More About Plants: I. Write (T) If The Statement Is True' and (F) If The Statement Is False'

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The key takeaways are that plants need sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to prepare their own food through photosynthesis. Plants come in different sizes and shapes like trees, shrubs, climbers etc. and grow in different environments.

The different parts of a plant and their functions are leaves - prepare food for the plant, stems - carry food and water, roots - absorb water and minerals from soil, flowers - produce fruits and seeds, fruits - contain seeds.

The steps in the process of germination are absorption of water, sprouting of seed coat, emerging of root and plumule, unfolding of leaves, development of stem and leaves.

EVS/Grade 2/7/W1


Section Roll No. Date 2



I. Write(T) if the statement is ‘True’ and (F) if the statement is ‘False’.

1. Plants help us breathe. ________

2. Plants give us rainfall. ________

3. Plants should be cut down. ________

4. Seeds grow into trees. ________

5. Plants are non-living things. ____________

6. Plants are of different sizes. ____________
7. Plants do not grow in very hot places. ____________

II. Fill in the blanks.

1. To prepare their own food, plants need air, water and _______________
2. Big and tall plants are called _____________
3. __________ is a part of the plant from which a baby plant grows.
4. _____________ are plants with a thick, hard stem called trunk.
5. ________________are plants with a lot of stems and leaves.
6. _____________ are plants that need support of walls or sticks to grow.
7. A tree is a plant. It has a thick hard stem called______________
8. The green part of the plant that makes food for the plant is called the __________

III. Do as directed
1. Circle the shrubs.
a.) rose b.) tulsi c.) banyan d.) hibiscus e.) pumpkin
2. Circle the climbers.
a.) marigold b.) money plant c.) grapevine d.) pumpkin e.) lotus
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3. Tick the correct options.
a. Stem is a part of the plant which carries
i.) water to the other parts of the plant ii.) food to the other parts of the plant
ii.) only food to the other parts of the plant iv.) None of these
4. Put a tick and identify the type of plant.
a.) tree b.) shrub c.) climber
5. Circle and identify the type of plant from which we get this.
a.) shrub b.) creeper c.) climber
6. Circle and identify the type of plant from which we get this.
a.) herb b.) creeper c.) climber
7. Take the help of picture cues and fill in the blanks.

What do seeds need to grow into a plant?

Seeds need ______________. __________________

__________________ and ___________________ to grow

into a plant.

IV. Match the different parts of the plant with their functions.

Parts of a plant Functions

1. Leaves a. Part from which a baby plant grows

2. Fruits b. Prepare food for the plant

3. Seeds c. Carry food and water to all other parts

4. Flowers d Contain seeds

5. Stem e Absorbs water and minerals from the soil

6. Roots f The part that produces the fruit or seed

V. Write the name of two plants from which we get this edible part.
a. Stem: _______________________________________

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b. Root: ________________________________________
c. Flower: ______________________________________
d. Leaf: ________________________________________
e. Seed:________________________________________
f. Fruit: ________________________________________

VI. Match the figure with correct name of the part of the plant.

Column A Column B
1 stem

2 seed

3. flower

4. fruit

5 leaves

6. root

VII. Number the process of germination in the order they occur. ( from
1 to 6)

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VIII. Refer to the clues below and complete the crossword.

IX. Answer the following in one sentence.

Q.1. What would happen if a plant gets too much sunshine?
Ans ________________________________________________________________

Q.2. How can we save trees?

Ans ________________________________________________________________

X. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

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Every living thing goes through changes. Living things grow through different stages.
Then they reach the end of their life cycles and die. There are many kinds of plants.
Each kind has its own life cycle.
Many plants start their life cycles as a seed. The seed needs certain things or it will not
grow into a plant. Sometimes seeds wait in the ground until they can get the things
they need. They wait for warmth from the sun. They wait for water. When they have
what they need, they start to grow. A tiny little sprout will push out of each seed. The
sprouts stretch up until they poke through the dirt and into the air.
The plants continue to grow when they get sunshine and water. The stems grow
taller and leaves unfold. More leaves and stems grow on the main stems. The adult
plants grow flowers. The flowers of many plants make fruit. The fruit has seeds inside
it so more new plants can grow.
New plants look like their parent plants. Seeds from a parent plant will grow into
the same kind of plant as the parent. When a seed begins to grow, it is the beginning
of another plant life cycle.

Q.1. What is the process of living, growing, changing, and dying called?
Ans ________________________________________________________________

Q.2. What two things does a seed need to have with it in the ground to be able to
Ans ________________________________________________________________
Q.3. What kind of plant will a seed grow into?
Ans ________________________________________________________________

Q.4. Where can you usually find seeds in a adult plant?

Ans ________________________________________________________________

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*Teacher should specify the time in which worksheet is to be done.

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