Why Classics: Competence of Truth and Error: Perspective, Depth and Breadth
Why Classics: Competence of Truth and Error: Perspective, Depth and Breadth
Why Classics: Competence of Truth and Error: Perspective, Depth and Breadth
Bucketizing the benefits of my classical studies during the past two years, I have
come up with three principal reasons why I and my family should continue to pursue
a classical education. The reasons are as follows:
1. Competence
2. Retention
3. Purpose
Perspective often determines our goals, motives, and attitude. One’s perspective is
ever changing according to his increased experience and knowledge. What we
decide to expose ourselves to and learn is our decision. If we spend our time
working, watching TV, and reading pop culture magazines their perspective
inevitably becomes our perspective. Alternatively, if our free time is spent reading
classical literature that contains truth, patterns of human nature, and/or stories that
inspire greatness then our perspective is being shaped accordingly. Perspective
dramatically influences the way we live our lives and the happiness we feel.
Reading any book or text is not enough to produce such results. A classical
education absorbs the pupil in a world of truth, knowledge, and experience that
shapes and changes him, that gives him a deeper understanding of who he is and
what he is to become.
It was common for Thomas Jefferson to spend anywhere from 12-16 hours a day
studying from classic literature in his teen years. This solid educational foundation
in his youth allowed him to be one of the most competent figures in American
History. The following account illustrates how competent Mr. Jefferson became
through his classical education:
“ His research was so thorough and his conclusions so carefully drawn that a well-
educated traveler from New England, who engaged him in conversation without
knowing his identity, later wrote “When he spoke of law, I thought he was a lawyer,
when he talked about mechanics, I was sure he was an engineer; when he got into
medicine, it was evident that he was a physician; when he discussed theology, I was
convinced he must be a clergyman; when he talked of literature, I made up my
mind that I had run against a college professor who knew everything.”
Classic literature exposes one to profound lives, ideas, and experiences. Such
exposure causes one to reflect on his or her own personal beliefs and interests. It
will also cause one to think deeper into mankind’s purpose and reason for
existence. Although not the only resource to identify and understand one’s own
customizable purpose, classic books are certainly a helpful tool in shaping one’s
course in life and providing the insight and preparation necessary to fulfill one’s
Humanity’s Story
Perhaps nothing is more powerful in teaching a principle or concept than the story
of the great people, civilizations, or fictional characters of humanity’s past. These
detailed accounts provide key life information that led to monumental
achievements. This information provides patterns and themes as to what we need
to do to achieve similar results. It provides role models for who we want to become
and how to become it. Some stories give real life examples of great men and
women who changed humanity while others outline the rising and falling of
civilizations which provide priceless lessons for individuals, families, communities,
and government. To understand how mathematical principles came about through
real life events can help the reader/student make an emotional connection to math
and its purpose.
Mission Prep
I just finished my freshman year at Ricks College when I entered the MTC (a.k.a.
missionary training center) in Provo Utah. During my two month stay I was taught
gospel principles, Spanish, and how to best find and teach people interested in
learning truth. A typical day was full of personal study, mentorship from seasoned
returned missionaries, and practice opportunities to apply what I was learning. This
was a cocoon-like environment where all my efforts were centered on becoming a
better, more prepared, missionary to do God’s will.
I believe each of us has a mission to fulfill in this life. We have been given talents
and abilities that can contribute to individuals and community. Our MTC cocoon
should be the homes we are raised in and the education we receive there and at
school. There is no better time to learn the skills and concepts for life than in our
youth. If we fail to receive such instruction in our youth, we will be forced to come
up with our own make-shift MTC outside the cocoon and in the real world. The
results are likely to be much less sure and grounded. The curriculum is classic
literature (this should include scripture that is most precious to the individual as
well). We are to educate ourselves in truth and learn to apply this truth to various
scenarios of life. Truth is not relative but real and we should be active seekers of it
as Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato were. The process of obtaining knowledge and
truth will enable one to support his or her family but this is not its central purpose.
For example, the primary purpose of my mission to the people of Spain was to teach
and testify of Jesus Christ. A natural and real benefit of such service allowed me to
develop skills that were transferable to the workplace. My primary purpose in
receiving a classical education is to seek, recognize, and embrace truth. Through
this process I hope to understand and fulfill my duty to humanity. Vague…I know,
but hopefully as I pursue the path, its purpose and goal will become clearer with
time and study.
I don’t deny that reading classic literature can be hard, boring, or longwinded at
times. Much like mathematics, one cannot start in calculus. There are principles,
techniques, and base learning that must occur before someone can read certain
books. I have started and stopped books because I was not ready for that author or
writing style. The key is to find the classics at your level and start there.
Remember a classic is any book or work that can withstand the trends and
fickleness of society and still be relevant. I would encourage all those seeking
further light and knowledge to consult and converse with the great minds of the
past to increase their competence, retention, and pupose in life.