CP - PedroSBudionganHS

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Baseline Data 2017-2018


Number of Personnel
Number of (SY 2017 – 2018)
Number of Learners
School Classrooms DCP Furniture
(SY 2017 – 2018) Non-Teaching
(SY 2017-2018) Teaching Personnel
Personnel Remarks
Number of
(e.g. need
School No. of
Hazards Exposed riprap,
Buildings PWD damaged
(SY 2017- Instruction Non- No. of
No. of
Non- drainage,
School 2018) al rooms No. of Arm Teacher’s Teacher’s Fema PWD Fema
School instruction Male Female Total PWD Desk Chair Male Total Male Total Teachin fencing)
ID (Acad/Non- Units Chair Table Chair le Teaching le
al rooms learners g
acad) Personnel

Typhoon 15 14 1 4 15 18 0 Admin Office is

the oldest buiding
in school where
312318 PSBHS 150 166 316 0 51 200 0 0 6 6 2 1 3 0 records found
Remarks: Data is based on EBEIS (SY 2017-2018)

ANNEX E – Revised Contingency Planning Workshop Templates
General - Complete the pre-work sheets before the workshop.
Instructions - The content of Workshops 1 to 3 will be filled out during the workshops in the ConPlan
- The attachment sheets contain information that schools should already have. It's attached
as a reference.
- If attaching SDRRMT and/or Partners information, package all documents in one folder.

Worksheets Instructions
Historical Data Historical Data
- This should be completed as pre-work before the Contingency Planning
- Historical Data is taken from RADaR Reports and Past Recorded incidents from
Division/LGU Records
Baseline Data Baseline Data
- This should be completed as pre-work before the Contingency Planning
- Baseline Data of Schools can be found in EBEIS
- Use Hazard Maps taken from other Government Agencies as reference for the "Hazards
Present" Column
Workshop 1 Capacities and Vulnerabilities
- Existing Capacities and Vulnerabilities in your school
- Brainstorm and create a timeline of measures to address the gaps in C & V
Workshop 2 Resource Mapping
- Resources are categorized into Human Resources and Equipment
- Add rows as necessary
Workshop 3 Action Response
- Indicate only actions that the school will do if and when the hazard occurs
- Add rows as necessary
Attachment 1 School DRRM Teams
- Sample format
- Existing SDRRMT information, roles and responsibilities may be used
- Attach existing organizational chart with roles and responsibilities, if available
Attachment 2 Partners
- Sample format
- Existing Partner information and roles may be used

Historical Data

School: _____________________________

Partially Damaged Classrooms
Schools affected Affected Population
Name/Type of Totally Damaged Classrooms
Year Classrooms with Major Damages Classrooms with Minor Damages Total Cost Other effects/damages
No. of No. of Cost of No. of Cost of No. of Cost of
School ID School Name No. of Learners
Personnel Classrooms Damages Classrooms Damages Classrooms Damages

7.2 Earthquake 2013 312318 PSBHS 350 15 0 0 4 1

Remarks: Data is based on historical RADaR reports

WS 1 - C V


Measures to strengthen
Key Areas for Details Capacities Gaps/Vulnerabilities capacities or address Timeline

Risk Understanding 1. Understanding of Hazards trained school head and DRRM No teacher training on DRRM Conduct orientation seminar January 2019
and its characteristics coordinator on hazard mapping framework and etc on DRRM

2. Conduct of Risk Assessment trained school head and DRRM No organized student DRRM Organize student DRRM January 2019
coordinator on hazard mapping group group to assist in the hazard

3. Planning and undertaking trained school head and DRRM No proper/ No document Institutionalize school risk January 2019
actions based on risk coordinator on contingency showing risk assessment result assessment
assessment results planning

Contingency Plan and 1. Contingency Plan trained school head and DRRM No contingency plan Frame contingency plan December 2018
Dissemination coordinator on contingency

2. IEC Available IEC materials Teacher and students Conduct orientation seminar December 2018
awareness of the material on the awareness on how the
materials read and

Communication 1. Understanding of advisory Trained school head regarding

including warning signals D.O 43 s 2012 and DO 21 s

2. Understanding and Trained school head regarding Lack of funds to implement DO Coordinate with the LGU for December 2018
implementation of DO 21 D.O 43 s 2012 and DO 21 s 21 s. 2015 funding
s.2015 2016

3. Equipment Availability of personal The school has a weak Utilize text brigade since it is
cellphone and internet of the cellphone signal the only available information
school head medium in the locality

Coordination 1. Division Office No contact from the DO Create coordination scheme December 2018
to the DO

Page 4

WS 1 - C V
3. LGUs Presence of coordination limited number of staff to Tap other partners December 2018
scheme address issues and concern
4. Partners
5. DepEd CO Presence of RADAR 1 and 2 promptness in reporting Report the RAFAR 1 and 2 December 2018
immediately within 72 hours

Monitoring 1. Monitoring of Available school contingency regular updating of CP December 2018

preparedness/contingency plan
plan of school

2. Monitoring of hazard Due to the number of schools, it Maximize the participation of December 2018
situation, including cannot be accomodated by the the Barangay officials
communicating with limited officials in the higher
school officials, office
district/division office and LGU

3. Monitoring RADaR User-friendly reporting directly No access on the status of Making sure that RADAR 1 December 2018
completion, validation and to the CO RADAR reporting and 2 are complied
submission to Central

4. Monitoring of mandate for assumption of Monitor the regular December 2018

implementation of support classes as soon as possible assumption of classes
for learning continuity

5. Tracking of Learners and Available data on student and No availabe record or December 2018
personnel teachers profile mechanism for tracking of
learners and personnel

6. Transportation All teachers has transportation Allocation for gasoline Charge gasoline to PTA funds December 2018
Convergence 1. Interface among offices N/A
within the school

2. Existence of SDRRM Team trained DRRM coordinator No SDRRM Team Creation of SDRRM team December 2018

3. Command System trained DRRM coordinator No command system assign/ institutonalize school December 2018
command system

Page 5
WS 1 - C V
4. Twinning with other schools Not available create twinning agreement December 2018
with Montesuerte ES
Support for Learning 1. Implement and monitor rely to the funding from the No fixed source of funds Proper RADAR reporting December 2018
Continuity Temporary Learning Spaces central office 80,000()

2. Buffer stocks for learning No buffer stocks Coordinate with Division December 2018
materials office for the buffer

3. Alternative Delivery Modes No complete materials Ask assistance from the DO December 2018
4. Psychosocial Support Availability of school Nurses Ask assistance from the December 2018
nurses stationed at the DO
No emegency school feeding Coordinate with the MSWDO December 2018

5. Emergency School Feeding

6. Learner's Kits Not available Provision of Learners kit June 2019
7. Teacher's Kits Not available Provision of teachers kit June 2019
8. Hygiene kits Not available Provision of hygiene kit June 2019
9. Provision of Water Sanitation Not available Provision of sater Sanitation June 2019
and Hygiene services and Hygiene services

10. Updated disaggregated data has masterlist of students Update the hardcopy for June 2019
on learners and master list of generated from the LIS and office copy for easy retreival
students in school and EBEIS of records/data
alternative learning schools

11. Clean up drives skilled people in the locality No committee that will creation of committee who
spearhead the activity will oversee and lead the
clean up drives

12. Sign memorandum of Available private enterprise No sign MOA Sign MOA for emergency December 2018
agreement (MOA) with private within the locality purchase
enterprises for emergency

Page 6
WS 1 - C V
Support for Schools used as 1. Sign memorandum of The school has standard the school is situated near the Do not recommend the school December 2018
Evacuation Centers agreement (MOA) between LGU classrooms atleast majority water ways which flooding may as a site for evacuation center
and school on the use of schools occur during typhoon during typhoon
as evacuation center including
the roles and responsibilities of
both institutions;

2. Repair, maintenance and The school has standard the school is situated near the Do not recommend the school December 2018
replacement of schools classrooms atleast majority water ways which flooding may as a site for evacuation center
identified as evacuation center occur during typhoon during typhoon
by the LGU

3. Resumption Strategies No funding for TLS and Classes shall be resumed as

including assessment of materials for ADM,MISOSA etc soon as possible.
readiness of the schools

4. Establish functional referral Coordination with the MSWDO Lack of personnel in the Tap the brgy police for December 2018
pathways to respond to child MSWDO and PNP assistance
protection concerns using the
existing PNP and DSWD
operational guidelines

8. Feedback mechanism to No feedback mechanism Frame feedback mechanism December 2018

report gaps in the delivery of
services, grievances and other
needs to improve education

9. Twinning of schools for No recorded/willing teaacher Ask teacher-voulnteer who December 2018
teacher-volunteers for volunteers for deployment are willing to be deployed in
deployment in the affected case of calamity- (with MOA)
schools that need additional

10. LGUs preposition additional No budget allocation for TLS Ask assistance from LGU December 2018
Temporary Learning Spaces through request or any mode

Drills 1. Regular conduct of drills Regular conduct of earthquake No drill for typhoon
drill only

Page 7
WS 1 - C V
2. Existence of protocols – suspension of classes before
command system, evacuation the typhoon lands per
route, safe place, family directives from higher
reunification authorities

3. Coordination with and no drill for typhoom involving

participation of parents, parents
relevant agencies and partners
during drills

Fund Sources

Page 8
WS 2- Resource M9

Workshop 2 - Resource Mapping & Planning

School: Pedro S. Budiongan High School

Hazard: Typhoon

Human Resources
Projected Needs
(e.g. training needs) Possible sources of
No. of Write N/A if not needed
Human Resources (certifications, skills, etc.)
staff/person (MOOE, SEF, Local Timeline
s available DRRM Fund, Partners,
No. of staff etc)
Cost for Training
needing training

(e.g. GCs, Teachers, Staff, etc.)
Teacher Training on basic life support/ first 2 22 ₱ 5,000.00 MOOE June 2018
PTA masonry/carpentry skills 10 50 ₱ 100,000.00 PTA funds June 2018

technical know-how on DRRM ₱ 5,000.00 January 2019

Teachers framework 2 24 MOOE
External Resources
(e.g. Partners, PNP, BFA etc.)

technical assistance on risk

1 1 January 2019
assessment/ respond and
MDRRMO recovery-MOA

assistance on school recovery 8 8 January 2019

BLGU activities-MOA

expertise on building safety January 2019

Mun Bldng Inspectorate occupancy-MOA 1

Possible sources of
Equipment/Supplies Condition Units funding
(e.g. fire extinguishers, body (e.g.fully functional, nearing expiry,
Projected Needs (MOOE, SEF, Local Timeline
board, siren, comms radio) etc.) available DRRM Fund, Partners,
Units Needed Unit Cost etc)
communication radio 0 4 MOOE May 2019
siren 0 1 MOOE May 2019
first aid kit incomplete 1 12 MOOE May 2019
emergency kit 0 12 PTA May 2019
megaphone 0 1 2000 SEF March 2018
buzzer functional 2 2 800 MOOE May 2018

WS 3 - Action Response

Workshop 3 - Action Response

1. Analyze/prioritize top hazards based on your historical and During

baseline data. Before -Entrance of Tropical Cyclone After
2. Cluster hazards that connect with each other. (e.g. typhoon Notes on identifying -Tropical Cyclone before in PAR -After Tropical Cyclone
Guide + flooding + landslides; earthquakes + landslides + fires + entering PAR - When updates from HRW exits local area
tsunami) hazard-specific timing -When HRW, GFA and/or and GFA are issued and/or - 24 hours after onset of
3. Do this worksheet for each of the clustered hazards, Yellow Alerts are issued when Orange and Red Alerts floods
prioritizing the one the school is at most risk of. are issued
School: _____________________________
Hazard: _____________________________

Timeline Response Actions

Risk Assessment, Securing of school properties and
suspension of classes
No students shall stay in the school except for the school
head and security officers if the school will not be used as
evacuation center
Damage assessment to school records, physical facilities,
and learning resources
0-24 hours
24-48 hours Ask assistance to cocern agencies/ authorities
72 hours RADAR Reporting
96 hours Clearing/ Clean-up and repair
5-10 days Resumption of regular classes

Attachment 1 - School DRRM Team

Workshop 4 – School DRRM Team

School: Pedro S. Budiongan High School


Committee/Cluster Objectives Overall Responsibilities

Lead Members
1. Communication Team Communicate the 1. Ask realible information from the Ma. Chona Painagan Belinda Albutra
teachers,students for the school head for dessimination Aureo Lopena
legitimate information of class Maria Melba Labrador

2. School Records and Facilities Secure the school records, 1. Assess school buiding to where Ma. Chona Painagan Moses Butihen
Management Team learning materials and the record be in place/store. Rafael Caitom
facilities in preparation for the 2. Secure the records,LM and Aureo Lopena
upcoming typhoon electronic and electiccal devices. Jay Athnony Nunez

3. Student led school watching Assessment of school hazards 1. Risk Assessment Belinda Albutra Student DRRM group
and hazard mapping Team and mapping 2. Hazard mapping

4. Response and Recovery team Secure the school during the 1. security of the school during the Ramil Escaso Belinda Albutra
hazard and respond to the disaster PTA President
recovery of the school after 2. lead the clearing operation and Brgy Captain
the disaster recovery of the school sytem

Attachment 2 - Partners


1. MDRRMO Respond the request of the schools like Pob Sur. Carmen Bohol
pruning activities etc., provide early
warning signs. Validate school risk
assessment/ mapping
Leo Rubia
2. Mun. Bldng Inspection Team Inspect the conditions of the rooms after Pob Sur. Carmen Bohol Engr Gudia
the typhoon

Assist the school for clearing operations Montesuerte Carmen

3. BLGU and clean-up Bohol Mr. Rosendo Justiniane
Assist the school for clearing operations Montesuerte Carmen
4. PTA and clean-up Bohol Mrs. Tadle 4

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