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OPINION The impact of malnutrition on childhood infections
Judd L. Walson a,b and James A. Berkley a,c,d

Purpose of review
Almost half of all childhood deaths worldwide occur in children with malnutrition, predominantly in sub-
Saharan Africa and South Asia. This review summarizes the mechanisms by which malnutrition and serious
infections interact with each other and with children’s environments.
Recent findings
It has become clear that whilst malnutrition results in increased incidence, severity and case fatality of
common infections, risks continue beyond acute episodes resulting in significant postdischarge mortality.
A well established concept of a ‘vicious-cycle’ between nutrition and infection has now evolving to
encompass dysbiosis and pathogen colonization as precursors to infection; enteric dysfunction constituting
malabsorption, dysregulation of nutrients and metabolism, inflammation and bacterial translocation. All of
these interact with a child’s diet and environment. Published trials aiming to break this cycle using
antimicrobial prophylaxis or water, sanitation and hygiene interventions have not demonstrated public
health benefit so far.
As further trials are planned, key gaps in knowledge can be filled by applying new tools to re-examine old
questions relating to immune competence during and after infection events and changes in nutritional
status; and how to characterize overt and subclinical infection, intestinal permeability to bacteria and the
role of antimicrobial resistance using specific biomarkers.
clinical trial, children, colonization, dysbiosis, environmental, growth, malnutrition, mortality, survival,
susceptibility, undernutrition


Worldwide, 5.6 million children die before their The World Health Organization (WHO) defines mal-
fifth birthday each year, with 80% of these deaths nutrition as deficiency, excess or imbalance in a
occurring in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Almost person’s intake of energy and/or specific nutrients
half of these deaths occur in children with malnu- in relation to their requirements [2].
trition [1]. Strong epidemiological evidence suggests
this is because of an elevated susceptibility to life-
threatening infections amongst malnourished chil-
dren. However, such studies do not disentangle the a
The Childhood Acute Illness & Nutrition (CHAIN) Network, Nairobi,
complex mechanisms underlying malnutrition, Kenya, bDepartments of Global Health, Medicine, Paediatrics and Epi-
involving not only lack of nutrients, but also other demiology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA,
risk factors such as exposure to pathogens, lack of c
KEMRI/Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Kilifi, Kenya and
access to healthcare and poverty. This review Centre for Tropical Medicine & Global Health, Nuffield Department of
focusses on undernutrition among children in low Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
and middle-income countries, with a focus on diar- Correspondence to James A. Berkley, FRCPCH, FMedSci, Professor of
Paediatric Infectious Diseases, KEMRI/Wellcome Trust Research Pro-
rhoea and pneumonia, the commonest childhood
gramme, PO Box 230-80108, Kilifi, Kenya.
life-threatening infections worldwide. We discuss E-mail: [email protected]
what is meant by the term ‘malnutrition’; how Curr Opin Infect Dis 2018, 31:231–236
recent studies are informing our understanding of
mechanisms linking anthropometric status and
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
environment with susceptibility to life-threatening Attribution License 4.0 (CCBY), which permits unrestricted use, distri-
infections; and discuss implications and future bution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
research. properly cited.

0951-7375 Copyright ß 2018 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Paediatric and neonatal infections

Severe malnutrition can also be defined by the

KEY POINTS presence kwashiorkor, a syndrome characterized by
 Malnutrition is usually defined by simple nutritional oedema, often with skin depigmentation
anthropometry, which captures a broad range of and sloughing, thinning of hair and inflammation.
exposures and risk factors for serious infection in Why only some severely malnourished children
addition to inadequate nutritional intake. develop kwashiorkor remains unknown [7]. Applica-
tions of new metabolomic, genomic and immuno-
 There is a bi-directional relationship between
malnutrition and infection; malnourished children are at logical techniques are addressing this question [8,9].
increased risk of infection, and chronic, repeat or In addition to a diet low in energy or specific
recurrent infections often contribute to malnutrition. nutrients, a wide range of antenatal and postnatal
environmental exposures, acute infection, chronic
 Dysbiosis and pathogen colonization resulting in
illness or psychosocial neglect may result in malnu-
mucosal dysfunction and inflammatory activation also
affect nutritional status as well as risks of life-threatening trition [10]. It is clear from recent clinical trials
infection. enrolling children with severe malnutrition that
they are also severely stunted (low height-for-age),
 Addressing key knowledge gaps with new tools is need suggesting chronic exposure to insult [11–13].
to develop clinical trials that will have public health
Hence, the commonly used term ‘severe acute mal-
nutrition’ (SAM) has recently been challenged as a
potentially misleading nomenclature with implica-
tions for successful intervention strategies [14 ]. We
will use the term ‘malnutrition’ to mean low anthro-
Assessing malnutrition and risks of pometric values or kwashiorkor.
life-threatening infection The interactions between episodic and chronic
Energy and/or specific nutrient intake, require- infections and malnutrition are complex and bi-
ments and expenditure are very rarely directly directional. For example, children with malnutri-
assessed. Instead, practice and research are based tion appear to be at substantially higher risk of
on anthropometric measures compared with a ref- diarrhoea, with both higher incidence and increased
erence population. Wasting (thinness) is defined by severity reported in malnourished children [15].
weight-for-height/length (WHZ) among children This risk appears to be correlated directly with
under 5 years old, and BMI for age among 5–19- degree of malnutrition as measured by anthropom-
year olds. Stunting (linear growth impairment) is etry, with children with WAZ or HAZ 3 or less having
defined using height (or length)-for-age (HAZ). a 37% increased risk of diarrhoea frequency and a
Recently, there has been increased focus on the 73% increase in average duration of diarrhoeal
use of the mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC). symptoms. At the same time, a meta-analysis assess-
MUAC is less affected by hydration status and gen- ing the impact of diarrhoea among several cohorts
erally it has better predictive value for subsequent of children followed from birth until 24 months of
mortality than WHZ [3,4]. However, cut offs to age, demonstrated a 16% increase in stunting for
define malnutrition by MUAC based on its relation- every 5% increase in longitudinal incidence [16].
ship with infectious disease or mortality outcomes However, other studies have found mixed associa-
had only been validated and used amongst children tions between frequent episodes of diarrhoea and
aged 6–59 months. Amongst infants (n ¼ 2882) long-term linear growth [17,18].
under 6 months old admitted to hospital in Kenya,
MUAC was better at discriminating risk of subse-
quent inpatient death than WHZ [5]. A subset of OUTCOMES OF INFECTION
these infants (n ¼ 1405), were followed for 1 year In addition to an increased frequency of infectious
after discharge; MUAC similarly had superior pre- disease, children with malnutrition are at signifi-
dictive value over WHZ. Similarly, amongst school- cantly higher risk of more severe disease and suffer
aged children and adolescents discharged from a significantly more acute and long-term morbidity
rural hospital in Kenya (n ¼ 1741) and amongst and mortality when infected. Recently, a clearer
cohort of children over 5 years old with HIV infec- separation between the acute condition and back-
tion in Uganda and Zimbabwe (n ¼ 685), MUAC ground risks has been made.
discriminated mortality risk at least as well as
BMI-for-age [6]. This may result from MUAC directly
measuring nutritional stores of protein (muscle) and Diarrhoea
fat whereas length is subject to significant measure- Children with SAM are more likely to present to
ment error among young infant. care with at least one integrated management of

232 Volume 31  Number 3  June 2018

Impact of malnutrition on childho od infections Walson and Berkley

childhood illness (IMCI) danger sign and may be children was followed after discharge from hospital;
more likely to have a bacterial pathogen identified 37% of deaths occurred after discharge. Malnutri-
as a potential causative agent of their diarrhoea than tion, young age, HIV status and prolonged hospital
nonmalnourished children [19 ]. In addition, as dem- admission were associated with postdischarge mor-
onstrated in a study of 1146 children admitted to tality, whilst pneumonia severity indicators were
hospital with moderate-severe diarrhoea in Western not, suggesting that an episode of severe pneumonia
Kenya (2005–2007), among children with severe is a marker of background risk.
acute malnutrition, risk of death following an episode
of diarrhoea was four times higher than better nour-
ished children [20]. The community-based Global MECHANISMS
Enteric Multicenter Study (GEMS) also enrolled A classic monograph by Scrimshaw in 1968, ‘Inter-
9439 children with moderate-to-severe diarrhoea actions of Nutrition and Infection,’ sets out a vicious
and control children without diarrhoea in seven cycle between nutrition and infection [25]. He pro-
countries in Africa and Asia [21]. Diarrhoea case status posed that malnutrition resulted in infections,
was associated with stunting (chronic malnutrition infections resulted in malnutrition by anorexia,
leading to linear growth failure) as was postdiarrhoea malabsorption, and diversion, loss, and increased
mortality during 90 days, for which each z score unit requirements of nutrients. Currently, a more
of HAZ was associated with a reduction in the risk of nuanced understanding is emerging of the roles of
death by 26–53% depending on age. the environment, burden of exposure to pathogens
because of crowding or poor water and sanitation,
gut microbiota, chronic intestinal inflammation,
Pneumonia mucosal barrier loss and immune function (Fig. 1).
Similarly, malnutrition is not only associated with
an increased risk of pneumonia episodes, but
increased severity and case fatality. Development Dysbiosis and mucosal integrity
of an inpatient paediatric pneumonia mortality risk A key concept in understanding this relationship is
score (RISC) in Malawi (n ¼ 16 475) [22,23], identi- that colonization of gut, respiratory and other muco-
fied severe malnutrition as having similar predictive sal surfaces, is a precursor to invasive infection. Mal-
value to hypoxaemia and coma [21]. In Kenya, nutrition is typically accompanied by dysbiosis
among 4187 children admitted to hospital with (change in the normal pattern of colonizing organ-
severe pneumonia, 25% were severely malnour- isms) and disturbances in normal barrier functions.
ished, again a strong risk factor for inpatient death The environment of the intestine plays a critical
alongside signs of disease severity [24 ]. A subset of role as the main interface between the child and the

FIGURE 1. A growing understanding of a ‘vicious cycle’: interactions between malnutrition, infection and intestinal dysfunction.

0951-7375 Copyright ß 2018 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. 233
Paediatric and neonatal infections

nutrients and energy required to sustain growth. In and taxa distribution, is a critical modulator of
addition to the critical function of modulating homeostasis within the gut, influencing absorption,
absorption and secretion, the enteric system is the immune function and hormonal regulation [34].
predominant lymphoid tissue in the body. The sur- In addition to the general microbial milieu of the
face of the gut functions as a major site of pathogen gut, specific pathogens have also been identified as
recognition and response, and is a critical barrier to potential mediators or drivers of malnutrition in
pathogen translocation. Finally, the enteric system some settings. In an urban community in Dhaka,
is a key site of hormonal modulation, regulating key Bangladesh, malnourished children (n ¼ 486) and
functions related to metabolism and growth. well nourished controls (n ¼ 442) were investigated
Although diarrhoea is a common manifestation for a wide range of enteropathogens by Taqman Array
of enteric infection and dysbiosis within the gut, Card. The presence of enteroaggregative Escherichia
many children experience significant intestinal dys- coli, heat-labile toxin producing E. coli, Shigella/
function even in the absence of overt diarrheal enteroinvasive E. coli, Campylobacter spp., norovirus
disease. In many settings, chronic exposure to fae- genogroup 1, and Giardia spp. were associated with
cally contaminated environments may lead to an malnutrition [35 ]. The number of different patho-
asymptomatic syndrome of poor absorption, local gens detected was inversely associated with subse-
intestinal inflammation and increased translocation quent growth, indicating clinically significant
of bacterial products across the gut surface (environ- dysbiosis. This was further explored among 1684
mental enteric dysfunction (EED) [26]. In many children across eight sites in South Asia, Africa and
settings, markers associated with EED can be Latin American by the Mal-ED study group [36 ].
detected in as many as half of all children and these Intestinal inflammation and growth were associated
markers have been strongly associated with future with the presence of enteroaggregative E. coli.
linear growth failure [27,28]. There are parallels at respiratory mucosal surfa-
EED can be identified by the presence of crypt ces. In Ethiopia, nasopharyngeal carriage of Strepto-
atrophy and villous hyperplasia in the small intestine. coccus pneumonia was assessed in 361 children at an
In addition, a number of markers of intestinal perme- outpatient clinic [37]. Overall, 44% were colonized by
ability, absorption, inflammation and intestinal repair S. pneumoniae (not serotyped, 18% multidrug resis-
have been associated with the presence of EED tant) and colonization was associated with the num-
[18,26,29]. These abnormalities lead to impaired ber of siblings in the household and presence of
absorptive capacity, local inflammation and disrup- malnutrition defined by weight-for-age, capturing
tion of tight junctions. This increases the potential for aspects of both wasting and stunting: adjusted odds
translocation of bacterial products and systemic ratio 2.1 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.2–3.4]. In
immune activation. Although much attention has Venezuela, amongst 1064 children living in rural
been paid to the local intestinal effects of EED on areas of the Orinoco Delta, S. pneumoniae coloniza-
permeability, absorption and inflammation, the tion was (nonsignificantly on multivariable analysis)
increased systemic inflammation and activation seen more common among stunted children who were
in malnourished children may be more important in stunted [38]. However, a significant association had
explaining associations between malnutrition, gut been previously shown in another population in
dysfunction, long-term morbidity and mortality. In Venezuela, with a 33% reduction in colonization
Malawi, both intestinal and systemic inflammation per unit HAZ, and clear association between coloni-
were associated with mortality risk in severely acute zation and acute respiratory infection [39]. Pneumo-
malnourished children and that this was not mediated coccal colonization was not reported in relation to
by the presence of specific intestinal pathogens [30 ]. malnutrition in the multicentre PERCH study at nine
Similarly, malnutrition is associated with small sites in seven countries [40].
intestinal histological abnormalities, including vil-
lous blunting, reduction in mucus-secreting goblet
cells and inflammation [31]. It is not yet clear if this Pathogens
is EED or a separate disease. Previous metagenomic Clinical outcomes in children with malnutrition
studies have suggested reduced microbial diversity might differ if they are infected with different organ-
in relation to a child’s age and an increase in potent isms causing the same clinical syndrome (e.g. bacte-
pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae in malnourished rial rather than viral cause), or if they present with the
children [32]. In addition, several seminal studies same pathogen but have an increased risk of antimi-
have demonstrated growth failure in mice after crobial resistance (AMR). The latter might occur with
receiving transplanted microbiota from malnour- increased exposure to healthcare and antimicrobials
ished children [33]. Increasing evidence suggests or reduced pathogen clearance. In addition, children
that the microbiome, both measured by diversity with malnutrition may simply respond differently to

234 Volume 31  Number 3  June 2018

Impact of malnutrition on childho od infections Walson and Berkley

pathogen challenge, a range of abnormalities across Trials of other antimicrobials to treat complicated
multiple pathways in the innate and adaptive severe malnutrition and/or prevent postdischarge
immune system have been described in these chil- mortality targeting dysbiosis and small intestinal bac-
dren [41,42]. Recent studies that standardize clinical terial overgrowth are underway [48]. Preventive trials
conditions and their causative organisms are espe- using candidate probiotic organisms and prebiotic
cially informative to our understanding. foods are also in progress as microbiota are better
Studies have demonstrated variable associations characterized [9,32]. Future trials may also involve
between malnutrition and bacteraemia risk. Some systemic or gut-specific immunomodulation.
previous studies have suggested an increased likeli-
hood of Gram negative bacteraemia in malnourished
children [43]. However, the range of bacterial species is
typically similar to those observed in nonmalnour- Despite a reduction in overall child mortality in the
ished children in low-resource settings. One recent last 25 years, it is clear from recent modelling that most
blood culture study from Tanzania reported a high of Africa is highly unlikely to achieve the Sustainable
prevalence of Pseudomonas spp. (36%)., Enterobacter Development Goal target of ending malnutrition by
spp. (16%), and Staphylococus aureus (15%), suggesting 2030 [49]. The Child Health and Mortality Prevention
limited sensitivity to first line ampicillin with genta- Surveillance (CHAMPS) project (https://champ-
micin. It is unclear if these were community-acquired aims to determine causes of death in
(at admission) isolates or hospital-acquired (after resource-poor populations through minimally inva-
admission) isolates. In Kenya, contrary to previous sive postmortem tissue sampling, which may better
case series suggesting that coagulase-negative staphy- target therapy in life. The Childhood Acute Illness and
lococci (CONS, usually associated with invasive medi- Nutrition (CHAIN) Network (http://chainnetwor-
cal devices) may be important pathogens in severely aims to identify modifiable biomedical and
malnourished children, there was no association socioeconomic risks to take forward in clinical trials.
between CONS being identified on blood culture
and mortality or duration of hospitalization [44]. Fur- CONCLUSION
ther data is urgently needed on AMR in this context. The malnutrition–environment–infection axis is
complex and not easily addressed by individual
interventions. Better understanding will come
Vaccine efficacy
through applying new tools to re-examine longitu-
Early studies of vaccine responses among malnour- dinal immune competence ex vivo in relation to
ished children suggesting reduced efficacy of oral infection events and changes in nutritional status,
vaccines (polio, rotavirus), but no differences in anti- more specific biomarkers of infection, correlates of
body titres following parenterally given vaccines intestinal function and bacterial translocation,
[45,46]. However, true efficacy or effectiveness microbial populations and causes of disease.
against pathogen challenge remained uncertain. In
a landmark South African case–control study, receipt Acknowledgements
of two or more doses of 13-valent pneumococcal None.
conjugate vaccine was demonstrated to be as effective
(90%) in preventing proven invasive pneumococcal Financial support and sponsorship
disease among malnourished children as in well The authors were supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates
nourished children [47 ]. Thus, whilst altered vac- Foundation (grant number OPP1131320). J.A.B. is sup-
cine efficacy may impact rotavirus disease in relation ported by the MRC/DfID/Wellcome Trust Global Health
to malnutrition, it does not explain an increased Trials Scheme (grant number MR/M007367/1).
susceptibility to common respiratory pathogens.
Conflicts of interest
CLINICAL TRIALS There are no conflicts of interest.
Clinical trials have attempted to interrupt the cycle
described above. In Kenya and Bangladesh, large-scale
combined water, sanitation hygiene and nutrition Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have
interventions had minimal effects on diarrhoea or been highlighted as:
& of special interest
growth. In a multicentre trial in Kenya, long-term && of outstanding interest

prophylaxis daily co-trimoxazole did not reduce post-

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