4.A Study On Factors Influencing The Purchase Decision of Customers

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A Study on Factors Influencing the Purchase Decision of Customers

with Reference to Smart Phone

Dr.N.Ramesh Kumar
Professor, Dept. of Management Studies, S.V.S Group of Institutions, Warangal.

Assoc.Prof. , Dept. of Management Studies, S.V.S Group of Institutions, Warangal.


Understanding the factors which influence the buying decision of customers is very crucial for any
marketer to formulate the appropriate strategies to compete in the market. The present study is aimed
at ascertaining the level of influence of various factors on the purchase decision of customers in case
of a smart phone. The study covered different marketing aspects like brand popularity, price,
offers/discounts, after sale service , advertisement, and some selected features of a smart phone namely
camera resolution, RAM size, battery capacity, O.S, memory size(Internal and
External)networks(2G/3G/4G), selfie Cam flash.
The sample size for the study is 125. A structured questionnaire was administered on sample
respondents to collect the primary data for the study. Appropriate statistical tools namely weighted
average method and Standard Deviation were used to analyze the data. It is found from the study that
the brand popularity and battery capacity of a smart Phone are the most influencing factors in purchase
decision of customers.

Key words: Purchase Decision, Smart Phone


The huge size of the smart phone market in India is attracting the corporate sector to invest in this
segment. The smart phone is getting improved continuously due to the rapid development of
technology and innovation in the information technology and electronics industry. These conditions in
environmental factors are making the market attractive and competitive. In order to gain the
competitive advantage, understanding the consumer’s behavior helps the marketer in predicting the
consumer’s product and brand choice. For this purpose, various marketing factors namely brand
popularity, price, offers/discounts, after sale service and some important features of a smart phone like
camera resolution, RAM size, battery capacity, O.S, memory size etc.., were considered for the study
to know their level of influence on consumer’s purchase decision of a smart phone.

I. Review of Literature

Nasr Azad and Maryam Safaei (2012) ) presented an empirical study to determine
important factors influencing customers' purchasing intend for cellular phones in capital city of
Iran. The results of the study indicated that there are some positive relationships between
exclusive name and quality perception, between exclusive name and word of mouth
advertisement, between quality perception and fidelity, between word of mouth advertisement
and brand name and between brand name image and brand name
Karen Lim Lay-Yee, Han Kok-Siew, Benjamin Chan Yin-Fah (2013) in their study showed
that majority of the Smartphone users will consider product feature at first and the author
suggested to improve the product features and providing what is demanded to improve sales
and profits.

www.theinternationaljournal.org  >  RJEBS  :  Volume:  06,  Number:  10,  August  2017                                                   Page  42  
Nasibu R. Mramba(2015) conducted a study to investigate the influence of brand name on
the consumers buying decision the case of mobile phone. The findings show that the mobile
phone users are not loyal to a specific brand name. This has been evidenced by the fact that,
they’re not repeating purchases, don’t recommend to the others and they are not proud to
posses it. Additionally the findings show that during pre-purchase and purchase process
consumers recall the brand names. Besides that, during the purchase they judge a mobile phone
by three factors; needs, country of origin, and the durability of the mobile phone .This means
that the mobile phone buyers go beyond the name simply because, a name can be counterfeited.
Generally the study shows that, although the brand name matters in purchase decision, it is not
the ultimate deciders of purchase of mobile phone
Kaushal .S.K, Rakesh Kumar (2016) explored in their study that there are eight major factors
namely price, product features, relative advantage, convenience, compatibility, social
influence, dependency and brand name which influence consumer intension to purchase
Smartphone. However, only social influence, compatibility and dependency were found to be
significantly influencing purchase intension of the Smart Phone consumers. Though rest of the
factors are also important but these three factors are major reason why a consumer wants to
purchase Smart Phone
Deepika ganlari, Pradeep Kr.Deka and Chandan Dutta(2016) conducted a study to analyze
consumer behavior towards Smartphone in the Indian market by finding the factors which
influence consumers in their Smartphone purchase. The result in this study shows that
Branding, Product design, Product performance and price have the influence on people’s
buying behavior process
Ramesh Kumar.N , Srinivas.S (2017) conducted an empirical study to find out the impact of
selected physical features in purchase decision of consumers regarding smart phones. The
study considered physical features of a smart phone namely look/style, screen size, quality of
screen glass, number of sim slots and type of battery. It is found from the study that the
look/style is the highly influencing physical feature to consumers while purchasing a Smart

II. Research Design & Method

The present study is mainly based on primary data. The primary data was collected by using a
structured questionnaire. The study is about the factors influencing the consumers while
purchasing a smart phone. For this purpose, 125 respondents were selected from Hyderabad
and Warangal Urban district by adopting convenience sampling method. The sample consists
of people such as students, employees, businessmen and self-employed.

Period of study: The study was conducted from March 2017 to May 2017.

Area of study: The area of study was Warangal Urban and Hyderabad district of Telangana,

Statistical tools applied: The statistical tools such as Weighted average method and
Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data.
Objectives of the study
Ø To assess the impact of different marketing activities on the purchase decision of customers in
case of a Smartphone.
Ø To measure the influence of select features of a smart phone on the purchase decision of
customers .
Scope of the study

The present study covers selected aspects of marketing namely brand popularity, price,

www.theinternationaljournal.org  >  RJEBS  :  Volume:  06,  Number:  10,  August  2017                                                   Page  43  
offers/discounts, after sale service, advertisement. Further the study also considered selected
features of a smart phone like camera resolution, RAM size, battery capacity, O.S, memory
size, type of network and Cam flash. There may be many other factors which are not covered in
the present study.

Limitations of the study

1. The study is constrained by time and financial resources.
2. The sample taken may not represent the entire customer group.
3. The consumer behavior may vary from time to time.

III. Results and Discussion

Table No 1: Weighted Scores of Opinion of Sample Respondents on the Influence
of Marketing Effort of a Company in Purchase Decision of a Smart Phone


1 Brand popularity 245 216 42 12 2 4.13
2 Price 65 336 36 22 5 3.71
3 Offers/Discounts 75 264 51 30 12 3.45
4 After sale service 85 232 54 54 5 3.44
5 Advertisement 65 196 96 44 9 3.28
Source: Field Survey
Note: S.A-Strongly Agree, A-Agree, N.A.N.D-Neither Agree Nor Disagree,D- Disagree, S.D-Strongly
WTD.AVG-Weighted Average
It can be noted from the above table that majority of the sample respondents have agreed (4.13) that
their purchase decision of a smart phone is influenced by the popularity of the brand, followed by price

Table No 2: Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Opinions of Sample Respondents on Select
Features Influencing Purchase Decision of a Smart Phone
S.No Items Mean S.D Variance
1 Camera resolution 4.22 .768 .590
2 RAM Size 4.16 .745 .555
3 Battery Capacity 4.26 .802 .644
4 OS 3.98 .783 .613
5 Memory Size(internal & External) 4.10 .801 .642
6 Networks(2G/3G/4G) 4.12 .725 .526
7 Selfy Cam-flash 3.42 1.14 1.309
Source: Field Survey
S.D: Standard Deviation
As per the Table no: 2, it can be observed that majority of sample respondents (the Mean score 4.26
with a Standard Deviation of 0.802) are influenced by battery capacity while purchasing a Smart
phone, followed by camera resolution Mean score (4.22) with the standard deviation of (0.768)
Key Findings
Ø The brand popularity of the Smart phone is found to be most influencing factor among all
select marketing effort carried out by the companies.
Ø It is found from the study that the capacity of the battery is the most influencing feature for
sample respondents followed by camera resolution while purchasing a Smartphone by the
sample respondents.

www.theinternationaljournal.org  >  RJEBS  :  Volume:  06,  Number:  10,  August  2017                                                   Page  44  
Ø It is revealed from the study that comparatively lower level of influence of other features of a
Smartphone namely Size of the RAM, Memory Size (Internal & External) and Type of
Network (2G/3G/4G) is existing in the purchase decision of sample respondents

IV. Conclusion
The results show that the customers are mostly influenced by the popularity of the brand of a
smart phone. Relatively lower level of influence of other marketing aspects like price of
product, offers/discounts, after sale service and advertisement is observed. Further the battery
capacity is given highest priority by the sample respondents among all select features while
purchasing a smart phone.

1. Deepika ganlari, pradeep Kr.Deka and chandan Dutta(2016) , A study on consumer buying
behavior of mobile phone, “Journal of Management in Practice” vol.1,No.1, 3 may 2016,ISSN:
2. Karen Lim Lay-Yee, Han Kok-Siew, Benjamin Chan Yin-Fah (2013), Factors affecting
Smartphone purchase decision among Malaysian generation y, “International Journal of Asian
Social Science” ISSN(e): 2224-4441/ISSN(p): 2226-5139.
3. Nasr Azad and Maryam Safaei (2012) , The Impact of brand value on brand selection: Case
study of mobile phone selection, “Management Science Letters” 2 (2012) 1233–1238.
4. Nasibu R. Mramba(2015) , Does the Brand Name Matter to Purchase Decision? The Case of
mobile phone, “European Journal of Business and Management” ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper)
ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) Vol.7, No.4, 2015.
5. Kaushal. S.K, Rakesh Kumar (2016) , Factors Affecting the Purchase Intension of
Smartphone: A Study of Young Consumers in the City of Lucknow, “Pacific Business Review
International” Volume 8, Issue 12, June 2016, ISSN 0974-438X.
6. Ramesh Kumar.N, Srinivas.S (2017) , Impact of Physical Features in Purchase Decision of
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volume 5, issue 2, Feb 2016, ISSN (O) “2321-1709, ISSNP(P) 2394-4226.


R.A.M- Random Access Memory.

O.S- Operating System.
2.G- 2nd Generation.
3.G-3rd Generation.
4. G-4th Generation.
Cam.- Camera.

www.theinternationaljournal.org  >  RJEBS  :  Volume:  06,  Number:  10,  August  2017                                                   Page  45  

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