Laser B2 Unit 11 Test Name: . Section 1

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Laser B2 Unit 11 Test

Name: …………………………………………………………………….

Section 1

1 You are going to read a magazine article about ways to revise for exams. For
questions 1–10, choose from the people A–F. The people may be chosen more
than once.
… / 10

Which person:

recommends changing the environment where you study? 1 ___

thinks it’s better to revise in company? 2 ___
mentions taking a break while revising? 3 ___
says it’s important not to put too much on a page? 4 ___
talks about distractions? 5 ___
uses modern technology to make their notes shorter? 6 ___
mentions studying at weekends? 7 ___
spends the least time revising before an exam? 8 ___
believes they might be still learning while asleep? 9 ___
combines revision with social activities? 10 ___

Exams are stressful – we know. But there are many ways to approach them.
We asked six successful students how they deal with this difficult task. Why
not see if these tactics work for you?

A Tom Chapman
Throughout the term, I often use the computer to do essays and make notes. I save
all these, with a folder for each subject. If I have my homework marked by my
teacher, and there are mistakes or problems, I update the file so that it always has
the most recent and correct information. When exam time comes and I want to revise
for a particular subject, I just pull up those files and make a copy – all on one
document. What I usually do then is go through all the information, deleting
everything but the basic facts, so I have a shortened version of all my notes – with
none of the unnecessary information like essay introductions and conclusions. Then
I split it into pages and read through them one at a time. PowerPoint’s good for that
because you can watch it like a slide show, memorising the information before the
screen changes.

B Helen Ward
Two or three of us get together at someone’s house. We have all our books and
notes with us, and we go through them week by week – sort of re-living the school
term. We often find that we have forgotten what we’ve been taught – especially in the
first weeks of term because it’s so long ago, so having someone else there means
it’s more likely that one of you will remember. We usually do that for a couple of
hours, and then we play music and chat.

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C John Hunter
I find it helps me to copy important information onto pieces of paper. It’s easy to look
up a particular fact then. Sometimes, I read the information on a page and then cross
it out, one line at a time. When I get to the end, I try to remember what I’ve written. I
think the secret is to not put too much information on each sheet – you’ll never
remember a page full of facts. So, for that reason, I often use small white cards. I
write a sentence or a date on each card, then learn them by heart. If it’s literature, I
might have a card for each character, and note down his or her main characteristics.

D Carly Dalton
Get away! You’ll never revise in your room – there are too many other things you
want to do. You’ll sit down to revise and think, ‘Oh, I’ll just check my emails’ or ‘Let’s
just put on this CD’. Before you know it, you’ll have written to all your friends, and
read the entire lyrics of your favourite singer. You’ll probably even have joined his fan
club! I usually go to my aunt’s house, but if it’s not raining, you can do it in the park.

E Tim Bolton
Revision is an on-going process. Or, it should be, if you ask my opinion. Once a
week, on Sunday evenings, read through your notes from school. Do it while they are
fresh in your mind. This also gives you the opportunity to ask your teacher on
Monday morning if there’s something you haven’t quite understood. Then, have a
quick look through on the day before the exam, and you should sail through it!

F Samantha Middleton
It’s a bit complicated! I do it in two stages. The first is in the evening when I’m still
wide awake. I sit at my desk and read my notes aloud. On my desk is a small voice
recorder with a microphone, so I record my notes. Then I go and do something
different, like watch TV or talk to my sister. Stage two is at bedtime. As I get into bed,
I play back what I have recorded. Sometimes, I’m no longer awake when it reaches
the end, but I don’t think that matters. I think some of the information still sinks in!
I often wake up in the morning having worked out a particular problem in my head.

Listening Track 11

2 You will hear people talking in five different situations. For questions 1–5,
choose the best answer (A, B or C).
… / 10

1 You hear a teenager talking about lessons at school. What does he not like
about the way they learn?
A having to learn things by heart
B having to think for himself
C having discussions that go on too long

2 You hear a girl talking about her teacher. What sort of teacher is he?
A a driving instructor
B a sports coach
C a personal tutor

3 You hear a man talking about his university education. What happened in his
final exams?
A He passed them.
B He failed them.
C He had to re-take them.

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4 You hear an expert talking on the radio. What problem do special needs
children suffer from?
A not enough places in schools
B a lack of specially-trained teachers
C the wrong equipment being provided

5 You hear part of a radio interview with a teacher. What does he describe?
A a case of cheating
B students surprising a teacher
C something being stolen

Section 2
Grammar and Vocabulary

3 Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.


1 Never having left home before, I didn’t really know how to fend _______________
A for B to C with D after

2 Nadine excels _______________ almost every subject she does at school.

A at B for C with D over

3 Sarah studied for the exam for hours and was _______________ and ready to take
A supplied B geared C equipped D armed

4 I haven’t actually got my degree yet so I’m still a(n) _______________.

A graduate B undergraduate C postgraduate D tutor

5 Debbie’s thinking of starting an evening _______________ in pottery.

A lesson B course C subject D period

6 The _______________ has changed so we’re doing maths on Tuesday afternoons

from next week.
A diary B agenda C timetable D calendar

7 Do you need a _______________ to have a dog?

A licence B skill C certificate D grade

8 I did my A levels at a sixth _______________ college.

A class B form C group D set

4 Write one word to complete each sentence.


1 Don’t worry about the exam. You’re going to sail ____________ it!
2 I can’t work ____________ the answer to this maths problem. Could you help me?

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3 Cross ____________ all the spelling mistakes and rewrite the words correctly.
4 We all know you did well in the exam. There’s no need to show ____________
about it!
5 You’ll have to get ____________ to some serious revision over the next few days.
6 Can you go ____________ that point again? I’m not sure if I’ve understood it
7 How can you look ____________ the spelling of a word in a dictionary if you don’t
know how it’s spelt!
8 I’d like you to set ____________ your ideas in a short essay.

5 Write the word in brackets in the correct form to complete each sentence.

1 Will I be able to _____________________ (TAKE) the exam if I fail it the first time?
2 She studied American _____________________ (LITERATE) at university.
3 You must never think of yourself as a _____________________ (FAIL).
4 Will they send you the _____________________ (CERTIFY) by post?
5 Is Ali going to apply for the _____________________ (SCHOLAR)?
6 Although Carrie is a professor now, she never imagined she would end up as an
_____________________ (ACADEMY).
7 What are your first _____________________ (THINK) on the subject?
8 There are many different types of _____________________ (EDUCATE)

6 Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.


1 What’s the name of your driving instructor/tutor?

2 I’ve got to write an assessed essay/composition by Monday.
3 How much are the school costs/fees at a typical public school?
4 We’ve got to learn the poem to/by heart.
5 Dawn should get her exam findings/results tomorrow.
6 There’s no point making students repeat something parrot fashion/style if they
don’t understand it!

7 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use
between two and five words, including the word given.
… / 20

1 You should start thinking about what you’re going to do when you leave school.
It _______________________________________________________________
______________ thinking about what you’re going to do when you leave school.

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2 I don’t really want you to write about the same subject as last week.
I _______________________________________________________________
______________________________ write about the same subject as last week.

3 I’d love to be better at geography.

I _______________________________________________________________
________________________________________________ better at geography.

4 Although our teacher was strict sometimes, he was always fair.

In ______________________________________________________________
____________________________ strict sometimes, our teacher was always fair.

5 Gareth knew what he had to deal with when he decided to enter university.
Gareth knew ______________________________________________________
___________________________________ when he decided to enter university.

6 Would you like to be able to take that course again?

Do ______________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ that course again?

7 It will be unfair if Mona wins the history prize again.

Mona ___________________________________________________________
______________________________________________ the history prize again.

8 The pupils still talking hadn’t heard the teacher come in.
The pupils ________________________________________________________
_____________________________________ hadn’t heard the teacher come in.

9 Sophie now regrets leaving school at sixteen.

Sophie now _______________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ school at sixteen.

10 Lisa was very upset when she got her exam marks.
Not many people __________________________________________________
_______________________________________ when she got her exam marks.

Final score: … / 70

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