Grade Level: Grade 1 Subject: Mother Tongue Grading Period Most Essential Learning Competencies No

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Grade Level : Grade 1

Subject : Mother Tongue

Grading Most Essential Learning Competencies No.
Q1 MT1OL-Ia- i-1.1 1
Talk about oneself and one’s personal experiences using appropriate expressions (family, pet,
favorite food, personal experiences (friends, favorite toys, etc.)
Q1 MT1BPK- Ia-c-1.1 2
Use the terms referring to conventions of print: a. front and back cover; b. beginning, ending,
title page; c. author and illustrator
Q1 MT1F-Ic- IVa-i-1.1 3
Read Grade 1 level words, phrases and sentences with appropriate speed and accuracy
Q1 MT1PA-Ib- i-1.1 4
Identify rhyming words in nursery rhymes, songs, jingles, poems, and chants
Q1 MT1PWR- Ib-i-1.1 5
Give the name and sound of each letter
Q1 MT1C-Ib- f-1.1 6
Express ideas through a variety of symbols (e.g. drawings and invented spelling)
Q1 MT1LC-Ib- 1.1 7
Note important details in grade level narrative texts listened to: a. character; b. setting;
c. events
Q1 MT1OL-Ib- c-3.1 8
Use common expressions and polite greetings
Q1 MT1PA-Ib- i-2.1 9
Tell whether a given pair of word rhyme
Q1 MT1PWR- Ib-i-2.1 10
Identify upper and lower case letters
Q1 MT1VCD- Ib-i-2.1 11
Give meanings of words through: a. realia; b. picture clues; c. actions or gestures
Q1 MT1OL-b- i-4.1 12
Recite and sing in groups familiar rhymes and songs
Grading Most Essential Learning Competencies No.
Grade 1 13
Q1 MT1PWR- Ib-i-3.1
Write the upper and lower case letters legibly, observing proper sequence of strokes
Q1 MT1PWR- Ib-i-1.2 14
Give the beginning letter/sound of the name of each picture
Q1 MT1PWR- Ib-i-4.1 15
Match words with pictures and objects.
Q1 MT1LC-Ic- d-2.1 16
Give the correct sequence of three events in a story listened to
Q1 MT1SS-Ic- f-1.1 17
Follow simple one to three- step oral directions
Q1 MT1OL-Ic- i-1.2 18
Talk about pictures presented using appropriate local terminologies with ease and confidence.
a. Animals b. Common objects c. Musical instruments d. Family/People
Q1 MT1PA-Ic- i-4.1 19
Say the new spoken word when two or more sounds are put together
Q1 MT1OL-Ic- d-4.2 20
Recite and sing individually, with ease and confidence, songs, poems, chants, and riddles
Q1 MT1PWR- Ic-i-5.1 21
Blend specific letters to form syllables and words
Q1 MT1BPK- Id-f-2.1 22
Follow words from left to right, top to bottom and page by page
Q1 MT1OL-Id- e-2.1 23
Orally communicate basic needs
Q1 MT1PA-Id- i-3.1 24
Orally segment a two-three syllable word into its syllabic parts
Q1 MT1LC-Ie- f-3.1 25
Infer the character feelings and traits in a story listened to
Grading Most Essential Learning Competencies No.
Grade 1

Q1 MT1GA-Ie- f-2.1 26
Identify naming words (persons, places, things, animals) a. common and proper b. noun markers
Q1 MT1OL-Ie- i-5.1 27
Listen and respond to others in oral conversation
Q1 MT1OL-Ie- i-5.1 28
Participate actively during story reading by making comments and asking questions
Q1 MT1PA-Ie- i-5.1 29
Isolate and pronounce the beginning and ending sounds of given words
Q1 MT1PWR- Ie-i-6.1 30
Write correctly grade one level words consisting of letters already learned
Q1 MT1BPK- Ig-i-3.1 31
Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters
Q1 MT1C-Ig-i- 1.2 32
Express ideas through words or phrases, using both invented and conventional spelling
Q1 MT1GA-Ig- 1-h.2 33
Use naming words in sentences : a. common and proper b. noun markers
Q1 MT1LC-Ig-4.1 34
Identify the speaker in the story or poem listened to
Q1 MT1SS-Ig- i-2.1 35
Write basic information about self (name grade level, section)
Q1 MT1LC-Ih- i-5.1 36
Predict possible ending of a story listened to
Q1 MT1PAh-i- 6.1 37
Add or substitute individual sounds in simple words to make new words
Q1 MT1GA-Ii- j-3.1 38
Classify naming words into persons, places, animals, and things, etc.
Grading Most Essential Learning Competencies No.
Grade 1
Q2 MT1GA- IIa-d-2.2
Identify pronouns: a. personal , b. possessive 1
Q2 MT1SS- IIa-e-3.1 2
Interpret a map of the classroom/school
Q2 MT1OL- IIa-i-7.1 3
Supply rhyming words to complete a rhyme, poem, and song
Q2 MT1LC- IIc-d-4.2 4
Identify cause and/or effect of events in a story listened to
Q2 MT1LC- IIf-g-4.3 5
Identify the problem and solution in the story read
Q2 MT1(Reading)IIf-i-4.1 6
Get information from various sources: (pictures, illustrations, simple graphs, charts)
Q2 Illustrate specific events in a story read 7
Q2 MT1LC- IIh-i-8.1 8
Retell a story read
Q2 MT1GA- IIi-i-2.2.1 9
Identify pronouns with contractions *(Siya’y, Tayo’y . . .)
Q2 MT1OL-II- j-8.1 10
Respond to text (legends, fables, poems.) through dramatization
Q3 MT1OL- IIIa-i-6.2 1
Participate actively in class discussions on familiar topics
Q3 MT1PWR- IIIa-i-7.1 2
Read sight words
Q3 Read grade 1 level short paragraph/s tory with proper expression 3
Q3 MT1LC- IIIa-b-1.2 4
Note important details in grade level literary and informational texts listened to.
Q3 MT1SS- IIIa-c-5.1 5
Interpret a pictograph
Grading Most Essential Learning Competencies No.
Q3 Talk about various topics and experiences using descriptive words
Q3 MT1OL- IIIa-i-9.1 7
Tell/retell legends, fables, and jokes
Q3 Write with proper spacing, punctuation and capitalization when applicable 8
Q3 MT1VCD- IIIa-i-3.1 9
Identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms (when applicable) and words with multiple
meanings correctly
Q3 MT1GA- IIIc-e- 2.3.1 10
Identify the tense of the action word in the sentence
Q3 MT1RC- IIId-3.1 11
Infer the character feelings and traits in a story read
Q3 MT1GA- IIIf-h-1.4 12
Use the correct tense and time signal of an action word in a sentence
Q3 MT1SS- IIId-f-6.1 13
Follow 2 to 3 step written directions
Q3 Observe proper indentions, and format) when copying/writ ing words, phrases, sentences, and 13
short paragraphs
Q3 MT1SS- IIIg-i-7.1 15
Read labels in an illustration
Q3 MT1LC- IIIh-i-8.2 16
Retell literary and information texts appropriate to the grade level listened to
Q3 MT1GA- III-i-2.2.1 17
Identify action words in oral and written exercises
Q3 MT1GA- IIIi-i-1.4.1 18
Use action words to give simple two to three-step directions
MT1GA- IVa-d-2.4
Q4 Identify describing words that refer to color, size, shape, texture, temperature and feelings in
sentences 1
Grading Most Essential Learning Competencies No.
Q4 MT1VCD- IVa-i-3.1
Identify, give the meaning of, and use compound words in sentences
Q4 MT1VCD- IVa-i-3.1 3
Identify, give the meaning of, and use compound words in sentences
Q4 MT1GA- IVe-g-1.5 4
Use describing words in sentences
Q4 MT1GA- IVh-i-4.1 5
Give the synonyms and antonyms of describing words

Grade Level : Grade 2

Subject : Mother Tongue
Grading Most Essential Learning Competencies No.
Q1 MT2OL-Ia- 6.2.1
Participate actively during story reading by making comments and asking questions using complete 1
Q1 MT2PWR-Ia- b-7.3 2
Read a large number of regularly spelled multi- syllabic words
Q1 Use naming words in sentences 3
Q1 May be included in other domains if not present in other language subjects 4
Q1 MT2C-Ia-i- 1.4 5
Express ideas through poster making (e.g. ads, character profiles, news report, lost and found) using
stories as springboard
Q1 MT2GA-Ib- 3.1.1 6
Classify naming words into different categories
Q1 Compose sentences using unlocked words during story reading in meaningful contexts 7
Grading Most Essential Learning Competencies No.
Grade 2
Q1 MT2PWR-Ic- d-7.4
Read with understanding words with consonant blends, clusters and digraphs when applicable 8
Q1 MT2GA-Ic- 2.1.2 9
Identify the gender of naming words, when applicable
Q1 MT2VCD-Ic- e-1.3 10
Use the combination of affixes and root words as clues to get the meaning of words
Q1 MT2GA-Id- 2.1.3 11
Identify and use collective nouns, when applicable
Q1 MT2PWR-Ia- i-3.3 12
Write upper and lower case letters using cursive strokes
Q1 Read content area-related words 13
Q1 MT2GA-Ie-f- 2.5 14
Identify the parts of a sentence (subject and predicate)
Q1 MT2SS-Ie-g- 1.2 15
Follow instructions in a test carefully
Q1 MT2LC-If-4.4 16
Identify the difference between a story and a poem
Q1 use compound words appropriate to the grade level in sentences 17
Q1 MT2OL-Ig-h- 1.4 18
Talk about famous people, places, events, etc. using descriptive and action words in complete sentences
Q1 MT2GA-Ig- 4.1 19
Differentiate sentences from non-sentences
Q1 MT2RC-Ig-h- 3.3 20
Give the main idea of a story/poem
Q1 MT2GA-Ih-i- 5.1 21
Construct a variety of sentences observing appropriate punctuation marks
Q1 MT2VCD-Ii-i-4.1 22
Recognize common abbreviations(e.g. Jan., Sun., St., Mr., Mrs.)
Grading Most Essential Learning Competencies No.
MT2RC-Ii-i-2.5 23
Give the summary of a story
Q2 MT2C-IIa-i- 2.2 1
Write paragraphs using subject, object and possessive pronouns, observing the conventions of writing
Q2 Use the following pronouns when applicable 2
a. demonstrative pronouns (e.g. ito, iyan, yan, dito, diyan, doon)
b. subject and object pronouns
c. possessive pronouns
Q2 Identify simile in sentences 3
Q2 MT2OL-IId- e-6.3
Participate in and initiate more extended social conversation or dialogue with peers, adults on unfamiliar 4
topics by asking and answering questions, restating and soliciting information
Q2 Get information from various sources: published announcement s; and map of the community 5
Q2 MT2PWR- IIe-i-3.4 Write/copy words, phrases, and sentences with proper strokes, spacing, punctuation 6
and capitalization using cursive writing.
Q2 Employ proper mechanics and format when writing for different purposes (i.e. paragraph writing, letter 7
Q3 MT2C-IIIa-i- 2.3 1
Write short narrative paragraphs that include elements of setting, characters, and plot (problem and
resolution), observing theconventions of writing
Q3 MT2GA-IIIa- c-2.3.2 2
Identify and use action words in simple tenses (present, past, future) with the help of time signals
Q3 MT2GA-IIId- i-1.4.1 3
Use action words when narrating simple experiences and when giving simple 3-5 steps directions using
signal words (e.g. first, second, next, etc.).
Q3 MT2OL-IIIg- h-3.3 4
Use expressions appropriate to the grade level to relate/show one’s obligation, hope, and wish
Grading Most Essential Learning Competencies No.
Q3 MT2OL-IIIi-i- 11.1
Recognize appropriate ways of speaking that vary according to purposes, audience, and subject matter 5
Q4 Use the conventions of writing in composing journal entries and letters (friendly letter, thank you letter,
letter of invitation, birthday 1
Q4 MT2GA-IVa- 2.4.1 2
Identify and use adjectives in sentences
Q4 MT2GA-IVb- c-2.4.2 3
Identify synonyms and antonyms of adjectives
Q4 Use correctly adverbs of: 4
a. time
b. place
c. manner
d. frequency

Grade Level : Grade 3

Subject : Mother Tongue
Grading Most Essential Learning Competencies No.
Q1 MT3F-Ia-i-1.6
Correctly spells the words in the list of vocabulary words and the words in the selections read 1
Q1 MT3C-Ia-e-2.5 2
Writes poems, riddles, chants, and raps
Q1 MT3G-Ia-c-4.2 3
Differentiates count from mass nouns
Grading Most Essential Learning Competencies No.
GRADE 3 MT3RC-Ia-b-1.1.1
Q1 Notes important details in grade level narrative texts: 4
a. Character
b. Setting
c. Plot (problem & solution)
Q1 MT3G-Ia-c-1.2.1 5
Uses the correct counters for mass nouns (ex: a kilo of meat)
Q1 MT3VCD-Ic- e-1.5 6
Uses the combination of affixes and root words as clues to get meaning of words
Q1 MT3OL-Id-e-3.4 7
Uses expressions appropriate to the grade level to relate/show one’s obligation, hope, and wish
Q1 MT3G-Id-e-2.1.4 8
Identifies and uses abstract nouns
Q1 Identifies Metaphor personification, and hyperbole in a sentence 9
Q1 Interpret the meaning of a poem 10
Q1 MT3G-Ih-i-6.1 11
Writes correctly different types of sentences (simple, compound, complex)
Q1 Identifies idiomatic expressions in a sentence 12
Q2 MT3G-IIa-b-2.2.3
Identifies interrogative pronouns 1
Q2 MT3OL-IId- e-3.6
Use expressions appropriate to the grade level to react to local news, information, and propaganda 2
about school, community and other local activities
Q2 Identifies Metaphor personification, hyperbole 3
Q3 MT3C-IIIa-i-2.6
Writes reactions and personal opinions to news reports and issues 1
Q3 Identifies the parts of a newspaper 2
Q3 Interprets a pictograph based on a given legend 3
Q3 Interprets the labels in an illustration 4
Grading Most Essential Learning Competencies No.
Q3 MT3G-IIIf-h-1.5.4 5
Uses the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject when writing an event
Q3 MT3RC-IIIg-2.6 6
Gives another title for literary or informational text.
Q3 MT3RC-IIIh-4.6 7
Identifies the author’s purpose for writing a selection.
Q4 MT3C-IVa-i-2.7 1
Makes a two-level outline for a report or an interesting experience
Q4 MT3C-IVa-i-2.7 2
Writes a 3-5 step procedural Paragraph using signal words such as first, last, then, and next
Q4 MT3G-IVf-g-2.5.2 3
Identifies and uses adverbs of manner in different degrees of comparison
Q4 MT3G-IVh-2.6 4
Identifies and uses correctly prepositions and prepositional phrases

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