English1 q3 Mod8 Talkaboutoneselfonesfamilyandonespersonalexperiences

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Quarter 3 – Module 8:
Talking About Oneself, One’s Family and
One’s Personal Experiences
English – Grade 1
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 8: Talk about Oneself, One’s Family and One’s Personal
First Edition, 2020

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Quarter 3 – Module 8:
Talk About Oneself, One’s Family and
One’s Personal Experiences
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners, can
continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-step
as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM.
This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need
to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-
check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We
trust that you will be honest in using these.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how
they can best help you on your home-based learning.
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of
this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests.
And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.
Thank you.
What I Need to Know

This module is designed and written to help you understand and know more
about yourself, your family and share some of your personal experiences.
Varied activities and exercises were prepared for you to master the given
competency for your grade level. It is anticipated that you will become active
learners and will enjoy a lot while using this module.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. talk about oneself and one’s family (EN10L-IIIa-b-1.17)
a. realize that persons have name, birthday, age;
b. tell the name of your parents, siblings and other family member; and
2. talk about one’s personal experiences (EN10L-IIIb-c-1.3.3)

What I Know

Every first day of school, the children like you will introduce or tell something
about themselves to their teacher and classmates. Now, try to tell something
about yourself by answering the given questions to be read by a member of
your family.

1. What is your name?

2. How old are you?

3. When is your birthday?

4. Where do you live?

5. What is the name of your father and mother?

6. What grade are you in?

Lesson Talk About Oneself, One’s
Family and One’s Personal
8 Experiences
Talking about yourself, your family and your personal experiences will appear
throughout this lesson. You need to understand that knowing yourself better as
well as your family and learning from your experiences are important things in
your everyday life.

What’s In
In your previous lesson, you have learned to use and respond appropriately
using polite expressions. Try to match the given pictures in Column A with the
appropriate expressions to be used in Column B. Write the letter of your
answer in your answer sheet.

1. a. Good morning father!

b. Good bye grandmother
and grandfather!

c. Good afternoon Mr.

4. d. Good evening Auntie

Rosa and Uncle Ben

5. e. Good night mother.

f. Good evening teacher.

Notes to the Teacher

This module is intended to help the learners understand and
know more about herself/himself, her/his family and share
some of her/his personal experiences.

What’s New

Can you tell something about yourself? Do you know how to do it? Come!
Listen to Ana’s introduction of herself and what she is doing during this time of
pandemic. Then afterwards you do the same as what Ana did.

Hello! My name is Ana B. Santos. I am six years old. I live in

Pastolan Village, Tipo, Hermosa, Bataan. I am studying at Pastolan
Elementary School. I am a Grade 1 pupil like you. My mother is
Analisa B. Santos. My father is Anton D. Santos. I have a brother and
a sister. My brother’s name is Andi and my sister’s name is Anita.
We just stay inside our house because we don’t want to be infected
with COVID 19.

Now it’s your turn. Can you tell something about yourself just like

Let us now answer the questions about Ana. Your parent or any member of
your family will read these questions for you. Try to answer them all correctly!

● What is the name of the little girl? ● How old is Ana?

● What is the name of Ana’s mother? ● Who is her father?

● Who is her sister? ● Who is her brother?

● What is the name of her school? ● What grade is she in now?

● Why do they stay inside their house? ● Where does she live?

● Do you also stay in your house just like Ana because of COVID 19?

Let’s proceed with the next activity. Can you read the given words below that
came from the Ana’s introduction of herself? Read the words properly with the
help of your family member.

father mother brother sister

Now, what do we call the group of people consisting of parents and children
living together in a household? Can you give other family members?

What is It
As a child, you should know your name, date of birth, and even the name of
each family member. Every person has a name. It serves as their identity. The
name is given by the parents to their child after birth. The date of your birth is
the day you were born.
One of the interesting things about being a Filipino is our strong love for
our family. Parents, siblings, and sometimes our grandparents made up
our family.
Even you’re a child, you also have your personal experiences. It can be
good and memorable to you especially if they are happy moments. Sometimes
your experience is not as good as the others. But, these experiences always
teach you a lesson that you will always remember as you grow.

What’s More

A. Let us do more activities to deepen your knowledge. Can you read the poem
below together with your family member? After reciting the poem answer the
given exercises.
by: Sarah Griffin
Families are big
and families are small.
Families are different, and we love them all.
Some have mothers.
Some have fathers.

Some have sisters, and some have brothers.
I love my family!
B. You are going to put a check (  ) if the pictures of the family member is
mentioned in the poem put a cross ( X ) if it is not mentioned in the poem.
Write your answer in your answer sheet.
_____1. _____2. _____3. _____4. _____5.

What I Have Learned

If you understand our lesson, try to answer the following questions:
1. In telling about yourself, what are the important details that you should
2. When talking about your family, who are the people you consider as your
3. Can you also include personal experiences in sharing something about

What I Can Do

A. Now, can you remember all the happy moments you experienced when you
were in Kindergarten class? Draw a heart inside the box if the picture
shows your experience in your Kindergarten class and a triangle if it is not.
Write your answer in your answer sheet.

_____1. _____2. _____3.

_____4. _____5


A. Listen as your mother or any family member reads the given information
about the little girl picture below. Answer the given questions. Just write the
letter of your answer on your paper.
My name is Ela M. Durano. You can call me Ela.
I am 7 years old.
I was born on May 21, 2013.
I live in Pastolan Village Tipo, Hermosa, Bataan.
My father’s name is Erik A. Durano and my mother’s
name is Eva M. Durano.
My brother’s name is Eli M. Durano and my sister’s
name is Erika M. Durano.
I am a grade 1 pupil at Pastolan Elementary School.

1. What is the name of the little girl in the selection?

a. Ela M. Durano b. Ana M. Durano c. Karen M. Durano
2. When is her birthday?
a. May 21, 2011 b. May 21, 2012 c. May 21, 2013

3. Who are her father and mother?
a. Alvin A. Dizon and Ava M. Dizon b. Erik A. Durano and Eva M. Durano
c. Jose A. Santos and Rosa A. Santos
4. Who are her brother and sister?
a. Anton A. Cabe and Ara A. Cabe b. Allan M. Santos and Angela M. Santos.
c. Eli M. Durano and Erika M. Durano
5. What is the name of her school?
a. Balsik, Elementary School b. Pastolan Elementary School

Additional Activities

A. Very good! You impressed me with your ability. To deepen your knowledge,
answer the questions in each item. You’re going to identify who is in the
picture. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
Father Mother Brother Sister Baby

_____1. _____2. _____3. _____4. _____5

B. Draw a happy face (  ) if you have experienced the following situation and
sad face (  ) if not.
_____1. _____2. _____3. _____4. _____5.

Additional Activities Assessment What I Can Do
A. A. 1.
1. a 2.
1. mother
2. brother 2. c 3.
3. father 3. b 4.
4. baby 4. c
5. b
5. sister
Answer may vary
What’s More What’s In What I Know
1.  1. e The answer may vary
2.  2. a
3. x 3. d
4.  4. c
5.  5. b
Answer Key
Davalos, M., 2016. Basa Pilipinas Teacher's Guide Grade 1 English Quarter 3.
2nd ed. Published by U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

Pinterest. 2020. Families Build A Poem - All About Me Poem For Kids | Rhyming
Poems For Kids, Poetry For Kids, Family Poems For Kids. [online] Available at:
<https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/299559812714434537/> [Accessed 19 August

Department of Education (DepEd). K to 12 Curriculum Guides: English, 2016.

Department of Education (DepEd). Guide for English Teachers in Using the

Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCS), 2020

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region III,

Schools Division of Bataan - Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resources Management and Development Section (LRMDS)

Provincial Capitol Compound, Balanga City, Bataan

Telefax: (047) 237-2102

Email Address: [email protected]

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