Understanding The Self Psych 1A: Name: Marinette R. Parra Year & Section: - BSE-FILIPINO 1-2

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Republic of the Philippines

City of Tagaytay
School of Sciences and Arts
Second Semester (SY 2019–2020)



Managing and Caring for the Self
Learning To Be a Better Learner

April 20 - 24, 2020

Name: Marinette R. Parra

Year & Section: _BSE-FILIPINO 1-2___
Learning To Be a Better Learner


• Explain how learning occurs.

• Enumerate various metacognition and studying techniques; and
• Identify the metacognitive techniques that you find most appropriate for


Knowing the “self” is not enough. Since “who you are” is partly made up of
your choices, you must also have the ability to choose especially to be better
“you.” In the school setting, your knowledge of yourself should at least enable
you to become a better student.

This lesson will present several techniques that you can adapt depending
on your situation and preference to make you a better learner. Learning should
not just mean studying for your quizzes and exams in school. Learning could also
occur outside the confine of a book or classroom, like when you want to acquire
a new move in your favourite sports, or the skills for a certain hobby, among
others. Furthermore, the techniques here are not the only techniques available
and months or years from now, new ways on how to study better will be
discovered or rediscovered. What is important at this moment is that you learn
how to learn these things.


Answer the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) and evaluate

yourself as a learner ( A copy of MAI can send it to you in a separate folder).

• Do you agree with the results of your MAI? Why or Why not?
-Yes because I’m a perfectionist students. I don’t want to take
education for granted, I taking it seriously in order to have a good
outcome. I ask a question if I don’t understand and I always try to know or
learn the details that are not clear for me. If there’s a question that is
bothering me, I try to understand it in a more accurate way. Always give
importance in every information that our teacher relay to us and don’t take
education for granted. It’s a gift and a great privilege, and with it, you are
granted the keys to open doors to boundless opportunity. Through
education we are empowered and are provided with the skills, tools and
knowledge to change the world.

• Make a list of your “Top 5 Tips/ Secrets for studying” based on your
personal experiences / preferences.

 Ask for help or ask questions if we don’t understand the topic.

“Asking for help is not a weakness”
 “School activities and exams are nightmares but when you work
hard your success will be as beautiful as fairytale.” Don’t take
studying for granted.
“The harder you work for something the greater you’ll feel when you
achieved it”. I
 Understand the topics don’t just memorize it.
 Note taking and always understand every single details. Don’t miss
out every single detail because as a becoming teacher it is very
essential in order us to become a well knowing or omniscient in
every aspects of our life.
 Be an active listener

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all
men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be give are in
him. James 1-5.
Always pray because god is the answer.

Without god we can do nothing. John 15.5.

Always recognize God because we are nothing without God. God
is God of impossible and God of miracle. Trust him, and it will lead
us in magnificent outcome. Always put God first before anything
else because when you put god first you will never be last

• Does your MAI result consistent with your personal Top 5 Tips/Secrets for
---Yes because it’s all about the strategies to correct performance and
comprehension error or it is under debugging strategies. Trying to know
every single details that are confusing and strategies on how to
understand the topic in more accurate ways like be an active listener
because if you are an active listener we will not miss out every information
that our teacher relay or discuss to us . Understand the topic don’t just
memorize it, If there’s something that bothering you, we are free to ask a
question to enlighten us. If there is a confusing details try to re-evaluate
our assumptions in order to fully understand it. Don’t move to another
topic if you don’t understand it yet.
In the context of learning, studies show that when you are able to think
about how you think, how you process information, and how you utilize
techniques while you are studying, you have a higher chance of improving your
learning process than those who do not reflect on their methods.

This idea falls under the concept of metacognition. Metacognition is

commonly defined as thinking about thinking”. It is the awareness of the scope
and limitations of your current knowledge and skills. Due to this awareness,
metacognition enables the person to adapt their existing knowledge and skills to
approach a learning task, seeking for the optimum result of the learning

Metacognition is also not limited to the thinking process of the individual. It

also includes keeping one’s emotions and motivations while learning in check.
Some people learn better when they like the subject, some when they are
challenged by the topic, and others if they have a reward system each time they
finish a task. The emotional state and the motivation of a person then should also
be in in the preferred ideal state for that person in order to further facilitate his or
her learning.

What are the techniques you use in studying? Share or Give some techniques to
become a better learner.

 Pay attention in class

 Make a schedule or a plan
 Ask question if you don’t understand
 Eliminate distractions like cellphone in order us to focus or pay attention
on what is more important.
 Motivate yourself because if you are motivated you always give your best
and the best possible version of yourself and no one can stop you to
achieve your goal.
 If you don’t understand, don’t hesitate to ask a question.
 Know your strength and weaknesses. Know your capability.
 Put God first before anything else because if you put God first you will
never be last.


Understanding the Self by Eden Joy Pastor Alata, Bernardo Nicolas Caslib, Jr.,
Janice Patria Javier Serafica, R.A Pawilen, Rex Bookstore.

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