City of Tshwane Noise Management Policy: Appendix A

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Noise is considered to be unwanted or undesirable sound. It penetrates the work place, and recreational
areas, the home and can create a disturbance at all hours of the day. The effects of noise on people are
varied. Noise disrupts activity, disturbs sleep and hinders people carrying out their work. It can impede
the learning process, psychological development, social activity and verbal communication, and impairs
job performance and safety in the workplace and in transport. The extent of the noise impact problem is
summarised in Table A1 which indicates the percentage of the UK population disturbed by various noise



% of Population
Noise Source
Hear Bothered by Biggest nuisance

Road Traffic 89 23 16
Aircraft 83 13 8
Children 72 14 8
Animals 55 16 9
People 53 8 3
Trains 35 2 0.5
Factories 13 4 1
Construction 12 3 0,5

In France 93% of the population indicate that they are bothered by noise in general in their
neighbourhood with 46% considering the disturbances severe.


i) Noise may be defined as any acoustical phenomenon producing any aural sensation perceived as
disagreeable or disturbing by an individual or a group. This definition encompasses the three
areas of analysis of sonic phenomena, namely:

• their physical (acoustic) effects;

• their physiological effects (those that are directly measurable); and
• their psycho-sociological effects (annoyance and other reactions to noise).

ii) This has been further defined under noise nuisance in the Noise Regulations as any sound which
disturbs or impairs or may disturb or impair the convenience or peace of any person.

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iii) A rapid fluctuation of the static air pressure that surrounds us is perceived as sound if the
frequency of the fluctuations lies within the human audible range namely from 20 hertz (Hz) to
20 kilohertz (kHz).

iv) The unit which has been adopted for indicating the noise level is the decibel (dB) and it relates on
a logarithmic scale to the basic unit of sound pressure, namely the Pascal (Pa). The decibel scale
starts at 0 dB for sounds that can just be heard and reaches 130 dB at the onset of aural pain.

v) The human ear is not equally sensitive to all audible frequencies and thus the sensitivity of
measuring instruments needs to be adapted at different frequencies so that it reacts in a similar
fashion to the human ear. This adaptation is known as frequency weighting. The “A” weighting
has been found to give the best correlation between perceived and actual loudness and all noise
levels are thus defined by their dB(A) value.

vi) The range of typical noise levels encountered in various environments is shown in Table A2.

vii) The basic unit dB(A) gives a measure of sound pressure level at an instant in time. Most noises,
however vary in loudness over time and thus some means of time weighting is necessary. There
are a number of noise descriptors which take this into account, namely:

• Equivalent continuous sound level (Leq): A person’s subjective response to noise,

including road traffic noise, depends not only on discrete instantaneous sound levels, but
even more on the average sound energy received during the time that the noise is emitted.
When measured on the A-weighted scale the equivalent continuous sound level is
expressed as LAeq and is defined as that sound level which contains the same quantity of
sound energy over a defined time period as the actual time-varying sound level. The
Noise Regulations prescribe the use of this descriptor.

• Statistical level (LN or LN,T) represents the sound level that is exceeded N per cent during
a period of T hours. (L10,24h for example is the sound level that is exceeded 10 per cent of
the time during a 24 hour period.) The statistical level is suited to any stationary random
noise, although in the context of transport, it is only freely flowing traffic that falls neatly
into that category. This time over which the measurement is made should be long enough
for the statistical sampling to be meaningful but not so long that the noise cannot be
regarded as stationary. Typically for the measurement of L10 which is used as the
descriptor in the UK for traffic noise, the measurement period would be 5 to 15 minutes.

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Noise Level,
Typical Environment Subjective Description
140 30m from jet aircraft during take-off
Pneumatic chipping and riveting
130 Unbearable
(operator’s position)
Hearing damage possible even for short
120 Large diesel power generator
105-120 Low level military aircraft flight
110-120 100 m from jet aircraft during take-off
Metal workshop (grinding work),
circular saw
Peak level of high speed train travelling
at 300 km/h at 7,5 metres
100 Printing press room Very noisy
Peak level of passenger train travelling at
200 km/h at 7,5 metres.
Peak level of passing freight train (diesel
engine) travelling at 100 km/h at 7,5 m
85-100 Discotheque (indoor)
7,5 m from passing motorcycle
(50 km/h)
80-95 7,5 m from passing truck (50 km/h)
80 Kerbside of busy street
70 Blaring radio Noisy
7,5 m from passing passenger car
(50 km/h)
60 Supermarket/busy office
50 Average suburban home (day conditions) Quiet
40 Library
35-45 Average suburban home (night-time)
30 Average rural home (night-time)
25-30 Slight rustling of leaves
Background in professional recording
20 Very quite
0-20 Experienced as complete quietness
0 Threshold of hearing at 1000 Hz

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• Single event noise exposure level (SEL or LAX) is defined as the continuous sound level
which, when maintained for one second contains the same quantity of sound energy as the
actual time varying level of the one noise event. It enables, for example, the transient
noise level of a vehicle passing by a point to be rated. Its real use is as an aid to
calculating Leq over a given time period because LAX defines the energy contribution of
the single event and therefore the energy of a number of such unrelated events over a
period of time can be logarithmically combined to give the Leq value.

• Day/night equivalent sound level (LDN) is a rating based on Leq which is used in the USA.
The sound energy is averaged over 24 hours but the noise level during the night-time
period is penalised by the addition of 10 dB(A).

vii) Human perception of the change in sound is subjective and does not bear a close relation to actual
change, for example:

• A change in level of 3 dB(A) is just detectable;

• A change in level of 5-6 dB(A) is clearly perceptible; and

• A change in level of 10 dB(A) is perceived roughly as doubling or halving of loudness.


i) The level at which noise becomes unacceptable to an individual or a community depends on

several factors. It is known that excessive noise can be damaging to a person’s physical and
mental well being. The physiological and psychological effects of noise on a person are both
related to the total amount of noise to which he or she is exposed. This means that someone who
is exposed to a fluctuating noise of a certain period of time can be expected to react in a similar
way to a dosage of noise at a constant level which produces the same energy over the same period
of time.

ii) Extremely loud noises from approximately 120 dB(A) are agonising and cannot be tolerated for
any duration by a person with normal hearing. Prolonged exposure to noise louder than
85 dB(A)Leq can cause permanent hearing damage. At moderately high levels it can interfere
with communication and become a source of intense annoyance to the community. It has been
found that the way a community reacts to noise is directly related to the level of noise, measured
in dB(A), to which its members are exposed. Noise nuisance can result from either a continuous
unacceptable level of noise, from intrusive single events or a combination of both.

Already by the mid 1980s the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
had established sound pressure level thresholds for noise nuisance during the daytime. These
criteria measured as the equivalent noise level (LAeq) are as follows:

• at 55-60 dB(A) noise creates annoyance;

• at 60-65 dB(A) annoyance increases considerably; and

• above 65 dB(A) constrained behaviour patterns, symptomatic of serious damage caused

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by noise arises.

iii) Within the South African context, SANS 10103:2003 gives an indication of the criteria for an
assessment of annoyance. This scientific approach is complex and it is not appropriate to provide
all the details in this Appendix. The reader is however referred to Section 8 of SANS 10103. In
overview this Standard indicates that there are likely to be specific responses by
communities/groups to given changes in noise level from the residual noise level of an area as
indicated in Table A3.



Excess ∆LReq,T Estimated Community/Group Response

dB(A) Category Description
0 None No observed reaction
0 to 10 Little Sporadic complaints
5 to 15 Medium Widespread complaints
10 to 20 Strong Threats of action
>15 Very strong Vigorous action

iv) Some of the specific effects of noise are as follows:

a) Sleep disturbance

Sleep disturbance starts at noise levels of 30 dB(A) for steady state continuous noise at
the sleeper’s ear. In special situations even lower levels may disturb sleep. The most
important noise exposure parameter for sleep disturbance however is the maximum peak
level of the exposure from the single isolated event. This highlights the importance of
avoiding noise from noisy cars, motorbikes, lorries and aircraft in residential areas at
night. From many study findings the general conclusion has been drawn that, to ensure
undisturbed sleep, the maximum sound pressure level should not exceed 45 dB(A). Field
studies indicate deterioration in mood or symptoms such as tiredness, headache and
nervous stomach where heavy traffic occurs at night and the recommended values are

b) Interference with communication

Noise levels frequently attained in streets, gardens and on balconies interfere with
speech. Noise levels inside buildings usually cause occupiers to close windows if they
wish to hold a conversation once the external continuous noise level reaches 70 dB(A). It
is generally accepted that noise levels in homes should not exceed 40-45 dB(A), levels
that are often exceeded by traffic noise even with the windows closed.

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c) General annoyance

A less specific, but nevertheless serious effect of environmental noise is that it simply
disturbs and annoys people. The feeling of annoyance results not only from sleep
disturbance and interference with communication, but also from less well defined
feelings of being disturbed and affected during all kinds of activities as well as during
periods of rest.

d) Extra-auditory effects

A great number of these extra-auditory effects of noise are psycho-physiological. The

most predominant of these manifest themselves in physiological stress responses and,
particularly at higher noise levels, in cardio-vascular reactions. Mental health effects and
influences on performance and productivity have also been observed. Intensive research
on these subjects is still ongoing. It can be generally concluded from the present state of
knowledge that exposure to environmental noise induces stress to health as it may lead to
measurable changes in blood pressure, heart rate, vasoconstriction and endocrine
excretion levels. A correlation has also been found between high exposure to noise and
increased admissions to mental hospitals.



A large degree of international consensus has emerged over the years as what constitutes unacceptable
levels of noise exposure and what should be the maximum levels of exposure for certain specific
situations. At the international level, the World Health Organisation (WHO) together with the
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) are two of the main bodies that have
collected data and developed their own assessments on the effects of the exposure to environmental noise.
On the basis of these assessments, guideline values for different time periods and situations have been

The World Health Organisation has recommended that a standard guideline value for average outdoor
noise levels of 55 dB(A) be applied during normal daytime in order to prevent significant interference
with the normal activities of local communities. The guideline residual sound levels for various
environments are given in Table A4. The ambient sound level is defined as the equivalent continuous A-
weighted sound pressure level LAeq at a specific place and over a specific time inclusive of intruding
noises. Intruding noise in this context is defined as noise in spaces that is generated by sources other than
those resulting from the intended activities in those spaces.

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Ambient Sound Level LAeq dB

Environments Daytime Night-time

Indoor Outdoor Indoor Outdoor

Space Space Space Space

Dwellings 50 55 - -

Bedrooms - - 30 45

Schools 35 55 - -


- general 35 - 35 45

- ward rooms 30 - 30 40

Concert halls (4 hour)* 100 - - -

Discotheques (4 hours)* 90 - 90 -

* Note: Concert halls and discotheques measured over a 4 hour exposure period

The OECD’s Fifth Environmental Action Programme established a number of broad targets on which to
base action up to the year 2000 in night-time LAeq. These are:

• to phase out average exposure above 65 dB(A);

• to ensure that at no point in time a level of 85 dB(A) should be exceeded coupled with the aim of
ensuring that the proportions of the population exposed to average levels between 55 dB(A) and
65 dB(A) should not increase; and

• exposure in quiet areas should not increase beyond 55 dB(A).

The World Bank has compiled a Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook which is used by World
Bank Group staff and consultants in carrying out its environmental policies. Since July 1998 the
guidelines contained in the Handbook apply to all Bank Group funded projects. The Handbook deals
with noise control under Industry Sector Guideline. It stipulates that noise abatement measures should
achieve either the maximum allowable one-hourly Leq ambient noise levels dB(A) as shown in Table A5
or a maximum increase in background levels of 3 dB(A). Measurements are to be taken at noise receptors
located outside the project property boundary.

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Maximum Allowable Ambient Noise Levels Leq

(Hourly) in dB(A)
Daytime Night-time
07:00 – 22:00 22:00 – 07:00

Residential, institutional, educational 55 45

Industrial, commercial 70 70

Note: No interior LAeq values nor values for rural areas are stipulated.


i) The main controlling criteria to date have been from:

• SANS 10103:2003 (SABS 0103)

• National Noise Control Regulations (now replaced by provincial regulations)
• SANS 10117:2003

ii) SANS 10103:2003, the Code of Practice for The Measurement and Rating of Environmental
Noise with Respect to Land Use, Health, Annoyance and Speech Communication recommends
maximum noise levels for residential and non-residential areas. Table A6 taken from this Code
of Practice lists the recommended maximum ambient sound levels which should not be exceeded.
These sound pressure levels include corrections for tonal character and impulsiveness of the
noise. This is also known as the rating level for the ambient noise (Lr).

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Equivalent Continuous Rating Level for Noise (LReq,T )


Type of District Outdoors Indoors with Windows Closed

Day-night Daytime Night-time Day-night Daytime Night-time

(LR,dn) (LReq,d) (LReq,n) (LR,dn) (LReq,d) (LReq,n)


a) Rural districts 45 45 35 35 35 25

b) Suburban districts
50 50 40 40 40 30
(little road traffic)

c) Urban districts 55 55 45 45 45 35


d) Urban districts
(some workshops,
60 60 50 50 50 40
business premises
and main roads)
e) Central business
65 65 55 55 55 45

f) Industrial districts 70 70 60 60 60 50

Note: Residential buildings such as dormitories, hotel accommodation, residences, etc. should only be
allowed in non-residential districts on condition that the calculated anticipated indoor maximum
equivalent continuous rating levels (LReq,T) values given in Table 1 of SANS 10103 are not exceeded.

SANS 10103 also gives an indication what the 65 dB(A) noise level represents in the context of
every day conversation, namely that it is the noise level at which people must not sit further than
0,7 metres apart in order to have intelligible communication, as well as being the level at which
an ordinary telephone conversation starts to become difficult.

iii) The Gauteng Noise Regulations (as enabled by the Environment Conservation Act) have
introduced legislation whereby, a local authority may designate a noise control area within which
noise control measures must be taken. The following circumstances are specified:

(a) A controlled area (Gauteng Province) in the case of road transport noise in the vicinity of
a road means a piece of land so designated by a local authority where the reading on an
integrating impulse sound level meter, taken outdoors at the end of a period of 24 hours
while such meter is in operation, exceeds 60 dB(A); or the equivalent continuous A-

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weighted sound pressure level at a height of at least 1,2 metres, but not more than 1,4
metres, above the ground for a period of 24 hours as calculated in accordance with SANS
10210, titled Code of Practice for Calculating and Predicting Road Traffic Noise and
projected for a period of 15 years following the date on which the local authority has
made such designation, exceeds 60 dB(A). Refer to note in Table 3.8.2 in Section 3.8.3.

In the North West Province the 18 hour (06h00 to 24h00) the noise levels are not to
exceed 65dBA.

(b) A controlled area in the case of air traffic noise directly adjacent to an airfield may be so
designated where the calculated noisiness index, (NI), projected for a period of 15 years
following the date on which the local authority made such designation, exceeds 65dB(A).

(c) A controlled area in or adjacent to an industrial area may be designated where with
industrial noise the reading on an integrating impulse sound level meter, taken outdoors
at the end of a period of 24 hours while such meter is in operation, exceeds 60 dB(A); or
the calculated outdoor equivalent continuous “A” weighted sound pressure level at a
height of at least 1,2 metres, but not more than 1,4 metres, above the ground for a period
of 24 hours exceeds 60 dB(A).

(d) In the case of noise from any other source, a controlled area may be designated for
adjacent land to that source where the reading on an integrating impulse sound level
meter, taken outdoors at the end of a period extending from the time when such source of
noise become active until the time when it was no longer active, while such meter was in
operation, exceeds 65 dB(A); or the outdoor equivalent continuous A-weighted sound
pressure level at a height of at least 1,2 metres, but not more than 1,4 metres, above the
ground, as calculated in accordance with the acceptable mathematical/acoustic methods
for a period extending from the time when the source of the noise became active until the
time when it was not longer active, and projected for a period of 15 years following the
date on which the local authority made such designation, exceeds 65 dB(A). The
methods of calculation as described in SANS 10328 should be used for this purpose.

iv) SANS 10117:2003, the code of practice for The Determination and Limitation of Disturbance
around an Aerodrome due to Noise from Aeroplanes indicates the following limits on various
land uses:

a) Residential Areas. The total noisiness index should not exceed 65 dB(A) for residential

b) Residential areas having acoustically insulated buildings. The total noisiness index
should not exceed 75 dB(A) for residential areas where the buildings are so designed that
a reduction of at least 20 decibels is experienced in aeroplane noise (measured in dB(A))
between the outside and inside of the buildings, and where the buildings are so ventilated
that the windows and doors can be properly insulated.

c) Industrial areas. The total noisiness index should not exceed 85 dB(A) for industrial

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d) Forbidden areas. In areas where the total noisiness index exceeds 85 dB(A), no land
development for the purpose of residential, commercial or industrial usage should be


The main sources of environmental noise are:

• road traffic
• rail traffic
• air traffic
• industry
• civil engineering and construction site activities
• outdoor equipment
• recreational equipment

These classes differ from a phenomenological point of view and, as the public’s attitude to noise from the
different sources vary, are perceived differently. In order to provide a better understanding of these noise
sources a brief description of each is given in the following sections.


i) Road traffic noise is a complex phenomenon constantly fluctuating in intensity and pitch. It is
made up of several components, namely:

• road/tyre interaction (rolling noise);

• vehicle engine noise;
• vehicle transmission noise;
• vehicle aerodynamic noise;
• braking systems;
• vehicle retarder systems.

ii) High volume, free flow condition road traffic is considered as a line source having a continuous
area of impact on both sides of and parallel to the road. The nature and level of noise generated
from a road is dependent on:

• volume of traffic;
• composition of the traffic;
• traffic speed;
• gradient of the road; and
• surface texture of the road.

iii) Rolling noise is normally of a higher frequency than that from the mechanised noise sources and
is the predominant component of the traffic noise at high speeds (above 60 km/h).

iv) Both rolling and mechanical noise are components for the freeflow condition as indicated
previously but for stop/start traffic conditions, for example in the vicinity of a traffic signal (at a
road junction), mechanical noise is predominant.
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v) A doubling or halving of the vehicle speeds will increase or decrease respectively the noise level
by approximately 4dBA to 5dBA, while a halving or doubling of traffic volume will lower or
raise respectively the noise level by approximately 3dBA.

vi) The noise, as it is perceived at any point removed from the road, is influenced by the following

• It reduces with increasing distance from the source (± 3dBA for each doubling of

• The nature of the ground surface assists in this reduction, i.e. the reduction will be greater
over a soft surface (grassland) than a hard one (bare ground, concrete, etc.).

• Weather conditions such as wind, temperature gradient and temperature inversions can
increase or reduce the perceived noise level.

• Topography.

vii) Very low volume traffic impact has a different characteristic in that there may be a greater
fluctuation of sound level.

viii) Note that these characteristics are of importance when considering what mitigating measures are
to be taken.


i) This section presents a general overview of the noise and vibration produced by various types of
trains for a variety of conditions. The task is complicated by the wide variety of train types and
operating conditions, since trains can operate in subway, at-grade or an elevated structure over a
range of speeds and propulsion types. However, an attempt has been made to characterise these
various conditions for both inter-city and mainline railway and transit trains.

ii) Most mainline railroad operations are on at-grade ballast and tie track with operations in tunnels
or over bridges usually comprising only a small percentage of route length. This is in contrast to
urban rail transit operations where a greater proportion of the operations occur either in subway
or on elevated structures.

iii) Rail traffic is considered as a line source of noise with a continuous area of impact both sides of
and parallel to the railway line. Railway related noise is general acoustically characterised by
high noise levels of relatively short duration. The wayside noise radiated into a community is the
function of a number of different factors, namely:

• interaction of wheels and rails;

• the vehicle or locomotive propulsion system;
• auxiliary equipment;
• noise radiated from vibrating structures;

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• train speed;
• train length;
• aerodynamics (for high speed operations);
• locomotive warning devise or horn noise.

iv) There will also be components of noise from:

• ancillary equipment;
• stations;
• ground-borne noise and vibration;
• railway maintenance operations;
• bridge noise;
• tunnel portal enhancement.

v) Noise radiated from train operations and track structures generally constitute the major noise
sources from transit systems. The noise and vibration from different transit train operations can
take different paths depending on the type of support structure. Airborne noise is radiated from
at-grade and elevated operations, while groundborne noise and vibration is of primary concern for
subway operations. However, problems with groundborne noise and vibration have also occurred
with transit trains operating at-grade or on elevated structures.

vi) There are four basic sources of wayside airborne noise:

• Wheel/rail noise: this is the noise that is radiated directly from the vibrating wheels and

• Propulsion equipment: this includes noise from traction motors, and reduction gears.

• Auxiliary equipment: compressors, motor generators, brakes, ventilation systems and any
other car-mounted equipment.

• Elevated structure noise: this is the noise radiated by vibration of the transit structure
components that are excited by a train pass-by.

vii) Each of these noise sources can dominate the wayside noise level for specific conditions. At very
low speeds (i.e. less than 15 km/h) auxiliary equipment may predominate. At speeds up to
approximately 50 km/h, wheel/rail noise predominates, while at speeds greater than 50 km/h, the
propulsion equipment noise predominates, particularly if the traction motor is self-ventilated. For
older system with lightweight steel elevated structures, the structure noise can predominate at all
speeds above 15 km/h.

viii) Aerial structures can be divided into two broad classes, namely lightweight steel elevated
structures and those of higher mass construction. Train operation on light-weight steel structures
creates one of the most severe environmental noise problems facing transit systems, as the rail tie
and support structure acts as a large sounding board with potentially very high noise levels
radiated to the wayside community and into transit cars. The second category of aerial structures
is constructed of higher mass materials such as concrete or concrete/steel composites. These
structures typically have ballast trackbeds or concrete decks with resilient rail fasteners. With
appropriate noise control treatments, these structures can be placed even in noise-sensitive

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residential areas without adverse noise impact.

ix) The levels of wayside noise vary significantly between different transit systems. Modern systems
with welded rails, resilient rail fasteners, and wheels and rails in good condition are much quieter
than many of the older systems. There can also be significant variations within the same transit
system, depending on the wheel and rail condition and on the type of transit car used. In general,
trains operating on lightweight steel elevated structures produce the highest levels of wayside
noise, while trains on ballast and tie track with smooth rails, the lowest.

x) The noise from a train pass-by is generally characterised by a high noise level during the
locomotive pass-by with lower noise levels of different character during pass-bys of the cars
(carriages). The noise from the diesel-electric locomotive is normally dominated by exhaust
noise from the generators. This source of noise is independent of the pass-by speed of the train,
but dependent on engine load and throttle setting. An electric locomotive usually produces a
somewhat lower wayside noise level. The principal source is general the propulsion system (i.e.
electric motors, cooling fans and sometimes gearing) which is dependent on the passing speed.

xi) The major noise from the trailing cars is produced by the interaction of the wheels and rails.
Rail/wheel interaction is dependent on speed, wheel condition, rail condition and whether the
track is jointed or welded.

xii) Table A7 gives a summary of typical maximum A-weighted wayside noise levels taken from
mainline freight and passenger train operations. The levels have been normalised to a distance of
30 metres from track centre-line. Typical maximum wayside noise levels at 30 metres from track
centre-line range from 100dBA to 110dBA.

xiii) If the railway is electrically powered from overhead electrical lines, at-grade substations are
usually located at intervals along the line. The noise from the substations varies considerably
depending on power requirements and installation details, however, most are not enclosed and in
this condition can generate noise levels of 40dBA to 45dBA at 30 metres from the edge of the
substation installation. Although this is a relatively low noise level, substation noise can have
significant pure-tone components which can constitute a problem.

xiv) Most frequently used mainline rail routes have regularly scheduled track maintenance including
ballast cleaning, tamping and rail grinding. Noise levels from maintenance activities obviously
depend on the exact activity occurring, however the noise character and levels are typical of
diesel, hydraulic and pneumatic equipment used at heavy construction projects.

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Conditions Speed (km/h) Noise Level (dBA)

Idling 2000 Hp general-purpose locomotive 0 61-66
Idling 3000 Hp general-purpose locomotive 0 65-68
Passenger train:
Electric locomotive 132 90
Cars 84-88
Passenger train:
Electric locomotive 64 92
Cars 88
Passenger electric locomotive 160 86
Freight train – 0% grade:
Diesel locomotive 108 92
Cars 82-89
Freight train – 0% grade:
Diesel locomotive 45 92
Cars 75-85
Freight train – 0% grade:
Diesel locomotive 93 91
Cars 82-91

xv) Yard and workshop noise can be a major contributor to wayside noise in community areas
adjacent to the yards. Marshalling or classification years are located at intervals along mainline
railroad routes and major repair and maintenance facilities are often located within the year.
These classification and maintenance activities are varied and the noise levels and their duration
are dependent on the particular activities, year layout and operational patterns. Yards typically
receive incoming trains and redistribute the freight cars to new outgoing trains bound for new
destinations. In many yards the cars are shuttled to different tracks by switching locomotives, in
which case the major noise sources are the locomotive and the impacts from the cars coupling
together. The impact noise is typically 20dBA to 30dBA)or more above the ambient noise, in the
range of 95dBA to 100dBA at 30 metres from track centre-line. Most large classification yards
are hump yards. For this type of yard, cars to be classified are pushed to the top of a hump and
are released so that the cars coast through switches and onto one of many classification tracks.
The speed of the car is controlled by an active pneumatic or electric retarder which applies
pressure to a retarding show. The retarding shoe contacts the freight car wheels and, while in
contact with the wheels, usually causes a squeal or screech often consisting of multiple pure tone.
The maximum level of the squeal noise is in the range of 100dBA to 105dBA at 30 metres.

xvi) Another aspect of transit noise is that produced in rail based mass transit (RBMT) stations and the
following main noise sources can be identified:

• trains approaching, leaving and passing through the stations;

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• ancillary equipment, such as heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment and

• commuters;

• public address systems.


i) Air traffic noise is a complicated phenomenon and is influenced by many factors such as the
nature of the airport operation, the types of aircraft using the airport, volume of air traffic, etc.

ii) Aviation noise has the most impact during take-off and landing. Aircraft have to use high or full
power at take off and are then at their noisiest. At some airports, they will have climbed to a
sufficient height before crossing any residential area for noise not to be especially serious, but
action will be necessary where residential and other sensitive communities exist close to the
runway. People living under an approach route to an airport are similarly subject to aircraft noise
although, on approach to landing, the power plants (engines) are operating at much lower settings
than at take-off. The rate of descent is a critical factor but this must be kept within safe limits.

iii) Aviation noise impact is normally contained to a limited area around an airport/airfield/ military
airbase. An assessment of the extent of the main impact area is generally made through the
calculation of a set of noise exposure contours known as the noisiness index contours. These
comprise what is often termed the noise footprint of the airport. The calculation of the air traffic
noise is influenced by variables such as the height of the aircraft, the noise emission
characteristics of the engines and the flight track of the aircraft.

iv) Aircraft ground operations can also cause noise nuisance to communities living close to airports.
The sources of ground operation noise include engine testing and run-up prior to taxiing
including the start of roll point, standing aircraft noise on apron and terminal stands, and cargo
and maintenance area noise.

Methods of modifying the impacts caused by these operations include, for run-up noise, re-
orientating the aircraft, relocating the aircraft more remotely from noise-sensitive areas and/or the
use of run-up suppressors and barriers. The control of other sources of ground operations include
the use of space to separate noisy operations, such as start of roll, from sensitive areas, and the
use of building and screens to contain the noise to within the airport boundary.


i) Noise from industrial installations, construction sites and fixed recreation facilities radiates from
a point source and the shape of the exposure area is general a circular area around the source.
The radiated noise is general related to the installed power of the installation and other
acoustically relevant parameters. Depending on the nature of the installation noise from these
sources may be steady for long periods or fluctuate considerably.

ii) The noise caused by outdoor equipment such as that used on construction sites is not related to a
fixed piece of infrastructure like road or industrial noise. The equipment may be used in different

roo3 Appendix A First Draft

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places and at different times by different people, all of which makes regulation of the noise
caused by such equipment more difficult.

iii) The noise character from many recreational activities has the potential to have a disturbing effect.
Activities such as the following apply:

• motorboats and power skis

• micro-light aircraft
• model power aircraft
• sports stadiums/sports grounds.

roo3 Appendix A First Draft

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