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Physics II online lab: RLC Circuits Page #1

Name:___________Edward Felton_________________________
Section: _______

Computer Simulation: RLC circuits

In this activity you will use the Simulation: Circuit Construction Kit to
develop your understanding of the RLC circuit analysis

1. Objective

· Describe current-voltage relationship in the RLC circuit and calculate energy that can be
stored in an inductor
· Calculate the current in an RLC circuit after a specified number of characteristic time steps.
· Calculate the characteristic time of an RLC circuit.
· Sketch the current in an RLC circuit over time.

2. Apparatus
Phet online software for Circuit construction

2. Theory

2.1. Inductor
If an electrical current flows through a wire conductor, a magnetic flux is developed around the
conductor. This produces a relationship between the direction of this magnetic flux which is
circulating around the conductor and the direction of the current flowing through the same
conductor resulting in a well known relationship between current and magnetic flux direction
called, “Fleming’s Right Hand Rule”. But there is also another important property relating to a
wound coil that also exists, which is that a secondary voltage is induced into the same coil by the
movement of the magnetic flux as it opposes or resists any changes in the electrical current flowing
it. In its most basic form, an Inductor is nothing more than a coil of wire wound around a central
core as shown in Fig. 1. For most coils the current, ( i ) flowing through the coil produces a magnetic
flux, ( NΦ ) around it that is proportional to this flow of electrical current. Inductors are formed
with wire tightly wrapped around a solid central core which can be either a straight cylindrical rod
or a continuous loop or ring to concentrate their magnetic flux.

Fig. 1. (right) Inductor symbol (left) different types of inductors.

Physics II online lab: RLC Circuits Page #2
The schematic symbol for an inductor is that of a coil of wire so therefore, a coil of wire can also be
called an Inductor. Inductors usually are categorized according to the type of inner core they are
wound around, for example, hollow core (free air), solid iron core or soft ferrite core with the
different core types being distinguished by adding continuous or dotted parallel lines next to the
wire coil as shown below as shown in Fig. 1 (right).
The current, i that flows through an inductor produces a magnetic flux that is proportional to it but
unlike a Capacitor which oppose a change of voltage across their plates, an inductor opposes the
rate of change of current flowing through it due to the build up of self-induced energy within its
magnetic field. In other words, inductors resist or oppose changes of current but will easily pass a
steady state DC current. This ability of an inductor to resist changes in current and which also
relates current, i with its magnetic flux linkage, NΦ as a constant of proportionality is
called Inductance which is given the symbol L with units of Henry, (H) after Joseph Henry.
Because the Henry is a relatively large unit of inductance in its own right, for the smaller inductors
sub-units of the Henry are used to denote its value. For example:
· 1mH = 1 milli-Henry  –  which is equal to one thousandths (1/1000) of an Henry.
· 100μH = 100 micro-Henries  –  which is equal to 100 millionth’s (1/1,000,000) of a

1.2. RL Circuits

A resistor-inductor circuit (RL circuit) consists of a resistor and an inductor (either in series or in
parallel ) driven by a voltage source. The induction is a process in which an Electromotive force
(emf) is induced by changing magnetic flux. Mutual inductance is the effect of Faraday’s law of
induction for one device upon another, while self-inductance is the the effect of Faraday’s law of
induction of a device on itself. An inductor is a device or circuit component that exhibits self-
2.2. Inductor voltage and current
When we learned about resistors, Ohm's Law told us the voltage across a resistor is proportional to
the current through the resistor: v = iR. Now we have an inductor with its i-v equation:
di 1
v(t)=L , i(t)= ∫ v ( x ) dx
dt L0
This tells us the voltage across the inductor is proportional to the change of current through the
inductor. For real-world resistors, we learned to take care that voltage and current don't get too big
for the physical resistor to handle. For real-world inductors, we have to be careful the voltage
and change of current don't get too big for the physical inductor to handle. This can be tricky, since
it is very easy to create a very big change of current if you open or close a switch.

1.3. Energy of an Inductor

We know from Lenz’s law that inductors oppose changes in current. We can think of this situation
in terms of energy. Energy is stored in a magnetic field. It takes time to build up energy, and it also
takes time to deplete energy; hence, there is an opposition to rapid change. In an inductor, the
magnetic field is directly proportional to current and to the inductance of the device. It can be
shown that the energy stored in an inductor Eind is given by:
Physics II online lab: RLC Circuits Page #3
1.4. Inductors in Circuits

We know that the current through an inductor L cannot be turned on or off instantaneously. The
change in current changes the magnetic flux, inducing an emf opposing the change (Lenz’s law).
How long does the opposition last? Current will flow and can be turned off, but how long does it
take? The following figure shows a switching circuit that can be used to examine current through an
inductor as a function of time.

Fig. 2. (a) An RL circuit with a switch to turn current on and off. When in position 1, the battery, resistor, and inductor are
in series and a current is established. In position 2, the battery is removed and the current eventually stops because of
energy loss in the resistor. (b) A graph of current growth versus time when the switch is moved to position 1. (c) A graph
of current decay when the switch is moved to position 2.
When the switch is first moved to position 1 (at t=0), the current is zero and it eventually rises to
I0=V/R, where R is the total resistance of the circuit and V is the battery ‘s voltage. The opposition
of the inductor L is greatest at the beginning, because the change in current is greatest at that time.
The opposition it poses is in the form of an induced emf, which decreases to zero as the current
approaches its final value. This is the hallmark of an exponential behavior, and it can be shown
(with calculus) that
is the current in an RL circuit when switched on. (Note the similarity to the exponential behavior of
the voltage on a charging capacitor.) The initial current is zero and approaches I 0=V/R with a
characteristic time constant (Relaxation Time) for an RL circuit, given by:
where τ has units of seconds, since 1H=1Ω⋅s. In the first period of time τ, the current rises from
zero to 0.632I0, since I=I0(1−e−1)=I0(1−0.368)=0.632I0. The current will be 0.632 of the remainder
in the next time. A well-known property of the exponential function is that the final value is never
exactly reached, but 0.632 of the remainder to that value is achieved in every characteristic time  τ.
In just a few multiples of the time τ, the final value is very nearly achieved (see part (b) of above
The characteristic time τ depends on only two factors, the inductance L and the resistance R. The
greater the inductance L, the greater it is, which makes sense since a large inductance is very
effective in opposing change. The smaller the resistance R, the greater τ is. Again this makes sense,
since a small resistance means a large final current and a greater change to get there. In both cases
(large Land small R) more energy is stored in the inductor and more time is required to get it in and
When the switch in (a) is moved to position 2 and cuts the battery out of the circuit, the current
drops because of energy dissipation by the resistor. However, this is also not instantaneous, since
the inductor opposes the decrease in current by inducing an emf in the same direction as the
battery that drove the current. Furthermore, there is a certain amount of energy, (½LI02), stored in
the inductor, and it is dissipated at a finite rate. As the current approaches zero, the rate of decrease
slows, since the energy dissipation rate is I 2R. Once again the behavior is exponential, and I is found
to be
Physics II online lab: RLC Circuits Page #4
In (c), in the first period of time τ=L/R after the switch is closed, the current falls to 0.368 of its
initial value, since I=I0e−1=0.368I0. In each successive time τ, the current falls to 0.368 of the
preceding value, and in a few multiples of τ, the current becomes very close to zero.

1.5. Resistors and Capacitors in Series Circuits

An RC circuit has a resistor and a capacitor and when connected to a DC voltage source, and the
capacitor is charged exponentially in time. An RC circuit is one containing a resistor R and a
capacitor C. The capacitor is an electrical component that houses electric charge.

1.6. Charging of a Capacitor

Fig 3 shows a simple RC circuit that employs a DC voltage source. The capacitor is initially
uncharged. As soon as the switch is closed, current flows to and from the initially uncharged
capacitor. As charge increases on the capacitor plates, there is increasing opposition to the flow of
charge by the repulsion of like charges on each plate.

Fig. 3. (a) An RC circuit with an initially uncharged capacitor. Current flows in the direction shown as soon as the switch is
closed. Mutual repulsion of like charges in the capacitor progressively slows the flow as the capacitor is charged, stopping
the current when the capacitor is fully charged and Q=C⋅V 0. (b) A graph of voltage across the capacitor versus time, with
the switch closing at time t=0. (Note that in the two parts of the figure, the capital script E stands for emf, q stands for the
charge stored on the capacitor, and τ is the RC time constant. )
In terms of voltage, across the capacitor voltage is given by V c=Q/C, where Q is the amount of
charge stored on each plate and C is the capacitance. This voltage opposes the battery, growing
from zero to the maximum emf when fully charged. Thus, the current decreases from its initial
value of I0=V0/R to zero as the voltage on the capacitor reaches the same value as the emf (V 0).
When there is no current, there is no IR drop, so the voltage on the capacitor must then equal the
emf of the voltage source.
Initially, voltage on the capacitor is zero and rises rapidly at first since the initial current is a
maximum. Fig 1 (b) shows a graph of capacitor voltage versus time (t) starting when the switch is
closed at t=0. The voltage approaches emf (V0) asymptotically since the closer it gets to emf (V 0)
the less current flows. The equation for voltage versus time when charging a capacitor C through a
resistor R, is:
V(t)= V0(1−et/RC),
where V(t) is the voltage across the capacitor and V 0 is equal to the emf of the DC voltage source.
Note that the unit of RC is second. We define the time constant τ (Relaxation Time) for an RC circuit
as τ =RC. τ shows how quickly the circuit charges or discharges.
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1.7. Discharging of a Capacitor

Discharging a capacitor through a resistor proceeds in a similar fashion, as illustrates. Initially, the
current is I0=V0/R, driven by the initial voltage V0 on the capacitor. As the voltage decreases, the
current and hence the rate of discharge decreases, implying another exponential formula for V.
Using calculus, the voltage V on a capacitor C being discharged through a resistor R is found to be

2.3. Building a circuit

You need to build two circuits. For part A you need to construct your circuit using a resistor, a
battery, an inductor, and a capacitor, and for part B you need to add a lamp between the capacitor
and the inductor. Put two switches as shown in the figure and do the experiment as you are asked
to do.

Fig. 3: The schematic of the RLC circuit (left) and RLC circuit with a light bulb (right).
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4. Procedure

Part 1: Choose one resistor (Pick randomly between 20-50 Ω e.g. 30 Ω), one voltage source(Pick
randomly between 10-20 V e.g. 15 V; don’t change is once you picked ), one capacitor(Pick
randomly between 0.05-0.2 F e.g. 0.15 F ), and one inductor (Pick randomly between 10-50 H e.g.
15 H) and wire it up as shown in Fig. 9 with the ammeter in series and a variable voltage supply.

Fig. 11: Schematic circuit for part 1 (Left). Simulation on software (Right)

Click on Voltage Chart ( ) and put the probes on the two ends of the capacitor. Click
on Current Chart ( ) and put the probes on one side of the capacitor. You can click on
the + and – in order to change the scale if you could not see the change in the voltage or if it was too
much zoomed in you can zoom out. You can also use a non-contact Ammeter ( )
and put it wherever you want to read the current. It maybe easier to read the current value. Click
on the Voltmeter and connect the probes on two sides of the capacitor to read the current value
Physics II online lab: RLC Circuits Page #7

easier. Click on the stopwatch ( ) for measuring the time. You can also use your
stopwatch on your cellphone if that is easier for you. Click on the voltmeter and put the probes on

the two ends of the capacitor. Click on the switch 1 to connect the circuit (  ) and then
fill out the table below. After filling out for each C or R value right click on the capacitor and

discharge it ( ). If at any point you wanted to re-measure the time you can right click on
the capacitor and discharge it and re-measure the time or any value. Remember that the relaxation
time should be measure from the time you connect the switch until the voltage value reaches 0.632
time of the maximum value. If the max value for V=Vm=9 V (Equal to the voltage battery) then you
need to measure the time from the time Switch 1 is closed until the voltage reaches 9×0.632=5.69
V. Fill out the below table:

Choose Change ↓ Change ↓ Calculate Measure Calculate Read and

once↓ and insert↓ and insert↓ and insert↓

Voltage Capacitance: Resistance: Relaxation Relaxation Maximum Maximum

V=Vm (V) C(F) R (Ω) Time τ (s) Time τ (s) Current: Current:
τ=RC I (=V/R) I (A)

9 0.1 20 2 2.1 0.45 0.5

9.48 0.09 20 1.8 1.8 0.47 0.5

9.48 0.12 20 2.4 2.4 0.47 0.5

9.48 0.14 20 2.8 2.8 0.47 0.5

9.48 0.1 41.88 4.188 4.2 0.226 0.23

9.48 0.1 25.62 2.562 2.6 0.37 0.37

9.48 0.1 37.5 3.75 3.8 0.25 0.25

1. Insert the picture of one of your experiment here for one of the above cases
Physics II online lab: RLC Circuits Page #8

What is your observation of the change in each parameter? Circle the correct answer.

a. Relaxation time (increases/decreases) with increasing Resistance. (Increase)

b. Relaxation time (increases/decreases) with increasing Capacitance. (Increase)
c. When voltage is at its Max value current is at its (Max/Min) value. (Max)
d. When current is at its Max value Voltage is at its (Max/Min) value. (Min)
Physics II online lab: RLC Circuits Page #9
Part 2: RLC circuit

Keep the configuration like Part 1 with one of the resistors and capacitors and the voltage

that was picked at the beginning. Click on the switch 1 to connect the circuit (  )

and wait until the capacitor is fully charged. Then disconnect Switch 1 (  ) and

connect Switch 2 (  ).

Fig. 11: Schematic circuit for part 2 (Left). Simulation on software (Right)

You will see that the voltage across the capacitor goes to a maximum and then discharges
completely and goes to a minimum value. Measure the time when it is at the maximum
value and wait until it goes back to the same maximum value. This time is called T (Period
of oscillation). Find the frequency of the oscillation using the equation ¿ . Fill out the
Physics II online lab: RLC Circuits Page #10
table below for the first set of C and L and in order to go the next set, discharge the
capacitor, disconnect switch 2 and then connect switch 1 and then change the L or C value
and then let the capacitor to be fully charged and start the process again.

Choose Change ↓ Change ↓ Read and Read and Measure Calculate Calculate Calculate
once↓ insert↓ insert↓ and and insert↓ and insert↓ and insert↓

Voltage Capacitance: Inductance: Maximum Maximum Period: Frequency: Maximum Maximum

V=Vm C(F) L (H) Voltage: Current: T (t) 1 Capacitive Inductive
(V) Vm (V) Im (A) f= (Hz) Energy: Energy:
U=½CVm2 U=½LIm2
(J) (J)

9 0.1 10 9 0.9 6.36 0.16 4.05 4.05

9.45 0.09 10 9.45 0.63 6.48 0.15 0.42 3.15

9.45 0.12 10 9.45 0.63 6.48 0.15 0.57 3.15

9.45 0.14 10 9.45 0.63 6.48 0.15 0.66 3.15

9.45 0.1 42.62 9.45 0.63 6.48 0.15 0.47 13.42

9.45 0.1 31.37 9.45 0.63 6.48 0.15 0.47 9.88

9.45 0.1 21.25 9.45 0.63 6.48 0.15 0.47 6.7

3. Insert the picture of one of your experiment here for one of the above cases

2. What is your observation of the change in each parameter? Circle the correct answer.

a. Period (increases/decreases) with increasing Capacitance. (Increases)

b. Period (increases/decreases) with increasing inductance. (Decreases)
c. Frequency (increases/decreases) with increasing Capacitance. (Decreases)
d. Frequency (increases/decreases) with increasing inductance. (Increases)
e. When the capacitive energy is at its Max value, the inductive energy is at its (Max/Min) value.
f. When the inductive energy is at its Max value, the capacitive energy is at its (Max/Min) value.

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