ICC-ES Report 3499

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ICC‐ES Report 
ICC‐ES | (800) 423‐6587 | (562) 699‐0543 | www.icc‐es.org Reissued 02/2016
000  This report is subject to renewal 02/2018.




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ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not
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Copyright © 2016 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved.
ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-3499
Reissued February 2016
This report is subject to renewal February 2018.

www.icc-es.org | (800) 423-6587 | (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council ®

DIVISION: 03 00 00—CONCRETE 3.2.2 Fabrics:

Section: 03 01 00—Maintenance of Concrete MAPEWRAP C UNI-AX 300 SP: Mapewrap C
REPORT HOLDER: UNI-AX 300 SP is a continuous-fiber, unidirectional,
carbon-fiber fabric supplied in rolls that are 3.94 in.,
MAPEI S.P.A. 7.87 in., 19.68 in., and 23.62 in. (100 mm, 200 mm,
VIA CAFIERO, 22 500 mm, and 600 mm) wide by 54.68 yards (50 m) long.
20158 MILAN, ITALY Weight is 9 ounces per square yard (300 g/m2).
+39 02-376731 MAPEWRAP C UNI-AX 300: Mapewrap C UNI-
www.mapei.com AX 300 is a continuous-fiber, unidirectional, carbon-fiber
fabric supplied in rolls that are 3.94 in., 7.87 in., and
EVALUATION SUBJECT: 15.75 in. (100 mm, 200 mm, and 400 mm) wide by
54.68 yards (50 m) long. Weight is 9 ounces per square
1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE AX 600 is a continuous-fiber, unidirectional, carbon-fiber
fabric supplied in rolls that are 3.94 in., 7.87 in., and
Compliance with the following codes: 15.75 in. (100 mm, 200 mm, 400 mm) wide by 54.68 yards
 2015, 2012 and 2009 International Building Code (IBC) (50 m) long. Weight is 18 ounces per square yard
 2015, 2012 and 2009 International Residential Code (600 g/m2).
(IRC) 3.2.3 Resins:
 1997 Uniform Building Code™ (UBC) MAPEWRAP 31 SP: Mapewrap 31 SP is an
Properties evaluated: ambient cured epoxy resin mix used to bind the
 Structural MAPEWRAP C UNI-AX 300 SP fabric. Components A and
B of the epoxy system are shipped in 33 and 11-lbs (15 kg
 Durability and 5 kg) buckets, respectively, and must be mixed at a
 Fire resistance volumetric ratio of 3:1 (A:B). The product components must
be stored in original sealed packaging in temperatures not
2.0 USES
lower than 41˚F (5°C) for a maximum of shelf life of
The MAPEWRAP FRP composite systems are used to 24 months.
externally strengthen normal-weight reinforced concrete
structural elements as an alternative to systems permitted MAPEWRAP 31: Mapewrap 31 is an ambient
in the IBC and UBC. For structures regulated under the cure epoxy resin mix used to bind the MAPEWRAP C
IRC, the MAPEWRAP FRP composite systems may be UNI-AX 300 and MAPEWRAP C UNI-AX 600 fabrics.
used where an engineering design is submitted in Components A and B of the epoxy system are shipped in
accordance with Section R301.1.3 and may be used where 8.82-lb. and 2.21-lb. (4.0 kg and 1.0 kg) buckets,
approved by the code official in accordance with IRC respectively, and must be mixed at a volumetric ratio of 4:1
Section R104.11. (A:B). Pot life is forty minutes at 73˚F (23˚C) and twenty
minutes at 86°F (30°C). The product components must be
3.0 DESCRIPTION stored in original sealed packaging in temperatures not
3.1 General: lower than 41˚F (5°C) for a maximum of shelf life of
24 months.
The MAPEWRAP FRP Composite Systems are comprised
of carbon fabrics combined with resins which, in 3.2.4 MAPEWRAP FRP Composite Systems:
combination, create the FRP composite system. MAPEWRAP C UNI-AX 300 SP + MAPEWRAP
3.2 Material: 31 SP: In the primary direction (0°), the carbon fiber
3.2.1 General: All material must comply with the composite system has a minimum ultimate tensile strength
approved specifications outlined in in the Mapei quality of 197 ksi (1355 MPa), a minimum tensile modulus of
documentation, dated August 2014. 11,493 ksi (79.2 GPa), and a corresponding elongation of

ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed
as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as
to any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report.

Copyright © 2016 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 3
ESR-3499 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 3

1.72 percent. Nominal layer thickness is 0.019 in. Structural Design Requirements: Concrete
(0.500 mm). beam design must comply with the DM and with Chapter MAPEWRAP C UNI-AX 300 + MAPEWRAP 31: 19 of the IBC or UBC.
In the primary direction (0°), the carbon fiber composite 4.2 Installation:
system has a minimum ultimate tensile strength of 216 ksi Installation must be performed by certified applicators
(1492 MPa), a minimum tensile modulus of 12,161 ksi in accordance with the Mapei Installation Guide for
(83.8 GPa), and a corresponding elongation of MAPEWRAP FRP Composite Systems that can be found
1.70 percent. Nominal layer thickness is 0.019 in. in the product specifications. Installation of the system
(0.500 mm). must comply with the requirements set forth in the product MAPEWRAP C UNI-AX 600 + MAPEWRAP 31 : specifications as follows:
In the primary direction (0°), the carbon fiber composite
system has a minimum ultimate tensile strength 210 ksi TABLE 1—MAPEWRAP FRP SYSTEM
(1450 MPa), a minimum tensile modulus of 11,875 ksi SPECIFICATION NUMBERS
(81.8 GPa), and a corresponding elongation of
1.76 percent. Nominal layer thickness is 0.039 in. MAPEWRAP FRP SPECIFICATION
4.1 Design: MAPEWRAP C UNI-AX 300
and 1002-11-2014 (GB)
4.1.1 General: Design of the composite system must be
based on required tensile loads at designated concrete MAPEWRAP C UNI-AX 600
strain values. The strength design requirements for
concrete must be in accordance with Chapter 19 of the IBC MAPEWRAP C UNI-AX 300
or UBC. The registered design professional must be 1023-8-2014
responsible for determining, through analysis, the
strengths and demands of the structural elements to be MAPEWRAP 31SP 1009-8-2014
enhanced by the MAPEWRAP FRP Systems, subject to
approval of the code official.
MAPEWRAP 31 14-1403_01-11-2015
4.1.2 Composite Design Properties: Structural design
properties for the composites are found in the Mapei 4.2.1 Saturation: The fibers and the matrix must be
Design Manual (hereinafter referred to as the DM), combined in accordance with an established weight-and-
Revision: 1; dated October 8, 2014. volume ratio as indicated in the specification referenced in
4.1.3 Design Details: Design equations described in the Table 1, using manual methods.
DM are based on test results and principles of structural 4.2.2 Application: The saturated composite fabric must
analysis as set forth in Section 1604.4 of the IBC and be applied to the prepared concrete substrate using
Section 1605 of the UBC. Bases of design include strain manual (hand-applied) methods. Manual methods must be
compatibility, load equilibrium and limit states. All designs used to remove air bubbles and to ensure desired fiber
must follow procedures as detailed in the IBC or UBC; in orientation. Note that the pot life of the saturated fabric
the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Concrete and depends on the pot life of the resin system and may vary
Reinforced and Unreinforced Masonry Strengthening with ambient temperature, where higher temperatures
Using Externally Bonded Fiber-reinforced Polymer (FRP) result in a lesser pot life, and lower temperatures result in a
Composite Systems (AC125), dated August 2014; and in longer pot life.
the DM, dated October 8, 2014, Revision 1. A copy of the
DM must be submitted to the code official for approval of 4.2.3 Finishing: The cured composite can be coated with
each project. paint. Paints may be applied as required for weather
protection and/or aesthetic considerations.
4.1.4 Design Strength: Design strengths must be taken
as the nominal strength, computed in accordance with 4.2.4 Cure Time Prior to Loading: MAPEWRAP FRP
Section 4.1.3 of this report, multiplied by strength reduction composite system must be allowed a minimum of 48 hours
factors provided in Section 21.2 of ACI 318-14 (2015 IBC), of cure time (depending on temperatures) prior to
Section 9.3 of ACI 318-11 (2012 IBC) or ACI 318-08 (2009 application of superimposed loading onto the structural
IBC), or Chapter 19 of the UBC, and modified by AC125, member.
as applicable. 4.3 Special Inspection:
4.1.5 Load Combinations: The load combinations used Special inspection must comply with the applicable
in design must comply with Section 1605.2 of the IBC, or requirements in Sections 1704 through 1709 of the 2015
Section 1612.2 of the UBC. and 2012 IBC, Sections 1704 through 1712 of the 2009
4.1.6 Columns: IBC. Special inspection during the installation of the
system must be in accordance with the ICC-ES Potential Applications: The composite systems Acceptance Criteria for Inspection and Verification of
are applied to circular or rectangular columns to enhance Concrete and Unreinforced Masonry Strengthening Using
their axial strengths. Fiber-reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composite Systems Structural Design Requirements: Concrete (AC178), dated December 2013. A statement of special
column design must comply with the DM and with Chapter inspection must be prepared in accordance with Sections
19 of the IBC or UBC. 1704.3 of the 2015 and 2012 IBC or Section 1705 of the
4.1.7 Beams: 2009 IBC. Potential Applications: The composite systems 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE

are applied to beams to enhance their flexural strengths for The MAPEWRAP FRP Composites Systems described in
gravity load or wind load resistance only. this report comply with, or are suitable alternatives to what
ESR-3499 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 3

is specified in, those codes listed in Section 1.0 of this 5.6 Use of the MAPEWRAP FRP Composite Systems for
report, subject to the following conditions: interior applications and for applications where FRP
system is in constant contact with soil is outside the
5.1 Design and installation of MAPEWRAP FRP
scope of this report.
Composite Systems must be in accordance with this
report, Mapei FRP System Specifications, the Design 5.7 Application of the systems to concrete members at a
Manual, Revision 1, dated October 8, 2014; and the fabricator’s facility must be by an approved fabricator
IBC or UBC, as applicable. complying with Section 1704.2.5.1 of the 2015 IBC,
5.2 Copies of the Design Manual and Mapei FRP System 1704.2.5.2 of the 2012 IBC, 1704.2.2 of the 2009 IBC,
Specifications must be submitted to the code official or Section 1701.7 of the UBC, or at a jobsite with
in conjunction with each project using the system. continuous special inspections in accordance with
Section 1705.3 of the 2015 and 2012 IBC, 1704.4 of
5.3 Complete construction documents, including plans the 2009 IBC or Sections 1701.5.1 and 1701.5.3 of
and calculations verifying compliance with the UBC.
this report, must be submitted to the code official
for each project at the time of permit application. The 5.8 The MAPEWRAP FRP composite systems
construction documents must be prepared and sealed component materials are manufactured under an
by a registered design professional where required by inspection program with inspections by ICC
the statutes of the jurisdiction in which the project is to Evaluation Service, LLC.
be constructed. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED
5.4 Special inspection for jobsite application of the Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria
MAPEWRAP FRP Composite Systems must be for Concrete and Reinforced and Unreinforced Masonry
provided in accordance with Section 4.3 of this report. Strengthening Using Fiber-reinforced, Composite Systems
5.5 The fire-resistance rating of the assembly complying (AC125), dated August 2014.
with Chapter 7 of the IBC or UBC is not reduced by 7.0 IDENTIFICATION
the application of the MAPEWRAP FRP Composite
Systems. The structural load-carrying capacities of The MAPEWRAP FRP composite systems components
fire-resistance-rated assemblies must be based on are labeled in accordance with the Mapei quality
the design of the concrete without the MAPEWRAP documentation and contain at a minimum: company name
FRP Composite Systems. Fire resistance of and address of Mapei S.P.A., product name, expiration
assemblies with structural load-carrying capacities date, and evaluation report number (ESR-3499).
increased beyond the levels permitted by the IBC or
UBC is beyond the scope of this report.

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