Metals From Ores: An Introduction: CRI SON
Metals From Ores: An Introduction: CRI SON
Metals From Ores: An Introduction: CRI SON
of metallic lustre. Of these about 300 are used industrially in the
A mineral is a naturally occurring substance having a definite
chemical industry, in building materials, in fertilizers, as fuels, etc.,
chemical composition, constant physical properties, and a
and are known as the industrial minerals Figure 3.
characteristic crystalline form. Ores are a mixture of minerals: they
are processed to yield an industrial mineral or treated chemically
to yield a single or several metals. Ores that are generally processed
for only a single metal are those of iron, aluminium, chromium, tin,
mercury, manganese, tungsten, and some ores of copper. Gold ores
may yield only gold, but silver is a common associate. Nickel ores
are always associated with cobalt, while lead and zinc always occur
together in ores. All other ores are complex yielding a number of
Volume 1 - Issue - 1
and the impurities present are the decisive factors in its utilization An ore at least 75% MnO2 suitable for the manufacture of
for metal production or otherwise. For example: Chromites ores batteries.
[1]. These are classified into three grades: Metallurgical Ore with
An ore at least 80% MnO2 suitable for use as an oxidizing
a high chromium content (minimum 68% chromium) and the
agent in chemical processes or in the production of potassium
chromium/iron ratio must not be less than 2.8/1, will be suitable
permanganate and other manganese chemicals.
for the manufacture of ferrochrome alloy or chromium metal.
Table 1: Metallic minerals for other uses than metal production. Pyrite and pyrrhotite which are iron sulphides are usually
considered as metallic minerals because of their metallic lustre but
Mineral Metal Produced Non-metallic Use they are mainly evaluated for their sulphur and not for their iron
content, they are used to make sulphuric acid. Few plants however,
Bauxite Al Refractories
process the remaining ferric oxide to extract traces of nonferrous
Refractories, metals contained in them; the purified ferric oxide may then be
Chromite Cr
used for making iron. The presence of pyrite and pyrrhotite in
Magnetite Fe Pigment sulphide ores is undesirable and usually methods have to be found
to remove them [2].
Zircon Zr Refractories
Ilmenite is a source of titanium as well as iron. Although
Beryl Be Gemstone
titanium minerals are used for producing titanium metal, yet 99%
of the tonnage is used for TiO2 pigment manufacture. Furthermore,
Refractory Ore with a high aluminium oxide (the sum Cr2O3 and
ilmenite reserves are far larger than those of rutile; ilmenite
Al2O3 is more than 59%) would be suitable for the manufacture
supplies about 85% of the world demand and retile the remaining
of refractoriness. Chemical Low-grade chromites, that are those
with high iron content, are mainly used for the manufacture of
dichromatic needed for the electroplating and tanning industry While dolomite, (Mg,Ca)CO3, is used for producing metallic
Table 2. magnesium and to some extent as a refractory, magnetite, MgCO3, is
Table 2: Classification of chromite ores. used mainly as a refractory: hence it is classified as a non-metallic
mineral. One reason for that is that MgO prepared from magnetite
has a higher melting point than (Mg, Ca)O prepared from dolomite
Grade Specifications Use
hence more suitable as a refractory.
68% Cr minimum
Production of ferrochrome alloy
Metallurgical Table 4: Gives a list of the most important metallic minerals
or chromium metal
Cr/Fe ratio <2.8/1 classified according to chemical composition.
Volume 1 - Issue - 1
How to cite this article: Fathi H. Metals from Ores: An Introduction. Aspects Min Miner Sci. 1(1). AMMS.000502. 2017. DOI: 10.31031/AMMS.2017.01.000502 10
Aspects in Mining & Mineral Science Aspects Min Miner Sci
Volume 1 - Issue - 1
How to cite this article: Fathi H. Metals from Ores: An Introduction. Aspects Min Miner Sci. 1(1). AMMS.000502. 2017. DOI: 10.31031/AMMS.2017.01.000502 11
Aspects in Mining & Mineral Science Aspects Min Miner Sci
Native metals
Telluric % Meteoric %
Volume 1 - Issue - 1
How to cite this article: Fathi H. Metals from Ores: An Introduction. Aspects Min Miner Sci. 1(1). AMMS.000502. 2017. DOI: 10.31031/AMMS.2017.01.000502 12
Aspects in Mining & Mineral Science Aspects Min Miner Sci
Figure 4 shows museum samples of native metals. Iron also carbon content, usually less than 0.7%. These were extracted from
occurs in a rare form of large boulders 20 to 80 tonnes, which may the basalt by the natives by crushing and then cold-hammering the
be mistaken for a meteorite, but because of its different analysis collected metallic particles into coin-sized flakes to insert them into
Table 5 absence of Widmanstätten structure characteristic of groves in bone and use them as knives [3].
meteoric iron when a piece is polished, etched, and examined by the
Oxides, hydroxides, and carbonates
optical microscope, it is known as telluric iron, i.e., terrestrial iron.
These comprise the important minerals of aluminium, iron,
The major occurrence of telluric iron is in association with
magnesium, manganese, rare earths, tin, titanium, and uranium;
the basalts of Western Greenland. Large boulders are on exhibit
those of copper and zinc are of minor importance. Figure 5 shows
at the Natural History Museums in Stockholm, Copenhagen, and
some common oxide minerals. Complex oxides comprise minerals
Helsinki. Telluric iron is found also as small millimetre-sized pea-
of chromium, niobium, tantalum, titanium, and tungsten.
shaped grains disseminated in the basalt, characterized of their low
Table 6: Formation of hydrated silicates.
Silicates: These may be anhydrous and hydrated silicates Table Sulphides: These comprise the most important minerals of
6. The first group comprise minerals of beryllium, lithium, and antimony, arsenic, cobalt, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum,
zirconium, while the second group comprise those of caesium, nickel, silver, and zinc. Figure 6 shows some common sulphide
copper, and nickel. minerals.
Realgar, As4S4
Figure 6: Museum samples of common sulfide minerals.
Volume 1 - Issue - 1
How to cite this article: Fathi H. Metals from Ores: An Introduction. Aspects Min Miner Sci. 1(1). AMMS.000502. 2017. DOI: 10.31031/AMMS.2017.01.000502 13
Aspects in Mining & Mineral Science Aspects Min Miner Sci
Others: Phosphates are mainly the rare earths in the form of Abundant: These are abundant in all geologic environments,
monazite sand. Sulphates of lead, gold telluride, and cobalt arsenide used in large amounts, and are relatively cheap. For example, clay,
-all are of minor importance. limestone, sand, gravel, and stones. Strictly speaking, some of
the members of these groups are not minerals but ores having a
Non-metallic and industrial
geological name. For example, phosphate rock is neither a rock nor
According to their abundance, industrial minerals can be a mineral; it is a geological name for a certain type of formation
classified into three main groups: Rare: These occur in small containing phosphate minerals associated with gangue minerals
quantities, in limited areas, used in small quantities, and command a such as calcite, iron oxides, clays, etc. The major phosphate mineral
high price. For example, diamonds, sheet mica, graphite, corundum, of economic value in this type of deposit is apatite, which is
precious stones, and the semi-precious stones. Widely available: principally calcium phosphate. Similarly, clay is a geological name
These occur in large quantities in few geologic environments, are for a large variety of hydrated aluminium silicate minerals, of which
used in appreciable amounts, and command a moderate price. For kaolinite is one. Table 7 gives an alphabetical list of these minerals
example asbestos, coal, phosphate, gypsum, kaolin, potash, salt, and their chemical composition. Industrial minerals can also be
sulphur, talc, trine, barite, borates, feldspar, fluorite, magnetite, and classified according to their use as shown in Table 8.
Table 7: Chemical composition of important industrial minerals.
Volume 1 - Issue - 1
How to cite this article: Fathi H. Metals from Ores: An Introduction. Aspects Min Miner Sci. 1(1). AMMS.000502. 2017. DOI: 10.31031/AMMS.2017.01.000502 14
Aspects in Mining & Mineral Science Aspects Min Miner Sci
Abrasive Sandstone
Diamonds (industrial)
Sand, gravel
Building Limestone
Ceramics & Glass
Clay Cement
Diatomite Adsorbent
Phosphate rock
Fertilizer Potash
Natural gas
Diamonds (gem)
Jewellery Amethyst
Aqua marine
Metallurgy (flux)
Pigment Filler
Refractories Magnetite
Volume 1 - Issue - 1
How to cite this article: Fathi H. Metals from Ores: An Introduction. Aspects Min Miner Sci. 1(1). AMMS.000502. 2017. DOI: 10.31031/AMMS.2017.01.000502 15
Aspects in Mining & Mineral Science Aspects Min Miner Sci
Metals from the Sea which contain minerals of these metals. Magnesium is the only
metals obtained from sea water.
Magnesium is the only metal produced today from sea water.
Sea water contains 0.13% magnesium from which magnesium References
hydroxide is precipitated and magnesium metal is produced. Dead 1. Habashi F (2003) Metals from ores. An introduction to extractive.
Sea on the other hand contains a higher percentage of magnesium.
2. Habashi F (2016) Industrial minerals through the ages.
Summary 3. Habashi F (2009) Metals from ores a look to the future. In: Krausz S
(Ed.), In Proceedings of the XIII Balkan. Mineral Processing Congress,
Metals used in daily life are produced by treatment of ores Romania, pp. 919-924.
Volume 1 - Issue - 1
How to cite this article: Fathi H. Metals from Ores: An Introduction. Aspects Min Miner Sci. 1(1). AMMS.000502. 2017. DOI: 10.31031/AMMS.2017.01.000502 16