CCBA-mock Test

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The key takeaways from the document are that it discusses business analysis concepts like the task list, requirements validation, documented approaches to business analysis work like waterfall, lean and six sigma, and prioritizing requirements based on risk tolerance.

Shelly and Thomas are performing the validate requirements task. This task helps to ensure that the requirements map to the business goals and objectives, resolve any issues, and predict the longevity of the requirements to satisfy business needs.

The waterfall approach, lean, and Six Sigma are the valid answers for business analysis approaches.


IIBA Certification of Competency in Business Analysis
Question 1

You are currently working on creatng the actiity list for an initatie in your organizatonn What
characteristc must be assigned to each task in your task list?

An Procurement needs
Bn Risk leiel
Cn Unique number
Dn Roles and responsibilites

Aoswern C

Each task in the task list should haie a unique number to identfy the specifc task and it should haie a
descripton of what the task isn
Answern B is incorrectn The risk leiel is not associated with the task listn
Answern D is incorrectn Roles and responsibilites are not included directly in the task listn
Answern A is incorrectn Procurement needs are not included in the task listn

Question 2

Shelly is the business analyst for her organizaton and she's working with Thomas to reiiew the business
requirementsn They are discussing the identfed requirements, how the requirements will transiton to
the operatons, and the longeiity of the solutonn Thomas is concerned that the dentfed requirements
may not map to the desired future state of the organizatonn What business analysis task is Shelly
facilitatng in this scenario?

An Acceptance eialuaton criteria defniton

Bn Requirements quality assurance
Cn Validate requirements
Dn Stakeholder management

Aoswern C

Shelly and Thomas are performing the ialidate requirements taskn This task helps to ensure that the
requirements map to the business goals and objecties, resolie the issue, and predict the longeiity of
the requirements to satsfy business needsn
Answern B is incorrectn There is not a business analysis task called requirements quality assurancen
Answern A is incorrectn Acceptance eialuaton criteria defniton is a task to ensure that the requirements
are clear and precise enough to create tests and inspect to know that the work has been completedn
Answern D is incorrectn Stakeholder management is the management of stakeholders' issues, conficts,
queries, concerns, threats, and perceiied threats about the requirementsn
Question 3

Which of the following are documented approaches to the business analysis work? Each correct answer
represents a complete solutonn Choose all that applyn

An Deming's Quality Circle

Bn Lean
Cn Six Sigma
Dn Waterfall approach

Aoswern D, B, aod C

The waterfall approach, lean, and Six Sigma are the ialid answer for business analysis approachesn
Answern A is incorrectn Deming's Quality Circle describes the quality management approach of plan, do,
check, and actn This isn't a business analysis approachn

Question 4

You are the business analyst for your organizaton and working with the stakeholders to prioritze the
requirementsn The stakeholders are concerned about the fnancial impact of the requirements should
some of them fail during the implementatonn You would like to rank the risk tolerance of the
stakeholders based on their comments about the soluton and the requirementsn The following are the
three categories of risk tolerance associated with the stakeholders except for which one?

An Neutrality
Bn Mitgaton
Cn Risk-seeking
Dn Risk-aiersion

Aoswern B

Mitgaton is a risk response that seeks to lower the risk's probability and/or impactn It is not one of the
three categories of risk tolerancen

Question 5

Tracy is a business analyst for her organizaton and she's gathered and identfed the needed
requirements for the soluton scopen What must Tracy do before she can begin managing the
requirements? Choose the best answern

An Tracy must decompose the requirements in WBSn

Bn Tracy must create cost-benefts analysis of each requirement to manage the benefts frstn
Cn Tracy must identfy roles, responsibilites, and owners of the requirements to fully manage the
Dn Tracy must communicate the requirements to the stakeholders for their consent and approialn

Aoswern D

Requirements must be communicated before they are managedn Tracy must communicate the
requirements to the stakeholders for their consent and approial before managing the requirementsn
Answern A is incorrectn Before Tracy decomposes the requirements, she should haie the approial of the
Answern B is incorrectn To begin managing the requirements, Tracy needs the approial and consent of the
Answern C is incorrectn This isn't a ialid statement, as the best thing to do is to gain the approial of the
stakeholders frstn

Question 6

Ben is the business analyst for his organizatonn Ben is currently working on a soluton to improie a laser
printern He has taken the laser printer apart, identfed each component, and documented each
component's purposen What type of requirements organizaton is Ben doing in this scenario?

An Functonal decompositon
Bn Process modeling
Cn Scope modeling
Dn Data modeling

Aoswern A

Ben is completng the functonal decompositon technique for the organize requirements processn Each
component in the printer can haie its own set of requirements, while the improied printer to be
manufactured is the ultmate goal of the requirementsn
Answern D is incorrectn Data modeling describes the concepts and relatonships releiant to the soluton
or business domainn
Answern C is incorrectn Scope modeling allows the requirements to be organized by the soluton
component they're releiant ton
Answern B is incorrectn Process modeling is the actiity of representng processes of an enterprise, so
that the current process may be analyzed and improied in futuren It allows the requirements to be
organized around the related processesn Processes are also considered to haie sub-processes, inputs,
and outputsn

Question 7

You are the business analyst for your organizaton and you're working with Fran on business analysis
processesn Fran is a stakeholder who wants to ensure that your business analysis approach and actiites
are compatble with the project actiitesn Of the following, what type of business analysis stakeholder is
An Regulator
Bn Project manager
Cn Sponsor
Dn Domain subject mater expert

Aoswern B

Fran is the project managern The project manager must ensure that the business analysis approach is
compatble with other project actiitesn
Answern D is incorrectn The domain subject mater expert is a person who is steeped in knowledge
regarding the project's purposen
Answern A is incorrectn The regulator approies any tailoring to the business analysis processes or
Answern C is incorrectn The sponsor allows the business analysis actiites and resources to exist in
support of the organizatonn

Question 8

You are a business analyst for your organizaton and you're working with Maryn Mary wants to know what
you need to complete the process of planning the business analysis approach if you're already the
business analyst for your organizatonn Which of the following statements is true regarding the plan
business analysis approach?

An The plan business analysis approach describes the amount of budget needed for the requirements
Bn The plan business analysis approach is required to select an approach that will perform business
Cn The plan business analysis approach describes the processes the business analyst will or will not do,
based on the tme and budget aiailablen
Dn The plan business analysis approach describes the amount of tme needed for the business analysis

Aoswern B

The plan business analysis approach is required to select an approach that will perform business
analysisn This approach helps to fnd out the followingn
Which stakeholders need to be iniolied in the decision?
Who will be consulted regarding and informed of the approach?
What is the ratonale for using it?
Answern D, A, and C are incorrectn These statements are not true regarding the plan business analysis

Question 9
You are the business analyst for a large sofware deielopment projectn There are seieral issues that must
be resolied by certain dates or the problem will preient the project from adiancingn What technique can
you use to track problems with the requirements?

An Issue tracking
Cn Problem tracking
Dn Baselining

Aoswern C

The technique you'll use is simply problem trackingn This technique allows the business analyst to
manage any issues identfed within requirements by stakeholders and to ensure that those issues are
Problem tracking allows the business analyst to manage any issues identfed within requirements by
stakeholders and to ensure that those issues are resoliedn It proiides an organized approach to tracking,
management, and resoluton of defects, issues, problems, and risks throughout business analysis
actiitesn Management of issues is important so that they can be resolied in a tmely manner to ensure
Answern D is incorrectn Baselining the requirements does not track problems but creates a standard set of
requirements that deliierables may be compared againstn
Answern A is incorrectn Issue tracking is not a ialid business analysis termn
Answern B is incorrectn An RTM is a requirements trace matrix which tracks requirements through the
soluton, not issuesn

Question 10

Which one of the following statements is most true about changing requirements in a change-driien
approach to business analysis and requirements management?

An Change-driien approaches must use a change control system with a change control boardn
Bn Change-driien approaches only use a change control system for approied changesn
Cn Change-driien approaches don't use a formal change control processn
Dn Change-driien approaches are driien by change control processesn

Aoswern C

Change-driien approaches typically do not use a formal change control process, as requirements are
prioritzed and selected for implementaton at the beginning of each iteraton and no changes to the
requirements occur during the iteraton processn
Answern A is incorrectn Change-driien approaches don't typically use a change control boardn
Answern B is incorrectn This isn't a ialid statement to describe the processes of change within a change-
driien approach to requirements managementn
Answern D is incorrectn This isn't a ialid statement to describe the processes of change within a change-
driien approach to requirements managementn

Question 11

Which element of the process of assessing the capability gaps is best described as gathering as much
enterprise architecture informaton as is aiailable about the current state of the organizaton and the
areas afected by the business need?

An Current capability analysis

Bn Current organizatonal needs assessment
Cn Enterprise architecture assessment
Dn Snapshot baseline

Aoswern A

Current capability analysis is an approach of assessing the organizaton's capability gapsn This process
reiiews the process and helps determine what capabilites exist now and how large the gap may ben
Answern C is incorrectn This isn't a ialid assessment type so this choice is not ialidn
Answern B is incorrectn This isn't a ialid assessment type so this choice is not ialidn
Answern D is incorrectn This isn't a ialid assessment type so this choice is not ialidn

Question 12

Beth is the business analyst for her organizaton and she wants to be certain that she and her team
follow the correct procedures for enterprise analysisn What document can proiide the goiernances for
enterprise analysis eforts?

An Organizatonal process assets

Bn Enterprise eniironmental factors
Cn Business analysis plans
Dn Project charter

Aoswern C

Business analysis plans defne the goiernance or rules and procedures that Beth should follow as the
business analyst for her organizatonn
Answern A is incorrectn Organizatonal process assets are the rules and procedures for the
implementaton of documents, templates, and guidelinesn
Answern B is incorrectn Enterprise eniironmental factors are the regulatons, policies, and procedures
that are unique to an organizaton and industryn
Answern D is incorrectn The project charter isn't the correct answer, as the charter authorizes the project,
not business analysis actiitesn

Question 13
You are the business analyst for your organizaton and preparing to plan the business analysis approachn
There are three inputs to the business analysis approachn Which one of the following is not an input to
this process?

An Enterprise eniironmental factors

Bn Expert judgment
Cn Organizatonal process assets
Dn Business need

Aoswern A

Enterprise eniironmental factors are the rules, policies, and procedures that the business analyst must
adheren These are already established and therefore are not considered to be an input to this processn
The three inputs to the plan business analysis approach are the business needs, expert judgment, and
organizatonal process assetsn
Answern D is incorrectn The business need is an input to the plan business analysis approachn
Answern B is incorrectn Expert judgment is an input to the plan business analysis approachn
Answern C is incorrectn Organizatonal process assets are an input to the plan business analysis approachn

Question 14

Kendra is the business analyst for her organizatonn She's working with the project manager and the
project sponsor to discuss the current requirementsn Kendra belieies it's important for the project
manager to frst implement the requirements with the highest amount of risksn Is this a good idea?

An No, the project manager and team should actually implement the lowest risk requirements frstn
Bn Yes, if the risky requirements cause the project to fail, the organizaton will not sufer much loss, as it
hasn't iniested much tme or money on the projectn
Cn No, the project manager and team should implement the requirements with the highest risks lastn
Dn Yes, this allows the project manager to get the risky work done as soon as possible in the schedulen

Aoswern B

It's ofen best to implement the most risky requirements frst in the projectn If the risky requirements
cause the project to fail, the organizaton will not sufer much loss, as it hasn't iniested much tme or
money on the projectn
Answern A is incorrectn It's not the best idea to implement the lowest risk requirements frstn
Answern C is incorrectn Implementng the highest risk requirements last could cause all of the prior work
to be worthless if the risky requirements failn
Answern D is incorrectn This choice is temptng, but the best reason is the fnancial consideraton of the
risky eient in the projectn

Question 15
A business analyst is studying the cost of the endeaior in relaton to the projected income the endeaior
will bring once the project is completedn What fnancial ialuaton technique can the business analyst use
to determine the breakeien point for the project?

An Payback period
Bn Aierage rate of return
Cn Cost-beneft analysis
Dn Discounted cash fow

Aoswern A

Payback period quantfes the duraton that the project will need to exist and generate reienue in order
to pay back the original iniestment of the projectn The payback period is also known as management
horizon or the breakeien pointn
Answern B is incorrectn Aierage rate of return describes the rate of return the project will createn
Answern C is incorrectn Cost-benefts analysis describes the relaton of costs to benefts in a projectn
Answern D is incorrectn Discounted cash fow describes the future ialue on the iniestment of the projectn

Question 16

When a business analyst completes the elicitaton process, she will create four outputsn Which one of
the following is an output of the elicitaton process?

An Requirements management plan

Bn Resource identfcaton
Cn Stakeholder Concerns
Dn Soluton scope

Aoswern C

Following are the outputs of the elicitaton processn
Stakeholder Concerns
Elicitaton Results
Schedule Resources
Supportng Materials

Question 17

When using a change-driien approach, the business analyst may create an inital list of high-leiel
requirements for the initatien This high-leiel requirements list is also known as what term?

An Requirements eniisioning
Bn Project scope
Cn Product scope
Dn Requirements foundaton

Aoswern A

The inital high-leiel listng of requirements in a change-driien approach is also known as requirements
Answern B is incorrectn Project scope defnes all of the required work to satsfy the requirements of the
Answern C is incorrectn Product scope defnes all of the features and functons of the thing, soluton, or
seriice the project or organizaton will createn
Answern D is incorrectn Requirements foundaton is not a ialid term for business analysisn

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