by Talon
as a character sheet specifically created to handle your D6
INTRODUCTION Marvel Superhero character. So dust off those 6-siders,
In the early days of roleplaying there was load up your web-shooters and polish your adamantium
AD&D and then there was… well, AD&D. But in 1984, claws, because it’s time to return to the Marvel Universe!
that changed with the release of TSR’s innovative new Excelsior!
game, Marvel Superheroes. Needless to say, the world’s
Marvelites were more than a little excited. Here was their
chance to take their characters out of the dungeons and
The following is a summary of the rules presented
into the gritty streets of the Marvel Universe, where they
in West End Games’ D6 Adventure handbook (2004
could become heroes like Spider-Man, Doctor Strange or
edition) with a few adjustments to the system to make it
even the ever-popular Wolverine.
more appropriate to the Marvel universe setting as well as
But as it turned out, the system, for many, was less
to recall aspects of the original TSR Marvel Superheroes
than exciting. Reviews were, but sales dropped off, even
RPG. It is, by no means, comprehensive, and, except where
after the release of an advanced set and a Second Edition
noted here, the D6 Adventure book should be considered
a few years later. Eventually, TSR was forced to drop its
the definitive source for rules regarding the D6 System.
Marvel Superheroes line, consigning it to the doom of
The Marvel Superheroes D6 Roleplaying Game may be
retailers’ discount boxes.
played without the D6 Adventure handbook, but I don’t
But that hasn’t stopped us Marvelites. Despite the
recommend it. Like all RPGs, the D6 System is a complex
fact that the “MSH” Roleplaying Game has something of a
set of detailed gaming rules. Repeating them all here would
cult following among gamers, some Marvelites have gone
be impractical.
searching for alternatives to the failed game system, and
Also, please note that this virtual book was
there are many choices… HERO, GURPS, even the ever-
written and produced by a fan of both D6 and Marvel
present d20. While any of these may be excellent choices
Comics for non-profit
for a game set in the
entertainment only.
Marvel Universe,
As such, we would
still others are still
like to make it known
looking… searching
that no one associated
for that perfect
with the creation of
system to replace the
this manual intends
old MSH game.
the inclusion of
W e l l ,
copyrighted material
search no more,
to represent a claim
true believer, for
to those copyrights.
West End Games’
The d6 System is the
D6 System is back!
registered copyright
The D6 System
of Purgatory
is a reworking of
Publishing and
WEG’s popular Star
all characters and
Wars Roleplaying
artwork shown herein
Game, originally
are the registered
introduced in 1987,
copyrights of the
and possesses just
Marvel Entertainment
the flexibility needed
Group. We thank
to adapt the original
both West End
TSR Marvel game.
Games and Marvel
Now, with the 2004
Comics for their
release of the newest
(however unwitting)
D6 games from
contributions to this
the new, improved
West End Games,
T h i s
the Marvel Universe
publication may NOT
is primed for a
be sold in any form,
virtual or physical.
Within these
pages, you’ll find the process for setting up your own D6
Marvel Superheroes campaign, rules for creating characters
2 with amazing super-powers and special abilities as well
second roll is also a six, it is added and the wild die is rolled
THE MARVEL yet again. This will continue until a number other than six
is rolled.
As the name implies, the D6 RPG System utilizes
If, on the first roll of the wild die, the result is a
one, then the die must be rolled again, this time by itself. If
but one type of die: the standard ordinary d6, making it a the new roll is a 1-5, then a mishap occurs, and you subtract
rather simple game to learn and play. Here is a basic review not only the wild die from your total, but the next highest
of the rules. For a more detailed lesson on how to play die as well. If the second roll is a six, then a complication
the game, it is suggested that your purchase a copy of West has occurred. This means that not only do you lose the two
End’s D6 Adventure, D6Fantasy or D6 Space rulebooks, dice just as you would have with a mishap, but the GM
which are currently available at a game retailer near you. gets to make up some horrible, but nonlethal, fate for you.
Perhaps your web-shooter jams at just the wrong moment.
THE GAME Whoops! Should have packed more fluid!
Like most other roleplaying systems, D6 is a game The wild die is rolled for all rolls, including
that requires a minimum of two people to play, one being damage rolls. If your roll is but 1D, then that die is wild.
the Gamemaster (GM), who’s in charge of telling the story And, that’s basically it. More rules regarding
and playing the NPC’s (non-player characters) and the other Karma Points, Character Points and Popularity will be
being a player who controls one or more player-characters discussed in the character creation section.
As with almost every other RPG system in
The dice determine what your character can and existence, the first step in a Marvel Superheroes D6 game is
cannot do. When faced with a situation where there is a character creation. Using West End Game’s highly adaptive
chance your character might fail, the GM will call for a D6 RPG, you too can be a hero in the Marvel Universe. All
roll to determine success, and you roll the number of D6’s you have to do is follow these simple guidelines.
as determined by your character’s appropriate skill and/or
attribute number. The numbers represent the number of
dice rolled and are measured on a specific scale. ATTRIBUTES
Each die can be broken up into three pips. These There are 7 attributes associated with the Marvel
pips can be added to other pips in the form of pluses. Thus, Superheroes D6 Roleplaying Game. They are:
the die-scale reads as follows: 1D, 1D+1, 1D+2, 2D, 2D+1,
2D+2, 3D, 3D+1, etc… FIGHTING
For example, let’s say your hero, the mutant The fighting attribute represents your hero’s basic
swashbuckler, Nightcrawler, has a Acrobatics skill of 8D+1. abilities. All combative skills are based on this attribute.
That means in order to pull off that daring maneuver, he
rolls 8d6 and adds one to the total. AGILITY
This roll is compared to a difficulty set by the GM.
The agility attribute is the measure of your hero’s
basic coordination and includes things like aiming, dodging
D6 Difficulty chart and web-slinging.
Level of Difficulty Number Range
Very Easy 1-5
Strength measures your hero’s physical strength.
Easy 6-10 It is this attribute that will determine how much he can lift
and how much damage his punch does.
Moderate 11-15
Difficult 16-20 ENDURANCE
Very Difficult 21-25 The endurance attribute determines how much
physical damage your hero can take before crying uncle.
Heroic 26-30
Legendary 31+ REASON
Reason is raw brainpower and intelligence. This
THE WILD DIE attribute determines if your hero is a brain or a brute.
When you roll your dice to perform an action, or
a “feat” as it was called in the original Marvel game, make INTUITION
sure one die is a different color or otherwise distinguishable Intuition is a combination of wisdom, wits and
from the rest. This die is the wild die. If, when rolled, this battle-savvy. Skills involving perception fall under this
result is a six, the six is added to the total and the wild die attribute.
is rolled again, adding the new number to the total. If the 3
Psyche is your character’s willpower or force of
will and is used in mental attacks or magic.
Look familiar? That’s because the attributes for Brawling (basic forms unarmed combat)
the Marvel Superheroes D6 Roleplaying Game are exactly -Advanced: Martial Arts (specific forms of
the same as the abilities in the original Marvel Superheroes unarmed combat; for every 3D allocated to Martial
RPG, that is, “FASERIP.” Since he D6 system is a skill- Arts, gain a +1 to unarmed attack damage verses any
based game, the application of these abilities has changed, opponent who does not also possess this skill)
but the basic attributes have remained. Cool, huh? Energy Weapons (firing energy weapons like laser or
So what does on do with these attributes? Well, plasma rifles)
read on, Marvelite, and you’ll soon learn… Melee Weapons (fighting with melee weapons such
as swords or clubs)
Missile Weapons (firing projectile weapons such as
STARTING DICE pistols or rifles)
The first step in creating your hero is to determine Throwing (attacking with thrown weapons, like a
his attribute ratings. Your hero has 21D to allocate among rock or grenade)
his attributes (as determined by the following formula: #
of Attributes x 3 = starting attribute dice). Most humans AGILITY SKILLS
have an attribute range of 1D-5D, so you may not raise any Acrobatics (tumbling, twirling, balancing)
attribute past 5D (before applying super-powers, of course). Boating (the operation of water-vehicles)
Remember, your attribute dice may be split up into Contortion (twisting the body as to escape from
pips if you wish them to be. bonds)
Dodge (Avoiding danger such as
SKILL DICE from attacks or a booby trap)
Just as with attributes, Driving (the operation of land-
you have a starting number of dice vehicles)
to allocate to skills. This number Flying (maneuvering through the air
will be determined by the GM, under one’s own power)
but is generally seven for starting Hide (concealing yourself or objects
characters. Established heroes like from sight)
Spider-Man and Captain America Jumping (leaping over obstacles or
will have a lot more than that. A over distances)
base-level character may not begin Lockpicking (opening mechanical
with more than 3D is any single skill. locks or disabling small traps)
You may allocate your Piloting (the operation of air
starting skill dice as you see fit, as vehicles)
long as you remember that each skill -Advanced: Astronautics (the
must relate to one of your attributes. operation of space-vehicles)
Remember that these dice may also Riding (controlling and riding
be split into pips. A complete skill list domesticated mounts)
can be found below. You may invent Sleight-of-Hand (nimbleness of
specialized skills like “web-slinging” fingers in use of pick-pocketing,
if your character-concept calls for stage-magic, etc.)
such, provided your GM approves. Sneak (moving in such a way as to
Also, your super-powers, should your remain unseen and/or unheard)
character possess them, may have need of a specific skill
related to their use. Discuss this option with your GM. STRENGTH SKILLS
Additionally, some skills have Advanced Skills Climbing (scaling various surfaces)
attached to them. Advanced Skills are a type of skill- Lifting (moving heavy objects; extra damage to STR-
specialization that requires special training and possible based weapons)
years of study to learn. To allocate dice to an Advanced Swimming (moving through liquid)
Skill, you must first allocate a number of pips into its parent
skill equal to twice the number of pips in the skill’s parent
Attribute, rounded down. For example, a character has a ENDURANCE SKILLS
Reason of 3D+1 (7 pips). In order to allocate any dice into Running (moving across the ground on your own two
the Surgery skill, the character must first allocate 6D+2 (14 feet)
pips) into First Aid. Generally, Advanced Skills may only Stamina (physical endurance and resistance to pain,
4 be used to perform extremely specific actions. fatigue, etc.)
Power [specific super-power] (the ability to use your
REASON SKILLS powers efficiently)
Business (the understanding and implementation of
Willpower (ability to withstand, pain, temptation,
business practices)
mental attacks or other people’s attempts to manipulate
Demolition (using corrosives and explosives to
you through persuasion, charm or intimidation)
achieve a specific effect)
Forgery (creating and notice false documents in
Language [specific language] (understanding a Along with skill dice, your hero also receives three
foreign language, both written and spoken) free specializations. Specializations are sort of like “sub-
First Aid (administering medicinal aid for minor skills” that further specialize a specific skill. For instance,
injuries, diseases, etc.) Captain America has the Throwing skill. He is further
-Advanced: Surgery (performing complicated specialized under that in “shield-throwing.”
medical procedures) For each specialization, the character gains an
Navigation (charting a course using fixed references additional die above that of the skill code involved. Thus,
such as stars or maps) if Cap’s Throwing skill is 5D+1, his shield throwing skill
Scholar [specific field of study] (represents education is 6D+1, a full die higher. After the initial allocation of
in a specific field of study such as mathematics, dice, however, the relationship between the specialization
science, history or mechanics) and its parent skill ends, and the specialization is considered
Security (installing, or bypassing electronic security a separate skill from then on for the purposes of character
systems) advancement. However, it is impossible for a skill to rise
Tech (operating or designing technical equipment higher than its specialization. The specialization must be
such as computers) raised first.
Condition DMG ≥ Endurance Roll by: Effect
Stunned 1-3 -1D this & next round
Wounded 4-8 -1D to all actions, lose next action
4-8** -2D to all actions, lose next action
-3D to all actions, roll Stamina (15) to remain
Incapacitated 9-12
conscious, lose next action
Unconscious and dying. Roll endurance every
Mortally round. Character dies when roll is less than #
Wounded of minutes unconcious.
**A character becomes Severely Wounded if the difference is between 4 and 8 and he is already Wounded. 7
HEALING merchandise. See the chart below to see how your hero
Natural healing occurs at the following rate: compares.
Popularity is awarded by the GM at the end of an
Stunned: 1 minute adventure, based on your character’s actions. The amount
is totally up to him/her, but, unless it was fairly grand
Wounded/severely wounded: 3 days
(like single handedly saving the world from Galactus), it
Incapacitated: 2 weeks generally won’t be very much. Fame is a slow thing to
Mortally Wounded: 5 weeks build, after all.
Popularity directly effects game play by modifying
After the required amount of time has passed, the certain die-rolls. In any situation where the GM feels that
character may make an Endurance roll in order to heal one the character’s Popularity would affect the outcome, the
wound-level. Wound penalties do not count for this roll. player applies a modifier of +/-1 per 5 points of Popularity.
Application of the first-aid skill allows for a second roll. Fame gives a positive modifier and infamy, a negative
For the results of this roll, see the “Wounds Healing” chart modifier. The total of a character’s fame and infamy scores
on Page 65 of D6 Adventure. equals his Popularity rating.
Each power has a Power Point number listed with
Your character’s Resources score represents his
it. This number represents the cost of a single Rank in that
power. The number of ranks equals the overall potency of
general wealth and his ability to purchase equipment he the power in all numerical effects. This includes damage,
may need in his heroic activities. To better represent the range, distances, area of effect, etc. Any combination of
availability of real-world funds, Marvel Superheroes D6 powers is possible, but, to keep with the spirit of Marvel
uses an arbitrary system to represent your character’s ability Comics’ characters, it is recommended that your character’s
to access funds. All characters start with 3D Resources powers be related to each-other in some way, usually tied
score that is then modified by the following chart. to the character’s theme (notice how Spider-Man has all
After character creation, your Resources can spider-based powers. His theme is “spiders” and his powers
be raised by spending Character Points at a cost of 10 x reflect that). Generally, once your character’s powers have
number before the “D”. There is no limit on how high your been purchased, they’re set and cannot be changed, but, as
Resources can be raised. an optional rule, your GM may allow you to purchase new
To determine if you can afford to buy a particular powers with Character Points. These new powers cost 10
item, roll your Resources score verses the item’s Price x the normal cost of the power. For example, the power,
Difficulty. Success indicates that you are able to purchase Teleportation, has a base cost of 3 Power Points at character
the item. If the price is lower than your Resources score, creation or 30 Character Points after game-play has begun.
then no roll is required. Powers purchased after character creation must have GM
For more information of Resources and equipment approval and usually some in-game reason for manifesting,
prices, see chapter 14 of the D6 Adventure rulebook (note a reason usually tied to the character’s Origin (see below).
that in D6 Adventure, “Resources” is synonymous with Below is a list of example super-powers and
“Funds”). their base cost. This is, by no means, a comprehensive
list. Players are encouraged to be creative when selecting
STARTING RESOURCE MODS their character’s powers. If you want a character with a
power that isn’t on the list, speak to the GM. Assuming he
Characteristic Modifier approves of the power, he will assign it a base cost.
1D in Psyche Full descriptions of most of these powers can
be found in chapter 2 of West End Games’ D6 Adventure
1D in Reason -1D rulebook.
4D+ in Psyche +1D
Accelerated Healing (“Healing Factor”) (3)
8D+ in Business skill + highest Animal Control (2)
specialization +1D
Armor-Defeating Attack (2)
Atmospheric Tolerance (2)
Attack Resistance (2)
Attribute Scramble (4)
Blur (3)
SUPER”) Combat Sense (3)
Most heroes in the Marvel Universe have some Confusion (4)
sort of super power or other natural (or unnatural) ability Darkness (3)
that makes them unique among humans. However, the Elasticity (1)
possession of these powers is not a prerequisite for a Marvel Enhanced Sense (3)
Superheroes D6 character. Some heroes, such as Nick Fury Environmental Resistance (1)
or the Punisher (hero such as he is…) get along quite well Extra Body Part (0)
without them. Fast Reactions (3)
Most players, however, will opt to create a
Fear (2)
character who posses abilities outside the human norm.
Flight (6)
These powers are purchased with Power Points that are
Glider Wings (3)
only available to the character at character creation (unless
your GM says otherwise). These have no use after the game Hardiness (1)
has begun and any Power Points remaining after character Hypermovement (1)
creation are lost. So, while it’s not required, it is highly Immortality (7)
recommended that you spend them all. Immunity (1)
Your GM will decide exactly how many Power Increased Attribute (2)
Points your character begins with, determined by the basic Infravision/Ultravision (1)
level or power he wants his campaign to have. Generally, a Intangibility (5)
starting hero is given 15 Power Points from which to draw Invisibility (2)
his powers. Iron Will (2) 9
Longevity (3) Powers may be modified by the application of
Luck, Good (2), Great (3) Enhancements. Each Enhancement raises the base cost of
Master of Disguise (3) the power it’s being applied to by the number listed in the
Multiple Abilities (1) parenthesis.
Natural Armor (3) The following is a list of example Enhancements.
Natural Melee Weapon (2)
Natural Magic (1) Additional Effect (1)
Natural Ranged Weapon (3) Extended Range (3)
Paralyzing Touch (4) Magically Empowered (4; 1 per additional rank)
Omnivorous (2) Multiple Targets (2)
Possession, Limited (8), Full (10)
Power Cosmic (15)
Quick Study (3)
Sense of Direction (2)
The costs of powers can be lowered by the
Shapeshifting (3) application of Limitations to the powers. These represent
Silence (3) disadvantages or other limitations placed on the power’s
Skill Bonus (1) use. To apply Limitations to your powers, lower the power’s
Skill Minimum (4) base cost by the number in the parenthesis.
Teleportation (3) The following is a list of example Limitations:
Transmutation (5)
Uncanny Aptitude (3) Ability Loss (3; 1 per additional rank)
Ventriloquism (3) Allergy (3; 1 per additional rank)
Wall-Crawling (3) Burn-Out (1)
Water Breathing (2) Cybernetics (0)
Youthful Appearance (1) Debt (3)
Flaw (1)
Minor Stigma (3)
Others Only (2; 1 per additional rank)
Price (1)
Restricted (1)
Side Effect (2)
Singularity (1 per Power)
Super-Science (2)
When creating a Marvel Superheroes D6
character with super powers, one of the most important
things to consider is the origin of those powers. Here is a
list of the original Marvel Superheroes origins choices and
a character example of each:
One of the most unique things about West End’s
original Masterbook System, the precursor to the generic
D6 System, was the incorporation of the Masterdeck, a
deck of 108 cards that could be used to enhance game play.
Officially, the D6 System does not use the cards; however,
West End does give the following rules for adding this
element to the game:
“....You can convert any card that gives a bonus
to an action (Formula: Masterbook Value/3 Quotient and
remainder; the quotient becomes the die code and the
remainder the number of pips). For example, the double-
cross card gives a +6 bonus to any action that directly
betrays the rest of the party. Using the formula, the +6
becomes a +2D (6/3 = 2 remainder 0).
Plot cards can be used as normal. For example,
the common ground card allows a character to establish
‘common ground’ with an otherwise alien or unknown
Treat any life points as [Karma] points. The word
‘hand’ replaces the word ‘pool’ throughout.”
On the GM’s side, the cards can be used to
determine initiative. At the beginning of each round, the
GM flips a card and reads off the initiative stated there,
either heroes or villains. On the heroes’ turn, the characters
take their actions in the order of highest agility.
Without the cards, initiative is determined by
opposed agility rolls.
Codename: Spider-Man SUPER-POWERS (145 PPS)
Real Name: Peter Parker Power (cost-per rank/# ranks)............................................................................................Effect
Identity: Secret
Cobat (“Spider”) Sense (3/1)...................................Cannot be surprised; always roll intitiative
Origin: Altered Human
Group Affiliation: The Environmental Resistance (heights) (1/4)..........................................+12D to resist vertigo
New Avengers Fast Reactions (3/3)............................................+3D initiative; 1 extra action 3x adventure
Base of Opperations: New Hardiness (1/5)...................................................................................+5 to Resistance Total
York City Increased Attribute: Fighting (2/15)...............................................................+5D Fighting
Increased Attribute: Strength (2/15)....................................................................+5D Strength
ATTRIBUTES Increased Attribute: Agility (2/19)....................................................................+7D Agility
Agility..............10D Increased Attribute: Endurance (2/10).....................................................+3D+1 Endurance
Strength.............8D Wall-Crawling (3/1)..........................................................................Can stick to any surface
Reason...............4D ADVANTAGES (RANK)
Intuition...............3D Employed [freelance photographer, high-school science teacher; +2 Resources] (2)
Contacts [Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic-Four, Daredevil, Dr.Strange] (3)
SKILLS Equipment [web-shooters: 1000’ range, STR 10D webbing] (2)
Brawling.....................12D Equipment [spider-tracers: one mile range; +10D tracking] (1)
Missile Wpns.............7D+1
-Webshooters.........16D+1 DISADVANTAGES (RANK)
Acrobatics....................18D Bad Luck [GM option] (2)
Contortion......................9D Enemy [J. Jonah Jameson (editor of the Daily Bugle)] (1)
Dodge.......................12D+1 Enemy [Norman Osborn (The Green
Jumping........................10D Goblin/Iron Patriot)] (3)
Sneak.............................9D Dependant [May Parker (el-
derly aunt)] (1)
Wanted [Unregistered Super-
human] (1)
Stamina..........................8D Resistance Total: 23 (6D+6)
First-Aid........................5D Karma: 25
Scholar [physics]...........8D Bad Karma: 0
Scholar [chemistry].........9D Character Points: 44
Scholoar [biology] .........5D Popularity: 16 (Fame 6/Infamy 10)
Artist.........................3D+2 Resources: 8D+2
Investigation..................5D HISTORY
Peter Parker was a teenage “science-whiz”
who was bitten by a radioactive spider while
Mechanics.....................4D on a school field-trip and given super “spider-
Perception................6D powers.” After his Uncle Ben was killed by
Search...................4D+2 a thief he allowed to escape, Peter vowed
Streetwise.............5D+1 to use his abilities for good as Spider-
Man. In the years since, he has made many
enemies, including the maniacal Green
Charm......................4D Goblin and the editor of The Daily Bugle, J.
Intimidation......3D+2 Jonah Jameson. He is currently a freelance
Wi l l p o w e r. . . . . . . . . 5 D + 1 photographer for the paper, Front Line and is
a member of the outlaw New Avengers. 13
Codename: Wolverine SUPER-POWERS (150 PPS)
Real Name: James Power (cost-per rank/# ranks)............................................................................................Effect
“Logan” Howlett Healing Factor (3/10)......+10 natural healing checks: no crit-failure;
Identity: Secret
healing times accelerated (minutes = rounds, hours = minutes, days = hours)
Origin: Altered Mutant
Group Affiliation: X-Men, Armor-Defeating Attack (2/10)..........Claws ignore up to +10 Resistance from armor
New Avengers, X-Force Attack Resistance (disease) (2/5).....................................+5D Endurance to resist disease
Base of Opperations: Enhanced Sense (Smell) (3/5)...............................................+15 to Tracking and I.D. by scent
N.Y.C., San Francisco, Hardiness (1/4)............................................................+4 to Resistance Total
“Utopia,” Madripoor Increased Attribute: Fighting (2/9).....................................................................+3D Fighting
ATTRIBUTES Increased Attribute: Endurance (2/15)..........................................................+8D Endurance
Fighting...................8D Longevity (3/1)............................................................................Ages slower baseline humans
Agility..............3D Natural Melee Weapons (2/10)..........................+10 Strength damage with adamantium claws
Contacts [New Avengers, X-Men, Nick Fury, Elektra] (3)
Contacts [Dept H, Madripoor, Yakuza] (2)
Equipment [unbreakable, adamantium-
SKILLS laced skeleton] (3)
Brawling.....................14D Culture [samurai] (1)
Melee Weapons.............18D DISADVANTAGES (RANK)
-Claws.........................20D Enemy [Sabertooth] (3)
Missile Weapons...........10D Enemy [Lady Deathstrike] (2)
Acrobatics......................5D Feral [When Mortally Wounded, must
Dodge........................8D make a Willpower roll, Diff = 10+dmg
Hide......................4D rolled or enter an animal frenzy; attack
Jumping.........................4D everyone, ignore wound-penalties] (4)
Piloting...................5D Wanted [Unregisterd Superhuman] (1)
Resistance Total: 32 (10D+4)
Karma: 22
Bad Karma: 2
Character Points: 40
Stamina.........................18D Popularity: 14 (Fame 5/Infamy 9)
Language [Japanese].......4D Resources: 10D
Language [French]......3D+1
Scholar [history].........4D+2
Born in the late 1800’s, James
Scholar [physics]........3D+1 Howlett was a weak, sickly
Scholoar [cultures] ......4D+1 child until his mutant healing-factor
-Japanese..................5D+1 manifested. Adopting the name, “Logan,”
Con............................4D became an agent of Dept. H. Later that
Investigation..................5D same organization “recruited” him into the
Know-How...............6D Weapon X program, lacing his bones and
Perception................7D claws with unbreakable adamantium. Soon
Search...................4D+2 after, he escaped and joined the X-Men
Streetwise.............8D+1 under the codename, “Wolverine.” He has
Survival..................10D spent many years in Japan learning the ways
Tracking..............10D (+15) of the samurai and was briefly married to
Intimidation..............8D the Hydra warlord and ruler of Madripoor,
Persuasion...............4D Viper. Is currently a member of both the
14 Willpower..............10D X-Men and the outlaw New Avengers.
Talon Dunning
This PDF was created for entertainment purposes only, out of fondness for the original material.
It may not be sold or profited from in any way.
All images and characters are copyright © Marvel Entertainment Group
The D6 System, D6 logo and Masterbook copyright © West End Games
Marvel Superhereos Roleplaying Game originally published by TSR, Inc, © Wizards of the Coast
Star Wars © Lucasfilm LTD.
(DEC 2009)