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Experience the Knowledge of India Shankara Jayanthi

Shankara Jayanthi
D.K.Hari & D.K.Hema Hari, Founders, Bharath Gyan

Adi Shankara was the saint who propounded the Advaita Vedanta, which speaks of the unity of
Atma and Brahman. He unified the various thoughts of Indian philosophy, as He travelled across the
country, conducting discourses, and taking part in debates with other philosophers, while defeating
many through His arguments. Thus He established Advaita philosophy, which establishes the
existence of one formless Divine Reality – Brahman, while considering the universe and its
creatures to be an illusion.

Dating of Shankara
Adi Shankara was born to his parents, Sivaguru and his wife Aryamba. They were a childless couple
who propitiated Lord Shiva for a child. Lord Shiva being please with them, appeared in their
dreams, “I am really pleased with your devotion. Please let me know if you want many ignorant
children, with long life span, or a son who is extremely wise and intelligent, but with a short life span.”

The parents chose the latter.

Adi Shankara was born on Panchami Tithi during Shukla Paksha of Vaishakha month, which
currently falls between April and May in 509 CE, at Kaladi in Kerala, and fulfilled an incredible
mission of revitalizing Sanatana Dharma, during his short life span of 32 years.

Birth of Adi Shankara

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Birthplace of Adi Shankara in Kerala

Many scholars are of the view that Shankara was born in 780 CE. This theory has been floated as
Buddha’s year of birth has been erroneously placed at 540 BCE. Shankara was then placed 1200
years later. Now through our research at Bharath Gyan, we have accurately placed Buddha as
belonging to 1887 BCE, in our book Historical Krishna, Dating of Krishna.

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Having done this, we can correctly place Adi Shankara to 509 BCE, to where He belongs. Again the
gap is 1500 years. In Bharath Gyan, similarly we have been able to prepare and give the timeline of
all the important characters and events in Indian history. Here is the timeline for your perusal

Adi Shankara diverted Purna River

Shankara learnt the Veda and recited them, by the age of eight. He was bestowed with many divine

He even diverted the Purana River, towards His home. He requested the river to follow in His
footsteps - KalAdi, as His mother was finding it difficult to travel long distances to this river. Thus
was born the place Kaladi. This River Purna over 2500 years has become a wide river and is now
known by the name Periyar.

Deepa Stambha
In Kaladi, near the ancient Krishna Temple, by the Periyar Temple, they identified the millennia old
Deepa Stambha, which marks the house of Adi Shankara and his mother Aryamba. This place has
been preserved and developed into a modern temple by the Sringeri Mutt.

Adi Shankara caught by crocodile

One day while having bath, Shankara was caught by a crocodile. His mother Aryamba hearing the
cries, came running. At his time, Shankara, pleaded with His mother, to allow him to take Sanyasa,
which she had been denying for some time. At this moment, the mother who saw that her son was
in a perilous situation, consented to this last wish of Shankara. Shankara then chanted the sanyasa
mantra, and miraculously the crocodile left him.

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Shankara then began His life of sanyasa, as he travelled across the country.

Young Adi Shankara in the grip of a Crocodile

Route and places of visits of Adi Shankara

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Authoring innumerable Works

Adi Shankara gave importance to Brahma Sutra, Upanishad and Bhagavad Gita, and has written
commentaries on them, from the Advaita Vedanta perspective.

Some of His popular works include, Bhaja Govindam, Kanakadhara Stotra, Shivananda Lahari and
Saundarya Lahari.

Saundarya means Beauty, Lahari, means waves. This poetic work of Shankara, composed in 100
verses, describes the beauty of waves of Divine Energy. Today we speak about the concept of Devi
as energy. While this text Saundarya Lahari at the superficial level is describing the beauty of Devi, if
we dwell into the subtle level, we can see that Adi Shankara is speaking of the beautiful waves of
Energy, Shakti. Every stanza of Saundarya Lahari, is a beautiful wave on the Ocean of Shakti.

He authored many works, and also gave commentaries on innumerable works.

Bhashya Granthas

1. Brahma Sutras

2. Isavasya Upanishad

3. Kena Upanishad

4. Katha Upanishad

5. Prasna Upanishad

6. Mundaka Upanishad

7. Mandukya Upanishad

8. Mandukya Karida

9. Aitareya Upanishad

10. Taittireeya Upanishad

11. Chhandogya Upanishad

12. Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad

13. Sree Nrisimha Taapaneeya Upanishad

14. Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta

15. Sree Vishnu Sahasranama

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16. Sanat Sujateeyam

17. Lalita Tri-satee

18. Hastaamalakeeyam

Prakarana Granthas:

19. Viveka Chudamani

20. Aparokshanubhooti

21. Upadesa Sahasri

22. Vaakya Vritti

23. Swaatma Niroopanam

24. Atma-bodha

25. Sarva Vedanta Sara Samgraha

26. Prabodha Sudhakaram

27. Swaatma Prakasika

28. Advaita anubhooti

29. Brahma anuchintanam

30. Prashnouttara Ratnamaalika

31. Sadachara anusandhanam

32. Yaga Taravali

33. Anatmasree Vigarhanam

34. Swaroopa anusandhanam

35. Pancheekaranam

36. Tattwa bodha

37. Prouda anubhooti

38. Brahma Jnanavali

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39. Laghu Vakyavritti

40. Bhaja Govindam

41. Prapancha Saaram

Stotra and Dhyana Verses:

42. Sri Ganesa Pancharatnam

43. Ganesa Bhujangam

44. Subrahmanya Bhujangam

45. Siva Bhujangam

46. Devi Bhujangam

47. Bhavani Bhujangam

48. Sree Rama Bhujangam

49. Vishnu Bhujangam

50. Sarada Bhujangam

51. Sivananda Lahari

52. Soundarya Lahari

53. Ananda Lahari

54. Sivapaadaadi kesaanta varnana

55. Siva kesaadi padaanta varnana

56. Sree Vishnu-paadaadi-kesanta

57. Uma maheswara Stotram

58. Tripurasundari Vedapada Stotram

59. Tripurasundari Manasapooja

60. Tripurasundari Ashtakam

61. Devi shashti upachara-pooja

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62. Mantra matruka Pushpamaala

63. Kanakadhara Stotram

64. Annapoorna Stotram

65. Ardhanareshwara Stotram

66. Bhramanaamba Ashtakam

67. Meenakshi Stotram

68. Meenakshi Pancharatnam

69. Gouri Dasakam

70. Navaratna Malika

71. Kalyana Vrishtistavam

72. Lalitha Pancharatnam

73. Maaya Panchakam

74. Suvarna Mala Stuti

75. Dasa Sloki

76. Veda Sara Siva Stotram

77. Siva Panchaakshara Stotram

78. Sivaaparadha Kshamapana

79. Dakshinamoorthy Ashtakam

80. Dakshinamoorthy Varnamala

81. Mrutyunjaya Manasa Pooja Stotram

82. Siva Namavali Ashtakam

83. Kaala Bhairava Ashtakam

84. Shatpadee Stotram

85. Siva Panchakshara Nakshatra Mala

86. Dwadasa Ling Stotram

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87. Kasi Panchakam

88. Hanumat Pancharatnam

89. Lakshmi-Nrisimha Pancharatnam

90. Lakshmi-Nrisimha Karunarasa Stotram

91. Panduranga Ashtakam

92. Achyuta Ashtakam

93. Sree Krishna Ashtakam

94. Hari Stuti

95. Govinda Ashtakam

96. Bhagavat Manasa Pooja

97. Praata Smarana Stotram

98. Jagannatha Ashtakam

99. Guruvashtakam

100. Narmada Ashtakam

101. Yamuna Ashtakam

102. Ganga Ashtakam

103. Manikarnika Ashtakam

104. Nirguna Manasa Pooja

105. Eka Sloki

106. Yati Panchakam

107. Jeevan Mukta Ananda Lahari

108. Dhanya Ashtakam

109. Upadesa (Sadhna) Panchakam

110. Sata Sloki

111. Maneesha Panchakam

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112. Advaita Pancharatnam

113. Nirvana Shatakam

114. Devyaparadhakshamapana Stotram .

Adi Shankara thus propounded and established on a firm footing, the Advaita school of thought.

For present times, one of the more recent milestones in the philosophical scene of India was the
explanation to the Vedanta and the Bhagavad Gita by Adi Shankara, called Shankara Bhashya,
composed by Adi Shankara around 500 BCE.

Adi Shankara

Adi Shankara compiled all these works by the age of 16. Even now it is so astonishing, to know how
was it possible for Adi Shankara to write so much in a very short life span, besides restoring the
Sanathana Dharma & Vedas throughout Bharatha Desa and establishing Chathuramnaya Peethams
to Sustain, Protect & Propagate Sanathana Dharma & Vedas throughout India.

Recognized Shadmada
As per this philosophy, all Divine forms like Vishnu, Shiva, Shakti are different manifestations of
Brahman, the Divine Consciousness. Adi Shankara recognized the Shadmada concept, and was able
to bring about unity among these different religions of India, by composing hymns dedicated to
each of the divinities of these religions. Thereby He gave importance to all religions.

From ancient times, Shadmada, 6 religions were practiced in India, namely

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Shaivam where Shiva and role played by Shiva is of focus, as without potential to manifest, matter
and elements of matter, there is no Universe.

Vaishnavam where Vishnu and role of Vishnu is given prominence, as without the all-pervading
forces none of this would have come and stayed together.

Shaktam where energy is given prominence, as energy is an intrinsic aspect of everything.

Sauram where Sun is given prominence as the sustainer of earth as well as life on earth.

Ganapathyam where intellect is given prominence as without intellect, all of these are as good as
non-existent. The focus is more on mankind and his capabilities.

Kaumaram where beauty and design is given prominence as without this design and beauty, this
Universe would not have evolved as it has.

More on Shadmada in our book and film, Creation – Srishti Vignana, since world over, the
fundamental difference between religions, lies in their explanation of the process of Creation and
hence definition and worship of God.

A Jnani and Karma Yogi

Adi Shankara, while he gave primary importance to the realization of the Brahman, didn’t ignore
the importance of the human body and the cosmos.

In one of His commentaries, He says,

“Na Rudram Rudram Archayet”

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“Without this humanly body, Rudram, and its understanding, we cannot understand that cosmic body,

It is only with this human body and its understanding, can we, in this human body be able to
understand the body of this Universe and the forces that act in it.

While being a Jnani, He was also a Karma Yogi, who travelled extensively during His short 32 years
life span.

Adi Shankara recognized India as One Cultural Unit

Adi Shankara, over 2500 years ago, had recognized this cultural entity of the land, beyond its
political and religious divisions and

He travelled all over the land of India from

Sringeri in South west Karnataka, to

Narmada River banks in Maharashtra to

Dwaraka in Saurashtra on the west coast to

Shankaracharya hills in Kashmir in the north, to

Amarnath, Badrinath, Kedarnath in Himalayas, to

Kashi in Uttar Pradesh to

Tripureshwari Temple in Tripura, in the north east to

Puri Jagannatha in Orissa in the east coast of India, to

Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu in the South.

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The journey of Sri Adi Sankara

He had looked at this land Bharatha as one cultural entity, to spread his message of Advaita.

Adi Shankara and His Guru belonged to different geographical locations

Adi Shankara is venerated as one of the main Gurus of many a religious orders today. Adi Shankara
himself needed a Guru to initiate him and this Guru was Guru Govinda Bhagavatpada of
Omkareshwar, who in turn had Guru Gaudapada as his Guru. Guru are those, whose influence has
extended beyond geographical bounds to keep this civilization on track, for millennia. For example,
even while Adi Shankara came from Central Kerala in South West India, His Guru, Guru Govinda
Bhagavatpada came from the banks of the river Narmada in Central India. This once again speaks o
the cultural unity of this civilization.

Established 4 mutts
Adi Shankara established four primary mutts, in the four corners of Bharat Varsha,to promote the
four Veda, and to bring unity among the people. He entrusted these four mutts to His 4 primary
disciples – Padmapada, Hastamalakacharya, Sureshwara and Trotakacharya. These 4 Mutts are,

1. Govardhana Peetham

2. Dwaraka Peetham

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3. Sringeri Sarada Peetham

4. Jyothirmath Peetham

A Table on the four Mutts founded by Adi Shankara, entrusted to his four Shishya, disciples

Peetham Shishya Veda Direction and


Govardhana Padmapada Rig Veda East, at

Peetham Jagannath Puri
in Odisha

Dwaraka Hastamalakacharya Sama Veda West, at

Peetham Dwaraka, in

Sringeri Sureshwara Yajur Veda South, at

Sarada Chickkamagalur
Peetham in Karnataka

Jyothirmath Trotakacharya Atharva Veda North, at

Peetham Chamoli, in

Apart from these 4 Mutts, Adi Shankara established many other Mutts in different parts of the
country. In the end He came to Kanchipuram, where He attained Moksha. His followers then
continued His parampura through the establishment of Kanchi Kamakoti Mutt. His Samadhi is
located at Kanchipuram, inside Kamakshi Temple.

There are others of the opinion that Adi Shankara left His mortal coil at Kedarnath. There is a linga
representing the joining of Adi Shankara’s soul, with the eternal Sadashiva, at Kedarnath Temple.

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The lingam representing Adi Shankara’s mergence

Two other places also claim to have the Samadhi of Adi Shankara,

1. Badrinath

2. Vadakanatha Temple,Trichur

Whichever it may be, let us venerate the contribution of Adi Shankara for revitalizing Sanathana
Dharma, in Bharata Varsha.

Installing Yantra
Adi Shankara also installed Yantra, line drawings on copper plates or stone slabs installed in the
sanctum sanctorum of many temples in India. Commonly seen pattern is the Sri Yantra which has
also been installed in many parts of India, by Adi Shankara, These have been the basis for the
wonderful temples such as Ankor Wat, Borobudur, Brihadeeshwara and many more.

These line drawings, Yantra, have been and continue to still be worshipped along with the Divine
and as the Divine itself.

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The Ardha Meru Yantra consecrated by Adi Shankara at Kamakshi temple, Mangadu near
Chennai – An illustration of the original and the deity at the temple

Visit to Sharada Temple, Kashmir

Adi Shankara visited this Sharada temple and established the Sharada Peeth here.

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Ruins of the Sharada Peeth in Neelum Valley with an ‘OM’ engraved in Sharada Lipi on the
column Photo Source – Nadeem Khawar

Adi Shankara, after completing his travels all over India, while coming down south along the
Coromandel Coast and nearing present day Chennai, had travelled through present day towns of
Thiruverkadu, Mangadu and Kancheepuram, near Chennai. Here he established Yantra, patterns
representing certain forms of energies, inorder to reduce the fierceness of the Devi deities of the
temples in these towns.

The fact of this act, of Adi Shankara installing Yantra in front of the Devi idols in these temples,
implies that even 2500 years ago, temples and idol worship existed in India and was popular
enough for him to visit and offer his worship.

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At Sringeri
Similarly, in Shringeri, he established the Sharada temple and appointed Mandana Mishra, whom he
had defeated in debate in Varanasi and accepted as his first disciple, as the first pontiff
Shankaracharya of Shringeri Mutt and gave him the ascetic name Sureshwaracharya.

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Sharadamba temple, Sringeri

Establishment of Yantra in various existing temples by Adi Shankara as well as establishment of

new temples and Mutts by Adi Shankara across the corners of India.

Kodachadri is a mountain peak, covered by dense forest. Adi Shankara visited this place and
meditated here, where a small temple Sarvajna Peeetha has been built. Beside this temple, there
exists an iron pillar that is made from pure iron, and is free from rusting, inspite of the humid
conditions of the place. This pillar was made by the local tribes during his visit there. This place
receives 750 cm of heavy monsoon rains for 6 to 7 months every year, and inspite of which there
is no rusting of the iron pillar. This slender iron pillar is 9.76 metres high.

The rust free Iron Pillar at Kodachadri

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Adi Shankara’s Respect for Woman

Debates were a part of Adi Shankara’s life.

Adi Shankara engaged in a philosophical debate with Mandana Misra of Kasi, in a philosophical
debate, it was the wife of Mandana Misra, a scholar by name Ubaya Bharathi, who was qualified
enough to be chosen as the judge.

Ubhaya Bharathi exhibited not only scholarly wisdom, but also astuteness in her judgement. She
made both Adi Shankara and Mandana Misra wear a garland of flowers. She declared that
whosover’s garland withered first, would be the loser.

A Popular Illustration

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A Panel at Sri Kanchi Sankara Math, PrayagDepicting

That, Ubhaya Bharathi chose the garland as the factor to determine who was in the right, is itself

The logic was that, the one whose argument did not have strength, would loose his calm, get
agitated, throw his voice more and in the process would get his body all heated up, which in turn
would make the flowers in the garland wither, faster.

Ubhaya Bharathi, the scholar needs to be commended for choosing an apt barometer for judging
the debate.

If Ubhaya Bharathi displayed neutrality, Mandana Misra’s acceptance of Adi Shankara as his
Guru after losing the debate, shows the humility in his knowledge.

Adi Shankara’s acceptance of the wife of the opponent as a judge, shows the respect he had on
the neutrality of this lady, Ubhaya Bharathi, the wife of Mandana Misra.

Adi Shankara and Gurutvakarshana

Adi shankara knew about the concept of Gurutvakarshana – gravity.

Adi Shankaracharya who lived around 509 BCE, 2500 years ago, writes in his commentary on

“If the divinity of Earth would not pull down this body by supporting Apana, this body would have
floated any where in space.”

Adi Shankara revived spirituality

Adi Shankara is a celebrated saint, who is widely revered today, across, all fields of perspectives
and philosophy. He was the One who restored Sanatana Dharma, and revived the glory of Indian
spirituality, which stands on a strong footing, even to this day, and thereby uniting the whole

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We speak about Adi Shankara in our book, Autobiography of India.

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