Grid
refinement, Adaptive grids, Moving grids. Algorithms, CAD interfaces to grid generation. Techniques for complex and
large problems: Multi block methods.
Books Recommended:
1. Ferziger J. H., Springer P.M.; Computational Methods for fluid Dynamics; Verlag Berling
2. Anderson J. D. JR; Computational fluid Dynamics; Mc Graw Hill Inc., 1995
3. Patankar S. P.; Numerical Heat Transfer & Fluid flow
4. Sunderarajan M.K.; Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer, 2nd Ed.; Narosa Publishing
Concepts, terms and Definitions, Applications, A Brief History.Basic reliability models: reliability function, mean time to
failure, hazard rate function, bath tub curve, conditional reliability.Constant failure rate model: Exponential reliability
function, failure modes, applications, the two parameter exponential distribution, Poisson process, redundancy and the CFR
Design of reliability
Reliability specification and system measurements, reliability allocation, design methods, failure analysis, system safety and
Books Recommended: -
1. Chitale, Gupta; Product Design & Manufacturing, 2nd Ed.; Prentice Hall of India, 2002
MEL-418 : Adv. Stress Analysis : [(3+0+0 = 6; Credits : 6]
Fundamentals of stress and strain, stress strain relationship, Elastic constant, plane stress, plane strain.
Stress analysis for two-dimensional problems in Cartesian coordinate system, differential equations of equilibrium.
Boundary conditions, compatibility equation, Airy’s stress function.
Two dimensional problems in polar coordinate systems, general equations in polar coordinate systems, general equations in
polar coordinates, stress distribution about systematic axis. Pure bending of curved beams, effect of hole on stress
distribution in plates.
Photo elasticity Introduction, polarized light, wave plates, plane and circular poloriscope, Isochromatic & isoclinic fringes,
compensation techniques, separation techniques, analysis of fringe patterns. Introduction to 3-D photo elasticity.
Strain Gauge techniques, strain gauge circuit, recording instruments, analysis of data, strain rosette. Brittle coating
technique, coating stress, failure theories, crack patterns, crack detection, Moire fringe techniques.
Reference Books:
1. Timoshnko, Goodiar; Theory of Elasticity, 3rd Ed.; McGraw Hill Book Co., Auckland, 1970
1. Dalley, Rille; Experimental Stress Analysis, 3rd Ed.; McGraw Hill Book Co., Singapore, 1991
2. Dove, Adams; Experimental Stress Analysis; Prentice Hall of India, 1965
Principles of machine tool design,
Design of machine tool structures,
Regulation of speeds and feeds. Design of speed, feed and spindle drives / gearboxes.
Design of spindles and spindle supports,
Design of Guide ways,
Machine tool dynamics and vibration behaviour,
Control systems in machine tools,
Testing of machine tools.
Mehta N. K., “Machine Tool design and Numerical Control”, 6th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Dedlhi, 2006.
Boothroyd G. and Knight W. A. “Fundamentals of Machining and Machine Tools”, 3rd Edition, CRC Press, Taylor and
Francis, New Delhi, 2006.
Nicholas Lisitsyn, Alexis V. Kudryashov and Oleg Trifonov, “Machine Tool Design “, Paperback 4th Edition, University
Press of the Pacific, 2000.
Khanna O. P. and Lal M. “A Text Book of Production Technology – Vol. II”, 13th Reprint, Dhanpat Rai Publications, New
Delhi, 2012.
Jain K. C. and Chitale A. K., “A Text Book of Production Engineering”, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi, 2010.
Central Machine Tool Institute, “Machine Tool Design Handbook”, 1st Edition, Tata Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi.
IS: 2063 – 1962, Code for Testing Machine Tools”, Indian Standards Institution, August 1962.
Schlesinger G., “Testing Machine Tools”, The Machinery Publishing Company, London, 1945.
MEL-411 : Energy Management : [(3+0+0 = 6; Credits : 6]
Introduction: Importance of energy management, Energy auditing, methodology, analysis of past trends (plant data),
closing the energy balance, laws of thermodynamics, measurements, portable and online instruments. Energy Economics:
discount rate, payback period, internal rate of return, life cycle costing
Thermal & Mechanical systems: Boiler efficiency testing, excess air control, steam distribution and use of steam traps,
condensate recovery, flash steam utilization, thermal insulation. Energy conservation in pumps, fan (flow control),
Compressed air systems, Refrigeration and air conditioning systems.
Electrical Systems: demand control, power factor correction, load scheduling / shifting, motor drives-motor efficiency
testing, energy efficient motors, and motor speed control.
Lighting: Lighting levels, efficient options, fixtures day lighting, timers, and energy efficient windows.
Waste heat recovery: Recuperators, heat wheels, heat pipes, heat pumps. Cogeneration concept, options (steam / gas
turbines / diesel engine based). Demand side management.
Energy Auditing: Introduction, importance of energy audit, uses of energy audit basic terms of energy audit, types of
energy audit, procedure for carrying energy audit, instruments used for energy audit
Books Recommended:
1. Turker W. C.; Energy Management Handbook; The Fairmont Press, Lilburn, 1993
2. Witte,Schmidt,Brown;Industrial Energy Management & Utilization; Hemisphere Publications
3. Dryden; The efficient use of Energy; Butter worth, London, 1982.
4. Turner W. C.; Energy Management Handbook; Wiley, New York, 1982
5. Murphy W.R., Mckay G.; Energy Management; 1st Ed.; Buterworth-Heinemann; 2001
6. Synder William T.; Energy Management
MEL401 : Control System : [(3+0+0 = 6; Credits : 6]
Compensator design
Compensator design using root locus plot. Cascade lag compensation, cascade lead compensation. Lag-lead
compensation. Root locus of system with dead time and sensitivity analysis. Compensator design using Bode plots.
PID controllers Pneumatic valves, actuator and controllers. Hydraulic actuators and servo
mechanisms. DC Servo motor and stepper motors. Control through operational amplifiers.
Control Systems
State variable, modeling of control system. Conversion of state variable model to transfer function and vice versa.
Solution of state equations. State transition matrix. Concepts of controllability and observability.
Introduction to OR& basic OR models, definition, characteristics and limitations of OR, linear programming: solutions of
LPP by graphical method and simplex method, formulation of dual of LPP.
Assignment model, traveling salesman problem by, Transportation Problems, transshipment model. .
Dynamic programming, structure and characteristics of dynamic programming, application of dynamic programming to
resource allocation, inventory control & linear programming.
Project management: drawing of network, CPM & PERT, Probability of completion of project, cost analysis of project,
allocation and updating of networks. .
Replacement models: concept of equivalent, interest rate, present worth, economic evaluation of alternatives, group
replacement models. Inventory control models, analysis of single product deterministic models.
Waiting line situations, queuing theory and models (no derivations expected). Simulation concept and its application in
waiting line situations, inventory and networks
Project Phase – II :
DE-X :
MEL422 : Automobile Engineering : [(3+0+0 = 6; Credits : 6]
Automobile history and development Present scenario of automobiles in India and Abroad. Chassis, articulated and rigid
vehicles and vehicles layout. Prime movers. I. C. Engines, Gas turbines, Wankel engine, Engine construction - Structural
components and materials Review of fuel, cooling and lubrication systems Filters, water pumps, radiators, Thermostats, ant
freezing Compounds.
Transmission Systems
Clutch - Necessity, requirements of a clutch system. Types of Clutches, size of clutch, centrifugal clutch, wet clutch, fluid
Clutch. Transmission, Necessity of transmission, principle, types of transmission, Sliding mesh, constant mesh,
synchromesh, Transfer gear box, Gear Selector mechanism, lubrication and control. Overdrive, Torque Converter,
Automatic Transmission.
Propeller shaft, Universal joint, constant velocity joint, Hotchkiss drive, and torque tube drive. Differential - Need and types
Rear Axles and Front Axles.
Need, types Mechanical, hydraulic, Pneumatic brakes, Electrical Brakes, Engine Exhaust brakes, Drum and Disc brakes,
Comparison. Details of components, Brake adjustment.
Electrical systems
Construction. Operation and maintenance of Lead acid batteries, battery charging system, Principles and Operation of cutout
and regulators, Starter motor, Battery Ignition and magneto ignition systems ignition timing. Lighting and electrical
accessories Automobile air- conditioning, Panel board instruments.
Books Recommended:
1. Singh K.; Automobile Engineering-Vol. Vol. II, 9th Ed.; Standard pub. & Distributors, 2003
2. Ramalingum K.K.; Automobile Engineering; Scitech Publications, Chennai, 2001
3. Srinivasan S.; Automotive Engines; Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1985
4. Crouse W.H.; Automotive Mechanics; Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2002
Types and classification, properties and nomenclature, Azeotropes, and environment friendly refrigerants.
Introduction and applications of cryogenics, cascade refrigeration, Joules Thomson effect, methods of air liquification,
Linde’s and Claude’s cycle, adiabatic demagnetization, cryogenic insulation.
Recommended Books:
9. Dossat Roy J.; Principles of Refrigeration, 4th Ed.; Pearson Education Asia Publication
10. Arora C.P.; Refrigeration and Air conditioning, 2nd Ed.; Tata Mc Graw Hill Publication
11. Ballaney P.L.; Refrigeration and Air conditioning; Khanna publishers
12. Prasad Manohar; Refrigeration and Air conditioning, 2nd Ed.; New edge Publication
13. Khurmi R.S.; Refrigeration and Air conditioning, 3rd Ed; Eurasia publishing house
14. Arora, Domkundwar; A course in Ref. &Air Conditioning, 7th Ed.; Dhanpat Rai Publications.
15. Pita Edward G.; Air conditioning principles and systems, 4th Ed.; Prentice Hall
16. ASHRAE handbook and CARRIER hand book.
1. Study of Carburetors
2. Study of Fuel Injection Systems
3. Study of Engine Components
4. Performance Characteristics of C.I. Engine
5. Performance Characteristics of C.I. Engine
6. Experiment on Air Pollution
Introduction to variational methods in boundary value problems. Rayleigh-Ritz method. Concept of finite elements. Brief
introduction to finite analysis. Discretisation, approximation and assembly of finite elements, Strain-displacement and stress-
strain relations for plain-stress, plain-strain and axismmetric problems. Temperature effect.
Finite element modeling of 1-D problems. Langranian and Hermitian shape functions, element stiffness matrix and load
vector. Assembly of global stiffness matrix and global load vector. Boundary constraints and solution for nodal
displacements. Convergence criteria and compatibility requirement. Higher order elements. Weak formulation, Gelerkin
FEM and non-linear problems. Eigen value problems of 1-D models, vibration of bars. 2-D problems with constant strain
triangles. Co-ordinate transformation and Jacobian. Straight sided and curved sided elements. Gauss-quadrature integration
Beam flexure modeling with finite elements. Vibration of beams. Plate bending problem with triangular, rectangular, and
curve sided elements. Types of curve sided elements. Triangular and rectangular isoperimetric elements. Sub parametric
and super parametric elements.
Finite element modeling of incompressible inviscid fluid flows and steady state heat conduction problem.
1. Cook R.D.; Concepts and application in Finite Element Analysis, 3rd Ed.; The Wiley & Sons
2. Chandragupta, Bellegundu; Introduction to Finite Element Engineering, 2nd Ed.; Prentice Hall
3. Krishnamurthy, Finite Element Analysis, 2nd Ed.; Tata Mc Graw Hill
4. Bathe; Finite Element Procedure, 3rd Ed.; Prentice Hall of India
Various types of Hardware and Software in common use as applicable to information technology. The different Hardware
applications architectures available e.g. Centralized, Distributed, client server. Concept of general system theory and their
Use of information / data for decision making at the various level of the organization and components of the information
system which can support those decision i.e. transaction processing system, management information system etc. Cost
benefit analysis of I.T.
Different methods of data collections. Electronic commerce and its impact on business strategy.
Use of database and planning modules in strategic planing process e.g. external database economic models, forecasting
modeling package strategy of information development and management on organization structure.
Data Security
Safety of data, evaluation of database system to avoid fraud.
Use of ERP and relational database management system.
Recommended Books: -
1. Banerjee H.R.; A Profile of Information Technology-Computer Digest; Jaico Publication
2. Devis Gordon B.,Olson M.H.; Management Information System, 2nd Ed.; TMH
3. Elmarsi R., Navathe S.B.; Fundamental of database System; Pearson Education Asia
4. Kanter Jerome; Managing with Information, 2nd Ed.; Prentice Hall of India, 1994
5. Sinha P.K.; Computer Fundamental: Concept, Systems and Applications
6. Panneerselvan R.; Database Management System; Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2002
MEP420 : Finite Element Method Lab. : [(0-0-2); Credits : 2]
MEP442 : COMPUTERS & DATABASE MANAGEMENT LAB (CDBM Lab.) : [(0-0-2); Credits : 2]
1. Development of software for file handling system.
2. Development of programs using simple SQL commands.
3. Use of DDL commands on Computer (MS-SQL)
4. Use of DML commands
5. Development of database management system for any Industrial application
6. Specific application system progress for detail study.
7. Development of any practical oriented system as applicable in industry.
DE : XII :
MEL444 : Solar Energy Utilization : [(3+0+0 = 6; Credits : 6]
Modeling of above systems, Steady state and transient analysis, simulation in process design.
Design of active systems by f-chart and utilizability methods.
Recommended Books:
1. Sukhatme S.P.; Solar energy, 2nd Ed.; Tata McGraw Hill, 2003
2. Duffie, Beckman; Solar energy; John Wiley & Sons, 1974
3. Parulekar B.B., Rao S.; Energy technology, 3rd Ed.; Khanna Publishers, 1995
4. Rai G.D.; Non Conventional energy sources, 3rd Ed.; Khanna Publishers. 1995
5. Garg H. P., Prakash J.; Solar Energy – Fundamentals & Applications; TMH, 1997
Introduction to fatigue and fracture mechanics, ductile and brittle fractures. Mechanism of fatigue crack initiation and
propagation, fatigue data representation, factors influencing fatigue strength, life prediction, prevention of fatigue failures,
corrosion fatigue. Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), The pattern of stress and deformation near the tip of the crack.
Determination of fracture toughness, Stress intensity factor, elastic plastic fracture mechanics, the size of the plastic zone,
condition for the fracture, the energy release rate, sub-critical growth in reactive environment, crack extension behavior,
Paris equation. Fatigue and fracture safe designs. Investigation and analysis of failures, case studies in fatigue and fracture
Books Recommended:
MEL 445 : Air Pollution Control : [(3+0+0 = 6; Credits : 6]
Conventional energy conversion methods using fossil fuels. Their environmental aspects, Pollution from the thermal power
plants, thermal and particulate pollution and its control.
IC Engines
Combustion in petrol and diesel engines. Emissions from I.C. Engines and its control. Primary and Secondary Pollutants.
Use of various alternative fuels, additives and their effect on pollution.
Conventional and microprocessor based control of Air/Fuel ratio, ignition and injection timing, speed and emissions from
Noise pollution
Noise pollution and noise control. Standardization for environmental control pollution.
Books Recommended:
1. Rao; Air Pollution, 7th Ed.; Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2001
2. Obert E.F., IC Engines and Air Pollution, Harper & Row Pub., 1979
3. Reston; Automotive Pollution Control; Reston Pub Co., 1984
4. Prabhakar V.K.; Air Pollution Monitoring and Control; 1st Ed, Anmol Prakashan, ND, 2001
5. Khopkar S.M.; Environmental Pollution Monitoring and Control; New Age Int. Pub., 2004
MEL405 : Optimization
DE : XIV : (Proposed) :
Principles of Turbomachinery: Energy transfer between fluid and rotor, classification of fluid machinery, dimensionless
parameters, specific speed, applications, stage velocity triangles, work and efficiency.
Centrifugal fans and blowers: Types, stage and design parameters, flow analysis in impeller blades-volute and diffusers,
losses, characteristic curves and selection, fan drives and fan noise.
Centrifugal Compressor: Construction details, impeller flow losses, slip factor, diffuser analysis, losses and performance
Axial flow compressor: Stage velocity diagrams, enthalpy-entropy diagrams, stage losses and efficiency, work done, stage
design problems and performance characteristics.
Axial and radial flow turbines: Stage velocity diagrams, reaction stages, losses and coefficients, blade design principles,
testing and performance characteristics.
CFD for Turbo machinery, General Aspects.
Reference Books
1. Yahya, S.H., Turbines, Compressors and Fans, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company, 1996.
2. Bruneck, Fans, Pergamom Press, 1973.
3. Earl Logan, Jr., Hand book of Turbomachinery, Marcel Dekker Inc., 1992.
4. Dixon, S.I., Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, Pergamon
Press, 1990.
5. Shepherd, D.G., Principles of Turbomachinery, Macmillan, 1969.
6. Stepanpff, A.J., Blowers and Pumps, John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1965.
7. Ganesan, V., Gas Turbines, Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co.1999.
8. B. Lakshminarayana, Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Turbo-machinery, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. Generic idea about manufacturing processes and physics behind them is desirable.
Overview of artificial intelligence : Introduction to AI, evolution of AI, application areas, advantages, limitations, future
Knowledge base expert systems : Introduction, expert system components and human interfaces, expert system
characteristics and features, knowledge acquisition, knowledge base, inference engine, forward chaining, backward chaining,
expert system shell, explanation.
Fuzzy logic : Introduction, Sources of Uncertainty , Membership Functions and Uncertainty, type I and II fuzzy logic
systems, application of fuzzy logic to manufacturing engineering problems.
Genetic algorithms : Introduction, random heuristic search, simple genetic algorithm (SGA): algebra, selection, mutation,
crossover, mixing, application of SGA for solving single objective multi constraint problems.
Artificial neural networks : Introduction, supervised and unsupervised neural networks, single and multilayered neural
networks, applications, advantages, drawbacks.
Introduction to Fusion of ANN, fuzzy and GA.
Case studies:
Based on total number of students opting for this course will be grouped and asked to select problems from manufacturing
engineering to solve them using learned techniques.
1. Learning of expert system software like VIDWAN, CLIPS and its application to make a decision support system to
solve manufacturing engineering problems like, selection of tool characteristics based on application, selection of
manufacturing systems, fault diagnostics for vehicles and advance machines.
2. Application of fuzzy logic for selection of layered manufacturing systems, fluid flow control and temperature control
4. Modeling and application of ANN to manufacturing problems like optimal parameter selection for drilling, milling,
EDM etc.
Reference Book:
1. Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning by David E Goldberg, Pearson Education India
2. Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications by Timothy J. Ross, John Wiley Publication.
4. Frontiers of Expert Systems: Reasoning With Limited Knowledge By Chilukuri K. Mohan, Kluwer academic press.
Text books:
1. Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm Synthesis and Application – Rajashekaran, S. and Pai,
G.A.V., PHI.
Introduction , Project Life Cycle, Design Process, Application of Computers for Design, Benefits of CAD,
Computer Configuration for CAD Application Grover’s Model of Product life Cycle for Selection of CAD –
CAM. Configuration of graphics workstations, Fundamentals of 2D graphics, Menu design and Graphical User
Interface (GUI), Parametric Programming.
Vector representation of geometric entities, Homogeneous coordinate systems, Geometric transformations.
Planner and Space Curve design – Analytical and Synthetic approaches, parametric equations, Modeling of
biparametric Surfaces, Surfaces – Coons, Bezier, B-spline and NURBS patches. Surface manipulation
Geometric modeling techniques – Wireframes, B-Rep, CSG and Hybrid modelers, Feature based, Parametric
and Variation modeling.
Reference Book
1. Rogers D. F. and Adams A. Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics, McGraw Hill Inc. NY 1989.
2. Faux I. D. and Pratt M.J. Computational Geometry for Design and Manufactures, John Wiley & Sons, NY,
3. Mortenson M.E., Geometric Modeling, John Wiley & Sons, NY 1985
4. Choi B.K., Surface Modeling for CAD/CAM, John Wiley & Sons, NY, 1991