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published: 15 August 2014
doi: 10.3389/fnut.2014.00013

Addressing chronic malnutrition through multi-sectoral,

sustainable approaches: a review of the causes and
Kristina Reinhardt 1 † and Jessica Fanzo 2,3 *
School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
Institute of Human Nutrition, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
Center for Globalization and Sustainable Development, Earth Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA

Edited by: Chronic malnutrition, including stunting, is an important example of a global challenge that
Pablo Bernardo Eyzaguirre, Bioversity
spans multiple sectors, specifically health, agriculture, and the environment. The objec-
International, Italy
tive of this paper is to review current knowledge on the causes and consequences of
Reviewed by:
Jayashree Arcot, The University of chronic malnutrition and their relationship with multiple sectors. Understanding the causes
New South Wales, Australia includes approaching chronic malnutrition from the basic, underlying, and immediate lev-
Jyoti Sharma, Public Health els. The causes reach from macro-level environmental influences to specific micronutrient
Foundation of India, India
intake. In order to effectively address stunting, it is important to understand the timing of
Barbara Burlingame, Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United stunting and the ability of individuals to catch up in terms of linear growth, cognitive ability,
Nations, Italy and immune function. The consequences of chronic malnutrition are transgenerational and
*Correspondence: they have an impact at the individual, community, and national level in the short- and long-
Jessica Fanzo, Institute of Human term.There are still many gaps in knowledge regarding both the causes and consequences
Nutrition, Columbia University, 630
of chronic malnutrition, particularly when it comes to the interaction with agriculture and
West, 168th Street, Presbyterian
Hospital, 1512, New York, NY 10032, the environment, and understanding these gaps is important to addressing the burden of
USA chronic malnutrition through evidence-based interventions.
e-mail: [email protected]
Keywords: stunting, chronic malnutrition, growth failure, multi-sector collaboration, nutrition-sensitive

Present address:
Kristina Reinhardt , United Nations
REACH, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

INTRODUCTION which interventions are most effective during specific times in

The primary objective of this paper is to assemble current knowl- the lifecycle, particularly interventions from the agriculture and
edge regarding chronic malnutrition in relation to multiple sec- environment sectors.
tors. Sustainability must be at the forefront for each sector to Chronic malnutrition is defined as a form of growth failure that
address the challenges of chronic malnutrition. The paper will causes both physical and cognitive delays in growth and develop-
focus mainly on stunting as the most common manifestation ment. Stunting, also known as linear growth failure, is defined as
of chronic malnutrition. To understand chronic malnutrition, the inability to attain potential height for a particular age, and it
we must define the syndrome, causes, and short- and long- is the most common measurement used to identify chronic mal-
term consequences. We will then discuss how these consequences nutrition. However, stunted growth is only one manifestation of
can be addressed through evidence-based nutrition-specific and chronic malnutrition. Compared to children who have been given
-sensitive interventions and governance. Furthermore, the contri- optimal opportunities to grow and develop, a chronically malnour-
bution to the manifestation of chronic malnutrition by multiple ished child will be challenged to attain the same height, will likely
sectors will be discussed. not develop the same cognitive ability, and will have higher risk
As more global attention is directed toward combating stunt- of poor health outcomes throughout life. The “window of oppor-
ing, there needs to be a clear understanding of what the nutrition tunity,” or critical period of growth and development between
community and the wider development community knows about pre-conception and 2 years of age, has been an important focus
stunting, how stunting is related to chronic malnutrition, and why for the nutrition community (1). The window of opportunity is
stunting is used as an indicator for chronic malnutrition. This the period when a child is most sensitive to the impacts of poor
understanding is key for guiding future programing and policy. nutrition.
There are still many unknowns related to the causes and effects of Types of malnutrition fall into two general categories, acute
chronic malnutrition that impact the way in which interventions and chronic. Acute malnutrition, most often demonstrated by
are designed and implemented. Some of these unknowns are found wasting, is frequently seen in temporary or cyclical settings like
within the biomedical realm. For example, we do not yet know how emergencies, seasonal depressions, and highly infectious-disease
specific micronutrients contribute to growth failure and the abil- environments. Globally, more children under 5 years of age are
ity and timing of children to catch up. Other unknowns include, stunted than wasted; 165 million compared to 52 million in 2011,

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Reinhardt and Fanzo Addressing chronic malnutrition

respectively (2). Yet, more children are likely to die from being greatest growth velocity potential happens between conception
wasted than stunted (3). There are specific, evidence-based proto- and 2 years. This includes physical growth and the development of
cols for the treatment of moderate and severe acute malnutrition motor skills after birth. After 2 years, growth slows until puberty.
(4). However, there are no standardized procedures for the treat- The development of the musculoskeletal system requires spe-
ment of chronic malnutrition or stunting. The causes of chronic cific nutrients to develop normally. From birth to 3 years, the
malnutrition are multidimensional, as are the consequences, brain grows in complexity and is highly sensitive to environ-
which can be both short-term and long-term. mental influences. The neurological development process needs
The majority of stunted children live in low- and middle- adequate availability of energy, protein, and fatty acids, as well as
income countries, with the highest proportion in African coun- micronutrients including iron, iodine, zinc, and thiamin (7).
tries, where 35.6% of all children under 5 years are stunted, and From a broader perspective, chronic malnutrition caused by
the greatest absolute number in Asian countries, where 95.8 mil- the lack of specific nutrients at specific times in early childhood is
lion children under 5 years are stunted (5). Globally, over the last most commonly associated with poor socioeconomic status, par-
few decades, the prevalence of stunting has decreased. However, ticularly in developing countries. The presence of stunting in an
prevalence of stunting in sub-Saharan Africa has remained stag- individual or community is not simply addressed by providing
nant compared to other regions. The global decline has mostly the correct amount of nutrients. The causes of chronic undernu-
been driven by East Asia and the Pacific, where stunting declined trition become more complex when considering how and when
by 71% between 1990 and 2011 (2). Currently, 80% of the total these nutrients are delivered. As depicted in the UNICEF con-
number of stunted children lives in just 14 countries; including ceptual framework of malnutrition (8), consideration must be
India, Nigeria, and Pakistan (2). These countries have varied and given to maternal nutrition, infant and young child feeding (IYCF)
contextual development challenges, which can broadly be rooted practices, food insecurity, access to health care, and the disease
in high poverty, conflict (past and current), and/or natural disas- environment. It is important to note that stunting is a cumulative
ters. These challenges have an impact on the likelihood of poor process, meaning that the percentage of children who are stunted
nutrition outcomes. increases up to the age of 2 years and then levels off (9).
The causes of chronic undernutrition are multidimensional, In order to identify a child as stunted, the height of a child at
which create many challenges in understanding the condition a certain age is compared to a reference population measured at
and finding solutions through interventions and policies. There that age. The currently accepted reference population standards
is no single root cause of chronic malnutrition. The future strate- are based on the 2006 WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study,
gies to address chronic malnutrition need the collaboration of which measured a cohort of children who were raised in favorable
multiple sectors and a variety of stakeholders in governments, conditions for growth and development. The study was conducted
non-government organizations, the donor community, and the over 6 years, following children from birth to 6 years of age. Chil-
private sector. This paper aims to capture and explain the multiple dren enrolled were sampled from Brazil, Ghana, India, Norway,
dimensions of chronic undernutrition and the importance of a Oman, and the USA. A critical finding was that the height of chil-
multi-sectoral, sustainable response to improving nutrition that dren by age is similar across the six sites. There was only about 3%
incorporates perspectives from agriculture, health, environment, variability in length between sites, which means, given the afore-
water and sanitation, infrastructure, gender, and education. mentioned optimal environment, children from different genetic
and cultural backgrounds grow according to a similar trajectory
DEFINITION until the age of 5 years (10). This finding is not entirely new; an
Stunting is the symptom most often used as a proxy for chronic earlier study on differences in height between children of different
undernutrition and is measured as a height- or length-for-age. ethnic backgrounds showed minimal variation compared to the
Besides height deficits, other symptoms of chronic malnutrition variation of environmental factors (i.e., the care environment or
include cognitive disability, decreased motor skills, and compro- socioeconomic status) (11).
mised immune function. The symptoms of chronic undernutri-
tion can begin during conception and can have a lasting effect CAUSES
throughout the lifecycle. As a reaction to undernutrition in utero, The UNICEF conceptual framework on undernutrition (Figure 1)
a child may be born smaller and with an impaired immune system. is used to guide interventions from a multi-sectoral and multi-
Similarly, a child may respond to undernutrition in infancy and dimensional perspective, moving from macro to micro-levels of
early childhood with a slower growth rate (6). These reductions focus. The framework includes the basic, underlying, and immedi-
can be considered a survival technique of the human body to adapt ate causes of malnutrition. The basic causes address systemic-level
to harsh conditions. challenges reflecting the structural and political processes in each
Starting from conception, a child’s genetic potential interacts society, which includes social, economic, environmental, and polit-
with environmental influences to affect health and nutrition out- ical issues that lead to the lack of or unequal distribution of capital.
comes. Environmental influences include the nutrients acquired Capital includes financial, human, physical, social, and natural
in utero, from breastfeeding, and through the introduction of resources. The underlying causes focus on household food secu-
diverse complementary foods during weaning. Environmental rity, adequate care and feeding practices, access to health services,
influences also include negative effects, such as potential exposure and residing in a healthy environment. The immediate causes are
to viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections due to poor sanitation the impact of the basic and underlying causes at the individual
and hygienic conditions. Due to the window of opportunity, the level through inadequate food intake and disease. Ultimately, the

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Reinhardt and Fanzo Addressing chronic malnutrition

FIGURE 1 | The UNICEF conceptual framework of undernutrition is shown. Source: UNICEF. Improving Child Nutrition: The achievable imperative for global
progress. United Nations Children’s Fund; 2013. p. 4.

Box 1 Key messages.

• Chronic undernutrition affects a large number of children under 5 years, especially in developing countries.
• There are many causes of chronic undernutrition, which stem from multiple sectors and often overlap.
• The sectors, which impact chronic undernutrition include agriculture, health, environment, water and sanitation, infrastructure, gender,
and education.
• The consequences of undernutrition are both short- and long-term, often having an impact throughout the lifecycle and on future
• There are still many gaps in our knowledge of the causes of undernutrition and the impact of interventions, particularly in the agriculture
and environment sectors.

framework provides an interface between these broader systemic- services and improved quality of health services. More generally,
level issues and the community, household, and individual levels. economic growth, if equitable, leads to greater household purchas-
The conceptual framework, originally designed in 1990, has been ing power. Over time, stunting prevalence from 1985 to 2011 across
refined to be broad enough to encompass multiple sectors that 141 countries showed an overall decline in stunting as economic
impact the causes of malnutrition at each level. The conceptual indicators improved (13). However, an overall analysis of GDP per
framework has been modified for specific geographical contexts capita found no significant relationship with reductions in stunt-
or with a focus on interventions (5, 12). ing or other nutrition outcomes (14). Again, the increases in wealth
at a country level need to be equitable and investments in health
BASIC CAUSES and nutrition are needed in order to impact the nutrition status of
Historically, policies and programs focused on economic growth the most vulnerable households. Furthermore, the level of wealth
have impacted health outcomes through increased access to health at the household level has been shown as an indicator for increased

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Reinhardt and Fanzo Addressing chronic malnutrition

risk of stunting (15). There is also an association between increased determinants of how food is used and consumed. These determi-
risk of stunting and lack of basic infrastructure, which includes nants include maternal knowledge of care and feeding practices,
water, sanitation, electricity, and shelter (16). A similar association maternal chores or livelihoods, and family eating behaviors (e.g.,
between decreased risk of stunting and increased household wealth who eats first, the size of individual rations, etc.) (24). A study
and improved community resources, specifically health centers, on household food security effects on pre-school children showed
has also been presented in the Young Life Study (17). that household food insecurity has an effect on the prevalence of
Beyond economic and political factors, cultural factors can play diarrhea, which leads to a dose–response effect of diarrhea on the
an important role in child growth. The cultural factors, which have prevalence of stunting (25). At the community level in Bangladesh,
been shown to be important to the prevalence of stunting, are food insecurity caused by the monsoon season was associated with
women’s autonomy and fertility practices. In Indian households, wasting, but not with stunting, through decreased dietary diver-
a woman’s status is related to the birth order of either herself or sity and lower household income (26). Furthermore, seasonality
her husband, which can determine the quantity and quality of has not been shown to affect prevalence of stunting unless season-
resources devoted to both the mother and child (18). Addition- ality directly affects the disease environment (15). On the other
ally, the distribution of resource among children within the same hand, increased prevalence of stunting has been linked to repeat
family can differ. In a secondary analysis on prevalence of stunt- instances of food insecurity through the accumulation of bouts of
ing and birth order, the data showed that sub-Saharan African wasting leading to linear growth failure (27). The biological mech-
countries as a whole had a more constant rate of stunting across anism behind this is based on the manifestation of wasting causing
birth orders compared to India, where higher birth order (i.e., hav- the body to consume fat and tissue leading to the point when no
ing more older siblings) was associated with an increasing risk of more fat and tissue can be consumed and there is an interrup-
stunting (19). In addition to the birth order of both parents and tion of linear growth (28). There are key components that make
children, gender can also have a significant influence on growth. In up a sustainable food system and are closely linked to food secu-
Pakistan, due to the cultural context of feeding and care practice, rity. These components include household income, market prices,
female children are often considered secondary to male children gender dynamics, dietary diversity, and household and individual
and were three times as likely to be stunted (20). While cultural fac- behavior (29). Furthermore, the agricultural systems and environ-
tors play an important role in children’s growth and development, mental components of agriculture systems, such as soil, water, and
the impact of cultural factors on stunting should be considered agrobiodiversity, have an impact on food security through both
as being confined to specific geographic areas and ethnic groups the quantity of available food and the quality of available food,
rather than as uniform assumptions. being both diverse and culturally acceptable (30).
There are certain types of shocks that can cause disruptions in Other underlying causes of malnutrition are inadequate care
resources and livelihoods, leading to static or worsening prevalence practices, which include lack of exclusive breastfeeding and poor
of stunting. Such shocks, including droughts or civil conflicts, lead IYCF practices. Breast milk is important component of an infant’s
to increases in stunting in children, particularly in children 12– intake and is key to help build a strong immune system (31).
24 months and in children from poorer households (21). Different Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months is the UNICEF rec-
types of shocks can impact different cohorts within a population ommendation (32). Breast milk contains immune-modulating
through different mechanisms. A study of conflict and crop failure compounds, which are the building blocks to a strong immune sys-
in Rwanda found that the impact of these events can lead to sus- tem (33). IYCF practices recommend early-initiated and exclusive
tained growth failure, even after the event had ended (22). Climate breastfeeding for the first 6 months, and continued breast-feeding
events and changes to the natural system can affect the preva- with introduction of adequate solid, semi-solid, and soft food from
lence of stunting through both increases in human morbidity and 6 to 12 months. In a study in Bangladesh of an Integrated Man-
degradation to the local food system and resources. Exposure to agement of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) strategy, where the IMCI
droughts and floods in India was shown to have increased the risk treatment group had a higher prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding
of stunting by 7% (23). Exposure to these types of events can be for 6 months, exclusive breastfeeding resulted in a 7.3% decrease
associated with malnutrition through the impact on the quality in the prevalence of stunting (34).
and quantity of food or can indirectly be associated through the Additional underlying causes of malnutrition are inadequate
impact on the economy, political systems, public infrastructure, services and the presence of an unhealthy environment. More
and water systems. specifically, this includes poor access to and quality of health
services, water, and sanitation facilities, substandard hygiene prac-
UNDERLYING CAUSES tices, and inadequate food preparation, all of which are important
The underlying causes of malnutrition, found at the commu- in their contribution to the disease environment. A study found
nity level, impact the ability of the household and individual to that family housing quality was negatively associated with stunt-
obtain proper nutrition. One underlying cause of malnutrition ing, where housing quality was measured by the type of dwelling,
is inadequate household food security. Food security is charac- the availability of a safe water supply, the adequacy of sanita-
terized by having the combination of available food, access to tion, and garbage collection (35). Poor household environmental
nutritious foods, and proper utilization of food and can be caused conditions were associated with increased infections in children
by shocks at the household or community levels either in singular, and an increased risk of stunting compared to non-contaminated
cyclical, or continuous intervals. At the household level, food inse- household environments. (36) There appears to be a positive
curity relates more to the household economy and contextual correlation between water and sanitation hygiene (WASH) and

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stunting. However, in a literature review of WASH interventions ingestion of fecal material and the subsequent intestinal inflam-
on nutrition status, WASH was only found to be a slightly sig- mation and enteric infection (42). There have been few studies
nificant factor in reducing the risk of stunting and was found to examining environmental enteropathy and the link with stunting.
increase the average height-for-age z-score by 0.08 standard devi- Tests for environmental enteropathy include collecting intesti-
ations. (37) The authors noted that more rigorous testing was nal biopsies and biomarkers to examine the nutrient absorptive
needed. In an additional study, improved sanitation and a reduc- capacity of the intestine due to morphological changes in the lin-
tion in open defecation by 20% was found to increase the average ing that may take place due to chronic enteric infection (43). A
height-for-age z-score by 0.1 standard deviations (38). study of Gambian children found no significant association of
These underlying causes do not affect stunting in isolation linear growth with adequate diet or diarrhea but did find an asso-
of each other. The combination and interaction between them ciation between poor intestinal absorption and growth faltering
amplify the effect on the overall prevalence of stunting. A study on (44). There have been few other studies that support the hypoth-
the Millennium Villages Project attributes a reduction in stunting esis of the impact of environmental enteropathy on stunting (45,
to the combination and interaction of several factors across multi- 46).
ple sectors (39). However, further studies are needed to assess the Both diarrhea and environmental enteropathy are related to
impact of multi-sector efforts on reducing stunting. the water and sanitation facilities and practices at the commu-
nity level. It is important to reiterate that chronic undernutrition
IMMEDIATE CAUSES through deficiencies of certain nutrients, for example vitamin A
The immediate causes of the conceptual framework include inad- and zinc, compromise the immune system, leaving a child more
equate food intake and risks posed by the disease environment susceptible to infectious diseases including diarrhea, malaria, and
on the individual. Inadequate food intake refers to both quantity measles among other communicable diseases. Pathogens in the
of food and quality of the diet. The nutritional quality of food environment affect children and can lead to children becoming
intake holds importance in driving the biological processes that stunted. In an ecological analysis, a 10% increase in occurrence
govern the growth and development of the musculoskeletal and of open defecation was found to increase stunting by 0.7% points
the nervous system. The second part of inadequate food intake (47). There is a downward spiral of disease and malnutrition that
is the quality of the food. The quality of a diet is reflected by the is important to acknowledge as both cause and consequence of
dietary diversity and the micronutrient content of the diet. A study chronic malnutrition.
in Cambodia showed an association between greater diet diversity Another contributor to stunting related to quality of food and
and reduction in or lack of stunting (40). A noted key compo- the disease environment are toxins. This includes both naturally
nent in this study was the consumption of animal-source foods. occurring toxins, such as Aflatoxin, and man-made toxins, such
Animal-source foods contain vitamin A, vitamin B12 , riboflavin, as pesticides. For a large portion of toxins, the long-term health
calcium, iron, and zinc as well as higher amounts of protein, energy, impacts on humans are unknown, particularly the impacts on
and fat compared with plant food sources. children.
The lack of essential vitamins and minerals within the diet is Aflatoxin, a secondary metabolite of Aspergillus flavus and
also known as the “hidden hunger.” Deficiency of certain vitamins Aspergillus Parasiticus fungi, is most often found in food crops
and nutrients can lead to specific conditions but the deficiency in tropical and subtropical regions. The most common food crops
in even just one can be a limiting factor for growth. It is also include maize, groundnuts, oilseeds, and tree nuts. Aflatoxin is
important to acknowledge that when there is one micronutri- produced most frequently during the wet season. Aflatoxin toxi-
ent deficiency there is a high likelihood that there are multiple city can be fatal to humans if consumed in high doses. Non-fatal
micronutrient deficiencies (7). Research is needed to look at the exposure has also been associated with growth impairment in chil-
effect of micronutrient deficiencies on stunting. Furthermore, dren through immune system suppression, impairment of protein
there are many challenges in diagnosing specific micronutrient synthesis, and changes in the hepatic metabolism of micronu-
deficiencies in low-resource settings, since laboratory testing is trients. Exposure to Aflatoxin in children has been identified to
often required. occur through passage from the mother, either in utero or from
The second immediate cause in the conceptual framework is breast milk, and through the child’s consumption of complemen-
disease. Disease can be a cause and consequence of malnutri- tary foods containing maize and groundnuts (48). More research
tion. Common childhood infections and diarrheal diseases can is needed on the exact mechanisms related to growth impairment
lead to poor absorption or ability to retain nutrients. The risk of from Aflatoxins.
a child being stunted at 2 years of age increases with the inci- The exposure of both pregnant women and young children to
dence of diarrhea (41). The incidence of diarrhea in children pesticides can have an impact on the growth and development of
has a dose–response effect on stunting; as the incidence of diar- children. There has been anthropological research showing neuro-
rhea increases, the risk of becoming stunted also increases (25). logical deficits in children exposed to pesticides (49). This finding
The dose–response effect is part of a downward spiral interaction points to the need for further clinical research to understand the
between poor nutrition and disease. biological impacts and pathways that pesticides have on children,
Children may not only be at risk of stunting due to diarrheal both in terms of neurological development and the impact on child
disease but also due to environmental enteropathy. Humphrey nutrition. A study on Ecuadorian children discusses the potential
proposes environmental enteropathy as a hypothesis, defining compounding effect of pesticides and chronic malnutrition on
environmental enteropathy as a subclinical disease caused by neurological development (50). The interaction between exposure

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Reinhardt and Fanzo Addressing chronic malnutrition

to toxins and malnutrition on child development is an area in need chronic undernutrition, and other infectious diseases, and can lead
of further research. to a cyclic effect of infection and malnutrition.

Evidence shows that growth faltering can begin in utero and con- Long-term effects of stunting impact the health, education, and
tinue until approximately 24 months (51). This knowledge has led productivity of children as they become adults. One long-term
to what is commonly referred to as the window of opportunity or consequence of chronic undernutrition is a decrease in cognitive
the first 1,000 days of growth and development. This time period ability. There has been much research on this association both
is when a significant amount of critical growth and development with educational attainment and wages gained in adulthood. In a
takes place. The timing of stunting is not necessarily dictated by study of Peruvian children, chronic malnutrition, as measured by
the causes but rather by which cause happens at specific growth stunting in infancy, leads to poor cognitive development later in
stages during childhood. Intrauterine growth restriction is a form childhood (59). Additionally, the Young Lives Study showed that
of chronic undernutrition, which leads to infants being born small grade achievement and test scores were affected by stunting, but
or stunted at birth. Intrauterine growth restriction is caused when children who were able to catch up in height between 1 and 8 years
the mother has not met the nutritional requirements of pregnancy. were also able to catch up cognitively (60). There are several stud-
Maternal body composition (stature and BMI) and mother’s age ies that demonstrate the importance of the timing of catch up
at childbirth are predictors for stunting (15). In addition, growth associated with educational attainment (61, 62). As discussed ear-
failure prior to 12 months of age is most closely associated with lier, interventions in earlier stages of growth and development had
low stature of the mother (52). larger impacts on long-term wellbeing.
There is a difference between becoming stunted and already Chronic malnutrition in early childhood not only affects edu-
being stunted. In addition to the criteria of falling at or below 2 SD cational attainment but also cognitive ability as an adult and there-
on the height-for-age growth standard, the distinction is particu- fore economic earnings in the long-term (63). In rural Zimbabwe,
larly important to consider in regards to ability to catch up height the impact of stunting in pre-school aged children is correlated
later in life. In a study by Mendez and Adair, it was found that with lower human capital potential in adulthood (64). Addition-
children who became stunted earlier in utero or in early infancy ally, there has been shown to be an association between linear
were more likely to be severely stunted (−3 SD below the mean) growth failure at 2 years of age and work status (either working,
(53). Furthermore, the earlier a child becomes stunted, the greater unemployed, or informal work), whereas stunting at 2 years of age
the long-term consequences (9). The timing of becoming stunted was more closely associated with unemployment or informal work
earlier in life creates greater potential for detrimental short- and (65). One challenge in measuring employment opportunities and
long-term consequences. Stunting beyond the age of 2 years has economic capital later in life is due to gender imbalance. While
been shown in children already stunted, suggesting that children many people work in the informal sector in developing coun-
who have become stunted in the first 2 years may be chronically at tries, women account for most of this sector, and in some cultural
a disadvantage to regain height later in childhood (54). contexts, girls are more likely to suffer from stunting than boys.
Another long-term effect of stunting on morbidity is an
CONSEQUENCES increase in the risk of non-communicable diseases such as cardio-
SHORT-TERM vascular disease and diabetes related to being overweight or obese.
The consequences of stunting can be both short- and long-term. In biological terms, stunting leads to impaired fat oxidation and
In the short-term, stunting can result in increased risk of mor- glucose intolerance (58). Several studies have drawn the associa-
tality. Mortality is complex to measure, since a child may not die tion between stunting in early childhood and obesity later in life
from being stunted as a primary cause. Rather, stunting can be (66, 67). In some populations, young children have been found
an underlying factor contributing to a child’s vulnerability and to be both stunted and overweight. This relationship, found in
susceptibility to morbidities. In 2010, child and maternal under- rural Mexico, was closely associated with younger mothers, lower
nutrition (including both acute and chronic malnutrition) were socioeconomic status, lower education level of mothers, maternal
responsible for 1.4 million deaths or 6.7% of all DALYs (disabil- stature, and household size (68). Furthermore, rapid weight gain
ity adjusted life years) according to the Global Burden of Disease and linear growth in children in low and middle-income countries
Study (55). Within the 1.4 million, 0.9 million deaths were due to is associated with increased survival and improved cognitive devel-
stunting of children under 5 years. A study of multiple cohorts opment but may also lead to increased risk of obesity and related
shows a compounding effect of multiple anthropometric fail- adult cardio-metabolic diseases (69). The “thrifty gene” or Barker
ures (height-for-age, weight-for-age, and weight-for-height) on hypothesis explains that catch up growth later in childhood after
selective mortality (56). experiencing growth failure can increase the risk of adult obesity,
Morbidity or burden of disease can be caused by both the sup- which can lead to type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (70).
pression of the immune system and subsequent long-term chronic Additionally, research has shown that stunting in early childhood
health problems. Vitamin A, zinc, and iron are all related to com- may increase the risk of elevated systolic blood pressure in later life
promised immune function, increased occurrence of infections, (71). It is important to note that the concept of catch up from being
and increased risk of stunting (57, 58). Stunting and lowered stunted can create some protection from adult chronic disease risk
immune function can lead to higher risk of infectious diseases. factors. However, the “catch up dilemma” is that increased linear
This includes susceptibility to diarrhea, as an immediate cause of growth can lead to improved health outcomes but too rapid linear

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growth may be associated with an increased risk for the chronic cognitive ability later in childhood when compared to children
diseases mentioned (69). This increase in obesity and potential for who had never been stunted (80). There are also studies, which
non-communicable diseases is most often seen in countries fac- have shown that early growth improvements prior to 2 years can
ing an epidemiological transition due to globalization, economic have a positive association with school outcomes and cognitive
growth, and drastic changes in the food environment. Globally, ability (60). Further research is needed to determine the timing
there has been a 54% increase in overweight children under 5 years and ability of stunted children to catch up both physically and
between 1990 and 2011 (5). mentally to their non-stunted peers.
Beyond the long-term effects of stunting, there are effects that
transcend generations. Stunted children become stunted adoles- INTERVENTIONS
cents, who then become stunted adults who give birth to stunted The causes and consequences of stunting are both complex and
infants. More specifically, as mentioned, intrauterine growth varied. There is no single intervention that will act as a “silver
restriction can cause the child in utero to be small-for-gestational bullet” to solve chronic undernutrition, but rather a multiplicity
age, which manifests as a low-birth-weight infant at birth. This is of interventions as there are multiplicity of causes. There are also
most easily seen in the nutritional relationship between mother many unknowns as to how, when, and which interventions can be
and child throughout both pregnancy and infancy. If a mother most effective. However, there are well-established, key nutrition-
enters her pregnancy with poor nutrition status, she is more likely specific and -sensitive interventions, including inputs throughout
to give birth to a low-birth-weight or stunted infant (5). Beyond the life cycle and across sectors. There is a need for global goals
the mother-to-child transmission of nutrition status, there is a that have a direct translation to national goals (81). To tackle the
cyclical and transgenerational link between agricultural produc- challenge of chronic undernutrition, there needs to be assessment
tivity and nutrition status that is important to note (72). The of causes, interventions, and advocacy addressing nutrition within
long-term impacts of stunting have a strong impact on agricul- the maternal and child health Millennium Development Goals at
tural productivity in adulthood, which can further create deficits the national level (82). Both maternal and adolescent girls’ health
for future generations. This cycle can be thought of as a nutri- and nutrition play a seminal role in the nutrition outcomes of
tional poverty trap. Analysis has shown that the transgenerational children, especially when considering the transgenerational poten-
effect can be seen through trends in adult height, which can be tial of chronic undernutrition. Furthermore, more assessment of
predicted by height at 2 years (73). Similarly, there have been interventions through the agriculture and environment sectors
other papers on the transgenerational consequences of stunting is needed to fully address the challenges of malnutrition from a
(74, 75). multi-sector perspective.
Most interventions focus on early childhood, specifically on
CATCH UP optimal infant and young child nutrition. This time period is
As discussed, the consequences of stunting can be both detrimen- not only within the critical window of development but also is
tal to the individual and community and can have both short-term an age range that is accessible when integrated with child health
and long-term impacts throughout the lifecycle. The definition of days, specifically for measles immunization (83). After birth, IYCF
catch up is a reduction of the stunted child’s height deficit, which programs and promotion of optimal care practices are impor-
occurs in early childhood and involves an increased velocity of lin- tant interventions needed to provide adequate diet and a healthy
ear growth (76). An important question is whether or not there is environment for infants and children. The impacts of exclu-
an opportunity for children to “catch up” in height. An analysis of sive breastfeeding, complementary feeding, food supplementation,
children from low- and middle-income countries found that 70% micronutrient supplementation, family and community health
of the growth deficit found at the age of 5 years can be attributed to and nutrition practices, and reduction of disease burden on both
stunting occurring in the first 1,000 days of life (54). Prentice et al. nutrition status and survival are well documented as to their
contradict the common belief that there is only one critical win- relationship with reduced stunting (84).
dow for growth between the ages of conception and 24 months, Interventions to improve nutrition practices have been found
stating that there are two rapid periods of growth for children, one to be effective. For example, diet diversity for children older than
in early childhood and one during puberty (77). The core argu- 6 months, measured as consumption of at least four food groups,
ment is that there is a maturational delay in stunted children, which has been found to have the strongest impact on the prevention of
allows growth catch up potential in later childhood by prolonging stunting compared to other IYCF interventions (85). As another
the pubertal growth phase. Furthermore, there have been docu- example, studies have shown that multiple micronutrient supple-
mented delays in menarche, which can lead to this opportunity for mentation is associated with improvements in height with an effect
catch-up growth, particularly in adolescent girls (78). of 0.13 increase in HAZ between treatment and control groups
Timing is critical in terms of achieving catch-up growth. By (86). As yet another example, IMCI interventions that increase
the age of 3 years, the nutrient requirements drop, making it eas- exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months are associated with
ier to meet a child’s dietary requirements and making the child a 7.3% decrease in the prevalence of stunting (34). Along with
less susceptible to chronic undernutrition (9). A study by Outes interventions focusing on early childhood health, care, and feeding
and Porter in Ethiopia shows that catch up is possible, especially practices, the addition of mother nutritional education or coun-
for children from wealthier households, but the window for catch seling has a significant impact on reducing stunting, with an added
up ended by the age of 5 years (79). Similarly, a study demon- effect size of 0.21 increase in HAZ (87). Furthermore, the promo-
strated that children who displayed catch-up growth had similar tion of breastfeeding, complementary feeding, and micronutrient

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Reinhardt and Fanzo Addressing chronic malnutrition

supplementation, if scaled to 90% coverage, could lead to a 20.3% can make contributions to dietary diversity by increasing and/or
decrease in stunted children (88). improving diversity of landscapes and the availability of foods pro-
To ensure improvements in nutrition, multi-sectoral approaches duced from those lands. Dietary diversity is a vital element of diet
are vital (89). At minimum, there are three key sectors that need quality. The consumption of a variety of foods across and within
to engage, collaborate, and contribute to nutrition improvements: food groups, and across different varieties of specific foods, guar-
agriculture, health, and environment sectors that inject nutrition antees the adequate intake of essential nutrients and important
into functioning and effective food, health, and water and sanita- non-nutrient factors. One recent study demonstrated a positive
tion systems (90). The health system has been well defined through correlation between crop diversity and dietary diversity (101).
nutrition-specific interventions, many of which have been men- More evidence is needed to fully link the impact of biodiversity
tioned above. Interventions within the agriculture and environ- on nutrition outcomes, which should include better collaboration
ment sectors are less well-known. The heightened global awareness between health and agriculture (102).
of nutrition points to the need for development institutions and Addressing the nutrition-disease interaction includes interven-
governments to better understand the linkages between multiple tions such as promotion of handwashing, improved sanitation
sectors and nutrition. and water quality, promotion of exclusive breast feeding for the
There needs to be greater focus on the linkage between agri- first 6 months, promotion of appropriate complementary feed-
culture and nutrition and the ways in which agriculture can ing including hygienic food handling, increased dietary diversity,
contribute to reducing stunting. The “what” and the “how” to and prevention of other diseases such as respiratory tract infec-
effectively deliver “nutrition-sensitive agriculture” services to rural tions and malaria. As there is clear evidence that the causes of
households remains poorly understood. There is a call for “a new malnutrition have a direct correlation with the WASH environ-
emphasis” on nutrition-sensitive agriculture through food and ment, it is critical to address. In one study, it was found that
agriculture policies in order to provide scale, coverage, and bene- hand washing before the preparation of children’s food decreased
fits within nutrition (91). Nutrition-sensitive agriculture involves the incidence of diarrhea. It has been shown that diarrheal inci-
the design and implementation of nutrition-based approaches to dence increases around 6 months of age when complementary
sustainable farming and cropping systems. Ultimately, nutrition- foods are introduced, which is also during the critical period
sensitive agriculture is aimed at improving the nutritional status of of growth. If WASH interventions can reduce diarrhea, it could
a population by maximizing the impact of food and of agricultural have an impact on a child’s cognitive ability, either through an
systems, while minimizing the potential for negative externalities increased ability to attend school or through a decrease in the
regarding the sector’s economic and production-driven goals. It is risk of stunting. Nutrition-specific interventions, if scaled and uti-
agriculture with a nutrition lens, and should not detract from the lized can have a significant impact on the reduction of stunting,
sector’s own goals (92). micronutrient deficiencies, and wasting. These interventions tar-
Two recent reviews have examined the impact of agricultural get pregnant and lactating women and children under 2 years of
interventions on nutrition outcomes. In one review, agriculture age (5, 103, 104). Nutrition-sensitive approaches, while a growing
strategies improved dietary patterns and specific micronutrient area of focus, address the underlying determinants of malnutri-
intakes (vitamin A in particular) in some studies, but there was tion. Although some sectors still lack evidence, there are some
no significant reductions overall in child growth indicators such approaches emerging that have enough evidence to scale up in
as stunting, wasting, and underweight. Some studies individu- specific-country and local contexts. These include approaches in
ally found reductions in stunting, including a dairy goat project agriculture, social transfers, early childhood development, and
in Ethiopia and a legume intercropping project in Malawi (93). education (91). Although these approaches may not have a direct
The second review found that agriculture interventions were ben- impact on child stunting or other anthropometric measures, their
eficial in promoting consumption of nutritious foods, but evi- experimental design is more complex and nuanced as they address
dence on micronutrient status and growth indicators was not the underlying causes of nutrition through a non-linear path that
clear or evidence was lacking. This review did show that home depends strongly on the local context. Many of the nutrition-
garden programs increased the consumption of fruit and vegeta- sensitive interventions fit within a multi-sectoral approach, thus
bles; aquaculture interventions increased the consumption of fish; little has been done to unpack how effectively each intervention
and dairy projects increased the consumption of milk, improving contributes to a larger multi-sectoral approach, how these differ-
dietary diversity (94). Furthermore, the addition of milk and other ent interventions interact with each other, and how they should be
animal-source foods in diets with poor diet diversity decreases the more systematically measured when considered as a “package.”
risk of stunting due to the micronutrient content and high-quality National policy and advocacy are needed to create enabling
protein density of these foods (95). The consumption of wildlife, environments for nutrition action. An analysis of advocacy as
defined as animal-source food available in the local ecosystem, intervention shows how cultural and political context play a role
has been seen to decrease the risk of anemia in children and fur- in the effectiveness of advocacy (105). Advocacy plays a role in
ther protect children from cognitive, motor, and physical deficits cohesion and coordination between all stakeholders, including
(96). Research has also demonstrated a strong association between governments, international organizations, and donors. Part of
dietary diversity and diet quality, and nutritional status of chil- strong and effective advocacy is good data collection. Due to
dren (97–99). It is also clear that household dietary diversity is the multifaceted nature of chronic malnutrition, nutrition data
a sound predictor of the micronutrient density of the diet, par- need to be reflective of indications from all sectors involved, for
ticularly for young children (100). In an ideal setting, agriculture example, population-level anthropometric data, nutrition-specific

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Reinhardt and Fanzo Addressing chronic malnutrition

data, such as IYCF indicators, and nutrition-sensitive data such 8. UNICEF. Strategy for Improved Nutrition of Children and Women in Developing
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causes, consequences, and interventions of chronic malnutrition.
11. Habicht J, Martorell R, Yarbrough C, Malina RM, Klein RE. Height and
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90. Field JO. Multisectoral nutrition planning: a post-mortem. Food Policy (1987) accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which
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