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Economic viability assessment of floating photovoltaic energy

Article · January 2018

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1 author:

Michele Barbuscia
Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia


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Economic viability assessment of floating photovoltaic energy
Michele Barbuscia
[email protected]

Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

November 2017

Solar photovoltaic is one of the most well-established forms of renewable energy, currently showing signs of a
significant level of maturity. Its production prices in 2016 reached for the first time the level of those of onshore
wind, and, in most countries, are permanently lower than those of conventional energies. Furthermore, there is
evidence that, in the next ten years, the global weighted average installed cost of utility-scale solar photovoltaics
(PV) could fall by around 60%.
As it is a very modular technology, systems may range from very small scales up to utility-scale power generation
facilities, allowing for a wide scope of applications.
The exhaustion of global terrestrial resources and the need to avoid the occupation of large farmlands with
ground-based solar plants has encouraged the search for alternative solutions. Such is the case of floating
photovoltaic energy systems, which recently started attracting the attention of both the research community and
utilities. Until a few years ago, this type of solution, which has the potential to improve PV systems efficiency while,
at the same time, addressing the space usage issues, was hardly regarded as economically viable.
The work consists in a breakdown of solar photovoltaic technology and economics, in the study of economic
viability of different floating PV configurations, and in a simulation of a floating PV system on a Portuguese dam. For
this purpose, a simulation model has been designed to compute the levelized cost of energy and to carry on sensitivity
analyses on the most cost-influencing aspects of the power plant.

Keywords: Floating photovoltaics, FPV, Renewable Energy, Sustainability

lower temperatures, resulting in higher efficiencies.

1. Introduction Efficiency gains are around 10% for modules installed
In the next years, solar photovoltaic is expected to on plastic floating structures or pontoons, and may be
keep on its path toward higher competitiveness, even higher if the modules are submerged.
driven by continued technological improvements,
competitive pressures and economies of scale. For Different is the case of installations on dams,
many reasons, such as conventional ground-mounted where capital costs rise considerably due to the
PV’s high land-use and efficiency gains due to the tougher environmental conditions, requiring more
proximity of the water, in the last few years both resistant structures and mooring lines, preliminary
privates and public entities have been looking at environmental surveys (compulsory when installing a
floating photovoltaics (FPV) as an interesting solution. power plant in a delicate natural environment such a
lake), and the higher distance among the components
Floating photovoltaic is already a reality for of the system (namely between the floating plant and
small size water tanks and artificial lakes, where the electrical plant), which increases cabling capital
environmental conditions are favorable, which means costs as well as losses during operation. On the other
that there is no need of mooring lines to the bottom hand, installations on dams could take advantage of
of the basin and cheap mounting structures can be some savings related to the presence of the
used. Here, the slightly higher capital costs, mainly hydropower plant, e.g. by using its transmission line,
due to the floating mounting structures, and offices, boat/ROV for O&M procedures,
operational and maintenance costs, which have to be measurement and monitoring system. Another
done by boat, are balanced by the efficiency gain important advantage of installations on dams, still to
principally resulting from the lower working be exhaustively investigated, is the possibility of
temperature. In fact, it has been demonstrated that coupling PV and hydroelectric energy sources. This
PV models installed on floating structure work at could represent a good local solution for the

renewable energy integration issue, creating a multi-
energy-sources plant, much more reliable and
predictable than renewables on their own. The
objective of this work is the development of a
simulation of a FPV plant on a Portuguese dam, done
with a simulation model that has been designed for
the purpose. It results in a LCOE estimation around
240 €/MWh for medium size PV plants floating on
dams (~260kWp), which is still a very high value, if
compared to both conventional energy sources and
renewable energies. Many factors are expected to
reduce the cost of energy, among them economy of
scale is the most important.

2. Photovoltaic Technology
Figure 1: characteristic curve of a PV cell
Solar photovoltaics (PV) is today one of the most
widely deployed solar electric technologies in the Solar cell technologies are typically named
world. Solar cells operate near ambient temperature, according to their primary light-absorbing material.
with no moving parts, and they enable generation at Crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar cells constituted
any scale: a 10-square-meter (m2) PV array is in approximately 90% of global module production
theory no less efficient per unit area than a 10-square- capacity in 2014 and are the most mature of all PV
kilometer (km2) array. technologies. C-Si solar cells are divided into two
A solar PV array consists of one or more categories: single-crystalline (sc-Si) and
electrically connected PV modules, each containing multicrystalline (mc-Si), with respective market
many individual solar cells, integrated with balance- shares of approximately 35% and 55% in 2014 [4]. The
of-system (BoS) hardware components, such as remaining 10% of the modules production capacity is
combiner boxes, inverters, transformers, racking, covered by the so-called thin-film cells, which can be
wiring and enclosures. In a grid-connected system, produced with different materials. Among them, the
combiners, inverters, and transformers convert the most well-established in the market are cadmium
low-voltage direct current (DC) output of many telluride (CdTe), copper indium gallium diselenide
individual PV modules into high-voltage alternating (CIGS), and hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H),
current (AC) power that is fed into the grid. and present better specific light-absorption, which
The operation of a PV cell is described by its permits the production of thick and light cells, but low
characteristic curve (Figure 1), whose main average efficiencies (in the range of 12%–15%,
parameters are: compared to 15%–21% for c-Si).
• Short Circuit Current (ISC) – This is the Although solar PV technology is already mature
maximum current that the cell can provide, and competitive with most energy sources, both
and it occurs when the cells is short circuited. renewable and conventional, it is plausible to expect
Unlike other small-scale electricity a further innovation under various aspects:
generating systems PV cells are not harmed • Power conversion efficiency (% or W/m2)
by being shorted out. • Low material usage (g/m3 or g/W)
• Open circuit Current (VOC) – This is the • Low manufacturing complexity and cost
maximum voltage that exists between the
cells terminals and is obtained when there is
no load connected across them.
• Maximum Power Point (PMax) – The point on
the I-V curve at which maximum power is
being produced by the cell. PMax occurs on
the ‘knee’ of the I-V curve.
Photovoltaic output power is affected by
temperature and incident irradiation. PV module
short circuit current (Isc) is linearly proportional to the
irradiation, while open circuit voltage (Voc) depends
on temperature.

No single PV technology today excels in all these Module costs
three technical characteristics. A detailed comparison Solar photovoltaics modules have high learning rates
aomong technologies suggests some general (between 18% and 22%) and very rapid deployment. In
observations: 1) c-Si and conventional thin-film are the the last 4 years (from 2012 to 2016) there was an
only two technologies deployed in large-scale; 2) record average 40% growth in cumulative installed capacity
efficiencies for modules are way lower than those of lab every year [9]. This resulted in PV module prices
cells; 3) thin-film technology uses between 10 and 1000 declining by around 80% between the end of 2009 and
times less material than c-Si, reducing cell weight per the end of 2015. At the end of 2015, the weighted
unit area and increasing power output per unit weight; average country level price of a module ranged from
4) all PV technologies on the market today have been 0.52 USD/W in India and China to 0.72 USD/W in Japan.
under development for at least three decades. Inverter costs
The three main inverter categories used in PV power
3. Photovoltaic Economics plants are micro-inverters (capacity in the range of
module’s power), string inverters (capacity up to
The cumulative World’s installed solar PV power
100kW) and central inverters (capacity >100kW). The
capacity increased by 29% per year in the period 2000-
most used are central inverters, especially in utility-scale
2015, reaching 229 GW by the end of 2015 [8]. At the
systems. Recently string inverters are gaining interest,
end of 2016 it was already around 320 GW, with a global
but still remain much less used and only in smaller
PV electricity power consumption of 333 TWh (around
systems, like rooftop plants. Micro-inverters may find
1.3% of the planet electricity consumption) [10]. In only
favor for some utility-scale plants in the future, as they
5 years, from 2010 to 2015, the total global PV capacity
have certain advantages, but they are likely to only make
increased over 450% from less than 41 GW. Looking back
a marginal contribution in the utility-scale sector in the
10 years, solar photovoltaics’ development has been
next years. Typical average values on global markets
even more impressive - from 5 GW of total
(without Chinese market that have much lower prices)
commissioned PV capacity at the end of 2005 the market
are: ~0.14 USD/W for central inverter; ~0.18 USD/W for
has grown 45 times in just one decade.
string inverters; -0.38 USD/W for micro-inverters.
The costs related to a photovoltaic power plant are
usually divided in two main categories: Capital
Expenditures (CAPEX) and Operational Expenditures

The costs of installation associated to a traditional
photovoltaic power plant – either rooftop or ground-
mounted – are generally divided in three categories: BoS
(Balance of the System), modules and inverter costs.
Balance of the System
Balance of System costs are the most complicated to
address, as they include a wide range of different Figure 2: average breaksown of CAPEX shares for
components, from hardware to management costs. a ground-mounted PV project
Usually they are divided in three broad categories:
hardware, installation costs, and soft costs. These may Figure 2 shows average shares of capital
be further decomposed in sub-categories. Hardware expenditures for global more mature markets. Modules
costs include cabling, racking and mounting structure, and inverters cover respectively 42% and 13% of the
safety and security system, grid connection, and total CAPEX, while Balance of System is responsible for
monitoring system. Installation costs are all the costs the remaining 45%.
directly associated to the installation of the system,
mechanical and electrical installation and supervision of 3.2 OPEX
the construction. Soft costs are all the costs related to The operational expenditure (OPEX) of PV systems
design of the system, financing costs, permits, support consists mainly of operation and maintenance (O&M)
policies. Estimations of BoS costs for the most developed costs, because there are no fuel costs related to PV
PV markets range from ~500 USD/kW for China and electricity generation. The need for O&M can be very
Germany to over 1600 USD/kW for Japan. different depending on the system size and type.
Historical OPEX data from different countries vary

greatly and it is difficult to find a consensus opinion. In the total cost reduction. For the period of 2015 to 2025,
the past, many European countries had a very high feed- previsions see this trend being inverted, with modules
in tariff (FIT) which allowed high margins in both the contributing about a quarter of the reduction potential.
system CAPEX and OPEX; this is the reason why some
reports have quoted very high OPEX. Over the years, the 4. Floating installations
FITs have been reduced and even terminated in many Examples of PV arrays mounted on floating
countries, which has increased the competition and structures have been proposed and already constructed
reduced OPEX. C. Breyner et al. [12] (2015) set to 20 all over the world. The advantages of this kind of
€/kW/year for plants from residential-scale up to 1 MW solution are numerous.
ground-mounted systems, and 15 €/kW/year for multi-
The first is related to the increasing demand of
watts ground-mounted systems. Similar values are
energy in the agricultural industry as a consequence of
reported by NREL in February 2017 [24]. After analyzing
the modernization plans carried out in the last decades.
a wide range of data from U.S. plants, namely from 0
Although water efficiency has improved in the
USD/kW/year to 110 USD/kW/year, it reports average
agricultural section due to the installation of more
values of 20 USD/kW/year for residential plants and 16.7
efficient irrigation systems, electrical power demand has
USD/kW/year for utility-scale plants. Another way to
increased substantially. The whole energetic system
express O&M costs is per unit of energy generated, A.
(and market) has drastically changed in the last
Luque et al. [5] (2011) indicate as a common energy
years/decades. While a few decades ago the main
basis rule of thumb for larger grid-tied PV systems that
preoccupation was that electricity could reach
the O&M costs run in the range of 1-3 USD cents per
everybody, today due to many factors, such as the
kWh of energy generated. Off-grid systems are typically
awareness about GHG emissions from fossil fuels, the
more expensive than grid-tied systems to operate and
fear of dangers related to nuclear power, the relentlessly
maintain on a relative basis due to the additional
decreasing availability of carbon, and the increasing
components such as batteries.
need/wish of energetic independence, the community is
looking at renewable energies as the new era energy
3.3 LCOE and future trends
source. Among these reasons, the run toward energetic
In 2015, prices of solar power supply reached record-
independence, together with the land-use problem,
low levels. The most remarkable contract awarded was
have been the most relevant incentive for the
for a 100 MW tender in Dubai (UAE) in early 2015. A
development of floating photovoltaic systems. The
record-low 58.4 USD/MWh bid lead the Dubai Energy
possibility to install photovoltaic systems floating on
and Water Authority (DEWA) to double the original size
irrigation tanks could mean for farmers, who wouldn’t
of the project to 200 MW. In the meantime, several
have land to dedicate to a PV system, to achieve the
lower bids were awarded in different regions and
energy independence, or at least to cover part of their
countries, often without financial incentives. Another
increasing power demand.
milestone was the 48 USD/MWh in Peru in early 2016,
as well as the 36 USD/MWh in Mexico, but everything Another advantage that a floating installation on an
was beaten by the 29.9 USD/MWh price offered in the irrigation tank would have, especially in hot and highly
third round of the Dubai tender. These costs are clearly insulated areas, is the water evaporation rate in these
site-dependent, meaning that they are much lower than agricultural reservoirs. Studies have been carried on in
global average costs, which are around 67 USD/MWh. Spain, Turkey and Australia to estimate the water losses.
In general, total system costs for utility-scale PV are Bengoechea et al. [25] estimated that in Almeria (south
expected to decrease from around 1.8 USD/W in 2015 to of Spain) water losses due to evaporation amounted to
0.8 USD/W in 2025, a reduction of 57% in 10 years. The 17%. Martinez et al. [9] estimated water losses of 60
majority of the decrease in the costs is expected to come hm3 for the Segura Basin (Murcia, Spain), which means
from lower BoS costs. Cost reductions from modules in more than 8% of the available water supply for irrigation
the future will contribute less than in the past to total purposes. Craig et al. [10] suggested that evaporation
installed cost reduction potentials, even with very rapid phenomena in agricultural reservoirs in Queensland
growth in solar PV deployment. Globally, the bulk of the (Australia) were the cause of a total water loss of 1000
global average total PV system cost reduction hm3, i.e. about 40 percent of its total storage capacity.
opportunities in the next decade will therefore come Gökbulak et al. [11] made similar studies from lakes and
from continuous BoS cost reductions. The share of BoS dams in Turkey and estimated potential water savings of
costs between 2009 and 2015 increased from 37% to more than 20%. Covering all the surface of the water
60%. In the same period, module costs declined more basin decreases temperature and sunlight, hence the
rapidly than BoS costs and contributed around 68% of water evaporation. The decrease in temperature and

sunlight on the bed of the reservoir discourages also the Mooring and others
growth of algae. The mooring system is the component of a floating
photovoltaic power plant that depends most on the
4.1 Technical differences nature of the water basin where it is installed. It can be
Floating PV power plants have several differences just a tying system to the margins, as it is the case of
from traditional PV systems, both roof-top and ground- irrigation tanks, which don’t present any environmental
mounted. These are represented by floating structure, disturbing component, such as waves and sensible
mooring system, eventual floating sub-stations and variations of the water level. On the other extreme, it
under-water cabling, all of them depending on the can be as complex as a mooring system for a plant in
nature of the water basin where the plant is installed. open sea, or even more complex, due to the huge water
Floating structures depth variations of dams’ lakes. Dams’ lakes are the
From a state-of-the-art study of floating installations, most challenging location also for other reasons: the
four main types of structures have been recognized: lake’s bed could be very steep, since dams are typically
• Plane unique, composed of cubic (or situated in mountain valleys where a river flows, so the
similar) buoys forming a floating base, on plant must be located in the middle of the lake, in order
whose top one can locate the PV modules; not to touch the sides of the valley when the water level
goes down. Furthermore, if the structures have a tilt
• Modular, each supporting a PV panel;
angle, the orientation of the system must remain
• Tlited resistant, typically composed of
constant, namely true south for installations in Europe.
plastic buoys, on whose top is a metallic
The orientation of the valley/lake hardly is north-south
structure supporting the panels with a tilt
or east-west, so the mooring lines could have very
different lengths and characteristics.
• Semi-submerged, composed of or modules
Being in the middle of the lake also means longer
directly put into the water (usually thin-
under-water cabling. A common configuration for big
film) or floating structures where between
installations is to use a floating sub-station (or more,
the modules and the water there is only a
depending on the dimensions of the plant) with the
thin layer od conducting material (like
inverter(s) on it. The use of floating sub-stations allows
all the DC umbilical cabling, i.e. connecting the PV arrays
Table 1: comparison of types of mounting
among them and to the inverters, remaining outside the
water. This means that it is possible to use normal PV
cables, instead of under-water cables. In case there is
Efficiency Tilt
Structure Applications more than one inverter, AC cables exiting the inverters
Gain Angle
would be connected on one of the sub-stations into one
big cable going to the grid. This has to be an under-water
cable – it would be impossible to take it outside the
water, because of the dimensions of the lake and of
Modular ~10% Yes tanks, small
eventual navigation paths in the lake.
Designing both mooring system and under-water
cable connection to the lake margin, several parameters
Irrigation must be taken into account: the distance of the system
~10% No tanks, small from the margin, the steepness of the valley’s sides, the
lakes lake’s maximum bathymetry variation, the composition
of the lake bed.
Semi- tanks, small
submerged ~10% No 4.2 Economic differences
lakes Also economics for this kind of plants strongly
depends on the dimensions and characteristics of the
water basin where it is installed. Namely, if the water
Submerged All basin is a little artificial lake/irrigation tank, the only
5% - 12% No
panel differences from a traditional ground-mounted plant are
basically the costs of the floating structures, while if it is
All installed on big lakes, it presents a wide range of
Metallic ~10% Yes additional costs that could turn it into non-convenient.
Following are listed the main differences in economics

between the two technologies, divided in the two that requires much more time and an
categories of capital expenditures and operational expensive equipment. Grid connection
expenditures. should not be necessary for installations on
CAPEX dams, as it is available that of the turbines –
CAPEX are the costs that vary the most from ground- this would represent a saving compared
mounted to floating PV plants. Main differences are in: with a classic ground-mounted plant – while
• Preliminary surveys, namely such as solar for installations on private lakes/tanks costs
irradiation measurement, bathymetry and for grid connection must be incurred as in
lake bed surveys, wind and wave survey, ground-mounted systems.
grid connection studies, eventual naval • Installation, which is assumed to be more
traffic survey and environmental impact expensive than for ground-mounted
assessments (EIA). They are assumed system. Installation is expected to last 2-5
essential for a proper system optimization days. Usually the system is mounted on the
of installation on big lakes, and are lake’s shore and gradually put into the
estimated by confidential sources in the water. Once the structure ensemble is
range 20-70 k€ per study. completed it can be located in its working
• Floating components, namely module’s site and fixed to the mooring lines by boat.
mounting strutures and sub-stations for For installations in dams, cables location
inverters and cable connections. Costs vary typically needs a ROV, as they must be
with the type of structures, Confidential positioned under the lake bed, while in little
sources report prices around 100 €/panel lakes can just lay on the lake bed, or even be
for the Ciel et Terre modular structure, 200 taken out of the water in case the floating
€/panel for rigid structure projected for structure cover almost the great majority of
hard environmental conditions (waves up to the basin’s surface. Eventual purchase of
1m high and wind up to 20 knots), while for boats/ROV (remotely operated vehicle)
unique structures the Italian company Otto would take part of CAPEX costs, but,
proposes a model with prices ranging from especially in case of installations on dams,
140 to 160 €/panel. For the semi- they could already be available. If not, a
submerged structure cost can be estimated typical price for a ROV is around 120 k€.
around 50 €/panel, while for submerged Typical CAPEX costs of large-scale ground-mounted
thin-film panels the only cost would be that PV systems have been compared with estimated values
of the floaters under the modules – in order for an installation on a small lake, resulting in an increase
to minimize the layer of water on the panel of only 4%, basically due to the mounting structures.
– and wouldn’t be higher than 10-20 CAPEX costs for installations on dams are exhaustively
€/panel. No literature has been found for studied in the last chapter, through the simulation
floating sub-stations, reasonable costs vary model.
between 200 and 700 € each, depending on OPEX
dimensions and needed resistance to Maintenance procedures required by photovoltaic
environmental factors. systems in little lakes are the same as for traditional
• Mooring system, A confidential source gave ground-mounted plants, with the difference that here
an average price of 60 €/panel for a rigid they must be done by boat. However, costs could not
structure based plant, for the Alto de differ so much, since typically in large-scale ground-
Rabagão dam in Portugal. This is one of the mounted this kind of operations are made with the use
biggest dams in Europe, and presents very of machines designed for this scope. The cost of these
hard conditions, such as bathymetry machines could be even higher than that of a boat, with
variations up to 50 m, winds up to 20 knots the advantage of having onsite water to clean the
and waves up to 1 m height. modules. So, for installations in little lakes OPEX costs
• Cabling. The entire DC system is equal to can be considered almost equal to those of ground-
that of a ground-mounted PV plant. On the mounted systems.
contrary, the AC cable, in particular for What makes the OPEX rise in floating installations on
plants installed on dam’s lakes, must be dams are the mooring line system and the under-water
water-resistant, which increases sensibly its cables, whose operational maintenance requires a
costs, both because of the costs itself of the control with a ROV with a frequency of about twice per
under-water cable and for the installation year, as well as monitoring of power output in case of

coupling with the turbine. Plausible values for OPEX different environments, their conditions are strongly
costs for floating installation on dams are double of the site-related, reason why environmental surveys are
ground-mounted OPEX costs. fundamental in the project development phase of a
floating photovoltaic system. The main challenges that a
5. Feasibility Analysis of installations on dams project developer must take into account are listed
As previously seen, most of the floating PV have been below:
installed on water reservoirs of small dimensions. If we • Wind in Portuguese lakes can reach 20 knots of
move our attention to installations on dam’s lakes, we velocity. It could damage the system in two
need to take into account several more variables during different ways, directly with its pressure on the
the design of the system, among which the most system, especially if the modules are tilted, and
relevant are the bathymetry variation, the incident creating big waves. The wind blowing on the
waves and the wind. Dam’s lakes are usually structure requires stronger supporting
considerably bigger than irrigation reservoirs: they can structures for the panels and tougher mooring
have non-negligible fetch, hence, high wind can lines due to its continuous force applied in one
generate waves capable of damaging the floaters. In direction.
addition, the highly inconstant turbine’s water flow • Waves generated by the wind can reach 1
contributes to make the variations of the lake’s meter height, depending on the length of the
bathymetry unforeseeable, making harder (and more lake and the direction of the wind related to
expensive) the mooring lines design. Another big that of the lake (fetch). When wind is blowing
disadvantage can be the shadowing effect of the in the lake’s longitudinal direction and the lake
mountains surrounding the lake, or of the dam itself, itself is some kilometers long – as most of the
which could represent a relevant production loss. This is dam’s lakes are, particularly in Portugal – it
one of the main reasons why the floating structure could generate high waves. The incident waves,
should be located in the middle of the lake, instead of in the long-term, could seriously damage the
close to the shore, which would significantly facilitate junctures between structures, due to the
the mooring system of the plant. Another reason is relative movements of one structure to the
related to the water depth variations: if the structure other.
was moored close to a shore, it could touch the side of • Current is another relevant factor, especially in
the valley and be damaged when the water level reaches long lakes. When the turbine is generating it
its minimum levels. Furthermore, as dams are usually could reach up to 5 m/s of velocity, and could
situated in mountainous areas, there could be represents a danger for mooring lines, pushing
complications related to the wind blowing on the the structure out of its proper position.
structure. All these are key factors that increase the cost Currents in lakes also depend on the
of the system and could represent the difference characteristics of the lake itself, such as its
between a convenient project and a non-convenient shape, length and steepness of the shores and
one. vary considerably with the measuring spot.
On the other hand, PV on a dam’s lake has several Higher currents are measured in the very
unique benefits, in particular a large and unused space proximity of the dam.
and the presence of a grid transmission line already in • Water depth variations are probably the most
place, as well as environmental and other kind of surveys critical factors for mooring lines costs. Dams
probably already assessed for the previous construction lakes can have up to 5 meters daily and to 50
of the dam and easy licensing due to the existing power meters yearly variations in the water depth.
plant. Depending on many variables, there is also the The daily variations are due to the turbine’s
possibility to couple the photovoltaic and hydropower flow and cannot be precisely foreseen, since
technologies in order for the PV to work as a ‘virtual water flow in the turbine depends on several
storage system’. For the total system’s economics, these variables, mainly on energy demand. Yearly
benefits could represent a fundamental saving, variations are usually gradual and easily
contributing to reduce its cost of energy, which is foreseeable.
inevitably higher than that of large-scale ground- All these factors strongly rest on the lake
mounted PV plants, as it is further explained. characteristics, mainly its shape, its dimensions, the
steepness and morphology of its shores and of the lake
5.1 Environmental challenges bed, as well as on the hydropower plant characteristics,
Dams can present hard environmental conditions for such as height of the dam, number and section of the
floating structures. Since dams can be located in very turbines, which determine their average water flows.

Preliminary surveys are essential to properly design the losses due to external factors covering the
floating system in order to optimize costs and modules (snow, dust…).
performance and minimize operations and maintenance • The project developer can choose between two
interventions during the plants’ lifetime. types of floating mounting structures, the
modular and the rigid structure (both well
5.2 Model construction described in paragraph 3.2), because these are
The model is organized in various sheets, each the only two that have already been tested in
assessing a structural/economic/financial aspect of the lacustrine environments, with waves and
plant. In the following lines it is explained how the model currents. In case there are no structures
has been structured and the main assumptions made for available, the model includes a tool to estimate
the simulation. the cost of construction of floating structures,
Key elements of the model: based on simple shapes and raw material costs.
• Regarding the power plant location and The PV panels disposition on the rigid
relative energy resource, the Portuguese structures is arbitrary, and doesn’t really affect
territory has been divided in nine main areas, neither the energy production nor the costs of
each associated to the solar irradiation of the installation. While for module structures, the
main city in the area. disposition is completely arbitrary and depends
• Values of irradiation are from RETScreen’s on the electrical connection among modules.
database [30], which for Portugal is based on • CAPEX and OPEX sheets list all the costs divided
NASA’s values. The project developer can in categories.
choose the tilt angle, which impacts the total o For CAPEX, categories are:
solar irradiation on the surface. The azimuth project development, which includes
angle is assumed to be constant and equal to project management costs,
the optimum value, which is 0° (true south), preliminary surveys and legal and
because it is assumed that a floating structure financial expenses; system
in the middle of a lake can be freely oriented. manufacturing, including all the main
Also, as mentioned in paragraph 2.4, the components of the system, from PV
influence of little variations of module’s modules to mooring lines; electrical
orientation on the annual energy output is connection equipment, including all
negligible. cabling (DC and AC) and sub-stations;
• For the design of the photovoltaic system, it assembly, installation and
has been chosen to use as support an open- commissioning; monitoring and
source software, PVsyst, which optimizes the miscellaneous equipment.
whole system to work at the maximum power o For OPEX are: management and
point, giving as an output all the operating administrative costs; annual
parameters necessary for the dimensioning of monitoring and maintenance; onsite
the rest of the power plant. These are, for replacement and works; major
example, the optimal number of modules replacement and works onshore;
connected in series per string, which contingencies.
determines the DC voltage, and of strings Once determined all the costs and the technical
connected in parallel, determining the DC characteristics of the plant, the model is able to predict
current, the panel’s efficiency and surface area the annual energy generation, hence to compute the
among the others. PVsyst also allows to choose expected cost of energy, with the formula previously
the inverters and the cabling system, described.
computing electrical losses. Finally, it provides
the Maximum Power point working conditions, 5.2 Simulation and results
namely current and voltage, which are used for The chosen location for the simulation is Alqueva
the cabling optimization. dam, near Évora, a city in central-south Portugal. This is
• System’s losses are addressed in a specific one of the most highly insolated areas of Europe, having
sheet, and include cabling losses, in both DC an average annual solar irradiation on horizontal plane
and AC circuits, shading and weak irradiation of 1.84 MWh/m2 (data from RETScreen software). The
losses, inverter losses, temperature losses and lake has a large part in front of the dam where the plant
can be located and a dockside where boats are parked.
It is assumed that the administration of the hydropower

central already owns a boat for dam maintenance and CAPEX
monitoring, which could be used for installing and As expected CAPEX costs represent the major part of
monitoring the FPV plant. The base-case is a 262 kW, the LCOE, and are divided as follows:
similar to the first floating PV system that EDP (Energia • 28% Project development
de Portugal) installed in the Alto Rabagão dam in • 50% System manufacturing
November 2016. Panels are mounted on rigid structures, • 8% Electrical connection equipment
because the lake is long and tight, hence significant • 11% Assembly, installation and commissioning
waves can be generated. The system is designed to have • 3% Monitoring equipment
a tilt angle of 20°, which is a good compromise between Project development has a high cost due to the
the optimum tilt angle (higher than 30°) and a good price preliminary surveys that have been considered
for the mounting structure. necessary for an installation on a dam. Namely it has
The simulation plant is composed of 1008 260W been assumed a cost of 20 k€ for a lake bed survey, 50
poly-crystalline Yingli modules. They are installed on 36 k€ for environmental and climate (wind and wave)
rigid structures, which means 28 modules per structure. surveys, 50 k€ for a real resource data assessment, 100
The photovoltaic circuit is organized in 72 strings, each k€ for EIA (environmental impact assessment) and grid
composed of 14 modules in series. Every structure has 2 connection studies. In case all these preliminary studies
strings installed on it, organized in 3 rows, two rows of had already been available – e.g. previously done for the
nine modules and one of ten modules. The total surface construction of the dam – the value of project
of each structure is approximately 93 m2. The system development costs would drastically go down. Other
uses 8 string inverters with 30kW of capacity, each development costs are for insurance, project
connected to 9 strings. The system is designed to have a management and construction supervision costs, which
floating sub-station per inverter. Only one sub-station together are assumed to have a cost around 5% of the
has the connection to the under-water cable that construction costs (40 k€ ca.). Avoiding preliminary
connects the floating plant to the shore. It is a sort of surveys, project development costs would reduce from
star configuration, where all the strings are connected 28% to 5% of the total CAPEX.
through their inverters to a central sub-station, from Mounting structures have sensibly higher values
which a unique under-water cable links the system to (more than double) because, as already explained, the
the grid. For simplicity it has been avoided the presence use of rigid structures has been assumed necessary. The
of a transformer, it is assumed that the transformer of value of Power conditioning units and inverters costs is
the hydropower turbine can be used. almost half of those of ground-mounted systems,
The mooring system is composed of 8 lines and because it has been assumed to be only the cost of the
associated anchors. No information has been found on inverters (no batteries are considered). Grid connection
the lake bed nor on water depth variations of the lake. costs have a similar value to that of ground-mounted,
The lake bed has been assumed composed of 70% rock which means that the advantage of having a
and 30% mud, with water level variations of around 30 transmission line is balanced by the higher cost of the
m. From cartography valuations the steepness of the electrical grid in lacustrine locations (floating sub-
lake bed has been assumed low (<10 degs), so stations for the inverters, under-water cables…). Also
deadweight anchors, i.e. the cheapest anchors and the Civil and general works have much higher values than for
easiest to install, can be used. The space in front of the ground-mounted, because of the higher difficulties of
dam is 800 m long and 700 m ca., so the system is installations on water.
thought to be placed at a distance of around 200 m from OPEX
the dam. The under-water cable doesn’t go directly to OPEX costs are divided as follows:
the dam, but to an on-shore substation at a distance of • 69% Management and administrative costs
100 m from the dam. From this sub-station to the • 12% Annual monitoring and maintenance
electrical central of the hydropower plant, a distance of • 17% Onsite replacement and works
150 m have been estimated. • 3% Major replacements and works on-shore.
The simulation results in an energy production of It is assumed a frequency of 6 onsite visual inspection
455.7 MWh/year and a capacity factor of 19.8%. The and module cleaning per year, 4 technical periodic
value of LCOE is 23.88 cUSD/kWh, i.e. 238.8 USD/MWh, maintenance (mainly for structures and inverters) per
which is relevantly higher than both land-based year and 2 under-water visual inspections with ROV per
renewable and conventional energies. It is composed of year.
82% of CAPEX costs and of 18% of OPEX costs.
OPEX total costs are 4.26 cUSD/kWh, almost double
of estimations for ground-mounted, while CAPEX total

costs are 19.15 cUSD/kWh, which is much higher than would have 20’000 modules, the choice of modular
average values for ground-mounted. instead of rigid structures would reduce the cost of
energy of about 20%.
Sensitivity Analyses have been performed on the
parameters with higher influence on the LCOE value: the Location is also a fundamental parameter when
system total capacity, the modules cost, the cost of the designing a PV system, both for ground-mounted and for
floating mounting structures, the plant location. floating systems. A sensitivity analysis performed on the
9 portuguese locations considered in the model
As largely expected, growing system installed confirmed that Évora is in one of the zones with higher
capacity results in a decrease of cost of energy. For solar irradiation in Portugal.
utility-scale (multi-megawatts) plants, LCOE almost
reaches values comparable with those of conventional 6. Conclusions
energy sources, such as conventional combustion The sensitivity analyses carried on with the model
turbines (10.9 cUSD/kWh) and biomass (10.2 highlighted the important role played by the system
cUSD/kWh). capacity on the total cost of energy, which showed an
almost-exponential decreasing trend for growing
capacities, reaching values similar to those of
LCOE on system capacity conventional technologies for multi-Watts scale plants.
In fact, for capacities higher than 2 MW LCOE stabilizes
around 12 cUSD/kWh for systems mounted on rigid
70.00 structures, and under 10 cUSD/kWh for systems
60.00 installed on modular structures. These values are
LCOE ( cUSD/kWh)

50.00 comparable to LCOEs of conventional combustion

40.00 turbines (10.9 cUSD/kWh) and biomass (10.2
cUSD/kWh) plants. Sensitivity analyses have been
carried on also on the choice of the mounting structures,
20.00 between modular and rigid ones, which shows a
10.00 variation growing up to 20% of the LCOE for a 5 MW
0.00 plant. Finally, the location has shown a considerable
weight on the cost of energy, confirming that Alqueva
System capacity (kW) dam is an optimal choice due to the high level of
Figure 3: LCOE, (expressed in cUSD/kWh) on
Recommendations for future work
total system capacity (in kW)
The research undertaken within this work is only the
basic backbone and there are other considerations
Another parameter that strongly influences the LCOE
which will need to be taken into account. Firstly, the
is the floating structures cost. The choice between
simulation model reliability is to be verified with
modular and tilted resistant structures, which are the
experimental values from a real floating system. In fact,
only two considered in the model, with a fixed number
it is based on numerous assumptions, due to lack of
of modules (1008), gives a difference of 11% on the
material available on the issue. Secondly, a thorough
value of LCOE.
investigation should be conducted on all the electrical
connection possibilities, including the opportunity of
Table 2: influence of the choice of the structure on
LCOE coupling solar PV with hydropower energy productions.
Structure Modular Rigid
21.46 23.88

Since the number of floating structures directly

depends on the system capacity, i.e. grows with the
number of modules, the cost of the structure gains
greater influence on the cost of energy with growing
total installed capacity. In a 5.2 MW system, which

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