Ncert Solutions Class 12 Physics Chapter 2

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Class 12 Physics NCERT Solutions Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance Important Questions

Q 2.1) Two charges 5 x 1o-8 C and -3 x 1o-8 C are the two charges located 16 cm apart from each other. At what point(s) on the line joining
the two charges is the electric potential zero? Take the potential at infinity to be zero.

Soln.: Given,

q, = 5 X 1 o·8 C

q2 = -3 X 10·8 C

The two charges are at a distance, d = 16cm = 0.16m from each other.

As shown in the figure, let us consider a point P over the line joining charges q1 and q2.

Let, distance of the considered point Pfrom q1 be 'r'

Let, point Phas zero electric potential (V).

The electric potential at point Pis the summation of potentials due to charges q1 and q2.

Therefore, V= -1-. '!1..

47rfo r
+ - 1 . q2
41Tfo d-r
•••••••••• (1)


E0 = permittivity of free space.

Putting V = O, in eqn. (1), we get,

1 q2 'fl_ (-3x10-8)
- 47l"E0 • d-r r 0.16-r

5(0.16 - r) = 3r

0.8 = Sr

r = 0.1m = 1 O cm.

Therefore, at a distance of 1 O cm from the positive charge the potential is zero between the two charges.

Let us assume a point Pat a distance's' from the negative charge be outside the system, having potential zero.

So, for the above condition, potential is given by -

V= 4;,0 • 9;- + ... 2)

4;,0 • s�d ························ (


E0 = permittivity of free space.

For V = 0, eqn. (2) can be written as :

1 5x10-8 (-3x10-8)
O=-l_ 'll_+ 1 q2 q2 !/.!_
47fE0 • s 47ff0 • s-d 4ire0 • s-d s s s-0.16

S(s - 0.16) = 3s

0.8 = 2s

S = 0.4 m = 40 cm.

Therefore, at a distance of 40 cm from the positive charge outside the system of charges, the potential is zero.

Q 2.2) A regular hexagon of side 1 O cm has a charge 5 µC at each of its vertices. Calculate the potential at the centre of the hexagon.


The figure shows, regular hexagon containing charges q, at each of its vertices.

E -- 1 q - 9x109 xl.6x10-7 -44
. x104 Nc-1
i 41r<o ·J:I - ((1.8xlo)-2) 2 -

So, from the centre of sphere the electric field at a point 18 cm away is4.4x104 Nc- 1 .

Q 2.5) A parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates has a capacitance of SpF (1 pF = 10- 12 F. What will be the capacitance if the
distance between the plates is reduced by half, and the space between them is filled with a substance of dielectric constant 6?

Soln.: Given,

Capacitance, C = 8pF.
In first case the parallel plates are at a distance 'd' and is filled with air.
Air has dielectric constant, k = 1

Capacitance, C = kx,dx.A = • ;.A 0

. . eq(1)

A = area of each plate

E0 = permittivity of free space.

Now, if the distance between the parallel plates is reduced to half, then d1 = d/2
Given, dielectric constant of the substance, k1 = 6
Hence, the capacitance of the capacitor,

Taking ratios of eqns. (1) and (2), we get,

C1 = 2 X 6 C = 12 C = 12 X 8 pF = 96pF.
Hence, capacitance between the plates is 96pF.

Q 2.6) Three capacitors connected in series have capacitance of 9pF each.

(1) What is the total capacitance of the combination?

(2) What is the potential difference across each capacitor if the combination is connected to a 120 V supply?


(1) Given,
The capacitance of the three capacitors, C = 9 pF
Equivalent capacitance (ceq) is the capacitance of the combination of the capacitors given by

½ = Ceq = 3 pF

Therefore, the total capacitance = 3pF.

(2) Given, supply voltage, V = 1oov

The potential difference (V1) across the capacitors will be equal to one - third of the supply voltage.

Therefore V = .!'.'.. = 120 =40V

' 3 3

Hence, the potential difference across each capacitor is40V.

Q 2.7) Three capacitors of capacitances 2 pF, 3 pF and 4 pF are connected in parallel.

(1) What is the total capacitance of the combination?

(2) Determine the charge on each capacitor if the combination is connected to a 100 V supply.
New charge, q 7 = c 7 v= 106 x 100 pc= 1.06 x 10-8 C
Potential across the plates remains 100 V.
(b) Dielectric constant, k=6

Initial capacitance, c = 1.771 x 10- 1 1 F

New capacitance, c 1 = kC = 6 x 1.771 x 10- 11 F = 106 pF

If supply voltage is removed, then there will be constant amount of charge
in the plates.
Charge= 1.771 x 1o-9 c
Potential across the plates is given by,

V1 = q/C1 = l.77lxl0-
106x 10-12

=16.7 V

Q 2.10) A 12pF capacitor is connected to a 50V battery. How much electrostatic energy is stored in the capacitor?
Soln.: Given,

Capacitance of the capacitor, c=12pF=12x1 o·72 F

Potential difference, V = 50 V
Electrostatic energy stored in the capacitor is given by the relation,

E= l CV2 = l x12x10·7 2x(50) 2 J=1 5x10·8J

2 2

Therefore, the electrostatic energy stored in the capacitor is 1.5x1o-8J.

was disconnected.

Q 2.11) A 600pF capacitor is charged by a 200V supply. It is then disconnected from the supply and is connected to another uncharged
600 pF capacitor. How much electrostatic energy is lost in the process?

Soln.: Given,

Capacitance, C= 600pF
Potential difference, V = 200v
Electrostatic energy stored in the capacitor is given by :

E, = ½ CV = ½ X (600x10·7 )x(200) J = 1.2x ,0-5J

2 2 2

Acc. to the question, the source is disconnected to the 600pF and connected to another capacitor of 600pF, then equivalent capacitance
(Ceq) of the combination is given by,

2 1
600 300

Ceq = 300pF
New electrostatic energy can be calculated by:

Loss in electrostatic energy,

E= E1 - E2
E = 1.2 X ,o-S - 0.6 X ,o·S J = 0.6 X 1o·5 J = 6 X ,o·6 J

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