Maccaferri Applications Guide - Brochure

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Officine Maccaferri S.p.A.

Via J.F. Kennedy, 10

40069 Zola Predosa (Bologna) - Italy
T: +(39) 051 643 6000
F: +(39) 051 643 6201
E: [email protected]

Maccaferri’s motto is ‘Engineering a Better Solution’;

We do not merely supply products, but work in

Engineering a partnership with our clients, offering technical

expertise to deliver versatile, cost effective and
Better Solution environmentally sound solutions. We aim to build
mutually beneficial relationships with clients through
the quality of our service and solutions.


In the second half of the 19th century, we invented Gabions and Founded in 1879, our Group soon became a worldwide reference in the
dramatically changed the civil engineering landscape. We are still design and development of advanced solutions, with offices in over 70
changing today. We work every day to find better solutions for our countries and 30 factories worldwide.
clients at every degree of latitude and longitude. Our worldwide
Our mission is to pursue excellence through continuous
network grows through innovation and diversification of sectors
improvement, while delivering to customers engineered solutions
of activity and through an increasing range of high quality and
that are innovative, advanced and environmentally friendly. We are
environmentally friendly products and applications.
committed to outstanding safety, quality and sustainability, to create
value for all stakeholders as well as our communities.


Engineering a Better Solution




© Officine Maccaferri S.p.A.
Market Sectors
Interrelation between sectors and applications

Coastal & River


Industry, Sport
Control Works


Emergency &

In 1879 we invented the gabion and changed the CONTENTS

Oil & Gas /


Defence &

course of civil engineering. We are still changing it


today. Applications
Our Applications: We manufacture and supply high quality durable
We provide engineering services across many materials which:
Basal Reinforcement
1. Hydraulic Works
   
market sectors, solving their geotechnical
  Enhance the service life of the works
problems. We are a vertically integrated company; Coastal Protection, Marine Structures & Pipeline Protection   
we research, design, manufacture and supply
2. Retaining Walls & Soil Reinforcement   Reduce environmental impact
materials and support the construction of our Concrete Flooring, Precast & Other uses    
3. Rockfall Protection & Snow Barriers   Provide client reassurance
solutions. Drainage of Structures
Many of our products are certified by international or        
4. Soil Stabilisation & Pavements
The global footprint of our offices and local accreditation bodies. Environment, Dewatering & Landfills    
manufacturing facilities means you are never far 5. Basal Reinforcement
from Maccaferri’s engineers and the support they This guide provides a short introduction to the range Erosion Control        
can bring to your projects. 6. Erosion Control of Maccaferri solutions. Detailed technical information,
Fencing and Wire     
brochures, design guides and more are available from
Our knowledge capital is shared throughout our 7. Environment, Dewatering & Landfills Hydraulic Works
your local Maccaferri website and office.       
business and with our clients; global capability is
delivered locally through our specialists. 8. Coastal Protection, Marine Structures & Landscape & Architecture  
Pipeline Protection
We endeavour to ‘Engineer a better solution’; Retaining Walls & Soil Reinforcement        
minimising the carbon footprint, waste and by 9. Drainage of Structures
reusing site materials whenever possible. Rockfall Protection & Snow Barriers    
10. Landscape & Architecture
We thrive on innovation, whether in the solutions Safety & Noise Barriers     

we provide or the combinations of materials we 11. Safety & Noise Barriers

Soil Stabilisation & Pavements     
use. The Maccaferri Innovation Center (MIC) is
our R & D hub; advances made here in materials, 12. Tunnelling Tunnelling    
design and manufacturing bring benefits to our
13. Concrete Flooring, Precast & Other uses Aquaculture Nets/Cages* 
14. Fencing & Wire * Not covered in this guide. Please visit for more information


MAC.R.A. Suite
Our software is used to design channel
protection and transverse structures. These
enable the designer to rapidly perform
preliminary hydraulic studies to evaluate the
Managing the power of water Longitudinal structures Waterproofing of reservoirs, lakes &
bank protection or the weir structure required.
With over 130 years of expertise in hydraulic The protection of individual river banks and areas
Longitudinal protection on major river
works, we support clients by selecting solutions of focused erosion depends on the hydraulic forces Our MacLine® impermeable membranes and
appropriate to the hydraulic erosion risk they expected; geosynthetics (MacMat® geomat range) and geosynthetic clay liners are often used to contain
face. With a wide range of products, we are biodegradable geomats (Biomac® C range) for lower water within hydraulic works. They prevent water from
able to tailor the intervention to optimise value energy flows to Reno Mattresses and gabions for draining away or cross-contaminating ground water.
and performance. Our solutions are flexible, demanding, high energy flows. These geomembranes are often used in conjunction
permeable and durable, essential in these with our package of MacTex® geotextiles and
Weirs, culverts and transverse structures
dynamic hydraulic environments. MacDrain® drainage geocomposites.
By controlling and dissipating energy in focused
Including soil bioengineering measures within
locations, grade control structures reduce the hydraulic
the hydraulic works encourages revegetation,
gradient of the river and hence the erosion forces.
integrating it back into nature.
Gabion and Reno Mattress Plus weir structures are
Our solutions include: flexible and simple to install.

Channelling works Water control structures guide flows into and out
of culverts and often have two functions; hydraulic
Reno Mattresses and gabions are typically used to fully
erosion protection and geotechnical stability. Gabions
contain and protect the watercourse within a specific
and Terramesh® System can retain headwalls and
stabilise banks.
Recently carried-out experimental studies led to the
development of Reno Mattress Plus, an innovative
solution that dramatically improve the performance of Channelling works containing river in urban area Clovelly Beach, Cape Town, South Africa Weir structures can be large or small
traditional Reno Mattresses.


Our powerful software assists in the design
of retaining walls and reinforced soil projects,
optimising solutions to balance technical
performance, environmental compatibility and Vertical Walls with Concrete Facing
When our clients need a small retaining wall Reinforced Soil Walls & Slope Reinforcement
architectural harmony.
in a housing development, a tall crusher wall When only a narrow construction corridor is available,
Reinforcing soils with geogrids enables them to
in a mine or massive reinforced soil structures or a reinforced soil structure with a vertical face is
perform better than in their unreinforced state;
on a major infrastructure project, they trust required, Maccaferri MacRes® system can be used.
standing steeper, accommodating higher loads
Maccaferri to help. We offer cost-effective,
and settling less. This is useful when reducing the Ideal for tall walls in mine works or infrastructure
value engineered, scalable solutions for clients
footprint of a new highway embankment, or to where working loads are high, MacRes® features
with earth retention problems.
gain development area on a sloping site. Maccaferri corrosion-free ParaWeb® geostrip soil reinforcement,
Mass Gravity Retaining Walls geogrids including MacGrid® WG, ParaGrid® and connected to large concrete facing panels.
Tried and tested for over a century, our gabions ParaLink® are high-strength, low-strain grids with
excellent soil interaction. A more formal and urban architectural aesthetic is
are brought up to date with state-of-the-art
offered with our MacWall® segmental blockwork faced
manufacturing, corrosion resistance and design. Terramesh® and Green Terramesh® combine the rapid reinforced soil wall.
Gabions offer a good value, attractive and long-lasting installation of a modular system with the flexibility
retaining wall. of soil reinforcement. Used in conjunction with our Benefits of Soil Reinforcement:
A global leader in double-twist woven wire mesh polymeric geogrids, we can offer super-tall hybrid Maximise the opportunity to reuse site-won
products, our flexible gabion units offer strength structures; we have completed numerous walls over “ParaLink and ParaGrid are materials as structural backfill
and high drainage capacity. They absorb differential 30m high in seismic zones.
amongst the most tried and Embrace sustainability and reduce polluting truck
settlement and deformations with ease. Green Terramesh® enables vegetation to be tested geogrids in the world   Cost effective
established on reinforced soil slopes.
offering 120 year design life Wide variety of face finishes including vegetation,
and high performance.” Clovelly Beach, Cape Town, South Africa
rock, concrete block and panel
Retaining Walls & Soil Reinforcement solutions Accommodate differential settlements and
seismic loads better than rigid solutions


MACRO Studio
Our flexible software enables engineers
to design and optimise rockfall drapery and
surface stabilisation solutions.

With over 60 years’ experience, our rockfall Dynamic Rockfall barriers

protection and natural hazard mitigation
Installed on the slope to intercept falling rocks and
systems are key elements in the security
boulders, Maccaferri’s dynamic rockfall barriers are
and safety of people, roads, railways, mining Our rockfall protection solutions can be equipped
available with energy absorption capacity starting from
operations and property. with HELLOMAC early warning system
35 kJ.
Simple Drapery
Patented energy dissipation systems absorb the kinetic
Our steel wire double twist drapery mesh is flexible and energy efficiently with industry leading after-impact
conforms easily to the rock slope to contain loose and residual height and deflection limit.
falling rock debris. For higher slopes and increased debris
Debris Flow Barriers Soil nailing
loads (or snow/ice loads), Maccaferri Steelgrid® HR high
strength drapery mesh can be used. Our Debris flow barriers are positioned within the Our solutions include the use of soil nails in conjunction Steelgrid® HR protecting railway
anticipated path of debris flows or shallow landslides, with HEA panels or Steelgrid® HR mesh, or with
Surface Strengthening & Support MacMat® R or MacMat® HS when slope revegetation
often in natural gullies, channels or chutes on the slope.
Our range of high strength meshes are designed to work is required.
in conjunction with anchorages, to form a system that Rockfall embankments
Snow fences & Avalanche Protection
increases the stability of the unstable surficial layer of Scalable to suit the hazard, embankments are used
the rock slope. where large or repeated impacts are expected including Our dynamic rockfall barriers are tested and Certified by the Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and
landslides, rockfalls, and avalanches. Featuring certified in accordance with the European Avalanches, our snow nets stabilise the layer of snow
Featuring high tensile steel cables, our patented HEA at the avalanche initiation zone preventing it triggering.
reinforced soil technology, they can often re-use site Test and Approval Guideline ETAG 027 of the
Panels and Steelgrid® HR meshes offer high stiffness
won materials in their construction. Embankments can European Organisation for Technical Approvals
(load vs deformation) performance, ideal to limit rock A system of snow fence posts and anchors transmit
be designed to accept impact energy capacities of over (EOTA) and provided with CE marking.
detachment on critical slopes. forces from the snow pack into the ground. Debris Flow Barrier Avalanche Protection


(Maccaferri Road Equivalent Assistant for
Design) software is used to optimise the road
structure, including both unbound and bound
layers, in standard and improved conditions
Whether constructing a railway track-bed, Asphalt Pavement Reinforcement Sub-grade and Pavement Drainage
through the addition of geosynthetics within
gravel forestry track over soft soil, or resurfacing Removing unwanted water from the beneath or
Maccaferri offers a wide range of asphalt pavement the various layers.
a multi-lane highway, our leading range of
reinforcements to reduce whole-life costs; Road adjacent to the road increases its performance.
solutions help to improve performance:
Mesh® structurally reinforces the pavement and MacDrain® drainage geocomposites replace traditional
Help reduce maintenance requirements
  provides lateral restraint whilst MacGrid® AR geogrids granular drainage stone with reliable, lab-tested
inhibit reflective cracking in overlays. hydraulic performance. They reduce excavation and
Reduce material use
drainage gravel volumes saving clients’ money and
Stress concentrations in the asphalt matrix are relieved
Reduce fatigue, reflective, thermal and
  carbon footprint.
and redistributed by the reinforcement.
settlement cracking
Sub-grade Improvement
Reduce carbon-footprint
Haul roads in mines, access roads on construction
Lower whole life costs
sites or tracks made from unbound materials can
suffer from many issues that prematurely age the
road, reducing operational efficiency.

Maccaferri’s geosynthetics including MacGrid® and

MacTex® work with the unbound granular layers
extending its life by preventing bearing capacity failure
and excessive rutting. Additionally, MacGrid® EG and
WG can reduce the thickness of the construction layers
cutting the carbon footprint.
Road Mesh® Clovelly Beach, Cape Town, South Africa Soil stabilisation & pavement solutions



When construction is carried out upon weak Piled embankments

ground, there is the possibility of differential A piled foundation is often used to limit the vertical
settlement occurring. This is caused by settlement of an embankment. ParaLink® or MacGrid®
geological effects including subsidence, sink WG geogrids, offer high strength with low strain
holes and solution features and by man-made characteristics and when used in conjunction with piles
effects such as old mine workings. can replace an embankment foundation slab.
Construction over soft soils These geogrids, with design lives in excess of 120
Embankments constructed on cohesive or alluvial soils years, work with the soils, absorbing the forces
may be subject to settlement and geosynthetics are from the embankment above and transferring them
often used to meet the service life and serviceability vertically into the piles. This enhanced technical
settlement requirements of the project including: performance often enables an increase in the pile
spacings reducing construction cost and time.
ParaLink® high strength-low strain geogrids to
reinforce the embankment foundations Construction over voids
  ParaGrid® and MacGrid® geogrids There is a risk of catastrophic failure due to sudden
MacTex® W1 and W2 woven geotextiles to
  settlements in locations prone to mining subsidence,
reinforce and separate the foundation materials natural voids or solution features. Paralink® geogrid
reinforced soil foundations are used to prevent the
MacDrain® vertical wick drains to accelerate the
most serious effects of these phenomena.
consolidation of the soil

MacTex® H geotextiles to separate poor strata from

ParaLink® basal reinforcement Clovelly
WeBeach, Cape
use our Town, South
(Maccaferri Basal Reinforcement Software) to solve these problems.
better quality embankment construction materials


If the slope is structurally unstable, more
complex systems will also be needed, for
example soil reinforcement or soil nailing
systems in combination with the surface
protection measures.
Erosion of the land by wind, rain or storm water Soil Veneer Applications
run-off can have far reaching consequences.
When placing soil onto surfaces with a low friction
We offer a graded, logical range of erosion control angle, there is the risk that the soil will slump down
solutions so that the level of intervention is appropriate the slope. This is common when capping landfills, on
to the erosion risk encountered: the banks of lakes, or simply where a layer of soil is
required to revegetate a sterile slope.
Biomac® biodegradable biomats
Geosynthetics including MacMat® and our reinforced
MacMat® reinforced and un-reinforced geomats
MacMat® R geomats, selected according to the
MacTex® EC
  thickness and tensile strength required, provide a grip-
 Traditional double twist steel wire-based products layer which supports the soil veneer.
gabions, Reno Mattresses® and wire mesh
Working with our engineers, it is even possible to
Slope Protection provide a soil veneer within landfills

Soil slopes are subject to continuous erosion forces, This approach is common in landfill capping
whether natural or caused by man. Erosion control applications where MacMat® R is used in conjunction
systems offer short-term (Biomac® biodegradable with geosynthetic membrane liners MacLine®,
mats) or long-term (MacMat® geomats, Reno MacLine® GCL and drainage geocomposites
Mattresses®) protection of the slope surface. MacDrain®.

In addition to providing immediate protection from the

erosion forces, these systems are designed to facilitate
the re-establishment of vegetation on the slope. Erosion control solutions



We offer a range of integrated systems for landfills Products in our wide range include: rehabilitation into the landscape; especially important
and other situations where there is a need to protect MacLine® geomembranes
  in abandoned mine works or historic landfills.
the existing ground from contamination by external
MacLine® GCL bentonite clay liners
  Reinforcement of marginal soils & waste
sources including:
MacDrain® drainage geocomposites
  We help operators to maximise the storage volumes
Mining leachate lagoons or heap-leach pads
in their existing facilities through the use of geogrid
MacTex® geotextiles for separation, filtration and
Storm water attenuation ponds next to highways
  reinforced soil structures. These are used within
Slurry storage cells in agriculture
  landfill cells to successfully increase cell capacities
ParaLink®, ParaGrid® , MacGrid® WG soil
  delivering environmental and cost benefits.
Waste fluids from industry
  reinforcement geogrids
Heavy duty ParaLink® geogrids are also used in
Lining systems – base and capping ParaDrain® hybrid geogrid with integral drainage
  piggybacking works to reduce differential settlements
Our solutions can combine natural and geosynthetic when an existing waste facility is re-engineered to
materials to achieve the required safety levels and MacMat® geomats for erosion control and soil
  accept more waste.
waste regulations and also to optimise construction veneer grip layers
We supply complete systems for the lining systems The dewatering and drying of sludge is a technology
at the base of the containment facility and also the with low environmental impact and cost. MacTube®
final capping; packages of products which protect, geosynthetic tubes are filled in-situ with natural or
waterproof and drain are designed to work in contaminated fluid sludges. The fluid drains through
sympathy. the specifically designed fabric walls, leaving the solid
residue within the tube which is easier and more cost
Our MacMat® and BioMac® geomats support
effective to dispose of. Before After
the naturalisation of the site post-closure and its



We offer engineered solutions to protect and ideal where there is a readily available supply of sand
ballast submerged pipelines, to reduce coastal whilst gabions and Reno or Marine mattresses are
erosion and reduce inland flooding. alternatives where rocks or other material is available.

Pipeline Protection Quays, piers and Jetties Ballasted Filtering Mattress

Our Sarmac® bituminous mattresses and our ACBM Free-draining gabions and Reno Mattresses® with
(Articulated Concrete Block Mattresses) ballast and tough and durable PoliMacTM coatings provide flexible
protect underwater pipelines and cables. They are solutions in port areas. They can even be prefilled
flexible, deformable and impact resistant. and lifted into position to offer scour protection from
eddies, propeller wash or beneath open piers.
Breakwaters & Groynes
Replacing the traditional rubble mound core material Seawalls and Shoreline Structures
with MacTubes® filled with dredged material (sand MacTube®, MacBag®, gabions and Reno Mattresses®
or silt) can be an effective alternative to speed up provide longitudinal shoreline protection and
construction activity and reduce breakwater overall rehabilitation. They are often used in sympathy with
costs. The range also includes unique Ballasted each other.
Filtering Mattresses for use beneath marine structures.
Seagrass Meadows and Reef Reconstruction
Dune Reconstruction
Our reinforced MacMat® geomats provide root
Our solutions to reconstruct and preserve existing anchorage for vulnerable seagrasses as they attempt
dunes combine landscape and environmental to colonise sea beds. A similar approach, often in
requirements with material availability and ease combination with MacBags® and MacTubes® is used in
MacTube® and MacBag® breakwaters and groynes Coastal Protection, Marine Structures & Pipeline Protection solutions
of implementation. MacTubes® and MacBags® are the reconstruction of reef zones, damaged by storms.


STRUCTURES Our MacFLOW software resolves water-
management challenges by enabling the design
of the optimal MacDrain® drainage solution.
The best value solution should not only address
technical and economic issues, but also the
Without adequate drainage, the soils in contact Consolidation by Drainage Systems environmental benefits and the speed and
with structures can become saturated and efficiency of installation.
Slope and ground instability can be caused by ineffective Highway trench drain
weakened potentially causing numerous
management of the water within them. Removing that
water stabilises and consolidates the soils. MacDrain®
MacDrain® drainage geocomposites (with a geomat within drainage trenches, linked to collection systems
or geonet core) are the modern solution to replace rapidly removes unwanted ground water.
traditional gravel drains which reduces:
Planar and Horizontal Drainage
the cost of the drainage system
  Providing a reliable drainage path beneath structures
the quantity of quarried materials
  and sports pitches removes water which could affect
the performance or lifespan of the structure above. Even
the polluting truck movements needed to deliver
  when placed near-horizontally, MacDrain® provides
the gravels good drainage function.

Vertical Drainage Works

Effective drainage of the soils behind retaining
structures, piled walls and within slopes is important to
ensure the long-term performance of that asset. Lab-
tested MacDrain® geocomposites offer reliable and
long-term drainage capacity unlike gravel drains which
can become clogged by fines in suspension within the
ground water. Railway track drainage Clovelly Beach, Cape Town,pitch
Sports South Africa
drainage Drainage of structures



Both functional and eye-catching, gabions Increasing urbanisation brings people and
have a rich history world-wide for their use as infrastructure into closer proximity. We provide
architectural features. solutions to this, addressing potential conflicts
and providing solutions to mitigate the risks of
The only limit is the imagination and landscape
safety and noise. Simple to construct reinforced
architect's creativity in the use of the mesh or gabion.
soil bunds or gabion walls can provide acoustic
We have seen gabions, geogrids, Terramesh® and
and visual screening.
Green Terramesh® used as the core in many landscape
architecture projects to provide an intimate and Vehicles accidentally leaving highways or railways, can
reflective area offering sound proofing, privacy and be stopped before they threaten people or property.
beauty. The impact knowledge is founded in our experience of
rockfall and debris flow embankments.
There are many design options available to the
Acoustic barriers along highways
landscape architect from retaining to free standing Defence and Security; today's hostile threats are as
landscaping walls; low with trailing plants, or built with likely to affect civilians as well as service personnel.
curves, sharp angles or coloured rock fill. Rock filled Our force protection bastions were first used in WW1
gabion units are also popular as cladding on buildings and the original philosophy remains true today with our
and other structures, to provide a natural-looking Defencell MACTM; to provide rapid-to-deploy effective
aesthetic statement. troop protection from blast, ballistic or vehicular attack.
In addition, our MacSafeTM fence can prevent hostile
vehicle intrusion.

MacSafeTM on Promenade des Anglais, Nice, France

Defencell MACTM force protection
Images© Robert Palomba Photographe



Maccaferri offers solutions for all stages of both Fibreglass reinforcement bars for concrete can be used
conventional and TBM excavated tunnels, that within temporary underground structures such as
enable the safe and rapid advance of even large diaphragm walls and the 'soft eye' breakthrough.
diameter tunnels:
Primary Lining
Portal works and support systems
  Our patented B.Zero Tondo™ Tunnel Support System
  Support and pre-consolidation of the tunnel provides efficient first stage support. The unique tubular
steel-arch ribs are filled with pumped concrete in-situ
Primary lining
  and offer greater structural efficiency than traditional
Soft-eye breakthrough steel-arch supports. Installed in conjunction with the
remote control 3-Arm Handler, operatives are removed
Final lining
  from the dangers of the excavated face, dramatically
In October 2014, Maccaferri entered into a
enhancing the safety conditions.
Consolidation global sales and distribution joint venture

Our fiberglass reinforcements stabilise the excavation, Final Lining (JV) with Bekaert. The resulting JV, Bekaert
Maccaferri underground construction markets
preventing its collapse and enhancing the overall Our steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) solutions
with SFRC solutions on a world-wide basis,
safety conditions. enable the reduction (and sometimes elimination) of
except in mainland China and Hong Kong,
traditional steel bar reinforcement. Micro polymer fibres
The reinforcements are suitable for both sequential Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay.
within the concrete significantly increase fire resistance
and full-face excavation (e.g. ADECO-RS and the like). In these countries Bekaert and Maccaferri will
by reducing spalling phenomena.
continue to operate independently.
Special systems, including our P.E.R. GroundTM
system, are available to overcome challenging ground
Clovelly Beach, Cape Town, South Africa Tunnelling solutions
conditions and achieve high anchoring performance.



In mainland China and Hong Kong, Argentina, Compared to traditional steel bar reinforcement, SFRC: It was wrought iron fences and gates which
Brazil, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay only, we gave birth to the Maccaferri company nearly
offer Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) for   Reduces weak points in the slab
500 years ago.
use within industrial flooring, slabs and precast Increases panel sizes by eliminating saw-cuts
products. Today we offer fencing solutions including safety,
(up to 2500m2)
security, protection and durability through the
Maccaferri Wirand steel fibres and Fibromac micro-
  Reduces slab thickness combination of modern materials and components.
polymer fibres are used to improve the performance
of concrete whether precast, poured in-situ or used as   Is quicker, safer and cheaper to install Modular construction and design standardisation are
shotcrete: also key elements of our fences.
  Can replace traditional reinforcement
From brittle to ductile behaviour, reducing weak
  Our fencing systems are used to:
points Precast concrete
   Protect or secure infrastructure
From compressive strength to flexural structural
  Wirand (SFRC) and FibromacTM polymer fibres increase
performance the durability, ductility and the shear, impact and fire    Contain livestock
resistance of the resulting concrete.
  Enhanced structural performance and ‘buildability’    Enclose buildings and other facilities
Other benefits include:
Warehouses and industrial slabs We are not only a major user of coated steel wire in our
  Reduced complex steel reinforcement detailing mesh products, we are also a manufacturer of wire. We
Our Wirand® steel fibre reinforcement enhances the
supply wire as a raw material for a wide range of other
performance of concrete slabs and industrial floors   Improved freeze-thaw/thermal resistance
once cracks initiate, bridging the cracks and controlling
their width.   Reduced early-age cracking

  Earlier removal of formwork


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