Computer Topics Imp

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Short Q/Ans:

3 Abuses of Internet
Search Engine with 3 examples
Component of CPU ////
Peripheral Devices with examples ////
3 Benefits of Copyright
3 main objectives of Lan
Memory Word
Fetch Cycte
Website address with examples
Elements of Data communication
Data processing cycle with steps and diag
Six features of Operating SYstem ////
Protocol. Enlist 4 different protcals
Application software with example ///
Port with types ///
Define Bit, BYte and word
Network Topology with examples
Benefits of Lan
Functions Of Cache //////
Purpose of Barcode Reader ////
Draw and label block diagram of digital computer
Function of accumulator register
What are PUSH and POP functions in Stack
What is operating mechanism of Dot-matrix printer? ////
What are functions of Accumulator register?
What are functions of Data link layer?
Main charaterisitcs of RAM ///
Basic elements of Data communication system?
Define protocol and name any three



Define CRT, Pixel , Resolution, Bridge, Ruter, Gateway

Various function normally performed by the operating system ///
RING topology with advantages and disadvantages
Benefits of developing computer network
ROM with types ////
Function of MODEM with types
Computer Virus with types
Function of router and gateway in data communication
Internet with components
Define, Bus, Cache memory and Bar Code reader ////
Simplex, Half-duplex and full-duplex modes of Data Communication
BUs topology with diag
What are main steps for System development? Define them
Social Media with uses and abuses
Main functions of MS excel and Ms Word
Star topology with diagram
Network Protocol with 3 protocoles and their abbreviations
Information technology with fields of IT ////////
Copyright law with advantages
Bus with functions of any 2 buses
4 points to show that e commerce is advantageous in modern business
Operating system with 4 functions ////
Components of LAN
ROM with types ////////
WAN and discuss it objectives
Transmission modes used in data communication
Function of spread sheet and a word processor
Components of internet
Basic units of primary storage and secondary storage ///////
Functions of Data bus and address bus
Mechanism of Hard Disk /////////
Scanning devices. Name various backup storage devices
information network with advantages and disadvantages
Main memory with functions ///////
Virus. Types Of Virus
Define CRT, Pixel, Resolution, Monochrome, SVGA


Reasoning Short Questions

Why is data bus called bi directional bus?

Why is Modern called moderator and demodulator?

How is computer beneficial in Banks?

How is Virus transferred from one computer to another?

What will happen if RAM is not available in a Computer system?

What measures can be taken to save computer system from virus attacks?

Why is cache memory used in Computer system?

How is secondary storage different from primary storayge?

Which layer of OSI model is responsible for routing information b/w computers?

What is Modem? Why is it necessary for internet?

Why is ROM called non-volatile memory?

Why are secondary storage devices required? How can you increase storage capacity?

How does network topology affect your decision to design a LAN?

Why is Star topology more efficient than other topologies? Give any 3 reasons

What protocol can be applied when you want to transfer a file from source to

In which scenario is satellite used? Defend your answer by giving any three

How can you manage a network using a Router?

What mode of Data transmission is suitable for communication from a computer to a


Why is an address bus called unidirectional?

What are the basic hardware needed for internet?

Why is MODEM necessary in dial up network?

How does network topology affect your decision to design a lan?

What are the impacts of computer in our life?

How is e commerce beneficial in business?

How can a system be protected from viruses?

What is the use of Buses in computer system?

Define Operating system. Why is it necessary for a computer system?

How are computer useful in field of education

Why are digital devices more efficient than analog devices?

How can we save our computers from the threats like viruses hackers etc?

What are the main reasons to develop a computer network?

Router and Gateway

Command line interface and GUI

Serial Port and Parallel Port

Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission methods (LONG)

Volatile storage and non volatile storage

Application Software and System software

Language and Package

Analog and digital signals (or question can come to define them)

Softcopy and hardcopy

LAN and WAN (with diagram if in long)

Word Processor and Spreadsheet

BUS and Star topology

Uploading and Downloading

Magnetic Tape and Hard Disk


before 2007:
Compiler and interpreter
High level languages and Low level language
ANalog and digital signals
Impact and non impact printer


Scanning Devices with example /////

Computer register with types

Data communication modes

Non Impact and Impact printers ///////

OSI Model with functions of each layer of OSI model with diag

Software Piracy

Data Communication. Types of Communication media used for data communication

LAN Topologies

Language Translater with types /////

System Software with types

Major Components of Computer system

Modes of transmission with examples

Instruction Fetch Cycle

Function of Bus

Computer crime. How is computer used as tool of crime?

Charateristics of Computer //////

Secondary Memory with types //////

Antivirus with types

Microwave System. How can it be useful in communication system?

Protocol with types

Registers with function of any 3 registers

EXPLAIN Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission methods (differentiate in points

and explain in points also as it is also in differentiation)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Fiber Optic Cable

Role of CPU and describe its components //////

What do u know abut MOdulation and Demodulation

Computer Secuirty What secuirty techniques are use to reduce risk?

Internet browser with different properties of browser //

E mail with advantages and disadvantages

CPU registers and their types

Cmputer virus. and how can we protect our computer from it?

What are I/O devices. Describe any 3 output devices

Topology and describe 3 network topologies with diag

CPU with components and diag //////

Operating system with important features /////

Network protocol with 3 network protocols explanation

TOPOLOGY with lan topology diagrams

Modem with types commonly used in computer technology

Network with advantages and disadvantages (and benefits as separate question)

Explain various transaction modes

Fetch cycle with diagram.

Explain two communication media in data communication

What are different types of computer crime?

What are storage devices? Define their types?

Define I.T. Write about role of I.T in our daily life?

State different type of CPU registers

Why is e banking or internet banking beneficial for us?

what is stack? Explain its operations with examples?

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