ShotPeening - Residual Stress
ShotPeening - Residual Stress
ShotPeening - Residual Stress
Laboratoire de mécanique multi-échelles July,2019
1/Tanuj Deshmukh
- Residual stresses are the stresses produced in a body when it undergoes non uniform
plastic deformation.
- The thickness of this layer is largely determined by the peening parameters (shot
dia, shot velocity, hardness,etc)
2/Tanuj Deshmukh
How are Residual stresses generated due to peening ?
Shot media is bombarded on the workpiece and causes indentation.
Let us consider a single shot indentation :
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Variation of stress around the indents
-The compressive stress at and parallel to the surface has a normal distribution about
the indentation centre - as shown in figure below.
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Variation of stress due to Neighbouring Indents
The compressive residual stress from one indentation will add significantly to that of a
neighbouring indentation, provided that they are close enough.
Figure below shows how stress addition varies for different indentation separations,
where each indentation is assumed to have the same diameter, D
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Residual Stress Profile
The residual stress generated in process of shot peening is combined effect of :
Direct Plastic
*terms associated with the stress profile are explained in next slides 7/Tanuj Deshmukh
Residual Stress Profile
The residual stress profile of a shot peened surface looks like follows :-
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Residual Stress Profile
Direct Plastic Deformation : In this process after peening the the component is divided
into 2 sections. Section A represents plastic deformation
while section B represents the elastic region beneath. This
elasto-plastic deformation of the surface layer results in
compressive residual stress with maximum magnitude at the
Hertzian Pressure : The Hertzian pressure produces a plastic deformation beneath the
impact surface.The residual stress has a maximum value at a
distance z = 0.47a below the surface, where a is the radius of plastic
indentation. Basically Hertz pressure plastically deforms the deeper
layers also.
This very well explains why the maximum stress in shot peening is not on the surface,
rather is at a little depth.
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Residual Stress
The two factors of residual stress which we are most interested in are :
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Residual Stress and Peening Parameter
11/Tanuj Deshmukh
Residual Stress and Peening Parameter
Hardness of Material (HVm) : σsur increases as HVm increases , σmax increases as HVm
increases whereas , t1 decreases with increase of HVm.
Hardness of Shot (HVs) : σsur increases as HVs increases , σmax increases as HVs
increases and t1 also increases with increase of HVs.
Almen Intensity : Almen intensity only has effect on the depth of the compressive
residual stress t1 .With increase of Almen Intensity, t1 increases . No significant effect on
σsur and σmax
Surface Coverage : Surface coverage only has effect on the depth of the compressive
residual stress t1 .With increase in Surface Coverage, t1 increases . No significant effect
on σsur and σmax 12/Tanuj Deshmukh
Modelling Residual Stress
13/Tanuj Deshmukh