3.1.1 Atomic Structure: AQA A-Level Chemistry Alevelchemistry - Co.uk

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3.1.1 Atomic structure

‒ Structure of an atom
‒ Mass number and atomic number
‒ Isotopes and calculating Relative Atomic Mass
‒ Time of flight (TOF) mass spectrometer
‒ Applications of mass spectroscopy
‒ Electronic configuration
‒ Quantum sub-shells
‒ Atomic orbitals
‒ Filling of orbitals
‒ Electron configurations and periodic table
‒ Electron configurations of ions
‒ Electronic configurations of period 2 and 3 elements
‒ Electronic configuration of d-block elements
‒ Periodic trends in ionisation energy
‒ Predicting electronic structure using successive ionisation energy

Source: AQA spec

AQA A-Level Chemistry 3.1.1 Atomic structure

Scientists have discovered 112 elements till now. Each element has different properties.
In this article, the structure of an atom and its mass are discussed. Properties of isotopes
are also discussed.
This article also introduces the concepts about how electrons are arranged in an atom.
The atomic orbitals and their shapes are discussed. The number of atomic orbitals a
principal quantum shell carries is also explained in brief. The order in which electrons are
filled in each atomic orbital is an important concept that links with arrangement of
elements in periodic table.

A. Structure of an atom
An atom consists of a nucleus and electrons orbiting around the nucleus. Structure of an
atom is illustrated in figure 1. A nucleus consists of protons and neutrons. Protons are
particles with positive electrical charge and neutrons carry a neutral electrical charge.
Both protons and neutrons have the same mass. An electron carries a negative electrical
charge and almost has no mass.

Figure 1: Structure of an atom

Particle Location Relative mass
Proton Nucleus 1 +1
Neutron Nucleus 1 0
Electron Shells around Negligible
! -1
the nucleus
AQA A-Level Chemistry 3.1.1 Atomic structure

B. Mass number and atomic number

In an atom, the number of protons and electrons are always equal. Each element is
represented in the form of , where X is the symbol of the element, M is the mass number
or nucleon number and P is the proton or atomic number. Mass number is the total
number of protons and neutrons in the atom. Atomic number is the number of protons in
the atom. Examples:

Mass Number of
Atomic Number of
Element Symbol number neutrons
number (p) protons (p)
(p+n) (n)
Sodium !" $% 23 11 11 12
Aluminium !& '( 27 13 13 14
Calcium )* +% 40 20 20 20
AQA A-Level Chemistry 3.1.1 Atomic structure

C. Isotopes and calculating Relative Atomic Mass

Isotopes are different forms of the same element having different masses. Isotopes have
the same number of protons but different number of neutrons. Relative isotopic mass is
the mass of one isotope compared to one-twelfth of the mass of one carbon-12 atom.
Relative atomic mass is the average mass of one atom of an element compared to one-
twelfth of the mass of one carbon-12 atom. Relative masses are ratios of two masses
and hence do not have any units.
,'"!$/" )$++ (0 (1" $%() (0 $1 "#")"1%
!"#$%&'" $%()&* )$++ ,- =
(1" − %3"#0%ℎ (0 %ℎ" )$++ (0 (1" *$!5(1 − 12 $%()

)$++ (0 (1" &+(%(8"

!"#$%&'" &+(%(8&* )$++ =
(1" − %3"#0%ℎ (0 %ℎ" )$++ (0 (1" *$!5(1 − 12 $%()

Boron is available in two forms: :;9< and ::9<. The relative composition of isotopes of
Boron found mass by spectroscopy and is given in the table below:

Boron-10 Boron-11
10 11
isotopic mass
23 100

+>) &+(%(8&* )$++×!"#$%&'" $5>1@$1*"

="#$%&'" $%()&* )$++ =
%(%$# !"#$%&'" $5>1@$1*"
10×23 + 11×100
="#$%&'" $%()&* )$++ =
="#$%&'" $%()&* )$++ (0 5(!(1 = 10.81
AQA A-Level Chemistry 3.1.1 Atomic structure

D. Time of flight (TOF) mass spectrometer

A mass spectrometer separates the atoms of a particular sample according to their
masses. When a sample of an element with isotopes is placed in the mass spectrometer,
the sample becomes positively charged and the isotopes are separated. The samples
can be ionised using electron impact or electrospray ionisation. In electron impact,
sample is vaporised and injected at low pressure. Electron gun fires high energy
electrons at the sample and the outer electron is removed forming positive ions. This
method is used to ionise elements and substances with low formula mass. In
electrospray ionisation, the sample is dissolved in volatile polar solvent and is injected
through a needle. Due to the presence of high voltage at the needle, the molecule (M)
gains a proton (H+) from the solvent. The solvent evaporates and the positively charged
(MH+) ions are then attracted towards the negative plate. Electrospray injection is used
for ionising larger organic molecules as the electron impact process may result in its
The positively charged ions are accelerated towards the negatively charged plate. The
velocity at which the particles travel depends on its mass. Lighter particles travel faster.
The constant kinetic energy (KE) is related to the velocity of the particles (v) as given by
the equation,


where m is the mass of the particle.

The ions are recognised by the difference in the time taken to travel through the length of
the tube. The heavier particles have a longer drift time (t).
( &
'= =
! 2$%
The ions reach a detector and produce a small current due to transfer of electrons. The
amount of current produced is proportional to the abundance of particular isotope in the
sample. The result is a graph between m/z (mass/ charge ratio) and relative abundance.
A time of flight mass spectrometer is shown in the figure below.

Figure 2: Time of flight

mass spectrometer
AQA A-Level Chemistry 3.1.1 Atomic structure

E. Applications of mass spectroscopy

The composition of each isotope can be found out through result of mass spectrometer.
This data is used to calculate the relative atomic mass of the element. The mass
spectroscopy result for Boron is given in the figure below.

Figure 3: Mass spectroscopy result for Boron

It can be noted that there are two isotopes of Boron: 10 and 11. The relative abundance
for B-10 is 23 and for B-11 is 100 in the sample. Using this data, the relative atomic mass
of boron can be calculated.
In organic chemistry, mass spectrum of a unknown compound is used to identify it. The
unknown compound’s mass spectrum is compared with mass spectrums of known
compounds from database to find a match. This method is called as fingerprinting.
Consider ethanol with molecular formula C2H5OH. The relative molecular mass of ethanol
can be found to be 46 using its mass spectrum as shown in the figure below.

Figure 4: Mass spectrum of ethanol

AQA A-Level Chemistry 3.1.1 Atomic structure

F. Electronic configuration
The electrons around the nucleus are arranged in principal quantum shells (symbol
n). The arrangement of electrons in an atom is called its electronic configuration.
Each principal quantum shell can hold a maximum number of electrons as per the
table given below:
Quantum shell Maximum number of electrons
n=1 2
n=2 8
n=3 18
n=4 32

The quantum shell n=1 is the closest to the nucleus, n=2 is the next shell and so on.

Number of Number of electrons

electrons n=1 n=2 n=3
Helium 2 2
Carbon 6 2 4
Magnesium 12 2 8 2

He C


Figure 5: Arrangement of electrons

AQA A-Level Chemistry 3.1.1 Atomic structure

G. Quantum sub-shells
The principal quantum shells (except for n=1) are split into sub-shells. The sub-
shells are named as s (sharp), p (principal) and d (diffuse). The maximum number
of electrons in each of these sub-shells is given in table below:

Sub-shell Number of electrons

s 2
p 6
d 10

The sub-shells for the four principal quantum shells are given in the figure below.
The electrons fill up the sub-shells in increasing of energy in each sub-shell.
• n=1 principal quantum shell consists of one s sub-shell and carries maximum of
2 electrons.
• n=2 principal quantum shell consists of one s sub-shell and one p sub-shell.
Thus, carries a maximum of 8 electrons.
• n=3 principal quantum shell consists of one s sub-shell, one p sub-shell and
one d sub-shell. Thus, carries a maximum of 18 electrons.
Until the atomic number of 18 (Argon), the shells are filled in order: 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s
and 3p. For potassium (atomic number 19), the electron fill up the 4s sub-shell
rather than 3d sub-shell. This is because the ionisation energy of 4s is less than
that of 3d. The electron enters the 3d sub-shell only when the 4s sub-shell is filled.

Figure 6: Principal quantum shells and sub-shells

AQA A-Level Chemistry 3.1.1 Atomic structure

H. Atomic orbitals
An atomic orbital is the region of space around the nucleus that can be occupied by
one or two electrons. Each quantum sub-shells is made of one or more atomic
orbitals. The number of atomic orbitals for each sub shell is given in the table below:

Maximum Number of
number of electrons atomic orbitals
s 2 1
p 6 3
d 10 5

Each orbital is a three-dimensional structure. A s-orbital has a spherical shape. All

s-orbitals have the same shape but the energy in 2s orbital is greater than that in 1s
orbital and so on.

Figure 7: Shape of s-orbitals

A p-orbital has a lobe like structure as shown in figure 4. There are three 2p orbitals
and each of them have the same structure but each of them is aligned in x, y and z
axis. Hence, the naming of these orbitals are 2px, 2py and 2pz. The shape of 3p
orbitals is similar to that of 2p orbitals.

Figure 8: Shape of p-orbitals

AQA A-Level Chemistry 3.1.1 Atomic structure

I. Filling of orbitals
The shells are filled in the increasing order of energy levels. The order in which the
electrons are filled is shown in figure below.

Figure 9: Filling up of sub-shells

Filling up of orbitals is expressed by placing arrows in boxes. Arrows denote the
electrons. The direction in which the arrow points, denotes the spin of electron. An
electron rotates in its own axis in either clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. In an
orbital, electrons rotate in opposite directions, and hence, have opposite spins.

Electrons are negatively charged. As like charges repel each other, electrons
occupy separate orbitals if possible. Only when the all orbitals of a sub shell are
filled with one electron, the electrons are paired in those orbitals. The paired
electrons always have opposite spins to minimise repulsions.

Figure 10: Filling up of orbitals

AQA A-Level Chemistry 3.1.1 Atomic structure

J. Electron configurations
The electron configurations of an element denote the number of electrons in each
sub shell in order. For example, helium has 2 electrons which are filled in the 1s
orbital. The electron configuration is written as:
electron configuration of He=1s2
where 1 represents the principal quantum number, s represents the sub-shell and 2
represents the number of electrons in 1s sub-shell.
Similarly, electron configuration of nitrogen (atomic number=7) is written as:
electron configuration of N=1s22s22p3

The electron configurations up to atomic number of 36 are to be known. There are

few points to be noted:

• The electrons fill the 4s sub-shell before filling up the 3d sub-shell.

For example:
Potassium has atomic number of 19
electron configuration of K=1s22s22p63s23p64s1
Calcium has atomic number of 20
electron configuration of Ca=1s22s22p63s23p64s2

• The electrons fill up 3d sub shell after filling up 4s sub shell. For example:
Scandium has atomic number of 21
electron configuration of Sc=1s22s22p63s23p64s23d1

• After filling up 3d sub shell, the 4p sub shell is filled up.

Chromium (atomic number=24) and copper (atomic number=29) do not follow

the pattern. It can be noted that 4s shell is filled with only one electron for these
two elements.
electron configuration of Cr=1s22s22p63s23p63d54s1
electron configuration of Cu=1s22s22p63s23p63d104s1
AQA A-Level Chemistry 3.1.1 Atomic structure

K. Electron configurations and periodic table

The periodic table can be divided into four blocks: s-block, p-block, d-block and
• s-block: Group 1, group 2 elements and helium have outermost electrons in s-
• p-block: Group 3 to 18 (except He) have outermost electrons in p-shell
• d-block: Elements that have outermost electrons in d-shell. These elements are
also called as transition elements.
• f-block: Elements that have outermost electrons in f-shell.

Figure 11: Blocks of periodic table

AQA A-Level Chemistry 3.1.1 Atomic structure

L. Electron configurations of ions

Positive ions are formed when atoms lose electrons. For s-block elements,
electrons are lost from the outermost shell. For example: electron configuration of
Calcium is 1s22s22p63s23p64s2. Calcium loses two electrons and forms Ca2+.

Electron configuration of Ca2+=1s22s22p63s23p6

The configuration of Ca2+ is similar to that of Argon (Atomic number =18) which is a
noble gas.
Negative ions are formed when atoms gain electrons. For example: electron
configuration of oxygen is 1s22s22p4. Oxygen gains two electrons and forms O2-.

Electron configuration of O2-=1s22s22p6

The configuration of O2- is similar to that of Neon (Atomic number =10) which is a
noble gas.
AQA A-Level Chemistry 3.1.1 Atomic structure

M. Electronic configurations of period 2 and 3 elements

The pattern in electronic configuration of period 2 and period 3 elements are shown in the
table below.

Element Electronic Element Electronic

(Period 2) configuration (Period 3) configuration
Li [He]2s1 Na [Ne]3s1
Be [He]2s2 Mg [Ne]3s2
B [He]2s22p1 Al [Ne]3s23p1
C [He]2s22p2 Si [Ne]3s23p2
N [He]2s22p3 P [Ne]3s23p3
O [He]2s22p4 S [Ne]3s23p4
F [He]2s22p5 Cl [Ne]3s23p5
Ne [He]2s22p6 Ar [Ne]3s23p6
AQA A-Level Chemistry 5.3.1 Transition elements

N. Electronic configuration of d-block elements

Transition element is a d-block element that forms one or more stable ions with an
incomplete d sub-shell. The electronic configuration of d block elements of period 4 is
given in the table below.

Element Atomic number Electronic configuration

Scandium (Sc) 21 [Ar]3d14s2

Titanium (Ti) 22 [Ar]3d24s2
Vanadium (V) 23 [Ar]3d34s2
Chromium (Cr) 24 [Ar]3d54s1
Manganese (Mn) 25 [Ar]3d54s2
Iron (Fe) 26 [Ar]3d64s2
Cobalt (Co) 27 [Ar]3d74s2
Nickel (Ni) 28 [Ar]3d84s2
Copper (Cu) 29 [Ar]3d104s1
Zinc (Zn) 30 [Ar]3d104s2
AQA A-Level Chemistry 3.1.1 Atomic structure

O. Periodic trends in ionisation energy

First ionisation energy of an element is the energy required to remove one electron from
each atom in one mole of atoms of the element in its gaseous state to form gaseous 1+
Factors that affect the ionisation energy are:
• Size of nuclear charge
Across the period towards right, the number of protons and electrons increases and the
force of attraction between nucleus and electrons increases. Hence, more energy is
required to remove electron from the outermost shell. Ionisation energy increases with
increase in atomic number.
• Distance of valence electrons from the nucleus
As the distance of valence electrons increases from the nucleus, the force of attraction
gets weaker and hence, ionisation energy decreases.
• Shielding of inner electrons
As the number of filled electron shells between the valence electrons and the nucleus
increases, the ionisation energy decreases. The inner electrons reduce the force of
attraction as they repel the valence electrons.
The ionisation energies decrease down the group because the valence electrons are
shielded by the filled orbitals. The distance between the valence electrons and nucleus
also increases down the group, making it easy to remove valence electron.
The ionisation energy of elements of period 3 are given in the table below. This trend is
also applicable for period First
2. ionisation
Period 3 element
energy (kJ/mol)
sodium (Na) 494

magnesium (Mg) 736

aluminium (Al) 577

silicon (Si) 786

phosphorus (P) 1060

sulfur (S) 1000

chlorine (Cl) 1260

argon (Ar) 1520

Figure 13: Periodic trends in ionisation
AQA A-Level Chemistry 3.1.1 Atomic structure

Generally, the first ionisation energy across the period increases towards right due to
increase in atomic number. There are small dips across the period between Magnesium
and Aluminium, and between Phosphorous and Sulphur. These dips are also found in
period 2 between Beryllium and Boron, and Nitrogen and Oxygen.
Aluminium has one electron in its 3p orbital. It requires less energy to remove one
electron from p-shell when compared to that of Magnesium. This is due to shielding of
valence electrons in 3p orbital by electrons in 3s orbital. In case of Mg, the shielding is
comparatively less.
Sulphur has 2 pair of electrons in 3p orbital. There is a force of repulsion between these
paired electrons which reduces the force of attraction between valence electrons and
nucleus (spin-repulsing theory). Hence, the ionisation energy of Sulphur is less than

Second ionisation energy is the energy required to remove one electron from each atom
in one mole of atoms of single positively charged ions in gaseous state to form gaseous
2+ ions.
The ionisation energies of group 2 elements are given below. The ionisation energy
decreases down the group because of:
• Increase in the size of the atom
• Decrease in force of attraction between nucleus and valence electrons
• Increase in shielding effect of filled inner shells
Successive ionisation energy is always greater than the 1st ionisation energy.

1st ionisation energy 2nd ionisation energy

(kJ/mol) (kJ/mol)
Beryllium (Be) 900 1760
Magnesium (Mg) 736 1450
Calcium (Ca) 590 1150
Strontium (Sr) 548 1060
Barium (Ba) 502 966
AQA A-Level Chemistry 3.1.1 Atomic structure

P. Predicting electronic structure using successive ionisation energy

Successive ionisation energy is the energy required to remove electrons from a positive
ion. The successive energies are always greater than the first ionisation energy. A
positive ion is smaller than the atom and hence, the force of attraction between nucleus
and the valence electron increases.
Successive ionisation energies are used to predict the number of electrons in each shell
of an atom and the group of an element.
Example: Consider the graph that shows the log10 ionisation energy versus the number
of electrons removed of an element given below,

Figure 14: log10 ionisation energy

i. What group does this element belong to?
ii. Why is there a sudden increase between the ionisation of 11th and the 10th

i. The ionisation energy for the first two electrons is relatively lower than removing
the third electron. Thus, this element must have two electrons in its outermost
shell. The first two electrons have shielding effect due to the filled shells. Once the
second electron is removed, the size of the atom has reduced significantly which
leads to increase in force of attraction. That is why it is difficult to remove the third
electron. It can be concluded that this is a group 2 element.
ii. As this element belongs to group 2. The outermost shell contains 2 electrons. The
next shell contains 8 electrons. The innermost shell contains 2 electrons. Once the
10 electrons are removed, the shielding effect and force of attraction increases
significantly. Hence, ionisation energy to remove the 11th electron increases too.

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