Eme3411 - Lab Investigation 2

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Marcet Boiler

Name (as in SEGi ID): Jasper Chan Moon Bing

SEGi ID: SUKD 1801167
UCLan ID: SUKD 1801167
Group ID: A2
Course Code: EME3411
Course Name: Lab Investigation 2
Submission Date: 17 March 2020
This experiment was carried out to determine the relationship between the pressure and the
temperature of saturated steam in equilibrium. Besides that, this experiment was also done to
demonstrate the vapour pressure curve. The marcet boiler was used for this experiment.
When the pressure increases, the pressure also increases. Therefore, the relationship of
pressure and temperature is directly proportional. The derived formulae and the data were
used to calculate the slope. The dT/Dp measured was compared with the data in the steam
table. Theoretically, the values measured should be almost the same with predicted values.
However, at a certain points, the values are not the same. This may because of the errors
made in the experiment.

i. To demonstrate the relationship between the pressure and temperature of saturated
steam in equilibrium with water.
ii. To determine the vapour pressure curve.

In This experiment a Marcet boiler was used to conduct the relationship between a saturated
pressure and temperature of water in the range of 0-14 bar indicating in the gauge and also to
determine the temperature of a body when being heated or cooled. When the temperature
increases pressure also increases in this case the relationship between pressure and
temperature is directly proportional. Assumption was made that the temperature is uniform
throughout the boiler and the outside surface temperature of the boiler is the same as the
steam temperature. Theoretically, the values from the steam table should almost be the same
with the recorded values. In this case, if the values are not the same then this is due to error
that was made in the experiment.

The experiment was performed carefully and all procedure was followed to get
accurate result. First of all the start up procedure is to fill water in Marcet boiler and the water
level is half of the boiler’s height. Then the supply switch was turned on. It is important to
remove the air in the boiler in this case the valve would be open from the start up of the
experiment When the temperature increases to 100°C, the steam is allowed to come out from
the valve for few seconds and close the valve. Record the steam temperature and pressure
reaches 14 bars.
An ideal gas obeys the equation of state that relates the pressure, specific volume or density,
and absolute temperature with mass of molecule and the gas constant, R.
PV =

P= Absolute pressure
V= Volume
n= Amount of substance (moles)
R= Ideal gas constant
T= Absolute temperature (K)

However, real gas does not absolutely obey the equation of state. A few changes on
the ideal gas equation of state allow its application in the properties of real gas.

When energy increases within water, the increasing of activities among the molecules
enables the increase in the number of molecule escape from the surface until an equilibrium
state is reached. The state of equilibrium depends on the pressure between the water surface
and steam. At lower pressure, the molecules become easier leaving the water surface while
less energy required in achieving the state of equilibrium (boiling point). The temperature
where equilibrium occurs at a given pressure level is called saturated temperature.

The Marcet Boiler is used to investigate the relationship between the pressure and
temperature of saturated steam in equilibrium with water at all temperature levels between
the atmospheric pressure and 10 bars. The experimental slope (dT/dP)SAT obtained is
compared to the theoretical value determined through calculation from the steam table.
Clausius-Clapeyron states:
Tv fg
( dTdP ) = h
SAT fg

T v −v
( dTdP ) = h( −h )


h f +h fg =h g
h fg =h g−h f
T ( V f −V g ) T v g
( dTdP )
as v g ≫v f
In which,
vf = specific volume of saturated liquid
vg = specific volume of saturated vapor
hf = enthalpy of saturated liquid
hg = enthalpy of saturated vapor
hfg = latent heat of vaporization

1. HE169 Marcet boiler which shown in figure 1
2. Pressure transducer
3. Temperature controller/Indicator
4. Pressure indicator
5. Control panel
6. Bench
7. Bourdon tube pressure gauge
8. Temperature sensor
9. Pressure relief valve
10. Water inlet port & valve
11. Heater

Figure 1 : HE169 Marcet boiler

1. The power supply switch was turned on.
2. If the boiler was initially filled with water, opened the valves at the level side tube to
check the water level. Poured in additional distilled water of necessary. Then, closed
the valves.
3. The temperature was set to 185℃, which was slightly above the expected boiling
point of the water 10 bar (abs).
4. The valve was opened at feed port and turned on the heater.
Important: Always make sure that the valves at the level sight tube are closed before
turning on the heater as the sight tube is not designed to withstand high pressure and
5. The steam temperature rising was observed as the water boils.
6. Steam was allowed to come out from the valve for about 30 seconds, and then closed
the valve.
7. The steam temperature and pressure were recorded when the boiler was heated until
the steam pressure reaches 10 bar (abs).
Warning: Never open the valves when the boiler is heated as pressurized steam can
cause severe injury.
8. Then, the heater was turned off and the steam temperature and pressure were began to
drop. Allow boiler cooled down to room temperature.
9. The steam temperatures were recorded at different pressure readings when the boiler
was heated and cooled.
10. The heater was switch off and allowed the boiler temperature to drop.
Note: Do not open the valve at the water inlet port as it is highly pressurized at high
Pressure, P Temperature, T Measured Calculated
Slope, Slope,

( dTdP )( kPaK ) ( Tvh )( kPaK )



Absolute Gauge Increase Decrease Average Average

(bar) (bar) (℃) (℃) (℃) (K)

1.0 0 100.0 100.0 100.00 373.00 - 0.277529416

1.5 0.5 111.1 112.0 111.55 384.55 0.231 0.199798288

2.0 1.0 120.0 120.6 120.30 393.3 0.175 0.15832008

2.5 1.5 127.2 127.7 127.45 400.45 0.143 0.132161073

3.0 2.0 133.3 133.9 133.60 406.6 0.123 0.113875268

3.5 2.5 138.7 138.2 138.45 411.45 0.097 0.101659064

4.0 3.0 143.6 143.8 143.70 416.7 0.105 0.090246103

4.5 3.5 148.1 148.1 148.10 421.1 0.088 0.081908702

5.0 4.0 152.1 152.0 152.05 425.05 0.079 0.075243516

5.5 4.5 155.8 155.6 155.70 428.7 0.073 0.069689027

6.0 5.0 159.1 159.0 159.05 432.05 0.067 0.065044988

6.5 5.5 162.2 162.1 162.15 435.15 0.062 0.061096169

7.0 6.0 165.0 165.0 165.00 438.0 0.057 0.057733266

7.5 6.5 167.8 166.9 167.35 440.35 0.047 0.055138161

8.0 7.0 170.4 170.5 170.45 443.45 0.062 0.051940167

A graph with temperature, T against absolute pressure, P


Average temperature, T (K)





0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

Absolute pressure, P (bar)

A graph of Measured and Calculated Slope against Absolute Pressure




Measured Slope,

Calculated Slope,


1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

Absolute pressure, P (bar)

T increase +T Decrease
Average Temperature, Tavg ¿
111.1℃ +112.0 ℃
¿ 111.55℃
¿ 111.55℃ +273 K
¿ 384.55 K

dP1.5 ¯¿ =P |@| 1.5¯¿−P |@|1 ¯¿ ¿ ¿ ¿

¿ 1.5 −1
¯ ¯¿
¿ 0.5 ¯¿
100 kPa
¿ 0.5 ×
1 ¯¿ ¿
¿ 5 0 kPa

dT 1.5 ¯¿=T avg @ 1.5 ¯

¿ −Tavg @1 ¯¿ ¿ ¿ ¿

¿ 384.55 K−373 K
¿ 11.55 K

( dTdP )
1.5 ¯¿=¿¿

¿ ( 11.55
50 )
¿ 0.231
Calculation for measured Slope, ( dTdP )
Pressure (bar) dP (kPa) Average T (K) dT (K) Measured slope,
dT K
( )( )
dP kPa

1 - 373 - -

1.5 50 384.55 11.55 0.231

2 50 393.3 8.75 0.175

2.5 50 400.45 7.15 0.143

3 50 406.6 6.15 0.123

3.5 50 411.45 4.85 0.097

4 50 416.7 5.25 0.105

4.5 50 421.1 4.4 0.088

5 50 425.05 3.95 0.079

5.5 50 428.7 3.65 0.073

6 50 432.05 3.35 0.067

6.5 50 435.15 3.1 0.062

7 50 438 2.85 0.057

7.5 50 440.35 2.35 0.047

8 50 443.45 3.1 0.062

Measured slope−calculated slope
Percentage error, %¿ × 100 %
Measured slope
¿ × 100 %
¿ 13.51 %

Calculated Slope, Measured Slope,

dT K Tv fg K Percentage error, (%)
( )( )
dP kPa ( )( )
h fg kPa

0.277529416 - -
0.199798288 0.231 13.51
0.15832008 0.175 9.53
0.132161073 0.143 7.58
0.113875268 0.123 7.42
0.101659064 0.097 -4.80
0.090246103 0.105 14.05
0.081908702 0.088 6.92
0.075243516 0.079 4.76
0.069689027 0.073 4.54
0.065044988 0.067 2.92
0.061096169 0.062 1.46
0.057733266 0.057 -1.29
0.055138161 0.047 -17.32
0.051940167 0.062 16.23
Before the experiment is conducted, it is vital to remove the air from the boiler. This is
because, air might affect the accuracy of the experimental results. If the air is not removed,
the correct equilibrium measurements between the steam and the boiling water will not be
obtained. Due to the partial pressure of air, a lower water temperature will be required to raise
the pressure. Besides, the air trapped in the boiler could lead to boiler failure.

The error percentage should not cross or exceed 10% as the experiment was done in
enclosed surface and no volume of experimenting samples are allowed to escape from the
system. However, based on the data obtained from experiment, the percentage of errors is
within the range of -17.32 % ~ 16.23 %. The percentage error for the experiment shows that
the experimental yield was too much when the percentage error is negative. Differ when the
percentage of error is positive, it shows that the experimental yield less than the theoretical
yield. This might happen due to the present of air in the boiler and the measurements reading
errors that happen during the experiment.

There are several sources of error of the experiment:

1. Measurement reading accuracy.
2. Room temperature and pressure.
3. The stability of the material.
4. The calculations of the data obtained.

In order to make sure the accuracy of the data obtained, we must avoid the
measurements reading errors.

When the water in the boiler is heated up, the liquid molecules started to gain heat and
move faster. As they move around so fast that they cannot even hold on to each other
anymore, all the molecules started to flying apart and becoming gas. As the liquid absorbed
enough heat energy, it changes from liquid form to vapour form. However, as the steam is not
allowed to exit, the pressure in the boiler increases. Thus, causing the temperature rise. The
liquid (water)undergoes evaporation and becomes gas (steam).
The application of boilers in industries includes:
1. Power Plant Boiler
The boiler generates high pressure steam by transferring heat of combustion in
various heat transfer sections. Volume of one unit mass of steam is thousand times
that of water. When water is converted to a steam in a closed vessel, the pressure will
increase. Heating the water from cold condition to boiling point or saturation
temperature. Water boils at saturation temperature to produce steam. Heating steam
from saturation temperature to higher temperature called superheating to increase the
power plant output and efficiency.

2. Food Steamer used by Food Industries

There are two types of food steamers used by the food industry to heat food in large
quantities. The traditional design uses steam trays connected to a central
boiler. Newer technology uses individual heating systems to create the steam on each
set of steam trays. The newer technology offers significant advantages in both energy
and water efficiency. The boiler-based steamers utilize a boiler to inject (through
pipes) steam into the heating compartment containing the food trays. Steam that does
not condense on the food product escapes as a mixture of steam and hot condensate
through a drain at the bottom of the set of steam trays. Not only is water wasted in the
rejected steam, but also a substantial amount of additional water is required to
condense this steam and cool the condensate water to an acceptable temperature
before it enters the sewer system.

3. Fluidized Bed Reactor

The fuel is fluidized in oxygen and steam or air. The ash is removed dry or as heavy
agglomerates that defluidize. The temperatures are relatively low in dry ash gasifiers,
so the fuel must be highly reactive; low-grade coals are particularly suitable. The
agglomerating gasifiers have slightly higher temperatures, and are suitable for higher
rank coals. Fuel throughput is higher than for the fixed bed, but not as high as for the
entrained flow gasifier. The conversion efficiency can be rather low due to elutriation
of carbonaceous material. Recycle or subsequent combustion of solids can be used to
increase conversion. Fluidized bed gasifiers are most useful for fuels that form highly
corrosive ash that would damage the walls of slagging gasifiers. Biomass fuels
generally contain high levels of corrosive ash
4. Steam Engines
Steam engines are external combustion engines, where the working fluid is separate
from the combustion products. Non-combustion heat sources such as solarp ower,
nuclear power or geothermal energy may be used. The ideal thermodynamic cycle
used to analyze this process is called the Rankine cycle. In the cycle, water is heated
and transforms into steam within a boiler operating at a high pressure. When
expanded through pistons or turbines, mechanical work is done. The reduced-pressure
steam is then condensed and pumped back into the boiler.

Marcet boiler is the device which we use to study the relation in between pressure and
temperature for a water at saturated liquid phase. As we did in the laboratory, we started
heating water with constant pressure until it reached boiling point. Then, closing the valve
which created a constant volume system. Forcing the pressure to increase as the temperature
rises. And thus studying the direct relation between pressure and temperature for water at that
point. We notice that it is essential to close the valve as we reach boiling point to make sure
we are now in a constant volume process, otherwise pressure would have never increased.
Causing the experiment to be useless. We also notice that we closed the valve exactly when
we reached boiling temperature and thus keeping water at saturated liquid phase. After
studying the results and plotting the diagram we find that the relation in between pressure and
temperature is directly proportional. The difference between the theoretical values and the
actual values is caused by errors with certain calculated acceptable percentages. In this
experiment, the relationship between pressure and temperature is found to be directly
proportional. When compared to the theoretical slope, the experimental slope shows a small
deviation between them because of certain errors.
1. Marcet Boiler. Slideshare.net. Retrieved 7 Jan 2015 from
http://www.slideshare.net/ShwanSarwan/marcet -boiler .
2. Marcet Boiler Lab Report. Scribd.com. Retrieved 7 Jan 2015 from
http://www.scribd.com/doc/51634867/Marcet -Boiler-Lab-Report#scribd .
3. Yunus A. Cengal & Michael A. Boles, “Thermodynamics – An Engineering
Approach”, 3rd Edition, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2002.
4. Lab2E5 Marcet Boiler. Academia.edu. Retrieved 7 Jan 2015 from
https://www.academia.edu/9474636/Lab2E5_Marcet_Boiler .
5. Food Steamer. Wikipedia.org. Retrieved 7 Jan 2015 from
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_steamer .
6. Food Steamers Introduction. allianceforwaterefficiency.org. Retrieved 7 Jan 2015
from http://www.allianceforwaterefficiency.org/1Column.aspx?id=642 .
7. Steam Engine. Wikipedia.org. Retrieved 7 Jan 2015 from
8. Calculator for calculated slope

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