DOS - Steel Bridge - Lecture 1

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(Steel Part)

CE-422 Design of Structures (DOS)
8th Semester B.Sc. CE

Design of Steel Bridge

Lecture # 1

CE-422 Design of Structures (DOS)
8th Semester B.Sc. CE

Design of Steel Bridge

A bridge is a man-made structure built to avoid physical obstacles
without closing the way underneath such as a body of water, valley,
or road. It is constructed for the purpose of providing passage over
the obstacle.

Designs of bridges vary depending on the function of the bridge, the
nature of the terrain where the bridge is constructed and anchored,
the material used to make it, and the funds available to build it.
CE-422 Design of Structures (DOS)
8th Semester B.Sc. CE

Design of Steel Bridges

The design of bridges is further influenced by:
• Required clearances,
• Erection possibilities,
• Foundation choices,
• Hydraulic characteristics of the stream, if one is
For example, a longer span may become economical in case
the piers are very expensive to construct.

CE-422 Design of Structures (DOS)
8th Semester B.Sc. CE

Design of Steel Bridges

Classification of Steel Bridges:
1. Pedestrian Bridge
2. Highway Bridge
3. Railway Bridge
4. Combined Highway and Railway Bridges

Major Parts of Bridges:

Every bridge can be divided broadly into two parts:
1. Superstructure
2. Substructure

CE-422 Design of Structures (DOS)
8th Semester B.Sc. CE

Design of Steel Bridges

Major Parts of Bridges:
 Superstructure
Superstructure is the part of the structure which supports traffic and
includes deck, slab and girders. All the parts of the bridge which is
mounted on a supporting system can be classified as a Superstructure.
 Substructure
Substructure is the part of the structure which supports the superstructure
and which transfers the structural load to the bearing strata. It includes
piers, abutments and foundation.
Depending on the geotechnical properties of the bearing strata, shallow or
deep foundations are adopted. Usually, piles and well foundations are
adopted for bridge foundations.

CE-422 Design of Structures (DOS)
8th Semester B.Sc. CE

Design of Steel Bridges

Major Parts of Bridges:

A Typical Steel Girder Bridge

CE-422 Design of Structures (DOS)
8th Semester B.Sc. CE

Design of Steel Bridges Spans from 25 to 45 m

Types of Steel Bridges:
 Steel Plate Girder Bridge
 Steel Girder Bridge
 Steel Truss Bridge
Steel Plate Girder Bridge
Simply Supported: 45 to 180 m.
Continuous: 75 to 240 m.

Steel Girder Bridge

Steel Truss Bridge

CE-422 Design of Structures (DOS)
8th Semester B.Sc. CE

Design of Steel Bridges

Types of Steel Bridges:
 Deck of Bridge
Deck is the bridge floor directly carrying traffic loads also known as main
carriageway. Deck transfers loads to the Girders/Stringers depending on
the decking material.
Depending upon the position of bridge deck with respect to main supporting
member [girder and truss in case of steel girder bridge and steel truss bridge,
respectively], the bridge may be deck type of through type.
Deck Bridge: If the deck or carriageway is supported at the top level of the
main supporting member.

Deck Truss Bridge

CE-422 Design of Structures (DOS)
8th Semester B.Sc. CE

Design of Steel Bridges

Types of Steel Bridges:
Deck Bridge

Deck Plate Girder Bridge

CE-422 Design of Structures (DOS)
8th Semester B.Sc. CE

Design of Steel Bridges

Types of Steel Bridges:
Through Bridge: If the deck or carriageway is supported at the bottom level
of the main supporting member.

Through Truss Bridge

Through Plate Girder Bridge

CE-422 Design of Structures (DOS)
8th Semester B.Sc. CE

Design of Steel Bridges

Types of Steel Bridges:
Fixed Bridge: permanently remains in one position.
Moveable Bridge: A bridge that can change position (and even shape in some
cases) to allow for passage of boats below. This type of bridge has a lower cost of
building because it has no high piers and long approaches but its use stops the road
traffic when the bridge is open for river traffic.

Moveable Bridge
CE-422 Design of Structures (DOS)
8th Semester B.Sc. CE

Design of Steel Bridges

Types of Steel Bridges:
Composite Beam Bridge: If the steel beams in case of steel girder bridge are
continuously connected to the slab by providing shear studs or the top flange of the
beam is cast within the concrete.
Spans from 15 to 38 m.

Composite Beam Bridge

CE-422 Design of Structures (DOS)
8th Semester B.Sc. CE

Design of Steel Bridges

Types of Steel Bridges:
Box Girder Bridge: This type of bridge is used for curved and longer spans. For
these bridges total depth requirement is decreased as they can resist torsion to a
large extent.
Spans from 45 to 75 m

Typical Steel Box Girder

Hybrid Girder Bridge: In case of plate girder or box girder bridge if high strength
steel is used for flanges and ordinary steel is employed for the web of the supporting
elements, the bridge is known as Hybrid Girder Bridge.

CE-422 Design of Structures (DOS)
8th Semester B.Sc. CE

Design of Steel Bridges

Types of Steel Bridges:
Pre-stressed Steel Bridges: Plate girder bridges in which the high bending
moment sections are pre-stressed using high strength steel tendons in a direction
opposite to the applied loading are called pre-stressed steel bridges .
Suspension Bridge: It is a type of bridge in which the deck is hung below
suspension cables on vertical suspenders. The basic structural components of a
suspension bridge system include stiffening girders/trusses, the main suspension
cables, main towers, and the anchorages for the cables at each end of the bridge.
spans in excess of 160 m.

Cable Stayed Bridges

Millau Viaduct, France
CE-422 Design of Structures (DOS)
8th Semester B.Sc. CE

Design of Steel Bridges

Guidelines regarding Span Range
 Composite beam bridge may be used for spans from 15 to 38 m.
 Plate girder bridge may be used for spans from 25 to 45 m.
 Box girder bridges are economical for spans from 45 to 75 m.
 Simply supported steel truss bridges are used for spans from 45 to 180 m.
 Continuous steel truss bridges are preferred for spans ranging from 75 to 240 m.
 Suspension bridges may become economical for spans in excess of 160 m.

Reference: Steel Structures by Z.A. Siddiqi (3rd Edition) 16

CE-422 Design of Structures (DOS)
8th Semester B.Sc. CE

Design of Steel Bridges

General Terms
• Stringers: These are longitudinal bridge deck steel beams spanning between
the transverse floor beams and placed parallel to the roadway.
• Floor Beams: Floor beams are the main girders of the bridge deck spanning
between trusses or plate girders and running perpendicular to the roadway.
• Core width is defined as the width of the monolithic deck without the overhangs.
• Footprint is the specified wheel contact area over the roadway.
• Force Effect is defined as a deformation, stress or stress resultant caused by
the applied loads, imposed deformations.
• Lever Rule means the statically summation of moments about any point to
calculate the reaction at some other point.
• Skew Angle is defined as the angle between the centerline of a bridge support(Pier)
and a line normal to the roadway centerline.
• Tandem: Two closely spaced and interconnected axles of equal weight

CE-422 Design of Structures (DOS)
8th Semester B.Sc. CE

Design of Steel Bridges

General Terms
• Bearing: Bearing transfers loads from the girders to the pier caps.
• Concrete Slab Haunch: A layer of
concrete is usually projected below the slab
surface to surround top flange of the steel
beam, called concrete haunch. This haunch
provides lateral support to the top flange of Haunch

the steel beam and thus prevents lateral

buckling of the beam.
Figure 12. A Concrete Haunch.
• Diaphragm: A single steel member or a o


frame used to connect the longitudinal steel

beams of a bridge, provided at the required
interval is called diaphragm. o


Cross Frame as Diaphragm

Plan View

Reference: Steel Structures by Z.A. Siddiqi (3rd Edition) 18

CE-422 Design of Structures (DOS)
8th Semester B.Sc. CE

Design of Steel Bridges

Objectives of Bridge Design
• Bridge design is comprised of Safety, Serviceability, Economy (Total life cycle cost),
and Aesthetics.
• To achieve the design goal the design process consists of collecting the data,
creating a new form (Conceptual Design Stage), and finalizing the design for
realization (Modeling, Dimensioning and Detailing Stage).
• The minimum requirements of safety and serviceability are well provided by design
specifications, which reflect the current state of bridge design technology. While
Economy and Aesthetics are not generally specified in design code or standards.
• Because the civil and structural engineers also have a cultural and social
responsibility for bridge structures, it is absolutely necessary to create a beautiful
• There is a permanent connection between Aesthetics and Economy. So that, an
optimal balance between these two objectives may require a design effort that is the
true art of the engineer.

CE-422 Design of Structures (DOS)
8th Semester B.Sc. CE

Design of Steel Bridge

Assignment - 1
Steel Bridges in Pakistan
[Required: Brief introduction of each bridge]


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