Integrated Industrial Area DCR (IIA DCR) PDF

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1.1 These provisions shall be called as “Additional Development Control Provisions of the
Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (M.I.D.C.) for Integrated Industrial
Areas and abbreviated as ‘Appendix XI Provisions’.
1.2 In addition to Development Control Regulations of MIDC sanctioned by the State
Government vide Urban Development Department Notification No.TPB-4308 /465 /
CR-64/08/UD-11 dated 31 August, 2009 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal
Regulations) for notified areas under sub-section (1A) of Section 40 of the Maharashtra
Regional & Town Planning Act, 1966 (hereinafter referred to as the Act), the
Appendix-XI Provisions shall also apply to the building activity and development works
for any industrial area which has been declared an integrated industrial area under
Section 43-1B of the Maharashtra Industrial Development Act, 1961.
Where the ’Principal Regulations’ are in conflict with those specifically provided
for in Appendix-XI Provisions, Appendix- XI Provisions shall prevail.

1.3 In the ’Principal Regulations’ of M.I.D.C., wherever the word ‘MIDC’ appears it shall,
with reference to the context of the term, be construed as referring to Special Planning
1.4 Wherever the words “these regulations” appear in the Appendix-XI Provisions, they
shall be construed as referring to both, the Appendix-XI Provisions and, as the context
requires, the ’Principal Regulations’.
1.5 Wherever the words “prescribed form” appear, without any specific context, in the
Appendix-XI Provisions, they shall be construed as referring to annexures in the
Appendix-XI Provisions and, in their absence there, to forms in the ’Principal
Regulations’ as the context requires.
1.6 Part IVA, Regulation number 50 and Appendix-XI Provisions shall come into force from
the date specified in the Government Notification for that purpose and shall replace all
existing building byelaws and Development Control Regulations in force for that area.
1.7 Savings : Notwithstanding anything contained herein, any permission granted or any
action taken under the Regulations in force prior to Appendix-XI Provisions shall be
valid and continue to be so valid, unless otherwise specified.

2.1 General

(a) In these provisions, unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions given
hereunder shall have the meaning indicated against each of them.
(b) Words and expressions which are not defined in these provisions shall, as the context
requires, have the same meaning or sense as defined from time to time in -

(i) the ’Principal Regulations’

(ii) The Maharashtra Industrial Development Act, 1961.

(iii) The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966

(iv) Maharashtra Municipal Councils, Nagar Panchayats and Industrial Townships

Act, 1965 ; or

(v) The National Building Code of India, 2005 (as amended from time to time) or
its latest edition

2.2 Access: - A legal right of way of specified/ adequate width to approach a plot or a

2.3 Act: - shall mean the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 as amended
from time to time.

2.3.1 Amenity" means roads, streets, open spaces, parks recreational grounds, play grounds,
gardens, water supply, electric supply, street lighting, sewerage, drainage, public works
and other utilities, services and conveniences.
2.4 Approved : - means approved by Special Planning Authority.

2.5 Architect : - An Architect who is an associate or corporate member of the Indian Institute
of Architects or who holds a degree or diploma which makes him eligible for such
membership or such qualification listed in Schedule XIV of the Architects Act, 1972, and
duly registered with the Council of Architecture.

2.6 Authority: - A Special Planning Authority or its duly authorised official possessing
appropriate professional qualification and skill to act on behalf of Special Planning
Authority for administering these provisions.

2.7 Balcony :- A Horizontal projection, whether cantilevered or otherwise as shown in the

Figure 1 below, including parapet and handrail balustrade to serve as a passage or sitting
out place with at least one side fully open, except the railing or parapet wall provided for

Figure 1: Balcony

2.8 Building Height: - The vertical distance measured from the average level of the ground
around and contiguous to the building

(i) to the terrace of last livable floor of the building, in the case of flat roofs ;

(ii) to the point where the external surface of the outer wall intersects the finished
surface of the sloping roof; in the case of pitched roofs ; or

(iii) to the mid-point between the eaves level and the ridge, in the case of a gable
facing road.

The average level of the ground shall be that decided by the Authority. Architectural
features serving no other function except that of decoration shall be excluded for the
purpose of measuring heights.

2.9 Builder: - Means a person who is legally empowered to construct or to execute work on a
building unit, building or structure, or where no person is empowered, the owner of the
building unit, building or structure.

2.10 (1) Campus or Campus Planning :-An arrangement for two or more buildings of various
uses ancillary to each other in a land earmarked for specified purpose called campus,
with or without sub-dividing land in the smaller parcels.
2.10 Control Line : - A line on either side of a highway beyond the building line fixed in respect
of such highway by the Highway Authority.

2.11 Density—Residential: - The residential density expressed in terms of number of dwelling

units or tenements per hectare.

2.12 Detached Building : - A building whose walls and roofs are independent of any other
building with specified open space on all sides.

2.13 Developer: - Any entity defined as a ’Developer’ under the Special Economic Zone (SEZ)
Act, 2005 and includes a ‘Co-Developer’.

2.14 Development Plan: - “Development Plan” means a plan for the development of the area
within the jurisdiction of a Planning Authority and includes revision of a development plan.

2.15 Dwelling Unit / Tenement: - means an independent dwelling unit with a kitchen or a
cooking alcove & with a separate sanitary arrangement.

2.16 Escalator - A power driven, inclined & continuous stairway used for raising or lowering

2.17 Group Housing: - An arrangement of two or more residential buildings, for single or
multi-family dwelling units, in a land without subdividing the land in to smaller parcels.

2.18 Ground Level : - The average level of ground in a plot (site).

2.19 High Rise Building : - The Buildings 15 m. or above in height shall be considered as High
Rise Building. However, chimneys, cooling towers, boiler, rooms / lift machine rooms, cold
storage and other non-working areas in case of industrial buildings and water tanks, and
architectural features in respect of other buildings may be permitted as a non-High Rise
buildings, Buildings less than 15 m. including stilt floor / parking floor stand excluded from
the definition of high rise buildings.

2.20 Information Technology Establishment (ITE) : - means an establishment which is in the

business of developing either software or hardware relating to computers or computer

2.21 Integrated Industrial Area : - means an area declared as such by M.I.D.C. under Section
43 -1B of the Maharashtra Industrial Development Act, 1961.

2.22 Layout Open Space: - Shall mean a statutory common open space kept in any layout
exclusive of margins and approaches, at natural ground level of the plot/building unit.

2.23 Lessor : - An entity which has executed a lease in favour of its allottee.

2.24 Lessee / Sublessee/ Licensee : - An allottee in favour of whom a lease or a sublease has
been granted.

2.25 Licensed Engineer / Structural Engineer / Supervisor : - A qualified Engineer /

Structural Engineer / Supervisor licensed by the Special Planning Authority.

2.26 Lift Machine : - Part of the lift equipment comprising the motor(s) and the control gear
therewith, reduction gear (if any), brakes and winding drum or sheave, by which the lift car
is raised or lowered.

2.27 Lift Well: - Unobstructed space within an enclosure provided for the vertical movement of
the lift car(s) and any counter weights, including the lift pit and the space for top clearance.

2.28 Mall : - A large enclosed shopping area with associated uses.

2.29 Marginal Open Space: - An area adjoining a building left open to the sky as per
requirements of Appendix XI Provisions and forming an integral part of a site.

2.30 Means of Access: - This shall include a road /street /vehicular access-way, pathway up to
a plot and to a building within a plot.

2.31 Non-conforming User: - Any lawful use on a site not conforming to the use provisions in
a Development Plan.

2.32 Occupancy or Use of a land or building: - The principal occupancy or use for which a
land or building or a part of a building is used, or intended to be used. For the purposes of
classification of a land or building according to the occupancy, an occupancy shall be
deemed to include subsidiary occupancies which are contingent upon it. Land or buildings
with mixed occupancies are those lands or buildings in which more than one occupancy is

present in different portions of the land or building. The occupancy classification shall
have the meaning given below unless otherwise spelt out in a Development Plan.

(a) Hazardous : - This shall include any land or building or part of a building which is
used for the storage, handling, manufacture or processing of highly combustible or
explosive materials or products which are liable to bum with extreme rapidity and /
or may produce poisonous gases or explosions during storage, handling,
manufacturing or processing, which involve highly corrosive, toxic or noxious
alkalis, acids or other liquids or chemicals producing flames, fumes and explosive
mixtures of dust or which result in the division of matter into fine particles subject
to spontaneous ignition. These are associated with such features as excessive
smoke, noise, vibration, stench, unpleasant or injurious fumes, effluents,
explosives, inflammable material etc. and other hazards to the health or safety of
the community.

(b) Office : - The premises whose sole or principal use is an office or for office
purpose. "Office purposes" shall include the purpose of administration, clerical
work, handling money, telephone/ telegraph/ computer operations and "clerical
work" shall include writing, bookkeeping, sorting papers, typing, filing, duplicating,
drawing of matter for publication and the editorial preparation of matter for

2.33 Owner : - A person who has a legal title to land or building. The term also includes : -

(a) an agent or trustee who receives the rent on behalf of the owner;
(b) an agent or trustee who receives the rent of, or is entrusted with,
or is concerned with any building devoted to religious or charitable
purposes ;
(c) a receiver, executor or administrator or a manager appointed by
any court of competent jurisdiction to have the charge of, or to
exercise the rights of the owner;
(d) a mortgagee in possession; and

(e) a lessee or sub-lessee/ licensee

as the context may require.
2.34 Permission : - A permission or authorisation in writing by the Authority to carry out
development regulated by these provisions.

2.35 Planning Proposal : - Proposals of a Special Planning Authority for development of land
within its jurisdiction. Planning Proposal is synonymous with Development Plan.

2.36 Podium : - A continuous projecting base or pedestal of a building within the permissible
building line.

2.37 Principal Regulations: - The Development Control Regulations of M.I.D.C. sanctioned for
notified areas of M.I.D.C. under Sub Section 1A of Section 40 of the Act vide Urban

Development Department Notification No. TPB/4308/465/CR-64/08/UD-11 Dated

31st August 2009, and as amended so far from time to time.

2.38 Room Height : - The vertical distance measured from the finished floor surface to the
finished ceiling/ slab surface. In the case of pitched roofs, the room height shall be the
average height between bottom of the eaves and bottom of the ridge above finished floor.

2.39 Site- Corner : - The site at the junction of and fronting on two or more intersecting streets.

2.40 Site - Depth of : - The mean horizontal distance between the front and rear boundaries of
a site.

2.41 Site - Double/ Return Frontage : - A site having frontage on two streets other than a
corner plot.

2.42 Site - Interior or Tandem : - A site, an access to which is by a passage from a street
whether such passage forms part of the site or not.

2.43 SEZ means a Special Economic Zone as defined in the ’Principal Regulations’.

2.44 Stilt or Stilt Floor : - Stilt or stilt floor means portion of a building above ground level with
at least two sides open and consisting of structural columns supporting the superstructure
and used for the purpose of parking.

2.45 Storage : - A place where goods are stored.

2.46 Store Room : - A room used as storage space.

2.47 Terrace : - A flat, horizontal, open-to-sky roof with a parapet over the top-most storey of a
building or a part of a building and not of a cantilevered or projected construction.

2.48 To Erect : - To erect means

(a) to erect a new building on any site whether previously built upon or not;

(b) to re-erect any building of which portions above the plinth level have been
pulled down, burnt or destroyed; and

(c) conversion of a building or its part from one occupancy to another.

2.49 Town Planner : - means a person who is a member of the Institute of Town Planners,
India (ITPI) or possesses qualifications and experience that qualifies him to become one.

2.50 Veranda/ Verandah : - A covered area, usually on the ground floor, with at least one side
open to the outside except for a 1 m. high railing/ parapet provided for safety.

2.51 Water Course : - A natural channel or an artificial one formed by draining or diversion of a
natural channel meant for carrying stormwater or wastewater.

(a) Watercourse - Major : - means a watercourse which carries storm water

discharging from a contributing area of not less than 100 hectares, the decision of
Special Planning Authority on the extent of the contributing area being final.

(b) Watercourse, Minor : - means a watercourse which is not a major one.

Note : Wherever there is a conflict between definitions given in the these Provisions and the
definitions given by the National Building Code of India, the understanding of the Special Planning
Authority in the matter shall prevail.


3.1 Criteria for Integrated Industrial Areas : -
(a) Area and Other Requirements : -
For being declared as “Integrated Industrial Area” the any -«½¸ ·²¼«-¬·¿´ ¿®»¿
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(b) Manner of Notification: -
Integrated Industrial Area shall be notified by the M.I.D.C. under Section 43-1B of The
Maharashtra Industrial Development Act, 1961 after receiving a proposal from the
applicant meeting the criteria laid down.
(c) Permissible land-uses: -
(i) At least 60% of the total area notified as “Integrated Industrial Area” shall be
used for industrial development and the remaining area shall be used for the
development of support activities including Residential and Commercial
(ii) Out of the total area earmarked for support activities, not more than one fourth
of such area shall be used for purely commercial /economic activities and the
remaining area shall be used for residential and other non-residential uses like
educational and health facilities, amenity space, public utilities, Gardens/Play
Grounds etc.

(iii) Development permission for commercial, residential and non-residential

activities shall not be given before the development of infrastructure facilities
in the area earmarked for industrial development is completed and at least 1/3
rd of the area earmarked for Industrial development is disposed of.

Provided that phased plan for implementation shall be allowed to be

prepared for larger IIAs having area 80 hectare or more and above provision
shall be applicable for such phase separately.

(d) F.S.I. for Integrated Industrial Area : -

The maximum permissible F.S.I. on the gross area of the notified Integrated Industrial
Area shall vary in accordance with the land use zones indicated in the Regional Plan or
Development Plan wherein the IIAs are situated. Where no such Regional Plan or
Development Plan exists, the IIAs shall be treated as if falling in Agricultural zone. Where
M.I.D.C. is the Special Planning Authority u/s 40 (1A) of the Act for any joint sector
Integrated Industrial Areas with M.I.D.C., the land under such IIA shall be treated, for the
purpose of this provision, as falling under residential/industrial zone irrespective of whether

any Regional Plan or Development Plan exists. The F.S.I. for aforesaid land use zones
shall be as follows: -
i) In residential and industrial zone … … … … … … … … … … 1.00
ii) In agriculture / no development / urbanisable zone … … … … 0.50
Provided that, the F.S.I. in Zones under item (ii) may be allowed to be increased
from 0.5 to 1.0 after payment of premium to the State Government at a rate to be decided
by the State Government but not in any case exceeding 75% of the rate indicated in the
Annual Statement of Rates (A.S.R.) prepared by the Inspector General of Stamps,
Maharashtra State.
Provided further that, floating of FSI shall not be permissible from the area of
Industrial zone to the area of Support Activities or vice versa, but floating of FSI shall be
permitted within the respective areas of Industrial zone and Support Activity zone
(e) Environmental Clearance : -
Environmental clearance shall be obtained by the ’Developer’ and plot holder as per
directions issued by the MoEF Notification No. S.O801(E) dated the 7th July 2004 as
amended from time to time.
(f) Master Plan / Development Plan : -
Draft Development Plan of the entire Integrated Industrial Area shall be prepared after
consulting the Developer by the the Special Planning Authority, which shall submit the
same to the Director of Town Planning, Maharashtra State, Pune for sanction u/s 40 of the
Act. The Special Planning Authority shall follow the required procedure laid down for this
purpose u/s 40 of the Act.
(g) Implementation and Completion of Development of IIA : -
Development of any notified Integrated Industrial Area shall be completed within 10 years
from the date of final sanction by the Special Planning Authority to the layout plan of the
Area prepared by the ’Developer’ matching with the Development Plan.
Provided that, it would be obligatory on the part of the ’Developer’ to provide all
basic infrastructure on at least 75% of the Integrated Industrial Area within 5 years from
the date of sanction of Development Plan; otherwise the declaration of Integrated
Industrial Area shall lapse.
(h) Maintenance of Infrastructure Facilities : -
All the onsite infrastructure in the Integrated Industrial Area shall be provided and
maintained by the ’Developer’ till Industrial Township as contemplated u/s 341F of the
Maharashtra Municipal Councils, Nagar Panchayats and Industrial Townships Act, 1965 is
constituted for such area.
(i) Appeal :
If any question or dispute arises with regard to interpretation of the provisions regarding
Integrated Industrial Areas, the matter shall be referred to the State Government.


4.1 Procedure prescribed in this behalf by the State Government through guidelines shall be
followed by the ’Developer’ and the Special Planning Authority.


5.1 These provisions shall extend to all development, redevelopment, erection and/or
re-erection of a building, change of use etc. as well as to the design, construction or
reconstruction of, and additions and alteration to a building. Further, in addition to
provisions in ‘Principal Regulations’, these provisions shall extend to development work
defined below: -

(a) Part Construction: - Except otherwise specifically stipulated, where the whole or
part of a building is demolished or altered or reconstructed, removed, these
Provisions extend only to the extent of the work involved.

(b) Change of Occupancy / use: - Except otherwise specifically stipulated, where

the occupancy or use of a building is changed, these provisions extend to all parts
of the building affected by the change.

(c) Reconstruction: - The reconstruction in whole or in part of a building which has

ceased to exist due to an accidental fire, natural collapse or demolition and where
the Special Planning Authority has declared a building unsafe and is, therefore, to
be demolished by an order of the Special Planning Authority, reconstruction shall
be allowed subject to the provisions in these clauses.

(a) In the provisions, the use of present tense includes the future tense, the masculine
gender includes the feminine and the neutral, the singular includes the plural and
the plural includes the singular. The word “person” includes a corporation/
company, writing includes printing and typing and "signature’ includes thumb
impression made by a person who cannot write if his name is written near to such
thumb impression.

(b) Whenever sizes and dimensions of rooms and spaces within buildings are
specified, they shall mean clear dimensions unless otherwise specified in these


7.1 No person shall carry out any Development in contravention of the Development Plan or
these Provisions.

7.2 Subject to the provisions contained in section 43 of the Act, no person shall carry out any
development work including development of land by laying out into suitable plots or as a
group housing scheme or erect or re-erect or alter or demolish any building or cause the

same to be done without first obtaining a separate commencement certificate for each
such development work / building from the Authority.

7.3 No temporary construction shall be carried out without obtaining prior approval of the
Authority. Such approval may be granted subject to such conditions as may be deemed
necessary by the Authority.

7.4 Permission not required for certain types of development

No permission shall be necessary for the following works: -

(i) The carrying out of works in compliance with any order or direction made by any
authority under any law for the time being in force.

(ii) The carrying out of work by any authority in exercise of its powers under any law
for the time being in force.

(iii) For the carrying out by the Central or State Government or any local authority of
any works –

(a) required for the maintenance or improvement of highway, road or public street,
being works carried out on land within the boundaries of such highway, road
or public street;

(b) for the purpose of inspecting, repairing or renewing any drains, sewers mains,
pipes, cable, telephone, or other apparatus including the breaking open of any
street, or other land for the purpose.

(iv) for the excavation (including wells) made in the ordinary course of agricultural

(v) for the construction of a road intended to give access to land solely for agricultural

(vi) for normal use of land which has been used temporarily for other purposes;

(vii) in the case of land, normally used for one purpose and occasionally used for any
other purpose, for the use of land for that other purpose on occasions.

(viii) for carrying out works for maintenance, improvement or other alteration of any
building, being works which affect only the interior of the building or which do not
materially affect the external appearance thereof (except in case of heritage
building or heritage precinct).

(ix) for any purpose incidental to the use of a building for human habitation, use of any
other building or land attached to such building.

7.5 Development undertaken on behalf of Government

7.5.1 As per the provisions of Section 58 of the Act, the officer in-charge of the
Government Department shall, at least 30 days in advance, inform in writing to the

Authority of the intention of Government to carry out development, along with

details of such development, construction or operational construction, as specified
below : -

(a) An official letter by the authorized officer of Government Department

addressed to the Authority, giving full particulars of the development work/

(b) Ownership document and measurement plan issued by the Competent

Authority of Land Records Department.

(c) Plans for building / development conforming to the provisions in Development

Plans and these Provisions for the proposed development work drawn to a
specified scale.

(d) A Site Plan of the area proposed to be developed to a specified scale.

(e) Detailed plan showing the plan, sections and elevations of the proposed
development work to a specified scale.

7.5.2 The following operational construction of the Government, whether temporary or

permanent, which is necessary for the operation, maintenance, development or
execution of any of the following services, may be exempted from the provisions
of these provisions: -

(i) Railways ;

(ii) National Highways ;

(iii) National waterways ;

(iv) Airways and Aerodromes ;

(v) Major Ports ;

(vi) Posts and Telegraphs, telephones, wireless broadcasting and other

like forms of communication excluding mobile towers ;

(vii) Regional grid for electricity ;

(viii) Defence Authorities ;

(ix) Any other essential public service as may be notified by the State

All such constructions shall however, conform to the prescribed requirement for
the provision of essential services, water supply connection, drains, etc. to the
satisfaction of the Authority.

7.5.3 The following constructions of the Government Departments, however, do not

come under the purview of operational construction for the purpose of exemption
under Clause No. 7.5.2 -

(i) New residential buildings (other than gate lodges, quarters for limited
essential operational staff and the like), roads and drains in railway
colonies, hospitals, clubs, institutes and schools in case of railways; and
(ii) A new building, new construction or new installation or any extension
thereof, in case of any other services.


8.1 Application : - Every person who intends to carry out development and erect, re-erect or
make alterations in any place in a building or demolish any building, shall make an
application in writing to the Authority of his intention in the prescribed form (See Annexure
A1 or A2) and such application shall be accompanied by the payment receipt of required
scrutiny fee and any other fee/ charges prescribed by the Authority from time to time and
the plans and statements in sufficient copies (See Clause No. 8.1.1), as required under
Clauses 8.2 and 8.3. The plans may be ordinary prints on Ferro paper or any other type
(prints only), one set of plans shall be retained in the office of the Authority for record after
the issue of Commencement Certificate or its refusal. For the sake of scrutiny, the plans
may be submitted in a digital format (soft copy) as may be specified by the Authority from
time to time.
8.1.1 Copies of Plans and Statements : - A minimum of four copies of plans and
statements shall be made available along with the application. In the case of
building schemes, where the clearance is required from other agencies like Fire
Services and other authorities, the number of copies of plans required shall be as
decided by the Authority.
8.2 Information Accompanying Application : - The application shall be accompanied by the
key (location) plan, site plan, sub-division plan, layout plan, building plan, services plans,
specifications and certificate of supervision and ownership title as prescribed below:
8.2.1 Size of drawing sheets, colouring of plans and Dimensions. The sizes of drawing sheets shall be any of those specified in Table 1
Table 1: Drawing Sheet Sizes
Sr. No. Designation Trimmed Size, mm
(1) (2) (3)
1 AO 841 x 1189
2 A1 594 x 841
3 A2 420 x 594
4 A3 297 x 420
5 A4 210 x 297
Note : Submission of plans on sheets larger than A0 size is permissible. Colouring Notations for Plans : - The Plans shall be coloured as

specified in ‘Principal Regulations’. Prints of plans shall be on one side of

Note : - For land development/ sub-division/ layout suitable colouring notations

shall be used which shall be indexed. Dimensions: All dimensions shall be indicated in metric units.

8.2.2 Ownership title and area : - Every application for development permission shall
be accompanied by such of the following documents as may be relevant, for
verifying the ownership and area etc. of the land: -

(a) 7/12 extract or property register card of a date not older than six
months at the date of submission, attested copy of original registered
deed for sale / lease / power of attorney etc. indicating ownership,
whichever is applicable.

(b) A certified copy of the Measurement Plan of the property under

development proposal.

(c) Statement of area of the holding by triangulation method from the

qualified licensed technical person or architect with an affidavit from
the owner about the area in the form prescribed by the Authority.

(d) Any other document prescribed by the Authority.

(e) Wherever a third party interest is created by way of agreement to sale

or mortgage etc., the registered consent of such third party interests.

(f) A certified copy of approved sub-division / amalgamation / layout of


(g) In the case of leased land, the no-objection certificate of the Lessor.

(h) No-objection certificate from the ’ Developer ’.

8.2.3 Key Plan or Location Plan : - A key plan drawn to a scale of not less than
1:10,000 showing the boundary and location of the site with respect to
neighbourhood landmarks.

8.2.4 Site Plan : - A site plan drawn to a scale not smaller than 1:500 and, where the
plot is more than 10 hectares, to a scale not smaller than 1:2500, showing in
addition the following details :

(a) Boundaries of the site along with disposition of contiguous land

belonging to the owner and the position of site in relation to
neighbouring streets ;

(b) The name of the street, if any, from which the building is proposed to
derive access ;

(c) All existing buildings contained in the site with their names (where the
buildings are given names) and their numbers;
(d) The position of the building and of other buildings, if any, which the
applicant intends to erect, upon his land in relation to : -

(i) The boundaries of the site and, in a case where the site has
been partitioned, the boundaries of the portions owned by others;
(ii) All adjacent streets, buildings (with number of storeys and height)
and premises within a distance of 12 m. of the work site and of
the contiguous land (if any) referred to in (a) above.
(e) The means of access from the street to the building and to all other
buildings (if any) which the applicant intends to erect.

(f) The space to be left around the building to secure free circulation of
air, admission of light and access ;

(g) The width of the street (if any) in front and the street (if any) at the
side or rear of the plot/ building ;
(h) The direction of north relative to the plan of the building ;

(i) Any existing physical features, such as wells, tanks, drains, pipelines,
high tension lines, railway lines, trees, etc. ;
(j) The covered area of the whole property and the break-up of the
covered area on each floor of every building ;
(k) A plan indicating parking spaces as required under these provisions;

(l) Overhead electric supply lines including space for electrical

transformer / substation as per requirements of the electricity
distribution company, water supply and drainage lines ;
(m) Such other particulars as may be prescribed by the Authority.
8.2.5 Sub-Division/ Layout Plan :- In the case of development of land, the
sub-division/ layout plan drawn to a scale of not less than 1 : 500, or where land
area exceeds 4 ha, to a scale of not less than 1 : 1000, containing the following :

(a) Scale used and the north direction ;

(b) Location of all proposed and existing roads within the land with their
existing/proposed widths ;

(c) Dimensions of plots ;

(d) Location of drains, sewers, public facilities and services, electricity

lines etc.

(e) Table indicating size, area and use of all plots in the sub-division /
layout plan ;

(f) A statement indicating total area of the site, area utilized under
roads, open spaces, play grounds, recreational open spaces and
designations in the Development Plans like roads, schools, shopping

centres and other public amenities and facilities along with their
percentage with reference to the total area of the site proposed to be
sub-divided / laid out;

(g) In the case of built-up areas where plots are sub-divided, the means
of access to the sub-division from existing streets.

8.2.6. Building Plan : - Wherever specified, building shall be designed to provide

barrier-free environment for physically handicapped persons. The plans of the
buildings with elevations and sections shall be drawn to a scale of 1:100 and shall

(a) include floor plans of all floors together with the covered area clearly indicating
the sizes of rooms and the position and width of staircases, ramps and other
exit ways, lift-wells, lift machine rooms and lift pit details. It shall also include
ground floor plan as well as basement plans and shall indicate the details of
parking spaces, loading and unloading spaces provided around and within
building as also the access ways and the appurtenant open spaces with
projections in dotted lines, distance from any building existing on the plot in
figured dimensions along with accessory buildings ;

(b) show the use or occupancy of all parts of the building ;

(c) show exact location of essential services e.g. WC, sink, bath and the like ;

(d) include sectional drawings of the building showing all sectional details ;

(e) show all street elevations ;

(f) give dimensions of the projected portions beyond the permissible building line;

(g) include terrace plan indicating the drainage and the slopes of the roof,
Rainwater Harvesting System, Solar Energy System where specified ;

(h) give indications of the north direction relative to the plans ; and

(i) give dimensions and details of doors, windows and ventilators ; Building Plans for Multistoreyed and Special Buildings and Mixed

Occupancies : -

For the categories of buildings

(i) multistoreyed buildings which are more than 15m. height ;

(ii) special buildings for uses like educational, assembly, mercantile,

institutional, industrial, storage and hazardous ;

(iii) mixed occupancies having area more than 500 sqm consisting of
any one or more of the occupancies in (ii) above ;

in addition to the items (a) to (i) of Clause No. 8.2.6., following additional
information shall be furnished and / or indicated in their Building Plans : -

(a) access to fire appliances/ vehicles with details of vehicular turning

circle and clear motorable access way around the building ;
(b) size (width) of main and alternate staircases along with balcony
approach, corridor, ventilated lobby approach ;

(c) location and details of lift enclosures ;

(d) location and size of fire lift ;
(e) smoke stop lobby/door, where provided ;

(f) refuse chutes, refuse chambers, service ducts, etc .;

(g) vehicular parking spaces ;
(h) refuge area, if any ;
(i) details of building services :- air-conditioning system with position
of fire dampers, mechanical ventilation system, electrical services,
boilers, gas pipes etc .,
(j) details of exits including provision of ramps, etc. for hospitals and
buildings requiring special fire protection measures,

(k) location of generator, transformer and switch gear room ;

(l) smoke exhauster system, if an y ;
(m) details of fire alarm system network ;

(n) location of centralized control, connecting all fire alarm systems,

built in fire protection arrangements and public address system
(o) location and dimensions of static water storage tank and pump
room along with fire service inlets for mobile pump and water
storage tank ;
(p) location and details of fixed fire protection installations such as
sprinklers, wet risers, hose reels, drenchers, CO2 installation etc.;
(q) location and details of first aid, fire fighting equipments /

(r) All provisions related to Active and Passive Fire Protection

requirements adhering to Part 4 of National Building Code of
India, 2005 i.e. Fire & Life Safety.
(s) Proof Checking of Structural Designs including Construction Process:
The designs should be proof-checked by Proofing consultant
appointed by the applicant. (The design consultant shall be
required to submit all the design calculations and provide all
necessary technical assistance in getting the designs proof
checked). The Proofing Consultant shall also be responsible for
proofing of maintenance of quality in construction process.
8.2.7. Service Plan : - Plans, elevations and sections of water supply, sewage disposal
system and details of building services including rainwater harvesting, solar
energy etc., as required by the Authority, shall be made available on a scale not
less than 1:100 and for layouts at 1:1000.

8.2.8. Specifications - General specification of the proposed construction, giving type

and grade of materials to be used in the form given in Annexure A-1, duly signed
by Licensed Technical Person.

8.2.9. Certificate of Supervision : - A certificate of supervision by (i) the Licensed

Technical Person in the Form no.2 of Appendix IX of the ’Principal Regulations’
and (ii) by Structural Engineer as prescribed in Annexure ‘B’ of these provisions.
In the event of the said licensed technical person ceasing to be employed for the
development work, the further development work shall stand suspended till a new
licensed technical person is appointed.

8.2.10. Scrutiny Fee : - An attested copy of Receipt of payment of Scrutiny Fee. The
Scrutiny Fee and layout /subdivision of land fees shall be as decided by the
Authority from time to time subject to Government orders, if any.

8.2.11. Security Deposit Fee : - For ensuring faithful compliance with these Clauses and
directions given in the sanctioned plan and other terms and conditions, a security
fee shall be charged at rates as specified by the Authority. The same shall be
returned to the owner after the issue of the full occupancy certificate to the

8.2.12 No Objection Certificate :- In the case of certain occupancies requiring

clearance from authorities like Civil Aviation Authority, Railways, Directorate of
Industries, Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, District Magistrate, Inspectorate
of Boilers and Smoke Nuisance, Director of Fire Services etc., the relevant no
objection certificates from these authorities, relevant to the occupancy.

8.2.13. Development Charge : - Before issue of development permission/

commencement certificate, development charge as required under the Act shall
be deposited with the Authority by the plot holder in an Integrated Industrial Area.
The Special Planning Authority shall maintain a Development Fund for
implementing the provisions of section 124J of the Act and share it with the
’Developer’ who is charged with the responsibility of development of infrastructure.
The Special Planning Authority shall retain 10% of the proceeds of the
Development Fund for administrative expenditure.

8.2.14. Premium for Hardship cases : - Premium as may be required to be recovered

under these provisions shall be paid to the Authority before issue of development
permission / commencement certificate.

8.2.15. Certificate of Clearance of Dues to the Authority : -A copy of a Certificate of

Clearance of Dues to the Authority from the competent Department of the Special
Planning Authority for payment of dues up to the date.

8.3. Signing of Plans : - All the plans shall be duly signed by the owner, co-owner, if any, and
the Licensed Technical Personnel or Architect along with name, address and license

8.4 Qualification and Competence of the Licensed Technical Personnel : - Licensed

Technical Personnel other than Architects referred to in Clause 8.3 shall be registered /
licensed by the Authority. Architects and registered Licensed Technical Personnel shall be
competent to plan and carry out various works as given in Annexure "C". The qualification
and procedure for registration and licensing of the Licensed Technical Personnel shall be
as given in Annexure- "C".

8.5 Proofing Consultant: - The person acting as a Proofing consultant shall be a person of
repute in his field.

8.6 Discretionary Powers: - Temporary Constructions and Relaxation for Hardship

8.6.1 General: - In conformity with the intent and spirit of these provisions the Authority,
after obtaining consent of the Chief Planner, M.I.D.C., may : -

(i) decide on matters where it is alleged that there is an error in any order,
decision, determination or reading made by him in the application of these
Provisions ;

(ii) determine and establish the location of zonal boundaries in exceptional cases,
or in cases of doubt or controversy ;

(iii) construe the provisions of these provisions where the street layout actually on
the ground varies from the street layout as shown in the Development Plans ;

(iv) modify the limit of a zone where the boundary line of the zone divides a plot ;

(v) authorise the erection of building or use of premises for a public service
undertaking for public utility purposes only, where he finds such an
authorisation to be reasonably necessary for the public convenience and
welfare even if it is not permitted in any Land Use Classification.

8.6.2 Relaxation for Hardship : - In specific cases, where a clearly demonstrable

hardship is caused, the Authority, after obtaining consent of the Chief Planner
M.I.D.C., may, by a special written permission and after payment of premium,
permit any of the dimensions / provisions prescribed by these Clauses to be
modified, provided the relaxation sought for does not violate the health safety, fire
safety, structural safety and public safety of the inhabitants of the buildings and
the neighbourhood. However, no relaxation from the setback required from the
road boundary or in parking requirements shall be granted under any
circumstances. While granting permission under this Clause, conditions may be

imposed on size, cost or duration of the structure, abrogation of claim of compensation,

payment of deposit and its forfeiture for non-compliance.

8.6.3 Temporary Constructions : - The Authority may grant permission for temporary
construction for a period not exceeding six months at a time and one year in the
aggregate for the construction of the following, viz .:-

i. Structures for protection from rain or for covering of the terraces

during monsoon season only.

ii. Pandals for fairs, ceremonies, religious functions, etc.

iii. Godowns for storage of construction materials within the site during
the period of construction.

iv. Site offices and watchman cabins within the site and only during the
phase of construction.

v. Structures for exhibitions/ circuses, sale of crackers, seasonal goods

etc. subject to approval of the Chief Fire Officer of Special Planning

vi. Within a site for a factory, structures for storage of machinery before
its installation during the period of construction..

vii. Structures for ancillary activities of quarrying operations in conforming


viii. MAFCO stalls, government milk booths and telephone booths.

ix. Transit accommodation for persons to be rehabilitated in a new


x. Structures for labour camp and educational and medical facilities for
the labour camp within the site of the proposed building during the
phase of planning and construction of the proposed building.

xi. Asphalt Mixing / RMC (Ready Mix Concrete) plant in industrial zone
during the period of construction..

xii. Stone quarrying and metal crushing units during the period of

Provided that, items may be added to or deleted from the above list of temporary
constructions with the consent of the Chief Planner of M.I.D.C.

Provided further that, temporary constructions for structures etc. mentioned at (iii),
(iv), (vi), (ix) to (xii) may be permitted to be continued temporarily by the Authority,
but in any case not beyond completion of construction and that structure in (vii)
may be continued on annual renewal basis by the Authority beyond a period of
one year.

8.7 Commencement Certificate: Grant or Refusal to Grant

8 7.1 The Authority may either sanction or refuse the plans or may sanction them with
such modifications or directions as it may deem necessary after having recovered
the necessary charges and thereupon shall communicate its decision in the
prescribed form to the person submitting the application for development.
8.7.2 (i) Special Buildings : The building plans for buildings identified in Clause No. shall also be subject to the scrutiny of the Chief Fire Officer of the Special
Planning Authority, and the Commencement Certificate shall be issued by the
(ii) Subdivision or Layout : In the case of land subdivision or layout, tentative
layout shall be recommended in the form prescribed in Annexure ‘D-1’ for
demarcation at first instance. After having demarcated the layout by the Land
Records Department, the owner shall submit the demarcated layout for final
approval to the Authority. If the demarcated layout is in accordance with the layout
recommended for demarcation or is conforming to these Clauses, the Authority
shall grant final approval in the form in Annexure ‘D-2’. The refusal to land
subdivision or layout shall be communicated in the form in Annexure ‘D-3’.
8 7.3 Deemed Permission : If within sixty (60) days of receipt of the application along
with necessary fees/ deposit under Clauses 8.2.10 and 8.2.11 of these provisions,
the Authority fails to intimate the applicant in writing of its decision, the application
with its plans and statements shall be deemed to have been sanctioned,
Provided that, no approval shall be construed to have authorised any person to do
anything on the site of work in contravention with or against the terms of lease or
title to the land.
Provided further that, the development proposal is strictly in conformity with the
requirements of these provisions and byelaws or regulations framed in this behalf
under any other law for the time being in force and the development proposal in
no way violates any provisions of either draft or final Development Plans published
by means of notice, submitted for sanction under the Act.
Provided also that, any development carried out in pursuance of such deemed
permission which is in contravention of the provisions of the above provisos, shall
be deemed to be an unauthorised development under the Act or other relevant
8.7.4 Once the plan has been scrutinised and objections have been pointed out, the
owner submitting application shall modify the plan, comply with the objections
raised and resubmit it. The prints of plans submitted for final approval, shall not
contain superimposed corrections. The authority shall grant or refuse the
commencement certificate within 60 days from the date of resubmission. No new

objections may generally be raised when they are resubmitted after complying
with earlier objections and without inserting new features.

8.8. Commencement of work : - Commencement Certificate/ development permission shall

remain valid for one year from the date of its issue and, if the development has not
commenced during that period, shall have to be renewed for another year. In any case,
however, not more than three such annual renewals shall be permitted. However, there is
no bar to obtain development permission afresh. The application for renewal shall be
made before expiry of one year.

If application for renewal is made after expiry of one year, the Authority may condone the
delay for submission of application for renewal by charging necessary fees.

For the purpose of this Clause, the word "Commencement" shall mean as has been
specified in Table 2 below :-

Table 2 : What is Commencement?

Item No. Item Stage of Work

(a) For a building work including Up to plinth level.
additions and alterations
(b) For construction of bridges and Foundation and work up to the base floor
overhead tanks
(c) For underground works Foundation and work up to base of under
ground floor.
(d) For layout, sub-division and Final demarcation and complete provision
amalgamation of water bound macadam roads

8.9 Provision of Infrastructure: - In the case of land subdivision / group housing scheme, it
shall be the responsibility of the owner to construct all infrastructure including roads, storm
water drains, sewer lines, water supply lines, development of open spaces etc. within his

In the case of land subdivision, these works shall be completed within two years and
building permission shall be granted phase-wise depending upon the percentage of
infrastructure work completed.

In the case of group housing scheme, these works shall be completed before completion
of project.


9.1. Responsibilities of the Applicant : - Applicant shall obtain, where applicable, from the
Authority, permission relating to building, zoning, occupancy, advertisements signs, street,
highways, signage, grades, sewers, water mains, plumbing, gas pipeline, electricity, flying
control surfaces, blasting and all other permissions required in connection with the
carrying out of development

Neither the grant of permission nor approval of the drawing, nor inspection by the Authority
during erection of the building shall in any way relieve the applicant for development of
such building from full responsibility for carrying out work in accordance with these
provisions and safety norms as prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standards.

9.2. The Applicant shall : -

a. At any reasonable time for the purpose of enforcing these provisions, permit
authorized officers of the Special Planning Authority to enter the land for
which the Commencement Certificate has been granted for carrying out
development ;

b. In case of building operations, on completion up to plinth level and fifteen

(15) working days before the commencement of further work, give notice to
the Authority ;

c. Give written notice to the Authority regarding completion of the development

duly signed by the Technical Person ;

d. Obtain Occupancy Certificate from the Authority prior to any occupancy or

use of development so completed ;

e. To ensure conformity with the requirements of these provisions, keep

available for inspection during the carrying out of development and for such
period thereafter, as required by the Authority, the records of the tests which
are made on any material;

f. Keep a copy of the Commencement Certificate pasted in a conspicuous

place on the property in respect of which the permission to develop is
granted ;

g. During carrying out of development, keep a copy of the approved plans on

the premises where the development has been permitted; and

h. The owner shall submit a digital copy (soft copy) of all the as-built plans in a
format as may be required by the Authority before issue of the Occupancy

i. In case of Industrial plants which have been closed down and seeking to
change the use, the applicant has to submit a clearance certificate from the
Labour Commissioner to the effect that the industry has paid all the dues to
the employees.

9.3. Checking of plinth, columns up to plinth level- To enable and ensure that the work
conforms to the sanctioned plans, the applicant, on completion of work up to plinth level,
shall give notice in the prescribed form to the Authority through his licensed surveyor,
engineer, structural engineer or supervisor or his architect, as the case may be. Within
fifteen (15) working days from the receipt of such notice, the Authority may inspect the

work jointly with the licensed technical person or architect and either grant or refuse
permission for further construction in the prescribed form. If within this period, the
permission is not refused it shall be deemed to have been granted, provided the work is
carried out according to the sanctioned plans.

9.4. Deviations during construction: - If during construction of a building any departure of a

substantial nature from the sanctioned plans is intended by way of internal or external
additions which compromise general building requirements, structural stability or fire safety
requirements, sanction of the Authority shall be necessary. A revised plan showing the
deviations shall be submitted and the procedure laid down for the original plans shall apply
to all such amended plans. Any work done in contravention of the sanctioned plans,
without prior approval of the Authority shall be deemed unauthorised.

9.5. Completion Certificate:- The applicant, through his licensed surveyor / engineer /
structural engineer / supervisor or his architect, as the case may be, who has supervised
the construction, shall furnish a building completion certificate to the Authority in the
prescribed form with a request for occupying the completed development. This certificate
shall be accompanied by three sets of plans of the completed development.

9.6 Occupancy Certificate: - The Authority, after inspection of the work and after satisfying
itself that there is no deviation from the sanctioned plans, issue an occupancy certificate in
the prescribed form or refuse to sanction the occupancy certificate in the prescribed form
within 21 days from the date of receipt of the said completion certificate, failing which the
work shall be deemed to have been approved for occupation, provided the construction
conforms to the sanctioned plans. One set of plans, certified by the Authority, shall be
returned to the owner along with an occupancy certificate. Where the occupancy certificate
is refused or rejected, the reasons for refusal or rejection shall be given in intimation of the
rejection or the refusal.

9.7 Part Occupancy Certificate:- When requested by the holder of the development
permission, the Authority may issue a Part Occupancy Certificate for a building or part
thereof, before completion of the entire work, as per development permission, provided
sufficient precautionary measures are taken by the holder to ensure public safety and
health safety.

Provided further that the part of the building for which Occupancy Certificate is applied for
shall be functionally complete and conform to all requirements of these Provisions. This
certificate may be granted by the Authority subject to the condition that the Owner
indemnifies the Authority, on stamp paper of such value as decided by the Authority for
Stamps as per the prescribed proforma.

The Authority shall have the power to carry out inspection of the work under these
Provisions at various stages to ascertain whether the work is proceeding as per the
provisions of Clauses and sanctioned plan.


Provisions of Regulation 13 of ‘Principal Regulations’ shall apply.


(i) Any person who neglects the maintenance of fire protection services and
appliances or neglects to keep lifts in working order or who interferes with or
obstructs any person in the discharge of his duties imposed under these
Provisions shall be proceeded against according to relevant Laws.

(ii) Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of these Clauses / any
requirements or obligations imposed on him by virtue of these provisions shall be
proceeded against according to provisions of the Act and : -

(a) upon conviction shall be punished as stipulated in section 52 of the Act ;

(b) the Authority shall take suitable actions including demolition of unauthorised
works as stipulated under section 53 of the Act;

(c) the Authority shall take suitable action against a Licensed Engineer /
Structural Engineer / Supervisor including cancellation of license and
debarring such Technical Person from further practice / business for a
period as may be decided by the Authority;

(d) the Authority shall request and report, in the case of registered architects, to
the Council of Architecture to take suitable action against the Registered
Architect as per the provisions of Architects Act, 1972.

13.1. No piece of land shall be used as a site for the construction of any building : -

(a) If the Authority considers that the site is insanitary or that it is dangerous to
construct a building on it;

(b) If the location of any building within a site is within a distance of 9 m from the
edge of high water mark of a minor water course (like nallah) and 15 m from
the edge of high water mark of a major water course (like river) shown on
Development Plan or village/city survey map or otherwise,

Provided that where a water course passes through a low lying land
without any well defined banks, the owner of the property may be permitted
by the Authority to restrict or divert the water course to an alignment and
cross section as determined by the Authority;

Provided that in case of major water course, if the Highest Flood Line is
marked, the construction of building is not permitted upto 15.00m. from
Highest Flood line.
Provided further that If any building abutting a channelised nalla, having
width 6.0m or less than 6,00m, the construction of the building is permitted
on marginal distances as prescribed in the regulations.
(c) If the site is not drained properly or is incapable of being well drained ;

(d) lf the owner of the site has not shown, to the satisfaction of the Authority, all
the measures required to safeguard the construction from constantly getting
damp ;

(e) If the site is to be used for assembly uses, e.g. cinemas or theatres or for
public worship, has not been previously approved by the Authority ;

(f) If the site is proposed on any area filled up with carcasses, excreta, filth and
offensive matter, till the production of certificate from the Authority to the effect
that it is safe from health and sanitary point of view ;

(g) If the use of the site is for the purpose, which in the opinion of the Authority
will be a source of annoyance to the health and comfort of the inhabitants of
the neighbourhood ;

(h) If the site has not been approved as a building site by the Authority ;

(j) If the proposed occupancy of the building on the site does not conform to the
land use proposals in the Development Plan or its Regulations ;

(k) If the level of the site is less than the prescribed datum level fixed on the basis
of topography and drainage aspects ;

(m) If it doesn’t derive access from an authorised street/means of access specified

in these Provisions ;

(n) If it is within the river/lake boundary and blue flood line of the river (prohibitive
zon ) ;

(p) If the site is within the boundary of Coastal Regulation Zone-1 ;

(q) If the site is not developable by virtue of restrictions imposed under any law or
guidelines of any government department; and

(r) If the site is hilly and having a gradient of more than 1:5.
13.2 Distance of site from Electric Lines: - The No objection Certificate by Maharashtra State
Electric Distribution Company in respect of distance of site from electric lines shall be
submitted by the Developer/ Land Owner.

14.0 Means of Access

14.1 Every plot / building whether existing or proposed, shall have a means of access as
required under these Provisions.

14.2 Every person who erects a building shall not, at any time, erect or cause or permit to erect
or re-erect any building which, in any way, encroaches upon or diminishes the area set
apart as a means of access.

14.3 Width of Means of Access: -

14.3.1 Plots shall normally abut on a public means of access like street / road.

Plots which do not abut on a public means of access like street / road shall abut /
front on a means of access, the width and other requirements of which shall be as
given in Table 3 for residential use and as given in Table 4 for industrial use.

Table 3: Means of Access for Residential Use

Sr. No. Length of Means of Access in m Width of Means of Access in m

(i) up to 150 9

(ii) 150 to 300 12

(iii) more than 300 15

Table 4: Means of Access for Industrial Use

Length of road Minimum width

Up to 150 m

Above 150 m 20 m (or more as may be required by the projected traffic)

Notes to Table 3 and Table 4 :--

(i) The means of access shall be clear of required marginal open spaces from
the existing building line.

(ii) For all theatres, cinema houses, stadia, assembly halls, educational buildings,
markets and other buildings which attract large crowd, the means of access
shall not be less than 15 m. serving up to a length of 200 m, and for length
greater than 200 m. the width shall not be less than 18 m.

(iii) In no case, the public means of access like street / road giving access to the
layout / subdivision shall be lesser in width than that of the internal access
ways in layout or sub-division.

(iv) In the interest of general development of an area including F.S.I. permitted in

the plots fronting on the means of access, the Authority may require the
means of access to be of larger width (also refer to Clause number 17.7.1).

14.3.2 Pathways : -

a. The approach to buildings from road / street / internal means of access

shall be through paved pathway of width not less than 1.5 m. provided its
length measured from exit way of the building is not more than 20 m. from
the main / internal means of access. If the length is more than 20 m., then
a regular means of access as provided in Table 3 or Table 4, as the case
may be, shall ordinarily be necessary.

b. The length of pathway shall be determined by the distance from the

farthest building to the road / street / internal means of access. The length
of the pathway shall be measured from the point of its origin to the next
wider road on which it meets.

14.4. Maintenance of Means of Access : - Means of access shall be levelled, metalled,

flagged, paved, sewered, drained, channeled, lighted, laid with water supply line and
provided with trees for shade (wherever necessary) to the satisfaction of the Authority, free
of encroachment and shall be maintained in a condition to the satisfaction of the Authority.

14.4.1 If any private street or any other means of access to a building is not constructed
& maintained as specified above, the authority may, by written notice, require the
owner or owners of the several premises fronting or adjoining or abutting the said
street or other means of access or to which access is obtained through such street
or other means of access or which shall benefit by works executed, to carry out
one or more of the aforesaid requirements, in such manner and within such time
as the authority shall direct. If the owner or owners fail to comply with this

direction, the authority may arrange for its execution and recover the expenses
incurred from the owner/ owners.

14.5 Access from the Highways/ important roads: Generally the plot / building along
Highway and important roads shall derive access from Service Road. However, highway
amenities like petrol pump; hotel etc. may derive a direct access from Highways and such
other roads having a width of 30 m. or more subject to the provisions of State Highways
Act, 1965 and National Highway Act 1956.

Provided that in suitable cases, the Special Planning Authority may suspend the operation
of this rule till Service Roads are provided.

14.6 For buildings identified in Clause No. and in the case of buildings for industrial,
institutional, residential and commercial users with area of plot not less than 5,000 sqm,
the following additional provisions of means of access shall be ensured;

(a) The width of the main street on which the building abuts shall not be less than
15 m. and one end of this street shall join another street of width not less than
15 m. in width subject to Clause No.14.3.

(b) The approach to the building and open spaces on all its sides (see Clause No.
17.1) up to 6 m. width and the layout for the same shall be done in
consultation with the Chief Fire Officer or Fire Advisor and the same shall be
of hard surface capable of taking the weight of fire engine, weighing up to
45 tons. Such open space shall be kept free of obstructions and shall be

ø½÷ If there are any bends or curves on the approach road around building, not
less than 9 m width shall be provided at the curve to enable the fire fighting
vehicle & related equipments to turn. The turning radius shall not be less than
9 m.

(d) Main entrances to the plot shall be of adequate width to allow easy access to
the fire engine and in no case it shall measure less than 4.5 m. The entrance
gate shall fold back against the compound wall of the premises, thus leaving
the exterior access way within the plot free for movement of fire service
vehicles. If main entrance at boundary wall is built over, the minimum
headroom clearance shall be 4.5 m.

(e) At every entrance, cross drain of size not less than 900 mm dia. for coastal
region and 450 mm dia. elsewhere or as directed by Special Planning
Authority, shall be provided.


15.1 Layout or Sub-division proposal shall be submitted : -

(i) when more than one building (except for accessory buildings in the case of residential
use) is proposed on any land, the owner of the land shall submit proposal for proper
layout of buildings or sub-division of his entire contiguous holding ; or

(ii) when development and redevelopment of any tract of land which includes division and
sub-division or amalgamation of plots; or

(iii) when a group housing scheme or campus planning of any use is proposed.

15.2 Roads / streets in Land Sub-division or Layout.

15.2.1 The width of roads/ streets/ public or internal access way including pathway shall
conform to provisions of Clause No. 14.3 to 14.6.

15.2.2 In addition to the provisions of Clause No. 14.3 cul-de-sacs (dead-end roads)
giving access to plots and extending normally up to 150 m with a turning space at
the end and maximum up to 275 m with an additional turning space at 150 m will
be allowed only in residential area.

The cul-de-sacs shall be only on straight roads and that cul-de-sac ends shall be
higher in level than the level of starting point.

The turning space shall not be less than 81 sqm in area with no dimension being
less than 9 m.

15.2.3 Intersection of Roads: -

a. At junctions of roads meeting at right angles, the rounding off at the

intersection shall be done, unless otherwise directed by the Authority, with the
tangent length from the point of intersection to the curve being 1/2 the road
width across the direction of tangent as given in Figure 2. The building shall
also be set back at required marginal distance from this rounding off.

Figure 2:
Rounding off
of roads
meeting at 90

Figure 3: Rounding off intersection at skew junctions.

b. For junctions of roads meeting at an angle of less than 60 degrees, the

rounding off or cut off or similar treatment shall have tangent length of U and V
from the intersection point as shown in Figure 3 above. The tangent length at a
skew junction shall be equal to half the width of the road from which the vehicle
enters as shown in Figure 3.

c. The radius for the junction rounding shall not be less than 6 m.

15.2.4 While granting the development permission for land sub-division or group housing
scheme or campus planning, it shall be necessary to coordinate the roads in the
adjoining lands.

15.2.5 Whenever called upon by the Industrial Township (as and when established) to do
so, areas under roads, after their development, shall be handed over to the
Industrial Township. A nominal amount of Re 1/- shall be paid by the Industrial
Township as a compensation amount for such road area. Until such transfer to
Industrial Township occurs, the ’Developer’ shall be solely responsible for carrying
out duties and responsibilities normally carried out in respect of infrastructure by a
municipal authority. Provided that, the power of taxation can obviously not be
available to the ’Developer’ though he may recover user charges for the services
provided from the plot owners/lessees on the basis of covenants, if any, in
lease/conveyance deed.

15.3 Recreational open spaces and Amenity spaces in Residential Zone

15.3.1 Recreational open spaces in Residential Zone: -

(A) In any layout or subdivision of land for any use / zone admeasuring 0.40 ha
or more, 10% of the entire holding area shall be designated as recreational
open space which shall as far as possible be provided in one place. In case
of land admeasuring more than 0.8 ha, recreational open space may be
allowed to be left at different locations provided that the size and other
dimensions conform to the provisions given below.

If a site for an educational purposes is proposed in a residential layout, the

40% area of site is required to be kept open for play ground at one place
according to Clause no. 23.1(g) of this Regulation.

(B) The owner shall have to give an undertaking that the recreational open
space shall be for the common use of all residents or occupants of the
layout/ Building and the same shall be handed over to the society for
operation and maintenanceòÄ

(a) On sanction of the development permission, the common plot shall be

deemed to have vested in the society / association of the residents /
occupants. In case such society or association is to be formed, the
possession / custody of common plot shall remain with the Authority until
such association / society is formed. The recreational open space shall
not be sold to any other person and it shall not be put to any other use
except for the common use of residents / occupants.

(b) If the authority is convinced that there is any misuse of open space, the
authority shall take over the possession of land under recreational open

(C) No permission shall be granted to reduce the size of open spaces in the
existing sanctioned layout / subdivision or to delete them. However, while
revising the layout, such recreational open spaces may be rearranged
with reduction / increase in area with the consent of all the plot / tenement
holders / co-owners. Such revision of recreational open space area shall
ordinarily not be allowed after a period of 4 years from the first sanction.

(D) The open spaces shall be exclusive of areas of accesses / internal roads /
designations, roads and areas for road widening in the Development Plan.

(E) No such recreational open spaces shall admeasure less than 400 sq. m.

(F) Minimum dimensions -The minimum dimensions of such recreational

open spaces shall be not less than 10 m. and if the average width of such
recreational open space is less than 20 m. the length thereof shall not
exceed 2 ½ times the average width.

(G) Such recreational open space shall also be necessary for group housing
scheme or campus planning.

(H) (a) Only one structure can be permitted in the recreational open space for one
or more of the following purposes : -

(i) The structure shall not be more than two storeyed with maximum
15% built up area, out of which 10% built up area shall be allowed
on ground floor and remaining 5% may be permitted on 1 floor.

(ii) The structure may be permitted for the purpose of pavilion or

gymnasia or clubhouse or vipashyana or yoga center or crèche or
kindergarten or library or other structures for the purpose of sports
and recreation activity.

(iii) No detached toilet block shall be permitted.

(iv) An open to sky swimming pool may also be permitted in such a

recreational open space and shall be free of F.S.I.

(b) The structure shall be handed over to the society for operation and
(i) The proposal for the construction of such a structure should come
as a proposal from the society of owners / societies or federation of
societies of owners and shall be meant for the beneficial use of the
owners / members of such society / societies / federation of societies.

(ii) Such structure shall not be used for any purpose other than
recreational activity.

(iii) The remaining area of the recreational open space shall be kept
open to sky and properly accessible to all members as a place of
recreation, garden or a playground.

(iv) The society of owners / societies or federation of societies of

owners shall submit to the Authority a registered undertaking
agreeing to the conditions in (i) to (iii) above while obtaining
permission for the aforesaid construction.

(I) Every plot meant for a recreational open space shall have an independent
means of access, unless it is approachable directly from every building in
the layout.

15.3.2 Amenity Spaces in Residential Zone: - For layouts admeasuring more than two
(2) hectares in area, in addition to 10 percent recreational open space stipulated in
Clause No. 15.3.1, 5% of the total area shall be set apart as amenity space for
provision of amenities such as Nursery School, Sub-Post Office, Police Outpost,
Electric Sub-stations, Garbage Bins etc. as may be directed by the Authority.
These amenities shall be developed by the landowner/ developer and handed
over to the society for operation and maintainance.\

15.4 Recreational open spaces and Amenity spaces in Industrial Areas

15.4.1 Recreational open spaces in Industrial Areas

(a) In any layout or sub-division of land admeasuring more than one (1.0)
hectare, 10% of total area of land so sub-divided shall be designated for
open space, which shall as far as practicable, be located in one central
place. Out of such open spaces, an area to the extent of 5%, may be allowed
to be constructed, only with ground floor structure, for the purpose of
incidental/allied public use, such as pavilion, club house, gymnasium, water
tank, care taker’s room, toilet, store room, crèche, library, and such other
purpose which is incidental to the main purpose for which the open space is
used. Location of such structures shall be in one corner of the open space.
Provided further that minimum width of open space shall be 15 m and area
of open space shall not be less than 750 sqm.

(b) In the case of layouts or sub-division where there is a combination of smaller

(up to one (1.0) ha) and larger plots (more than one (1.0) ha.), the
recreational open space of 10% of the total area, excluding the area under
larger plots, shall be provided. The recreational open spaces within larger
plots shall be provided in accordance with Clause No. 15.4.1 (a) above.
However, where such recreational open space exceeds the stipulated 10%,

the excess space so provided may compensate the requirement of

recreational open space in specified larger plots to that extent.

15.4.2 Amenity Space in Industrial Areas : - In addition to Regulation no. 21.6 of the
‘Principal Regulations’, following may also be permitted in amenity spaces of
industrial areas : -

Transportation Hubs, Transport Terminuses, Petrol Pumps, Motels

fronting on Arterial roads, Hotels & Restaurants

and such other uses as may be permitted by Special Planning Authority.

15.5 Plot area and Plot Width for Various Uses : - Minimum plot areas and their widths for
various uses shall be as given in Table 5 below

Table 5 : Minimum Plot Area, Plot Width for Various Uses

Sr. Uses Minimum Plot Minimum Type of

No. area (in sqm) Width of Development
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. Residential
(i) General Residential (except those in (i) 50 and 4.5 m Row House
2,3 & 4 below) above and
up to 125
(ii) Above 125 8m Semidetached /
but less Detached
than 300
(iii) 300 & 12 m Detached
(ii) Plots in EWS Housing / High Density 25 and above 3.5 m Row House
Housing / Sites and Services / Slum but up to 50
Upgradation / Reconstruction
2. Commercial
(i) Plots for convenience shops 50 to 60 as required --
(ii) Informal shops, stall sites up to 24 as required --
(iii) Petrol Filling station: - --
(a) Without service bay 545 and above 16.75 m Detached
(b) With service bay 1100 and Detached.
30.5 m
3. Other Buildings
(i) Cinema Theatre/ Drama Theatre/ 3 sqm per seat Detached
Assembly Hall/ Multiplex
(ii) Marriage Halls/ like buildings 1500 25 Detached
4. Industrial
(i) Manufacturing Industrial Units 500 and above 18 m Detached.

Sr. Uses Minimum Plot Minimum Type of

No. area (in sqm) Width of Development
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(ii) Service Industries cluster 1000 and as required Detached
(iii) transport offices, individual shops for 200 and above as required Detached
industrial goods and services
(iv) Warehousing 2000 and as required Detached
Note- As far as possible, the plot depth shall be between 1.5 to 2.5 times the width of the
15.6 Relocation of Sites/ proposals in Development Plan: -

If the land proposed to be laid out is affected by any designations for public purposes, the
authority may agree to adjust the location of such designation to suit development without
altering the area of such designation.

Provided that, no such shifting of the designations shall be permitted : -

(a) beyond 200 m of the location in the Development Plan ;

(b) unless the alternative location and size is at least similar to the location and size of
the Development Plan as regards access, levels, etc.

All such relocation of the designations / alignment of roads shall be carried out in
consultation with the Chief Planner, M.I.D.C. and shall be reported by the Authority to the
Director of Town Planning, Government of Maharashtra at the time of sanctioning the
layout of the ’Developer’.

15.7 Other Stipulations:-

(1) In case of development / re-development of any land, building or premises, the

intended use shall conform to the use zones, purpose of designation or allocation,
as the case may be, unless specified otherwise.

(2) Combination of Public Purposes / uses in designated sites: - Where the

’Developer’ proposes to use land / building / premises designated for one specific
public purpose / purposes, partly for different public purpose / purposes, it may do
so in consultation with the Chief Planner, M.I.D.C. Provided that, such partial use
shall not exceed 40% of the designated area and such combination shall not be of
incompatible uses.

(3) Provision of plots / tenements for EWS / LIG:

(i) For subdivision of land admeasuring 2000 sqm or more, provision for following plots
in the layout shall be made-

(a) 20-25% area in the form of 30 to 50 sqm plots for EWS / LIG.

(b) 10% area in the form 50 to 100 sqm plots for MIG.

(ii) In the housing scheme on a land admeasuring 2000 sqm or more, provision for
following tenements shall be made-

(a) 20-25% built up area shall be proposed for tenements having 30 to 40 sq.m.
area each for EWS / LIG and

(b) 10% built up area shall be proposed for tenements having 41 to 60 sqm area
each for MIG.

15.8 Amalgamation of Plots

15.8.1 Amalgamation of plots shall be

permissible if they are contiguous and
form a sizable plot from planning point of

15.8.2 (a) amalgamation of plot having different

tenure shall not be allowed.

(b) The amalgamation of plot which is

not desirable from planning point of
view shall not be permitted (examples
given in Figure 4).
Figure 4: Examples of Undesirable
Amalgamation of Plots

15.9 Structures/uses permitted in recreational open spaces –

(i) In a recreational open space exceeding 400 sq.m. in area (in one piece),
elevated/underground water reservoirs, electric sub-stations, pump houses may be built and
shall not utilise more than 10 per cent of the open space in which they are located.
(ii) In a recreational open space or playground of 1000 sq.m, or more in area (in one piece and
in one place), structures for pavilions, gymnasia, club houses and other structures for the
purpose of sports and recreation activities may be permitted with built-up area not
exceeding 15 per cent of the total recreational open spaces in one place. The area of the
plinth of such a structure shall be restricted to 10 per cent of the area of the total
recreational open space. The height of any such structure which maybe single storey shall
not exceed 8m. A swimming pool may also be permitted in such a recreational open space
and shall be free of FSIò


16.1 The various building uses and occupancies and premises to be permitted in the various
zones are given in Chapter 3 of these Provisions. The Authority may modify the specified
uses given in Chapter 3 of these Provisions with the prior approval of the Director of Town
Planning, Maharashtra State, Pune.

16.2. No building or premises shall be changed or converted to a use which is not in conformity
with the requirements of these Provisions.

16.3. Uses to be in Conformity with the zone: Where the use of buildings or premises is not
specifically designated on the Development Plan, it shall be in conformity with the zone in
which they fall. Any lawful non-conforming use of premises existing prior to the date of
enforcement of these regulations, shall continue up to a period as may be specified in the
Development Plan; provided further that a non-conforming use shall not be extended or
enlarged except as provided in Regulation No. 16.4 and that when a building, containing
non-conforming use is pulled down or has fallen down, the use of the new building shall be
in conformity with these Regulations.

16.4 Non-Conforming Uses:-

Any lawful non-conforming use may be allowed to be continued or expanded as per the
provisions of these regulations applicable to such use except the Hill Top-Hill Slope Zone
of any plan.


17.1 Exterior Open Spaces: -

17.1.1 Provisions for marginal open spaces at the front, rear and sides of a building shall
be as given in Chapter 4 of these regulations.

17.1.2. Buildings Abutting Two or More Streets: - When a Building abuts two or more
streets, the setbacks from the streets shall be such as if the building were fronting
each such street. There shall be no rear for such a building.

17.1.3. Marginal Open Space Requirements: - Minimum marginal open spaces for light
and ventilation to be kept on all sides of a building, except that in the front, shall
not be less than one third (1/3 ) of its height above ground level. The minimum
marginal open space, however, shall also not be less than that indicated in Table

17.1.4. Distance between two buildings: -

If any interior or exterior open space
is intended to be used for the
purpose of light and ventilation by
more than one building in a single
plot, then the width of such open
space shall be the one required for
the tallest building. However, this Figure 5: Distance between two buildings
distance shall be the clear distance
without any projections like balcony etc. (see Figure 5).

17.2 Inner and Outer chowk and Ventilation Shaft

17.2.1. Inner Chowk : - Inner chowks shall be allowed only in buildings constructed on
stilts. The chowk shall be kept accessible at the ground level. However, in row
houses and bungalows, inner chowks may be permitted at the ground level.

ø¿÷ In any case, no dimension of an inner chowk shall be less than 3 m.

(b) If any habitable room abutting an inner chowk is exclusively dependent upon
such chowk for its light and ventilation, the dimensions of the chowk shall not
be less than one-third (1/3 the height of the highest wall abutting such

(c) Inner chowk on which windows of a staircase, bathroom or WC abut shall

have an area at all levels of the chowk, of not less than the square of 1/5th of
the height of the highest wall abutting the chowk.

(d) The whole of one side of every room shall abut on an inner chowk.

17.2.2. Ventilation Shaft: - Where only water closets, bathrooms, bathroom combined
with water closet or toilets are abutting on the interior open space, the size of the
interior open space shall be in line with the provision for ventilation shaft as given
in Regulation No.19.10.4.

17.2.3 Outer chowk: - When any habitable room depends on light and ventilation on an
outer chowk, the minimum width of such an outer chowk (as distinguished from its
depth) shall not be less than 2.4 m. If the depth exceeds the width, the open
space between the wings shall not be less than one-third (1/3 the height of the
highest wall abutting such chowk. A recess less than 2.4 m in width and depth
shall not be treated as an outer chowk.

17.3 Area and Height limitations - The area and height limitations, heights of buildings, floor
space index in plots abutting different road widths shall be as given in Chapter 4 and
Regulation No. 17.5.

17.4 Permissible Structures / Projections in marginal open spaces

17.4.1 The following projections shall be permissible in marginal open spaces:

(a) Projections into open spaces: - Every open space, either interior or exterior,
shall be kept free from any erection thereon and shall be open to the sky and
no cornice, chajja, roof or weather shade more than 0.75 m. deep shall
overhang or project over the such open space so as to reduce the width of
such open space to less than the minimum required. However, sloping chajja
provided over balcony/ gallery etc. may be permitted to project 0.3 m. beyond
balcony projections at an angle not more than 30 degrees to horizontal.

(b) Canopy/ Porch: - An unenclosed canopy over the main entrance, not
exceeding 5m in length along building face and 2.5 m. in width in the form of a

cantilevered projection with a minimum clear headroom of 2.40 m. below the

canopy shall be permissible. The canopy shall not have access from upper
floors (above floors) for using it as a sitting out place. There shall be a
minimum clearance of 1.5 m. between the plot boundaries and the canopy.

(c) Balconies: - Balcony or balconies of a width not less than 1.00 m may be
permitted free of F.S.I. at any floor. The area of balconies attached to a floor
shall not be more than 15% of the built up area of such floor and such balcony
projection shall be subject to the following conditions: -

(i) No balcony shall reduce the marginal open space to less than 2 m.

(ii) No balcony shall be allowed on ground floor so as to reduce minimum

required front setback or marginal open space.

(iii) The width of the balcony will be measured perpendicular to the building
up to the outermost edge of balcony.

(iv) Balconies may be allowed to be enclosed on payment of premium at the

rate of 10% of market value as decided by the Authority. The area taken
for computing premium shall be equal to the built up area of enclosed

(v) Balconies in excess of 15% of built up area shall be calculated in FSI.

(d) A projection of maximum 30 cm at rooftop terrace level may be allowed free of

FSI throughout the periphery of a building. In the case of pitched roof, a
projection of a maximum 45 cm at rooftop level throughout the periphery of the
building shall be permissible.

(e) Accessory buildings: - The following accessory buildings may be permitted

in the marginal open spaces (at least 1.5 m away from adjoining plot
boundaries): -

(i) Parking lock-up garage not exceeding 2.4 m. in height shall be

permissible in the rear corner of the plot of an independent bungalow.

Parking lock-up garage when attached to a main building shall be 7.5 m.

away from the road line and shall be of such construction as will give
fire resistance of 2 hours.

The area of parking lock-up garage shall be taken into account for
calculation of FSI.

(ii) Suction tanks, soak pits, pump room, electric meter room, garbage
shaft, space required for fire hydrants, electrical and water-fittings, water
tanks, dustbins etc.

(iii) One watchman’s cabin / booth, not more than 3 sqm in built up area,
having a width or diameter of at least 1.20 m.

Note: - When a building abuts on three or more roads, the items mentioned
above, except item (iii), shall be permissible in front setback facing the
smaller road or less important road from traffic point of view.

(f) Ramp giving access to a basement shall be allowed subject to a clear

marginal distance of 6.0 m from plot boundary for movement of fire fighting

(g) Fire escape staircase of single flight with a width not less than 1.2 m.

17.4.2 Exclusion of structures / projections from F.S.I./Floor Space calculation

Following structures/ projections are exempted from F.S.I./ Floor Space

calculations: -
(a) Structures / Projections mentioned in regulation 17.4.1 (a) to (g) and
cupboards and shelves mentioned in regulation no.19.5.
(b) Stilt / Multi-storeyed floor space used as parking.
(c) Electrical cabin or sub-station, watchman’s cabin/ booth of not more
than 3.00 sqm in size with a minimum width or diameter of 1.2 m.,
pump house, garbage shaft, space required for location of fire
hydrants, electric fittings and water tanks.
(d) Basement used for storage, meter room, air-conditioning plant, electric
sub-station and parking space (used as accessory to the principal
(e) Areas covered by (i) lofts (ii) meter rooms (iii) porches (iv) canopies
(v) air conditioning plant rooms (vi) electric sub-stations (vii) service
floor of height not exceeding 1.5 m. for hotels with a rating of three or
more stars (viii) office cum letter box room subject to regulation
no. 19.15.
(f) Area of structures for effluent treatment plant.
(g) Areas covered by service ducts, pump rooms, electric sub-stations
and additional amenity of lifts not required by regulations.
(h) Rockery, well and well structures, plant, nursery for plants, water
pool, swimming pool (if uncovered), platform around a tree, fountain,
bench, chabutara with unenclosed sides, ramps, compound wall,
gate, slide / swing, steps outside buildings, working place (open to
sky) for housemaids, roof tanks, fire escape stair cases and refuge
area for high-rise buildings.
(i) Fitness Centre, Crèche, society office cum letterbox room, sanitary
block for servants and lock-up garages each not exceeding 20 sqm in

(j) Area of one public telephone booth and one telephone exchange
(PBX) per building.
(k) Area of one room for installation of telephone concentrators as per
requirement of Telephone Authority but not exceeding 20 sq. m. per
(l) Telecommunication tower, antenna and construction of a room for
allied activities having area up to 20 sqm.
(m) Atrium in shopping malls, hotels of category three stars and above
and public buildings.

(n) Escalators and People-movers provided as per regulations.

17.5 Height of Building

(a) The maximum height of any building shall not exceed 1.5 times the sum of the width
of a road in the front and the width of front open space subject to other restrictions, if
any, and subject to requirements of the Fire Authority; When the height of any
building exceeds 70 m, approval of the Director of Fire Services, Government of
Maharashtra regarding fire safety provisions shall be necessary.

(b) If a building abuts two or more streets of different widths, the height of building shall
be regulated by the width of a wider street and the front margin from that street;

(c) For buildings in the vicinity of airports and Defence Airstrips, the Development Plan
shall indicate the zoning of building heights vetted by the Civil Aviation and /or Air
Port Authorities;

(d) For industrial chimneys coming in the vicinity of airports and Defence Airstrips, they
shall be of such height and character as may be prescribed by Civil or Defence
Aviation Authorities and the Chief Inspector of Steam Boilers and Smoke Nuisance;

(e) Buildings intended for storage of hazardous, inflammable and explosive material
shall be single storeyed structures only.

Note : For the purpose of regulation no. 17.5 (a), the width of the street may be a
prescribed width of the street, shown in Development Plan or a width resulting
from the prescription of a regular line of street under the relevant Act, whichever is

17.6. Height Exemptions : -

The appurtenant structures such as roof tanks and their supports, ventilating and air-
conditioning equipment, lift rooms and similar service equipment, stair cover, chimneys
and parapet walls and architectural features not exceeding 1 m. in height shall not be
included in computation of height of building.

17.7 Floor Space Bank

17.7.1 General: A Development Plan for Integrated Industrial Area prepared by the
Special Planning Authority shall indicate the area to be allocated broadly for industrial
zone and support activities zone in the proportion of 60% : 40%. The F.S.I. for both, the
industrial zone and support activities zone is separately pegged at the level of 1.0 (in the
cases where an Integrated Industrial Area falls in the Agricultural Zone, the F.S.I. has
been pegged at 0.5 magnitude) to be applicable to the gross areas under these zones and
is termed as Global F.S.I. of 1.0 (or, as the case may be, 0.5). The F.S.I. is not
transferable from industrial zone to support activities zone. However, there is no upper
limit for Floor Space to be consumed in a plot subject to other regulations within a given
zone and subject to width of means of access as given below: -

Maximum F.S.I.
Width of Means
of Access (m) Other than

Up to 9.0 Up to 1.0 -
Above 9.0 Up to 1.5 -
Above 15.0 Up to 2.0 Up to 1.5
Above 18.0 Up to 3.0 Up to 2.5

Above 24.0 Above 3.0 Above 2.5

17.7.2 Operation of Floor Space Bank: - A ’Developer’ of any Integrated Industrial Area
shall create a Floor Space Bank for his estate. He may lease/ sell his property by carving
out plots and selling plot areas with a base F.S.I. of 1.0 (or, as the case may be, 0.5) and
additional floor space as per provisions in Regulation 17.7.4 below. The ’Developer’ shall
maintain an account of Floor Space Bank. The Special Planning Authority shall ensure
that Floor Space Bank does not show a negative balance at any time. The ’Developer’
shall keep a joint and separate account of Floor Space sold and plot area sold for every
plot in his estate and the Special Planning Authority shall review the transactions in this
regard from time to time.

17.7.3 Alternative to Floor Space Bank : - As an alternative to the Floor Space Bank,
the owner may opt for showing Floor Space entitlements (a base F.S.I. of 1.0 or, as the
case may be, 0.5) and additional floor space as per provisions in Regulation 17.7.4 below)
on each plot in his sub-division layout. However, overall F.S.I. in respective zones shall not
exceed the limits imposed.

17.7.4 Operation for granting Additional Floor Space : - In the cases arising out of
the Regulations 17.7.2 and 3, additional Floor Space over and above the Base F.S.I. shall
be sold by the ’Developer’ to a plot holder with a prior approval of the Special Planning
Authority. The Special Planning Authority shall recover for administrative expenditure an
amount of 10% of the value of the additional Floor Space so granted at the time of
approval. There shall be no upper limit on the Floor Space used in any buildable plot

subject to other requirements of these Regulations. In no case shall the F.S.I. on plots
fronting on roads 9 m or below be more than 1.0.

17.7.5 Incentive F.S.I. schemes of Government : - The Government, or as the case

may be, the Special Planning Authority, shall not grant any incentive F.S.I./ Floor Space,
whether on payment of premium or otherwise, for any of the uses in the Integrated
Industrial Areas under any of it’s general or special policies / schemes.


18.1. Parking spaces : –

Parking spaces at the scale laid down in these Regulations shall be provided as if the
proposal were for a full consumption of F.S.I. Whenever the existing FSI is enhanced, the
new parking requirements in respect of existing building will be reckoned with reference to
the additional space only and not the whole of building. However, this concession shall not
apply where the use is changed. The provisions for parking of vehicles shall be as given in
Table 6 & Table 7.

18.1.1 General space requirements: -

(i) Types : The parking spaces mentioned below include parking spaces in
basements or on a stilt floor or on upper floors or in an independent building,
covered or uncovered spaces in the plot and / or lock up garages. Mechanized
methods (car lifts) may be permitted.

(ii) Sizes of Parking Stalls : The minimum sizes of parking stalls to be provided
shall be as specified below in Table 6:-

Table 6: Sizes of parking stalls

Type of Vehicle Sizes and areas of parking stalls

(1) (2) (3)

(a) Car / SUV 2.5 m X 5 m

Scooter, Motor
(b) 3.0 sqm (1.2 m x 2.5 m)

(c) Cycle 1.4 sqm (0.7 m x 2 m)

(d) Transport Vehicles

(i) Truck 3.75 m X 10 m

(ii) Trailer-Truck 5m X 20m

Note : - Up to 50 percent of the prescribed stalls, in the case of cars, may

be of the size of 2.3 m. X 4.5 m.

(iii) Marking of Parking Stalls : - Parking space shall be paved with permeable
material and stalls shall be clearly marked for different types of vehicles.

(iv) Manoeuvring and other ancillary spaces : - Off street parking space shall
be provided with adequate vehicular access to a street, and the area of drives,
aisles and such other provisions required for adequate maneuvering of vehicle
shall be exclusive of the parking space stipulated in these regulations.

(v) Ramps for Basement parking : - Ramps for parking in basement and on
upper floors of a building should conform to the requirements of Regulation
No. 21.4.6

Table 7 : Off Street Parking Space Requirement

Sr. Occupancy/ Land Use Parking Space for Minimum Parking for:
No. every Cars Scooters Cycles
1 2 3 7 8 9
1. Residential : -
(i) Single Family Residential Plot 75 sqm and above 1 1 1
in area
(ii) Multi Family Residential (a) Tenement having 2 2 1
floor area more
than 100 sqm
(b) Tenement having 1 1 1
floor area between
50 to 100 sqm
(c) 4 tenements having 1 4 4
floor area up to 50
(iii) Lodging establishments 100 sqm of floor area 2 3 3
or part thereof
(iii) hotels and tourist homes 75 sqm of total floor 2 3 3
area or part thereof
(iv) Star Hotels 60 sqm of total floor 2 3 3
area or part thereof
(v) Restaurants 25 sqm of floor area or 1 2 2
part thereof including
kitchen, pantry hall,
dining rooms etc.
2 Institutional (Hospital, Medical 100 sqm of floor area 2 5 5
Institutions) or part thereof
3. Assembly
(i) Assembly (theatres, cinema For every 20 Seats 1 5 5
houses, concert halls, auditoria,
assembly halls including those
of colleges and hostels)

Sr. Occupancy/ Land Use Parking Space for Minimum Parking for:
No. every Cars Scooters Cycles
1 2 3 7 8 9
(ii) Marriage Halls, Cultural Halls For every 100 sqm of 2 8 8
floor area or fraction
(iii) Stadium 150 seats 1 4 2
4. Educational: -
(i) Primary 250 sqm of floor area 1 1 1
or part thereof
(ii) Secondary 200 sqm of floor area 1 2 8
or part thereof
(iii) College 150 sqm of floor area 1 4 4
or part thereof
5. Government or semi-government or 50 sqm of floor area or 1 3 3
private business or Information part thereof
Technology, Biotechnology and
Nanotechnology buildings
6. Mercantile (markets, malls, 50 sqm of floor area or 1 3 3
departmental stores, shops and part thereof
other Commercials uses) including
wholesale markets
7. Industrial
(i) Plots below 1.0 ha in area 200 sqm of floor area 1 3 3
or part thereof subject
to minimum of two
(ii) Plots of 1.0 ha or above Parking space shall be -- -- --
at least 10% of the plot
8. Storage (any type) 200 sqm of floor area 1 1 1
or part thereof
9. Plots less than 200 sqm (any use) 1 1 1
Note : - (i) The term ‘floor area’ means carpet area of the tenement including area under walls,
within and enclosing the tenement.
(ii) Parking space need not be provided in the case of row house plots below 75 sqm in
18.2 Common Parking Area: - To meet the parking requirements as per these regulations,
common parking area, open or multi-storeyed, for a group of buildings may be allowed in
the same premises.
18.3 Loading and Unloading Spaces: - In addition to the parking spaces provided for
buildings of Mercantile (Commercial) use like offices, markets, departmental stores,
shopping malls and buildings of industrial and storage use, loading and unloading spaces
shall be provided at the rate of one space for every 1000 sqm of floor area or part thereof
exceeding the first 200 sqm. The space shall not be less than 3.75 m. x 10 m and at least
one space shall be for a Trailor-Truck where plot area exceeds 0.5 ha.

18.4 Parking lock up garages shall be included in the calculation for floor space for F.S.I.

18.5 Parking in marginal Open Spaces: - The space to be left out for parking as given in
Regulation 18.1 to 18.6 shall be in addition to the open spaces left out for lighting and
ventilation purposes as given in Regulation No.17. Those spaces may be used for parking
provided minimum distance of 3 m. around the buildings is kept free of any parking or
loading and unloading spaces.

18.6 Ramps for Basement Parking: - In case of parking spaces provided in basements, at
least two separate ramps of adequate width and slope for entry and exit (as per
Regulation No. 21.4.(VII)) shall be provided preferably at opposite ends.

18.7 Parking for Visitors: - In addition to the aforesaid parking, loading-unloading area --

(i) in plots of residential buildings, additional 10 % of total parking spaces shall be

provided for parking by visitors and 10% for parking of two wheelers.

(ii) in plots for buildings with commercial use or any use mixed with commercial, a
3.0 m wide strip from out of the plot along the road in front shall be provided as
parking for visitors (see Error! Reference source not found.). For this
purpose, building set back in the front from plot line shall be at least 6.0 m.

18.8 The parking standards may be lowered in the vicinity of the common parking facility
provided in the Development Plan by the Special Planning Authority.

18.9 Guidelines for parking arrangement shall be followed as given in Figure 6 (A) and (B)

Figure 6: Guidelines for Parking and Circulation spaces


(B) Angular Parking


19.1 Plinth

19.1.1 Main Building : The height of plinth of a building or out house, including the floor
surface of a stilt floor, shall not be less than 60 cm above both, the surrounding

ground level and the road/roads abutting the site, and shall ensure adequate
.drainage of the site. In areas subject to flooding, the height of the plinth shall be
at least 60 cm. above the high flood level. In the case of a storage building, the
plinth height shall be that required for loading purposes.

19.1.2 Interior Courtyards/ Inner Chowks: - Every interior Courtyard shall be raised at
least 15 cm. above the surrounding ground level and shall be satisfactorily

19.2 Habitable Rooms

19.2.1 Size and Width : - The minimum size and width shall be as given in Table 8

Table 8 : Minimum size and width of Habitable Rooms

Sr. Occupancy Minimum size (sqm) Minimum

No. width (m)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Any habitable room 9.5 2.4
(other than those provided for
below in this table and in Notes)
2. Single-roomed tenement 12.5 2.4
3. Rooms in a two-room tenement -
(a) one of the rooms 9.5 2.4
(b) other room 7.5 2.4
4. Rooms in a two-room tenement of a
site and services project -
(a)one of the rooms 9.3 2.4
(b)other room 5.6 2.3
5. Single-bedded room in a hostel of a 7.5 2.4
recognised educational institution
6. Shop 6.0
7. Class room in an educational building 38.0 or area at the rate of 0.8 5.5
sqm per student, whichever is
8. Institutional building -
(a) special room 9.5 3.0
(b) general ward 40.0 5.5
9. Cinema hall, theatre, auditorium, In conformity with the Maharashtra Cinema Rules
assembly hall, etc.

Note : - (i) An additional bedroom for occupancy of a single person shall be of a size of
5.5 sqm with a minimum width of 1.8 m.
(ii) Other requirements - One full side of a habitable room must abut an exterior
open space or an inner chowk as provided in Regulation 17.2.1.

19.2.2 Height : - The minimum and maximum height of a habitable room shall be as
given in Table 9 below.

Table 9: Height of Habitable Room

Serial Occupancy Minimum height Maximum

No. (m) Height (m)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Flat Roof -
(a) Any habitable room 2.75 4.2
(b) Habitable room in High Density Housing 2.6 4.2
(c) Air-conditioned habitable room 2.4 4.2
(d) Assembly halls, residential hotels of 3.6 4.2
3-star category and above, institutional, greater height
educational, industrial, hazardous or may be permitted
storage occupancies, department stores, subject to written
entrance halls and lobbies to department permission of the
stores and assembly halls Chief Executive
Officer, MIDC.
2 Pitched Roof -
(a) Any habitable room 2.75 average 4.2 average
2.1 at the lowest 3.2 at the lowest
point point
(b) Habitable room in High Density Housing 2.6 average 4.2 average
2.0 at the lowest 3.2 at the lowest
point point

Notes: (i) The minimum clear headroom under any beam shall be 2.4 m.
(ii) Room for ITE or any telematic equipment can have a height as required for effective
functioning of that system.

(iii) In all occupancies, except those included in serial no. 1(d) in the Table 9 above, any
height in excess of 4.2 m. shall be deemed to have consumed an additional F.S.I. of
50 per cent of the relevant floor area.

19.3 Kitchen

19.3.1 Size : The area of the kitchen shall not be less than 3.3 sq. m. with a minimum
width of 1.5 m. No provision for kitchen is necessary in a scheme of single-roomed

tenements (item 2 in Table 8). However, an alcove (a cooking space
having direct access from the main room without any inter-communicating
door) of a size not less than 2.4 sqm with a minimum width of 1.2 m shall
be provided.

19.3.2 Height : The room height of a kitchen measured from the surface of the floor to
the lowest point in the ceiling (bottom of slab) shall not be less than 2.75 m or
according to item 2 in Table 9.

19.3.3 Other Requirements : Every room to be used as a kitchen shall have -

(a) Means for washing of kitchen utensils, which shall lead directly or through a
sink to grated and trapped connection to the waste pipe;

(b) Impermeable floor;

(c) A window of not less than 1.0 sq. m. area, opening directly on to an inner or
outer chowk, but not into a ventilation shaft; and

(d) Refuse chutes, in the case of multi-storeyed residential buildings more than
24 m in height.

19.4 Bath Rooms, Water Closets, combined bathroom plus water closet

19.4.1 Size - The minimum size shall be as under -

(a) Independent Bathroom 1.0 m x 1.2 m

(b) Independent Water Closet 0.9 m x 1.2 m

(c) Combined Bathroom and Water Closet 1.8 sqm with minimum width of 1.0 m.

19.4.2 Height - The Height of any bathroom or water closet shall not be less than 2.1 m.

19.4.3 Other Requirements - Every bathroom or water closet shall -

(a) be so situated that at least one of its wall shall open to external air with the size of
opening (windows, ventilators, louvers) not less than 0.3 sqm in area and side not
less than 0.3 m (See Regulation No. 19.10.3) ;

(b) have the platform or seat made of water tight non-absorbent materiall ;

(c) be enclosed by walls or partitions, the surface of which is finished with a smooth
impervious material to a height of not less than 1 m above the floor of such a
room ;

(d) be provided with an impervious floor covering, sloping towards the drain with a
suitable grade and not towards verandah or any other room ;

(e) be used for any purpose other than as a lavatory and shall not open directly into
any kitchen or cooking space by a door, window or other opening; and

(f) shall have a door completely closing the entrance to it.

19.5 Cupboards & Shelves - Cantilevered projections of cupboards and shelves may be
permitted except on ground floor and would be exempted from covered area and built up
area calculations. Such projections may project up to 45 cm in the setbacks for residential
buildings provided the width of such cupboard/shelves does not exceed 2.4 m and each

room does not have more than one such cupboard/ shelf. Such projection shall be at least
2 m from plot boundary.

19.6 Store Room: -

(i) Size: - The floor area of a store-room in a residential building, where height, light
and ventilation are provided at a lower standard than those required for a living
room, shall not be more than 3 sqm.

(ii) Height: - The height of a store-room shall not be less than 2.10 m.

19.7 Garage: In addition to regulation no. 17.4.1 (e), the following shall apply:

(i) The area of parking lock-up garage shall be included in F.S.I. calculations.

(ii) Size: - The size of a garage in individual residential building shall not be less than
2.5 m X 5 m. and not more than 3 m X 6 m.

(iii) Height: - The maximum headroom in a garage shall be 2.4 m.

(iv) The plinth of garage located at ground level shall not be less than 15 cm above
the surrounding ground level.

(v) The garage shall be set back behind the building line for the street / road on to
which the plot abuts and shall not be so located as to affect the access ways to
the building.

(vi) Corner Site: When a plot fronts on two intersecting streets, the location of the
garage, if proposed within the marginal open spaces, shall be diagonally opposite
the point of intersection.

(vii) No garage shall be permitted in a building having stilt or basement provided for

19.8 Roofs

(i) The roof of a building shall be so constructed or framed as to permit effective

drainage of the rainwater therefrom by means of sufficient rainwater pipes of
adequate size, so arranged, jointed and fixed as to ensure that the rainwater is
carried away from the building without causing dampness in any part of the walls
or foundations of the building or those of an adjacent building.

(ii) The Authority may require rainwater pipes to be connected to a stormwater drain
through a covered channel formed beneath the public footpath or in any other
approved manner, if not used for rain water harvesting.

(iii) Rainwater pipes shall be affixed to the outside of the walls of the building or in
such other manner as may be approved by the Authority.

(iv) Terrace of a building shall not be sub-divided and it shall have only common

19.9. Basement :--

19.9.1 Basement shall be constructed within the prescribed setbacks and prescribed
building line in plots up to 2000 sqm and in plots above 10,000 sqm in area. In
plots between 2000 sqm and 10,000 sqm in area, a clear margin of 6 m shall be
kept between outer wall of basement and plot boundary for facilitating easy
movement of fire engine. Basements can be constructed in one or two levels.
Multi-level basements may be permitted only if used for parking. Basements may
be put to only following non-habitable uses: -
(a) Uses permissible : -
(i) Air conditioning equipment and other machines used for services and
utilities of the building ;
(ii) Parking spaces ;
(iii) Strong room, bank cellars etc.
(iv) Storage of household or other goods of ordinarily noncombustible material;
(v) Electric sub-station (which will conform to required safety requirements);
(vi) uses strictly ancillary to the principal use.
Provided that, uses strictly ancillary to the principal use shall be permissible in a
Provided further that, prior written permission from the Authority shall be obtained
where the basement is used for storage purpose.
(b) The basement shall not be used for any habitable uses.
19.9.2 Apart from the Fire Protection Requirements, The basement shall have the
following requirements : -
(a) Height: The height of a basement from the floor to the underside of
the roof-slab or ceiling or under side of a beam, when the basement
has a beam, shall not be less than 2.4 m.
(b) Ventilation: Adequate ventilation shall be provided for the basement
with a ventilation area not less than 2.5% of the area of the basement.
Any deficiency may be met by providing adequate mechanical
ventilation in the form of blowers, exhaust fans, air conditioning
systems etc.
(c) Height above ground level: The ceiling of basement partially below
ground level shall be at least 0.9 m and not more than 1.2 m above
the average surrounding ground level. Mechanically ventilated
basements can be fully underground.
(d) Drainage : Adequate arrangement shall be made such that surface
water does not enter the basement.

(e) Damp proofing : The walls and floor of the basement shall be water-
tight and be so designed that the effect of the surrounding soil and
moisture, if any, are taken into account in design and adequate damp
proofing treatment is given; and
(f) Access :
(i) The access to the basement shall be separate from both,
the main and alternate staircase providing access and exit
from higher floors. In case the building is served by more
than one staircase, one of the staircases can be continuous
and shall be of enclosed type serving as a fire separation
from the basement floor and higher floors [see Regulation
No. 21.4.(I) (m) for stairways]
(ii) Open ramps may be permitted if they are constructed within
the building line subject to the provision of (d).
(g) For plots up to 2000 sqm, two ramps shall preferably be provided for
parking spaces in basements and upper floors. For plots above 2000
sqm, it shall be mandatory to provide at least two separate ramps
preferably at opposite ends. The number of ramps required shall be
decided on travel distance (see Table 11). The ramps shall have
minimum width of 3.5 m for one-way operation and 6.0 m for two-way
operation. Such ramps may be permitted in the side and rear marginal
open spaces after leaving a 6.0 (six) meter wide space for movement
of fire fighting vehicles.
19.10. Apertures for Light and Ventilation
19.10.1 For habitable rooms and kitchens, the minimum aggregate area of apertures /
openings, excluding doors, shall not be less than 1/6th in Kokan Region and
1/10 elsewhere, of the floor area for which they are provided.
19.10.2 No portion of a room shall be assumed to be ventilated or lighted if it is more
than 7.5 m from the aperture / opening assumed for lighting / ventilation of the
portion. However, additional depth of living room beyond 7.5 m may be
permitted with further increase in the opening proportionate to the increase in
depth over and above the minimum required according to the area.
19.10.3 Where the lighting and ventilation requirements are not met through
day-lighting and natural ventilation, the same shall be ensured through
artificial lighting and mechanical ventilation as per the latest version of
National Building Code of India. In the case of special types of buildings
requiring artificial lighting and air-conditioning or special types of
manufacturing or other processes, the requirements about natural day-lighting
and ventilation may be relaxed by the Authority in consultation with the Chief
Fire Officer of the Special Planning Authority.

19.10.4 Ventilation Shaft :- Water closets and bath rooms, if not opening on the
exterior side of a building for ventilation purpose, shall open on the ventilation
shaft, the size of which shall not be less than the values given in Table 10 at
all levels.

Table 10 : Size of Ventilation Shaft

Height of building in m Size of ventilation shaft in sqm Minimum width of any side in m

Up to 12 3.0 1.50

Up to 18 4.5 1.80

Up to 24 5.4 1.80

Up to 30 8.0 2.40

Above 30 9.0 3.00

19.10.5. In residential lodges and hotels where attached toilets are provided with mechanical
ventilation system installed as per Regulation No. 19.10.3., the size of ventilation shaft may be
relaxed by the Authority.

19.11 Parapet: - Parapet walls and handrails provided on the edges of roof terraces, balconies
etc. shall not be less than 1.05 m and not more than 1.20 m in height.

19.12 Wells: Wells intended for supply of water for human consumption or domestic purposes,
where provided, shall comply with the following requirements: -

(a) Location: The well shall be located:

(i) Not less than 15 m. from soak pit, refuse pit, earth closet or privy and shall be
located on a side upwards from the earth closet or privy.

(ii) Not less than 18 m from any cess pit, soak way or borehole latrine and shall
be located on a site upwards from the earth closet or privy.

(iii) Such that, by the movement of sub soil, contamination of well water by other
water is unlikely ; and

(iv) Not under a tree, except where it has a canopy over it so that leaves and twigs
do not fall into the well and rot.

(b) Requirements: The well shall :

(i) have minimum internal diameter of not less than 1 m ;

(ii) be constructed to a height not less than 1 m above the surrounding ground
level to form a parapet or curb to prevent surface water from falling into a well,
and shall be surrounded with a paving constructed of impervious material
which shall extend for a distance of not less than 1.8 m in every direction from
the parapet or the curb forming the well-head and the upper surface for such
paving shall slop away from the well ;

(iii) be of a sound and permanent construction (PUCCA) throughout;

(iv) have the interior surface of the lining or walls of the well rendered impervious
for a depth of not less than 1.8 m measured from the level of the ground
immediately adjoining the well-head.

19.13 Septic Tanks: - Where a septic tank is used for sewage disposal, the location, design and
construction of the septic tank shall conform to following requirements : -

(a) Location of Septic Tanks and Subsurface Absorption System : - A subsoil

dispersion system shall not be closer than 12 m of any source of drinking water so
as to avoid the possibility of bacterial pollution of water supply. It shall also be as
far removed from the nearest habitable building as economically feasible but not
closer than 2 m to avoid damage to the structures.

(b) Requirements:

(i) Dimensions of Septic Tanks: Septic tanks shall have minimum width of 75 cm,
minimum depth of 1 m below the water level and a minimum liquid capacity of
1 cum. Length of tanks shall be 2 to 4 times the width.

(ii) Septic tanks may be constructed of brickwork, stone masonry, concrete or

other suitable materials as approved by the Authority.

(iii) Under no circumstances should effluent from a septic tank be allowed into an
open channel drain or body of water without adequate further treatment.

(iv) Minimum nominal diameter of pipe shall be 100 mm. Further, at junctions of
pipes in manholes, direction of flow from a branch connection should not
make an angle exceeding 45 degrees with the direction of flow in the main

(v) Gradients of land drains, under drainage as well as the bottom of dispersion
trenches and soak way should be between 1:300 and 1:400.

(vi) Every septic tank shall be provided with a ventilating pipe of at least 50 mm
diameter. The top of the pipe shall be provided with a suitable cage of
mosquito proof wire mesh.

(vii) The ventilating pipe shall extend to a height as will not cause any smell
nuisance to any building in the area. Generally, the ventilating pipe may
extend to a height of about 2 m when the septic tank is at least 15 m away

from the nearest building and to a height of 2 m above the top of building
when it is located closer than 15 m.

(viii) When the disposal of septic tank effluent is to a seepage pit, the seepage
pit may be of any suitable shape with the least cross sectional dimension of
90 cm and not less than 100 cm in depth below the invert level of the inlet
pipe. The pit may be lined with stone, brick or concrete blocks with dry open
joints which should be backed with at least 7.5 cm of clean coarse aggregate.
The lining above the inlet level should be finished with mortar. In the case of
pits of large dimensions, the top portion may be narrowed to reduce the size
of the RCC cover slabs. Where no lining is used, especially near trees, the
entire pit should be filled with loose stones. A masonry ring may be
constructed at the top of pit to prevent damage by flooding of the pit by
surface run-off. The inlet pipe may be taken down to a depth of 90 cm from
the top as an anti-mosquito measure.

(ix) When the disposal of septic tank effluent is to a dispersion trench, the
dispersion trench shall be 50 to 100 cm deep and 30 to 100 cm wide
excavated to a slight gradient and shall be provided with 15 to 25 cm of
washed gravel of crushed stones. Open jointed pipes placed inside the trench
shall be made of unglazed earthenware clay or concrete and shall have
minimum internal diameter of 75 to 100 mm. Each dispersion trench should
not be longer than 30 m and trenches should not be placed closer than 1.8 m
from each other.

(x) Requirements specified for modern methods of disposal by the State and
Central Governments, Public Health Institutes such as NEERI, may also be

19.14 Boundary Wall and Gate:-The requirements of the boundary wall shall be as given
below : -

(a) Except with the special permission of the Authority, the maximum height of the
compound wall shall be 1.5 m above the level of the centre line of the front street.
Compound wall up to 2:4 m in height may be permitted if the top 0.9 m
is of open type construction (railings).

(b) In the case of corner plot, the height of boundary wall shall be
restricted to 0.75 m for a length of 10 m on the front and side of the
intersection and balance height of 0.75 m, if required in accordance with
(a), may be made of open type construction (railings) for facilitating
through vision (see Figure 7).

Figure 7: Facilitating (c) The provisions (a) and (b) above, however, are not applicable to
through vision
boundary wall of Jails. In industrial buildings, electric sub stations,

transformer stations, institutional buildings like sanatoria, hospitals, industrial

buildings like workshops, factories and educational buildings like schools,
colleges, including the hostels, and other uses of public utility undertakings, height
up to 2.4 m for boundary walls of these types of buildings may be permitted by the

(d) The compound gate should open entirely inside the property and shall not open on
any access/ pathway/ road/ street.

(e) The main entrance to a plot accommodating a multi-storeyed high rise or a special
building shall be at least 4.5 m wide and shall be so designed as not to obstruct
easy movement of a fire engine or truck. The entrance gate to it shall open inside
and fold back against the compound wall. If main entrance at boundary wall is
built-over, the minimum headroom shall be 4.5 m.

19.15 Office-cum-Letter Box Room : - In the case of multi-storeyed, multi-family dwelling

apartments, an office-cum-letter box room of maximum dimension 3.6 m x 3 m may be
provided on the ground floor. In case the number of flats is more than 20, maximum size of
the office-cum-letter box room shall be 20 sqm. It shall not be counted in F.S.I.

19.16 Meter Rooms : - Minimum size for a Meter room shall be of 3 m x 5 m. The size may be
increased depending upon the requirements of the entity supplying electricity. Sites for
transformers shall be provided as per the requirements of the entity supplying electricity.

19.17 Chimneys: - Chimneys, where provided, shall conform to the requirements of IS 145-1960
or its latest version. In any case, however, chimney top shall not be less than 0.9 m above
parapet wall and, in the case of sloping roofs, 0.6 m above the ridge of the roof in which
the chimney penetrates.


Provision of lift shall be made for all buildings more than 15 m in height. Other provisions
in respect of lifts shall be as per the ‘Principal Regulations’.


21.1 General : - The following general requirements shall apply to exits : -

(a) Every building meant for human occupancy shall be provided with exits
sufficient to permit safe escape of occupants in case of fire or other

(b) In every building, exits shall comply with the minimum requirements of these
regulations, except for those not accessible for general public use;

(c) All exits shall be free of obstructions;

(d) No building shall be altered to reduce the number, width or provision of exits
to less than that required;

(e) Exits shall be clearly visible and the routes to reach the exits shall be clearly
marked and sign posted to guide the occupants to the floor concerned ;

(f) All exit ways shall be properly illuminated ;

(g) Fire fighting equipment, where provided along exits, shall be suitably located
and clearly marked but must not obstruct the exit way and yet there should be
clear indication about its location from either side of the exit way ;

(h) Alarm devices shall be installed for buildings above 15 m in height, to insure
prompt evacuation of the occupants concerned through the exits ;

(I) All exits shall provide continuous means of egress to the exterior of a building
or to an exterior open space leading to a street and ;

(j) Exits shall be so arranged that they shall be reached without passing through
another occupied unit.

21.2 Types of Exits -

Exits shall be either of horizontal or vertical type. An exit may be doorway, corridor, and
passageways to an internal staircase or external staircase or ramps or a verandah and/or
terraces which have access to the street or to roof of a building. An exit may also include a
horizontal exit leading to an adjoining building at the same level. Lifts and escalators shall
not be considered as exits.

21.3 Number and Size of Exits - The requisite number and size of various exits shall be
provided, based on number of occupants in each room and floor based on the occupant
load, capacity of exits; travel distance and height of building as per provisions below –

(a) Arrangement of Exits - Exits shall be so located that the travel distance on the
floor shall not exceed that given in Table 11 below.

Table 11 : Type of Building and Travel Distance for Exits

Type of Building Travel Distance

1) Residential, Educational, Institutional and Hazardous occupancies 22.5 m

2) Assembly, Business, Mercantile and Storage occupancies 30.0 m

3) Industrial 45.0 m

Wherever more than one exit is required for a floor of a building, they shall be
placed as remote from each other as possible. All the exits shall be accessible
from the entire floor area at all floor levels.

(b) Occupant Load - For determining the exits required, the number of persons
within any floor area or the occupant load shall be based on the actual number of
occupants but in no case, less than that worked out from the Table 12 below.

Table 12 : Gross Area per Occupant

Sr. No. Occupancy Group Gross Area per Occupant *
(in sqm per person)
(1) (2) (3)
1 Residential 12.5
2 Educational 4
3 Institutional 15 (see Note-1)
4 Assembly
(a) with fixed or loose seats and dance floors 0.6 (see Note-2)
(b) without seating facilities including dining rooms 1.5 (see Note-2)
5 Mercantile
(a) Street sales floor and basement 3
(b) Upper sales floors 6
6 Business and industrial 10
7 Storage 30
8 Hazardous 10
* The gross area shall mean plinth area or covered area
Note 1 - Occupant load in dormitory portions of homes for the aged, orphanages,
insane asylums, etc. where sleeping accommodation is provided shall
be calculated at not less than 7.5 sqm gross area per person.
Note 2 - The gross area shall include, in addition to the main assembly room or
space, any occupied connecting room or space in the same storey or in
the storeys above or below where entrance is common to such rooms
and spaces and they are available for use by the occupants of the
assembly space. No deductions shall be made in the gross area for
corridors, closets or other sub-divisions. The area shall include all space
serving the particular assembly occupancy.
(c) Capacity of Exits: - The capacity of exits (doors and stairways) indicating the
number of persons that could be safely evacuated through a unit exit width of
50 cm shall be as given in Table 13 below:
Table 13: Occupants per Unit Exit Width of 50 cm.
Number of Occupants per unit exit width of
Sr. Group or 50 cm.
No. Occupancy Pedestrian
Stairways Doors
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1 Residential 25 50 75
2 Educational 25 50 75
3 Institutional 25 50 75
4 Assembly 40 50 60
5 Business 50 60 75
6 Mercantile 50 60 75
7 Industrial 50 60 75
8 Storage 50 60 75
9 Hazardous 25 30 40

(d) Staircases for Special Buildings : - For all buildings identified in Regulation
No. there shall be a minimum of two staircases. They shall be of an
enclosed type stairway. At least one of them shall be on the external walls of
buildings and shall open directly to the exterior/ interior open space or to any open
place of safety.

(e) Minimum Width Provisions for Stairways : - Provisions of Regulation 32 of the

‘Principal Regulations’ shall apply.

21.4 Other Requirements of Individual Exits- The detailed requirements of individual exits
are given below :

(I) Stairways : (also refer to Regulation no. 40.5 of ‘Principal Regulations’)

(a) Interior stair shall be constructed of non-combustible materials throughout;

(b) Interior staircase shall be constructed as a self-contained unit with at least one
side adjacent to an external wall and shall be completely enclosed;

(c) A staircase shall not be arranged round a lift shaft unless the latter is entirely
enclosed by a material of required fire- resistance rating. For buildings more than
16 m in height, the staircase location shall be to the satisfaction of Chief Fire
Officer of the Special Planning Authority.

(d) Hollow combustible construction shall not be permitted;

(e) Minimum width of an internal staircase shall be as per the provisions of Table 16
of the ’Principal Regulations’.

(f) The minimum width of treads without nosing shall be 25 cm for an internal
staircase for residential buildings. In the case of other buildings, the minimum
treads shall be 30 cm. The treads shall be constructed and maintained in a
manner to prevent slipping.

(g) The maximum height of riser shall be 20 cm in the case of residential buildings
and 15 cm in the case of other buildings. They shall be limited to 12 per flight. For
low income housing scheme in narrow plots, single flight staircase may be

(h) Handrails shall be provided with a minimum height of 90 cm from the tread.

(i) Minimum unobstructed headroom in a passage under the landing of a staircase

and under the staircase shall be 2.2 m.

(j) No living space, store or other fire risk spaces shall open directly into the external
staircase or staircases.

(k) External exit door of staircase enclosure at ground level shall open directly to the
open spaces or can be reached without passing through a large lobby.

(l) In the case of assembly, institutional, residential, hotels, industrial and hazardous
occupancies, the exit sign with arrow indicating the way to the escape route shall
be provided on the wall / floor and shall be illuminated by electric light connected
to corridor circuits. All exit way marking signs should be flush with the wall and so
designed that no mechanical damage shall occur to them due to moving of
furniture or other heavy equipments. Further, all landings of floor shall have floor
indication boards indicating the floor number. The floor indication board shall be
placed on the wall immediately facing the flight of stairs and nearest to the
landing. It shall be of appropriate size.

(m) In case of single staircase, it shall terminate at the ground floor level and the
access to the basement shall be by a separate staircase. Wherever the building is
served by more than one staircase, one of the staircases may lead to basement
levels, provided the same is separated at ground level by either a ventilated lobby
or cut-off screen wall without opening, having a fire resistance of not less than
2 hours with discharge point at two different ends or through enclosures. It shall
also be cut off from the basement areas at various basement levels by a protected
and ventilated lobby / lobbies. The staircase shall be lighted and ventilated and
the minimum size of openings on walls abutting to open spaces shall be 0.5 sqm
per landing.

(II) Fire escape or external stairs

For buildings above 15 m in height, fire escape stairs shall be provided subject to the
following conditions : -

(a) Fire escape shall not be taken into account in calculating the evacuation
time of building ;

(b) All fire escapes shall be directly connected to the ground;

(c) Entrance to fire escape shall be separate and remote from the internal
staircase ;

(d) The route to fire escape shall be free of obstructions at all times, except a
doorway leading to the fire escape which shall have the required fire
resistance ;

(e) Fire escape shall be constructed of non-combustible materials ;

(f) Fire escape stairs shall have straight flights not less than 75 cm wide with
25 cm treads and risers not more than 20 cm. The number of risers shall be
limited to 16 per flight ;

(g) Handrail shall be of height not less than 90 cm.

(h) Fire escape staircase shall be connected to other staircases through

common passage at every floor.

(i) Unprotected steel frame staircase will not be accepted as a means of

escape. However, steel staircase in an enclosed fire rated compartment of
2 hours will be accepted as means of access.

(III) Spiral stairs (fire escape) - The use of spiral staircase shall be limited to low
occupant load and to a building of up to 9 m height unless such spiral stairs are
connected to platforms, such as balconies and terraces to allow escapee to

A spiral fire escape shall not be less than 150 cm in diameter and shall be
designed to give adequate headroom.

(IV) Corridors

(a) Minimum width of a corridor shall not be less than 90 cm in case of 2 storeyed
residential row house building and 150/200 cm in case of other buildings. Actual
width shall be calculated based on the provisions of Regulation No. (a) to (c) of 21.3.

(b) In case of more than one main staircase of the building interconnected by a corridor
or other enclosed space, there shall be at least one smoke stop door across the
corridor or enclosed space between the doors in the enclosing walls of any two

(c) The passages (covered or uncovered) including an arcade, a courtyard, a porch or

portico, spaces to be left open to sky in accordance with these Regulations in any
premises shall not be used for any other purpose than the one permissible.

(V) Doorways

(a) Every exit doorway shall open into an enclosed stairway, a horizontal exit or a
corridor or passageway providing continuous and protected means of egress.

(b) No exit doorway shall be less than 90 cm in width in case of residential and
100 cm. in width in case of other buildings. Doorways for bathrooms, water
closets, stores etc. shall not be less than 75 cm wide. Doorways shall not be less
than 200 cm in height.

(c) Exit doorways shall open outwards, that is away from the room but shall not
obstruct the travel along any exit. No door, when open, shall reduce the required
width of stairway or landing to less than 90 cm. Overhead or sliding doors shall not
be installed.

(d) Exit door shall not open immediately upon a flight of stairs. A landing equal to at
least the width of the door shall be provided in the stairway at each doorway.
Level of landing shall be the same as that of the floor which it serves.

(e) Exit doorways shall be openable from the side which they serve without the use of
a key.

(VI) Revolving Doors

(a) Revolving doors shall not be used as required exits except in residential, business
and mercantile occupancies, but shall not constitute more than half the gross door
width required;

(b) When revolving doors are considered as required exit way the following
assumptions shall be made: -

(i) Each revolving door shall be credited one half a unit exit width; and

(ii) Revolving doors shall not be located at the foot of a stairway. Any stairway
served by a revolving door shall discharge through a lobby or foyer.

(VII) Ramps

(1) Ramps for pedestrians

(a) Ramps with a slope of not more than 1 in 10 may be substituted for
and shall comply with all the applicable requirements of required
stairways as to enclosure capacity and limiting dimensions. Ramps
shall be surfaced with approved non--slipping material ;

(b) Minimum width of ramps in hospitals shall be 2.25 m ;

(c) Handrails shall be provided on both sides of the ramp.

(2) Ramps for Basement or Storeyed Parking : - For parking spaces in a

basement and upper floors, at least two ramps of minimum 3 m width and
a slope not steeper than 1:8, shall be provided preferably on the opposite
ends. Such ramps may be permitted in the side and rear marginal open
spaces after leaving sufficient space as mentioned in Regulation
No.17.4.1 (f) for movement of firefighting vehicles. Provided that when a
building abuts 3 or more roads, the ramps shall be allowed in front
marginal open space facing the smaller road or less important road from
traffic point of view.

(VIII) Refuge Area: - For buildings more than 24 m in height, refuge area of 15 sqm or
an area equivalent to 0.3 sqm per person, whichever is higher, to accommodate
the occupants of two consecutive floors shall be provided as under: -

The refuge area shall be provided at least on one side of the periphery of the floor
preferably on a cantilevered projection open to air and protected with suitable

a) For floors above 24 m and up to 39 m – One refuge area on the

floor immediately above 24 m.

b) For floors above 39 m – One refuge area on the floor immediately

above 39 m and so on after every 15 m.

c) It shall have a minimum width of 3.0 m.

d) Refuge area provided in excess of the requirements shall be

counted towards F.S.I.

Note : - All refuge areas shall be accessible from common passages/staircases.


Provisions of Regulation no. 40 of the ‘Principal Regulations’ shall apply.


23.1 Educational buildings.

(a) Educational buildings shall not be permissible within 60 m from any assembly
building and 90 m from any petrol pump.

(b) Area and Width of Classroom: - No classroom shall admeasure less than 38
sqm with a minimum dimension of 5.50 m.

(c) Height of Classroom: - This shall not be less than 3.60 m.

(d) Exit Requirements: - These shall conform to Regulation No. 21.0 Exit

(e) Water Supply, Drainage and Sanitation: - These shall conform to requirements
of Regulations Error! Reference source not found. and Error! Reference
source not found. of these regulations.

(f) Parking spaces: - These shall conform to regulation no. 18.0 Parking,
Loading and Unloading Spaces.

(g) Playground: - At least 40 per cent of plot area shall be kept open for playground.

23.2. Institutional Buildings (Hospitals, Maternity Homes, Health Centres and Sanatoria).

(a) Hospitals and Sanatoria shall be constructed on independent plot.

(b) Any Special ward in the hospital building shall not admeasure less than 9.0 sqm in
area with no side less than 3 m.

(c) Area of the general wards shall not admeasure less than 40 sqm with no side less
than 5.5 m.

(d) Refuse collection area shall have a minimum size of 7.50 sqm. This shall not be
allowed in marginal open spaces. Modern methods of incineration of refuse may
be adopted.

(e) Exit Requirements-This shall conform to regulation No. 21.0 Exit


(f) Water Supply, Drainage and Sanitation: - This shall conform to requirements of
regulations no. Error! Reference source not found.and Error! Reference
source not found. of these regulations.

(g) Parking Spaces: - This shall conform to Regulation No.18.0 Parking,

Loading and Unloading Spaces.

23.3 Cinema Theatre (Assembly Halls)

(a) Site : - Cinema theatres shall not be located within a distance of 60 m from any
school and hospital building or within 90 m from a junction of streets wider than
15 m or classified roads.

(b) They shall conform to the provisions of Maharashtra Cinema (Regulations) Rules,
1966, as amended from time to time.

(c) Exit Requirements : - These shall conform to regulations No.21.

(d) Water Supply Drainage and Sanitation: - These shall conform to the
requirements of regulations 30 and 31 of these regulations.

(e) Parking Spaces : - These shall conform to regulation No. 18,

23.4 Mercantile Buildings : - Maximum area of convenience shop shall be 6 sqm with a
minimum width of 2.0 m. For other shops minimum area shall be 10 sqm with a minimum
width of 3 m.

23.5 Industrial Buildings

(a) In addition to provisions in these regulations, regulations prescribed under Factory

Act shall be applicable.

(b) In the case of buildings with different operations/processes, the different (gaseous,
solid, liquid) effluents shall be so treated as to comply with the requirements of the
Maharashtra Prevention of Water Pollution Control Board and Chief Inspector of
Steam Boilers and Smoke Nuisance, before letting it out in to the air, ground or
water course.

(c) Exit Requirements : - These shall conform to Regulation No.21.

(d) Water Supply, Drainage and Sanitation: - These shall conform to regulations 30
and 31 of these regulations.

(e) Parking / Loading and unloading spaces : - These shall conform to regulation

(f) Buffer Zone : - Wherever necessary, construction of industrial building shall not
be nearer than 24 m from residential zone.



The land ownership of Integrated Industrial Areas (IIAs), unlike that in a normal urban
area, entirely vests in one entity and as such, the Development Plan of the Special
Planning Authority will be in a position to distinctively earmark space for day-to-day needs
of the residents in a planned manner instead of the conventional practice of differentiating
between a purely residential zone and a residential zone where several other land uses
are also allowed to be mixed on the basis of the width of road on which a property fronts.

Thus, the conventional practice of classifying the residential use in to two classes may not
be banked upon. Instead, the Development Plan may earmark, within the residential zone,
distinctive spaces for non-residential support activities required by residents in a
hierarchical manner in the form of Neighbourhood Centres, Sub-City Centres and City
Centre depending upon the size of the IIAs. A set of clusters of such uses may be planned
in such a manner that the farthest distance from a nearest cluster is within a walking
distance of 500 to 1000 m.

Thus, there could be a centre that accommodates only service industries, another that
caters to day-to-day needs and some others catering to other needs such as shops,
restaurants, offices of professionals, clinics etc. These centres can be planned in such a
manner that they are encircled by at least 15 m wide roads to segregate them from the
surrounding residential use. They should adequately cater for associated parking and
loading-unloading needs.

Such arrangement of centres will not only ensure safe, healthy, quiet and attractive
residential neighbourhoods but will impart enviable efficiency to non-residential uses also.
Other public needs such as health, education and recreation facilities etc. which require
larger area, can be located in independent plots clearly designated as such in
Development Plan.

This type of development pattern is termed as Model-I Type Development.

Alternatively, if, because of constraints on the extent of land available or, for reasons of
taste, the ’Developer’ opts for the conventional practice of R1 and R2 zones within
residential zone, he may propose mixed land use system subject to following restrictions: -

a. The mixed use development may be confined to roads which are not the
main arteries of IIA (i.e. widths of roads 24 m and above) and are not
proposed on roads narrower than 15 m in width ;

b. The mixed-use development should be confined to ground, first and, in

exceptional cases, second floor ;

c. The extent of non-residential uses in the aggregate shall not exceed the
stipulated one fourth of the area of the support activities ;

d. Access to residences shall be separate from those for other uses ; and

e. Parking for residential use shall be separately provided with independent


This type of development pattern is termed as Model-II Type Development.

Intermixture of these two models of development shall not be permissible.

The classification of different land uses and different uses permissible in a specific land
use, clusters and independent plots are given below.

24.1 Model-I Type Development

24.1.1 The following uses and accessory uses to the principal use of residences shall be
permitted in buildings or premises in Residential Zone :

(i) Customary Home occupations, i.e. occupations customarily carried out by the
members of a household without employing hired labour and includes stitching
embroidery, button making etc. with or without motive power. If motive power
is used, the total electricity load should not exceed 1 H. P.

(ii) Accessory uses customarily incidental to use of a residence including storage

space, up to 50 percent of the total floor area used for the residence.

24.1.2 Clusters of Facilities in Neighbourhood Centres, Sub-City Centres and City

Centre: - Clusters for Class A Service Industries within different levels of Centres
shall be planned independently of the uses like shops for day-to-day needs, other
types of shops, offices and other facilities required by residents. The hierarchical
type and levels of activities to be arranged within different Centres is indicated
below: -

Hierarchical System of Centres

Criteria for Essential Neighbourhood
Sub-City Centre City Centre
Activities Centre
Accessibility (km) 0.5 to 1.0 2.0 to 3.0
Minimum Area (ha) 0.5 2.0 5.0
Retail Shopping,
Retail Shopping, Commercial and other
Professional/ Offices, Cinema/
Commercial and other Multiplexes, Hotels,
Retail Shopping, Offices, Cinema/ Restaurants, Banquet
Professional/ Multiplexes, Hotels, Halls, Socio-Cultural
Commercial Offices, Restaurants, Banquet activities /
Social and Local level service Halls, Socio-Cultural Recreational activities/
Commercial outlets. activities, Recreational Club, Police Station,
Activities Note: Individual activities, Police Post, Fire Station.
activity outlet not to Fire Sub-Station. Telephone Exchange,
occupy area more Telephone Exchange, Post and Telegraph
than 20 sqm. Post and Telegraph Office, Radio
Sub-Office, Petrol Broadcasting Station
Pump/ CNG station, and Studios, Petrol
Bus Shelter, Parking. Pump/ CNG station,
Bus Terminal, Multi
level Parking.
Clinical/ other
Clinical/ other
Laboratory, Clinic/
Laboratory, Clinic/
Clinical Laboratory, Polyclinic, Maternity,
Health Activities Polyclinic, Maternity,
Clinic. surgical and other
surgical and other
hospitals (below 20
Segregated cluster of Segregated cluster of Segregated cluster of
service industries service industries service industries
Service Industries Note: Individual Note: Individual Note: Individual
Class-A. activity outlet not to activity outlet not to activity outlet not to
occupy area more occupy area more occupy area more
than 20 sqm. than 50 sqm. than 50 sqm.
Note: (i) The Authority shall exercise judgment while deciding the nature and
level of activities to be permitted from the point of view of compatibility with other
activities and the level of the centre.
(iii) Such centres shall not accommodate any residential use.
The norms for provision of Fire Services Establishment shall be on the following lines : -
Type Distance Norm Area Norm
(km) (ha)
(i) Fire Station with essential residential accommodation 5 to 7 1.0
(ii) Sub Fire Station with essential residential accommodation 1 to 3 0.6
Note: The main fire station may be located in the industrial area.
24.1.3 The activities that are not covered in the Clusters for Class A Service Industries or
in different levels of Centres shall be arranged in to earmarked uses and in
independent plots as given in Error! Not a valid bookmark self-reference.

Table 14 : Facilities in Earmarked and Independent Plots

Earmarked Uses Independent Plots

Primary and nursery schools including students’ Veterinary dispensaries and Veterinary
hostels, Colleges, Secondary Schools, Trade or other hospitals
similar schools.

Parks, gardens, Playgrounds and Fair and Exhibition Religious Buildings


Burial grounds, cremation grounds Electric sub-stations, Pumping stations

and Water Installations, essential Public

Animal pounds Star category Hotels

Notes :--
(a) As roads with 24 m width and above along with classified roads (except
village roads) are treated as arterial roads, uses other than residences on
such roads will conflict with the mobility function of these roads. No such
Centres of other uses shall, therefore, be permitted on these roads.
However, if frontage/service roads are provided along side such arterial
roads to facilitate access to adjoining properties, the aforesaid Centres of
other uses may then be allowed to front on such service roads, locally
widened to 15 m to accommodate both, the increased pedestrian activity
and vehicular parking of visitors in a parking lay-by.
(b) The Centrsshall be segregated from surrounding residential zone by 15 m
wide roads or layout open spaces.
(c) All goods offered for sale and brought for repair shall be displayed and
kept within the building and shall not be kept in the passages or footpaths
or roads.
(d) Stores, trade and business involving any danger of fire, explosion,
offensive noise, vibrations, smoke, dust glare heat or other objectionable
influence may be allowed with the approval of the Authority.
(e) Any other use may be allowed in consultation with the Director of Town
Planning, Maharashtra State in accordance with the intent and spirit of
these Regulations.
24.1.4 Clusters of Class A Service Industries : - The units of Class A Service
Industries may be permitted in independent clusters within the Centres with
limitation of area, maximum number of persons to be employed, maximum
permissible power and special conditions, if any, as given in Error! Reference
source not found. for Class A Service Industries.

24.1.5 Industries and Class B Service Industries : - Industries and Service Industries
Class-B shall be those as appear in ‘Principal Regulations’ and shall be permitted
according to those regulations in industrial zone.

24.2 Residential Zone (where R1 - R2 pattern is used)

A ’Developer’ who opts for the conventional R1 - R2 type residential development, shall follow the
scheme detailed below: -

As roads with 24 m width and above along with classified roads (except village roads) function
as arterial roads, uses other than residences on such roads will conflict with the mobility
function of these roads. No such other uses shall, therefore, be permitted on such arterial
roads. However, if frontage/service roads are provided along side such arterial roads to
facilitate access to adjoining properties, the aforesaid other uses may then be allowed to front
on such service roads, locally widened to 15 m to accommodate both, the increased pedestrian
activity and vehicular parking of shoppers in a parking lay-by.

24.2.1 Purely Residential Zone R1: - All plots fronting on roads below 15 m in width constitute R1
zone. The uses other than residences shall be located on ground or first floor and, in
exceptional circumstances, on second floor provided that access to them, whether by
passages, staircases, lifts or ramps, shall be separate from that for residences and parking for
them shall also be separately provided with independent entry-exit.

Following shall be permissible in R1 zone: -

(i) Any residences.

(ii) Customary Home occupation, i.e. occupations customarily carried out by the
members of household without employing hired labour and shall include
stitching embroidery, button making, etc, with or without motive power. If
motive power is used, the total electricity load should not exceed 1 H. P.

(iii) Dispensaries of medical and dental practitioners including pathological

laboratories, diagnostic clinics, clinics and polyclinics, maternity homes and
nursing homes with indoor patients.

(iv) Professional Offices in residential tenement not occupying a floor area

exceeding 20 sqm each.

(v) Community halls, welfare centre, gymnasia (each not exceeding 80 sqm)

(vi) Primary and nursery schools (except trade schools) including students’ hostels.

(vii) Religious buildings.

(viii) Public Libraries and Museums.

(ix) Club Houses, Parks and Playgrounds.

(x) Bus shelters, taxi stands.

(xi) Convenience shops each not more than 10 sqm like ration shops, pan shops,
iron-mongers (dhobi)/ dry cleaning shops, darners, tailors, groceries,
confectionary and other general provision shops, hair dressing saloons and
beauty parlors, bicycle hire and repair, shoe repair, umbrella repair, vegetable

& fruit stalls, milk booths, florists, shops for bangles and other articles needed
by women, small bakeries, newspaper stalls, tea shops, ATMs etc.

(xii) Police posts, telephone exchanges, Government sub -offices, Post and
Telegraph offices, branch offices of banks with safe deposit vaults, electric
sub-stations, fire station, Civil Defence and Home Guard Warden posts, first
aid posts, pumping stations and water installations and ancillary structures
thereof required to cater to the local area.

(xiii) Flour mill and wet / dry spices grinding subject to following conditions:
(a) It is located on ground floor.
(b) Adequate care has been taken in structural design.
(c) It does not cause any nuisance to the neighbours and residents of upper
(d) Power requirement does not exceed 10 hp.
(xiv) Roads, bridges, culverts and construction for any mode of transportation.
(xv) Burial grounds, cremation grounds and essential public utilities on a road of
width 9 m and above.
(xvi) Raisin production.
(xvii) Agricultural, Horticultural and allied uses (except agro-based industries).
(xviii) Public conveniences.

(xix) Any other use allowed in consultation with the Chief Planner, M.I.D.C. in
accordance with the intent and spirit of these Regulations.


Plots in residential zone fronting on roads with width 15 m and above but less than 24 m, shall
constitute R2 zone.

The following uses and mixed uses may be permitted in R2 zone : -

(1) All Uses permitted in R1 zone shall be permitted in R 2 zone.

(2) Conditions for Other uses permissible -

Where a building or premises accommodates mixed uses, such building or premises

may be used for the purposes indicated at (3) below along with residences on upper
floors, subject to the following conditions : -

(a) The other uses listed under (3) below shall be restricted to a front portion
abutting the street


(b) Such other uses shall not, in general, consume more than half the floor area of
building except where they are located in independent buildings on
independent plots as indicated at (4) below.
(c) A pedestrianised shopping precinct
may be allowed subject to the condition
that no shop in such pedestrianised
precinct shall open directly on the road in
front. The minimum width of pedestrian
way shall be 3 m clear of all steps or
projections and bollards shall be placed at
the entrance of such pedestrian passages

Figure 1: Pedestrianised Shopping Precinct to prevent entry of vehicles. Provided

further that satisfactory arrangements for natural or artificial ventilation are
made as may be directed by the Authority (see Figure 1).
(d) Where the buildings or premises abut on two or more streets, no direct opening
of shops shall be permissible on a street which does not qualify for R2 zone.
(e) All goods offered for sale and brought for repair shall be displayed and kept
within the building. They shall not be kept in the passages or footpaths or
(f) No trade or business involving any danger of fire, explosion, offensive noise,
vibrations, smoke, dust, glare, heat or other objectionable influence shall be
(3) Other Uses permissible in R-2 zone: -
Following are the other uses permissible in R-2 zone: -
(i) Stores or shops for the conduct of retail business including departmental
stores. Storage and sale of combustible materials shall not normally be
permitted except with the special permission of the Authority.
(ii) Personal service establishments, professional offices.
(iii) Radio broadcasting stations and studios, telephone exchanges, mobile towers.
(iv) Frozen food lockers, fast food and vending stalls.
(v) Tailor shops not employing more than 9 persons and embroidery shops and
button - hole making shops not employing more than 9 persons with individual
motors not exceeding 1 H. P. and total H. P. not exceeding 3 H. P..
(vi) Shops for goldsmiths, locksmiths, watch and clock repairs, optical glass
grinding and repairs, musical instrument repairs, picture framing, radio and
household appliances repairs, upholstery and diamond cutting and polishing
not employing, more than 9 persons with individual motors not exceeding 1
H. P. and total H. P. not exceeding 3 H. P.
(vii) Coffee grinding with electric motive power not exceeding 1 H.P.
(viii) Auto part stores and show rooms for motor vehicles and machinery.

(ix) Sale of used or second hand goods or merchandise (not junk, cotton waste,
rags or other materials of offensive nature).

(x) Clubhouses or other recreational activities, conducted as business.

(xi) Storage of furniture and household goods.

(xii) Repairs to all household articles (excluding auto vehicle).

(xiii) Veterinary dispensaries and hospitals.

(xiv) Animal pounds.

(xv) Repair, cleaning shops and analytical, experimental or testing laboratories not
employing more than 15 persons in the industrial activity but not including
cleaning and dyeing establishment using a cleaning or dyeing fluid having a
flash point lower than 60 degree C. and machines with dry load capacity of
30 kg. for any establishment carrying on activities that are noxious or offensive
because of emission of odour, dust, smoke, gas, noise or vibration or
otherwise dangerous to public health and safety, provided that the motive
power requirement of such establishment does not exceed 10 H. P.

(xvi) Paper box manufacturing including paper cutting, not employing more than
9 persons, with motive power not exceeding 5 H. P. and area not more than
50 sqm.

(xvii) Mattress making and cotton cleaning, not employing more than 9 persons with
motive power not exceeding 3 H.P. and area not more than 50 sqm.

(xviii) Establishment requiring power for sealing tin, packages, etc. not employing
more than 9 persons, with motive power not exceeding 3 H.P.

(xix) Commercial halls, exhibition halls, community halls, welfare centres, gymnasia,

(xx) Art galleries, aquariums.

(xxi) Research, experimental and testing laboratories not involving any danger of
fire or explosion nor of any noxious nature and located on a site not less than
4 Ha in area and when the laboratory is kept at least 30 m from any of the
boundaries of the site and the necessary residential buildings 30 m from the

(xxii) Restaurants, eating houses, cafeteria, ice cream and milk bars.

(xxiii) Establishment for preparation and sale of eatables not occupying for
production an area in excess of 75 sqm per establishment and not employing
more than 9 persons. Sugarcane and fruit juice crushers not employing more
than 6 persons with 1.5 H.P. with area not more than 25 sqm shall also come
under this sub regulation.

(xxiv) Trade or other similar schools not involving any danger of fire or explosion nor
of offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odour, glare, heat or other
objectionable influences.

(xxv) Repairing garages not employing more than 9 persons and 2 H.P. motive
power in the industrial activity with no floor above.

(xxvi) Battery charging and repairing, not employing more than 6 persons with an
area not more than 25 sqm and not more than 2 chargers with power not
exceeding 5 KW.

(xxvii) Photographic studios and laboratories with not more than 50 sqm area, not
employing more than 9 persons and not using power more than 3 H. P.

(xxviii) Storage of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinders (bottled gas) for domestic
consumption not exceeding 300 kg with a special permission of the Authority
and subject to compliance with statutory safety requirements.

(xxix) Coal and Firewood Shops.

(xxx) Polyclinics or pathology laboratories on independent floors, preferably ground


(xxxi) Residential Hotels or Boarding and Lodging shall be permitted in independent

building or parts of building, but on separate floors.

(xxxii) Book Depot, Medicine and chemist shops.

(xxxiii) Business/ corporate office on any floor.

Note The Authority may from time to time add to or amend the above list with the approval of
Director of Town Planning, Maharashtra State, Pune.

(4) Uses to be permitted in independent premises / buildings in R2 zone

The following uses shall be permitted in independent premises / building in R2 zone:

(i) Corporate and other offices, star category hotels

(ii) Drive-in-theatres, theatres, cinema houses multiplexes, clubhouses, assembly

or concert halls, dance and music studios and such other places of

(iii) Petrol filling and CNG service stations.

(iv) Colleges, secondary schools, trade or other similar schools.

(v) Storage and sale of kerosene not exceeding 1000 liters in groceries and
approved ration shops on retail basis.

(vi) Bulk storage and sale of kerosene not exceeding 13,000 liters in separate
godowns conforming to the existing regulations of Chief Controller of
Explosives, Government of India. Provided further that the applicant shall make
adequate fire fighting arrangements at his cost in his plot to the entire
satisfaction of the Authority.

(vii) Storage of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinders (bottled gas) for domestic
consumption not exceeding 8000 kg in an independent ground floor structure
(except a garage) at any one time, with the special permission of the Authority
and subject to compliance with statutory safety requirements like the existing
regulations of Chief Controller of Explosives, Government of India. Provided
further that, the applicant shall make adequate fire fighting arrangements at his
cost in his plot to the entire satisfaction of the Authority.

(viii) Parking of automobiles and other light vehicles on open plots even as a

(ix) Vegetable, fruit, flour, fish or meat market place with no residences above.

(x) General Agriculture and Horticulture including domestic poultry up to 20 birds

per plot and with a space requirement of 0.25 sqm per bird.

(xi) Correctional and mental institutions, institutions for the children, the aged or
widows, sanatoria and hospitals (except veterinary hospitals) in independent
building provided that those principally for contagious diseases, the insane or
for correctional purposes shall be located not less than 45 m from any
residential premises.

(xii) Service Industries - The Service Industries may be permitted in independent

building (independent designated plot) in R2 along with the limitation of area,
maximum number of persons to be employed, maximum permissible power
requirement and the special conditions if any as given in Error! Reference
source not found. for Service Industries Class A.

24.3 Commercial Zone

24.3.1 General : - Land allocated for commercial / economic activities shall not exceed one fourth of
the area of Support Activity Zone. The service industry clusters together with clusters of
facilities and certain uses to be provided in independent plots represent Commercial Use where
development is not based on R1-R2 concept. Where R1-R2 type development is contemplated,

area consumed for these uses in mixed-use development shall not exceed one-fourth the area
of support activity zone.

24.3.2 Buildings or premises used for commercial purpose shall be used subject to the condition that
all goods offered for sale shall be displayed within the building excluding passages.

24.4 Industrial Zone

24.4.1 Precondition :

Any industry / industries may be permitted after such scrutiny as may be necessary to ensure
that its location is appropriate and is not likely to cause nuisance and hazard to adjoining
owners. Special condition about minimum size of plot and a minimum buffer zone of 24 m width
from the industrial building/ use to residential building / use may be imposed.

24.4.2 Uses permissible in Industrial Zone : -

In addition to provisions in regulation 17.3.1 of the ’Principal Regulations’, the following shall be
permissible in Industrial Zone: -

(i) Service Industries Class B : - Service industries Class B as specified to be permitted in

item 5 of Appendix I of the ‘Principal Regulations’.

(ii) Other Industries: - These include any building or part of a building or structure in which
products or materials of all kinds and properties are fabricated, assembled or processed,
for example, assembly plants, laboratories, dry cleaning plants, power plants, pumping
stations; smoke houses, laundries, gas plants, refineries, dairies, saw mills etc.

(iii) Biotechnology and Information Technology Units

The State Government has, from time to time, sought to promote high-tech areas of
industry in the State by offering incentives by way of additional F.S.I. to units and
technology parks devoted to biotechnology and information technology. The State
Government has also allowed such units anywhere in the State irrespective of the use
zones indicated in the Development Plans or Regional Plans. However, in Integrated
Industrial Areas, the Maharashtra Industrial Policy 2013 has already promoted the idea of
‘Global’ F.S.I. of 1.0 and as such, has put an overall limit on floor space to be constructed
in the Integrated Industrial Areas. There is, however, no limit on F.S.I. to be consumed in
individual plots. The individual units will be free to consume whatever Floor Space they
desire by purchasing it from the ’Developer’. The question, therefore, of allocating any
additional F.S.I. over and above the ‘Global 1.0’ will not arise. In order to utilise the full
potential of industrial zone within Integrated Industrial Areas, these regulations restrict
these units to choose plots within industrial zone of Integrated Industrial Areas.

Following are the stipulations for these units : -

(A) Biotechnology Units/ Parks : -

Subject to approval by Director of Industries, the Authority may permit in

industrial zone biotechnology units/ parks subject to following conditions : -

(a) Out of total built up area, a minimum 90% shall be used for Biotechnology
purpose and maximum 10% (excluding parking spaces) shall be used for
ancillary uses such as those specified in the Govt. Resolution of Industry,
Energy & Labour Department No. BTP 2008/CR-1608/Ind-2, dated
10/2/2009, as amended from time to time.

(b) Parking spaces, as per the provisions of Development Control

Regulations shall be provided subject to minimum requirement of one
parking space for every 100 sqm of built-up area.

(B) Information Technology Establishment :-

Subject to approval by Director of Industries, the Authority may permit the

IT/ITES units in industrial zone subject to following conditions :-

(a) Permission for erecting towers and antenna up to the height permitted by
the Civil Aviation Department shall be granted by the Authority.

(b) While developing site for IT/ITES uses ancillary to the principal use, as
may be approved by the Authority, shall also be allowed.

(iv) Building or premises in industrial zone may be used for any use accessory to industry like
banks, canteens, welfare centres and such other common purposes considered necessary
for the industrial workers, except for any dwellings other than quarters of watchmen,
caretakers or other essential staff required to be maintained on the premises.

(v) Following uses may also be permitted :

(a) Fire Brigade

(b) Petrol Pumps and Service Stations.

(c) Parking lots.

(d) Electric Sub - stations.

(e) Buildings of public utility concerns except residence.

(f) Storage Buildings / Warehouses.

24.5 Green Zone / Agricultural Zone

The following are permissible uses : -

(a) All agricultural uses including stables of domestic animals.

(b) Garden, forestry, nursery, public parks, private parks; play fields, summer camps.

(c) Sand clay or gravel quarries.

(d) Mining and quarrying operations subject to stipulations mentioned in Regulation no.
Error! Reference source not found.

(e) Public utility establishments such as electric substations, receiving stations, sewage
disposal, water works.

(f) Mobile Phone Towers with ancillary equipments

(g) Amusement park: - For this use, minimum plot area shall be 0.4 ha and maximum F.S.I.
shall not exceed 0.04 with only ground floor structures

(h) Brick manufacture.

24.6 Public /Semi Public Zone.

The following uses or their cluster shall be permissible in independent plots : -

(i) Pre-primary, primary schools, high schools, technical / trade Schools, colleges, educational
complex, hostel for students and quarters for essential staff.

(ii) Hospital, sanatorium, dispensary, maternity homes, health Centre, complex of such uses,
concessional shelter for the relatives of patients, quarters for essential staff, veterinary hospital.

(iii) Auditorium, exhibition hall and art gallery.

(iv) Training institutions, essential quarters.

(v) Government/ semi-government/ local self-government offices, Court buildings, quarters for
essential staff.

(vi) Post office, telegraph office, telephone exchange, radio station, complex of such uses, staff
quarters and similar public /semi-public uses.

(vii) Community hall, library, water tanks, stadium, religious structures etc.

(viii) Commercial use or a cluster of such uses admeasuring not more than 15% of the area of
independent plot shall be permissible subject to following conditions: -

(a) Convenience shops, branches of banks, small restaurants etc. may be permitted.
However, hotels serving liquor or shops selling liquor, pan, cigarette, tobacco, lottery
tickets and such other items or services which are detrimental to public wellbeing, and
shops or godowns for domestic gas or kerosene, which are hazardous, shall be

(b) Sufficient area shall be kept in the plot/ cluster for parking.

Note : The Authority may include other items of public interest in the above list with prior approval of the
Director of Town Planning, Maharashtra State, Pune.

24.7 Religious Building:

The Authority may permit the buildings in independent plots for religious purpose of registered Public
Trust subject to following terms and conditions : -

(i) The religious building shall be on independent plot.

(ii) No-Objection Certificate shall be obtained from concerned Police Authority and Collector
before applying for permission.

(iii) Ancillary residential and commercial use may be permissible within 15% of total area.

(iv) The minimum area of plot shall be 500 sqm.

(v) The proposal shall be consistent with the Development Plan.

24.8 Uses Permissible in Proposed Designation

(i) The uses permissible in a designated site shall conform to the use for which it is designated. The
required parking, public toilets and separate place for garbage bins shall also be provided in the
designated site itself.

(ii) Combination of uses as mentioned below may be permissible even if the designation is for a specific
purpose : -

(a) Playground – In playground designation, minimum 10% area shall be earmarked for
parking, 80% area shall be kept open for open play activities and in the remaining 10%, the
following may be permitted subject to other requirements of these regulations: - covered
swimming pool & allied construction, gymnasium, covered badminton court, pavilion,
watchman quarter, small restaurant to the extent of 20 sqm.

(b) Stadium - In addition to the uses permissible in playground mentioned above, shops below
the spectators’ tiered gallery may be permitted.

Note : - The F.S.I. permissible for (a) and (b) above shall be 0.1.

(c) Garden – In addition to the main use of garden, open swimming pool & allied construction,
water tank, rainwater harvesting system, quarter for gardener / watchman, small restaurant
or food stalls to the extent of 20 sqm may be permitted after earmarking 10% of the area
for parking.

(d) Vegetable Market – Open or covered platforms along with petty convenience shops, fruit

(e) Shopping Centre / Market – Shops, Vegetable market, departmental stores, offices,
banks / community hall on upper floors.

(f) Town hall – Town hall, exhibition hall, art gallery, meeting / conference hall, library, small
restaurant to the extent of 20 sqm.

(g) Drama Theatre – Drama theatre, art gallery, exhibition hall, library, small restaurant to the
extent of 20 sqm, allied uses such as guest rooms for the artists.

(h) Cultural Hall – Cultural hall, marriage hall, hall for socio-cultural activities, art gallery,
exhibition hall, hall for performing arts, small restaurant to the extent of 20 sqm, allied uses
such as guest rooms, yoga centre.

(i) Primary School – Primary & pre-primary schools and allied activities.

(j) Secondary / High School – Junior college, secondary / high school and primary-
preprimary school and allied activities.

(k) Library – In addition to library, nursery school, balwadi.

(l) Health Centre / Hospital / Maternity Home / Dispensary – Any sort of medical facilities
along with ancillary construction such as staff quarters, chemist’s shop, restaurant, ATM,
PCO, cyber café each not more than 20 sqm. In case of bigger hospitals of built up area
not less than 6000 sqm sleeping accommodation for guests may be permissible.

(m) Truck Terminus – In addition to a minimum 60% area required for parking of trucks,
godowns, restaurant, hotel, motel, lodging facility for drivers, auto repair centre, auto
service centre, shops for auto spare parts, shops for daily needs, ATM, PCO, health centre
/ first aid centre, common toilets, provision for loading-unloading.

24.9 Innovative Development Proposals :

Any development proposal, which is otherwise in accordance with the spirit of these regulations but
consists of new concepts or innovative ideas, may be approved by the Authority in consultation with the
Chief Planner, M.I.D.C.


Marginal open spaces, area, height limitations and permissible F.S.I. of buildings for
different uses are as given below.

25.1 Marginal Open Spaces, Area, Height Limitations for Buildings.

25.1.1 Residential Buildings:

(a) The provisions as given in Error! Reference source not found. and Error!
Reference source not found. shall apply for residential buildings, and ancillary
residential buildings permissible in industrial areas.

(b) Explanations for Error! Reference source not found.: -

i. Part (A) of the table indicates the range of width of roads on which a plot
with a given area can be sited, e.g., a 20-sqm plot cannot be sited on
roads above 12 m in width.

ii. Part (B) of the table indicates the range of width of roads on which a given
type of development can be allowed, e.g., if a row housing type
development is being contemplated, the road cannot be wider than 12 m.

iii. Part (C) of the table indicates the size range of plot areas that are
required for a given type of development.

25.2 Other Buildings: - The provisions as given in Table below shall apply for different categories of
buildings and clusters of service industries and other facilities.
Table 18 : Marginal Open Spaces for Other Types of Buildings
Sr. Use of Building Min. road Marginal Other Stipulation
No. width Open
required Spaces
Front Side
(1) (2) (3) (4) (7)
1 Hospital, Maternity 15 m 6m 6m
Homes, Health Club,
2 Educational Buildings
i) Pre-primary School 9 m & not 4.5 m 3 m
more than
18 m
ii) Primary School 9 m. & not 6m 6m
more than
18 m.
iii) Other Educational 15 m 9m 6m
3 Cinema Theatre/ 18 m 12 m 6 m The minimum distance from the boundary of site to
Drama Theatre/ boundary of educational & hospital buildings shall not be
Assembly Hall/ less than 60 m.
Multiplex / Shopping
4 Marriage Hall and the 15 m 12 m 6 m The minimum distance from the boundary of site to
like buildings boundary of educational & hospital buildings shall not be
less than 60 m.
5 Petrol/Fuel Filling 15 m 6m 6m i) Should be at least 90 m away from any junction of
Stations with or roads of width 12 m and more or from the nearest gate
without service bays of a school, hospital, theatre, place of assembly or
ii) Restrictions imposed by Ribbon Development Rules,
I.R.C., MoRTH, Explosives Dept, Fire Authority shall
iii) Petrol filling station shall not be sited on the inner side
of a road curve. In case the curve is not very sharp and
cars moving out of the station are completely visible
from a distance of at least 90 m to the traffic and vice
versa, a petrol station may be permitted on the inner
side of a road curve.

Sr. Use of Building Min. road Marginal Other Stipulation

No. width Open
required Spaces
Front Side
(1) (2) (3) (4) (7)
6 Mercantile / 15 m 6m 6m
7 Stadium / Pavilion 18 m 6m 6m Covered portion shall not exceed 20% of plot area. The
spectators’ gallery shall not be counted towards F.S.I.
Shops below spectator’s gallery are permissible.
8 Clusters of service 15 m 6m 6m A layout of buildings in the cluster including parking/
industries and other loading-unloading shall be planned.
9 Buildings for 24 m 12 m 6 m Sufficient parking/ loading-unloading shall be provided.
Information / Bio-
Note: (i) In case of plots fronting on National Highway, State Highway and Major District Roads, the building
line shall be as per Ribbon Development Rules or as given in Table above, whichever is more.
(ii) Larger of the marginal open spaces for a given category of plots mentioned in above Table and in
Regulation No.15 shall govern.
(iii) A stadium shall generally accommodate a running track of 400 m length.
25.3 Industrial buildings
Minimum plot areas and height limitations for industrial buildings shall be as given in Table 1 and as
illustrated in Figure 1 below.
Table 19 : Area and Height Limitations for Industrial Building
Sr. Plot Size in sqm Minimum Front Margin Minimum Side & Rear Margins
No. in meters in meters
1 Above 500 and up to 4.5 or 1/3rd height of building 3 or 1/3rd height of building
800 whichever is more whichever is more
2 Above 800 and up to 6 or 1/3rd height of building 4.5 or 1/3rd height of building
1200 whichever is more whichever is more
3 Above 1200 and up 6 or 1/3rd height of building 6 or 1/3rd height of building
to 2500 whichever is more whichever is more
4 Above 2500 and up 9 or 1/3rd height of building 6 or 1/3rd height of building
to 5000 whichever is more whichever is more
5 Above 5000 12 or 1/3rd height of building 9 or 1/3rd height of building
whichever is more whichever is more

Note: (i) In the case of plots fronting on National Highway, State Highway and Major District Roads, the
building line shall be as per Ribbon Development Rules or as given in Table above, whichever is more.
(i) Larger of the marginal open spaces for a given category of plots mentioned in above Table and in
Regulation No.17 shall govern.

Plot Area 500-800 sqm

Plot Area above 5000 sqm

Figure 1: Marginal Open spaces vis-à-vis Plot Size and Height of buildings
25.4 Tower-like structures: - Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, a tower-like structure may be
permitted only with 6 m marginal open space at the ground level and one set back of 2 m at the height
of 18 m provided that the total height does not exceed 24 m.
If it exceeds 24 m but does not exceed 36 m, the minimum open space at ground level shall be 9 m
with a set back of 3 m at the height of 27 m.
If it exceeds 36 m, the minimum open space at ground level shall be 12 m with two set backs of 2 m
each - first set back at 36 m height and the second at 42 m height.
The terraces created by the set backs shall be accessible through a common passage and /or common
staircase only.

26.1. The structural design of foundations, elements made of masonry, timber, plain concrete; reinforced
concrete, pre-stressed concrete and structural steel shall be carried out in accordance with Part 6.
Structural design Section 1-Loads, courses and effects, Section 2- Soils and Foundation, Section 3—
Timber and Bamboo, Section 4- Masonry, Section 5- Concrete, Section 6- Steel, Section-7
Prefabrication systems building and mixed / composite construction of National Building Code of India,
amended from time to time.


27.1. All materials and workmanship shall be of good quality conforming generally to accepted standards of
Public Works Department of Maharashtra and Indian Standard Specifications and Codes as included in
Part 5 - Building Materials and Part 7 - Construction Practices and Safety of National Building Code of
India, amended from time to time.

27.2. All borrow pits dug in the course of construction and repair of buildings, roads, embankments etc. shall
be deep and connected with each other in the formation of a drain directed towards the lowest level and
properly stopped for discharge into a river, stream, channel or drain and no person shall create any
isolated borrow pit which is likely to cause accumulation of water which may breed mosquitoes.


28.1. The provision of the regulations are not intended to prevent the use of any material or method of design
or construction not specifically prescribed by the regulations, provided any such alternative has been

28.1.1. The provision of these regulations is also not intended to prevent the adoption for architectural planning
and layout conceived as an integrated development scheme.

28.2. The authority may approve any such alternative provided it is found that the proposed alternative is
satisfactory and conforms to the provisions of relevant parts regarding material, design, and
construction and that material, method or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least equivalent
to that prescribed in the rules in quality, strength, compatibility, effectiveness, fire rating and resistance,
durability and safety.

28.3 Tests: Whenever there is insufficient evidence of compliance with the provisions of the regulations of
evidence that any material or method of design or construction does not conform to the requirements of
the rules or in order to substantiate claims for alternative materials, design or methods of construction,
the Authority may require tests sufficient in advance as proof of compliance. These tests shall be made
by an approved agency at the expense of the owner.

28.3.1 Test method shall be as specified by the regulations for the materials or design or construction
in question. If there are no appropriate test methods specified in the regulations, the Authority
shall determine the test procedure. For methods of tests for building materials; reference may
be made to relevant Indian standards as given in the National Building Code of India published
by the Bureau of Indian Standards. The latest version of the National building Code of India
shall be taken into account at the time of enforcement of these rules.

28.3.2 Copies of the results of all such tests shall be retained by the authority for a period of not less
than two years after the acceptance of the alternative material.


29.1. The planning, design and installation of electrical installations, air-conditioning and heating works shall
be carried out in accordance with Part 8 - Building Services, Section 2- Electrical and allied
Installations, Section 3 - Air Conditioning, heating and mechanical ventilation of National building Code
of India, amended from time to time.
29.2. The planning design including the number of lifts, type of lifts, capacity of lifts depending on occupancy
of building; population on each floor based on occupant load, height of building shall be in accordance
with Section - 5 installation of Lifts and Escalators of National Building Code of India, amended from
time to time. In existing buildings, in case of proposal for one additional floor, existing lift may not be
raised to the additional floor.
29.2.1 Maintenance of Lift in working order: The lifts shall be maintained in working order.
30.1. The planning, design, construction and installation of water supply, drainage and sanitation and gas
supply systems shall be in accordance with the provisions of Part 9 - Plumbing Services - Section 1
Water Supply, Drainage and Sanitation, Section 2 – Gas supply of National Building Code of India as
amended from time to time.
30.2. Requirements of water supply in building.
The total requirements of water supply shall be calculated based on the population as given in Table 20 below:
Table 20 : Occupancy Type & Occupant Load
Occupancy Basis
Residential 5 persons per tenement
Other Buildings No. of persons on occupant load and area of floors given in Error!
Reference source not found.

30.2.1 The requirements of water supply for various occupancies shall be as given in Table 21 to
Table 23 or as specified by the Authority from time to time.

Table 21 : Per Capita Water Requirements for Various Occupancies/Uses

Sr. Type of Occupancy Consumption per head
No. per day (in liters)
1 Residential:
(a) in living units 135
(b) Hotels with lodging accommodation (per bed) 180

Sr. Type of Occupancy Consumption per head

No. per day (in liters)
2 Educational:
(a) Day Schools 45
(b) Boarding Schools 135
3 Institutional (Medical Hospitals):
(a) No. of beds not exceeding 100 340
(b) No. of beds exceeding 100 450
(c) Medical quarters and hostels 135
4 Assembly-Cinema theatres, auditorium etc. (per seat of accommodation) 15
5 Government and Semi-public business 45
6 Mercantile (Commercial):
(a) Restaurants (per seat) 70
(b) Other business buildings 45
7 Industrial:
(a) Factories where bathrooms are to be provided 45
(b) Factories where no bath-rooms are required to be provided 30
8 Storage (including warehousing) 30
9 Hazardous 30
10 Intermediate / Stations (excluding mail and express stops) 45 (25)*
11 Junction Stations 70 (45)*
12 Terminal / Stations 45
13 International and domestic Airports 70
Notes: (i) * The value in parenthesis is for stations where bathing facilities are not provided.
(ii) The number of persons for Sr. No. (10) to (13) shall be determined by the average number of
passengers handled by the station daily. Due consideration may be given to the staff and
workers likely to use the facilities
Table 22 : Flushing Storage Capacities
Sr. Classification of building Storage capacity
(1) (2) (3)
1 Tenements having common convenience 900 liters per W.C. seat
2 Residential premises other than tenements 270 liters for one W.C. seat and 180 liters for each
having common convenience additional seat in the same flat
3 Factories and Workshops 900 liters per W.C. seat and 180 liters per urinal seat
4 Cinemas, public assembly halls, etc. 900 liters per W.C. seat and 350 liters per urinal seat

Table 23 : Domestic Storage Capacities

Sr. No. No. of Floors Storage Capacity Remarks
(1) (2) (3) (4)
For premises occupied as tenements with common conveniences
1 Floor (Ground) NIL Provided no down take fittings are
2 Floors 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and upper floors 500* liters per
For premises occupied as Flats or blocks
1 Floor (Ground) NIL Provided no down take fittings are
2 Floors 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and upper floors 500* liters
* Subject to provisions of water supply and drainage rules.
NOTE 1: If the premises are situated at a place higher than the road level in the front of the premises, storage
at ground level shall be provided on the same line as on floor 1.
NOTE 2: The above storage may be permitted to be installed provided that the total domestic storage
calculated on the above basis is not less than the storage calculation on the number of down take
fittings according to the scales given below:
Down take taps - 70 liters each
Showers - 135 liters each
Bathtubs - 200 liters each


31.1 General
There should be at least one water tap and arrangement for drainage in the vicinity of each water closet
or group of water closets in all the buildings.
(a) Each family dwelling unit on premises (abutting on a sewer or with a private sewage
disposal system) shall have, at least, one water closet and one kitchen type sink. A
bath or shower shall also be installed to meet the basic requirement of sanitation and
personal hygiene.
(b) All other structures for human occupancy or use on premises, abutting on a sewer or
with a private sewage disposal system, shall have adequate sanitary facilities, but in no
case less than one water-closet and one other fixture for cleaning purposes.
31.2 For Residences
(a) Dwelling with individual convenience shall have at least the following fitments:
i) One bathroom provided with a tap and a floor trap;
ii) One water-closet with flushing apparatus with an ablution tap; and
iii) One tap with a floor trap or a sink in kitchen or washing place.
(b) Dwelling without individual conveniences shall have the following fitments:
i) One water tap with floor trap in each tenement;
ii) One water closet with flushing apparatus and one ablution tap, bath for every two
tenements; and
iii) One bath with water tap and floor trap for every two tenements.

31.3 For Buildings Other than Residences

31.3.1 The requirements for fitments for drainage and sanitation in the case of buildings other than
residences shall be in accordance with Table to Table . In addition, the following shall be
taken into consideration:

a) The figures shown are based upon one (1) fixture being the minimum required for
the number of persons indicated or part thereof.

b) Building categories not included in the tables shall be considered separately by the

c) Drinking fountains shall not be installed in the toilets.

d) Where there is a danger of exposure to skin contamination with poisonous,

infectious or irritating material, washbasin with eye wash jet and an emergency
shower located in an area accessible at all times by a passage / right of way,
suitable for access to a wheel chair, shall be provided.

e) When applying the provision of these tables for providing the number of fixtures,
consideration shall be given to the accessibility of the fixtures. Using purely
numerical basis may not result in an installation suited to the needs of a specific
building. For example, schools should be provided with toilet facilities on each floor.
Similarly toilet facilities shall be provided for temporary workmen employed in any
establishment according to the needs; and in any case one W.C. and one
washbasin shall be provided.

f) All buildings used for human habitation for dwelling, work, occupation, medical care
or any purpose detailed in the various tables, abutting a public sewer or a private
sewage disposal system, shall be provided with minimum sanitary facilities as per
the schedule in the tables. In case the disposal facilities are not available, they
shall be provided as a part of the building design for ensuring high standards of
sanitary conditions.

g) Workplaces where crèches are provided, they shall be provided with one W.C. for
10 persons or part thereof, one washbasin for 15 persons or part thereof, for
preparing food / milk preparations, one kitchen sink with floor trap. The sink
provided shall be with a drinking water tap.

h) In all types of buildings, individual toilets and pantry should be provided for
executives and for meeting / seminar / conference rooms, etc. as per the user

j) Where food is consumed indoors, water stations may be provided in place of

drinking water fountains.

Table 24 : Office Buildings

Sr. Fixtures Public Toilets Staff Toilets
No. Male Female Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6
i) Executive Rooms and Conference Halls in Unit could be common for For individual officer
Office Buildings Male / Female or separate rooms
Toilet suite comprising one W.C., one depending on the number of
washbasin (with optional shower stall at users of each facility
user’s option if building is used round the
Pantry optional as per user requirement
ii) Main Office Toilets for Staff and Visitors
a) Water-closet 1 per 25 1 per 15 1 per 25 1 per 15
b) Ablution tap with each water-closet 1 in each water-closet
c) Urinals Nil up to 6 - Nil up to 6 -
1 for 7 to 20
2 for 21 to 45
3 for 46 to 70
4 for 71 to 100
Add @ 3% for 101 to 200
Add @ 2.5 % Over 200
d) Washbasins 1 per 25 1 per 25 1 per 25 1 per 25
e) Drinking water fountain 1 per 100 1 per 100 1 per 100 1 per 100
f) Cleaner’s sink 1 per floor

Table 25 : Factories
Sr. Fixtures Offices / Visitors Workers
No. Male Female Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6
i) Water-closets 1 for up to 25 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12
(Workers & Staff) 2 for 16 to 35 2 for 16 to 25 2 for 16 to 35 2 for 13 to 25
3 for 36 to 65 3 for 26 to 40 3 for 36 to 65 3 for 26 to 40
4 for 66 to 100 4 for 41 to 57 4 for 66 to 100 4 for 41 to 57
5 for 58 to77 5 for 58 to 77
6 for 78 to 100 6 for 78 to 100
For persons 101 to 200 add 3% 5% 3% 5%
For persons over 200 add 2.5 % 4% 2.5 % 4%
ii) Ablution tap 1 in each 1 in each water- 1 in each 1 in each water-
water-closet closet water-closet closet
iii) Urinals Nil up to 6 - Nil up to 6 -
1 for 7 to 20 1 for 7 to 20
2 for 21 to 45 2 for 21 to 45
3 for 46 to 70 3 for 46 to 70
4 for 71 to 100 4 for 71 to 100
For persons 101 to 200 add 3% 3%
For persons over 200 add 2.5 % 2.5 %
iv) Washbasins 1 per 25 or part 1 per 25 or part 1 per 25 or part 1 per 25 or part
Washbasins in rows or thereof thereof thereof thereof
troughs and taps spaced
750 mm c/c

Sr. Fixtures Offices / Visitors Workers

No. Male Female Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6
v) Drinking water fountain 1 per every 100 or part thereof 1 per every 100 or part thereof
with minimum one on each floor with minimum one on each floor
vi) Cleaner’s sink 1 on each floor 1 on each floor 1 on each floor 1on each floor
vii) Showers /Bathing rooms As per trade requirements
viii) Emergency shower and eye - - 1 per every shop floor per 500
wash fountain persons

NOTE – For factories requiring workers to be engaged in dirty and dangerous operations or requiring them to
being extremely clean and sanitized conditions additional and separate (if required so) toilet facilities
and if required by applicable Industrial and Safety Laws and the Factories Act must be provided in
consultation with the user.

Table 26 : Cinema, Multiplex Cinema, Concerts and Convention Halls, Theatres

Sr. Fixtures Public Staff
Male Female Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6
i Water-closets 1 per 100 up to 400 3 per 100 up to 200 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12
Over 400, add 1 per 250 Over 200, add 2 per 100
or part thereof or part thereof
ii Ablution tap 1 in each water-closet
iii Urinals 1 per 25 or part thereof - Nil up to 6 -
1 for 7 to 20
2 for 21 to 45
iv Washbasins 1per 200 or part thereof 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12
2 for 16 to 35 2 for 13 to 25
v Drinking water 1 per 100 persons or part thereof
vi Cleaner’s sink 1 per floor
vii Showers/ As per trade requirements
Bathing rooms

NOTES – (1) Some WC’s may be European style if desired.

(2) Male population may be assumed as two-third and female population as one-third.

Table 27 : Art Galleries, Libraries and Museums

Sr. Fixtures Public Staff
No. Male Female Male Female

1 2 3 4 5 6
i) Water-closets 1 per 200 up to 1 per 100 up to 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12
400 200
Over 400 add at 1 Over 200 add at 1 2 for 16 to 35 2 for 13 to 25
per 250 or part per 150 or part
thereof thereof
ii) Ablution tap One in each W.C. One in each W.C. One in each W.C. One in each W.C.

1 water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part
thereof in the vicinity of water-closets and urinals
iii) Urinals 1 per 50 - Nil up to 6 -
1 per 7 to 20
2 per 21 to 45
iv) Wash basins 1 for every 200 or 1 for every 200 or 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12
part thereof. For part thereof. For 2 for 16 to 35 2 for 13 to 25
over 400, add 1 over 200, add 1
per 250 persons or per 150 persons or
part thereof part thereof

v) Drinking water 1 per 100 persons or part thereof

vi) Cleaner’s sink 1 per floor, Minimum

vii) Showers/ As per trade requirements

Bathing rooms

NOTES: - 1) Some W.C.s may be European style if desired.

2) Male population may be assumed as two-third and female population as one-third.
Table 28 : Hospitals with Indoor Patient Wards
Sr. Fixtures Patient Toilets Staff Toilets
No. Male Female Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6
i) Toilet suite comprising Private room with up to 4 patients For individual doctor’s/officer’s rooms
one W.C., one wash
basin and shower stall
For General Wards, Hospital Staff and Visitors
ii) Water-closets 1 per 8 beds or 1 per 8 beds or 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12
part thereof part thereof 2 for 16 to 35 2 for 13 to 25
iii) Ablution tap One in each W.C. One in each W.C. One in each W.C. One in each W.C.
1 water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons
or part thereof in the vicinity of water-closets and urinals
iv) Urinals 1 per 30 beds - Nil up to 6 -
1 for 7 to 20
2 for 21 to 45
2 for 21 to 45

v) Wash basins 2 for every 30 beds or part thereof. 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12

Add 1 per additional 30 beds or part 2 for 16 to 35 2 for 13 to 25
vi) Drinking water fountain 1 per ward 1 per 100 persons or part thereof
vii) Cleaner’s sink 1 per ward -
viii) Bed pan sink 1 per ward -
ix) Kitchen sink 1 per ward -

NOTES: - 1) Some W.C.s may be European style if desired.

2) Male population may be assumed as two-third and female population as one-third.
3) Provision for additional and special hospital fittings where required shall be made.

Table 29 : Hospitals - Outdoor Patient Department

Sr. Fixtures Patient Toilets Staff Toilets

Male Female Male Female

1 2 3 4 5 6

i) Toilet suite comprising For up to 4 patients For individual doctor’s/officer’s rooms

one WC and one
washbasin (with optional
shower stall if building
used for 24 h)

ii) Water-closets 1per 100 persons 2 per 100 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12

or part thereof persons or part 2 for 16 to 35 2 for 13 to 25

iii) Ablution tap One in each One in each One in each One in each
water-closet water-closet water-closet water-closet

1 water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons
or part thereof in the vicinity of water-closets and urinals

iv) Urinals 1 per 50 persons - Nil up to 6 -

or part thereof 1 per 7 to 20
2 per 21 to 45

v) Wash basins 1per 100 persons 2 per 100 persons 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12
or part thereof or part thereof 2 for16 to 35 2 for13 to 25

vi) Drinking water fountain 1 per 500 persons or part thereof 1 per 100 persons or part thereof

NOTES - 1) Some W.C.s may be European style if desired.

(2) Male population may be assumed as two-third and female population as one-third.
(3) Provision for additional and special hospital fittings where required shall be made.

Table 30 : Hospitals’ Administrative Buildings

Sr. Fixtures Staff Toilets
Male Female
1 2 3 4
i) Toilet suite comprising one W.C. and one For individual doctor’s/officer’s rooms
wash basin (with optional shower stall if
building used for 24 hours)
ii) Water-closets 1per 25 persons or part 1per 15 persons or part
thereof thereof
iii) Ablution tap One in each W.C. One in each W.C.
1 water tap with draining arrangements shall be
provided for every 50 persons or part thereof in the
vicinity of W.C.s and urinals
iv) Urinals Nil up to 6 -
1 per 7 to 20
2 per 21 to 45
v) Wash basins 1per 25 persons or part 1per 25 persons or part
thereof thereof
vi) Drinking water fountain 1 per 100 persons or part thereof
vii) Cleaner’s sink 1 per floor, minimum
viii) Kitchen sink 1 per floor, minimum

NOTE - Some W.C.s may be European style if desired.

Table 31 : Hospitals’ Staff Quarters and Nurses Homes
Sr. Fixtures Staff Quarters Nurses Homes
Male Female Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6
i) Water-closets 1 per 4 persons or 1per 4 persons or 1 per 4 persons or 1per 4 persons or
part thereof part thereof part thereof part thereof
2 for 16 to 35 2 for 16 to 35
ii) Ablution tap One in each W.C. One in each W.C. One in each W.C. One in each W.C.
1 water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part
thereof in the vicinity of W.C.s and urinals
iii) Wash basins 1 per 8 persons or part thereof 1 per 8 persons or part thereof
iv) Bath (shower) 1 per 4 persons or part thereof 1 per 4 persons or part thereof
v) Drinking water 1 per 100 persons or part thereof, 1 per 100 persons or part thereof,
fountain minimum 1 per floor minimum 1 per floor
vi) Cleaner’s sink 1 per floor 1 per floor

NOTES - 1) Some WC’s may be European style if desired.

2) For independent housing units fixtures shall be provided as for residences.

Table 32 : Hotels
Sr. Fixtures Public Rooms Non-Residential Staff
Male Female Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6
i) Toilet suite Individual guest rooms with attached toilets -
comprising one
W.C., wash basin
with shower or a
bath tub
Guest Rooms with Common Facilities
ii) Water-closets 1 per 100 persons 2 per 100 persons 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12
up to 400 up to 200 2 for 16 to 35 2 for 13 to 25
Over 400 add 1 per Over 200 add 1 3 for 36 to 65 3 for 26 to 40
250 or part thereof per 100 or part 4 for 66 to 100 4 for 41 to 57
thereof 5 for 58 to 77
6 for 78 to 100
iii) Ablution tap One in each W.C. One in each W.C. One in each W.C. One in each W.C.
1 water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or
part thereof in the vicinity of water-closets and urinals
iv) Urinals 1 per 50 persons or - Nil up to 6 -
part thereof 1 for 7 to 20
2 for 21 to 45
3 for 46 to 70
4 for 71 to 100
v) Wash basins 1 per W.C./Urinal 1 per W.C. 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12
2 for 16 to 35 2 for 13 to 25
3 for 36 to 65 3 for 26 to 40
4 for 66 to 100 4 for 41 to 57
vi) Bath (shower) 1 per 10 persons or part thereof - -
vii) Cleaner’s sink 1 per 30 rooms, minimum 1 per floor
viii) Kitchen sink 1 per kitchen

NOTES– (1) Some W.C.s may be European style if desired.

(2) Male population may be assumed as two-third and female population as one-third.
(3) Provision for additional and special hospital fittings where required shall be made.

Table 33 : Restaurants
Sr. Fixtures Public Rooms Non-Residential Staff
No. Male Female Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6
i) Water-closets 1 per 50 seats up 2 per 50 seats up 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12
to 200 Over 200 to 200 Over 200 2 for 16 to 35 2 for 13 to 25
add at 1 per 100 add at 1 per 100 3 for 36 to 65 3 for 26 to 40
or part thereof or part thereof 4 for 66 to 100 4 for 41 to 57
5 for 58 to 77
6 for 78 to 100
ii) Ablution tap One in each One in each One in each One in each
water-closet water-closet water-closet water-closet
1 water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or
part thereof in the vicinity of water closets and urinals.
iii) Urinals 1 per 50 persons ---- Nil up to 6 ----
or part thereof 1 for 7 to 20
2 for 21 to 45
3 for 46 to 70
4 for 71 to 100
iv) Washbasins 1 per WC 1 per WC 1 per WC 1 per WC
v) Cleaner’s sink 1 per restaurant
vi) Kitchen sink 1 per kitchen
/Dish washer

NOTES: 1) Some W.C.s may be European style if desired.

2) Male population may be assumed as two-third and female population as one-third.
3) Provision for additional and special fittings where required shall be made.\

Table 34 : Schools and Educational Institutions

Sr. Fixtures Nursery Non-Residential Residential
No. School
Boys Girls Boys Girls
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
i) Water closets 1 for 15 pupils 1 for 40 pupils 1 per 25 1 per 8 pupils 1 per 6 pupils
or part thereof or part thereof pupils or part or part thereof or part
thereof thereof
ii) Ablution tap One in each One in each One in each One in each One in each
W.C. W.C. W.C. W.C. W.C.
1 water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or
part thereof in the vicinity of water closets and urinals.
iii) Urinals ---- 1 per 20 ---- 1 per 25 ----
pupils or part pupils or part
thereof thereof
iv) Wash basins 1 per 15 pupils 1 per 60 1 per 40 1 per 8 pupils 1 per 6 pupils
or part thereof pupils or part pupils or part or part thereof or part
thereof thereof thereof
v) Bath/ Showers 1 per 40 pupils ---- ---- 1 per 8 pupils 1 per 6 pupils
or part thereof or part thereof or part
vi) Drinking water 1 for 50 pupils 1 for 50 pupils 1 for 50 pupils 1 for 50 pupils 1 for 50
fountain or taps or part thereof or part thereof or part thereof or part thereof pupils
or part
vi) Cleaner’s Sink 1 per floor
NOTES: - 1) Some W.C.s may be European style if desired.
2) For teaching staff, the schedule of fixtures to be provided shall be the same as in case of
office building.
Table 35 : Hostels
Sr. Fixtures Resident Non-Resident Visitor/ Common Rooms
No. Male Female Male Female Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
i) Water 1 per 8 or 1 per 6 or 1 for upto 15 1 for upto 12 1 per 100 up 1 per 200 up
closet part part 2 for 16 to 35 2 for 13 to 25 to 400 to 200
thereof thereof 3 for 36 to 65 3 for 26 to 40 Over 400 add Over 200 add
4 for 66 to 100 4 for 41 to 57 1 per 250 1 per 100
5 for 58 to 77
6 for 78 to 100
ii) Ablution One in each W.C.
tap 1 water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part
thereof in the vicinity of water closets and urinals.
iii) Urinals 1 per 25 ---- Nil up to 6 ---- 1 per 50 or ----
or part 1 for 7 to 20 part thereof
thereof 2 for 21 to 45
3 for 46 to 70
4 for 71 to 100

iv) Wash 1 per 8 1 per 6 ---- ---- ---- ----

basins persons persons or
or part part
thereof thereof
v) Bath/ 1 per 8 1 per 6 ---- ---- ---- ----
Showers persons persons or
or part part
thereof thereof
vi) Cleaner’s 1 per floor

NOTE: Some W.C.s may be European style if desired.

Table 36 : Fruit and Vegetable Markets
Sr. Fixtures Shop Owners Common Toilets in Market Public Toilet for Floating
No. Building Population
Male Female Male Female Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
i) Water 1 per 8 persons or part 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12 1 per 50 1 per 50
closets thereof 2 for 16 to 35 2 for 13 to 25 (minimum 2) (minimum 2)
3 for 36 to 65 3 for 26 to 40
4 for 66 to 100 4 for 41 to 57
5 for 58 to 77
6 for 78 to 100
ii) Ablution One in each water closet
tap 1 water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided in receiving / sale area of each shop
and for every 50 persons or part thereof in the vicinity of water-closets and urinals.
iii) Urinals ---- ---- Nil up to 6 ---- 1 per 50 ----
1 for 7 to 20
2 for 21 to 45
3 for 46 to 70
4 for 71 to 100
iv) Wash 1 per 8 persons or part 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12 ---- ----
basins thereof 2 for 16 to 35 2 for 13 to 25
3 for 36 to 65 3 for 26 to 40
4 for 66 to 100 4 for 41 to 57
v) Bath / 1 per 8 1 per 6 ---- ---- 1 per 50 1 per 50
Showers persons or persons or persons persons
part thereof part thereof

NOTES: (1) Toilet facilities for individual buildings in a market should be taken same as that for office buildings.
(2) Common toilets in the market buildings provide facilities for persons working in shops and their
regular visitors.
(3) Special toilet facilities for a large floating population of out of town buyers/sellers, labour, drivers of
vehicles for whom special toilet (public toilets).

Table 37 : Airports and Railway Stations

Sr. Fixtures Junction Stations, Terminal Railway and Bus Domestic and
No. Intermediate Stations and Stations International Airports
Bus Stations
Male Female Male Female Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
i) Water 3 for up to 4 for up to 4 for up to 5 for up to Minimum 2 Minimum 2
closet 1000 1000 1000 1000 For 200, 2 For 200, 2
Add 1 per Add 1 per Add 1 per Add 1 per For 400, 9 For 400, 9
additional additional additional additional For 600, 12 For 600, 12
1000 or part 1000 or part 1000 or part 1000 or part For 800, 16 For 800, 16
thereof thereof thereof thereof For 1000, For 1000,
18 18
ii) Ablution One in each water closet
1 water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part
thereof in the vicinity of water closets and urinals.
iii) Urinals 4 for up to ---- 6 for up to ---- 1 per 40 or ----
1000 1000 part thereof
Add 1 per Add 1 per
additional additional
1000 1000
iv) Wash 1 per W.C. / 1 per W.C. 1 per W.C. / 1 per W.C. 1 per W.C. / 1 per W.C.
basins Urinal Urinal Urinal
v) Bath/ 2 per 1000 3 per 1000 4 per 1000
vi) Drinking 2 per 1000 or part thereof 3 per 1000 or part thereof 4 per 1000 or part thereof
fountain or
taps (in
lobby for
vii) Cleaner’s 1 per toilet compartment with 3 W.C.s
viii) Toilet for 1 per 4000

NOTES: 1) Some WC’s may be European style if desired.

2) Male population may be assumed as three-fifth and female population as two-fifth.
3) Separate provision shall be made for staff and workers.


32.1 In addition to Appendix IV of the ’Principal Regulations’ (except item IX that contains the provision for
deposit and fees), the display of advertising signs on buildings and land shall be in accordance with
Part 10, Section 2 "Signs and outdoor display structures" of National Building Code of India as
amended from time to time.

32.2. Prohibition of advertising signs and outdoor display structure in certain cases: - No advertising
sign or outdoor display structures shall be permitted on buildings of architectural, aesthetical, historical
or heritage importance as may be decided by the Authority. In the case of Government buildings,
advertising signs or outdoor display structures may be permitted only if they relate to the activities
carried out in the building, or are for own purposes or related programmes.
32.3 ’Developer’ shall be free to decide, levy and recover suitable fees for advertisements and hoardings and
any deposit therefor.

With the prior approval of the Authority, mining or quarrying operations may be permitted on following
conditions: -
(a) Pits and holes created in the process of mining and quarrying should be appropriately filled up
and not left open.
(b) The site shall be restored so as to make it safe either by laying out a garden by planting and
rearing trees around it or by making it a recreational water body.
(c) Mining & quarrying operation should be in a controlled manner.
(d) Hill tops and hill slopes from which rainwater flows should not be allowed to be used for mining
and quarrying.
(e) The natural landscape and environment are not adversely affected.
(f) Quarrying shall be regulated according to prescriptions of the District Collector.
(g) Regulations prescribed by the Revenue authorities regarding the resettlement and restoration
of environment shall be strictly followed.
(h) Quarrying shall not be permitted within 500 m from a gaothans / village settlements and from
the rivers, forts, historical places and places of tourist interest and within 500 m from the high
tide line along the coast.
(i) The conditions prescribed under Maharashtra Minor Mineral Extraction Rules and Regulations
shall be observed.
Mobile towers may be allowed to be erected, subject to following conditions :
(i) Mobile towers may be allowed to be erected in any land use zone on ground or on
terrace of a building provided that an approach road of minimum 12 m width shall be
(ii) A cabin that shall be used only for keeping the instruments used for cellular mobile
phone services shall be permitted and shall not admeasure more than 20 sqm. Any
change in this respect made by the Authority in consultation with the Government shall
be binding.
(iii) On termination of mobile phone services, the applicant / land owner / agency shall
demolish the cabin and tower at his own cost.
(iv) The structural stability of the tower or building should be certified by a licensed
structural engineer.
(v) Copy of license issued by the telecommunications authorities for providing cellular
telecommunication service should be produced.
(vi) If the land is in the vicinity of airport, no-objection certificate should be produced from
the aviation authorities.

(vii) Entire responsibility will be fixed on the concerned applicant agency / land owner for
any accident that occurs during erection of tower.
(viii) Consents from owner, co-owner and tenement owner shall be necessary.
(ix) Development Charges under Chapter VI-A of the Maharashtra Regional and Town
Planning Act, 1966 shall be levied as decided by the Government from time to time.
(x) Any directions in this regard issued by the Government from time to time or policies
framed by the Government shall prevail over these Regulations.

(requisite court fee stamp)
The Authority,
Special Planning Authority for … … … … … Integrated Industrial Area.
I intend to carry out the under mentioned development in the site to erect/ to re-erect/ to
demolish/ to make material alteration in the building on/ in Plot No. … … … … , at … … … … …
Integrated Industrial Area situated at Road/ Street … … … … … in accordance with Section 44 of
the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966.
I forward herewith the following plans and statements, whichever applicable (Item 1 to 6),
in quadruplicate, signed by me (Name in block letters) … … … … … … … … and the Architect /
Licensed Engineer / Structural Engineer / Supervisor, (License No… … … … …), who has
prepared the plans, designs and a copy of other statements /documents as applicable (Item 7 to
(1) Key Plan (Location Plan);
(2) Site Plan (in quadruplicate) of the area proposed to be developed;
(3) Sub-division/Layout Plan
(4) a detailed building plan showing the plan, section and elevations of the proposed
development work;
(5) Service Plan
(6) Particulars of development in Form enclosed (to be submitted for development
other than individual buildings);
(7) An extract of record of rights, property register card (any other document showing
ownership of land to be specified) along with consent of co-owners where third
party interest is created.
(8) Attested copy of receipt of payment of scrutiny fees;
(9) Latest property tax receipt;
(10) No Objection Certificate, wherever required.
I request that the proposed development/ construction may be approved and permission
accorded to me to execute the work.
Signature and Name Signature of
of the Licensed Owner
Surveyor/Architect Name of Owner
Address of Owner


01 (a) (i) Full Name of Applicant ………………
(ii) Address of applicant ………………
(iii) e-mail ID ………………
(iv) Mobile No. ………………
(b) Name and address of Architect/ Licensed Engineer/ Structural ………………
Engineer/ Supervisor employed
(c) No. and date of issue of License ………………
02 Is the plot affected by any designations or road lines? If yes, are ………………
these correctly and clearly marked on the block plan?
03 *(a) What is the total area of the plot according to the document for ………………
property transfer (Lease Deed/ Conveyance Deed)?
*(b) Does it tally with the Record of Rights? ………………
*(c) What is the actual area available on site as measured by the ………………
Architect/ Licensed Engineer/ Structural Engineer/ Supervisor?
(d) Is there any deduction in the original area of the plot on account of ………………
road lines or designations?
State the total area of such deductions. ………………
(e) If so, what is the net area? ………………
04 Are all plans enclosed as required under Regulation No.8.2? ………………
05 (a) What is the plot number in the approved layout? ………………
(b) State the sanction number and date of sub-division / layout ………………
06 (a) In what zone does the plot fall? ………………
(b) What is the permissible Floor Space for the plot as per deed of ………………
transfer of property?
07 (a) Is the use of every room in the proposed work marked on the ………………
(b) Is it in accordance with the regulations? ………………
(c) What industrial classification does it fall under? Give reference to ………………
relevant ’Principal Regulations’ number.
(c) Does the use of the building, fall in the category of Special Types ………………
of buildings like, cinema halls, theatres assembly halls, stadia,
buildings for religious purpose, hospital buildings, educational
buildings, markets and exhibition halls etc.?
08 If the work is in connection with an industry: -
(a) Please briefly describe the main and accessory process. ………………

̸» °»®³·--·±² -¸¿´´ ¾» ¾¿-»¼ ±² ¬¸» ¿®»¿ ©¸·½¸»ª»® ·- ³·²·³«³ò

(b) Please state the maximum number of workmen and the total ………………
horse power likely to be employed per shift in the factory.
(c) Does the proposal constitute relocation of an existing ………………
industry? If so, give the name and address of existing industry
(d) Will the building be at 23 m. away from the boundary of a ………………
residential and commercial zone?
(e) Nature and quantum of industrial waste/ effluents and method ………………
of disposal
09 (a) What is the: -
(i) prescribed width of road on which plot is fronting? ………………
(ii) If the plot abuts on two or more streets, give information in ………………
respect of all the streets. ………………
(b) What is the height of the building above the average ground level ………………
of the plot?
(c) Does it comply with the Regulation No.17.5? ………………
10 (a) If there are existing structures on the plot: -
(i) Are they correctly marked and numbered on the site plan? ………………
(ii) Are those proposed to be immediately demolished hatched in ………………
yellow colour?
(iii) What is the plinth area and total floor area of all existing ………………
structures to be retained?
(Please give details conforming to the plan submitted)
(b) What is the plinth area and total floor area of the proposed work? ………………
(Please give details conforming to the plan submitted)
11 (a) Please state the plinth area and total floor area, existing and ………………
(total of Item No. 10 (a) (iii) and 10 (b))
(b) Please state the overall F.S.I. (shall not exceed 1.0) ………………
(Item 11 (a) divided by Item 6 (b)
(c) Is the Building proposed with setbacks on upper floors? ………………
12 (a) What is the width of the front open space? ………………
If the building abuts two or more streets, does the front open ………………
space comply with Regulation No.25?
(b) Which sub-regulation of Regulation No.25 is applicable for the ………………
front open spaces? ………………
Does the front open space comply with that regulation?
13 What is the distance from the centre line of the street? Does it ………………
comply with the rules
14 (a) What is: -
(i) the width of the side open space (s)? ………………
(ii) the width of the rear open space (s)? ………………
(iii) the distance between buildings? ………………
(b) Are there two or more wings to the buildings? ………………
If so, are the open spaces according to that required for the ………………
highest wing?
15 (a) What are the dimensions of the inner or outer chowk? ………………

(b) (i) Is (are) room (s) dependent for its (their) light and ventilation on ………………
the chowk?
If so, are the dimensions of the chowk as required for the highest ………………
wing of the building?
(ii) If not, is the area equal to ¬¸» - ¯«¿®» ±º ïñ문 ±º ¬¸» ¸»·¹¸¬ ±º ¬¸» ………………
¸·¹¸» - ¬ ©¿ ´´ ¿ ¾«¬¬·²¹ ¬¸» ½¸±©µ as per Regulation No.17.2.1 (c)?
16 If the height of the building is more than 15 meters above the ………………
average ground level, is provision for lifts made?
(a) If so, give details of lift: -
Type Passenger No. of Lifts Type of Doors
(1) (2) (3) (4)

(b) Details of Fire Lift ………………

17 (a) Does the building fall under purview of Regulation No. ………………
(b) If so, do the proposed fire protection requirements conform to Part ………………
III of the ’Principal Regulations’?
(c) If not, give reasons for non conformity: -
(i) ………………
(ii) ………………
(iii) ………………
18 (a) (i) What are the requirements of parking spaces under the ………………
(ii) How many are proposed? ………………
(iii) How many lock up garages are proposed? ………………
(b) (i) Are loading-unloading spaces necessary? ………………
(ii) If so, what is the requirement? ………………
(iii) How many are proposed? ………………
19 (a) (i) What are the maximum widths of balconies? ………………
(ii) Will they reduce the required open spaces to less than the ………………
provisions of Regulations?
(iii) Do they serve as a passage to any part of the building? ………………
(iv) What is their total area? ………………
(b) What is the maximum width of weather frames, Sunshades ………………
(Chajja), Sun breakers, cornice, eaves or other projection?
(c) (i) Are any porches / Canopies proposed? ………………
(ii) Are they in compliance with Regulation No.17.4.1(c)? ………………
20 (a) What is the width of the means of access? ………………
(b) Will it be paved, drained & kept free of encroachment? ………………
21 (a) Is recreational open space provided as required under Regulation ………………
No.15.3.1 & 15.4.1?
(b) Is any structure proposed in the recreational open space? If so, is ………………
it as per regulation?

22 (a) Are any accessory buildings proposed? If so, for what purpose? ………………
(b) What are their heights? ………………
(c) Are they 7.5 m away from the street or front boundary and if ………………
located within the open spaces, 1.5 m from other boundary?
(Regulation no. 17.4.1 (e) and 19.7)
(d) Is their area calculated in F.S.I.? ………………
23 (a) What is the proposed height of the compound / boundary wall? ………………
(b) Is it at a junction? ………………
(c) Is it in compliance with Regulation No.19.14? ………………
24 (a) Does the proposal fall under the category of tower like structures ………………
vide Regulation No. 25.5? If so, does it comply with the
requirements thereof?
(b) Is the proposal in the Air Port Zone? If yes, does it conform to ………………
(c) Is a "No. Objection certificate" for height obtained? ………………
25 Does the proposal fall in any of the restricted zones? ………………
26 (a) Does any natural watercourse pass through the land under ………………
(b) Is necessary set back provided as per Regulation No. 13.1(b)? ………………
27 Is the plinth level proposed to be above the level of the ………………
surrounding ground?
28 The details of the materials to be used in construction with
specifications as below:
Roofs ………………
Floors ………………
Walls ………………
Columns ………………
Any other material ………………
29 The number of water closet, urinals, kitchen sinks, wash basins,
baths to be provided are as follows: -
Water Baths Urinals Wash Kitchen
closets Basins Sinks
Existin …… …… …… …… ……
Propos …… …… …… …… ……
30 Details of the source of water to be used in the construction ………………
31 Distance from the sewer ………………
32 How much land belonging to ’Developer’ will be used for stacking ………………
building material?
33 Has provision of tenements for EWS / LIG been made as required ………………
under regulation no. 15.6 (3)?
34 Please explain in detail in what respect the proposal does not ………………
comply with the Development Control Regulations and the reasons
therefor, attaching a separate sheet, if necessary.
I hereby declare that I am the owner / lessee in possession of the plot on which the work is
proposed and that the statements made in this form are true and correct to the best of my
Date : … … … … … …
Address : … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Signature of the



I, (… … … … … Name … … … … …) have been employed by the applicant as his

Architect / Licensed Engineer / Structural Engineer / Supervisor. I have examined the
boundaries and the area of the plot and I do hereby certify that I have personally verified
and checked all the statements made by the applicant (who is the owner/ lessee in
possession of the plot) as in the above form and found them to be correct.

Signature of Architect/ Licensed

Engineer/ Structural Engineer/
Date: … … … … …
License No.: … … … … … … … … … …
Address: … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
E_mail ID: … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
Mobile No.: … … … … … … … … … …

Existing Floor No. Area Total Floor Area of Use / Occupancy
Building No. Existing Building of Floors.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Building No. Floor Area Total Floor Area of Use / Occupancy
No. Proposed Work of Floors.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Square Meters
1 Area of plot
2 Floor Space Permissible as per Base F.S.I.
3 Additional Floor Space allotted by ’Developer’
4 Permissible Total Floor Space = (2+3)
5 Existing Floor Space
6 Proposed Floor Space
7 Excess Balcony Area included in Floor Space
(As per B (c) Below)
*8 Total Floor Space consumed = (5 + 6 + 7)
*9 F.S.I. Consumed (8 / 4) (shall not exceed 1.0)
(a) Permissible Balcony Area on all Floors (see regulation no.
17.4.1 (c))
(b) Proposed Balcony Area on all Floors
(c) Excess Balcony Area on all Floors = [(b) – (c)]
(a) Garages Permissible … … … Garage Proposed … … … …

(b) Type Parking Required Parking Proposed
Scooter/ Motorcycle
(a) Loading/ Unloading required
(b) Total Loading / Unloading Provided
E Provision of tenements for EWS / LIG

Contents of Sheet

Stamps of Approval of Plans

Certified that the plot under reference was surveyed by me on … … … … and the
dimensions of sides etc. of plot stated on plan are as measured on site and the area so worked out
tallies with the area stated in document of Ownership.

Signature of Architect/Licensed
Engineer/ Structural Engineer/
Description of Proposal & property:

Name of Owner:
Job No. Drawing No. Scale Drawn By Checked By North Line

From …………………
(Name of the owner)
The Authority,
Special Planning Authority for
… … … … … Integrated Industrial Area.
I intend to carry out the under mentioned development in the site/ plot of land, bearing Plot
No. … … … … , at … … … … … Integrated Industrial Area situated at Road/ Street … … … … …
in accordance with Section 44 of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966.
I forward herewith the following plans and statements (Item 1 to 3) wherever applicable, in
quadruplicate, signed by me (Name in block letters) …………………………… and the Architect /
Licensed Engineer / Structural Engineer / Supervisor (License No…………………………….), who
has prepared the plans, designs and a copy of other statements /documents as applicable (Items 4
to 6).
(1) Key Plan (Location Plan);
(2) a site plan (in quadruplicate) showing the surrounding land and existing access to the land
included in the layout;
(3) a layout plan (in quadruplicate) showing Particulars of Development, viz.: -
(i) sub-divisions of the land or plot with dimensions and area of each of the proposed
sub-division and its use according to prescribed regulations;
(ii) width of the proposed streets; and
(iii) dimensions and area of open spaces provided in the layout for the purpose of
recreational open space or any like purpose.
(4) An extract of record of rights / property register card (any other document showing
ownership of land to be specified) along with consent of co-owners where third party
interest is created.
(5) Attested copy of Receipt for payment of scrutiny fees.
(6) No Objection Certificate, wherever required.
I request that the proposed layout may please be approved and
permission accorded to me to execute the work.
Signature of Owner ________________
Signature of the Licensed Surveyor/ Architect Name of Owner ________________
Dated ________________ Address of Owner ________________

Form Giving Particulars of Development

(Part of Annexure A-2, Item 3)
1 (a) (i) Full Name of Applicant ________________
(ii) Address of applicant ________________
(iii) e-mail ID ________________
(iv) Mobile No. ________________
(b) Name and address of Architect/ licensed Engineer ________________
(c) No. and date of issue of License ________________
2 Is the land affected by any designations or road lines? If ________________
yes, are these correctly and clearly marked on the block
3 (a) What is the total area of the land according to the ________________
*(b) Does it tally with the Record of Rights? ________________
*(c) What is the actual area available on site measured by ________________
Architect/ licensed Engineer?
(d) Is there any deduction in original area of the land on ________________
account of road lines or designation? (Please state the
total area of such deductions)
(e) If so, what is the net area? ________________
4 (a) What is the Plot Number/s in the Layout/ Sub-division ________________
prepared by the ’Developer’?
(b) Whether the certified measurement plan of the land issued ________________
by the Architect/ Registered Surveyor and countersigned
by the ’Developer’ is submitted with the proposal?
5 In what zone does the land fall? ________________
6 What is the width of the access Road?: -
(i) prescribed width ________________
(ii) existing width ________________
7 Whether the internal roads proposed in the layout conform ________________
to the Regulation No.15.2?
8 How much recreational open space is required? ________________
9 How much recreational open space is proposed? ________________
10 Whether amenity space is required as per regulations? If ________________
so, how much?
11 How much is proposed? ________________
12 Has provision of plots for EWS / LIG been made as ________________
required under regulation 15.6 (3)?

̸» °»®³·--·±² -¸¿´´ ¾» ¾¿-»¼ ±² ¬¸» ¿®»¿ ©¸·½¸»ª»® ·- ³·²·³«³

13 Does the proposal fall in any of the restricted zones (e.g. ________________
Buffer/ Hill Slope-Top/ Funnel etc.)?
14 Does any natural watercourse pass through the land ________________
under development? If so, the set-back proposed up to
I hereby declare that I am the owner / lessee in possession of the plot on which the work is
proposed and that the statements made in this form are true and correct to the best of my
Date : _______________
Address :________________ Signature of the Applicant
E-mail ID :_______________
Mobile No.:_______________

1 Area of Land/ Plot ______________
2 Area Under: -
(a) Proposed Road in Development Plan ______________
(b) Any Designation in Development Plan ______________
(c) Recreation Open Space as per Regulation No.15.3 1 and ______________
(d) Amenity Open Space as per Regulation No.15.3.2 and 15.4.2 ______________
(e) Internal Roads ______________
3 Area of Sub-Plots ______________
4 Provision of plots for EWS / LIG ______________

Contents of Sheet
Stamps of Approval of Plans (Tentative/ Final)
Certified that the plot under reference was surveyed by me on … … … … and the
dimensions of sides etc. of plot stated on plan are as measured on site and the area so worked out
tallies with the area stated in document of Ownership.
Signature of Architect/Licensed
Engineer/ Structural Engineer/
Description of Proposal & property:
Name of Owner:
Job No. Drawing No. Scale Drawn By Checked By North Line

The Authority,
Special Planning Authority for … … … … … Integrated Industrial Area.

1. Proposal:
2. Ref. No.:
3. Name and Address of the owner:
4. Name and address of Architect/ Licensed Engineer/ Supervisor:
I hereby certify that the structural work of the Building No. … … … … … in Plot No. … …
… … … in Block No. … … … … … situated at … … … … … Road / street in … … … … …
Integrated Industrial Area and its details will be designed and supervised during its construction by
me and I will ensure that it conforms to relevant provisions of the National Building Code of India

(Signature of Structural Engineer)

Name of Structural Engineer:
Registration No.:
Place :
Date :

C-1 General

C-1.1 The qualifications of the technical personnel and their competence to carry out
different jobs for building permit and supervision for the purpose of licensing by
the Authority shall be as given in Regulation No. C-2 to C-6. The procedure for
licensing the technical personnel is given in regulation No.C-6.

C-2.1 Qualifications : - The Qualifications for licensing of Architect will be the Associate
Membership of the Indian Institute of Architects or such Degree or Diploma which
makes him eligible for such membership or such qualifications listed in Schedule
XIV of Architects Act, 1972 and shall be registered under the Council of
Architecture as per Architects Act, 1972.

*C-2.2 Competence of Architect : - To carry out work related to development

permission as given below and to submit -
(a) All plans and information connected with development permission.
(b) Structural details and calculations for building on plot up to 500 sqm and
up to 3 storeys or 11 m height and

(c) Certificate of supervision and completion for all building.

C-3.1 Qualifications: - The qualifications for Licensing Engineer will be the corporate
membership (civil) of the Institution of Engineers or such Degree or Diploma in
Civil or Structural Engineering.

*C-3.2 Competence: - To carry out work related to development permission as given

below and to submit-
(a) All plans and related information connected with development permission.
(b) Structural details and calculations for building on plot up to 500 sqm and
up to 5 storeys or 16 m height, and
(c) Certificate of supervision and completion for all building.


C-4.1 Qualifications: - Qualifications for Licensing of structural engineers shall be in the
following with minimum 3 years experience in structural engineering practice with
designing and field work ;

(a) Graduate in Civil Engineering of recognised Indian or Foreign University

and ’Chartered Engineer or Associated Member in Civil Engineering
Division of Institution of Engineers (India) or equivalent Overseas
Institution; and
(b) Associate member in Civil Engineering Division of institution of Engineers
(India) or equivalent Overseas: Institution possessing exceptional merits.
The 3 years experience shall be relaxed to 2 years in the case of Post-graduate degree of
recognised Indian and Foreign University in the Branch of Structural Engineering. In the
case of doctorate in Structural Engineering, the experience required would be one year.
*C-4.2 Competence - To submit the structural details and calculations for all buildings
and supervision.
*C-4.2.1 Complicated buildings and sophisticated structures, as decided by
the Authority, which are not within the horizontal areas and vertical limits
under C-2.2 (b), C-3.2 (b) & C-5.2 (a) (I) shall be designed only by
Structural Engineer.


C-5.1 Qualification

(a) For Supervisor - 1 :-

(i) Three years architectural assistantship or intermediate in
architecture with two years experience, or
(ii) Diploma in Civil engineering with two year’s experience.

(b) For Supervisor - 2 :-

(i) Draftsman in Civil Engineering from ITI with five year’s experience
under Architect / Engineer.

C-5.2 Competence
(a) For Supervisor-1 : -To submit -
(i) All plans and related information connected with development
permission on plot up to 200 sq. m. and up to 2 storeys; and
(ii) Certificate as supervision of buildings on plot up to 200 sq. m. and
up to 2 storeys and completion thereof.

(b) For Supervisor-2 : -To submit –

(i) All Plans and related information up to 50 sq. m. built up area and
up to 2 storeys, and
(ii) Certificate of supervision for limits at (i) above and completion


*C-6.1 Technical Personnel to be licensed: -

The Qualified technical personnel or group as given in regulations; No C-3, C-4, C-5 shall
be licensed with the authority and the license shall be valid for three calendar years ending
31st December after which it shall be renewed every three years.

*C-6.2 Fees for Licensing: - The annual licensing fees shall be as follows: -

For Engineer and Structural Engineer 1000 p. a.

For supervisor – 1 500 p. a.

For supervisor – 2 300 p. a.

* C-6.3 Duties and Responsibilities of Licensed Technical Personnel:

The duties and responsibilities of licensed technical Personnel shall be as follows:-

(1) It will be incumbent on every licensed Technical personnel, in all matters

in which he may be professionally consulted or engaged, to assist and co-
operate with the Authority and other Officers in carrying out and enforcing
the provisions of Maharashtra Regional & Town Planning Act, 1966 and of
any regulations for the time being in force under the same.

(2) Every licensed Technical Personnel shall in every case in which he may
be professionally consulted or engaged, be responsible, so far as his
professional connection with such case extends, for due compliance with
the provisions of Maharashtra Regional & Town Planning Act, 1966 and of
any regulations for the time being in force under the said Act, or such of
them as may respectively be applicable to the circumstances of the
particular case and in particular it will be obligatory on him to satisfy
himself that a qualified and competent Maistry or Inspector of Works is
constantly employed and present on the work to supervise the execution
of all work and to prevent the use of any defective material therein and the
improper execution of any such work.

(3) In every case in which a Licensed Technical Personnel is professionally

concerned in connection with any building or work upon any premises, in
respect of which a right to require a set-back has accrued or is about to
accrue to the Authority under the provisions of relevant Acts or any of
them it will be incumbent on such Licensed Technical Personnel to
ascertain whether " the regular line of the street" has been prescribed
under the provisions of relevant Act; and whether any portion of the said
premises is required for the street and no Licensed Technical Personnel
must, on any account or under any pretence whatever, be a part to any
evasion or attempted evasion of the set-back (if any that may be

(4) In every case in which a Licensed Technical Personnel is professionally

concerned in connection with any building or work upon any premises
designed or intended to be used for any purposes in respect of which the
written permission or license of the Authority is prescribed by the said Act
at a necessary condition to the establishment or use of such premises for
such purpose, it shall be incumbent on such Licensed Technical
personnel, so far as his professional connection with such case extends,
to see that all conditions prescribed by the said Act, or by any rule for the
time being in force there under, in respect or premises designed or
intended to be applied to such use, are duly fulfilled or provided for.
(5) A Licensed Technical Personnel shall not carry out any work in
connection with any building or other erection on a plot of land leased or
agreed to be leased in contravention of any term or condition of the lease
or agreement for lease.
(6) When Licensed Technical Personnel ceases to be in the employment for
the development work, he shall report the fact forthwith to the Authority.

6.4 Licensing of Builders:

(a) No builder / real estate firm or company shall be allowed to undertake development /
do business / practice in Integrated Industrial Area unless they are licensed with the
sanctioning authority of the respective area.
(b) It shall be mandatory for a builder to register himself as a builder with the Authority
to undertake the development of the apartment buildings, Group Housing Schemes,
all High-Rise Buildings and all commercial complexes.
(c) Developments undertaken for construction of individual residential houses, normal
educational / institutional / industrial buildings and developments undertaken by
public agencies are exempted from the above condition.
(d) Any builder undertaking development or any firm doing development of a property
mentioned in paragraph (b) above, in any Integrated Industrial Area or soliciting
property sale / transactions or advertising as such in case of above, shall
necessarily mention the details of his license number to whom the approval is given
by the Special Planning Authority for the said Integrated Industrial Area, together
with the permit number and it’s validity for information and verification of public /
prospective buyers.
(e) Absence of the above or suppressing of the above facts would invite penal action
including debarring of the real estate firm / development firm / company from
practicing / conducting business in the local authority area for 5 years or more,
besides prosecution under the relevant laws / code of conduct by the sanctioning
(f) Any licensed builder who undertakes construction in violation of the sanctioned
plans shall be black listed and this would entail cancellation of his license besides
being prosecuted under the relevant laws / code of conduct.


With reference to your application No ___________________,dated ________________

for the land sub-division approval, under Section 44 of The Maharashtra Regional and Town
Planning Act, 1966 to carry out development work in respect of land bearing Plot
No_______________ of ____________ Integrated Industrial Area, situated at Road
/Street_______________, it is to inform you that, land sub-division layout is hereby tentatively
approved and recommended for demarcation, subject to the following conditions:
1. You will get the land sub-division layout demarcated on the site by the Architect/
Registered Technical Person and submit the certified copy to that effect for final approval.
2. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to carry out all the development work including
construction of roads, sewer lines, water supply lines, culverts, bridges, street lighting, etc.
to the satisfaction of the Authority and hand it over to the Industrial Township after its
3. You will have to submit an undertaking in respect of recreational open spaces (if in
residential zone) as stipulated in Regulation No.15.3.1 (B).
4. This permission does not entitle you to develop the land which does not vest in you.
5. (other conditions, if any, including provision of plots for EWS / LIG)
Outward No. _________________________________________________________ Office Stamp
Date: - _______________
Yours faithfully,

Special Planning
Authority for
FOR …………………………………………… Industrial Area


Specimen of Stamp
Letter No………………….……………,
to be marked on land
Date ………………….
sub-division layout
plan recommended for
subject to conditions mentioned in the aforesaid letter.
(space for signature)
(space for name)




With reference to your application No. ___________________,dated ________________

for the land sub-division approval, under Section 44 of The Maharashtra Regional and Town
Planning Act, 1966 to carry out development work in respect of land bearing Plot No.
_______________, of ____________ Integrated Industrial Area, situated at Road
/Street_______________, it is to inform you that the land sub-division layout is finally approved as
demarcated under Section 45 of the Maharashtra Regional & Town Planning Act, 1966, subject to
the following conditions:

1. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to carry out all the development work including
construction of roads, sewer lines, water supply lines, culverts, bridges, street lighting, etc.
to the satisfaction of the Authority and hand it over to the Industrial Township after its

2. As per the undertaking submitted by you in respect of recreational open spaces (if in
residential zone) as stipulated in Regulation No.15.3.1 (B), the said open spaces
admeasuring ------- sqm stand vested in the name of plot holders of the layout or society of
the plot holders and you have no right of ownership or interest in the said recreational
open space.

3. This permission does not entitle you to develop the land which does not vest in you.

4. (other conditions, if any, including provision of plots for EWS / LIG)


Office No _________________________________________________________ Office Stamp

: _______________
FOR ……………………………………………

Letter No………………….……………,
Date …………………. Special Planning
subject to conditions mentioned in the aforesaid letter. ______ Integrated
Industrial Area
(space for signature)
(space for name)
Specimen of Stamp to be
AUTHORITY marked on approved land sub-
division layout plan


With reference to your application No. ___________________,dated
________________ for the land sub-division approval, under Section 44 of The Maharashtra
Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 to carry out development work in respect of land bearing
Plot No. _______________, of ____________ Integrated Industrial Area, situated at Road
/Street_______________, I regret to inform you that the proposal has been refused under Section
45 of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966, on the following grounds and also
on grounds mentioned on the reverse page.
(1) ____________________________________________________________
(2) ____________________________________________________________
(3) ____________________________________________________________
(4) ____________________________________________________________
(5) ____________________________________________________________
(6) ____________________________________________________________
Yours faithfully,

Special Planning
Authority for
______ Integrated
Industrial Area
Office memo No. BE/ ________________________________
Office Stamp ________________________________
Date : __________________

(continued on the reverse side of the form)

(the reverse side of the form)

1. Application Form.
2. Plans and Statement.
*3. Architect
4. Ownership.
5. Road width not as per the regulation.
6. Cognizance of Development Plan
7. Required recreational open space
8. Required amenity space
9. Miscellaneous including provision of plots for EWS / LIG

Special Planning
Authority for
______ Integrated
Industrial Area

Specimen of stamp to
be affixed on the plan

Letter No. …....... Date ……


Following are the guidelines for development of transport infrastructure throughout the
Integrated Industrial Area.
(1) The urban landscape is characterized by a set of interdependent elements
that create a sense of place. These include road type, and the form and
disposition of landscape and lighting. Transport infrastructure provides the
IIA with moving lanes for vehicles, bicycles and public transport. A road is
associated with a particular type of movement, and is endowed with two
attributes: movement type and character. The movement type of the road
refers to the number of vehicles that can move safely through a segment
within a given time period; it is physically manifested by the number of
lanes and their width, by the centerline radius, the curb radius, and the
super elevation of the pavement. The character of the road refers to its
suitability as a setting for pedestrian activities.
(2) Roads can be assigned appropriately to Use Zones, with calibrated widths
for Rights-of-Way, movement types, design speed, number of travel lanes,
pavement width, curb radius and Verge type. They should reflect a clear
road hierarchy.
(3) The following additional assumptions govern the roads:
To clear sight lines for drivers, Visibility Triangles are required. (see
Figure 2)
Carriageway widths are measured
inside of curb to inside of curb.
Curb and gutter may range from fifty
(50) cm for township roads to sixty
(60) cm for classified roads such as
ODR, MDR, SH, NH etc. or roads
above 30 m in width.
Tree spacing should be provided to
match Plot Line spacing in smaller Figure 2: Visibility
plots and elsewhere at a spacing of Triangle
about 10 m.
Tree planters have a minimum dimension of 1.2 m x 1.2 m, increased
where possible to a 1.2 m x 2.4 m dimension.
In order to facilitate pedestrian safety, bulb-outs (see Figure 3) may be
added where road widths are wide (24 m and above) and design
speed high, or where sidewalks are
narrow (less than 2 m).
The accommodation of bicycles and
public transport requires detailed
response to the road dimensions
and traffic condition.
(4) Transport infrastructure must evolve
with the needs of the development. As
the development continues to increase, Figure 3: Bulb-out and
a road may change in character Tree Planters

reflecting new density. For instance, a continuous lawn planter may be

replaced with individual tree wells for additional sidewalk space, or a wide
neighborhood street may be narrowed (traffic calming) to control traffic
(5) Bicycles need to be a viable mode of transportation and recreation in the
IIA. Bicycle use of roads needs to be as follows:
i. Bicycles and vehicles may share use of lanes on all roads.
ii. Roads that have sufficient carriageway width to accommodate
safety of bicyclists should include dedicated Bicycle Lanes.
iii. Greenways, waterfront walks and other civic spaces need to
include Bicycle usage.
(6) An IIA-wide bicycle plan may designate an interconnected network serving
bicyclists with a series of marked routes that include Bicycle Lanes as well
as Bicycle Routes that give bicycles priority, such as those roads which
parallel major corridors or include major corridors which can be
reconfigured to limit conflicts between vehicles and bicycles.
(7) Pedestrian comfort should be a primary consideration of road dimensions
and design. Design conflict between vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian
movement needs to be decided in favour of the pedestrian.
2.1 General
The basic objective of suggesting norms and standards is to provide a basis for taking
decision about their provision in a Development Plan. The norms and standards
suggested below are indicative and may be adapted suitably.
2.2 Norms and Standards for Residential Area
Provision of facilities in IIAs will be governed by their extent. The average household size
of around 4 and the average dwelling unit of around 50 sqm can be assumed in the
Integrated Industrial Areas resulting in 12.5 sqm per person. This leads to a simple
formula for converting gross area of Integrated Industrial Areas (in ha) in to population that
can be accommodated in residential part of Integrated Industrial Areas (assumed to
constitute 30% of gross area of Integrated Industrial Areas after accounting for commercial
at 10%) by multiplying the gross area of Integrated Industrial Areas (in ha) by a factor of
240. For smaller IIAs, i.e. with extent between 40 and 100 ha, the population will range
between approximately 10,000 and 24,000. For larger IIAs, population that will reside in
the 30% of the Integrated Industrial Areas area will be in excess of 24,000.
2.2.1 Recreational facilities : - These will consist of gardens/parks and playgrounds of
different sizes, sports complexes/ stadia, swimming pools etc. Norms for these are
given in table below. However, collectively, these facilities not be less than 10% of
the area under residential zone.
Sr. Facility Norm related to Norm related to Gross Remarks
No. Population area of IIA
(1) Gardens 1 ha for 15,000 1.5% of gross area of IIA including space for parking
population or part and incidental uses
(2) Parks 1 ha for 10,000 2.5% of gross area of IIA including space for parking
population or part and incidental uses
(3) Children’s 1 ha for 30,000 0.75% of gross area of IIA to be located away from
Play population or part schools
Ground thereof

Sr. Facility Norm related to Norm related to Gross Remarks

No. Population area of IIA
(4) Play 1 ha for 30,000 0.75% of gross area of IIA including space for parking
Ground population or part
(5) Sports Optional. At least including space for parking
Complex/ 3 ha. and incidental uses. Space
Stadium below gallery may be used for
commercial purpose.
2.2.2 Education: - These will consist of day-care centres, nursery schools, pre-primary,
primary, secondary, higher secondary, college, trade and vocational schools,
special schools (for differently abled), university etc. The Development Plan will
need to provide space for at least primary and secondary schools in all IIAs and
for other levels and categories at Developer’s option. These could be grouped in
separate complexes along with other compatible uses. Norms for these are given
in table below.
Sr. Facility Norm Remarks
(1) Day-Care Centres, To be located in an May be permitted in layout open
Nursery Schools, independent building or in a space subject to conditions about
Pre-Primary separate portion of a building structures to be permitted in such
with independent passage/ open spaces.
corridor, staircase/ lift.
(2) Primary School with (a) 1 primary school of 500 Primary school going students are
play ground students taken at 15% of population. This
(b) 0.4 ha of plot area works out to 1 primary school of
(c) 40% of plot area to be left 500 students for every 14 ha of
for play ground gross area of I.

(3) Secondary School (a) 1 secondary school of 750 Secondary school going students
with play ground students are taken at 7.5% of population.
(b) 1 ha of plot area This works out to 1 secondary
(c) 40% of plot area to be left school of 750 students for every 40
for play ground ha of gross area of I.

(4) Higher secondary, According to requirement

trade and vocational
schools, special
schools (for
differently abled)
(5) College/University As per U.G.C., I.M.C. and
A.I.C.T.E. norms as may be
2.2.3 Health facilities: - These will consist of dispensaries, clinics and poly-clinics,
radiological centres, pathological and laboratories, maternity homes, nursing
homes, homes for convalescents, mental hospitals, surgical and general hospitals
These are expected to be provided by private sector initiative. Where the
’Developer’ has opted for development of clusters for locating facilities instead of
usual R1-R2 type development, may earmark separate clusters for these either in

district or in neighbourhood centres. In R1-R2 type development where hospital is

being proposed, the usual norm of 50 sqm per bed will hold good for deriving plot
size. For other facilities, areas can be as required by the enterprise.
2.2.4 Fire Station: - At least one Fire Station or Sub Fire Station within 1 km to 3 kms
for every 200,000 population or part thereof shall be provided with the following
requirements: -
Area for Fire Station with essential residential accommodation - 1.00
Area for Sub Fire Station with essential residential accommodation -
0.60 ha.]
2.2.5 Other facilities : - Land should be allocated for burial and cremation ground, solid
and liquid waste management and areas required for other utilities. The IIA will
also need several other facilities like libraries, community halls, cultural centres,
marriage halls, theatres, vegetable markets, gymnasia, swimming pools etc.,
however, these are expected to be provided by private sector initiative. Plots may
be allotted as per requirement and where facility cluster type development is being
opted for, the clusters may be planned for accommodating these uses in a
compatible manner.
2.3 Norms and Standards for Industrial Area
2.3.1 General : - Development Plan shall ensure that Industrial Buildings shall be at
least 23 m away from residences in Residential zone. The buffer provided by this
distance can be used as a landscape element or allocated for activities that will
not conflict with residential use e.g. open uses like play ground, parks and
gardens etc. Care should be taken to ensure that effluents and wastes of all types
from industries do not affect residential areas. Sufficient areas for treatment and
disposal of these would need to be allocated in the Development Plan.
2.3.2 Circulation Pattern : - This should conform in spirit to item 3.0 herein. As
industrial area is likely to experience presence of heavy vehicles with long
wheelbase as also articulated vehicles, it will be necessary that roads in industrial
areas are wide enough to accommodate them. A 15 m wide road has been
recommended as the absolute minimum except where exigency of situation
demands lesser width. Cul-de-sacs should, as far as possible, be avoided. In
addition to parking provision within individual plots, public parking would satisfy a
felt public need in industrial areas. Needs of public transport services like turning
spaces, bus terminals, bus bays and bus stops would also require adequate
2.3.3 Facilities in Industrial area : - Adequate space for locating facilities required by
both, the public visiting industrial units and the workers, will be necessary. These
spaces, in addition to parks and gardens, would cater for facilities like fire stations,
facility centres, health facilities including a central hospital, post and telegraph
office, banks, restaurants, hotels, and such other uses admissible in amenity


Under Secretary to Government.

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