Articulo Dispacion Victor Ceballos
Articulo Dispacion Victor Ceballos
Articulo Dispacion Victor Ceballos
This investigation deals with the torsional balance of the earthquake response and design of elastic
asymmetric structures with frictional dampers. Plan asymmetry leads to an uneven lateral deformation
demand among structural members and to unbalanced designs with larger capacities in some resisting
planes. Frictional dampers are capable of controlling lateral-torsional coupling by placing the so-called
empirical center of balance (ECB) of the structure at equal distance from all edges of the building. This
rule is developed for single-story systems with linear and inelastic behavior. However, recently obtained
theoretical and experimental results demonstrate that this rule carries over to multistory structures.
Results show that the peak displacement demand at the building edges and that of resisting planes
equidistant from the geometric center may be similar if the damper is optimally placed. It is also shown
that torsional amplication of the edge displacements of arbitrary asymmetric structures relative to the
displacement of the symmetric counterparts are approximately bound by a factor of 2. Furthermore,
frictional dampers are equally eective in controlling lateral-torsional coupling of torsionally exible as
well as sti structures. Copyright ? 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
KEY WORDS: torsional balance; plan asymmetry; frictional dampers; earthquake response; empirical
center of balance; response reduction factors; torsional index; static eccentricity
For a building subjected to a ground motion, plan asymmetry leads to an uneven lateral de-
formation demand among structural members. The response of plan asymmetric structures
during previous earthquakes has shown that the elastic and inelastic deformation demand may
∗ Correspondence to: Juan C. de la Llera, Department of Structural Engineering, Ponticia Universidad Catolica de
Chile, Casilla 306, Correo 22, Santiago, Chile.
† E-mail: [email protected]
Contract=grant sponsor: Chilean National Fund for Science and Technology, Fondecyt; contract=grant number:
Received 9 July 2003
Revised 5 May 2004 and 16 November 2004
Copyright ? 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted 16 November 2004
1090 AND I. J. VIAL
tend to concentrate in a few resisting planes [1]. As a result, design codes incorporate pro-
cedures to account for such irregular plan-wise displacement distribution, leading to dierent
stinesses and capacities of resisting planes.
But instead of accounting for it, is it possible to balance the torsional response of an
asymmetric structure with passive energy dissipation (ED) devices?, what options do we have
to control lateral-torsional coupling? The answer to the rst question is armative and the
alternatives to do so are multiple. In this research, frictional dampers are investigated and
used to control the torsional response of a structure. This investigation was motivated by the
fact that frictional dampers enable us to dissociate stiness and strength. Previous research
[2] showed that by controlling the strength of resisting planes, the inelastic properties of
the building represented by the ultimate story shear and torque surface may be modied in
order to reduce the inelastic rotations of the building plan. Once lateral-torsional coupling
is controlled in the structure, the problem transforms into that of a nominally symmetric
structure, implying simpler design procedures, more ecient use of structural members, and
more reliable structures.
Consequently, the earthquake response of asymmetric structures with supplemental frictional
dampers (FD) as a secondary structural system is investigated. Three aspects are of primary
interest: (i) the optimal supplemental dissipation capacity used in the design of the structure,
(ii) the optimal location of the dampers in plan, and (iii) the response reduction factors
(performance) attained by the use of these optimal supplemental capacities and locations in
plan. The concept of torsional balance is introduced by considering the response of simple
single-story structural systems and, in a sequel article, the experimental behavior of multistory
structures, which validates all theoretical aspects stated in this article.
Several examples of frictional devices to control the earthquake response have been pro-
posed in the past [3–7]. Since the principle of dry friction is used in all of them and due to
its simplicity to implement experimentally, the slotted bolted connection (SBC) with TeonJ
and polished steel interfaces will be considered in this research. Results are by no means
restricted to a specic device as long as the stick-and-slip phenomenon is minimized.
Several parametric studies of one-story asymmetric systems considering energy dissipation
devices have been completed recently [8–10]. First, the elastic behavior of asymmetric struc-
tures with viscous supplemental dampers was considered. Dierent values of the damping
ratio SD , radius of gyration of supplemental damping, SD , and eccentricity parameter eSD for
the dampers were used for structures subjected to the NS component of the Sylmar record
(Northridge, 1994) [8]. It was shown that the use of viscous supplemental damping may
reduce the deformation demand by up to three times if a correct selection of the system
parameters is made. More recently, the inelastic behavior of the primary structure using a bi-
linear model was also considered [9]. It was shown that the supplemental dampers reduce the
deformation demand and the ductility demand of the primary structural members; the results
were consistent with those obtained for the elastic system. Other investigations [10], have
shown that the reduction in response of systems with supplemental viscous damping is highly
dependent on the plan-wise distribution of the devices, implying that such reduction does
not depend only on eSD but also on SD . Dampers in two directions and physical limits for
the structural parameters were considered. The optimal plan-wise distribution of supplemental
dampers has also been considered [11–13] by minimizing dierent response quantities.
On the other hand, the concept of weak torsional balance as introduced herein, the rule
for optimal location of dampers, and the parametric study on response reduction factors are
Copyright ? 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2005; 34:1089–1108
novel. Moreover, steel–TeonJ interfaces with their stable frictional behavior have not been
considered earlier to attain weak control of the torsional response of a structure.
constant modal damping ratio = 5% was considered for the primary structure. Although this
model may seem oversimplied, it is sucient to present the theory of torsional balance and
the results presented carry over to more complex structures. Furthermore, the justication for
Flexible Stiff
edge edge
e sx
CM ux x
Elastic or Inelastic
lx Resisting Planes
Copyright ? 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2005; 34:1089–1108
1092 AND I. J. VIAL
e sx
GC lx u
CS ed1 CM ux
E [ur (t) ]
E [ul (t) ]
E[ul (t) ]
E[ur (t) ]
* *
䊳 䊳
FD1 FD*d
not including more dampers in plan leading to SD = 0 will become apparent soon in light of
the concept of strong torsional balance.
Let us assume that the degrees of freedom u(t)T = [uy (t; ed ) lx u (t; ed )] of the structure have
been computed for a known location ed of the frictional damper—the interesting point will
be to look at the correlation between the translational and rotational motions of the structure
as the damper moves from one position to another. In what follows, computed responses are
assumed to be realizations of an ergodic random process with zero mean; the same analysis
could be performed by using time-average operators but statistical moments are simpler to
deal with algebraically. Therefore, the displacement (velocity or acceleration) at distance p
from the CM would be of the form ũy(p) (t; ed ) = uy (t; ed ) + pu (t; ed ) and, hence, the mean
square value of the displacement is E[ũy(p) (t; ed )2 ] = E[uy (t; ed )2 ] + 2pE[uy (t; ed )u (t; ed )] +
p2 E[u (t; ed )2 ], which represents a parabola in p (Figure 2). For a given displacement prole
of the building plan, the minimum value for E[ũy(p) (t)2 ] is achieved at a point at distance p∗
from the CM, i.e.
where y is the linear correlation coecient between lateral and torsional motions at the CM
and y; are the corresponding standard deviations. In the last expression of Equation (1),
the damper location ed and time t have been omitted for clarity but remain implicit in the
computed responses. Equation (1) implies that at point p∗ , the structure attains the smallest
mean square displacement value (MSV) since the second derivative of E[ũy(p) (t; ed )2 ] with
respect to the location p is always positive.
Copyright ? 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2005; 34:1089–1108
Let us look now for a point in plan such that the correlation between the displacement ũy(p)
and plan rotation u be zero, i.e.
Notice that the position p∗ provided by Equations (1) and (2) is the same, i.e. the point
in the building plan for which there is zero correlation between lateral and torsional motions
and that with minimum MSV of the displacement coincide.
The point dened by the position p∗ will be denoted, in the average sense presented
(second moments or mean-square), as the empirical center of balance (ECB) of the building
plan. Thus, at the ECB, translations and rotations are statistically uncorrelated (orthogonal in
the mean-square sense) and if the ECB and CM coincide, the structure behaves, in the mean
square sense, like an uncoupled system.
The single-story structure has eccentricity esx between the CM and the center of stiness
(CS). If the plan undergoes pure rotation u (t), such rotation will occur with respect to the
CS and the displacement at the CM will be uy (t) = − esx u (t). Substituting in Equation (2)
and, hence, for this simple single-story case the location of the ECB and the CS would
coincide. A corollary of this result is that it would be possible to estimate from measured
torsional motions of a structure an ‘average’ location of the CS of the building by nding the
point in plan with least MSV. This result is a time counterpart of the result presented earlier
by Safak et al. [15].
Lemma 1
For a given structure and response, the ECB always exists and is unique.
Existence and uniqueness of the ECB for a xed structural conguration is proved by Equation
(2), with the exception of the singularity of nominally symmetric structures with E[u (t)2 ] = 0,
in which case the ECB is at innity and strong torsional balance is achieved. Notice that if
p∗ ¿0, the ECB is at the right of the CM and the correlation E[uy (t)u (t)]¡0; the opposite
occurs for p∗ ¡0. Thus, the correlation between the lateral displacement and plan rotation
changes sign as the ECB shifts from one side to the other of the CM.
Let us turn to the question of how to balance an asymmetric building plan. Recall that
the ECB at distance p∗ from the CM has the minimum MSV of the displacements of the
building plan, where the value is:
∗ E[uy u ] E[uy u ] 2
E[ũy(p ) (t)2 ] = E[uy2 ] + 2 − E[u u
y ] + − E[u2 ]
E[u2 ] E[u2 ]
∗ E[uy u ]2
E[ũy(p )
(t)2 ] = E[uy2 ] −
E[u2 ]
Copyright ? 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2005; 34:1089–1108
1094 AND I. J. VIAL
Therefore, Equation (4) provides the value at the vertex of the parabola corresponding to
the MSV displacement prole of the building plan (Figure 2). If the ECB lies within the
plan, the MSV of the displacement increases quadratically toward the edges of the structure.
Therefore, it is simple to state the conditions of weak torsional balance, i.e. to attain equal
MSV of the displacements at both edges of the building plan.
Lemma 2
Weak torsional balance is achieved in an asymmetric single-story structure by optimally plac-
ing the damper at distance ed∗ from the CM such that the resulting ECB is at equal distance
from both edges of the building plan.
To prove this claim notice that for ũy∗ (t) dened at the ECB and plan rotation u∗ (t), the MSV
of the displacement at distance ±d from the ECB is
E[ũy(d) (t; ed∗ )2 ] = E[ũy∗ 2 ] + 2(±d)E[ũy∗ u∗ ] + d2 E[u∗ 2 ]
E[ũy(d) (t; ed∗ )2 ] = E[ũy∗ 2 ] + d2 E[u∗ 2 ]
since E[ũy∗ u∗ ] = 0 at the ECB. A physical interpretation of Equation (5) says that because at
the ECB the lateral and torsional motions are uncoupled in the mean-square-sense, the MSV
of the displacements at the edges are a direct sum of the MSV of the lateral displacement
at the ECB and the MSV of the building plan rotation multiplied by the distance squared
from the ECB to the resisting plane considered. Therefore, the mean square values of the
displacements of two resisting planes will be the same if and only if their distance d to the
ECB is the same. Otherwise, the MSV of the displacement will always be larger at the edge
or plane farthest from the ECB (Figure 2).
Dening as df the distance from the CM to the edge located on the positive x-axis
(Figure 1), the geometrical condition for optimal placement of the damper is
E[uy (t; ed∗ )u (t; ed∗ )] lx
p∗ = − = df − (6)
E[u (t; ed∗ )2 ] 2
where uy (t) and u (t) are dened at the CM. Equation (6) implies that if the CM of the
building plan coincides with the GC, i.e. df = lx =2, then p∗ = 0. Only for that particular case,
the condition for optimal damper placement would be the zero-correlation condition,
E[uy u ]
p∗ = − = 0 ⇒ E[uy u ] = 0 (7)
E[u2 ]
The condition p∗ = 0 also implies that the CM coincides with the ECB. Thus, a corollary
of Lemma 2 is that the optimal location of the damper for p∗ = 0 must be such that ed∗
counteracts the eect of the stiness eccentricity esx by forcing the ECB to coincide with the
CM. Thus, the mirror rule proposed earlier by Goel [8, 9] has a qualitative justication in
terms of the ECB. However, it should be expected that for structures where rotation of the
plan is more signicant, say uncoupled lateral-to-torsional frequency ratio 61, one should
expect some deviations with respect to the mirror rule.
It is relevant to mention that the ECB is not in general a center of stiness, damping,
or strength. Its location depends on the same parameters as the response of the structure. In
that sense, Equation (2) states a general condition needed to achieve weak torsional balance
Copyright ? 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2005; 34:1089–1108
2 2
1 1
0 0
-1 Stiff edge -1
Flexible edge
(a) -2 -2
Normalized edge response, u
2 2
Normalized rotation, u
ed=-0.5 lx
1 1
0 0
-1 -1
-2 -2
2 2
ed=-0.17 lx ρyθ=0.006
1 1
0 0
-1 -1
-2 -2
0 5 10 15 20 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
Time (s) ^
Normalized CG displacement, uy
Figure 3. Typical inelastic response of a torsionally sti asymmetric structure ( = 1:25; esx =lx = 0:08)
without and with an FD placed at the exible edge and at the optimal location: (a) structure without
FD; (b) FD at exible edge; and (c) FD at optimal location.
in the structure but says nothing on how to achieve it. The latter depends primarily on the
stiness, damping properties, and location of the damper as well as the dynamic properties
of the structure. In solving for ed∗ from Equations (6) or (7), the unknown optimal location of
the damper ed∗ is implicit in the lateral and torsional response at the CM. In this investigation,
the optimization toolbox of MATLAB [16] was used to nd the ed∗ values.
Because in the previous derivations we have not used any assumption on the response of
the system, and considered uy (t) and u (t) as available signals, which may come from an
elastic or inelastic, single or multistory structure, with or without dampers, the concept of
the ECB is completely general, and should include for instance the behavior of any inelastic
structure with any type of damper subjected to any ground motion. Therefore, these results
are the key to propose guidelines to torsionally balance a structure in the mean-square-sense
presented. Just to satisfy our curiosity, Figures 3 and 4 show the inelastic earthquake response
of a (0; 3) structure, i.e. a structure with three resisting planes in the y-direction and zero
in the x-direction, subjected to the Sylmar earthquake record. For the sake of brevity, only
Copyright ? 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2005; 34:1089–1108
1096 AND I. J. VIAL
(a) (b)
3 1
Stiff edge Ω=1.25
Flexible edge
ECB, p*
σ ^u
-0.5 *
* ed=-0.03
e = -0.17 e* =-0.03 ed=-0.17
d d
0 -1
-0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5
Figure 4. Cross-correlation between the elastic lateral and rotational motion, standard deviation of
the sti and exible edge response, and empirical center of balance (ECB) for a torsionally exi-
ble ( = 1:0) and sti ( = 1:25) structure: (a) building plan; (b) correlation; (c) sti and exible
response; and (d) empirical center of balance.
the response histories and displacement orbits for the case = 1:25 are shown in Figure
3; results for other values lead to similar observations. The structure is dened by a
lateral uncoupled frequency ratio x = !x =!y = 1, normalized eccentricity êsx = esx =lx = 0:08,
uncoupled period in the y-direction Ty = 1s, and a plan aspect ratio = 0:5. Structural elements
in the y-direction are modeled as one-dimensional Bouc–Wen elements with a total normalized
capacity F̂ dy = 0:3; the Bouc–Wen parameters chosen are Ao = 1, = = 1, = 0:05 and n = 3.
The initial stinesses selected for the resisting planes, koy , are proportional to the element
strengths. Moreover, the damper has normalized capacity F̂ dy = 5%, initial stiness ko = 10Ky ,
and Bouc–Wen parameters Ao = 1, = = 0:5, n = 10 and = 0. The structure without a
frictional damper shows inelastic displacement osets of the exible edge and signicant
discrepancies between the peak displacements at the sti and exible edges of the structure.
For this case, the correlation between lateral and torsional motions is y = − 0:52. By placing
the damper on the exible edge the correlation decreases to y = 0:361, but large discrepancies
are observed between the displacement histories at both edges of the structure. Finally, by
Copyright ? 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2005; 34:1089–1108
placing the frictional damper at the optimal value ed∗ = − 0:17lx , the correlation is reduced
essentially to zero and the peak response at both edges is quite similar—recall that we only
impose the weak balance condition implying that the MSV of the displacement at both edges
be the same, which is dierent to imposing identical peak values.
The results shown in Figure 4 for two inelastic structures = 1 and 1:25 validate the
general ideas of the ECB presented in this section. The analysis shows that the optimal
damper eccentricities are for these structures ed∗ = − 0:03lx and −0:17lx , respectively. These
eccentricities are such that they locate the ECB on top of the CM of the structure. For this
damper location, the standard deviations of the response at the sti and exible edges are the
same and the correlation between lateral and torsional motions are zero. Thus, the conditions
imposed by Equations (6) or (7) are still valid for this inelastic case. Recent results also
show that the same would happen if we select the motions of an arbitrary inelastic multistory
structure, showing that the stated condition to dene torsional balance (but not the value)
remains invariant to the nature of the structure that generates the response.
Notice that the condition p∗ = 0 only implies the location of the ECB, i.e. the position of
the vertex of the parabola of mean square displacement values across the building plan. It
is apparent that if we could reduce the curvature of such parabola (Figure 2), not only will
the edge displacements be identical in the mean square sense but also the displacements of
all resisting planes in the building. This is the condition of strong torsional balance and is
derived by minimizing E[u∗ 2 ] in Equation (5). It is then possible to move in the trajectory
from weak to strong torsional balance by increasing SD while preserving the location of the
ECB. Thus, SD controls E[u∗ 2 ] and should always be maximized for a given damper capacity
by placing the dampers, symmetrically, but as far as possible from the ECB.
In this investigation, three articial subduction type earthquake records compatible with the de-
sign spectrum of the Chilean code for seismic isolation [17] and ve impulsive ground motions
were considered. The articial motions correspond to a design spectrum with 10% probability
of exceedance in 50 years and sti soil condition (shear wave velocity, 400 m=s¡Vs ¡900 m=s);
the impulsive earthquake records are: Arleta, Sylmar, Newhall (1994), Corralitos (1989), and
Kobe (1995). A stochastic analysis was also performed with the subduction-type ground mo-
tions in order to extend the results and obtain smoother trends.
Results are presented for mono-symmetric structures êsx = 0, êsy = 0, torsional-to-lateral fre-
quency ratios = 0:8; 1, and 1:2, plan aspect ratio = 0:5, and damping ratio = 5% in
the primary system. Besides, three building periods are considered in the analysis Ty = 0:5 s,
1 s, and 2 s. Normalized capacities of the frictional devices are = 2:5%, 5%, 10% and
5%, 10%, 20% for the non-impulsive and impulsive ground motions, respectively. An elasto-
plastic model with large initial stiness is used to characterize the constitutive behavior of
the frictional damper.
The analytical responses considered are the mean peak normalized displacements at the sti
and exible edge of the building plan, denoted as ûr = ur(d) =ur and ûf = uf(d) =uf , respectively,
where the supraindex (d) denotes the structure with frictional dampers, and in the denominator
the peak response of the corresponding edges of the structure without dampers, unless stated
otherwise. When the same responses are normalized with respect to the symmetric counterpart,
Copyright ? 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2005; 34:1089–1108
1098 AND I. J. VIAL
the symbol ûo is used. Results are also presented in terms of total displacements and the
torsional index TI . This torsional index is dened as the ratio between the maximum absolute
dierence between the lateral displacements at the exible and sti edges over the displacement
uo at the CM of the same structure, i.e. TI = max |uf − ur |=uo . Most response results are
presented for two locations of the damper dened by (i) the optimal location based on torsional
balance corresponding to the solution of Equation (6), and (ii) the response provided by the
mirror rule proposed earlier [8, 9].
Figure 5 shows the mean optimal location ed∗ of the damper for the articial ground motions
as a function of the normalized stiness eccentricity êsx for three dierent values of the
torsional-to-lateral frequency ratio = 0:8, 1, and 1:2. The optimal values presented for ed∗ are
associated with the torsional balance criteria (Equation (6)) and computed by the true inelastic
model (solid line) of the damper and its linear equivalent statistical model [18] (dashed line).
Each row of plots corresponds, from top to bottom, to uncoupled periods Ty = 0:5; 1, and
2 s, respectively, and normalized stiness eccentricities êsx range from 0 to 0.25. Several
observations are obtained from this gure. In most cases, linearized responses lead to similar
optimal values ed∗ as those obtained by the inelastic analysis of the structure. Therefore, at
least for design purposes, results from a linearized statistical approximation of the system
seems to provide reasonably accurate trends and values of ed∗ . As the static eccentricity êsx
increases, the eccentricity of the damper also tends to increase but with the opposite algebraic
sign. This is consistent with the trend of the mirror rule to locate the damper [8]; such a rule
would be represented in this plot as a straight line with slope of −1. However, it is apparent
that for the shorter structural periods, torsionally exible structures = 0:8, and small static
eccentricity values, say êsx ¡0:1, the optimal location of the damper is positive, i.e. on the
same side as the static eccentricity of the system. Therefore, in those cases the mirror rule
would not work properly. As the capacity of the dampers increases, the slopes of the optimal
eccentricity curves decrease. This is consistent with the physical intuition that a small change
in the location of a large capacity damper will have a greater impact in the torsional response
of the structure. On the other hand, small normalized frictional capacities, such as = 2:5% are
not able to control the lateral-torsional response in the more rigid structures, Ty = 0:5 s, with
large eccentricities êsx ¿0:05. As the structure becomes more exible, almost any capacity
in the damper is able to weakly balance its torsional response. Finally, please note that the
trends of ed∗ become more closely linear as the lateral exibility and torsional stiness of
the structure increases; therefore, the mirror rule provides a rough average estimate (although
very simple) of the true optimal values for longer periods and larger .
A comparison between the normalized displacements, reduction factors, and torsional index
as computed from the optimal balance and mirror criteria are presented in Figures 6 and
7 for structures with uncoupled lateral periods Ty = 0:5 s and Ty = 1 s. The optimal values
of e∗d used in the analysis correspond to the linearized stochastic approximation, which are
certainly not exact for a given record, but suciently accurate for design purposes. Results for
two frictional capacities, 2:5% and 10%, and two torsional-to-lateral frequency ratios = 0:8
and 1:2 are included in the gure. The rst row of plots shows the sti and exible edge
displacements normalized with respect to the peak response of the nominally symmetric case,
Copyright ? 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2005; 34:1089–1108
Ωθ = 0.8 Ωθ = 1 Ωθ = 1.2
β = 2.5 %
0 β = 10 %
Ty = 0.5s
Ty = 1.0s
Probabilistic Analysis
Ty = 2.0s
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Figure 5. Mean results of the optimal FD location for subduction type ground motions as a function of normalized
static eccentricity for = 0:8, 1.0, 1.2 and uncoupled lateral period, Ty = 0:5, 1.0 and 2:0 s.
the second row, the torsional index of the structure dened as the peak dierence of the edge
displacements over the peak response at the CM, and the third row, the reduction factors ûf
and ûr obtained as the ratio between the same peak edge response of the structure with and
without the damper.
As shown in Figure 6 for Ty = 0:5 s, the peak edge displacements corresponding to the
optimal criteria are quite similar. Coincident solid and dashed lines in this gure imply that the
structure behaves in the MSV sense like a nominally symmetric system. Although such should
always be the case by the denition of ed∗ , this cannot be assured by the solution presented
since the optimal damper location values used, e∗d , were derived from an equal variance criteria
and an average power spectrum density function (PSD), not from the individual records. This
implies that the true optimal value of ed∗ , for each record and structure, may be dierent from
the e∗d value selected to compute the results presented in this gure. This was done with
the objective of using an optimal rule for ed∗ that is less sensitive to the record used. By
comparing the mirror (thin trace) and optimal criteria (thick trace), it is apparent that the
former may lead in this case to displacement demands on the exible and sti edge that are
signicantly dierent. The torsional index also tends to be smaller when using the optimal e∗d
values, especially for larger eccentricities and smaller damper capacity ( = 2:5%). In terms
of reduction factors, the use of e∗d leads to larger response reduction factors than for the
mirror criteria with the exception of = 2:5% and = 1:2. In that case, the sti edge of
the structure shows an amplication with respect to the same displacement in the structure
without the damper. In spite of this larger amplication, the displacement demand on both
edges is similar. This fact shows that by using response reduction factors as a single criteria
to select damper characteristics in a structure may be misleading.
Analogous results for the Ty = 1 s structures are presented in Figure 7. Although better
than the mirror rule, the normalized edge displacements based on the optimal criteria present
larger discrepancies than for the Ty = 0:5s structures. These results do not imply a contradiction
with the weak torsional balancing concept, but they show that the simplied average procedure
proposed in terms of optimal eccentricities e∗d may still lead to some discrepancies between the
response at both edges, particularly for static eccentricities êsx ¿0:1. The earthquake response
of the structure is that complex and variable that it is dicult to propose accurate globally
applicable rules. Moreover, it is observed that for most structures with damper capacity = 0:1,
the response reduction factors achieved at both edges relative to the structure without dampers
are signicant, say 1= û = 1=0:6 = 1:7. Results also show that by using small frictional capacity
when dealing with torsionally exible structures, the responses of the sti and exible edges
may be amplied by 50% and 100% by the use of the damper; however, the resulting design is
still balanced. A comparison of the torsional indices obtained by the mirror and optimal criteria
show that similar values of plan rotation should be expected by these rules for = 0:025 and
slightly smaller for the optimal criteria with = 0:1:
Let us consider now the earthquake response of structures with FD subjected to impulsive
ground motions. Optimal average damper eccentricities for the ve impulsive ground motions
considered are presented in Figure 8 as a function of the normalized eccentricity êsx , three
values of the torsional-to-lateral frequency ratio = 0:8, 1, and 1:2, three uncoupled structural
periods Ty = 0:5; 1, and 2 s, and three normalized frictional damper capacities = 5%, 10%,
and 20%; larger capacities are required in this case as opposed to subduction type motions
to achieve optimal responses. The optimal values presented for ed∗ correspond to average
values obtained for the ve records and are associated with the optimal torsional balance
Copyright ? 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2005; 34:1089–1108
Ωθ = 0.8 Ωθ = 1.2 Ωθ = 0.8 Ωθ = 1.2
Flexible edge
Stiff edge
Mirror Criteria
Torsional Index
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Figure 6. Comparison of normalized displacement, torsional index, and displacement reduction factors for sti structures (Ty = 0:5s)
with FD capacities 2.5% and 10%, subjected to subduction type ground motions: (a) = 2:5% ; and (b) = 10%.
Flexible edge
Stiff edge
Torsional Index
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
-0.25 Ty = 0.5s
Ty = 2.0s
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Figure 8. Mean results of the optimal FD location for impulsive type ground motions as a function of normalized static
eccentricity for = 0:8, 1.0, 1.2 and uncoupled lateral period, Ty = 0:5, 1.0 and 2:0 s.
criteria (Equation (6)) and computed by the true inelastic model of the FD. Again, stiness
eccentricities êsx vary from 0 to 0:25. The trends observed in ed∗ are similar to those obtained
for subduction type motions; naturally, there exist values of êsx for which certain singularities
in the response are observed. In general, as the static eccentricity êsx increases, the optimal
eccentricity of the damper also increases but to the opposite side with respect to the CM.
This is again consistent with the trend inferred by the mirror rule. It is apparent again that for
the shorter structural periods Ty 61 s, torsionally exible structures = 0:8, and small static
eccentricity values, say êsx ¡0:05, the optimal location of the damper tends to be positive, i.e.
on the same side as the static eccentricity of the system. In those cases the mirror rule would
fail to predict the right location of the damper. Also, as the structure becomes more exible
and dampers are stronger (¿10%), a very simple rule would be to locate the damper close
to the CM of the structure. Besides, as the capacity of the dampers increases, the slopes of
the optimal eccentricity curves decrease in absolute value. Thus, a general design criteria for
optimal damper location must include the damper capacity as a parameter. As stated before,
this is consistent with the physical intuition which shows that for larger capacities, small
variations in the damper location enable us to torsionally balance the building plan. On the
other hand, torsionally stier structures require larger frictional capacities to balance the plan
in the weak sense and, hence, optimal damper eccentricities are also a function of the period
of the structure and the torsional-to-lateral frequency ratio. Finally, if Figures 5 and 8 are
superimposed, there exist remarkable similarities in the trends despite the large discrepancies
between the characteristics of the records considered.
Figures 9 and 10 show a comparison between the normalized edge displacements, reduction
factors, and torsional index as computed from the optimal balance and mirror rule for structures
with uncoupled lateral periods Ty = 0:5 s and Ty = 1 s. These results are counterparts of the
results presented in Figures 6 and 7, but in this case the optimal average values of ed∗ presented
in Figure 8 are used to compute the response to all building records. Indeed, the true optimal
values of ed∗ for each record have not been used in the analysis in order to prevent using
optimal damper eccentricities that are record dependent; nevertheless, this can always be done
for a specic design of a structure. Results for normalized frictional capacities = 5% and 20%
and two torsional-to-lateral frequency ratios = 0:8 and 1.2 are considered in both gures.
As before, the rst row of plots shows the sti and exible normalized edge displacements,
the second row shows the torsional index, and the third row, the reduction factors ûf and ûr .
For Ty = 0:5 s and static eccentricities êsx ¡0:20 (Figure 9), the peak displacements at both
edges computed with the optimal criteria are similar. The discrepancies observed in their
mean values are due to the variability in response caused by the dierent ground motions.
For this range of eccentricities, torsional amplications relative to the symmetric case are less
than 40% and reduction factors relative to the asymmetric response of the structure without
dampers range between, say, 2 and 0.7. Therefore, though in most cases the use of FD
leads to response reduction factors larger than 1, there exist cases, such as for êsx ¿0:30 or
torsionally sti structures = 1:2 with small damper capacity, where the amplications in the
sti edge may be larger than for the structure without dampers. However, reduction factors are
misleading since the lateral displacement at the building edges of the structure with dampers
is still more balanced than the response of the original asymmetric structure without dampers.
In this particular case, the mirror criteria for placing the dampers leads to torsionally balanced
designs that are in agreement with those of the optimal criteria and in some cases even with
smaller average variability in the response of the sti and exible edges. Finally, torsional
Copyright ? 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2005; 34:1089–1108
Ωθ = 0.8 Ωθ = 1.2 Ωθ = 0.8 Ωθ = 1.2
Flexible edge
Stiff edge
Mirror Criteria
Torsional Index
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Figure 9. Comparison of normalized displacement, torsional index, and displacement reduction factors for sti structures (Ty = 0:5s)
with FD of capacities 5% and 20%, subjected to impulsive ground motions:(a) = 5% ; and (b) = 20%.
Flexible edge
Stiff edge
Mirror Criteria
Torsional Index
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
indices increase with the eccentricity of the structure reaching values of about 3 or 4 for
êsx ¿0:1; they also tend to increase as the frictional capacity increases.
Analogous results for structures with uncoupled lateral period Ty = 1 s are presented in
Figure 10. For this case the optimal criteria lead to torsional designs that are quite balanced,
especially in the case of larger frictional capacity. In general, normalized edge displacements
computed with the optimal criteria present smaller discrepancies than those obtained with the
mirror criteria. Besides, torsional amplications due to plan asymmetry are bound to less than
30% and in many cases less than that. Torsional indices increase with static eccentricity and
reach stable values of about 2 to 4 for êsx ¿0:1. Furthermore, response reduction factors are
for most cases larger than 1, which implies that the use of FD in the structure simultaneously
reduces the displacement demand at both edges of the plan. Results for other more exible
structures as well as with other damper capacities follow similar trends [19].
As stated above, once the structure is torsionally balanced in the weak sense presented
earlier by using single or multiple friction dampers, additional dampers should always be
placed as far as possible and in a symmetric layout with respect to the ECB. The symmetric
layout implies that the ECB remains at the same location, and the standard deviation of the
response at both edges will remain essentially identical. Therefore, supplemental dampers
may be used to reduce the MSV of the rotation further while keeping the mean-square un-
coupling achieved between translational and rotational motions. Consequently, from a design
standpoint, the rst step is to achieve weak torsional balance by placing the ECB at equal
distance from both edges. Secondly, to move in the direction of strong torsional balance by
maximizing SD .
In this article, the concept of torsional balance of simple structures with frictional dampers was
evaluated emphasizing the optimal plan location of dampers. Torsional balance was dened
in an average sense by minimizing the correlation between the translation and rotation of the
building plan. An explicit equation to achieve this condition was presented. Results obtained
recently show that this equation may be used in the case of linear, non-linear, single, or
multistory structures. It provides a common ground to evaluate dierent techniques to achieve
torsional balance in an asymmetric structure. The specic case of frictional dampers was
evaluated in this research. It is concluded that, in addition to the reduction in response due to
the supplemental damping provided by the dampers, the designer will be capable of controlling
the torsional response of the structure by placing the dampers in a position such that the
ECB of the structure is at equal distance relative to both edges of the building plan. For
geometrically regular plans, this implies making the ECB coincident with the GC of the
plan. A large number of optimal responses showed that the criteria of placing the damper
according to the mirror rule, although reasonable, is less eective than using the optimal
location. However, it is recognized that the optimal criteria is more dicult to cast into simple
expressions as opposed to the simplicity of the mirror rule. For exible structures Ty ¿2 s,
an approximate optimal location of the damper is the CM. Although the frictional capacities
required are considerably dierent, optimal damper eccentricities for structures subjected to
subduction and impulsive ground motions show similar trends. By using the optimal criteria,
the maximum displacements at both edges of the building plan are always similar and less
Copyright ? 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2005; 34:1089–1108
1108 AND I. J. VIAL
than twice the response of the nominally symmetric counterpart. Although this factor of two
may seem large, it can be controlled in many cases by adding more frictional capacity. Indeed,
the optimal design of a structure with frictional dampers is achieved in two stages: (i) place
the ECB as stated above, and (ii) reduce the torsional motions further by adding dampers that
preserve the location of the ECB, but are as far as possible from each other in plan, hence,
maximizing SD .
This investigation was funded by the Chilean National Fund for Science and Technology, Fondecyt
through Grant #1020774. The authors are grateful for this support. The authors also thank the anonymous
contributions of the two reviewers of this article.
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Copyright ? 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2005; 34:1089–1108